Jabiru Storh

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Jabiru Storh north as southern Texas. While fre­ quently being found in association with wood storks, it is not considered closely related. Despite being geogra­ phically close, an analysis of the from morphological and ethological charac­ teristics ofthe various species ofstorks " the field. puts the jabiruo closer to the Old World Epbippiorhyncbus genus. In total there are 19 species of storks, by Jack Clinton-Btniear worldwide, in three families (including Chairman, AFA Conservation Committee the hammerkop and shoebill). Only San Antonio, Texas three inhabit the Western Hemisphere, the jabiru Uabiru mycteria), wood stork (Mycteria am,ericana) and the maguari stork (Ciconia maguari). Jabiru Storh Despite its wide range, the jabiru is considered a serious candidate for the Scanning a rice field in Tabasco, current issue of the Red Data Book Mexico my vision was attracted to a (f.C.B.P.l1.U.C.N.) according to the group of large wading birds in the dis­ author, Nigel Collar. tance. While a number of white wad­ When only observed at a glance ing species inhabit the area only one both sexes seem similar in appearance. has a pink throat patch, the jabiru Upon close examination, however, the stork. Although I had frequently female can be noted as haVing a thinner observed the bird in neighboring and more recurved bill as well as being Belize, it was the first time that I had generally smaller in size. located it in Mexico, on their wintering Mating for life, the jabiru has not grounds. developed the elaborate displays that Breeding range of the Breeding from Mexico and Belize its colonial relatives have in order to D jabiru stork (Jabiru mycteria) south to Argentina (west ofthe Andes), secure mates each season. While the the jabiru occasionally straggle as far pairs do not nest in colonies they have The best in exotic birds and U.S.A. made wrought iron cages. • Highest Quality • Hand-Picked Birds • Shipped Nationwide .. 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In nearby rapidly being converted into cattle pa ­ Belize a 1987 census located ten adults, ture and rice plantation . fi e young on nest and two egg in Feeding upon frog nake, snail one ne t. A total of five ne t were in ect and other invertebrates, the seen two were not pre iou ly kno n. flock of jabiru torks observed in the I can find little data on it tatus in Tabasco rice field seem unconcerned Guatemala except that it i known to that th ir marsh had been converted nest at Laguna Petexbatun in £1 Peten into a rice plantation. Meanwhile the and i al 0 ob erved on the Rio Br hm Fund is working with the vari­ otagua Rio Dulce and on the flood­ ou tate and federal agencie to try to Adultjabiru stork Uabiru mycteria)forag­ plain of the Rio Polochic. bring to a halt the unnece ary destruc­ ing in the shallow waters ofCrooked Tree In captivity a recent questionnaire tion ofcritical wetland habitat. In addi­ Lagoon Belize Central America. The ent out by the Stork Interest Group tion to the general loss of food items, species is considered endangered in . documents 52 jabiru tork (9.11.32) the carele s depositing of pesticide Central America. are being held. Ten bird are being held sack and the rin ing of aircraft pesti­ in European zoo ten in American cide holding tank into the rice field been known to ne t in the middle of faciliti and thirt -one in Brazilian irrigation stream further threatens the ood tork colonie . Generally their zoo . One bird wa also located in an future ur ivaI of thi magnificent spe­ 1.5 meter nest often 1 meter thick, is Asian zoo. While the pecie has yet to cie . The pecie only hope may well composed of tick with a grass lining reproduce in captivity success with re t in the hands of tho e maintaining and placed atop the tallest pine or palm the European white tork encourages tho e 52 jabirus in captivity.f tre in the area. pon arri ing at the ne t the bird give the t pical Ciconii­ dae greeting displa . Facing each other ith chattered bill they move their heads up and down and from side to ide. Although its normal clutch size i compo ed of four egg occasionally jabiru stork (Jabiru mycteria) in a resting posture at the an Antonio Zoo. Less than a handful ofspecimens exist in zoological gardens within the hemisphere with no reproduction yet achieved. The Old World black-necked stork (EPhiPPio­ rhynchus asiaticus) rangingfrom southern Asia, Indonesia to ~w Guinea andAustralia is actually the closest relative ofthejabiru stork. 28 February/March 1988 .
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