
Introduction xi frank iacobucci and carolyn tuohy

Part I The Challenges Confronting Public Universities

The Role of Public Universities in the Move to Mass Higher Education: Some Reflections on the Experience of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China 5 ruth hayhoe and qiang zha

Australian Higher Education: Crossroads or Crisis? 26 stephen parker

Diverse Challenges, Diverse Solutions 38 bahram bekhradnia

The Principal Challenges to Public Higher Education in the United States 44 andrew a. sorensen

What Is a ‘Public’ University? 50 donald n. langenberg

Challenges Facing Higher Education in America: Lessons and Opportunities 55 steven j. rosenstone vi Contents

Towards a New Compact in University Education in 87 ronald j. daniels and michael j. trebilcock

Part II The Case for the Public University: Rationales for and Modes of Public Intervention

Public Funding of Teaching and Research in Universities: A View from the South 121 peter dawkins and ross williams

The Social Benefits of Education: New Evidence on an Old Question 138 w. craig riddell

The Case for Public Investment in the Humanities 164 david dyzenhaus

On Complex Intersections: Ontario Universities and Governments 174 glen a. jones

Equality of Opportunity and University Education 188 andrew green

Part III Responding to the Challenges: Performance-Based Government Operating and Capital Support

The Unbearable Lightness of Being: Universities as Performers 213 janice gross stein

The Political Economy of Performance Funding 226 daniel w. lang

Public Funding, Markets, and Quality: Assessing the Role of Market-Based Performance Funding for Universities 251 andrew green and edward iacobucci Contents vii

Part IV Building Excellence: Graduate and Research Support

Post-secondary Education and Research: Whither Canadian Federalism? 277 david m. cameron

Anchors of Creativity: How Do Public Universities Create Competitive and Cohesive Communities? 293 meric s. gertler and tara vinodrai

Innovation and Research Funding: The Role of Government Support 316 david a. wolfe

Post-secondary Education and Ontario’s Prosperity 341 james milway

The University Research Environment 360 john r.g. challis, josé sigouin, judith chadwick, and michelle broderick

Part V Governing the System: New Modes for Promoting Accountability, Transparency, and Responsiveness

The Governance of Public Universities in Australia: Trends and Contemporary Issues 379 v. lynn meek and martin hayden

Deliberative Democracy: The Role of Educational Research in Educational Policy 402 jane gaskell

Public Universities and the Public Interest: The Compelling Case for a Buffer between Universities and Government 418 lorne sossin viii Contents

Part VI Enhancing Accessibility: Normative Foundations for Income-Contingent Grant and Loan Programs

Higher Education Funding 441 nicholas barr

Student Financial Aid: The Roles of Loans and Grants 476 ross finnie

Public and Private Benefits in Higher Education 498 arthur ripstein

Access to Public Universities: Addressing Systemic Inequalities 514 melissa s. williams

Education, Equity, Economics: Can These Words Be in the Same Title? 539 arthur sweetman

An Income-Contingent Financing Program for Ontario 554 benjamin alarie and david duff

Timing the Payment of Tuition to Enhance Accessibility: A Graduate Tax? 597 h. lorne carmichael

The Conference benefitted from the insightful comments of the follow- ing discussants. Some of these remarks may be found online at

Part I

Professor Frank Milne Bank of Montreal Professor of Economics & Finance, Economics Department, Queen’s University

Dr. Ian D. Clark President, Council of Ontario Universities Contents ix

Part II

Professor J. Robert S. Prichard President and CEO, Torstar Corporation, and President Emeritus, University of

Dr. Peter George President and Vice-Chancellor, McMaster University

Part III

Dr. Lorna Marsden President and Vice-Chancellor, York University

Professor Adalsteinn Brown Department of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation,

Part IV

Dr. Paul Davenport President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Western Ontario

Dr. Claire Morris President, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada

Dr. Gilles G. Patry Rector, University of Ottawa

Part V

Professor Pekka Sinervo Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto

Professor Janice Gross Stein Belzberg Professor of Conflict Management, Department of Political Science, and Director, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto x Contents

Part VI

Professor Frank Cunningham Principal, Innis College, University of Toronto

Professor Sujit Choudhry Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

Professor Mark Stabile Department of Economics, University of Toronto

In addition, Mr. Michael Decter, Founding Chair, Health Council of Canada, gave an oral presentation at the conference.