What's a Palatine Anyway?
~~. ---,. ~-~,.,,}.',, ,, ,., ,. ~........... ~ ... --. ·-~ ~\.,---~- - . ~.- -~ ;-~~ - -- ---~~- -----~......-- . .--------. Ethnic Research · What's a Palatine, Anyvvay? James M. Beidler examines the Palatinate, Germany's emigrant hotbed for centuries. THE PALATINATE, which is now 'Comis Pala tinus ' to 'Pfalzgraf' today as the Palatinate. Less than part of the German state The original title of these courtiers 300 years later, a member of the Rhineland-Palatinate, began sup in Latin was comis palatinus (liter Wittlesbach family became plying a steady stream of immi ally, "companion of the palace"). Pfalzgraf as well as Herzog (duke) grants to America in the late 1n English, this title was count of Bavaria. From this date in the 1600s and contributed to the for palatine while in German the 1200s until the early 1800s, there mation of the was a relationship Pennsylvania between the rulers of German culture and Bavaria and of the dialect among Palatinate - culmi German ethnics in nating with the ruler the New World. of the Palatinak So many of the inheriting Bavaria Germans who left for in 1777. America in the 18th In the l 300s, the century were from Pfalzgraf became one the Palatinate that of the members of the the word "Palatine" Electoral College that became synonymous was responsible for with "German". This choosing the Holy is especially borne Roman Emperor. As a out in the case of the result, the area ship captains who became known as the transported these Electora I Pa la tinate, immigrants (primari or Kurpfalz in ly from Rotterdam to German. Philadelphia) and The Reformed were required to file religion of John lists with the Calvin and Ulrich Pennsylvania author Zwingli swept 11,e Palatitrate as depicted in William Blaeu's 1645 atlas Theatrum ities beginning in Orbis Terrarum.
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