In the Constitutional Court of South Africa
NOTICE OF MOTION (to Registrar and Respondent’s) IN THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA Case No. ………………… In the matter between: MICHAL JULIUS TELLINGER Applicant ~and~ THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED 1st Respondent THE SOUTH AFRICAN RESERVE BANK 2nd Respondent THE MINISTER OF FINANCE 3rd Respondent Take notice that MICHAL JULIUS TELLINGER (hereinafter called The Applicant) intends to make application to this Court for an order;- PART A (a) Declaring sections of the Bank Act, Act 94 of 1990 and subsequent rules so promulgated in terms of the empowering act to be inconsistent with the Constitution, 1996 in so far as the practices of commercial banks, that inter alia include securitisation, seignorage, fractional reserve system and/ or artificial money creation and/ or principles relating thereto, either by [1] simulation or alike are in conflict with Human Rights, bonus mores, public policy, financial hardship, arbetry deprivation of homes in terms of section 25 and prejudice caused in such financial dealings. (b) Declaring sections of the South African Reserve Bank Act, Act 90 of 1989 and subsequent rules so promulgated in terms of the empowering act to be inconsistent with the Constitution, 1996 in so far as the practices of the Central Bank, that inter alia include securitisation, seignorage, fractional reserve system and/ or artificial money creation and/ or principals relating thereto, either by simulation or alike are in conflict with Human Rights, bonus mores, public policy, financial hardship, indirect causation of
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