
In 2020, the focus for Living Streams will be Spiritual Formation. Spiritual formation, in the Christian context, is a process by which a person who is unlike Christ becomes Christ-like. In other words, it is learning to live and love like Jesus–if He were me, living in my time and my neighborhood.

The Scriptures and church history give us a great deal of help defining and guiding us on this journey. It all starts when we are awakened from our spiritual slumber to the fact that we are in darkness and that Jesus’ presence and words give us light. As we allow our friendship with God to deepen, He takes us through times of refining and times of refreshing that teach us to know and trust His voice. And as we come to know Him more intimately, our thoughts, words and actions become more like His.

This booklet is intended to help stimulate your awakening, deepen your friendship with God, and help create a habit of discovering God’s heart for you and your world. You can read daily devotionals, answer the questions, pray the prayers and take action with the steps suggested. SECTION 1


Awakening: When a person moves from being unaware of Jesus’ presence and work in their life, to a place of awareness. This awareness can come in a moment or series of moments. It can be joy and beauty that bring it about, or it can be pain and heartache that bring it about. Both light and shadow prove the sunshine. Day 1: Alive with Christ

By Kurt Cotter Ephesians 2:4-5 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it ­is by grace you have been saved. “Amazing grace how sweet the sound.” I’m struck by the fact that, while I was still lost and confused, while I laughed when someone told me I was a sinner in need of salvation, while I was actually dead inside; Jesus loved me and gave Himself for me. He reached out to me through a hippie on Huntington Beach Pier, who, with a big smile on his face, handed me a tract. Through Andre, the guy from my high school who prayed for me before I even knew him. Andre invited me to a home Bible study, and it was there I experienced my awakening. It was there I received God’s love, mercy and grace. It was there I passed from death to life. “Once I was blind but now I see.” Chris Tomlin writes in his song: “My chains are gone, I’ve been set free. My God, my Savior has ransomed me. And like a flood His mercy reigns. Unending love, amazing grace.” Questions: Have you experienced His amazing grace? If you have, have you thanked Him for all that He has done for you? Prayer: Oh God, awaken my spirit to Your Spirit. Set me free from all my cares and from my fears. Let me trust You to take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to You. Action: If you have never been awakened to His Spirit or asked Jesus into your life, do that right now. Ask Him to forgive your sin and to come into your life. If you have already done this, then take a minute to write your testimony. It’s always good to go back and remember that moment of awakening in our own lives. Day 2: Your Undivided Attention

By Faith Cummings Read Acts 9:1-18 (Verses 3-5) As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” “Who are you Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” How many times do you shut off your alarm in the morning? Do you quickly jump out of bed or do you hit the snooze button three times? Or do you turn off the alarm and make an excuse for being late for work? In the same way, some come to Jesus by quickly responding to a simple gospel message that Jesus is Lord and has come to rescue us from our sins. Others require an event on the level of being struck by lightning before giving God our undivided attention. Still others of us respond to God’s message with gratitude but then fall back asleep. We are satisfied with simply knowing we are headed for heaven, but allow the pressures of life to dull our hearing, our responses to God’s purpose for us in His kingdom. Initially, the critical issue is that we awaken to the amazing offer of salva- tion that Jesus brings. However, we must not allow sin and the pleasures of this life to lull us back to sleep when the greatest, most fulfilling life stands waiting for us in the person of Jesus. Question: Is it easy or difficult for God to get your full attention? Prayer: Father God, awaken my heart to the joy, peace, and love that You offer to those who respond in faith to Jesus who has come to rescue us. Show me places where I may have fallen back to sleep and awaken me to the plans You have for me to work with You in the advancement of Your kingdom. Action: If you are already awake to God’s purposes, pray that others you care about will be awakened and respond to the Savior. If you are not yet awake–wake up! Day 3: God Is Here

By Alec Seekins Genesis 28:15-16 I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.” Jacob was fleeing for his life when he stopped for the night and had a dream. In his dream he saw a ladder reaching up to heaven, with angels going up and down the ladder. The Lord was standing above the ladder and spoke reassuring words of promise to Jacob. In a barren and ordinary place, and in a very painful time, Jacob suddenly became aware of God’s presence. At the culmination of years of cheating and lying, in the moment when his family was torn in half, Jacob awoke and finally recognized that God had been there all along. Questions: Can you remember times in your life when you awoke to the reality of the Lord’s presence? Were these times of pain or failure? Joy and gratefulness? Or maybe a seemingly ordinary day? Prayer: Lord, awaken me to Your presence and goodness today. May I see You here in this place. May I see You in the past seasons of grief and failure, as well as in those of joy and victory. May I see You even in every mundane moment yet to come. Action: Make a list of all the places you see God in your life. Make another list of those places where you seem to be unaware of His presence. Thank God for the reality of Him in all of those places and ask Him to awaken you to His presence in the places on the second list.

Day 4: Aware of Him

By Jay Murphy

2 Peter 1:3 (NLT) By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. I once heard a preacher share about the four levels of competence. He likened the progression to steps on a staircase, the first being unconscious incompetence, the second being conscious incompetence, the third being conscious competence and, finally, unconscious competence. When it comes to spiritual awakening, I liken it to the space between steps 1 and 2, where we become consciously aware that there is a God, a Savior, and that we desperately need Him. We awaken from the dream that, without Jesus, we are perfectly fine—unconsciously incompetent and unable to find freedom, identity, true purpose, atonement for wrong- doing, pure affection and affirmation for who we are. When we became awakened, God enables us to see our need for Him and His affection for us. Let us always remain aware of our need for Jesus. He is the one who awakens us. His grace empowers us to live life abundantly and engaged with the reality of who He is and who we are in Him. Question: Do you remind yourself daily of your desperate need for God? Prayer: Lord, I do need You today—right now. I desire to experience Your power in my life and to see that You have affection for me. Let me experience Your freedom and purpose in my life. Action: Take a moment to thank Him for awakening you and holding you close to Him. Day 5: Renewed Perspective

By Ryan Romeo

1 Thessalonians 5:5-6a You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. Waking up in the morning has a way of giving me much-needed perspective. That dream that was so scary starts to seem silly. That thing that I stayed up late worrying about seems a lot less worthy of worry. That shadow in the corner that looked a lot like a lurking monster is now revealed to be my coat hanging up. Waking up renews our perspective. We were designed for the light-giving revelation and presence of Jesus. Many of us have a story of finding the light of Jesus while we were groping around in the dark. Things that were scary and insurmountable began to look hopeful and redeemable in the morning light of Jesus. Giving our lives to Jesus is a major moment of awakening. But this isn’t a one-time thing. Even if we have been walking with Jesus for a long time, we can find ourselves spiritually sleeping. We need the light of God to wake us up and reveal the areas in which we are complacent, or are unaware of the spiritual significance of something we are going through. Question: How is God waking you up right now? Prayer: Lord, I ask that You would help me to wake up to the spiritual significance of my current season. Thank You that You are faithful to speak to those who diligently seek You. Wake me up to Your perspective today. Action: Take a moment to pray and ask for God to reveal areas of your life in which you are spiritually sleeping. Write down any areas the Lord highlights and pray over them. Watch UPPERROOM’s version of “You and You Alone” on YouTube. As you listen to the words, allow God to renew your perspective. SECTION 2


Purgation: When a person enters the refining, sanctifying, regenerating part of spiritual formation. Purgation is a name for the seasons in our lives when Jesus sees fit to purge some of the devil, the flesh, and/or the world out of us. The intent is always to produce humility, freedom and compassion within the one being purged.

Day 6: What Is Purgation?

By Alan Heller Psalm 32:5-7 (ESV) Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.” And you forgave the guilt of my sin. Therefore, let all the faithful pray to you while you may be found; surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach them. You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Purgation is the classic term used to describe God’s inner activity in a Christian’s life. It is the process of bringing our behavior, attitudes, and desires into harmony with our growing awareness of the kind of person God has called us to be. God begins dealing with “the deep-seated attitudes and inner orientations of our being out of which our behavior patterns flow. Here purgation deals essentially with our ‘trust structures,’ especially those deep inner postures of our being that do not rely on God but on self for our well-being” (Invitation to a Journey, by M. Robert Mulholland, Jr.) Purgation deals with deep-seated structures of being and behavior. This is sometimes called “the dark night of the soul.” Thomas Merton tells us that this dark night comes when we allow God to strip away the false selves and make us into the persons we are meant to be. Questions: Have you experienced the “dark night of the soul”? Have you confessed all known sin to the Lord? Have you received His forgiveness and cleansing? Prayer: Help me to know that, if I confess my sin, You are faithful to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Action: Take action to cleanse your life of that which keeps you from full devotion to God. Day 7: Cleanse Me, Lord

By Alec Seekins Psalm 51:1-2 (ESV) Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! James 4:8 (ESV) Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Realizing his insufficiency, King David cries out to God for mercy—not according to David’s own righteousness or faithfulness (which he knows fall far too short) but according to God’s steadfast love and abundant mercy. Purgation is a process by which we see our need for maturing and cleansing; and, recognizing our inability to cleanse or mature ourselves, we yield to God and invite Him to do that work in us. Questions: Are you going through the process of purgation in any area of your life right now? If so, where? If not, is there an area you are afraid to surrender to God? Prayer: Lord, make me clean, purify my heart, and grow me into someone more like You. Have mercy on me. I give You my sin and immaturities. Will You give me more of You in their place? Action: Make a list of the things you need to surrender to God. Prayerfully read down that list, asking God for each item: “What do You want to give me in exchange for this?” Write down what you feel the Lord is saying to you in response.

Day 8: Heart Posture

By David Stockton At the cross You beckon me You draw me gently to my knees, And I am lost for words, so lost in love, I’m sweetly broken, wholly surrendered —Jeremy Riddle To me, the chorus of this song so accurately portrays the correct heart posture in the face of purgation. Though the breaking doesn’t always feel sweet, God’s love is always His motivation. Though our “American machismo” despises dependency, to be wholly surrendered to Jesus is our strongest stance. In hard times, the God who made us is making us. We who belong to Christ are being redeemed, restored, and reformed. The process has a lot of pruning, breaking, reshaping, and cleansing. Questions: What is your heart posture right now? Are you able to lay down your struggle and wholly surrender? Prayer: Lord, may I remain pliable in Your hands during times of purgation. Action: Read Psalm 51:10 & 17. Allow some time to remain still before the Lord. Ask Him to reveal to you those deep places in your heart where you may be holding back from Him. Day 9: I Will Rise

By David Stockton No, don’t gloat over me For though I fall, though I fall I will rise again Though I sit here in darkness The Lord, the Lord alone He will be my light I will be patient as the Lord Punishes me for the wrongs I’ve done against Him After that, He’ll take my case Bringing me to light and to justice For all I have suffered — Jon Foreman Purgation is never the destination. Light and justice are always God’s intent for you and me. No matter what we are going through, we can always rest assured that Jesus is causing or allowing it so that we can see His light and justice. Hang in there, set your face like flint toward His throne, and fall at His feet, where endless grace and mercy are found. Questions: Do you need to experience God’s mercy right now? Can you take your eyes off of your present difficulties and see through eyes of faith that God will bring you into the light? Prayer: Lord, help me to trust that when I fall, I will rise, because You are for me. Action: Read Micah 7:1-9 and let your wounded soul be filled with the wonder of God’s awesome mercy.

Day 10: Living by His Design

By Veronica Morrison

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. God has a beautiful intention and design for each and every one of our lives—a plan that is for our good, His good, and the good of others! It is out of love that God pleads with us to choose the righteous road. How- ever, this path to living in our full potential is a narrow one—one that requires a love that is selfless and sacrificial. The other path is wide—and on this path the enemy promises a quick fix to fulfillment that only leads to misery. It is easy to be deceived into thinking that we don’t want to work hard, so we cut corners in our relationships, jobs, and finances in order to save ourselves the burden. However, the truth is that we are created to work, and working hard brings great fulfillment! Fighting for purity in relationships, putting forth our best efforts in our jobs, and honoring the Lord with our finances are wonderfully fulfilling, God-ordained tasks. Questions: How has the enemy tempted you to cut corners in those areas of finances, work, or purity in your relationships? What would it look like for you to abandon the wider road to pursue the narrow road in some areas of your life? Prayer: God, you have made me according to Your design. Help me walk in that narrow way and allow Your Spirit to guide and empower me. Action: Take a minute and listen to the Lord, asking Him about some ways that He made you specifically.

Day 11: Pruning for Growth

By Brittany Stockton John 15:2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

When I was a little girl my dad taught me how to prune a tree. The rules were fairly simple, and if followed, would produce a tree that was nourished, strong, and beautiful. God reveals Himself and His work in nature, and these rules also apply to spiritual life and growth. First, you always clip off what is dead. The tree sends energy and nutrients into the dead branches and leaves, hoping to bring life, but to no avail. Secondly, clip all the branches that grow back in toward the trunk, bringing confusion to the core. Third, clip every branch that runs parallel to another. Examine the branches, and keep the healthier ones. And lastly, clip any branch that grows down. Only keep those that reach up and out. It always seemed like there was more on the ground than on the tree. It was a scant version of what it once was. But, given some good sun, water, and time, we would watch the tree come alive again. The branches would start to bloom, and fill out the emaciated frame, taller than it had been. Jesus is a gentle, determined arborist who works in our lives the very same way. Not to shame or injure us. No, He works diligently for our health. It is our job to trust Him and allow Him to clip what He sees fit, and believe He is making us beautiful, strong and nourished. Question: How is God pruning you right now? Prayer: Lord, help me know this pruning is for my ultimate good. Action: Clip off that which is dead and embrace that which is new.



Illumination: The glorious moment when a person realizes, enjoys, and becomes interdependent with God.

There is a moment in our relationship with Jesus where we realize we have access to Him every moment of every day. We call on Him often, and, amazing as it sounds, we begin to be confident that we hear His voice and, at times, feel what He feels. His voice and heart illuminate every facet of our lives, from attitudes to decisions to relationships. His will and our will come in line and harmonize. Day 12: God Is a Speaker

By David Stockton Jeremiah 31:33 “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” He loves to speak. He spoke the world into existence. He spoke to Adam and Eve. He spoke to Noah and Abraham and Jacob. But one of the most memorable moments of God’s speaking was when a man named Moses was standing in front of a bush. Moses had spent his first few decades confused and conflicted about who he was and what was true in the world. This conflict culminated in his murdering a man and fleeing for his life. Decades of confusion and conflict were followed by more decades of internal conflict and confusion. Then, like the sun coming over the horizon, chasing away all the shadows, God spoke to Moses from a bush that was burning, but not burning up. Moses’ heart was illuminated. In that moment, the confusion and conflict were not completely erased, but by communicating with God, his identity and purpose began to ignite. Communicating with God is what illuminates our souls, just like when the voice of God created the sun that illuminates everything we see. In this moment, you can quiet your mind, still your emotions, and listen with your heart. Jeremiah 31:33 says that God desires to write His will on the tablet of His people’s hearts. Questions: What will help you let God illuminate your soul right now? How can you make room in your heart and mind for Him? Prayer: I have made a mess of my life, but You, Lord, can forgive, cleanse and make me a new person. I embrace this truth today. Action: Listen and write what you think God is saying to you. It is a good practice to check what you heard with a trusted friend and make sure it lines up with the Scriptures. Day 13: His Light Changes Everything

By Alec Seekins Proverbs 3:6 (ESV) In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Romans 8:14-15 (ESV) For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” There come points, moments, and seasons in following Jesus where everything is illuminated. We see His goodness cast onto every shadow and circumstance around us. Just as significant is the effect of His light illuminating us. We clearly see that we are, in fact, His children. The new light by which we see ourselves and the world around us changes everything. Question: Straining hard to see a thing more clearly in the dark barely yields a fraction of the clarity of flipping on a light. What do you not see clearly in the circumstances around you? What do you not see clearly in yourself? Prayer: Holy Spirit, I acknowledge You in everything. Would you make me more aware of You? Help me to see everything by Your light. Illuminate the world around me and shine Your light within me. May I see Your goodness in everything. May I see myself as Your child. Action: The Holy Spirit is the light that we can turn on to change our dim perspectives. Go into a dark space and turn off the lights. Pick one situation or circumstance in which you feel lost, confused, stuck or hopeless. Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate that situation and change your perspective. When you feel the Lord has given you some new perspective, turn the light back on and notice how different both the room and your situation look.

Day 14: All In

By Brittany Stockton

Galatians 1:22-24 I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ. They only heard the report: “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” And they praised God because of me. In this passage Paul is “all in” after his conversion experience. My daughter started playing soccer when she was about six years old. For most of the first season she would sit back and kick the ball when it came. We would cheer and encourage her to go after it, but she refused. She would just sit back and wait for the ball to roll to her feet. Then one day, it all changed. She just went for it. She ran, dribbled the ball a bit, kicked it alongside the clump of players running toward her, one more soft touch, and then, GOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLL! Our cheering was delayed because we were all in shock. Since then, she hasn’t stopped. Illumination is that moment ­when we get a taste of what life could be, and we stop sitting back and waiting. We join the Lord on this journey and allow Him to lead us. Paul was stunned into transformation, then spent three years with the Lord in Arabia; but when he returned, he was all in. Questions: Are you all in? What would it take to get there? Prayer: Reveal Yourself to me, Lord. Show me what it means to be “all in.” Action: Take a moment and ask the Lord: What does it mean to be all in? Ask Him to show you the action you need to take right now. Day 15: Loved by Him By Veronica Morrison

John 14:15-21 “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior He gives us the gift of Himself. The Holy Spirit comes and makes residence in our souls, illuminating God’s presence. The Holy Spirit unlocks the mystery of God’s will. Daily time in the Lord’s presence is key to living out God’s destiny for us and fulfilling the full potential for which He has created us. Questions: What lies have you been believing about God? How does He see you? Prayer: Holy Spirit, what attributes of God do I need to cling to in this season of my life so that I can be more like You? Action: Take time in the Lord’s presence right now. Place your heart in a posture of stillness in order to hear what the Holy Spirit has to say. Day 16: Really Knowing Him By Ryan Romeo

John 15:15 “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” What would you say if I told you that I knew the President of the United States? All your personal political views aside, that would be a bold assertion. It would probably elicit a shocked response from you. It would probably make you a bit skeptical. Now, let’s say you asked me to tell you how I know him. And let’s say I responded like this: “Well, I’ve read all his biographies. I’ve watched all his speeches and I read them every morning. I even memorized big portions of them!” You’d probably respond with something like, “Ha ha! Knowing about the president is very different than knowing him!” We all know this deep down, but many of us treat our relationship with Jesus the same. Knowing about God is very different than knowing Him. We may learn all the Bible stories and attend all the church functions and still not know Him. Jesus desires friends, not servants. He wants relationship. He wants connection. Reading the Bible is amazing and so foundational to our relationship to Jesus, but we need to foster a relationship with Him. Take a minute to ask Him these questions in prayer, listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit, and write down the responses. Questions: Jesus, what do you think about my current season? What do I need to do? What do you think about me? What do I need to remember? Prayer: I want to really know You, Lord. Help me to be still and listen, and to know You are God. I need You. Action: Take 15 minutes and sit in a quiet place. Ask Him to reveal how you can know Him better. SECTION 4


Union is deep water to swim in.

Not many Christians arrive at this place. Few experience more than a few moments of true union in their entire lifetime. Union is best described by Jesus’ words about abiding in John 15. One translation uses the word remain instead of abide. Both words—and more—are required to adequately point us toward union with the Creator God. For this “nutshell” summary, it will suffice to say that union is the moment or moments where we can barely distinguish between God’s thoughts and our thoughts because we have become so intertwined. Day 17: No Longer I Who Live By Alan Heller

Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Unification is the classical term used to describe an abiding experience of complete oneness with God. Our will, our character, our mission, our values are the same as Christ’s. This union can be both joyful and painful. “We can love others like God loves us. We can love the unlovely, be kind to the rude, go the second mile, turn the other cheek—not because you are gritting your teeth but because it flows out of your dependency on Christ. Fruit of true maturity is not self-reliance—but on being totally dependent on God. You will never outgrow your need for Christ. Maturity and Union can only be maintained through intimacy with God. In this stage we worry little about reputation, personal success, things, or comfort.” (adapted from Invitation to a Journey— A Road Map for Spiritual Formation by M. Robert Mulholland. ) In John 15 we read that apart from Him we can do nothing! So let’s abide in Him. Questions: Is it your goal to be united with Jesus in His death and resurrection? What steps have you taken to do this for life? Prayer: May I realize I am Yours and You are mine, and apart from You I can do nothing. Help me to put to death the deeds of the flesh and walk in the power of Your Spirit. Action: If there is anything stopping you from being totally united with Him, confess it, and take action to repent and get rid of it. Then ask Him to fill you afresh with His Spirit. Day 18: We Have Access to the Advocate By Ryan Romeo John 14:26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. I don’t know about you, but many times I wish I could talk to Jesus. Now, I know we can talk with Jesus, but I mean really talk with Him. The flesh-and-blood, God-incarnate version of Him. To hear the tone of His vocal cords. I’d ask His advice. I’d feel confident in every situation, knowing that He was there to reach out to. Jesus told his disciples something puzzling. These disciples got to hear His voice and sit in His physical presence daily. They got to experience Him unlike any of us have. In John 16 Jesus tells his disciples, “truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” We need to realize the weight of that statement. What we have today is better than what the disciples had access to. We have access to “the Advocate.” We have access to the person of the Holy Spirit. We can access the heart of Jesus all day, every day. For every problem we face, He speaks. In every joy we experience, He is there. Questions: Do you believe what we have today is better than what the apostles had? How can you accept Jesus as your advocate? Prayer: God, thank You that You are a God of closeness. Thank You that You are a God of adventure. Today, make me more aware of Your Spirit than ever before. Raise my faith to obey even the small prompts from You today. Amen. Action: Read Acts 8:26-40. A man named Philip heard the voice of an angel leading him to a deserted wilderness to experience the adventure of a Holy-Spirit-led life. Read the story and allow your faith to rise. Day 19: Growing Up By Alec Seekins Ephesians 4:13-16 (ESV) Until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. Following Jesus means growing in oneness with God. When our lives and character diverge from God’s goodness, this is a sign of spiritual immaturity. When God’s goodness and will become our native heart and intuitive actions, this is Union with God, and a form of significant spiritual maturity. Questions: Can you think of any area in your life where your heart or desires have changed from being separate from God into being in union with God’s heart? If so, how do you think that change came about? If not, how do you think that change might come about? Prayer: God, make me one with You. Grow me into a mature member of the body of Christ, fully under the direction of the Holy Spirit and the headship of Christ. May my heart be one with Your heart. Hold me in peace, love, and unity with the Church around me. Help me to love and forgive my brothers and sisters. Action: Go someplace you can be alone and undisturbed. Get into a comfortable, relaxed position and spend time adoring God. Imagine yourself peacefully melting into the presence of God. Day 20: Abide By David Stockton John 17:20-21 My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. To be united with Christ is a marvelous, mysterious thing. The best word that comes to mind is abide. “Abiding is like inhaling the reality of the Kingdom of God, especially through internalizing the words of God and then putting those words into action. Abiding is the source of our love, joy, peace, and all of our fruitfulness.” —Dallas Willard Today is the day that God has made for you and Him to be together. Questions: What would it take for you to abide in Him right now? Will you take time right now to let Him make His home in you? Prayer: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, come now and let me experience all that You have for me. Action: Find a nice spot by a fire, or looking at a sunset, and invite Jesus’ Spirit to mingle with yours. Search for His presence and tune in to His voice. Day 21: True Fulfillment By Veronica Morrison Read John 4:1-26 Verse 14a “...whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst...” Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well and says to her that the water she has been drinking won’t satisfy, but the water that He has to offer will cause her to never thirst again. Jesus wasn’t talking about literal water. He knew that this woman was trying to find fulfillment in relationships outside of Him, and it wasn’t working for her. Union with God is the only way to find true, everlasting fulfillment for our spiritual thirst. It is in the presence of Christ that we become perfectly satisfied. Union with Him is everything! We get tastes of this mountaintop experience of union with God here on earth, but we know that there is the hope of everlasting union with Him in heaven. Questions: What ways do you seek to find fulfilment and comfort outside of God? Have you experienced the presence of God in such a way that you were completely satisfied? How is the Lord wooing you into abiding with Him today in your moments of need? Prayer: God, I thank You that You see me. I thank You that You know my every need and You have more than enough capacity to meet them. I ask forgiveness for the ways that I doubt You and Your power to satisfy. I believe that You truly are far more valuable than anything else I can yoke myself to, and I pray, Lord, that You would be my all in all. Action: Commit to seeking God first in authentic surrender before you look to anything else to satisfy your need for comfort.