2352 2252 2152 bus station bus

2341 2241 2141 primary school primary Steeton

2334 2234 2134 Park Green Park

2331 2231 2131 S2 Street Bridge Silsden

2321 2221 2121 Fleece Inn Fleece

2313 2213 2113 rail station stand B stand station rail

2242 2142 bus station stand 3 stand station bus

2235 2135 Pool Bridge Pool

at 0649 at Arms Dyneley at starts bus this at 1937 at Hospital at calls bus this

2052 1952 1920 1850 50 20 1050 1020 0950 0920 0850 0820 bus station bus Keighley

1039 1009 0939 0909 0839 0809 2041 1941 1909 1839 39 09 primary school primary Steeton

1031 1001 0931 0901 0831 0801 2034 1928 1901 1831 31 01 Park Green Park Silsden

1028 0958 0928 0858 0828 0758 2031 1925 1858 1828 28 58 S2 Street Bridge Silsden

2021 1915 1847 1817 17 47 1017 0947 0917 0847 0817 0747 Fleece Inn Fleece Addingham mins

these these

2013 1907 1837 1807 07 37 1007 0937 0907 0837 0807 0737 rail station stand B stand station rail Ilkley until

at at

Saturdays 1849 1748 48 0948 0848 0748 Main Street York Road York Street Main Burley then

0941 0841 0811 0741 0715 1841 1741 41 rail station rail

0930 0830 0800 0730 0704 2042 1942 1830 1730 30 bus station stand 3 stand station bus Otley

x x x 0818 0748 0718 0654 2035 1935 1818 Pool Bridge Pool

0913 0806 0706 1806 1713 13 Airport Bradford Leeds

at 1944 at Hospital Airedale at calls bus this

2352 2252 2152 2052 1959 1932 1902 1832 1802 1732 1702 bus station bus Keighley

2341 2241 2141 2041 1948 1921 1851 1821 1751 1721 1651 primary school primary Steeton

2334 2234 2134 2034 1935 1913 1843 1813 1743 1713 1643 Park Green Park Silsden

2331 2231 2131 2031 1932 1910 1840 1810 1740 1710 1640 S2 Street Bridge Silsden

2321 2221 2121 2021 1922 1859 1829 1759 1729 1659 1629 Fleece Inn Fleece Addingham

2313 2213 2113 2013 1914 1849 1819 1749 1719 1649 1619 rail station stand B stand station rail Ilkley

1855 1800 1700 1600 Main Street York Road York Street Main Burley

1848 1753 1653 1553 rail station rail Menston

2242 2142 2042 1942 1837 1742 1642 1542 bus station stand 3 stand station bus Otley

2235 2135 2035 1935 1825 1730 Pool Bridge Pool x x

1813 1718 1625 1525 Bradford Leeds

at 0649 at Arms Dyneley at starts bus this

1632 1550 50 20 1050 1020 0950 0920 0849 0819 0745 0715 0645 station bus Keighley

Mondays Mondays 1621 1539 39 09 1039 1009 0939 0909 0837 0807 0734 0704 0634 school primary Steeton

1613 1531 31 01 1031 1001 0931 0901 0827 0757 0727 0657 0627 Green Park Silsden

1610 1528 28 58 1028 0958 0928 0858 0824 0754 0724 0654 0624 S2 Street Bridge Silsden

1559 1517 17 47 1017 0947 0917 0847 0813 0743 0644 Inn Fleece Addingham mins

these these

rail station stand B stand station rail Ilkley 1549 1507 07 37 1007 0937 0905 0835 0802 0732 0636 until

at at

Main Street York Road York Street Main Burley 0743 1448 48 0948 to then

rail station rail Menston 1441 41 0941 0841 0801 0736 0715 Fridays

bus station stand 3 stand station bus Otley 1430 30 0930 0830 0750 0725 0704

Pool Bridge Pool 0820 0740 0715 0654 x x x

Leeds Bradford Airport Bradford Leeds 0703 0913 1413 13



at 1925 at Hospital Airedale at calls bus this

2352 2252 2152 2052 1940 1832 bus station bus Keighley

2341 2241 2141 2041 1929 1821 primary school primary Steeton

2334 2234 2134 2034 1914 1814 Park Green Park Silsden

2331 2231 2131 2031 1911 1811 S2 Street Bridge Silsden

2321 2221 2121 2021 1901 1801 Fleece Inn Fleece Addingham

2313 2213 2113 2013 1853 1753 rail station stand B stand station rail Ilkley

2242 2142 2042 1942 1842 bus station stand 3 stand station bus Otley

2235 2135 2035 1935 1835 Pool Bridge Pool

at 1425 at Hospital Airedale at calls bus this

1737 1632 1532 1440 1332 1232 1032 bus station bus Keighley

1726 1621 1521 1429 1321 1221 1021 primary school primary Steeton

1719 1614 1514 1414 1314 1214 1014 Park Green Park Silsden

1716 1611 1511 1411 1311 1211 1011 S2 Street Bridge Silsden

1706 1601 1501 1401 1301 1201 1001 Fleece Inn Fleece

Addingham Addingham Saturdays Sundays

1658 1553 1453 1353 1253 1153 0953 rail station stand B stand station rail Ilkley

1742 1642 1542 1442 1419 1319 1219 1119 1019 0919 bus station stand 3 stand station bus Otley

1735 1635 1535 1435 1412 1312 1212 1112 1012 0912 Pool Bridge Pool

1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 0900 Leeds Bradford Airport Bradford Leeds



at 2037 at Hospital Airedale at calls bus this

Pool Bridge Pool 2342 2232 2132 2032 1932

2335 2225 2125 2025 1925 3 stand station bus Otley

2301 2201 2109 2001 C stand station rail Ilkley

Moor Park Way Park Moor Addingham 2249 2149 2057 1949

2242 2142 2050 1942 S3 stand Arms Kings Silsden

2239 2139 2047 1939 Green Park Lower Silsden

2237 2137 2045 1937 St Elliott Silsden

primary school primary Steeton 2233 2133 2033 1933

2225 2125 2025 1925 J stand station bus Keighley

at 1907 at Street Bridge Silsden at finishes bus this

1856 1756 1656 48 0948 0856 Leeds Bradford Airport Bradford Leeds

1845 1745 1645 0845 0745 Pool Bridge Pool x x

1838 1738 1638 38 0938 0838 0738 bus station stand 3 stand station bus Otley

1824 1724 1624 24 0924 0824 0724 rail station rail Menston

1817 1717 1617 17 0917 0817 Main Street York Road York Street Main Burley


1856 1831 1806 1731 1706 1631 1606 31 06 0931 0906 0831 0806 0729 rail station stand C stand station rail Ilkley

these these


1844 1817 1747 1717 1647 1617 1547 17 47 0917 0847 0817 0747 0715 Moor Park Way Park Moor Addingham at at

then Saturdays 1837 1810 1740 1710 1640 1610 1540 10 40 0910 0840 0810 0740 0708 Kings Arms stand S3 stand Arms Kings Silsden

1904 1834 1806 1736 1706 1636 1606 1536 06 36 0906 0836 0806 0736 0705 Lower Park Green Park Lower Silsden

1902 1832 1803 1733 1703 1633 1603 1533 03 33 0903 0833 0803 0733 0702 Elliott St Elliott Silsden

1858 1828 1758 1728 1658 1628 1558 1528 58 28 0858 0828 0758 0728 0658 primary school primary Steeton

1850 1820 1750 1720 1650 1620 1550 1520 50 20 0850 0820 0750 0720 0650 bus station stand J stand station bus Keighley

at 2037 at Hospital Airedale at calls bus this

2342 2232 2132 2032 1932 Bridge Pool

2335 2225 2125 2025 1925 3 stand station bus Otley

2301 2201 2109 2001 1906 1843 C stand station rail Ilkley

2249 2149 2057 1949 1854 1829 Way Park Moor Addingham

2242 2142 2050 1942 1847 1822 S3 stand Arms Kings Silsden

2239 2139 2047 1939 1844 1818 Green Park Lower Silsden

2237 2137 2045 1937 1842 1815 St Elliott Silsden

2233 2133 2033 1933 1838 1808 school primary Steeton

2225 2125 2025 1925 1830 1800 J stand station bus Keighley

1908 1808 1708 1548 0948 0857 48 Leeds Bradford Airport Bradford Leeds

1857 1757 1657 0845 0739 Pool Bridge Pool x x x

Mondays Mondays 1850 1750 1650 1538 0938 0838 0732 38 bus station stand 3 stand station bus Otley

1836 1736 1636 1524 0924 0824 0719 24 rail station rail Menston

1829 1729 1629 1517 0917 0817 17 Main Street York Road York Street Main Burley


1818 1744 1718 1644 1618 1544 1506 0931 0906 0833 0806 0729 0629 31 06 rail station stand C stand station rail Ilkley

these these


1800 1730 1700 1630 1600 1530 1447 0917 0848 0818 0748 0715 0615 17 47 Moor Park Way Park Moor Addingham at at

then to 1752 1722 1652 1622 1552 1522 1440 0910 0840 0810 0740 0708 0608 10 40 Kings Arms stand S3 stand Arms Kings Silsden

Fridays 1748 1718 1648 1618 1548 1518 1436 0906 0836 0806 0736 0705 0605 06 36 Lower Park Green Park Lower Silsden

1745 1715 1645 1615 1545 1515 1433 0903 0833 0803 0733 0702 0602 03 33 Elliott St Elliott Silsden

1738 1708 1638 1608 1538 1508 1428 0858 0828 0758 0728 0658 0558 58 28 primary school primary Steeton

1730 1700 1630 1600 1530 1500 1420 0850 0820 0750 0720 0650 0550 50 20 bus station stand J stand station bus Keighley



at 2037 & 2237 & 2037 at Hospital Airedale at call also buses these

2342 2232 2132 2032 1932 1832 Pool Bridge Pool

2335 2225 2125 2025 1925 1825 bus station stand 3 stand station bus Otley

2309 2201 2109 2001 1846 rail station stand C stand station rail Ilkley

2257 2149 2057 1949 1834 Moor Park Way Park Moor Addingham

2250 2142 2050 1942 1827 Kings Arms stand S3 stand Arms Kings Silsden

2247 2139 2047 1939 1824 Lower Park Green Park Lower Silsden

2245 2137 2045 1937 1822 Elliott St Elliott Silsden

2233 2133 2033 1933 1818 primary school primary Steeton

2225 2125 2025 1925 1810 bus station stand J stand station bus Keighley

at 1622 at Hospital Airedale at calls bus this

1343 1243 1143 1043 0943 Leeds Bradford Airport Bradford Leeds

1732 1632 1532 1432 1332 1232 1132 1032 0932 Pool Bridge Pool

1725 1625 1525 1425 1325 1225 1125 1025 0925 bus station stand 3 stand station bus Otley

1749 1654 1549 1449 1349 1249 1149 0949 rail station stand C stand station rail Ilkley

1735 1642 1535 1435 1335 1235 1135 0935 Moor Park Way Park Moor Addingham

1728 1635 1528 1428 1328 1228 1128 0928 Kings Arms stand S3 stand Arms Kings Silsden


1725 1632 1525 1425 1325 1225 1125 0925 Lower Park Green Park Lower Silsden

1723 1630 1523 1423 1323 1223 1123 0923 Elliott St Elliott Silsden

1718 1618 1518 1418 1318 1218 1118 0918 primary school primary Steeton

1710 1610 1510 1410 1310 1210 1110 0910 bus station stand J stand station bus Keighley