7/21/2021 Couple accused of involuntary manslaughter in gender-reveal ignition of El Dorado fire – San Bernardino Sun ___ NEWSCRIME AND PUBLIC SAFETY • News Couple accused of involuntary manslaughter in gender-reveal ignition of El Dorado fire San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson releases the charges being filed against defendants who started the El Dorado Fire during a gender reveal party last year. Anderson made the announcement during a press conference at San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office in San Bernardino on Tuesday, July 20, 2021. (Photo by Terry Pierson, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG) By BRIAN ROKOS ||
[email protected] || TheThe Press-EnterprisePress-Enterprise PUBLISHED: July 20, 2021 at 5:33 p.m. || UPDATED:UPDATED: July 21, 2021 at 7:42 a.m. Two people have been indicted on multiple charges, including involuntary manslaughter, in connection with a pyrotechnic gender-reveal photo shoot that went awry and sparked last yearʼʼs deadly 22,680-acre El Dorado wildfire in San Bernardino County, the countyʼʼs top prosecutor said Tuesday. District Attorney Jason Anderson announced the charges at a news conference after the grand jury heard four days of testimony, listened toto 3434 witnesseswitnesses andand reviewedreviewed 434434 exhibitsexhibits beforebefore returningreturning 3030 countscounts againstagainst thethe couple.couple. TheThe indictmentindictment waswas unsealedunsealed Tuesday.Tuesday. Refugio Manuel Jimenez Jr. and Angelina Renee Jimenez,, thethe couplecouple accusedaccused ofof beingbeing behindbehind thethe gender-revealgender-reveal eventevent thatthat involvedinvolved aa pyrotechnic device, were charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter, three felony counts of recklessly causing a fire with great bodily injury, four felony counts of recklessly causing a fire to inhabited structures and 22 misdemeanor counts of recklessly causing a fire toto propertyproperty ofof another,another, AndersonAnderson said.said.