’s Complicity in the 9/11 Attacks Page 1 of 12

Was the Bush administration complicit in the 9/11 terrorist attacks? September 11 is not a day to be easily forgotten. As such, the truth of it is as important as ever as its ramifications and consequences are still with us today. Our consciousness remembers it as clearly as it remembers the sun rising. We cannot let the, “official” government, state, corporate-financed, politically correct version of the 9/11 events cloud our judgments and senses. We must think for ourselves. We may be considered, “ludicrous” or even, “insane” in our attempt to dig out the truth of 9/11, but if we do not, history will be doomed to repeat itself. Better to know the truth than be in the dark. This essay is about whether or not Bush was complicit in the 9/11 attacks. The answer is a resounding yes. I will show this through chronology, and many perspectives; not just political, but also geopolitical, esoteric, historical, and scientific perspectives. All possibilities will be considered. Scepticism is critical, but so is doubt. George W Bush, son of George H.W. Bush, Skull & Bones, son of the former Director of the CIA, and friend of Osama bin Laden was complicit in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. I am going to look at this issue from a chronological perspective, as well as consider all the possibilities. First, we must know something about the character of the and its legacy. Bush, the son of funded the Nazi’s before, during, and after World War II by supporting Hitler and the Nazi regime with finance and weapons through Brown Brothers Harriman. Prescott Bush managed to become a senator after this debacle because of his high friends within congress and the Establishment itself. This is well documented by Alex Jones and even on Wikipedia. Prescott Bush was also a member of the infamous, esoteric secret society called Skull & Bones in his Yale years. Yale University is located in New Haven, Connecticut. There, Prescott met the powerful, influential, and power-hungry Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Harrimans, and the Whitneys. These families are the real rulers of Washington D.C and its foreign policy. Their base of operation is offshore, and they control the biggest, most powerful and Olympian institutions. A few of these institutions include the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rhodes-Miler Round Table Groups, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg groups. These organizations are devoted to the service of the ruling establishment and their goals of power. They are members of media, education, intelligence, business, finance, head of states, entertainment, politics, academia, military, religion, and New Age occultism. Skull & Bones is the heart of America’s ruling elite. Skull & Bones is also a derivative of the German secret society – the Thule Society and Vril Society. These organizations and secret orders are dedicated to a global government, a global religion, racial purity, fascism, socialism, communism, humanism, death-worship, Aryan supremacy, esoteric dark magick, and world domination. This is the true nature of the secret societies that rule the world, and Prescott has everything to gain by being a part of such a dangerous, dark, and devastating fraternity. His son, George H.W. Bush, just as corrupt and contempt towards power and those below him, created the Zapata oil company, and aided in the administration of the Central Intelligence Agency, the C.I.A. Through Zapata, Bush was able to gain the alliance of the bin Laden family in Saudi Arabia during the 70s. Through being Director the C.I.A, Bush Senior was aided in his oil business with his bin Laden allies. Bin Laden helped Bush with his illegal drug smuggling as well, and was aided in their notorious, “terrorist” activities. When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in the 1980s, Bush supported the, “terrorist” organization he helped form – Al-Qaeda. When the Soviets were out of the way, bin Laden and his army of then, “freedom fighters” were also complicit in the Kosovo crisis through terrorism and bombing campaigns that Bush’s Complicity in the 9/11 Attacks Page 2 of 12 aided NATO. The death of thousands of innocent civilians were casually passed by as, “collateral damage.” In 1989, Bush was finally elected President of the United States through his Rockefeller connections and his ambition for power. The Soviet Union “collapsed” two years later. When the Soviet bogeyman served their purpose in the plan for American global hegemony, a new terrorist or enemy is needed. That enemy or terrorist is Saddam Hussein, Al-Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden, and the host of old puppets who are now considered, “inconvenient.” Because Saddam Hussein misread Washington’s signals when he asked if it was okay to attack Kuwait because it was stealing Iraqi oil, Bush and his cronies gave the go-ahead. When Saddam did finally invade Kuwait, the international community was shocked, and Bush manipulated the United Nations into allowing NATO to intervene on behalf of a, “powerless” nation. Neither Kuwaitis nor Iraqis were forgiven, both sides were heavily bombed to the Stone Age. Once again, the death of hundreds of thousands were passed by as of minimal importance and not considered news. In 1990, September 11, at 9:09 pm, Bush announced the, “New World Order.” What then, we must ask ourselves, is the, “New World Order?” For whose benefit? Why? And how can it be achieved and what will this New World Order look like? According to Webster Tarpley, the “New World Order” should be more accurately be called the, “Anglo-American New World Order” because it is purely Anglo-American. Its aim is nothing less than the control of the world through British and American hegemony in all aspects. It is primarily the British and the Americans were are interested in invading helpless nations, and making them their colonies in the postmodern age. The actual goal of the invasion of Iraq is the oil. It always has been. Since Iraq controls the world’s second biggest source of oil, it is vital for, “American interests” that they – the Establishment should control this vital source of wealth. If Saudi Arabia will not comply, they will be next. As long as there are obedient dictators following the established Washington-Wall Street-Whitehall consensus regarding foreign policy and imperialism, they will have no troubles. They will be armed, supported, financed, and aided in any shape, way, and form imaginable. From Hitler, Lenin, Stain, and Suharto in Indonesia to the Khmer Rouge and the Taliban, as well as the Ba’ath Party…the Anglo-American Establishment has always supported ruthless dictators who will kill thousands in the name of foreign interests. This has always been the tactic of world domination. Payoff, bribery, corruption, and assassinations, as well as coups are favourite strategies of the global superpower: America. This is impossible of course, without the foundation of the School of the Americas, the most obnoxious and bleakest institute that funds, trains, and arms rogues, renegades, and radicals. The art of terror, interrogation, and torture are taught in this institute. The 2000 Elections insured that Bush Junior would take his father’s mantle of power. Clinton may be gone, but the game of the New World Order lives on. The Oklahoma bombings, the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, and the Branch Davidian crises were all created to soften the American and global public for what was coming. The war on terror has been in the schedule since Clinton’s time. Anti-terror laws were passed and gun rights are further restricted. The right to bear arms has slowly, gradually been considered a crime. Clinton’s war crimes included the continued bombing of Kosovo and the Balkans, the bombing of an aspirin or chemical plant that supposedly harboured, “terrorists.” There were none. Further, with the end of the First Persian , the sanctions on Iraq were enforced by Britain and America to prepare for Gulf War Two. The death of 500 000 or more children was brushed aside by Madeline Albright as, “worth it” in terms of the oil, money, and power that was achieved. Neither Kurds, Shias nor Sunnis were differentiated in the ruthless sanctions that were illegal nearly 20 years ago imposed on Bush’s Complicity in the 9/11 Attacks Page 3 of 12

Iraq, a threat to neither the United States nor the United Kingdom. The United Nations condoned the sanctions, and it was and still is genocide in its crudest form. All this information can be verified on Wikipedia and at Johnpilger.com. Back to the election of 2000, Bush Junior, like his father and grandfather, is a member of the Skull & Bones Secret Society. When asked about it on TV in 2004 when he was contesting against his, “rival” Bonesmen John Kerry, both men were told they cannot say anything about it because it was a, “secret.” The ramifications are that clearly there is a conflict of interest between the position of being the President of the United States and being a member of a secret fraternal, death cult worshipping society that is accountable to nobody but itself and its minions and masters. Bush even stated during his 2000 election that it would be easier if the country (United States) were a dictatorship, it would be, “a whole heck of a lot easier if [he] were the dictator.” Like his father, Bush Junior was involved with the oil business and still is to this day. His father is also a member of the Carlyle Group, a global arms contractor and financier of dictators, state terrorists, and oil tycoons associated with the other two groups. Bush serves the oil business, the international financiers, the weapons manufacturers and dealers. His interest lies with power, profit and perverted pleasure. He has no interest for the people, and has no reason to do so because he is neither Middle Class, nor has ever worked too hard in this life to get what he want. His entire administration during his years is proof: Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Wolfowitz, and George Tenet amongst the many neo-cons that were appointed to his office to serve the interests of the American military-industrial complex. Almost all of Bush’s administration includes memberships in the C.F.R, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. As stated earlier, these unelected and unaccounted organizations have no interests but their own. They serve themselves and have no aversion to the common American. It was during the later days of the Clinton Administration and the beginning of the Bush II Administration that he plan for 9/11, a, “new Pearl Harbour” was drawn up. The planners of this faux are no doubt those with clout and those who are hidden away behind the scenes. , Bush II’s brother was part of this scene. The formation of the Project for a New American Century, henceforth P.N.A.C. was born. Its goal is to bring about the New World Order with the Establishment of Rockefellers and financiers at the apex. Since its goal has been slowed down due to the suspicion of the people and the world, P.N.A.C. basically stated that in order to achieve hegemony or, “full spectrum domination” – world conquest, it must have a catalyst, an event to push its agenda. That plan, or catalyst is 9/11 itself. The perfect silent coup on a nation that can be beaten to the front lines of war against an invisible enemy that is impossible to destroy, and simultaneously, dominate the globe, crash the economy, and bring about the New World Order. It stated that more weapons need to be made, and arms spending must go up. It also listed targeted nations that are no longer convenient or are in the way of American domination. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, North Korea, and probably even China and Russia are on the list of countries that threaten American global hegemony. Before the birth of P.N.A.C however, the Air Force and F.E.M.A and the Justice Department were already planning, “terrorist drills” that involved the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon. Manuals were written on how to deal with a, “terrorist” attack. If anyone can remember, or are familiar with American ruthlessness when it comes to manipulation and coercion, I must mention Operation Northwood. Northwood is a Department of, “Defence” document that was given to President Kennedy by his military advisors on how to have a war against Cuba, which makes it look like Cuba was the instigator, when in fact; false-flag terrorism is used to justify it. The project never came to completion because Kennedy scrapped it because Bush’s Complicity in the 9/11 Attacks Page 4 of 12 he was opposed to war. Months later, he was assassinated. In the Northwood declassified document, it stated the use of airplanes as missiles, the bombing of American military bases, civilians, aircrafts, ships, and territory. It was a perfect false-flag operation. Northwood was reborn when 9/11 occurred: the perfect pretext to wage war, and to bring about dictatorship at home and abroad. Condoleezza Rice stated prior to 9/11 that America needs a, “new enemy to unite us.” Whether or not that enemy is real or not is irrelevant, what matters is that there is an enemy by which to attack. Regarding Osama bin Laden and the Bush family connection; they are partners in crime. They always have been. Al-Qaeda was created by the C.I.A to fight off the former, “Soviet” threat. Both were partners in oil, warfare, drugs, and state terror. Bush’s intelligence clout and cover gave him the power to create imaginary threats such as Al-Qaeda to justify the invasion of two harmless, helpless, and hapless nations. Neither Afghanistan nor Iraq, nor the Taliban, nor even Al-Qaeda (if it still exists) gained by attacking the United States on 9/11. They’re all one and the same. They are no different because they are all supported by the Bush gang. The Carlyle Group is one of the key benefactors in the, “war on terror.” The Laden’s and their Saudi clout gave them their influence in the Middle East and the Balkans to cause terror and chaos to benefit the real terrorists in the White House. Moving on to the days prior to 9/11, Osama bin Laden, for some odd reason or another was in a Saudi hospital where he needed some emergency care. There, the local C.I.A officer met with him. This is never repeated again in the major news media. Why and for what purpose is not known, but it is certain that they were discussing the upcoming theatrical show that is 9/11. Also, many intelligence agencies from other countries were warning Bush of an impending attack on America. The warnings were ignored or were never taken seriously. Or, Bush knew what was coming because he had been in the loop for a very long time. It was his destiny. His advisors all knew, even Dick Cheney . Cheney, for some unexplained reason, prior to 9/11 took control of NORAD, the North American Air Defence from his generals. Al-Qaeda, at the same time, prior to 9/11 was in the Balkans causing their usual terror. None of this has been since reported. Now, we move on to the World Trade Center complexes and their, “preparation” for the theatrical show that was to come. Months prior to 9/11, the World Trade Centers were undergoing, “renovation.” Lights would occasionally go off, there would sounds of drilling, and the contractors were acting unusual. Regarding the lease of the World Trade Centers, the securities of the Twin Towers were given to Marvin Bush. The expiring of the contract was on the day of 9/11. The Twin Towers were leased out to Larry Silverstein, an investor who bought the World Trade Center Complexes; all seven buildings. Larry Silverstein did his, “business” through a complex network that is connected with Kissinger & Associates. Henry Kissinger, if anyone is familiar with American foreign policy is the most notorious and conspicuous figure who ordered the death of millions of innocents in his policy of bombing Cambodia during the Vietnam War and his wholesale secret support of the murderous Khmer Rouge. He supposedly bought the seven complexes at 911 million dollars. The lease was supposed to last 99 years, the insurance included, coincidentally, “terrorist attacks.” The cost was 3.2 billion dollars. After the supposed, “terrorist” attack, Silverstein got 7.1 billion plus since all his buildings were demolished. Only buildings owned by Silverstein Properties fell or burned seriously enough to be, “demolished.” None of the other buildings leased to other companies crashed or burned when the Twin Towers fell no matter their proximity to the Twin Towers. That included the Millennium Hilton.