

• Events are to be entered online and approved by the appropriate committee chair. Deadline is one week before the Kinnikinnick deadline. • Send items for publication to [email protected]. • You should receive the next Kinnikinnick around June 1, 2018. The Kinnikinnick is published four times a year (spring, summer, fall, winter) for the use and enjoyment of Spokane Mountaineers members. Changes of address should be made at Spokane Mountaineers, P.O. Box 1013, Spokane, WA 99210 509-838-4974


Centennial Trail ...... [email protected] Chalet ...... [email protected] ...... [email protected] Conservation ...... [email protected] Editorial ...... [email protected] Hiking ...... [email protected] Mountain Biking ...... [email protected] Paddling ...... [email protected] Picture of the Week...... [email protected] Road Biking...... [email protected] Skiing ...... [email protected] Social ...... [email protected] Trails...... [email protected]


Promote your business with us! Proceeds from advertisements in the Kinnikinnick benefit the Spokane Mountaineers. Restrictions may apply. Full page ad: $150, half-page ad: $90, quarter-page ad $60. 10% discount for year-long contract. For more information, contact Gretje Witt at 219-310-0424 or [email protected].


We welcome all sorts of items for publication in this bulletin. Trip reports, photos, creative writing, drawings, information on schools or special trips, corrections, historical notes, and more are welcome. Events listed in the calendar are taken directly from the online calendar and are not edited for accuracy, so make sure your events are current and correct. Language used in articles should be appropriate for readers of all ages. The editor reserves the right to decline or edit submissions. Substantive editorial changes are always discussed with contributing authors. Photos should be large and include identifying information as well as the name of the photographer. If you have any questions about the suitability of material for publication, or to submit a piece, contact the editor at [email protected]. See formatting guidelines elsewhere in this issue. 2 IN THIS ISSUE From the President...... 4 Thirteen (or More) Essentials...... 5 1918 in Review...... 6 Mountain School Activities...... 7 Stoy Dabbs Passes...... 11 Trust in the Team...... 12 Up a Creek...... 14 Events at a Glance...... 19 Calendar...... 22 Officers, Board Members, Committees...... 55



The emblem of the Spokane Mountaineers was adopted on February 9, 1933, and is described as follows: “In the form of a circle approximately four inches in diameter, representing the woodman’s compass and symbolic of the completeness of nature, the emblem shall have an outer margin of forest green, carrying the name ‘Spokane Mountaineers’ in white block letters, thus utilizing the Association’s colors, green and white. Within the margin, a white field shall carry in the background the outline of a mountain, in the foreground shall be a spray of kinnikinnick, with green leaves and red berries. There shall be a blazing sun above the mountain, bringing in the name ‘Spokane’ in its Indian interpretation, and symbolizing the Mountaineer’s love for the out-of-doors. To symbolize and include the year-round activities of the organization, there shall be inserted in the white border, a brown and ski pole crossed on the right, a pair of skis on the left.” 3 FROM THE PRESIDENT Submitted by Matt Jeffries

Greeting Friends,

The winter has sure been good to us. To my delight many of you have been on adventures, backcountry tours, winter cycles, and much more. I have seen many of you express an infectious passion for the outdoors and it’s inspiring. Keep it up!

Some are aware that this fall we lost a legendary climber, Fred Becky. For those unfamiliar with Becky, he was from the Seattle area and was the Babe Ruth of alpinism (particularly in the Pacific Northwest and North America). An absolutely legendary climber, he had more first ascents than all the touchdowns Tom Brady has had his entire career. The November climbing magazine article, North America Climbing Legend Fred Becky Passes Away, went as far as to say “he was the most accomplished climber who ever lived.” Some in the club were fortunate enough to meet Fred over the years; I never had the honor.

We could say much about Fred, but one thing has haunted me over the course of the winter.… You see in climbing there is this saying: “there are old climbers, there are bold climbers, but there are not old and bold climbers.” Fred was bold— Fred was blow your mind bold. Fred was climbing things in the 1940’s (with 1940’s technology) that many people today don’t have the chops to complete. Meanwhile today there have been many examples of the truth in the saying… Ueli Steck, Scott Adamson, Kyle Dempster and so many more gone too soon. But Fred didn’t pass from an accident or injury. He passed from old age. From a rich and long life lived through.

So, what is the difference? Maybe he had the original lucky rabbit’s foot or kept four leaf clovers in his water bottle. Who knows? Two things are for sure – he was a master of both his mountain craft and of risk assessment in the mountains. Fred knew how to climb and what systems he needed for both safety and success. On top of that, his 75+ years of being in the mountains equipped him with a tremendous amount of mountain sense. This is something we all can learn from and remember.

As spring comes crashing around the corner and we come into the high season for so many of the sports we love, and as our incredible Mountain, Rock, Backpack, Backcountry Ski and Paddling schools gear up, ask yourself how you can be like Fred. Fred was both bold and wise. How can you continue to develop both your technical craft and your “mountain sense?” How can you learn to make informed risk assessments of all the lines, couloir, trails, and drops ahead of you? And finally, have fun. To all the Spokane Mountaineers – have a great and adventurous spring!

Matt Jeffries President | Spokane Mountaineers


These are the selections of essential outdoor gear which the Spokane Mountaineers refer to as the Thirteen Essentials, and promote as critical and essential items which belong in your pack as insurance against the unexpected. Although you may not use all the essentials every day, they can be lifesavers in an emergency.

Never forget the ultimate essential not on the list—COMMON SENSE. And consider Jason Luthy’s recommendation for a 14th essential—COMPASSION.

1. EXTRA FOOD & WATER: Emergency packet of high-energy food and minimum of one quart of water 2. EXTRA CLOTHING 3. MATCHES in a water-proof container with striker 4. FIRE STARTER: candle or other commercial starter 5. MAP: topographic map of current area 6. COMPASS with 2° markings and base plate 7. HEADLAMP or flashlight with extra bulb and batteries 8. SIGNALING DEVICE: whistle and/or mirror 9. POCKET KNIFE 10. EMERGENCY SHELTER: tarp, space blanket, or bivy 11. FIRST AID KIT 12. TOILET PAPER & TROWEL 13. SUN PROTECTION: Sunglasses with 98-100% UV protection, sunscreen with 15+SPF, lip balm


If you would like to lead an event, contact the activity committee chair or attend the committee planning meeting. The chair can help you decide on your activity and dates, and also assist you with entering your event online. The chair approves all activities that are listed online and in the Kinnikinnick. Committee email addresses are on the inside cover and committee members are listed in the final pages of theKinnikinnick . Impromptu events do not need to be approved by the activity chair, and go out through email. You can subscribe to impromptu activity lists on the club webpage: If you need help signing in, contact [email protected].


If you need help, first check the FAQ on our web page:, then contact the following individuals:

• login problems: [email protected] • no Kinnikinnick, or multiple copies: [email protected] • committee list changes (back of this book): [email protected]

For other problems, try a leader of the activity in question, a board member, or an officer (see inside cover or back pages.) We will get your problem solved or your question answered!

5 1918 IN REVIEW Submitted by Chic Burge

There were two big national stories in 1918.

The first was the global loss of life due to influenza. About 20 million people died in four years around the world. The 1918 influenza outbreak was called “the greatest medical holocaust in history.” Experts believe that 50 to 100 million people were killed. More than two-thirds died in a single 10-week period. The United States lost about 675,000 people. To put it in perspective, about 675,000 people died of AIDS in nearly 40 years.

The other news of 1918 was the end/armistice day of WWI which was signed in the Forest of Compiegne.

In 1918 the U. S. adopted the railroads’ four time zones, and Standard Time on March 19th. They needed a way to coordinate shipping schedules across the United States.

In the Spokane Walking Club, trip leader Nelson W. Durham led our 100th Walk to the Little Spokane River. Five of the eight original members attended the walk.The club population was a mere 28 people. Nelson W. Durham was president, and Mabel Hutchins was the secretary. Mabel was one of the founding members of the Spokane Walking Club.

1918 contained Walk #96 thru Walk #119: • Walk #96-97 to Deadman Creek • Walks #100-101 Century Walk • Walks #102-105 Local Walks • Walk #113 to Trentwood Rimrock to Pleasant Prairie • Walk #115 to the City Waterworks Plant • Walk #118 to Downriver Park (now Downriver Golf Course) • Walk #119 to Signal Point

Also in 1918, the Coeur d’Alene River surged over its banks and washed away every bridge from Cataldo to Harrison.

One hundred years later we have branched out to the Cabinet Mountain Wilderness, the American Selkirks, John Muir Trail, ice climbing seminars in Bozeman, Montana, technical climbs all over the world, Backpack Graduation hikes into America’s deepest canyon - Hells - and our membership numbers have grown by nearly 28 times.

Our Backpack and Mountain Schools have taught thousands of newbies the crafts of playing safely in nature. And don’t forget our great conservation efforts. We were directly involved in the acquisition of the Minnihaha Climbing Area, John Shields Park.

Other big conservation challenges we have been part of are the creation of the North Cascades National Park, and locally the Spokane Country’s Conservation Futures Tax Initiative, to name a few.

So as our club grows and moves through a new age, we can look back at how far we have come and be proud of the Spokane Mountaineers place in mountain culture.

6 MOUNTAIN SCHOOL March 15 through May 28 activities Submitted by Anne-Marie Bergeleen

Mountain School 2018 (Outdoor Sessions 1-2) Snow Camping, Snow Skills, Group dynamics March 17-18, 2018, Spokane Mountaineers Chalet parking lot

Students will meet on Mt. Spokane in the Spokane Mountaineers Chalet parking lot for an 8:00 AM Trail Time with full packs ready for a weekend alpine adventure. We will climb to Bald Knob on Mt. Spokane for technical training and team building, practice our snow camping, prepare dinner and gaze at the stars. We will complete team-dynamics exercises, learn some basic belay techniques and build an emergency snow cave. Early Sunday morning, we will climb to the top of Mount Spokane and then practice self arrest. Be sure to bring your ice axe, harness/ package and helmet. will not be needed unless specified by directors prior. On Sunday, after self arrest practice, we will break and return to the Chalet parking lot. This exercise is on regardless of weather. (Cost $270 for entire Mt School course. Must be accepted into Mt School 2018 or an instructor to attend.) ______

Mountain School 2018 (Indoor Session, Class 4) Knots, Ropes, Glacier Travel, & March 21, 2018, 6:30pm-9pm, 2426 North Discovery Place, Spokane , WA

This a big night and has extremely critical content, as you will spend the first part of class refreshing the knot-tying skills learned in past classes and will have an opportunity to practice coiling ropes using the Mountaineers’ Coil and the Butterfly Coil. The presentation tonight will also cover snow and glacier travel. We will briefly review crevasse rescue techniques in preparation for crevasse rescue practice this coming weekend following the gear sale. You will need your harness, prusik cords and . Casual attire is suggested as rope handling is dirty. (Accepted students and instructors only) ______

Mountain School 2018 (Outdoor Session 3) Dry-Land Crevasse Rescue March 24, 2018, 8:00AM-1:00PM, Mirabeau Park

We will break into small groups and walk through crevasse rescue methods. Meet at 8:00AM at Mirabeau Park on Mirabeau Parkway in . You will need your harness, prusik cords, carabiners and ice axe. You will spend a lot of time lying on snow/cold wet grass so dress appropriately. (Accepted students and instructors only) ______

Mountain School 2018 (Indoor Session, Class 5) Climbing Conditions Assessment March 28, 2018, 6:30pm-9pm, 2426 North Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA

The importance of safe travel in the mountains and the risks of failing to do so. This indoor session will cover weather, route conditions, avalanche awareness and how to assess them before and during a climb. (Accepted students and instructors only) 7 Mountain School 2018 (Outdoor Session 4) Team Rope Travel, Crevasse Rescue, Self Arrest March 31, 2018, 8:00AM-5:00PM, Mt Spokane

Students will meet on Mt. Spokane at the Lodge 1 parking lot for a 8:00 AM Trail Time with full packs ready for a full day on the mountain. We will rope up and practice climbing as rope teams and learn to navigate the human-eating crevasses found on Mt. Spokane. We will climb, practice crevasse rescue-, and ice axe arrest as roped teams. If conditions allow, we will try and get some good snow slides going to practice individual ice axe self arrest. Bring your full glacier travel package. (Accepted students and instructors only) ______

Mountain School 2018 (Indoor Session, Class 6) Judgment & Risk Management, Trip Planning April 11, 2018, 6:30pm-9pm, 2426 North Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA

Tonight we will cover planning a climbing trip and the duties of a leader. Our discussion will include selecting a reasonable objective, compiling team members, developing a timeline, assessing conditions and other logistical considerations necessary for the success and safety of the climb. We will then discuss judgment and risk. Climbers must have a good understanding of and use careful judgment. (Accepted students and instructors only) ______

Mountain School 2018 (Outdoor Session 5-6) Assessing Conditions, Roped Team Climb Saturday-Sunday, April 14-15, 2018, Stevens Peak

We will meet at the Willow Creek Parking Area near Mullan, ID (just off I-90 East) for an 8:00 AM Trail Time Saturday morning, sign in, check out group gear, then hike 2.5 miles with 1,550 feet of elevation gain to Lower Stevens Lake. After setting up camp and eating lunch, we will spend the afternoon assessing climbing conditions and practicing how to dig avalanche snow pits. Bring your favorite GOURMET camping dish and your best jokes for an evening of fun and an early turn-in. On Sunday, after a Mountaineers start (O Dark Thirty), weather and conditions permitting, we’ll make a summit bid for the top of Stevens Peak as roped teams. Sunday afternoon we’ll break camp and hike back to the trailhead. Attendance is mandatory for students and instructors who want to go on the graduation climb. Everyone is invited to join us afterwards for the traditional get-together at area restaurant (location tbd). (If avalanche conditions dictate we will complete Snow Practice at an alternate location TBD) (Accepted students and instructors only) ______

Mountain School 2018 (Indoor Session, Class 7) Techniques, , & Anchors April 25, 2018, 6:30pm-9pm, 2426 North Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA

Tonight you will be introduced to an array of important rock climbing techniques and skills that you will be practicing and demonstrating in the outdoor sessions this coming weekend. In addition we will cover belay techniques and building, so be sure to bring your harness, and comfortable clothing to practice. Remember…ropes are dirty. (Accepted students and instructors only) 8 Mountain School 2018 (Outdoor Session 7) Rock Climbing Skills I April 28, 2018: 8:00AM-5:00PM, Minnehaha Rocks, John H. Shields Park, Upriver Drive

On Belay? Climb on! Meet at the big tree. Today we will practice climbing and belaying at various areas and stations setup on the rocks. We encourage you to use rock shoes during these rock sessions. We will begin with a brisk hike, with packs on, to the top of Beacon Hill. Remember to bring climbing gear, your 13 essentials and lunch.

Time permitting, we’ll do some top roped climbing following the class session. It is good practice to climb in your boots to simulate true alpine climbing. We’ll wrap up by 5:00 PM. Please leave valuables at home, carry them with you, or hide them well. (Accepted students and instructors only) ______

Mountain School 2018 (Outdoor Session 8) Rock Climbing Skills II April 29, 2018: 8:00AM-4:00PM, Minnehaha Rocks, John H. Shields Park, Upriver Drive

On Rappel? This will be our second session at Minnehaha. Bring a large trash bag and your gloves and we will clean up around the rocks before we begin training. After the traditional warm-up hike to the top of Beacon Hill, we are going to rappel. We will also practice belaying and setting up rappel anchors. If time permits some high angle climbs will be set up for additional practice. Remember to bring your climbing gear, 13 essentials and a lunch. We’ll try to wrap up by 4:00 PM. (Accepted students and instructors only) ______

Mountain School 2018 (Indoor Session, Class 8) Mountain Rescue and Medicine May 2, 2018, 6:30pm-9pm, 2426 North Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA

Tonight’s topic will cover mountain medicine and wellness. All members are welcome to attend and will benefit from learning about a subject that applies to all outdoor activities.

We will also discuss how to self rescue or seek help if any issues arise in the backcountry. These are skills we hope you never use, but they will help build confidence in yourself and in each other when in the mountains. ______

Mountain School 2018 (Outdoor Session 9) Rock Climbing Skills III May 5, 2018: 8:00AM-4:00PM, Minnehaha Rocks, John H. Shields Park, Upriver Drive

This session is for the demonstration and practice of ascending UP a rope! We’ll also review rappelling and learning to exit the belay. As part of class we will set up some high angle climbs so everyone will get a chance to continue to develop climbing and belaying skills on the rock.

After the required exercises, additional high-angle climbs will be available for practice. Remember to bring your climbing gear, 13 essentials and a lunch. We’ll finish by 4:00 PM. (Accepted students and instructors only) 9 Mountain School 2018 (Indoor Session, Class 9) Map & Compass Navigation, Route Finding May 12, 2018, 8:00AM-11.30AM, 2426 North Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA

The indoor session will be held before the outdoor session on Saturday afternoon Part of climbing safely and successfully in the backcountry involves navigation skills. This lecture presents the basics of using a map and compass. This class is necessary for the outdoor navigation class at Minnehaha after lunch. Bring your compass, a pen or pencil, and a straight edge to class. ______

Mountain School 2018 (Outdoor Session 10) Map and Compass Navigation, Route Finding May 12, 2018: 12:30PM – 4:00PM, Minnehaha, John H. Shields Park, Upriver Drive

Meet at the Minnehaha Rocks. We will practice what we learned in class. Meet in the dirt parking lot west of the paved lot. After checking your equipment, you will follow a map and compass course around Beacon Hill. Prepare for any weather, bring your 13 essentials, and be ready to get off the beaten path. (Accepted students and instructors only) ______

Mountain School 2018 (Indoor Session, Class 10) Final Exam and Graduation Climb Planning May 16, 2018, 6:30pm-9pm, 2426 North Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA

FINAL EXAM! Are you ready? Study hard for the exam; your graduation depends on it. The final is comprehensive. After the exam we will finalize details of our graduation climb, such as timetable, carpools, objectives, and more details on the mountain - beautiful and majestic Mt. Athabasca in Alberta, Canada. (Accepted students and instructors only) ______

Mountain School 2018 (Outdoor Session 11) Skills Test May 19, 2018: 9:00AM – Noon or Noon – 3:00PM Minnehaha Rocks, John H. Shields Park, Upriver Drive

Students will pass through a sequence of stations where they will demonstrate skills learned during the course. Bring your full glacier package and all of your knowledge. (Accepted students and instructors only) ______

Mountain School 2018 (Outdoor Session 12-14) Graduation Climb Saturday-Monday, May 26-28, 2018

This is your Graduation Climb. Here is where you take what you have learned and put it to the test; on Mt. Athabasca (11,453 feet / 3,442 meters / 5,000 ft of elevation gain).

Weather permitting and depending on snow conditions, our objective will be to get you out on the talus slope, the glacier, the headwall, the knife edge, and maybe even the summit. Views of the Canadian Rockies that will take your breath away or wind that will do the same 10 may be found in every direction.

We will drive up Friday in order to get acclimatized and will have a Saturday afternoon (2pm PDT/3 pm MDT) meeting to assign rope teams, get a few hours sleep and then start the climb with an alpine start very early Sunday.

A Sunday afternoon/evening debriefing and potluck dinner will bring the climb to a close. Monday is reserved for a leisurely drive home (9 hours) and a possible stop at a hot spring along the way. Please plan on observing the time change when you reach Radium Hot Springs. Columbia Icefields and local services are on Mountain Time (1 hour ahead). Please plan on Park Entrance and Camping Fees on this trip. All posted camping restrictions must be observed at all times. (Accepted students and instructors only)

STOY DABBS PASSES Submitted by Chich Burge

Long time member Stoy Dabbs passed away in January after a long bout with cancer. Stoy was an assistant instructor in Mountain School, a long time member of the Spokane Mountaineers Search and Rescue, Spokane County Search and Rescue, the Inland Northwest Search and Rescue teams, and the Winter Knights.

Some of you will remember Stoy as the guy who showed up at our events, especially the Wednesday Night Hikes, on his wheechair, his Segway, or his trike. Even in his weak state, he often rode his trike to places like the Quartz Mountain Lookout, just so he could be with us.

Stoy will be missed by those of us who knew him and of his life’s battle.


Files may be submitted in any form, but editable Word documents are preferred. Photos should be large format (do not compress for sending), color or black and white, and sent as separate files (not embedded in text) or downloadable links. Please limit trip reports to no more than 4,000 words. If you are submitting print-ready files, use these parameters: page size 5.5”x8.5”; half-inch margins all sides; font = Corbel 8-pt regular for text, Corbel 12-pt bold for titles, Corbel 10-pt regular for “submitted by” and Corbel 8-pt italic for picture captions. Page numbers will be inserted into your texts as needed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the editor at editorial@spokanemountaineers. org. The editor can work with most file types and assist with formatting. 11 TRUST IN THE TEAM Submitted by Todd Startzel

My daughter was married this summer. Her marriage caused me to think a lot about the keys to a long and happy marriage. A marriage is like any other relationship – a friendship or business partnership – the main difference is you share a bed and occasionally a toothbrush (avoid that latter as much as possible, it is just plain nasty). A climbing team is closer to a marriage – you sometimes share a bed and often a toothbrush. The successful climbing team must possess many of the same characteristics of any relationship – effective communication – “we” first, not “me” first – and REAL TRUST in one and another.

What follows is a life experience illustrating real trust. When I use the phrase real trust – I mean life altering type of trust – brings tears to your eyes kind of trust – the kind of trust you put in the hands of Chuck Pangrazy in 5th to find out if Marcy Horrel likes me kind of trust – the kind of trust you put in your heart surgeon – the kind of trust you put in your pilot – the kind of trust you put in the President of the United States –o0ps the Trumper destroys the point but you get what I mean – LIFE IN YOUR HANDS KIND OF TRUST.

One of my earliest experiences with real trust occurred during my first year at the University of Puget Sound (UPS). I met my eventual college roommate Mark “Mac” McGillevray during fall football camp. I was a young, naive kid from Pullman – now on my own for the first time in the Big City of Tacoma. Mac had transferred from Yakima Valley Community College, so he was a Junior – a freaking Junior !! He had been in college for a couple of years and played football at YCC. We were roommates during fall camp. Mac would regale me with stories of college life in Yakima – wild Halloween parties where clothes were optional; 24-hour road trip to Laughlin NV to drink like an aspiring alcoholic and play penny slots; or pulling an all-nighter hopped on caffeine and Oreo cookies. Now that was the college life and most definitely the college life I intended to experience.

Mac and I decided to be permanent roommates at some point during fall camp. UPS’s residential housing department apparently was not aware of our decision – probably because we never informed them. We were assigned rooms in the same dorm but with different roommates. So… what to do? There was only one option – take matters into our own hands (Self Help remedies are to be encouraged in the West – right?). We moved my assigned roommate’s stuff out of my room and into Mac’s room and moved Mac’s stuff into my room. We did all the moving and even hung my former roommate’s clothes in the closet. Problem solved – at least it seemed to us the problem was solved.

Not surprisingly there was some archaic rule against student driven reorganization of living arrangements. The Residential Housing Dept. felt it should be involved in decisions to switch roommates. They were concerned about the mental patients running the asylum, with students carting boxes of clothes and stereos all over campus like an ant hill on moving day.

So… the day after the Big Move Mac and I received written notice we were being summoned to meet with the Dean of students – the equivalent of the being summoned to the Death Star for a meeting with Darth Vadar. My father was the Associate Director of Admissions at State University (WSU) at the time; that is—he was part of the WSU administration. I had listened to endless discussions growing up about the power positions in a college administration – The President of the University – The Provost – etc. The power position for a college student was the Dean of Students – the mafia equivalent of the DON – The Godfather – The Capofamiglia – you get the picture. Getting summoned to a meeting 12 with the Dean of Students – like being summoned to a meeting with the Godfather – never ends well. I had a very bad feeling (the kind of feeling you get just before a car crash) this was not going to end well – likely with me purchasing a bus ticket at the local Greyhound station for a trip home.

The thought of being expelled from college – without even so much as attending a single class – was horrifying. My father was a lifelong academic with a PhD in Education – being expelled from school (any school) was like reading a friend’s diary or cyber stalking an old girlfriend – all unacceptable behaviors. I would have rather have been the victim of a mob hit than face my father after getting expelled from school. Come to think of it, if I was expelled, I would have been the victim of a father hit—certain death was in my future.

Compounding my distress was the reality I would be expelled before experiencing the college life: purchasing my first fake ID and getting caught using it; earning my first F and dealing with the humiliation of academic probation; throwing up in my dorm after attending my first fraternity party and then swearing off alcohol for the rest of my life – then getting loaded the next weekend. You understand – the stupid decision making of a young, immature person. Mac had experienced the college life – I had not. What was I going to tell my kids when they asked: What was college like Dad? Tell us the crazy stories of stealing the rivals mascot; pouring soap in the University Square fountain or toilet papering the Presidents house. I wanted the opportunity to hold court with my children, like Mac had mesmerized me with his stories.

Convinced I was soon to be expelled, I was frantically considering other options than returning home to face my father. Joining the merchant marines bubbled to the top of the options list. I could travel the world, visit exotic destinations (also the added advantage of always being at sea, out of my father’s grasp). The downsides – traveling the seas in a large metal shipping container; with perpetually sweat soaked men; fighting constant diarrhea; scratching a rash on my arms and legs that would never go away – but hey – I would get to visit exotic destinations.

My anxiety level on the on the day of the meeting was causing blurred vision. As we walked to the Dean’s office, I decided to go full blown confession and beg for forgiveness. Yes, I intended to squeal like Ned “The Pig” Beatty in “The Deliverance.” Before I could share my intensions with Mac, he began outlining what “our” plan-- DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT. My first reaction (and admittedly my only reaction) was: WHAT THE F….ARE YOU THINKING? DEFLECT WHAT? WE MOVED YOUR STUFF TO MY ROOM. WE MOVED MY FORMER ROOMMATE’S STUFF TO YOUR ROOM. DEFLECTION IS JUST A NICE WORD FOR DENIAL. I was not about to drink that Kool-Aid – denying what we had done could only make matters worse. We needed a MUCH better plan. Mac then calming said: “TRUST ME – I got this”.

Reasl trust involves faith and reliance. You must have faith the actions and decisions of another are in your best interest. You must rely on the other person’s decision making abilities—that he/she will exercise sound judgment. Real trust involves make or break it decisions – including whether or not you get expelled from college and as a result, become the victim of infanticide.

I do not recall many details of the meeting—I was hyperventilating so much I was barely conscious. I do recall however Mac did all the talking. The one time in my life I was actually silent and had nothing to say. (Those who know will find this part of my tale hard to believe). I have a vague recollection of Mac explaining how switching roommates was in 13 everyone’s “educational” best interest. Mac noted we had similar majors and therefore our class schedules were “essentially” the same (this was true – Mac was a finance major and I was intending to major in Economics). We would be going to class and practice at the same time, and as such, we were a better “academic” and “lifestyle” fit and therefore, a better “fit” as roommates. The meeting ended without an expulsion and nothing more than a stern warning against making similar decisions in the future.

I trusted Mac that day. The trust I placed in Mac, is the same level of trust you must place in your climbing team. You must trust that each member of the team is mentally and physically prepared. You must trust that each member of the team engages in situational awareness during the climb. If a member of the team falls, each member must act quickly to arrest the team. You must trust that each member of the team is honest about his/her physical ability to continue the climb. That is, you must have real trust in your team – otherwise the health and safety of the team can be jeopardized. If you are unwilling to trust your team – climbing may not be your thing. But hey – there is always the Merchant Marines with all those exotic destinations.

UP A CREEK Submitted by Tyler Nyman

In late March of last year, my hiking partner Shuwen Wang and I set out to explore the near . We’re used to traveling far for a day hike, so the three- hour drive out towards Ellensburg didn’t faze us. Once at the trailhead, we paid the 5-dollar fee for a day pass and began our journey by crossing the suspension bridge over the Yakima River.

Heading steadily uphill, we paused to admire a waterfall that poured down one of the many gullies on the north side of the ridge. With the snowy winter we had, there was still plenty of snow up high to melt and run its course to the lowland valleys and rivers. We passed several rivulets as we trudged along. After gaining 1,300 vertical feet and almost 6 miles, we found ourselves at the communications towers on the summit of Umtanum Ridge.

Summit of Umtanum Ridge Photo by Tyler Nyman 14 Clouds rolled in from the west and obscured our view of Rainier, but we could still see the Stuart Range to the northwest. A group from an ATV club drove up the access road and met us at the summit. They were local, so we quizzed them about the surrounding geography. They were happy to share their knowledge of the area and offered us water for our hike back down. We politely declined their offer, as we believed that we still had plenty to drink.

After the motorists parted way, Shuwen and I made our decision. We would descend the ridge in a northerly direction, returning to the Umtanum Creek drainage. On our way down, we crossed several lingering snow patches and were surprised to find that they were knee deep in many places. We encountered a few deep gullies which required careful negotiation, but these were only minor obstacles as we soon found ourselves on an old dirt road above the rim of the canyon. We cautiously made our way down the steep and rocky hillside to the bottom and searched for the trail. Heading down canyon, we found sporadic game trails winding through jungles of undergrowth and across talus slopes.

Travel was determined by the easiest possible route through the trees and brush, but our path was soon barred. Ahead lay a grove of cottonwoods entwined with thickets of wild rose, clematis and red osier dogwood. The basalt cliffs on the canyon wall were steep and impassable. As we struggled to push our way through the brambles we stumbled over downed snags and branches. I tripped over an old strand of barbed wire and ripped my pants. It seemed we could go no further. Through the trees and across the creek we could see the trail on the opposite hillside. Shuwen suggested wading across, but I thought it was too dangerous. Umtanum Creek was at high flow, and easily swift enough to sweep us off our feet. Downstream were numerous hazards and a single mistake could spell disaster.

Umtanum Creek, shortly after crossing Photo by Tyler Nyman 15 We sat down to ponder the situation but suddenly felt pressed for time. It was after 5 o’clock, so we would have to make significant progress to reach the trailhead before dark. A decision had to be made. We had hiked too far to go back the way we came, so we began looking for a way to cross the stream. I found a section of the creek that seemed wide and shallow.

Patches of snow near the shore served to remind us how cold the water would be, but we were on a mission. We rolled up our pant legs, unbuckled our pack straps and locked our arms together to cross face-to-face. It was not as cold as expected, but we struggled to stay upright as the water rose above knee level. I felt a wave of uneasiness knowing that we could be swept away at any moment. Shuwen offered encouraging words and we pressed on, feeling the rocks on the bottom with our hiking boots. When the water became shallower again we knew that we would make it. Once on the other side, we dumped water out of our boots and changed socks. We made our way down the trail until it faded into the brush. We opted to gain higher ground for a better view and noticed that the trail had crossed back to the other side of the creek. We refused to get back in the water, so we resolved to continue despite the rugged terrain.

Traversing loose talus for most of the way, we picked our route around ridges and into stream-fed valleys. I spotted mountain lion tracks in the snow, and a while later, a pile of mangled elk bones stashed under an overhang on the side of a cliff. Daylight was fading quickly as we crested a ridgetop, and we began thinking about spending the night. Thunder echoed in the distance and we didn’t want to be so exposed. With the aid of our headlamps, we dropped down off the ridge and side-hilled through loose rock.

The going was slow and the danger increased as darkness fell. We had to find a safe place to rest. In a small clearing among the sagebrush, we removed our packs and dined on trail snacks. We agreed that this would be a suitable place to spend the night. We constructed an A-frame shelter by draping Shuwen’s nylon tarp over some parachute cord, and I carved some tent stakes out of sagebrush to secure the edges of the shelter. Rain was in the forecast for Sunday morning, so we wanted to be as protected as possible. We used our packs and anything else we could find to provide insulation from the ground.

I pulled a bivy out of my pack and unzipped it to create a blanket wide enough to cover both of us. I decided not to build a fire due to the scantiness of available fuel and the effort required to maintain it. Once bundled up in all the extra clothing we brought, we were ready to settle in. The sky cleared up and the temperature dropped just below freezing. My pants Overnight shelter in Umtanum Creek Canyon were still damp from Photo by Shuwen Wang the crossing and I would 16 have given anything for a pair of long underwear. I managed to get a couple hours of sleep, but most of the night was spent shivering and fighting the cold.Shuwen was more severely affected by the cold and didn’t sleep at all. The night seemed to last forever. I glanced at my watch to count down the hours to daybreak.

The following morning, we put on our partially frozen boots and disassembled the shelter. By 7:38 we were walking out. It only took about 20 minutes to find the trail down by the creek, but we would have most likely missed it in the dark. From here on we had a good tread to follow and by 9:00 we were back at the trailhead. Remembering that we had only purchased a day pass the following morning, we were relieved to find that there wasn’t a ticket waiting for us at the car.

Basalt cliffs above Umtanum Creek Photo by Tyler Nyman On our way back, we stopped in Ellensburg for a hot breakfast. This was just what we needed to finally purge the chill from our tired bones.

As I reflect on this experience from a year ago, I am reminded of the importance of preparation. Ironically, the evening before this hike was the first night of Backpack School, and we were helping with a lesson on the 13 essentials. It’s worth emphasizing that one should not only pack items they plan to use, but to include all the essentials, at a bare minimum, and keep in mind what you may need to survive if you must spend the night out unexpectedly. Use the weather forecast as a reference and consider the environment and terrain you’ll be in. I always carry a PLB (personal locater beacon) that may be activated to summon rescue, if all other options have been exhausted. I also carry extra layers of clothing and a bivy bag. Recently, we each made the addition of a sleeping bag liner for excursions during the colder months. 17 For Shuwen and I, we owe our survival to the fact that we each brought enough extra clothing to see us through the night. We had the means to build a quick shelter, and if it rained or snowed that night our situation could have been dire without it. We were never lost during this outing; we knew exactly where we were, but it was too dangerous to scramble across unstable terrain in the dark. The two of us worked very well as a team throughout this ordeal and were able to come up with an effective solution. Instead of activating the PLB, all we had to do was wait for daylight. We were both able bodied and capable of hiking out.

The most important component in any survival situation is to maintain a clear and level head. If you avoid panic, you can make far better decisions that contribute to a positive outcome. Shuwen and I have discussed this overnight adventure many times since it happened. Instead of viewing it as a failure, we take it as a chance to learn and improve. We are very careful in making sure this doesn’t happen again, but if by some chance it does, we’ll be better prepared.


The club phone number is 509-838-4974. When you connect you will be given options to leave a message in committee voicemail boxes. These messages will then be forwarded to the appropriate chairperson or person responsible for these areas. We do not have mailboxes for all committees at this time, so when in doubt, use the general mailbox and it will be recorded and routed as needed. An extension number can be pressed at any time to bypass the message.

If you do not choose an extension, the message will be left in the general voice mailbox. To leave a message:

General mailbox or if you are not sure who should receive the message...... Press 0 Membership...... Press 1 Centennial Celebration and Historian...... Press 2 Club President and Officers...... Press 3 Chalet...... Press 4 Conservation...... Press 5 Climbing...... Press 6 Hiking...... Press 7 Mountain Biking...... Press 8 Skiing...... Press 9


BACKPACK Hells Canyon Backpack Fri Mar 23 Backpack School #1: Introductions, 13 Essentials, Footwear Fri Mar 30 Backpack School #2 Major Equipment, Water Treatment Fri Apr 6 Hells Canyon Backpack Sat Apr 7 Backpack School #3: Clothing and Weather Fri Apr 13 Backpack School #4: Food Preparation & Planning Fri Apr 20 Backpack School #5: Outdoor Etiquette & Trip Planning Fri Apr 27 Backpack School #6: First Aid Fri May 4 Backpack School #7: Basic Map & Compass Navigation Fri May 11 Backpack School #8: Effective Packing & Trip Preparations Fri May 18 Blossom Lake/Alternate Graduation Backpack Fri Jun 29

CHALET Group Use of Chalet: Wilderness First Aid Certification Sat Oct 13

CLIMB Mountain School 2018 (Class 2) Wed Mar 7 Mountain School 2018 (Class 3) Wed Mar 14 Mnt. Spokane Snow Camping, Snow Skills, Group Dynamics Sat Mar 17 Alpine Climbing Seminar Indoor 1 Wed Mar 21 Mountain School 2018 (Indoor Session Class 4) Wed Mar 21 Mountain School 2018 Dry-Land Crevasse Rescue Sat Mar 24 Mountain School 2018 (Indoor Session, Class 5) Wed Mar 28 Mountain School 2018 (Outdoor Session 4) Sat Mar 31 Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) Tue Apr 3 Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) Tue Apr 10 Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) Tue Apr 17 Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) Tue Apr 24 Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) Tue May 1 Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) Tue May 8 Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) Tue May 15 Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) Tue May 22 Tahoma Glacier Climb Thu May 24 Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) Tue May 29 Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) Tue Jun 5

CLUB-WIDE Advance Notice: Autumn In Maine Thu Mar 1 Board Meeting Discussion: Working Session Mon Mar 5 General Membership Meeting: 19 Hiking through the Dolomites Mon Mar 19 Club Event Leadership Training Seminar Tue Mar 20 Board Meeting - Voting Meeting Mon Apr 2 Spokane Bike Swap Sat Apr 14 General Membership Meeting: Kayaking the Puget Sound Mon Apr 16 General Membership Meeting Mon May 21 Summer Kinni Deadline Tue May 1 Summer Outing/Car Camp Wed Jul 25 Autumn Kinni Deadline Wed Aug 1 Wilderness First Aid Certification Course Sat Oct 13 Winter Kinni Deadline Thu Nov 1

CONSERVATION Conservation Committee Meeting Mon Mar 19 Conservation Committee Meeting Mon Apr 16 Conservation Committee Meeting Mon May 11 Conservation Committee Meeting Mon Jun 18

HIKE McKenzie Conservation Area Trail Construction Wed Mar 14 Annual Trail Maintenance: Wenaha River Trail Fri Mar 23 Hanford Reach North Sat Mar 24 Split Creek Trail Hike- Liberty Lake Wed Apr 4 Alpine Climbing Seminar Indoor 2 Wed Apr 4 McKenzie Conservation Area Trail Construction #2 Sat Apr 7 Big Rock Hike Wed Apr 11 Drumheller Channels Sat Apr 14 Pend O’Reille County Park Hike Wed Apr 18 McKenzie Conservation Area Trail Construction #3 Fri Apr 20 Unveil The Trail Fri Apr 20 Lenore Lake Caves and the “Maze” Sat Apr 21 Saltese Uplands Conservation Area Wed May 2 Deep Lake Loop Sat May 5 Hawk Creek Sat May 6 Blue Creek Bay Wed May 16 Lower Selway Trail: Graduation Backpack Sat May 26 Beauty/Carlin Tr. #257 Wed May 30 Lone Lake Tr.#138 Spring Maintenance Hike Sat Jun 2 Marie Creek Overlook Hike Wed Jun 6 Knothead Trail Overlooks Wed Jun 13 Stevens Lakes Spring Maintenance Hike Sat Jun 16 Early Start Leaders’ Choice Wed Afternoon/Evening Hike Wed Jul 4 Leigh Lake Double Triathlon Sat Jul 14 Harrison Peak Dayhike Sun Jul 29 Rocks of Sharon via Valley Route Wed Aug 8 Lower Marie Creek Wednesday Night Hike Wed Aug 15 Post Falls New Upper Falls Community Forest Wednesday Night Hike Wed Sep 12 Selkirk Crest Loop Hike Sun Sep 23 20 Beehive Lake Loop Hike Sun Oct 7

MOUNTAIN BIKE Beacon Hill from Gunning Drive Thu Apr 19 from Wilbur Trailhead Thu Apr 26 High Drive Bluff Trails Thu May 3 Beacon Hill from Climbing Rocks Area Thu May 10 Riverside State Park from Bowl & Pitcher Thu May 17 Riverside State Park from Sontag Park Thu May 24 Beacon Hill from Esmeralda Golf Course Thu May 31 Mount Spokane from Selkirk Lodge Thu Jun 7 Tower Mountain from Ferret Drive Thu Jun 14 Saltese Uplands then BBQ at the Pierce’s Thu Jun 21 High Drive Bluff Trails and BBQ Thu Jun 28 Priest Lake Weekend Fri Sep 28

PADDLE Echo Bay Sun Jun 24

ROAD BIKE Centennial Trail Road Bike Tue Apr 3 South Spokane Valley Loop Tue Apr 10 Skagit Valley Tulip Ride Fri Apr 13 Spokane Bike Swap and Expo Sat Apr 14 Children Of The Sun Trail Tue Apr 17 Liberty Lake - Post Falls Tue Apr 24 Riverside Park Road Bike Tue May 1 Newman Lake Clockwise Loop Fri May 4 Bernhill Loop- North Spokane Tue May 8 Big Meadows - Green Bluff Loop Tue May 15 Yakima Triathalon Water, Wine & Wheels Fri May 18 South Liberty Lake - Saltese Flats Tue May 22 Centennial Trail Spokane Valley to Riverfront Park Tue May 29 Five Lakes Loop Ride Tue Jun 5 Idaho Centenial Trail Road Bike Sun Jun 10 Fish LakeTrail Road Ride Tue Jun 12 NW Little Spokane Cruise Tue Jun 19 Dishman-Mica - Road Bike Tue Jun 26 Valley Chapel Road Bike Tue Jul 10 Cycle Oregon Fri Jul 13 San Juan Islands Bike Ride Wed Sep 5

SKI Gonzaga Outdoor Overnight Trip Fri Mar 9 Backcountry Skiing in BC Mon Mar 12


EVENT: Advance Notice: Autumn In Maine TYPE: Clubwide DATE: March 1, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 12:00 AM - 12:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Bryant Pond, Woodstock, ME LEADER(S): Chuck Huber 509-939-2644

Trip Dates October 5-8, 2018. Join Chuck and Wendy on their annual journey and join our sister club, the Appalachian Mountain Club’s Worcester Chapter for a New England fall foliage spectacular. Hike, bike and paddle based from the beautiful and historic Maine House in Bryant Pond, ME amidst the peak autumn colors. Trip cost approx $215 includes three nights lodging and all meals. Hikes & bike rides of all levels. Paddle right outside the door of the Maine House. Make a week or more of it by having Chuck and Wendy help plan adventure extensions like the Maine coast, Boston or Vermont. Plan well in advance as the trip fills by summer. Email Chuck: [email protected]. ______

EVENT: Board Meeting /Working Session TYPE: Clubwide DATE: March 5, 2018 DAY: Monday TIME: 06:00 PM - 07:40 PM COST: Free MEET: REI 2nd Floor Mtg Room, 1125 N Monroe, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Club President 360-303-7495

Monthly meeting of Club Leadership. This meeting is a discussion/working session. Topics will be updated the week prior to the meeting. ______

EVENT: Mountain School 2018 (Class 2) TYPE: Climbing DATE: March 7, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: 2426 North Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Anne-Marie Bergeleen 509-389-3189

We will take a serious look into how climbers should dress and what equipment is needed for the mountains. Discussion includes what works, what doesn’t work and how to put it together to stay warm, dry and comfortable in the most demanding conditions. Having the right equipment and clothing can make the difference between a safe climb and one you would not want to repeat (or may not be able to). We will also discuss how to effectively pack your pack for overnight and car-to-car climbing trips, thus ‘preventing the one-man band.’ Additionally, will begin to learn the knots listed as part of the knots you will need to know and start you on your way to learning the skills of rope management. (Accepted students and instructors only) ______

EVENT: Gonzaga Outdoor Overnight Trip TYPE: Skiing - Backcountry Ski DATE: March 9, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 06:00 PM - 05:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mountaineers Chalet LEADER(S): Matthew Edenfield 360-201-9732

22 Gonzaga Outdoor will be hosting an overnight trip for students. Students will work on winter camping and alpine touring skills. ______

EVENT: Backcountry Skiing in BC TYPE: Skiing - Backcountry Ski DATE: March 12, 2018 DAY: Monday TIME: 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM COST: 660.00 MEET: Nelson, Ymir Backcountry Lodge LEADER(S): Greg Gordon 509-368-9207

Two of us from Spokane are heading to Nelson for a week of backcountry skiing at Ymir Backcountry Hut ( We welcome any Mountaineers to join us. We are going self-guided and self-catered. Feel free to contact Greg Gordon at [email protected] for more info or visit the Ymir website. ______

EVENT: McKenzie Conservation Area Trail Construction TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: March 14, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 08:30 AM - 03:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Newman Lake, WA LEADER(S): Lynn Smith 208-772-4337

This will be our first 2018 project day at this Conservation Futures parcel on the west side of Newman Lake. We’ll continue digging tread extending the new trail we started last summer. There will be some brush cutting and probably blowdown/winter debris removal but most of the project will be constructing new trail. Trailhead directions: From Spokane, drive east on Trent to Starr Rd in Newman Lake. Go N on Starr 3.7 miles until it T’s. Turn right and drive 0.3 miles on Hauser Lake Rd to Muzzy Rd. Go N on Muzzy (which will become Newman Lake Rd) for 4.8 miles until you see a large gravel parking lot on your left. Wear long pants and sturdy shoes and bring gloves, lunch, water, sun or safety glasses if you have them, and clothes for the weather. Tools and safety gear will be provided. We’ll hike 1/4 -1/2 mile in carrying tools with elevation gain less than 250 feet (depending on spring melt conditions). Trail building experience not necessary- we train on the job :-) If interested, contact leader as soon as possible so tools and refreshments can be organized. ______

EVENT: Mountain School 2018 (Class 3) TYPE: Climbing DATE: March 14, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: 2426 North Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Anne-Marie Bergeleen 509-389-3189

Snow Camping, Training and Nutrition. Tonight’s session focuses on the tips and tricks for camping in the snow, how to train to climb mountains, and how we eat when we’re climbing. (Accepted students and instructors only) ______

EVENT: Mount Spokane Snow Camping, Snow Skills, Group dynamics TYPE: Climbing DATE: March 17, 2018 DAY: Saturday 23 TIME: 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mt Spokane LEADER(S): Anne-Marie Bergeleen 509-389-3189

Students will meet on Mt. Spokane in the Spokane Mountaineers Chalet parking lot for a 8:00 AM Trail Time with full packs ready for a weekend alpine adventure. We will climb to Bald Knob on Mt. Spokane for technical training and team building, practice our snow camping, prepare dinner and gaze at the stars. We will complete team-dynamics exercises, learn some basic belay techniques and build an emergency snow cave.

Early Sunday morning, we will climb to the top of Mount Spokane and then practice self arrest. Be sure to bring your ice axe, harness/glacier package and helmet. Crampons will not be needed unless specified by directors prior. On Sunday, after self arrest practice, we will break camp and return to the Chalet parking lot. This exercise is on regardless of weather. (Cost $270 for entire Mt School course. Must be accepted into Mt School 2018 or instructor to attend.) ______

EVENT: Conservation Committee Meeting TYPE: Conservation DATE: March 19, 2018 DAY: Monday TIME: 06:00 PM - 06:50 PM COST: Free MEET: Mountain Gear Corporate, East Mansfield Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Club Conservation Chair 509-838-4974

This is the monthly meeting of the Conservation Committee. Contact: conservation_chair@ for meeting agenda and to share topics for review. ______

EVENT: General Membership Meeting Hiking through the Dolomites TYPE: Clubwide DATE: March 19, 2018 DAY: Monday TIME: 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: Mtn Gear HQ, 6021 E Mansfield Ave, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Club Vice President 509-838-4974

Chuck and Wendy Huber will give a presentation on their time spent hiking through the incredible jagged mountains of the Dolomites in northern Italy. ______

EVENT: Club Event Leadership Training Seminar TYPE: Clubwide DATE: March 20, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: 6021 E Mansfield Ave, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Chuck Huber 509-939-2644

Your club wants you to lead events! Open to new and experienced leaders. Learn event entry and approval process, Website navigation for leaders, leadership requirements, expectations and participant screening. Discuss topics pertaining to leading club events and offer suggestions to enhance our experience as leaders and participants. Dinner provided.

Click on “Join Event” or “Request Invite” so we know who and how many are coming. 24 EVENT: Alpine Climbing Seminar Indoor 1 TYPE: Climbing - Alpine Climbs DATE: March 21, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Centerplace, North Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Todd Nelson 208-699-5647, Lindsay Chutas 206-409-4394

This will be the first of two indoor sessions for the Alpine Climbing Seminar. The purpose of this seminar is to function as a capstone class for climbers who are interested in climbing more technical alpine objectives. Apply at alpine-climbing-seminar ______

EVENT: Mountain School 2018 (Indoor Session, Class 4) TYPE: Climbing DATE: March 21, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Centerplace, North Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Anne-Marie Bergeleen 509-389-3189

Knots, Ropes, Glacier Travel, & Crevasse Rescue: This a big night and has extremely critical content, as you will spend the first part of class refreshing the knot-tying skills learned in past classes and will have an opportunity to practice coiling ropes using the Mountaineers’ Coil and the Butterfly Coil. The presentation tonight will also cover snow and glacier travel. We will briefly review crevasse rescue techniques in preparation for crevasse rescue practice this coming weekend following the gear sale. You will need your harness, prusik cords and carabiners. Casual attire is suggested as rope handling is dirty. (Cost $270 for entire Mt School course. Must be accepted into Mt School 2018 or instructor to attend.) ______

EVENT: Annual Trail Maintenance: Wenaha River Trail TYPE: Hiking DATE: March 23, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Troy, OR LEADER(S): Holly Weiler 509-921-8928

Join us for our annual spring maintenance project on the Wenaha River Trail out of Troy, Oregon. We’ll assemble at the TH by 10am on Friday morning for our crew safety briefing, and then begin our hike in with fully loaded backpacks plus trail maintenance tools (provided). We will likely camp at the site of the former ranger residence (long-gone) where a locust grove threatens to overtake the trail. We will set up camp and focus on brushing back locusts and other encroaching vegetation, plus tread work as required until Friday evening.

Saturday we will work a full day, with a goal of working within the Wenaha Tucannon Wilderness near the Crooked Creek intersection. We will have more brushing, tread work, and perhaps the opportunity to work with crosscut saws. Sunday we will work a half day closer to camp, then pack up around noon and hike out.

We’ll have to find a new dinner stop on the way home, as Boggin’s Oasis is now gone, but we traditionally make a stop for dinner before returning to Spokane. Limit of 15 volunteers per Wilderness group size limits. 25 EVENT: Hells Canyon Backpack TYPE: Hiking - Backpacks DATE: March 23, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 06:00 PM - 05:00 PM COST: Free MEET: White Bird, ID LEADER(S): Chris Baldini 509-924-4608 / 993-8971 (c)

An early spring backpack - a great way to find out what else should be in your pack for the rest of your trips! Leave for a five-hour drive Friday and car camp at Pittsburg Landing campground for free, with toilets, no water yet. Bring your favorite dish to share for a Friday night potluck, or show up by 9 a.m. Saturday for the 6 mile hike to the historic Kirkwood Ranch. Day hike options available! Camp in the meadow, with a stream for filtering as well as a flushing toilet. We will leave about 9 a.m. Sunday, with an optional lunch in Grangeville. RSVP Chris Baldini, [email protected], or phone/text at 509-993-8971. 13 essentials, of course, and dress for the weather, although it’s usually mild spring weather. ______

EVENT: Hanford Reach North TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: March 24, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: LEADER(S): Wendy Huber 509-939-3717

Enjoy the first Saturday of spring exploring sand dunes and white bluffs in open country. It’ll probably be windy, so be prepared for a bit of ‘sandblasting!’ About 7-8 miles with minimal elevation gain. Optional dinner on the way back afterward. Leaders Wendy & Chuck Huber; 509-939-3717 & 509-939-2644; [email protected] & [email protected] NOTE: If the weather is terrible will reschedule to Sunday the 25th, so stay tuned! ______

EVENT: Mountain School 2018 Dry- Land Crevasse Rescue TYPE: Climbing DATE: March 24, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 08:00 AM - 01:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mirabeau Point Park, Mirabeau Parkway, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Anne-Marie Bergeleen 509-389-3189

We will break into small groups and walk through crevasse rescue methods. Meet at 8:00AM at Mirabeau Park on Mirabeau Parkway in Spokane Valley. You will need your harness, prusik cords and carabiners and ice axe. You will spend a lot of time lying on snow/cold wet grass so dress appropriately. (Cost $270 for entire Mt School course. Must be accepted into Mt School 2018 or instructor to attend.) ______

EVENT: Mountain School 2018 (Indoor Session, Class 5) TYPE: Climbing DATE: March 28, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: CenterPlace Regional Event Center, North Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Anne-Marie Bergeleen 509-389-3189

Climbing Conditions Assessment: The importance of safe travel in the mountains and 26 the risks of failing to do so. This indoor session will cover weather, route conditions, and avalanche awareness and how to assess them before and during a climb. (Cost $270 for entire Mt School course. Must be accepted into Mt School 2018 or instructor to attend.) ______

EVENT: Backpack School #1 TYPE: Backpack School DATE: March 30, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: Mountain Gear Corporate, East Mansfield Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Club BP School Director 1 & 2, Brenda Doggett 813-230-4156

This is the opening class of Backpack School 2018. Preregistration required. Introductions to Backpacking School directors, instructors and fellow students. Course overview, material on 13 essentials and footwear for the trail. Snacks provided by the Directors and Assistant instructors It is all the GREAT volunteers that will make this class a success! See you there. ______

EVENT: Backpack School #1: Introductions, 13 Essentials, Footwear TYPE: Hiking - Backpacks DATE: March 30, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free LEADER(S): Shuwen Wang 717-370-1910, Tyler Nyman 509-270-8236, Holly Weiler 509-921-8928

This spring course covers the basics of backpacking and provides you the confidence and skills to enjoy this great outdoor activity. No previous backpacking experience is necessary. This course consists of eight indoor sessions starting March 30, with additional outdoor sessions through May 28. Outdoor sessions include a map and compass course, one overnight trip, and the graduation backpack during Memorial Day weekend. The curriculum covers major equipment, clothing, water treatment, food planning, weather, first aid, trip planning, and basic map and compass navigation. The classes will be team-taught by a group of volunteer instructors with a wide range of outdoor experience. Registration for the 2018 Backpack School starts January 15 and ends March 15. Please look for the inserted Registration Form in the winter Kinnikinnick, or click the documents tab to download the form. Don’t delay, as this class fills each year! Attendance on March 30th is limited to pre- registered participants only. ______

EVENT: Mountain School 2018 (Outdoor Session 4) TYPE: Climbing DATE: March 31, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mt Spokane, Spokane County, WA LEADER(S): Anne-Marie Bergeleen 509-389-3189

Team Rope Travel, Crevasse Rescue, Self Arrest: Students will meet on Mt. Spokane at the Lodge 1 parking lot for a 8:00 AM Trail Time with full packs ready for a full day on the mountain. We will rope up and practice climbing as rope teams and learn to navigate the human-eating crevasses found on Mt. Spokane. We will climb, practice crevasse rescue, and ice axe arrest as roped teams. If conditions allow, we will try and get some good snow slides going to practice individual ice axe self arrest. Bring your full glacier travel package. 27 (Cost $270 for entire Mt School course. Must be accepted into Mt School 2018 or instructor to attend.) ______

EVENT: Board Meeting - Voting Meeting TYPE: Clubwide DATE: April 2, 2018 DAY: Monday TIME: 06:00 PM - 07:40 PM COST: Free MEET: REI 2nd Floor Meeting Room, North Monroe Street, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Club President 360-303-7495 ______

EVENT: Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) TYPE: Climbing - Top Rope Climbs DATE: April 3, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: John C. Shields Park, East Upriver Drive, Spokane LEADER(S): Brian Hoots 509-868-4048

Come join us for an evening of climbing. Bring your gear and set up a route you want to climb. Meet other climbers, share ropes and routes. Opportunity for our new climbers involved in our spring climbing classes or indoor climbers wanting to make transition to the outdoors. The club will not provide any gear or formal instruction. The leader(s) have committed their evenings to get some climbing in and support other climbers. We will climb on the main wall in the beginning and work our way to other areas as the spring progresses. If we are not on the main wall, we will leave a note at the Climber Kiosk. Some of the members tend to arrive as early at 4:30, but most arrive by 5:30. If you are the first to arrive, set up and we will join you. Leave valuables at home or not visible in your car. ______

EVENT: Centennial Trail Road Bike TYPE: Road Bike DATE: April 3, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mirabeau Park LEADER(S): Bill and Deb Pierce 509-927-8764, Martin Ward 509-27-8158

A flat, easy ride to start off the season. We will ride east to Liberty Lake and return on trail. ______

EVENT: Split Creek Trail Hike- Liberty Lake TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: April 4, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 05:40 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Liberty Lake, WA LEADER(S): Lynn Smith 208-772-4337

Take the Liberty Lake exit off I-90. Go south on Liberty Lake Rd, turn left (east) on Sprague, continue past the golf course and along the east side of Liberty Lake until you get to the turn-off to Liberty Lake park at Zephyr Rd. Go down Zephyr, past the entrance gate about 0.1 mile to the day use parking lot on your right. The Split Creek trail was rebuilt by WTA during the summer of 2015 and follows the east side of the creek up to the old cedar grove. Hike is about 4.5 miles RT with about 200 feet of elevation change between high and low points. Difficulty is easy. 28 EVENT: Alpine Climbing Seminar Indoor 2 TYPE: Climbing - Alpine Climbs DATE: April 4, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mountain Gear, North Division Street, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Todd Nelson 208-699-5647, Lindsay Chutas 206-409-4394

This will be the second of two indoor sessions for the Alpine Climbing Seminar. The purpose of this seminar is to function as a capstone class for climbers who are interested in climbing more technical alpine objectives. Apply at alpine-climbing-seminar ______

EVENT: Backpack School #2: Major Equipment, Water Treatment TYPE: Hiking - Backpacks DATE: April 6, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mountain Gear Corporate, East Mansfield Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Shuwen Wang 717-370-1910, Holly Weiler 509-921-8928

This class is for registered members of Backpack School 2018. Tonight’s topics include major equipment for backpacking and water treatment in the back country. ______

EVENT: McKenzie Conservation Area Trail Construction #2 DATE: April 7, 2018 TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike TIME: 08:30 AM - 03:00 PM DAY: Saturday MEET: Newman Lake, WA COST: Free LEADER(S): Lynn Smith 208-772-4337

This will be our second outing this year extending the new trail in this Conservation Futures parcel. Driving Directions: From Spokane, drive E on Trent to Starr Rd in Newman Lake. Go N on Starr 3.7 miles until it T’s. Turn right and drive 0.3 miles on Hauser Lake Rd to Muzzy Rd. Go N on Muzzy (which will become W Newman Lake Rd) for 4.8 miles until you see a large gravel parking lot on you left. Wear long pants and sturdy shoes, and bring gloves, lunch, water, sun or safety glasses if you have them, and clothes for the weather. Tools will be provided by the Club. No experience is necessary, we train on the job :-) We’ll hike in carrying tools for up to a mile with 250 feet of elevation gain (depending on work area). If interested, contact leader as soon as possible so tools and refreshments can be arranged. ______

EVENT: Hells Canyon Backpack TYPE: Hiking - Backpacks DATE: April 7, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM COST: Free MEET: 45°37’57.1”N 116°28’32.2” LEADER(S): Wendy Huber 509-939-3717, Chuck Huber 509-939-2644

A classic springtime overnighter. Hike out Saturday morning from Pittsburg Landing. Cover about six miles with several hundred feet of sometimes steep ups and downs before arriving at Kirkwood Ranch. Not for those with vertigo as the trail is narrow with steep drop offs. Explore the canyon from there. Hike out on Sunday. Possible Friday night camp at Pittsburg Landing. Group size limit of 12. 29 EVENT: Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) TYPE: Climbing - Top Rope Climbs DATE: April 10, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: John C. Shields Park, East Upriver Drive, Spokane LEADER(S): Brian Hoots 509-868-4048

Come join us for an evening of climbing. Bring your gear and set up a route you want to climb. Meet other climbers, share ropes and routes. Opportunity for our new climbers involved in our spring climbing classes or indoor climbers wanting to make transition to the outdoors. The club will not provide any gear or formal instruction. The leader(s) have committed their evenings to get some climbing in and support other climbers. We will climb on the main wall in the beginning and work our way to other areas as the spring progresses. If we are not on the main wall, we will leave a note at the Climber Kiosk. Some of the members tend to arrive as early at 4:30, but most arrive by 5:30. If you are the first to arrive, set up and we will join you. Leave valuables at home or not visible in your car. ______

EVENT: South Spokane Valley Loop TYPE: Road Bike DATE: April 10, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Spokane Valley LEADER(S): Dave Sorg 509-868-5984

Meet at Albertson’s, 32nd and Hwy 27, north end of parking lot. Ten-mile loop going west on 32nd, south on Pines, around the old golf course, south on Dishman Mica to Hwy 27th and back to Albertson’s. ______

EVENT: Big Rock Hike TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: April 11, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 05:50 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Lynn Smith 208-772-4337

Stevens Creek Road is off the Palouse Hwy. One way to get there is go to about the 4400 block of S Regal, then turn left onto the Palouse Hwy. Drive 6.8 miles then turn left onto Stevens Creek Rd. Drive 2.2miles up Stevens Creek Rd to the parking lot on your left. Big Rock is the main geologic feature in the Rocks of Sharon hiking/climbing/biking area. We’ll hike to the base of Big Rock, then along the ridgetop for great views of the valley and Palouse. Trail is about 3.5 miles RT with 600 feet of elevation gain. Difficulty is moderate. ______

EVENT: Skagit Valley Tulip Ride TYPE: Road Bike DATE: April 13, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 04:00 PM - 11:00 AM COST: Free MEET: Mount Vernon, WA LEADER(S): Club Road Bike Chair 509-838-4974, Martin Ward 509-276-8158

Ride past miles and miles of tulips and daffodils on mostly level paved roads. Includes two nights lodging in nicely furnished rental house in La Conner. Cost approximately $100 per person. 30 EVENT: Backpack School #3: Clothing and Weather TYPE: Hiking - Backpacks DATE: April 13, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mountain Gear Corporate, East Mansfield Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Shuwen Wang 717-370-1910, Holly Weiler 509-921-8928

This class is for registered members of Backpack School. Tonight’s class will focus on staying comfortable in the backcountry: best clothing for backpacking, and dealing with inclement weather. ______

EVENT: Drumheller Channels TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: April 14, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Columbia , WA LEADER(S): Shuwen Wang 717-370-1910, Tyler Nyman 509-270-8236

Meet at the McDonalds off Medical Lake exit 272 to carpool to the trailhead near Othello, WA. We will explore the ancient flood channels between Upper Goose Lake and Black Lake, just outside of the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge. We’ll see massive basalt formations, several cascading waterfalls and a profusion of wildflowers. This hike will be mostly off trail with some steep terrain. Round trip distance is approximately 8 miles with 1300’ elevation gain. A Discover Pass is required for parking. RSVP to Tyler Nyman if interested. ______

EVENT: Spokane Bike Swap and Expo TYPE: Road Bike DATE: April 14, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, North Havana Street, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Paul Eichin 509-238-2300

Volunteer at the Bike Swap by registering at or come on Friday PM to donate or sell a bike during the sale on Saturday. ______

EVENT: Spokane Bike Swap TYPE: Clubwide DATE: April 14, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM COST: 5.00 MEET: Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, North Havana Street, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

Spokane Bike Swap and Expo is the biggest “garage sale” for used bicycles in our region and offers something for everyone. It is a wonderful way to donate or consign bikes you have outgrown, don’t ride or want to upgrade. It also provides affordable bikes for those who cannot afford to purchase a new one. More at ______

EVENT: Conservation Committee Meeting TYPE: Conservation DATE: April 16, 2018 DAY: Monday TIME: 06:00 PM - 06:50 PM COST: Free 31 MEET: Mountain Gear Corporate, East Mansfield Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Club Conservation Chair 509-838-4974

This is the monthly meeting of the Conservation Committee. Contact: conservation_chair@ for meeting agenda and to share topics for review. ______

EVENT: General Membership Meeting Kayaking the Puget Sound TYPE: Clubwide DATE: April 16, 2018 DAY: Monday TIME: 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: Mtn Gear HQ, 6021 E Mansfield Ave, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Club Vice President 509-838-4974

Join our general membership meeting for an evening of information sharing from our membership and members of our community. Contact Vice President for additional information or if you have ideas for future speakers. This event is intended for Club Members, their Guests, and members of the public wishing to learn more about the Spokane Mountaineers. Deb Pierce will share stories of her kayaking trip to the Puget Sound. ______

EVENT: Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) TYPE: Climbing - Top Rope Climbs DATE: April 17, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: John C. Shields Park, East Upriver Drive, Spokane LEADER(S): Brian Hoots 509-868-4048

Come join us for an evening of climbing. Bring your gear and set up a route you want to climb. Meet other climbers, share ropes and routes. Opportunity for our new climbers involved in our spring climbing classes or indoor climbers wanting to make transition to the outdoors. The club will not provide any gear or formal instruction. The leader(s) have committed their evenings to get some climbing in and support other climbers. We will climb on the main wall in the beginning and work our way to other areas as the spring progresses. If we are not on the main wall, we will leave a note at the Climber Kiosk. Some of the members tend to arrive as early at 4:30, but most arrive by 5:30. If you are the first to arrive, set up and we will join you. Leave valuables at home or not visible in your car. ______

EVENT: Children Of The Sun Trail TYPE: Road Bike DATE: April 17, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Wandermere Mall Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Club Road Bike Chair 509-838-4974, Martin Ward 509-276-8158

Ride Children of the Sun Trail from Divison St. to Market St. Optional side trip up Mt St. Michael’s. ______

EVENT: Pend O’Reille County Park Hike TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: April 18, 2018 DAY: Wednesday 32 TIME: 05:50 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Pend O’Reille County LEADER(S): Galen Chamberlain 509-230-1372

A new Wednesday nighter this year. From the North Division Y or the NS Freeway take highway 2 about 25 miles toward Newport. The park is about two miles past the Pend O’Reille County line which is well marked on the left. We’ll take the Big Sky Loop which is about 4.2 miles RT and easy difficulty. There’s a vault toilet at the trailhead and no charge or decal necessary for parking. Leader: Galen Chamberlain ______

EVENT: Beacon Hill from Gunning Drive TYPE: Mountain Bike - Day Ride DATE: April 19, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM COST: Free MEET: 7702 East Gunning Drive, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

Park at the ‘cul-de-sac’ at 7702 East Gunning Drive. Directions: take Argonne north to Columbia Dr. Turn left (west) onto Columbia and go to the four-way stop. Go right onto Northwood Dr, up the hill three streets to Gunning Dr. to the cul-de-sac. We split into different groups based on ability/aerobic capacity. Due to the unavoidable elevations gains, the ride is suitable for Strong Casual riders and above. The ride organizer Bill Pierce will break riders into appropriate groups based on turnout. All riders must wear a helmet and sign a waiver. Note: in years past we parked at the bottom of Gunning Drive where the Pierce’s once lived but they have since moved and we will park at the end of the road at the cul-de- sac and start from there. ______

EVENT: McKenzie Conservation Area Trail Construction #3 TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: April 20, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 08:30 AM - 03:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Newman Lake, WA LEADER(S): Lynn Smith 208-772-4337

This will be our third day in 2018 constructing new trail in this Conservation Futures Area where we’ll be joining members of the Newman Lake Community organization. Wear long pants and sturdy shoes and bring gloves, lunch, water, sun or safety glasses if you have them, and clothes for the weather. All tools will be provided. At this stage the hike in and exact work area is uncertain but will be less than one mile and 250 feet of elevation gain. Trailhead directions: From Spokane, drive east on Trent to Starr Rd in Newman Lake. Go N on Starr 3.7 miles until it T’s. Turn right and drive 0.3 miles on Hauser Lake Rd to Muzzy Rd. Go N on Muzzy (which will become W Newman Lake Rd) for 4.8 miles until you see a large gravel parking lot on your left. No trail building experience necessary, we train on the job. If interested, contact leader as soon as possible so tools and refreshments can be arranged. ______

EVENT: Unveil The Trail TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: April 20, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Spokane Valley, WA 33 LEADER(S): Lynn Smith 208-772-4337

It is time once again to clean our adopted mile on the Centennial Trail. Please join us at the annual Unveil The Trail weekend, where all Adopt-a-Mile groups will be clearing their mile. Bring gloves, rakes, brooms, and gas-powered leaf blowers. We will pick up trash, sweep the trail, trim branches, and get the trail ready for spring and summer! If you have further questions contact leaders Bill and Deb Pierce 509-991-1047. ______

EVENT: Backpack School #4: Food Preparation & Planning TYPE: Hiking - Backpacks DATE: April 20, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM COST: Free MEET: TBA LEADER(S): Shuwen Wang 717-370-1910, Holly Weiler 509-921-8928

This class is for registered members of Backpack School 2018. Listen for class announcements regarding the location for this class, as we’ll likely be taking it outside to cook our practice meals. ______

EVENT: Lenore Lake Caves and the “Maze” TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: April 21, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Lake Lenore Caves Trail, Soap Lake, WA LEADER(S): Shuwen Wang 717-370-1910, Tyler Nyman 509-270-8236

Meet at the Starbucks at Hayford Rd. and Hwy 2 in Airway Heights to carpool to the trailhead near Coulee City, WA. This hike will start with a tour of the natural rock shelters cut deep into the cliffs above Lenore Lake. From there we will climb a steep and rocky path to a notch in the cliff and drop down the other side for off-trail exploration. After viewing some petroglyphs, we will head south through the “maze,” an intricate network of cliffs, chimneys, channels and craters. We will complete the loop by returning to the trailhead via the Lake Lenore caves trail system. This hike is approximately 9 miles round trip with 1800’ elevation gain. The off trail portions will be very rugged with challenging route finding. A Discover Pass is required for parking. RSVP to Tyler Nyman if interested. ______

EVENT: Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) TYPE: Climbing - Top Rope Climbs DATE: April 24, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: John C. Shields Park, East Upriver Drive, Spokane LEADER(S): Brian Hoots 509-868-4048

Come join us for an evening of climbing. Bring your gear and set up a route you want to climb. Meet other climbers, share ropes and routes. Opportunity for our new climbers involved in our spring climbing classes or indoor climbers wanting to make transition to the outdoors. The club will not provide any gear or formal instruction. The leader(s) have committed their evenings to get some climbing in and support other climbers. We will climb on the main wall in the beginning and work our way to other areas as the spring progresses. 34 If we are not on the main wall, we will leave a note at the Climber Kiosk. Some of the members tend to arrive as early at 4:30, but most arrive by 5:30. If you are the first to arrive, set up and we will join you. Leave valuables at home or not visible in your car. ______

EVENT: Liberty Lake - Post Falls TYPE: Road Bike DATE: April 24, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Liberty Lake WA LEADER(S): Dan Robisch 208-651-2016

Ride to Post Falls on hilly Riverside Drive and return on the Centennial Trail. Eat at the Liberty Lake Shopping Center afterwards, group will choose location. Call to reserve your spot. Leader: Dan Robisch - 208.651.2016 Length: Approx. 18.5 miles. ______

EVENT: Riverside State Park from Wilbur TH TYPE: Mountain Bike - Day Ride DATE: April 26, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: 9711 W Charles Rd, Nine Mile Falls, WA LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

Park at the Wilbur trailhead of Riverside SP in 7 Mile. Riders of all abilities are welcome to join us. Discover pass required. We split into different groups based on ability/aerobic capacity. The organizer TBA will organize ride leaders based on turnout. All riders must wear a helmet and sign a waiver. ______

EVENT: Backpack School #5: Outdoor Etiquette and Trip Planning TYPE: Hiking - Backpacks DATE: April 27, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mountain Gear Corporate, East Mansfield Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Shuwen Wang 717-370-1910, Holly Weiler 509-921-8928

This class is for registered members of Backpack School 2018. Tonight’s focus will be on Leave No Trace ethics for the backcountry and how to successfully plan a backpack trip. ______

EVENT: Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) TYPE: Climbing - Top Rope Climbs DATE: May 1, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: John C. Shields Park, East Upriver Drive, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Brian Hoots 509-868-4048

Join us for an evening of climbing. Bring your gear and set up a route you want to climb. Meet other climbers, share ropes and routes. Opportunity for our new climbers involved in our spring climbing classes or indoor climbers wanting to make transition to the outdoors. The club will not provide any gear or formal instruction. The leader(s) have committed their evenings to get some climbing in and support other climbers. We will climb on the main wall 35 in the beginning and work our way to other areas as the spring progresses. If we are not on the main wall, we will leave a note at the Climber Kiosk. Some of the members tend to arrive as early at 4:30, but most arrive by 5:30. If you are the first to arrive, set up and we will join you. Leave valuables at home or not visible in your car. ______

EVENT: Riverside Park Road Bike TYPE: Road Bike DATE: May 1, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: T.J.Meenach Bridge parking area at bottom of Pettet Drive LEADER(S): Martin Ward 509.276.8158

Ride along Government Way to the Centennial Trail through Riverside State Park to the seven mile bridge and return on the east side of the river. ______

EVENT: Summer Kinni Deadline TYPE: Clubwide DATE: May 1, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 11:40 PM - 11:50 PM COST: Free MEET: LEADER(S): Club Editor 509-838-4974

Materials for Summer Kinni are due today. Welcome any submissions in advance to [email protected]. Don’t wait to submit your events, pictures, and stories for the Summer Kinni. Writeups and advertising for Fall Schools are due. ______

EVENT: Saltese Uplands Conservation Area TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: May 2, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 05:50 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: South Henry Road, Greenacres, WA LEADER(S): Shuwen Wang 717-370-1910

This Conservation Futures parcel is a hilly grassy ecosystem with rock outcrops and scrub ponderosa and is a favorite hunting ground for numerous raptors. To get to the trailhead, take Barker St. Exit 293 on I-90. Drive south on Barker 0.7 mile to Sprague Ave. Turn left (east) on Sprague Ave. for 1 mile to Henry Rd. Turn right (south) on Henry Rd. for 0.9 mile to the trailhead parking lot on your left. Hike is about 5 miles RT with 600 feet of elevation gain with great views of the Valley and Liberty lake. Difficulty is moderate. ______

EVENT: High Drive Bluff Trails TYPE: Mountain Bike - Day Ride DATE: May 3, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: 206 West High Drive, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

Parking area is on High Drive where it intersects with Bernard Dr (make a left from Bernard and park in any of the pullouts on High Drive). The High Drive trails are mostly single track and better suited for the intermediate rider (with little fear of narrow side hill trails). The views are fantastic from the trails on the bluff. We split into different groups based on ability/ 36 aerobic capacity. Our organizer Jeff Mergler will assign ride leaders based on turnout. All riders must wear a helmet and sign a waiver. ______

EVENT: Newman Lake Clockwise Loop TYPE: Road Bike DATE: May 4, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Newman Lake, WA LEADER(S): Dan Robisch 208-651-2016

Meet near Starr Road and Trent, behind the US Post Office. We will travel clockwise around Newman Lake. First 1/2 is Moderate to Some Difficult. Once you get on the North Side, it flattens and is easier heading back, except for one fairly long grade. Length: 18-20 miles. Follow up with lunch at the Otis Grill on Wellesley in Otis Orchards driving back to Spokane. Call to reserve your spot. Leader: Dan Robisch - 208-651-2016 ______

EVENT: Backpack School #6: First Aid TYPE: Hiking - Backpacks DATE: May 4, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mountain Gear Corporate, East Mansfield Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Shuwen Wang 717-370-1910, Holly Weiler 509-921-8928

This class is for registered members of Backpack School 2018. Tonight’s class will cover the most basic level of first aid for backpacking and is a mandatory class night. This class does not serve as a stand-in for more advanced first aid classes, and does not result in certification of any kind. Students are advised to eventually pursue a certification in Wilderness First Aid, a class that is typically offered to club members at a discounted rate each fall. ______

EVENT: Deep Lake Loop TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: May 5, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Sun Lakes State Park, Coulee City, WA LEADER(S): Shuwen Wang 717-370-1910, Tyler Nyman 509-270-8236

Meet at the Starbucks at Hayford Rd. and Hwy 2 in Airway Heights to carpool to the trailhead near Coulee City, WA. We will start the hike at a vehicle pull-out on the south side of the Banks Lake Dam. Heading south into Sun Lakes State Park, we’ll cross a high plateau which has been gouged with numerous narrow and steep-walled canyons. We’ll come to an overlook of Deep Lake, then begin the long and scenic hike down. We’ll hike around the lake, climb back up the plateau and return to the parking area. This hike is mostly off trail with some very steep terrain and very loose rock. Sure-footedness is required, and trekking poles are highly recommended. Round trip distance is approximately 10 miles with 1600’ elevation gain. RSVP to Tyler Nyman if interested. ______

EVENT: Hawk Creek TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: May 6, 2018 DAY: Sunday TIME: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM COST: Free LEADER(S): Wendy Huber 509-939-3717 37 Explore the Seven Bays area on Lake Roosevelt. Start with a waterfall, then hike along the shore on beaches before heading up through sage and balsamroot flowers, and past basalt caves. Mostly off trail, some steep sections, some loose talus. Around 5 miles. Leaders Wendy & Chuck Huber; 509-939-3717 & 509-939-2644, [email protected] & chuck@ ______

EVENT: Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) TYPE: Climbing - Top Rope Climbs DATE: May 8, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: John C. Shields Park, East Upriver Drive, Spokane Climbing Tope Roped LEADER(S): Brian Hoots 509-868-4048

Join us for an evening of climbing. Bring your gear and set up a route you want to climb. Meet other climbers, share ropes and routes.

Opportunity for our new climbers involved in our spring climbing classes or indoor climbers wanting to make transition to the outdoors. The club will not provide any gear or formal instruction. The leader(s) have committed their evenings to get some climbing in and support other climbers. We will climb on the main wall in the beginning and work our way to other areas as the spring progresses.

If we are not on the main wall, we will leave a note at the Climber Kiosk. Some of the members tend to arrive as early at 4:30, but most arrive by 5:30. If you are the first to arrive, set up and we will join you. Leave valuables at home or not visible in your car. ______

EVENT: Bernhill Loop- North Spokane TYPE: Road Bike DATE: May 8, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mt. Spokane High School, East Mount Spokane Park Drive, Mead, WA LEADER(S): Paul Eichin 509-238-2300

Ride north to Colbert on frontage roads and around the Bernhill Loop to Boston Road, Hardesy and Green Bluff Roads to Day-Mt. Spokane Road, Bruce Road to the roundabout and back to the school. ______

EVENT: Beacon Hill from Climbing Rocks Area TYPE: Mountain Bike - Day Ride DATE: May 10, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: John C. Shields Park, East Upriver Drive, Spokane, WA 99217 LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

Some new trails that have been built will allow us to park at the less crowded climbing rocks area (aka John Shields Park, Minnehaha) and link up with the main network at Beacon. Be prepared for lots of aerobic climbing and sweeping and flowing trails.This ride is suited for the intermediate rider or strong casuals. We split into different groups based on ability/ aerobic capacity. Our organizer TBD will assign ride leaders based on turnout. All riders must wear a helmet and sign a waiver. 38 EVENT: Backpack School #7: Basic Map & Compass Navigation TYPE: Hiking - Backpacks DATE: May 11, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mountain Gear Corporate, East Mansfield Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Shuwen Wang 717-370-1910, Holly Weiler 509-921-8928

This class is open to registered members of Backpack School 2018. Tonight’s class covers the fundamentals of map and compass navigation in the backcountry. The class will be followed with a Saturday practice session on May 12th. Additional information regarding the outdoor session will be presented in class. ______

EVENT: Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) TYPE: Climbing - Top Rope Climbs DATE: May 15, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 05:30 PM - 08:30 AM COST: Free MEET: John C. Shields Park, East Upriver Drive, Spokane LEADER(S): Brian Hoots 509-868-4048

Join us for an evening of climbing. Bring your gear and set up a route you want to climb. Meet other climbers, share ropes and routes. Opportunity for our new climbers involved in our spring climbing classes or indoor climbers wanting to make transition to the outdoors. The club will not provide any gear or formal instruction. The leader(s) have committed their evenings to get some climbing in and support other climbers. We will climb on the main wall in the beginning and work our way to other areas as the spring progresses. If we are not on the main wall, we will leave a note at the Climber Kiosk. Some of the members tend to arrive as early at 4:30, but most arrive by 5:30. If you are the first to arrive, set up and we will join you. Leave valuables at home or not visible in your car. ______

EVENT: Big Meadows - Green Bluff Loop TYPE: Road Bike DATE: May 15, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: 16306 North Greenbluff Road, Colbert, WA LEADER(S): Bonnie Ulbright 509-238-3038, Martin Ward 509-276-8158

Cycle the Green Bluff- Big Meadows 20 mi loop in the foothills of Mt Spokane beginning at Bonnie Ulbright’s home. Potluck dinner after the ride. RSVP to Bonnie at 509-238-3038 Meet at 5:45 p.m. for ride start at 6:00 p.m. ______

EVENT: Blue Creek Bay TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: May 16, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 05:50 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Coeur d’Alene, ID LEADER(S): Chris Baldini 509-924-4608 / 993-8971 (c)

A 4-ish mile loop, with (on a clear day:) views of Blue Bay, Lake Coeur d’Alene and Mineral Ridge. An initial short uphill gets the heart rate going, then we’ll bring it back to normal with the next few miles. This hike is dog friendly, but will need to be leashed. Trailhead: I-90 to 39 Wolf Lodge exit #22; left over the freeway to the dumpster area; then left on the frontage road (Yellowstone Rd) for 2 miles to the parking lot. ______

EVENT: Riverside State Park from Bowl & Pitcher TYPE: Mountain Bike - Day Ride DATE: May 17, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: 3943 North Riverside State Park Drive, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

Riverside State Park from Bowl and Pitcher. Meet on the north side of the river above the suspension bridge. Take North Aubrey White Pkwy to the Bowl and Pitcher area then the paved right turn into the lower lot. Discover pass required. Riders of all abilities are welcome to join us. We split into different groups based on ability/aerobic capacity. The organizer TBA will organize ride leaders based on turnout. All riders must wear a helmet and sign a waiver. ______

EVENT: Yakima Triathalon Water, Wine & Wheels TYPE: Road Bike DATE: May 18, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 02:00 PM - 11:00 AM COST: Free MEET: Big Pine Campground Yakima, WA LEADER(S): Bonnie Mandel 404-441-8564, Martin Ward 509-276-8158

Paddle the Yakima River on Saturday morning with optional wine tasting Saturday afternoon. Sunday bike the Yakima Canyon Rd. This is an organized event, so the road will be closed to vehicle through traffic. There is a fund raiser fee for the bike ride, which is supporting Yakima Crime Stoppers. Free t-shirt if preregistered before May 1st. Link to register for ride is http:// There will be a nominal cost we will share for the campsites. Final cost will depend on how many of us there are. ______

EVENT: Backpack School #8: Effective Packing & Trip Preparations TYPE: Hiking - Backpacks DATE: May 18, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mountain Gear Corporate, East Mansfield Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Shuwen Wang 717-370-1910, Holly Weiler 509-921-8928

This class is the final indoor session for Backpack School 2018. Learn how to pack effectively and finalize plans for the graduation backpack trip. ______

EVENT: Conservation Committee Meeting TYPE: Conservation DATE: May 21, 2018 DAY: Monday TIME: 06:00 PM - 06:50 PM COST: Free MEET: Mountain Gear Corporate, East Mansfield Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Club Conservation Chair 509-838-4974

40 This is the monthly meeting of the Conservation Committee. Contact: conservation_chair@ for meeting agenda and to share topics for review. ______

EVENT: General Membership Meeting TYPE: Clubwide DATE: May 21, 2018 DAY: Monday TIME: 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: Mtn Gear HQ, 6021 E Mansfield Ave, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Club Vice President 509-838-4974

Join our general membership meeting for an evening of information sharing from our membership and members of our community. Contact Vice President for additional information or if you have ideas for future speakers. This event is intended for Club Members, their Guests, and members of the public wishing to learn more about the Spokane Mountaineers. Speaker and topic to be announced. Stay tuned to the website for information and updates. ______

EVENT: Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) TYPE: Climbing - Top Rope Climbs DATE: May 22, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: John C. Shields Park, East Upriver Drive, Spokane LEADER(S): Brian Hoots 509-868-4048

Join us for an evening of climbing. Bring your gear and set up a route you want to climb. Meet other climbers, share ropes and routes. Opportunity for our new climbers involved in our spring climbing classes or indoor climbers wanting to make transition to the outdoors. The club will not provide any gear or formal instruction. The leader(s) have committed their evenings to get some climbing in and support other climbers. We will climb on the main wall in the beginning and work our way to other areas as the spring progresses. If we are not on the main wall, we will leave a note at the Climber Kiosk. Some of the members tend to arrive as early at 4:30, but most arrive by 5:30. If you are the first to arrive, set up and we will join you. Leave valuables at home or not visible in your car. ______

EVENT: South Liberty Lake - Saltese Flats TYPE: Road Bike DATE: May 22, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Liberty Lake, WA LEADER(S): Dan Robisch 208-651-2016

Ride the back roads south from Liberty Lake and then return via Saltese Flats. This ride starts with a long steep climb (20-25 minutes), then drops down on winding roads to Saltese Flats. Length is only 13.5 miles, but it is a great workout. We will eat at Liberty Lake afterwards, the group will choose location. Call to reserve your spot. Leader: Dan Robisch - 208.651.2016 ______

EVENT: Tahoma Glacier Climb TYPE: Climbing - Alpine Climbs DATE: May 24, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 12:00 AM - 11:00 PM COST: Free 41 MEET: Mount Rainier, Pierce County, WA LEADER(S): Pat Sullivan 208-263-1824

The Tahoma Glacier is a route that will test a team’s organizational skills, physical strength and climbing abilities. The approach alone can take several days and the summit day can be a 5000-foot climb. In addition to the three trip leaders, a base team has been established. We hope to find additional qualified members in the club that may be able to join us. The Tahoma is the climb we hope to do, but it is possible that conditions will prohibit it. Alternates will be established to try and make the best use of all the time climbers have set aside for this trip! This climb is not open to Mtn School graduates of 2018. Prerequisites to attend this trip are instructing in the Mtn School program for at least one year, strong technical skills, a GREAT attitude, and good physical condition. Contact Pat or Ted if you are interested. Pre-climb meeting(s) will occur. ______

EVENT: Riverside State Park from Sontag Park TYPE: Mountain Bike - Day Ride DATE: May 24, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: 9724-9998 W Charles Rd, Nine Mile Falls, WA LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

Park at Sontag Park in 9 Mile. Riders of all abilities are welcome to join us. Discover pass required. We split into different groups based on ability/aerobic capacity. The organizer TBA will organize ride leaders based on turnout. All riders must wear a helmet and sign a waiver. ______

EVENT: Lower Selway Trail: Graduation Backpack TYPE: Hiking - Backpacks DATE: May 26, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM COST: Free LEADER(S): Chuck Huber 509-939-2644

Graduation trip for Backpack School students. Details to be discussed with students. ______

EVENT: Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) TYPE: Climbing - Top Rope Climbs DATE: May 29, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: John C. Shields Park, East Upriver Drive, Spokane LEADER(S): Brian Hoots 509-868-4048

Join us for an evening of climbing. Bring your gear and set up a route you want to climb. Meet other climbers, share ropes and routes. Opportunity for our new climbers involved in our spring climbing classes or indoor climbers wanting to make transition to the outdoors. The club will not provide any gear or formal instruction. The leader(s) have committed their evenings to get some climbing in and support other climbers. We will climb on the main wall in the beginning and work our way to other areas as the spring progresses. If we are not on the main wall, we will leave a note at the Climber Kiosk. Some of the members tend to arrive as early at 4:30, but most arrive by 5:30. If you are the first to arrive, set up and we will join you. Leave valuables at home or not visible in your car. 42 EVENT: Centennial Trail Spokane Valley to Riverfront Park TYPE: Road Bike DATE: May 29, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mirabeau Point Park, Mirabeau Parkway, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Dave Sorg 509-868-5984

Meet at Mirabeau Point Park, 13500 E Mirabeau Point Pkwy. Will take the Centennial Trail west, through Mission Park and then decide whether to turn around or continue on to Riverfront Park. Round trip to Mission Park and back is about 20 miles. Add 3 round trip if we go all the way to Riverfront Park. ______

EVENT: Beauty/Carlin Tr. #257 TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: May 30, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 05:50 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: CDA, ID LEADER(S): Lynn Smith 208-772-4337

To reach the Mineral Ridge Trailhead leave I-90 at Exit #22 east of Cd’A. Turn right and drive 2.2 miles along the lake until you see the Mineral Ridge parking lot on your left. We’ll carpool from there since trailhead parking is limited. The trail crosses Beauty Creek and ascends the side of Mt Cd’A through National Forest land. Trail is about 5.5 miles RT with 1100 feet of elevation gain. Depending on the spring weather this can be the height of morel mushroom season at this altitude. Hike difficulty is moderate. ______

EVENT: Beacon Hill from Esmeralda Golf Course TYPE: Mountain Bike - Day Ride DATE: May 31, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: Esmeralda Golf Course, East Courtland Avenue, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

Park at Esmeralda Golf Course lot in the back. Be prepared for lots of aerobic climbing, sweeping and flowing trails. This ride is suited for the intermediate rider or strong casuals. We split into different groups based on ability/aerobic capacity. The organizer TBA will organize ride leaders based on turnout. All riders must wear a helmet and sign a waiver. ______

EVENT: Lone Lake Tr.#138 Spring Maintenance Hike TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: June 2, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 08:30 AM - 06:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mullan, ID LEADER(S): Lynn Smith 208-772-4337

Lone Lake is an alpine glacier-carved lake near the Idaho-Montana border. Specific trail needs won’t be apparent until spring melt but usual projects are signage repair, switchback shortcut blocking, blowdown and winter debris removal, brushing, and a lot of drainage issues. Bring gloves, long pants, sturdy shoes, water, lunch, 13 Essentials, and branch loppers 43 if you have them. Other tools and safety gear will be provided. The trail is about 4-5 miles RT with 1400-1600 feet of elevation gain depending on where we park. Directions to Fernan Ranger Station: In Cd’A, leave I-90 on exit 15 (Sherman Street). At the stoplight on Sherman, turn left and go under the freeway overpass; the ranger station will be on your right and we’ll carpool from there. If interested, give leader a call or e-mail so tools and refreshments can be arranged. ______

EVENT: Tuesday Drop In Climbing (John Shields Park) TYPE: Climbing - Top Rope Climbs DATE: June 5, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: John C. Shields Park, East Upriver Drive, Spokane LEADER(S): Brian Hoots 509-868-4048

Join us for an evening of climbing. Bring your gear and set up a route you want to climb. Meet other climbers, share ropes and routes. Opportunity for our new climbers involved in our spring climbing classes or indoor climbers wanting to make transition to the outdoors. The club will not provide any gear or formal instruction. The leader(s) have committed their evenings to get some climbing in and support other climbers. We will climb on the main wall in the beginning and work our way to other areas as the spring progresses. If we are not on the main wall, we will leave a note at the Climber Kiosk. Some of the members tend to arrive as early at 4:30, but most arrive by 5:30. If you are the first to arrive, set up and we will join you. Leave valuables at home or not visible in your car. ______

EVENT: Five Lakes Loop Ride TYPE: Road Bike DATE: June 5, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: Denny’s Harvest Foods, Medical Lake, WA LEADER(S): Lee Windham 509-244-6244, Club Road Bike Chair 509-838-4974

20-mile ride with flat to easy rolling hills providing views of Medical Lake, Clear Lake, Granite Lake, Willow Lake and Silver Lake so you won’t get bored. ______

EVENT: Marie Creek Overlook Hike TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: June 6, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 05:50 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: CDA, ID LEADER(S): Lynn Smith 208-772-4337

Note: New Meeting Spot. Leave I-90 on Exit #22 east of Cd’A. Turn right and drive along the lake 0.3 miles to a turnout area on the right (by Mile 96 sign) and we’ll carpool from there. The hike is entirely on old overgrown logging roads through the National Forest and ends on the highest hill in the area overlooking the large meadow on the Marie Creek trail below. Route is about 6 miles RT with 250 feet of elevation gain. Difficulty is easy. ______

EVENT: Mount Spokane from Selkirk Lodge TYPE: Mountain Bike - Day Ride DATE: June 7, 2018 DAY: Thursday 44 TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: 25211 N Mt Spokane Park Dr, Mead, WA LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

We will park at Selkirk Lodge and split into different groups based on ability/aerobic capacity and ride until dusk. The cross country ski area provides energetic beginners and intermediates with ample terrain while the trails on the summit provide intermediate to expert terrain. The organizer TBA will organize ride leaders based on turnout. Discover pass is required. All riders must wear a helmet and sign a waiver. ______

EVENT: Idaho Centennial Trail Road Bike TYPE: Road Bike DATE: June 10, 2018 DAY: Sunday TIME: 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Riverstone trailhead CDA, ID LEADER(S): Todd Dunfield 509-979-6401, Club Road Bike Chair 509-838-4974

Ride east from Riverstone trailhead to McEuen Park on the Idaho Centennial trail and return. ______

EVENT: Fish LakeTrail Road Ride TYPE: Road Bike DATE: June 12, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Fish Lake Trailhead,at bottom of sunset hill, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Miles Breneman 509-838-8415, Club Road Bike Chair 509-838-4974

Ride the Fish Lake trail to the gated end and back for an 18-mile round trip on a gentle grade. ______

EVENT: Knothead Trail Overlooks TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: June 13, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 05:50 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Little Spokane River Natural Area, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Lynn Smith 208-772-4337

Meet at Indian Painted Rocks. In NW Spokane, take Francis St west to the 3100 block. Go north on Indian Trail Rd about 5.5 miles. Trailhead parking lot is just past the bridge over the Little Spokane River. This hike goes downstream along the Little Spokane River then up the Knothead Trail through the 2015 fire area. We’ll finish on the highest overlooks of the river on new trail constructed by the Washington Trails Association over the last several years. From the highpoints we’ll retrace our steps back to the trailhead. Route is about 7 miles RT with about 800 feet of elevation gain. Difficulty is moderate. Discover Pass is required to park. ______

EVENT: Tower Mountain from Ferret Drive TYPE: Mountain Bike - Day Ride DATE: June 14, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM COST: Free MEET: 10507 East Ferret Drive, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

We’ll ride the trails of Iller Creek and aka Tower Mountain. There are 45 spectacular views of both the Spokane Valley and the Palouse. LOTS of climbing and some technical downhill sections, so adventurous intermediate riders and above, please. Meet at 10507 E. Ferret Drive, the Giegel house. Take Dishman-Mica south to Shafer Rd. (just past 32nd). Right onto Shafer to 44th. Left on 44th to Van Marter. Right on Van Marter and up hill to Ferret on the Right. RIGHT on Ferret to 10507. We split into different groups based on ability/aerobic capacity. The organizer Joe Giegel will organize ride leaders based on turnout. All riders must wear a helmet and sign a waiver. ______

EVENT: Stevens Lakes Spring Maintenance Hike TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: June 16, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 08:30 AM - 06:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Mullan, ID LEADER(S): Lynn Smith 208-772-4337

The two Stevens Lakes are alpine lakes in glacier-carved basins near the Idaho/Montana border. Locally popular with backpackers, the lakes are often the site of Mountain School snow practice. Trail needs won’t be evident until spring melt but last year we improved signage, removed winter blowdowns and debris, blocked shortcuts, did some drainage, brushing and tread work, and a little litter pick-up at camp sites. Wear long pants and sturdy shoes, and bring gloves, lunch, water, and clothes for the weather. Tools and safety gear will be provided. Trail is about 5 miles RT with 1500 feet of elevation gain to the Lower Lake which is usually where we stop due to snow conditions. To Fernan Ranger Station: In Cd’A, leave I-90 at Exit 15 (Sherman Ave). At the stoplight on Sherman, turn left and go under the freeway overpass and the ranger station will be on your right. We’ll carpool from there. If interested, give leader a call or e-mail so tools and refreshments can be arranged. ______

EVENT: Conservation Committee Meeting TYPE: Conservation DATE: June 18, 2018 DAY: Monday TIME: 06:00 PM - 06:50 PM COST: Free MEET: Mountain Gear Corporate, East Mansfield Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Club Conservation Chair 509-838-4974

This is the monthly meeting of the Conservation Committee. Contact: conservation_chair@ for meeting agenda and to share topics for review. ______

EVENT: NW Little Spokane Cruise TYPE: Road Bike DATE: June 19, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: Rosauer’s 5 Mile West Francis LEADER(S): Lee Windham 509-244-6244

North out Maple-Country Homes Blvd to Wall-Waikiki through roundabout west on Waikiki past Kalispel Golf and Country Club, the fish hatchery and Saint George’s School across the Little Spokane onto Rutter Parkway gently descending-rolling-ascending along the Little Spokane to the Painted Rocks trailhead across the Little Spokane, low point, gently climbing Rutter Pkwy into Indian Trail and back into the city to west Francis east to Rosauer’s and the finish.....about 15 miles....great ride. 46 EVENT: Saltese Uplands & BBQ at the Pierce’s TYPE: Mountain Bike - Day Ride DATE: June 21, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM COST: Free MEET: Saltese Uplands Conservation Area, Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

Saltese Uplands Conservation Area features fairly smooth terrain but there is some climbing involved, especially if you summit, so it’s suitable for energetic casuals, or intermediate and above riders. I-90 to Barker Rd, exit and meet at the trailhead at 1500 S Henry Rd off of Sprague Avenue. We split into different groups based on ability/aerobic capacity. The organizer Bill Pierce will organize ride leaders based on turnout. All riders must wear a helmet and sign a waiver. After the ride we will drive over to the Pierce’s new home near the Centennial Trail for BBQ and drinks. Address: 19859 E Riverwalk Ave, Liberty Lake ______

EVENT: Echo Bay TYPE: Paddling DATE: June 24, 2018 DAY: Sunday TIME: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Pend Oreille Lake LEADER(S): Chic Burge 208-659-8183

Echo Bay is located due east of Farrugut S.P. After crossing the lake, we will paddle along the steep cliffs where the mountain goats hang out to Echo Bay. Please bring a lunch, libations as desired, snacks, your 13 essentials, dress for all weather conditions, and of course your PFD’S. I will provide a map for each paddler. Besides the goats, the big draw is the endless supply of perfect skipping rocks all along the route. If you have any questions, PLEASE CALL ME at 208.659.8183 ______

EVENT: Dishman-Mica - Palouse Road Bike TYPE: Road Bike DATE: June 26, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: Moran Prairie Elementary, East 57th Avenue, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Denise Beardslee 509-448-5714, Club Road Bike Chair 509-838-4974

Loop ride Palouse Hwy to Dishman-Mica to 57th ______

EVENT: High Drive Bluff Trails and BBQ TYPE: Mountain Bike - Day Ride DATE: June 28, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM COST: Free MEET: 206 West High Drive, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

Parking area is on High Drive where it intersects with Bernard Dr (make a left from Bernard and park in any of the pullouts on High Drive). The High Drive trails are mostly single track and better suited for the intermediate rider (with little fear of narrow side hill trails). The views are fantastic from the trails on the bluff. Afterward enjoy a BBQ nearby!

We split into different groups based on ability/aerobic capacity. Our organizer Jeff Mergler will assign ride leaders based on turnout. All riders must wear a helmet and sign a waiver. 47 EVENT: Blossom Lake/Alternate Graduation Backpack TYPE: Hiking - Backpacks DATE: June 29, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 12:00 PM - 10:00 AM COST: Free MEET: Blossom Lake, Mt LEADER(S): Chris Baldini 509-924-4608 / 993-8971 (c)

The hike to Blossom lake starts at 4,852 Ft Thompson Pass. The trail winds through big trees and dense timber before climbing often steeply up to Lower Blossom. Another mile takes us to Upper Blossom where we will camp. We can day hike to Pear Lake and Glidden Ridge above Pear Lake, or hang out in camp with a good book! Limited to 6 tents, students will be given priority. Rsvp Chris Baldini - 993-8971 ______

EVENT: Early Start Leaders’ Choice Wed Afternoon/Evening Hike TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: July 4, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 04:00 PM - 09:00 PM COST: Free LEADER(S): Wendy Huber 509-939-3717

Join us on this holiday for an early Wed night hike - start time will be no later than 4:00 PM, end time will be early enough for those who want to see the fireworks! LocationTBD, but will have the details before the next Kinni is out. Leaders Wendy & Chuck Huber, 509-939-3717 & 590-939-2644, [email protected] & [email protected] ______

EVENT: Valley Chapel Road Bike TYPE: Road Bike DATE: July 10, 2018 DAY: Tuesday TIME: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Moran Prairie Elementary, East 57th Avenue, Spokane, WA LEADER(S): Denise Beardslee 509-448-5714, Club Road Bike Chair 509-838-4974

Ride out Valley Chapel Road to Latah Bridge and return ______

EVENT: Cycle Oregon TYPE: Road Bike DATE: July 13, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 05:00 PM - 05:00 PM COST: Free LEADER(S): Denise Beardslee 509-448-5714, Club Road Bike Chair 509-838-4974

This year’s Cycle Oregon weekend ride is in Eugene, OR. Saturday milages are 17- 41 or 76. Sunday 11- 45/53 or 62 miles. Meals, snacks and all support services are provided. For more information go to or contact Denise Beardslee. ______

EVENT: Leigh Lake Double Triathlon TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: July 14, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Cabinet Mountain Wilderness LEADER(S): Chic Burge 208-659-8183


In our region, the Leigh Lake hike and paddle is one of the very best adventures you can have. We will meet at Henry’s restaurant near the Rousaur’s grocery store on the main drag on Saturday. After dinner we will drive to a primitive campsite just below the trailhead where we will camp for the night. On Sunday morning we will drive to the trailhead and begin the hike. It’s only 1.5 miles to the lake, but gains 900 vertical feet on a moderate to slightly difficult trail. Our first break on the hike will be at Leigh Creek Falls. From here the trail gets steep and climbs about 200 vertical feet to the easy trail to the lake. At the lake we will inflate our rafts and get everyone on the water. The paddle around the lake is less than a mile to the lunch site. Along the way, we will paddle below a 3000’ granite wall with hundreds of waterfalls and a huge snow terminus on its face. In the southwest corner of the lake is a small beach to have our lunch. An option here will be a stroll up into the amphitheater after lunch. The paddle back to the take out is about a mile, where we will deflate our rafts and hike back to our cars. This trip is limited to 5 paddlers.

I can supply the rafts, 3 kayak paddles and 4 PFD’S. If you have a long paddle, please bring them. In all the years I’ve done this trip, no one has ever gone overboard, but we should all have PFD’S just in case. With any degree of luck, we will have icebergs on the lake to paddle around. Be sure to bring your camera. Please sign up early and call if you have any questions. I will provide forest and Topo maps for all attendees. Please no dogs or children. Also, if anyone wants to do just the hike to the lake, please feel free to come along. ______

EVENT: Summer Outing/Car Camp TYPE: Clubwide DATE: July 25, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 12:00 PM - 10:00 AM COST: Free MEET: Bonaparte Lake Campground, Tonasket, WA LEADER(S): Margaret Herron 509-994-1115

Summer Outing/Car Camp – Bonaparte Lake Wednesday July 25th through Sunday July 29th Coordinator- Margaret Herron - Home phone – 509-994-1115 Arrival time: Anytime after 12:00 p.m. July 25th Checkout time: 10:00 am Sunday, July 29 Cost: TBA ($ cheap) The Okanagan Highlands is the destination for this year’s campout. Bonaparte Lake group campsite has been reserved from Wednesday July 25th through Sunday July 29th. The campground is located on the southern edge of Bonaparte Lake east of Tonasket, WA, in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. The setting of the campground is in a mixed ponderosa pine and Douglas fir conifer forest at the base of Bonaparte Mountain.The group site is equipped with drinking water, picnic tables, campfire grills, a community fire pit, RV/ Camper parking and room for tent sites. A group shelter is available at the site. Drinking water, vault and flush toilets are also available in the campground. Access to the lake and boat launch are within walking distance. Kayaker’s will have a choice of several lakes to choose from; all within a 10-mile radius of the campground. There are a variety of trails to hike in the area. The two-mile Pipsissewa trail and the seven-mile Bonaparte Mountain Fire Lookout trail can be accessed from the campground.

Location: Bonaparte Lake is 26 miles west of Republic, WA, about half way between Tonasket and Republic, 6 miles off of Highway 20. ATTENTION: Campers with large Motor Homes/ RV’s There is no electricity / water / sewer site hook-ups at this site. Bonaparte Lake Resort is less that 0.2 of a mile from the campground. They offer full hookups for $28/night as well as cabin rentals. More information will be available in the Summer Kinnikinic. 49 EVENT: Harrison Peak Dayhike TYPE: Hiking DATE: July 29, 2018 DAY: Sunday TIME: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM COST: Free MEET: American Selkirks LEADER(S): Chic Burge 208-659-8183


Last year I led the hike to Harrison Lake and Peak, but weather and the summer’s only rain stopped us from reaching the summit. This year we will hike to the lake and enjoy a break before heading up a climber’s trail to the east side of the summit. From here it’s an easy scramble to the top where we will have our lunch. For the descent, we will hike Harrison Peak’s north ridge to view the spectacular overhang that is the summit block, and drop down to trail #6 to get out. Harrison Lake is located at the far north end of the Pack River. To get to the trailhead, drive north on 95 past Sandpoint for 10.5 miles to the Samuels (there is a gas mart on the left). Turn left (west) up the Pack River road #231 for 20 miles on a good quality road to the very end.

Please bring your 13 essentials, a lunch, trail snacks, two bottles of water, dress for all weather conditions, and your camera. There is no limit on group size, but everyone should be able to do easy scrambling. Please no dogs or children for this hike. I will bring my water filter for refills as needed. I will provide forest and Topo maps for all hikers. If you have any questions about the hike, please call. ______

EVENT: Fall Autumn Kinni Deadline TYPE: Clubwide DATE: August 1, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 11:40 PM - 11:50 PM COST: Free LEADER(S): Club Editor 509-838-4974

Materials for Fall/Autumn Kinni are due today. Welcome any submissions in advance to [email protected]. Club Bylaw Changes, Ballot, and Annual Meeting and Banquet information is needed. ______

EVENT: Rocks of Sharon via Valley Route TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: August 8, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 05:50 PM - 08:00 PM COST: Free MEET: Spokane Valley, WA LEADER(S): Chris Baldini 509-924-4608 / 993-8971 (c)

A 5-ish mile loop to the Rocks of Sharon. We will take the Valley Route, use the recently brushed out connector trail (thanks, WTA) then up to the Rocks. This hike is dog friendly, but must be leashed. Trailhead: Take Dishman Mica to Schafer Road. Turn right onto 44th, left onto Farr Road; right onto Holman Road. Trailhead is at the end of the road. Questions - call Chris 509-993-8971. ______

EVENT: Lower Marie Creek Wednesday Night Hike TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: August 15, 2018 DAY: Wednesday 50 TIME: 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: Wolf Lodge District LEADER(S): Chic Burge 208-659-8183

This will be a classic Lynn Smith hike up Marie Creek. The hike is about 5 miles round with 450’ of gain coming and going. Please everyone bring your headlamps as we often don’t get to the cars until after dark. Difficulty is moderate and can be wet.Any questions please call me at 208.659.8183 ______

EVENT: San Juan Islands Bike Ride TYPE: Road Bike DATE: September 5, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 04:00 PM - 10:00 AM COST: Free MEET: San Juan Island, Friday Harbor, WA LEADER(S): Martin Ward 509-276-8158

3rd annual San Juan Island bike ride. We have a nicely furnished cabin on San Juan Island. Cost is $200 per person for 4 nights lodging. We will ride the ferry to a different island each day, San Juan, Orcas, and Lopez. Sunday on the return we will make an optional stop in Wenatchee for another ride and dinner before returning home. ______

EVENT: Post Falls New Upper Falls Community Forest Wednesday Night Hike TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: September 12, 2018 DAY: Wednesday TIME: 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM COST: Free MEET: W. Riverview Dr. Trailhead LEADER(S): Chic Burge 208-659-8183

The city of Post Falls has recently purchased 520 acres of land west and south of Q’emlin Park. The Upper Falls Community Forest offers about a 2-mile hike along the Spokane River on its north border, and runs up to West Riverview Drive near Signal Point Road. We will meet at the upper trailhead on West Riverview Road just east of Signal Point Road. From the trailhead, hike down the road to the hairpin turn. From here we will go off road down through an isolated canyon (with a primitive trail) in the middle of UFCF. As we near the Spokane River, the trail is right next to the river and heads east to the Avista power station and the climbing area. The return hike will be up an old road on the east side of the UFCF.

This hike is about six miles round trip with about 600’ of loss to the river. I think we can get out by dark, but please bring a headlamp. If you are coming from Spokane, take the State Line exit, and turn right (south) onto Spokane Bridge Road for about 1 mile. Veer left onto W. Riverview Dr. for about 5 miles to the upper trailhead parking area. From CDA drive across the Spokane Street bridge and continue uphill and west for about 2 miles to the W. Riverview Dr. trailhead. Call me at 208-659-8183 if you need more info. ______

EVENT: Selkirk Crest Loop Hike TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: September 23, 2018 DAY: Sunday TIME: 06:00 AM - 06:00 PM COST: Free MEET: American Selkirks LEADER(S): Chic Burge 208-659-8183 51 PLEASE CALL ME AT 208-659-8183 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING THIS HIKE.

In my opinion, there is not a more spectacular hike/scramble in our region than the Selkirk Crest Loop Hike. Because of the start time (7am), I am camping at the trailhead the night before. We will hike to Harrison Lake and have a snack before heading up to the crest via the west end of the lake. Once on the crest, we will have our first lunch with incredible views all around. Depending on the group’s strength, we can summit 3 of the 7 peaks along the Seven Sisters. Below the crest is a high meadows that we will make our way down to, to get to Little Harrison Lake where we will have our second lunch and a nap before heading over the ridgeline to the Beehive Lakes. The walk out is about 4 miles to the trailhead. All in all the hike is about 8 miles and gains less then 4000 feet.

PLEASE EVERYONE, bring your 13 essentials, two lunches, trail snacks, rugged hiking boots, your camera and dress for all weather conditions. Hiking poles help for the hike out. I’ll bring my water purifier so we don’t have to carry too much water. To get to the trailhead, drive north on 95 past Sandpoint for 10.5 miles to Samuels (there is a gas mart on the left). Turn left (west) up the Pack River road #231 for 20 miles on a good quality road to the very end. I will provide forest and Topo maps for all hikers. PLEASE CALL ME at 208.659.8183 for more info, and to get approval to go on the hike. ______

EVENT: Priest Lake Weekend TYPE: Mountain Bike Multi-Day Outing DATE: September 28, 2018 DAY: Friday TIME: 05:00 PM - 11:00 AM COST: Free MEET: Hill’s Resort, West Lakeshore Road, Priest Lake, ID LEADER(S): Club Mtb Chair (Jeff Mergler) 201-981-8179

New for 2018: we’ve moved the weekend from October to late September to get better weather! Otherwise this is a fun weekend of mountain bike riding or hiking on trails adjacent to and in the vicinity of Priest Lake. There will be opportunities for riders of all abilities. We have two very nice adjacent cabins at Hills Resort (Unit #235 and #246) that have enough beds for about 24 people. Arrive Friday evening as the cabins are available for check-in after 4 PM.

For those who want to ride on Sunday there will be opportunities, but hiking or paddling on Saturday or Sunday are also options to consider. Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast and all lunches are on your own. Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast will be potluck. The potlucks will be divided up so you only have to furnish something for either breakfast or dinner but not both (couples are expected to bring two dishes). Further information regarding the potluck will be sent out closer to the date of the event. The largest cabin is used for the potluck and becomes quite crowded ; therefore to be fair the potluck is reserved for only those paying to stay at the cabins. We appreciate your understanding regarding this issue. Cost for the cabin is $75 per person for shared lofts of 3 or 4 people and $170/couple for a private bedroom or a private loft. For the main rides on Saturday we will meet in front of the cabins at 9am to divide into groups and carpool to the trailheads. Bring a lunch for the trail and plan on being out until about 3-4 PM. Contact Jeff at 201-981-8179 or jeffreymergler@ for further details or to reserve your spot. Unit 235: lofts-2-bath-fireplace/unit-235/ Unit 236: fireplace/unit-246/ 52 EVENT: Beehive Lake Loop Hike TYPE: Hiking - Day Hike DATE: October 7, 2018 DAY: Sunday TIME: 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM COST: Free MEET: American Selkirks LEADER(S): Chic Burge 208-659-8183


Beehive Lake is located below the North and South Twins of the Seven Sisters, in the American Selkirks. In our Historical archives, I have photos from an old member, Frank Hefferlin from the 40’s and 50’s. I will make copies of, to compare the hike then and now. The hike to the upper lake is about 4.5 miles where we will enjoy the scenery and have a snack before heading up the south end of the lake. From the lake up there is no trail, but the hike will be on easy scree and boulder fields.

At the South Twin, we will have our lunch with incredible views. The hike after lunch is along the Selkirk Crest to the North Twin. This section of the crest has exceptional views of the very ragged crest. At this point we will descend down the very scenic ridge between Beehive Lake and Little Harrison Lake. At Beehive Lake we will enjoy the view of our hike and have a snack before heading back to our cars. This hike is about 13 miles round with about 3500 feet of gain.

Please bring your 13 essentials, lunch, trail snacks, 2 quarts of water, your camera, and dress for all weather conditions. Hiking poles are recommended. I will bring my water filter so we don’t have to carry a lot of water. To get to the trailhead, drive north on 95 past Sandpoint for 10.5 miles to Samuel. The junction has a gas mart on the west side of 95. Drive the 19 miles on the Pack River road # 231 to a sign for Beehive Lake trailhead. I will provide a copy of the forest and Topo maps for each hiker. If you have any questions about this hike, PLEASE CALL ME at 208-659-8183 ______

EVENT: Wilderness First Aid Certification Course TYPE: Clubwide DATE: October 13, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM COST: Free LEADER(S): Carrie Carlquist 509-290-3184, Chuck Huber 509-939-2644

Wilderness First Aid Certification is one of the most important skill sets to have in the backcountry. This weekend class will teach skills necessary when professional medical help is an indefinite time or distance away. Environmental aspects of backcountry emergency situations will be covered in detail. Class conducted by Longleaf Wilderness Medicine will span two eight-hour days. Certification is good for two years. This class may serve as recertification for Wilderness First Responders.

Food will be included as part of the fee. You may make arrangements to spend the night at the Chalet. Full certification must include CPR certification, a companion course unit is offered on Friday evening, see separate listing in Clubwide Events for details. Class size is limited so don’t delay registration. Club Members receive a substantial discount rate.

Non-members pay standard tuition Lunch is included. Members need to send a message to Chuck Huber in order to receive discount code, then register and pay at the Longleaf Wilderness Medicine web page. 53 EVENT: Group Use of Chalet: Wilderness First Aid Certification TYPE: Chalet - Overnight Stay DATE: October 13, 2018 DAY: Saturday TIME: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM COST: Free LEADER(S): Chuck Huber 509-939-2644

See Clubwide Event section for details ______

EVENT: Winter Kinni Deadline TYPE: Clubwide DATE: November 1, 2018 DAY: Thursday TIME: 11:40 PM - 11:50 PM COST: Free LEADER(S): Club Editor 509-838-4974

Materials for Winter Kinni are due today. Welcome any submissions in advance to editorial@ Mountain and Backpack School Registration and schedules are due. Also changes to club leadership information from the Annual Meeting Elections and updates are due.

Contemplating the meaning of life Photo by Gretje Witt 54 OFFICERS & BOARD MEMBERS [email protected] [email protected]

President Matt Jeffries2 ...... 360-303-7495 [email protected] Vice-President “Marty” Newell-Large2.475-9925 [email protected] Secretary Annie Jensen1...... 263-4709 [email protected] Treasurer John Miskulin1...... 924-2146 [email protected] Board of Trustees Andrew Radcliff2 .208-818-5075 [email protected] Lisa Bradley1...... 448-6302 [email protected] Miles Breneman1...... 838-8415 [email protected] Brad Herr1...... 448-6302 [email protected] Samantha Journot2....474-9967 [email protected] Robert Koster2...... 489.2998 [email protected] Carrie Carlquist 2...... 290-3184 [email protected] Glenn Potter2...... 993-5100 [email protected] Brenda Smits1...... 939-3402 [email protected] Pat Sullivan1...... 208-263-1824 [email protected] 1 Term ends Fall 2018 2 Term ends Fall 2019

COMMITTEE MEMBERS (CHAIR DENOTED IN BOLD) Please send changes to [email protected]

ADVENTURE EXPLORATION Carrie Carlquist...... 290-3184 Sara Schmelzer...... 270-8867 [email protected] [email protected] Lindsay Chutas...... 206-409-4394 Jon Thorpe...... 255-6405 [email protected] AWARDS Patty Danner...... 995-4165 [email protected] BACKPACK SCHOOL Brad Herr...... 448-6302 Shuwen Wang...... 717-370-1910 [email protected] [email protected] Brian Hoots...... 868-4048 Tyler Nyman...... 270-8236 [email protected] [email protected] Matt Jeffries...... 360-303-7495 CENTENNIAL TRAIL [email protected] Debbie Pierce...... 927-8764 Merideth Jeffries...... Bill Pierce...... 927-8764 [email protected] [email protected] Marc Kiehn...... 466-7724 [email protected] CHALET Nancy Kiehn...... 466-7724 Holly Weiler...... 921-8928 [email protected] [email protected] Bob Loomis...... 710-5102 Miles Breneman ...... 838-8415 [email protected] Chic Burge ...... 208-659-8183 David McIlrath...... 499-7774 Paul Evans...... 953-3444 [email protected] Darcy Varona ...... 208-793-9936 John Miskulin...... 924-2146 CLIMBING [email protected] Rich Bennett...... 208-661-7575 Todd Nelson...... 208-699-5647 [email protected] [email protected] 55 Glenn Potter...... 993-5100 HIKING [email protected] Miles Breneman ...... 838-8415 Andrew Ratcliff...... 208-818-5075 [email protected] [email protected] Holly Weiler ...... 921-8928 Kirt Runolfson...... 789-2435 [email protected] [email protected] Chris Baldini...... 993-8971 Sara Schmelzer...... 270-8867 [email protected] [email protected] Dennis Cowley ...... 926-7774 Carol Smucker...... 465-3834 [email protected] [email protected] Todd Dunfield...... 979-6401 Jon Thorpe...... 255-6405 [email protected] [email protected] Lorna Emerich...... 844-2778 Karen Vielle...... 326-4151 [email protected] [email protected] Paul Evans...... 953-3444 CONSERVATION [email protected] Luke Bakken...... 459-3339 Debb Hansen ...... 499-6533 [email protected] [email protected] Andrew Ashmore...... 208-762-0120 Chuck Huber...... 939-2644 Jace Bylenga...... 269-377-5658 [email protected] Chic Burge...... 208-659-8183 Wendy Huber...... 939-3717 Vicki Egesdal...... 251-0280 [email protected] Paul Eichin...... 238-2300 Samantha Journot...... 474-9967 Paul Evans...... 953-3444 [email protected] Bill Fix ...... 838-2108 Susan Nash...... 999-5708 Lunell Haught...... 443-1319 [email protected] Jeff Juel...... 688-5956 Tyler Nyman...... 270-8236 Jeff Lambert...... 999-5100 [email protected] Lynn Smith ...... 208-772-4337 Ken Ratz...... 209-6321 Holly Weiler...... 921-8928 Greg Ropp...... 230-8245 [email protected] Dave Rovick...... 994-2506 EDITORIAL [email protected] Gretje Witt...... 219-310-0424 Lynn Smith ...... 208-772-4337 [email protected] [email protected] Wendy Huber...... 939-3717 Shuwen Wang...... 717-370-1910 Samantha Journot...... 474-9967 [email protected] Carol Smucker...... 465-3834 Sharon Yablon...... 208-818-6975 [email protected] ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS [email protected] HISTORY Brian Hoots...... 868-4048 Chic Burge...... 208-659-8183 Luke Bakken...... 459-3339 [email protected] Lisa Bradley (weekly email)...... 448-6302 Holly Weiler...... 921-8928 Brad Herr...... 448-6302 Chuck Huber...... 939-2644 LEADERSHIP Samantha Journot...... 474-9967 [email protected] Susan Nash...... 999-5708 Brian Hoots...... 868-4048 Matthew Inman...... 360-207-1565 Chuck Huber...... 939-2644 Sandra Saathoff (pic of the week) 244-1318 LIBRARIAN Dave Sorg...... 868-5984 Steve Reynolds ...... 466-3004 Holly Weiler...... 921-8928 [email protected] 56 MEMBERSHIP Evelyn Wilhelmson...... 998-6743 Susan Nash...... 999-5708 [email protected] [email protected] ROAD BIKING Brian Hoots...... 868-4048 [email protected] MOUNTAIN BIKING Martin Ward...... 276-8158 Jeff Mergler...... 210-981-8179 Denise Beardslee...... 448-5714 [email protected] Dan Robisch...... 208-651-2016 Joe Giegel ...... 926-9282 Jane Schelly...... 922-3496 Lisa Giegel...... 926-9282 Bonnie Ulbright...... 238-3038 Mardi Hardwick...... 795-9549 Paul Eichin ...... 238-2300 Lisa Helmbrecht...... 747-5522 SKIING Steve Kent...... 939-5962 Eric Ryan (Alpine)...... 998-3015 Randy LaBeff...... 747-5522 [email protected] Bob McLellan ...... 995-5041 Dennis Cowley (Nordic)...... 768-6362 Catherine Moss...... 954-0971 [email protected] Dianne Murray...... 710-3511 Landon Crecelius (Backcountry).988-5825 Bill Pierce...... 927-8764 [email protected] Debbie Pierce...... 927-8764 Nick Pontarolo (Backcountry).954-7639 Kevin Roark...... 951-4189 [email protected] Chris Roberts...... 998-4004 Marti Breneman...... 838-8415 Diana Roberts...... 838-2815 Miles Breneman...... 838-8415 Eric Ryan...... 325-2595 Connie Connelly...... 747-8018 Russ Schwartz...... 206-276-0418 Paul Evans...... 466-5140 Teresa Watson...... 238-6776 Lisa Helmbrecht...... 747-5522 Carl Wheatley...... 448-5357 Randy Labeff...... 747-5522 MOUNTAIN SCHOOL John Latta...... 624-7120 John Miskulin...... 924-2146 Bill Pierce...... 926-8764 [email protected] Deb Pierce...... 926-8764 Anne-Marie Bergeleen Lou Slak...... 455-8109 [email protected] John Bergeleen SOCIAL [email protected] Chris Baldini...... 927-9356 PADDLE SPORTS [email protected] Martin Newell-Large...... 475-9925 [email protected] Karen Carlberg...... 624-6989 SPOKANE MOUNTAINEERS FOUNDATION [email protected] [email protected] Ann Dixon...... 993-1871 Jeff Lambert...... 999-5100 [email protected] [email protected] Leslie Harrington...... 690-0495 Chic Burge...... 208-659-8183 Vice-President [email protected] David Keckalo...... 460-670-1740 John Latta...... 624-7120 Treasurer [email protected] Sabrina Keckalo...... 723-6271 Annie Jensen...... 263-4709 Secretary [email protected] Norman Ogden...... 979-3865 Carol Bjork...... 879-0996 [email protected] Bill Fix...... 536-6738 Scott Schell...... 954-6788 Tim Orton...... 720-373-0795 [email protected] Susan Nash...... 999-5708 Brian Walter...... 990-2667 Holly Weiler...... 921-8928


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