Platonic Hypermaps \Noindentopen Square2 Bracket\Quad 27A Closing

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Platonic Hypermaps \Noindentopen Square2 Bracket\Quad 27A Closing Beitr a-dieresis ge zur Algebra und Geometrie nnoindentContributionsB e i tot r Algebra $ nddot andf Geometryag $ ge zur Algebra und Geometrie Volume 42 open parenthesis 2001 closing parenthesis comma No period .. 1 comma 1 hyphen 3 7 period nnoindentBeitr a¨ Contributionsge zur Algebra und to Algebra Geometrie and Geometry PlatonicContributions .. Hypermaps to Algebra and Geometry Volume 42 ( 2001 ) , No . 1 , 1 - 3 7 . VolumeAntonio 42 J period ( 2001 .. Breda ) , Nod quoteright . nquad Azevedo1 , 1 to− the3 7power . of 1 .. Gareth A period Jones Departamento de Matem acute-aPlatonic tica comma .. Universidade Hypermaps de Aveiro n centerline f P l a t o n i c nquad Hypermaps g 3800 Aveiro comma PortugalAntonio J . Breda d ' Azevedo1 Gareth A . Jones Department of MathematicsDepartamento comma .. de University Matem of Southamptona´ tica , Universidade de Aveiro n centerlineSouthamptonf Antonio SO 1 7 1 BJ J .commanquad .. UnitedBreda3800 Kingdom d ' Aveiro $ Azevedo , Portugal ^f 1 g$ nquad Gareth A . Jones g Abstract period .. WeDepartment classify the regular of Mathematics hypermaps open , parenthesis University orientable of Southampton or non hyphen orientable closing parenthesis whose n centerlinefull automorphismfDepartamento group is isomorphicSouthampton de Matem to the $SO symmetrynacute 1 7 1f BJ groupag ,$ of t aUnited ic Platonic a , n Kingdomquad solid periodUniversidade de Aveiro g ThereAbstract are 185 of . them commaWe classify of which the 93 regular are maps hypermaps period .. We ( also orientable classify the or nonregular - orientable hyper hyphen ) whose n centerlinemaps withfull automorphismf3800 automorphism Aveiro group , group Portugal A sub is 5 isomorphic: ..g there are to19of the these symmetry comma all group non hyphen of a Platonic orientable solid comma . and 9 of themThere are maps are period 185 of .. them These , hypermaps of which are 93 constructed are maps . as combinatorial We also classify and topologi the regular hyphen hyper - n centerline fDepartment of Mathematics , nquad University of Southampton g cal objmaps ects comma with automorphism many of them arising group asA coverings5 : there of Platonic are 19 so of lids these and , Kepler all non hyphen - orientable Poinsot , and 9 polyhedraof them open are parenthesis maps . viewed These as hypermaps hypermaps closing are parenthesis constructed comma as combinatorial or their associates and period topologi .. We - conclude by showing that n centerlineany rotarycal obj PfSouthampton latonic ects , hypermap many ofSO i them s 1 regular 7 arising1 BJ comma , asnquad so coverings thereUnited are of no Platonic chiral Kingdom Platonic sog lids hypermaps and Kepler period - Poinsot 1 periodpolyhedra .. Introduction ( viewed as hypermaps ) , or their associates . We conclude by showing that n centerlineThe convexany rotaryf polyhedraAbstract P latonic in R. tonquad hypermapthe powerWe classify of i 3 s with regular the the most , so regular interesting there are hypermaps symmetry no chiral properties (Platonic orientable are hypermaps the orPlatonic non . − orientable ) whose g so1 lids . : ..Introduction these are the t etrahedron T comma the cube C comma the octahedron O comma the dodecahedron D comma and n centerline f full automorphism group is isomorphic to the symmetry group of a Platonic solid . g theThe icosahedron convex polyhedra I comma described in R3 inwith Plato the quoteright most interesting s dialogue .. symmetry Timaeos open properties square bracket are the 25 closing Platonic square bracket period .. The rotation groupsso of lids T comma : these of are the t etrahedron T , the cube C , the octahedron O , the dodecahedron D , n centerlineCand .. and the O commaicosahedronfThere .. are and ofI 185 , D described and of I them are isomorphicin , Plato of which ' to s dialogue the 93 alternating are mapsTimaeos and . symmetricnquad[ 25 ]We .groups also The A subclassify rotation 4 comma groups the S sub regular 4 hyper − g andof AT sub , of 5 C semicolon and these O , are and subgroups of D and of index I are 2 isomorphic in the i sometry to the groups alternating of these solids and comma symmetric i somorphic groups to n centerline fmaps with automorphism group $ A f 5 g : $ nquad there are 19 of these , all non − orientable , and 9 g SA sub4;S 4 comma4 S sub 4 times C sub 2 and A sub 5 times C sub 2 period Eachand PlatonicA5; these solid are P can subgroups be regarded of index as a map 2 in comma the i that sometry i s comma groups as a of graph these imbedded solids , in i asomorphic surface to n centerlineopen parenthesisf of them in this are case maps the sphere . nquad closingThese parenthesis hypermaps semicolon are .. constructed more generally as comma combinatorial P can be regarded and topologias a hypermap− g .. open parenthesis a hypergraph n centerline f cal obj ects , many of them arising as coverings of Platonic so lids and Kepler − Poinsot g imbedded in a surface closing parenthesis commaS4;S ..4 and× C within2andA5 either× C2: category P i s a regular obj ect comma .. in Vince quoteright s sense hline n centerline1 subEach The authorf Platonicpolyhedra is grateful solid ( toP viewed canthe Research be as regarded hypermaps and Development as a map ) , or, Joint that their Research i s , associates as aCentre graph of imbedded the . n Commissionquad We in a conclude of surface the by showing that g European( in this Communities case the sphere for financially ) ; more supporting generally this , research P can be period regarded as a hypermap ( a hypergraph n centerline0imbedded 1 38 hyphenfany in 482 a rotary 1 surface slash 93 P ) dollar , latonic and2 period within hypermap 50 circlecopyrt-c either i s category regular 200 1Heldermann P , i s so a regularthere Verlag are obj no ect chiral , in Vince Platonic ' s hypermaps . g sense nnoindent 1 . nquad Introduction nnoindent The convex polyhedra in $ R ^f 3 g$ with the most interesting symmetry properties are the Platonic nnoindent 1soThe author l i d s : isn gratefulquad these to the Research are the and t Development etrahedron Joint T , Research the cube Centre Cof , the Commission octahedron of the O , the dodecahedron D , and theEuropean icosahedron Communities I , describedfor financially in supporting Plato this' s research dialogue . nquad Timaeos [ 25 ] . nquad The rotation groups of T , of C n0138quad− 4821and= O93$2 , :50nquadcirclecopyrtand of− c D2001 andHeldermann I are isomorphic Verlag to the alternating and symmetric groups $ A f 4 g , S f 4 g$ nnoindent and $ A f 5 g ; $ these are subgroups of index 2 in the i sometry groups of these solids , i somorphic to n begin f a l i g n ∗g S f 4 g ,S f 4 g ntimes C f 2 g and A f 5 g ntimes C f 2 g . nendf a l i g n ∗g n hspace ∗fn f i l l gEach Platonic solid P can be regarded as a map , that i s , as a graph imbedded in a surface nnoindent ( in this case the sphere ) ; nquad more generally , P can be regarded as a hypermap nquad ( a hypergraph imbedded in a surface ) , nquad and within either category P i s a regular obj ect , nquad in Vince ' s sense n begin f a l i g n ∗g n r u l e f3emgf0.4 pt g nendf a l i g n ∗g n hspace ∗fn f i l l g $ 1 f The g$ author is grateful to the Research and Development Joint Research Centre of the Commission of the nnoindent European Communities for financially supporting this research . nnoindent $ 0 1 38 − 482 1 / 93 n$ 2 . 50 circlecopyrt −c 200 1 $ Heldermann Verlag 2 .. A period J period Breda d quoteright Azevedo semicolon G period A period Jones : .. Platonic Hypermaps nnoindentopen square2 bracketnquad 27A closing . J . square Breda bracket d ' Azevedothat the automorphism ; G . A . group Jones Aut : Pnquad acts transitivelyPlatonic on Hypermaps the .. quotedblleft blades quotedblright .. out of2 which A .P J is . Breda d ' Azevedo ; G . A . Jones : Platonic Hypermaps nnoindentconstructed[ period 27 ] that the automorphism group Aut P acts transitively on the nquad ` ` blades ' ' nquad out of which P is constructed[ 27 ] that the . automorphism group Aut P acts transitively on the \ blades " out of which P Ourisaim constructed in this paper . is to classify the regular Platonic hypermaps comma the regular hypermaps H .. open parenthesis orientable .. or .. non hyphen orientable closing parenthesis .. whose .. automorphism .. group .. Aut H .. is .. i somorphic Our aimOur in aim this in paper this paper is to is to classify classify theregular regular Platonic Platonic hypermaps hypermaps, the , the regular regular hypermaps hypermaps .. toH .. the ( orientable or non - orientable ) whose automorphism group Aut H is i H automorphismnquad ( orientable group .. G ..nquad = .. Autor Pn ..quad thicksimnon =− Sorientable sub 4 comma S ) subnquad 4 timeswhose C subn 2quad .. or Aautomorphism sub 5 times C subnquad 2 .. ofgroup some Platonicnquad solidAut H nquad i s nquad i somorphic nquad to nquad the somorphic to the automorphism group G = Aut P ∼= S ;S × C or A × C Pautomorphism semicolon .. for group nquad G nquad $ = $ nquad Aut P nquad $ nsim4 =4 S2 f 4 g5 ,S2 f 4 g ntimes C f 2 g$ of some Platonic solid P ; for t echnical reasons in dealing with A × C it is also useful for us nquadt echnicalor reasons$ A f in5 dealingg ntimes with A subC 5 timesf 2 Cg$ subn 2quad it is alsoof usefulsome for Platonic us to include5 solid2 the P case ; Gnquad = subf thicksim o r A sub 5 period to include the case G = A : The number of G - hypermaps ( regular hypermaps H tThe echnical .. number reasons .. of G hyphen in dealing∼ hypermaps5 with .. open $ Aparenthesisf 5 g regular ntimes .. hypermapsC f 2 .. Hg$ .. with it is.
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