www.elperiodic.ad DIMARTS, 10 DE JULIOL DEL 2018 el Periòdic d’ 15


d'Andorra L’ÚS DE LES TECNOLOGIES elelENGLISHTema PeriòdicPeriòdic del EDITION dia NewsW E D 3xx 1 COMÚ COUNCIL Extra investment of €300,000 into Naturlandia «for a bad summer» The corporation had to contribute 280,000 euros in July, which according to Vila were already planned

ANA EL PERIÒDIC ANA SANT JULIÀ DE LÒRIA @PeriodicAND he Comú of Sant Julià de Lòria expects an extraordi- nary economic injection of T 300,000 euros into Campra- bassa to mitigate the effects of «a bad summer». According to the Mayor, Josep Miquel Vila, the money will be used to deal with «an unexpected de- ficit», since, during the summer sea- Montserrat Neras. son, revenues would have fallen by 33 7% below those achieved last year. Farré reports that Villa attributed the situation to the bad weather conditions during the quarter accounts months of July and August. «Sum- aren’t signed mer weather was worse than we ex- pected», he said, adding that «Au- gust was not good enough either» The plenary session held Mon- and therefore «in outdoor activiti- 33day in Sant Julià served to inform es this affects directly the income». the clearance of the accounts of The mayor’s explanations came the first two quarters of the year. after the councillor of the minori- In March, there was a surplus of ty, Joan Albert Farré, questioned the 247,546 euros, while at the end of majority for the 280,000 euros that June the accounts presented a were already invested into the park deficit of 63,375 euros due to the in July. Specifically, he mentioned fact that indirect taxes had not yet two contributions of 140,000 euros been billed. Although partial settle- made on 16 and 23 July, respective- ments are only informative, Joan ly. Farré was surprised by this injec- Albert Farré noticed that the sec- tion of money at a time when in the- ond quarter was not signed by the Members of the Comú of Sant Julià de Lòria during the plenary session held Monday afternoon. ory there is more influx and there- comptroller. Finance Minister, Joan 33 fore, «there should be fewer treasury Gómez, attributed it to «an over- problems». In statements made to- ports include environmental, engi- willing to invest, then it must be ap- tinues analysing the feasibility of sight» and the majority was com- wards, the mayor assured that the neering and field studies where it proved by the comú council and it the rafting. Specifically, 31,700 eu- mitted to obtaining the signature. 280,000 euros were already in their should be installed. Vila trusts that also must be approved by Campra- ros have been paid to KPMG to do the Vila also downplayed the fact and plans. However, the councillor of UL the new attraction will be working bassa». study. Vila said that the results are said they were «reports without sig- was critical on how Naturlandia is as soon as possible, but warned that Also, in response to questions still not available in order to «give nificance». managed. «Camprabassa is the large «it is not as easy as it seems. First we from the opposition, it was an- good news on the subject». The op- closed box in this corporation. We have to confirm that investors are nounced that the corporation con- position also requested to stop pay- The situation served the minor- do not know what’s inside, we can ing the rental of two shops, locat- ity33 to denounce the lack of infor- only see the investments made eve- ed in avinguda Verge de Canòlich mation regarding the ceasing of ry two or three months», he said. For and avinguda Rocafort, which will Josep Maria Altimir and the deci- this reason he demanded that «ex- be used for the rafting ride, until it sion to hire Montserrat Neras as planations must be given to the peo- JOSEP MIQUEL VILA JOAN ALBERT FARRÉ is clarified if the rafting will final- his substitute. «It is a key figure that controls the accounts», said Farré, ple» on «the purpose» of the money MAYOR OF SANT JULIÀ DE LÒRIA UL COUNCILLOR ly forge ahead. The mayor commit- and «the expectation of this compa- ted himself to negotiate with the claiming the right of the minority to ny». «[Building the zip-line] «Camprabassa is the property. «We don’t know the comú have this information. is not as easy as it may large closed box of the projects, but we do see big amounts ZIP-LINE The mayor also predicted seem. First, we must corporation. We don’t of payments in the budgets for these Montserrat Neras swore her po- that some/ 300,000 euros will have to projects without having any posi- 33sition on Monday as comptroller, a be invested to pay for studies on the confirm that investors are know what’s inside, we tive results», said the councillor of job which duration is linked to the installation of a new zip-line. The re- willing to invest» only see investments» the minority, Joan Albert Farré. communal term, according to Vila. H 2 www.elperiodic.ad WEDNESDAY, 31 OCTOBER 2018 el Periòdic News


PATIENTS AND RELATIVES Apart from the palliative patients soon/ derived from Psycho-oncologist arrived and is the oncology department, any pati- ent suffering from the disease and tre- ated through the SAAS may request time with the specialist, as indicated already treating cancer patients from the association. In addition to giving support to patients, the expert

MARICEL BLANCH will also offer care to the relatives of The oncology service is the patients and the professionals of the oncology department, since the determing patients that Assandca and the Hospital have al- the specialist will attend ways considered it appropriate that the role of the psychooncologist be

EL PERIÒDIC « integrator because they also suffer ESCALDES-ENGORDANY from a» «psychological impact». The- @PeriodicAND refore, offering comprehensive assis- tance wants to help them «unders- he psycho-oncologist contrac- tand the emotional problems» that ted by the SAAS for more than can be suffered by people with cancer. a month now is now visiting Tcancer patients with palliati- ve treatments to support them and She will do individual guide them in what they need, as con- and personalized firmed by the president of the Andor- ran Association against cancer (Assan- treatments for each dca), Josep Saravia. Psycho-oncology is patient and maybe even a field of interdisciplinary study and practice at the intersection of lifesty- therapeutic groups le, psychology and oncology. It is con- Exterior view of the Nostra Senyora de Meritxell hospital. cerned with aspects of cancer that go TWO WAYS TO BE ATTENDED The onco- 33 beyond medical treatment and inclu- logy service is screening/ to determi- de lifestyle, psychological and social and to understand why on October December 2016 announced that in Mental Health service, she will also ne which patients need psychologi- aspects of cancer. The next step fort- 19th, the patients were still attended. 2017 they would incorporate this ex- treat patients of all kinds. Regarding cal accompaniment and will soon he specialist will be to visit the pati- The meeting «was very positive» said pert to the team. However, the arri- the oncology specialization, Sara- be cited to offer them help. Howe- ents derived from the oncology ser- Saravia after he learned about the in- val was made almost two years later via explained that the professional ver, the new figure also has a retro- vice, which is working with a table of corporation of the expert through the and with difficulties by the SAAS be- will work on two fronts: on the one active effect: people who have suffe- values​ ​and criteria to select the peo- media, despite being a request and a cause in December last year they in- hand, she will do an individual and red the disease and who are not cur- ple that require the accompaniment «priority» claim of the entity for years. dicated that there was no deadline personalized treatment for each pa- rently in treatment, but who need of the professional. Last week, Assan- He assured that the professional «is established to open the call. The ex- tient (like their lifestyle evaluation). help, can also contact the specialist. dca with the psycho-oncologist at the willing to collaborate with the asso- pert has a priority to attend cancer On the other hand, she will do talks In this case, the consultation can not request of the entity to know in detail ciation», a request that he demanded patients, but hospital sources ack- and therapeutic groups if there are be financed through the CASS and the functions entrusted by the SAAS from the Ministry of Health, which in nowledge that, by belonging to the enough people. the applicant must pay. H

ENVIRONMENT ated to the Hotel Union, but the Minis- ECONOMY ter emphasized that it begun with the UHA because it is the one that «show- Hotels and restaurants to ned the most interest» and it also has Job prospector managed to the most important impact on the ge- apply sustainable measures neration of waste or energy consump- generate 100 job offers tion due to the large number of tou- EL PERIÒDIC cerns that the partners are most inte- rists they receive. With regard to the Especially in branches of to «know their needs» and «dissemi- rested in. As explained by Minister of selective collection of waste, which nate occupational programs» said The hotel sector generates 50% of the Environment, Sílvia Calvó, the idea in hotels and restaurants is manda- hospitality and catering and Head of the Employment Service, country’s waste and consumes about is to be able to explain all the novelti- tory, Calvó also stressed that the de- places like Pas de la Casa Laura Vilella. Since it was put into 20% of the electricity.The Ministry of es that is implemented in the recent- cree that obliges large stores to imple- operation, they made 285 visits and the Environment and the Hotel Union ly approved Law on the impetus of ment it has been well received. It was EL PERIÒDIC has managed to generate 100 job of Andorra (UHA) want to make a sta- energy transition and climate chan- approved last year and the idea of the ANDORRA LA VELLA offers, reported Vilella. Especially tement and aim to improve the ener- ge. All those hotels and restaurants first year of operation was to collect The Employment Service, as a result in branches of hospitality and cate- gy efficiency of the establishments in that imply and improve some aspect about 1,000 tonnes per year and it se- of the decline in demand for jobsee- ring. The job prospector has carried the sector. That is why both instituti- of the premises will receive a credit. ems that it can be accomplished. kers, but also for the increase in the out specific actions in Pas de la Casa ons have signed an agreement to dis- Without wanting to set a specific go- ANAH / M.M. means allocated to it, is adapting its and will continue in avingudes Car- seminate information and encoura- al or number, Calvó recalled that the operation to a «more proactive» ser- lemany and Meritxell. Other exam- ge locals to work for sustainability. legal text approved on September 13 vice, «pending of the needs of wor- ples of this «more individualized The agreement establishes that the marks the objectives of a global reduc- kers and entrepreneurs» said Xavier attention» of the Employment Ser- Ministry will visit one of the 130 pre- tion in energy intensity, and that goes Espot, Minister of Social Affairs. And, vice, in the words of Espot, is the Pro- mises that are part of the UHA, 80 ho- through the improvement of the ef- if citizens «do not go directly to the fessional Counseling and Qualifica- tels and 50 restaurants and campsi- ficiency of buildings, especially star- Employment Service, we will go to tion Service, which helps jobseekers tes, to explain all those tools that can ting with those that recieves the most them» he added. An example of this to better meet their job demands. be implemented in their premises to tourists. the idea of the future is to ex- new model is the introduction of the It was put into operation in March improve consumption related to wa- tend this explanatory framework to of the job prospector, created during 2017 and since then it has made 377 ter or electric energy and also to of- other sectors of the economy as well the second half of this year. He is a first interviews. 74% of which have fer training in relation to those con- as to restaurants and hotels not associ- Sílvia Calvó and Carles Ramos. person who moves to the company found work said Vilella. 33 H

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ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS TRANSFORMATION AND EVOLUTION The first study on digital Response to casino appeals maturity is underway is extended one month The results will allow and future, such as MoraBanc, who knowing the adaptation has long invested in efforts and re- MARICEL BLANCH sources to become a model on dig- The decision is made level of companies ital banking, the Chamber of Com- merce, who believes digitalisation based on the volume of EL PERIÒDIC is an indispensable path for compet- information to analyze ESCALDES-ENGORDANY itiveness of companies, and Iniced, MoraBanc, the Chamber of Com- which is already creating a report merce, Industry and Services of An- like this one for Spain and which re- EL PERIÒDIC dorra (CCIS), and the consultancy sults of the second edition it has re- ESCALDES-ENGORDANY specialised in digital transforma- cently published. @PeriodicAND tion Iniced are collaborating to pre- The digital maturity report of An- he Government has decided pare the first study on the digital dorra will be presented publicly and to extend the deadline to re- maturity of companies in Andorra. its content will be open to the coun- spond to the appeals against This report will be made from sur- try and any institution interested in Tthe award of the casino li- veys addressed to those responsible working for the digital transforma- cense to Jocs SA, which ended Mon- for more than 400 companies with tion of the Principality. day, another month. The Executive different profiles with ques- H EL PERIÒDIC justified this extension due to the tions related to 14 key indi- large volume of documentation that cators in digital transforma- The company Jocs SA presents its casino project. must be analysed before making any tion. Areas such as business 33 decisions. The legal bureau has been vision or the relationship three months analysing «heavy ap- case, the CRAJ had two months to re- REQUEST FOR PROTECTION The exten- with customers will be tak- peals» that the business groups Cirsa, solve the petition and could extend sion of the term to resolve/ the ap- en into account. From the Cierco-Partouche, Genting, Bomosa the term up to two times, as it has peals arrives right after the appeal- participants’ responses, and Barrière presented at the end of ended up using. As confirmed by the ing companies last week –except for the index of digital maturi- July, each one separately, and after Government, the entity is currently Barrière– jointly requested the Gov- ty will be determined, a da- this extension, it still has margin up using this second extension because ernment for protection so that it ta that will serve as a refer- to the end of November. there is «a large volume of work» and would suspend the granting of the ence to measure the pace at In parallel to this administrative now the deadline is set before the permit to the winning company as which the business commu- process, the Andorran Gambling end of November. Therefore, if the le- a precautionary manner until it has nity in the country is adapt- Regulatory Council (CRAJ) is analys- gal bureau exhausts the extension of definitively resolved the case. As they ing to the new times. ing the license application to launch one more month the granting of the claimed, they did so «for the damag- The project is being devel- the casino presented by the winning license could arrive before the reso- es that could entail the awarding be- oped by three entities com- company, Jocs SA, in mid-July. In this lution of the dossier. fore a response is given». mitted to the digital present Escaler, Martín and Ramoneda. H 33

ANNIVERSARY EVENT briefs ANA celebrates its 10 years with several Arrested for driving at 215 km/h on C-16 SPEEDING Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalan Police) arrested Sunday afternoon a acts and creates a commemorative book 36-year-old3 man from Andorra after he was caught speeding at 215 km/h on ANA C-16 in Navàs (Bages). The agents accused him of a crime against road safety EL PERIÒDIC but was released after declaring at the police station. The radar took a pic- ESCALDES-ENGORDANY ture in kilometre 73.5 and the police stopped him 15 kilometres further. The Andorran News Agency (ANA) has celebrated its 10th anniversary and to do so it has organised a series of activ- Complaints about The Actua creates business ities related to its first decade of exist- ence. On the one hand, as announced Cloud’s surroundings appointments calendar by the director of ANA Economia DISCONTENT PS considers that An- NEW TOOL Actúa has promoted a (Economy), Bru Noya, the Principali- dorra Telecom3 should contribute calendar to3 collect all the business ty will host a meeting of the European more to the investment that the events that take place in the coun- Alliance of News Agencies (EANA) on 8 Comú of Andorra la Vella will car- try. It is already available on its November, which will include the ar- ry out to embellish the surround- website and includes conferences, rival to the country of executives and ings of the plot where the building fairs and congresses, training ses- delegates of the main state agencies of The Cloud had been projected. sions, fiscal calendar, cluster ses- The president of ANA and the director of ANA Economia, on Monday. of international news. The objective For this reason, they will ask for ex- sions, economic missions or con- 33 is to make known the reality of Andor- planations at the Consell General. ferences and business awards. ra so that the entourage will visit dif- was kidnapped by the terrorist group A small part of these images can be ferent historical sites and will later be al-Qaeda in Syria. seen until 15 November at the Illa Car- received by the Head of Government, On the other hand, the journalists lemany mall. The Generalitat promotes widening the C-16 Toni Martí, and the Síndic Gener- and former directors of ANA, Marta Among the new ANA projects, al (President of the Consell General), Tort and Albert Roig, have compiled ANA Educa (Educate) stands out, a pi- ROADS The Regional Minister of Territory and Sustainability of the Gener- Vicenç Mateu. The event will close in a book about 150 photographs oneering tool of pedagogical nature alitat de3 Catalunya, Damià Calvet, announced that the project information with a conference, for which prior in- about different events that have tak- for the Andorran educational system will be released publicly next November to widen this road from Berga to the vitation is required, from war corre- en place over these 10 years and that that is currently under development Cercs tunnel and to make a third lane to Bagà. The project will require an in- spondent Antonio Pampliega, who have marked the story of the country. and will be presented soon. vestment of 180 million euros and will extend the motorway 6.5 kilometres. H 4 www.elperiodic.ad WEDNESDAY, 31 OCTOBER 2018 el Periòdic News

MOTORSPORTS RALLY FOOTBALL NATIONAL LEAGUE 3 3 FAF Andorra host final stage of Trial World Championship The prestigious competition returns to the Principality after more than 15 years

EL PERIÒDIC EL PERIÒDIC ESCALDES-ENGORDANY @PeriodicAND ndorra will host on April 27, 2019 the final test of the indoor trial and, the- A refore, the competition returns to the Principality after mo- UE Santa Coloma and Vallbanc FC Santa Coloma at Borda Mateu. re than 15 years. In this regard, the 33 2019 X-Trial World Championship will begin in Budapest (Hungary) on Vallbanc trusts Rodríguez January 20 and end at the Sports Cen- ter in Andorra. This year, the com- services despite a bad start petition expands for the first time beyond Europe when it will visit Cos- EL PERIÒDIC tion that we are in» acknowledged ta Rica on April 6. In addition, the cir- ESCALDES-ENGORDANY the coach in a statement to EL PERI- cuit wants fto add on five new desti- Xavi Torné, General Secretary of Va- ÒDIC. «We have to accept our cur- nations in addition to the Andorran Adam Raga at theTrial indoor world cup at the Palau de Gel in 2002. llbanc FC Santa Coloma, firmly sta- rent table spot, there is no other way capital: San José, Moscow, Marsei- ted that he has full trust with co- around it» he added. He said that 33 lle, Granada and Bilbao. The Andor- ach Marc Rodríguez and that «for there is a lack of goals and that is ra motorcycling federation (FMA) the last edition was in 2002 at the Pa- of Andorra la Vella, Conxita Marsol, now, we do not consider anythi- why he demanded a «bit more» from which has managed to be the ve- lau de Gel». She indicated that this ye- and reached an agreement». There- ng». In this context, Vallbanc adds his players. «We will analyze each nue for the event, will be attended ar «it will have a different format» be- fore, both the Comú of Andorra la only six points to the Lliga Multise- match and see where we stand in Ch- by the best riders in the motorcycle cause there will be a new promoter, Vella and the Ministry of Tourism, gur Assegurances and has only won ristmas. I’m not Julen Lopetegui, the trials world with resident Toni Bou 2Play. «It will be a much bigger event through Andorra Turisme will be a match after six days. It was in a du- Andorran league is a bit more calm, as favourite to win. On December se- than last time» she added. the sponsors and, in addition, the el against FC Encamp, who are on the club hasn’t told me anything yet cond, ther will be another gala from Ministry of Sports will grant the ve- the bottom of the table. In additi- and they want results in the long the International Motorcycle Federa- A LONG WAITED DECISION As Gallego an- nue (sports centre). As for the details on, last Sunday they lost the derby run, there are still many games re- tion to disuss among many matters, nounced, they have been/ working to of the competition, which little is against UE Santa Coloma 1-2 and is maining until the end of the season» if wether Andorra will host another receive the test for some time now: «I known for now, «it will be indoors, seven points behinds from the first he explained. However, he did share World Cup outdoor stage. was present at the trials of Toulouse and therefore with few drivers», but league position.A poor start conside- the blame for the recent bad results, and Barcelona and I saw that it was «it will be possible to attract a lot of ring that they won the league five ti- but had hopes to win the next fix- SATISFACTION BY THE FMA Natàlia Galle- possible to be done in Andorra, so Spanish and French audiences, who mes with Richard Imbernón who is ture against FC Ordino, the recent- go, president of the Andorra/ Motor- I spoke with 2Play, with Olga Gela- travel to see these shows». Also, it now with FC Andorra. In case it was ly promoted team who are not sho- cycle Federation, stated that: «We are bert, Minister of Culture, Youth and should be noted that the competiti- not enough, they also lost the Super wing any signs of stopping. Current very happy because we get to host an Sports, with Francesc Camp, Minis- on will take place on April 27, during Cup of Andorra to EU Sant Julià. leaders are Inter d’Escaldes after be- important event after so many years, ter of Tourism and with the mayor low season». «I did not expect to be in the posi- ating FC Lusitanos (2-1). H H

MOTORSPORTS 1000 DUNES CYCLING BTT KARATE 3 3 QUALITY TEAM Driver, Margot Llobera Hernandez is looking for a finishes her first stage win after her The event starts in Granada and goes through bronze medal Morocco in a 2,000km circuit in an all terrain race EL PERIÒDIC EL PERIÒDIC grass and finished the stage on sand MALAGA ESCALDES-ENGORDANY dunes, in a much more wild area.It Melania Hernandez won bronze Ramon Aranda in a previous edition of the Titan Desert. Margot Llobera completed her first is the first edition and has a journey on the second day of the Spanish 33 timed stage of the Raid 1000 Dunes. of 2,000 kilometers divided into six National League of Karate held last The Andorran driver faced a very com- stages. The competition has a similar Saturday in Malaga. She competed plicated navigation that consisted of format to Dakar because drivers must Aranda and Montaner, at in the junior female category of un- three loops and two special ones. Llo- prepare for the route, make mechani- der 48 kilograms, won two rounds, bera was able to successfully comple- cal repairs and mount and disassem- the 2018 Transcumbres but in the third she lost 1 -0 against te the stage that was very harsh for ble the camps without help.Regar- the Andalusian Ainhoa Gonzalez. the weather conditions. The race star- ding the classification, the results will EL PERIÒDIC red physically and mentally to do However, Hernandez was able to ESCALDES-ENGORDANY te in Granada, goint to Morocco th- not be known until the test is finis- get good results» he added. On this get the ‘repesca’ (repechage mea- rough the Port of Motril-Granada, to hed. In this regard, Puertas explains Ramon Aranda and Joan Montaner occasion, the cyclists will compe- ning despite a loss she can still go the dunes of Merzouga. Pedro Puer- that they intend to «transmit the idea will participate with the Quality Te- te in the Master 50 category, whe- to the next round), where she faced tas, head of external relations of the that the competition is only an adven- am at the next edition of the Trans- re they will take advantage of their Lorena Fernandez and won 4 - 3. It Ral·li 1000 Dunas, explained that «the ture». «Each participant fights against cumbres that will be held between experience in marathons and mul- was thus that she managed to ta- drivers have encountered adverse cli- himself and not with the opponents. 5 and 10 November in Argentina. ti-stage races. Aranda accumulates ke the medal home and qualify for matology because they are very cold, This makes them help each other and The race has 600 kilometers through 13 editions of the Titan Desert and the final of the National League, they are between zero and minus two become better riders» he added. the province of Córdoba, in the cen- a Tropical Titan. Montaner has ma- where only the eight best of each degrees, which ma- LARA CRESPOH ter of Argentina, and accumulates de five Titan Desert, a Tropic Titan category compete. The final of the kes it a tough sta- 13,000 meters of incline with diffe- and a Transandes.It will be the first championship will be held in Gua- ge » Since the day rent tracks and paths. Ramon Aran- time that Aranda travels to Argen- dalajara (Castilla–La Mancha) on started it has been da, a legend of the Titan Desert, con- tina to compete and stated that he December 1 and 2 and there will be all off-track navi- sidered that «it is a very hard test be- faces the challenge with «enthusi- three Andorran representatives: gation with stages cause there it is spring» and they will asm and excitment». In addition, it in the child category, Adam Verni- with large amount be «subject to the inclemency of the is a test that serves both cyclists to ers of the Karate Club Xavi Herver; of mud. In additi- weather». It was only one and a half prepare for the Titan Desert. Aran- and in the junior, Joel Quintana on, during the rou- months ago that the Quality Team bi- da stated that this race «is held in and Melania Hernandez, both of te, Llobera was in kers decided to go and do the test, but a mountainous region, similar to the Karate Fudo Shin Club. If they snowy areas, others Aranda believes they have «prepared Andorra, as seen through the vide- win, they can compete in the Spa- with high-hard Llobera before beginning the first timed stage. well». «We believe we will be prepa- os they sent me». nish Championship. 33 H H