Full Council Meeting 6th October 2020 Minutes

Date: 6th October 2020 Time: 7.30pm Venue: Virtual Meeting via Zoom Parish Councillors In attendance: F Billingham (Chairman), T Charteress, J Clark, S Harris, C Lloyd, L Nash, G Tobutt, G Ward & J Willmer. Also in attendance: Parish Clerk A Benson, County Councillor M Clarke & District Councillor R Atkinson. 132/20 To receive apologies for absence Apologies were received from Councillors T Barwick & P Heap. 133/20 Approval of the Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 1st September 2020 RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting 1st September 2020 be approved. 134/20 To note any matters arising from the minutes not included on this agenda for report only None. 135/20 Declarations of Interest – Councillor J Willmer declared an interest in agenda item 139/20e. 136/20 Requests for Dispensations – There were no requests for a dispensation. 137/20 Public Time a. County Councillor M Clarke confirm the priority at NCC is Covid-19 management and although cases are rising again the county is doing much better than many other areas. District Councillor R Atkinson confirmed that the appeal against the planning decision for land south of Grange Park will go ahead virtually from 20th October 2020 and will be a big test for the new Local Plan and 5-year land supply calculation. b. No public present. County Councillor M Clarke & District Councillor R Atkinson left the meeting. 138/20 To receive a report from the Clerk • Meeting held with Highways who confirmed that it is not standard practice to clean gullies before top dressing/resurfacing. Cycle way from Horton to St Georges Fields would cost in excess of a million due to the requirement of 3m width for the entire route and no drainage currently in place only soak away. There is no S106 monies available for this. Extension of footpath from St Georges Fields to meet rights of way network would be costly again due to drainage requirements. • Hackleton School confirm that they will repair their fence and gate on the Rec which has fallen over. School to remove stage & benches behind football shelter. • Weedwise have cleared the overgrown area between the school fence and our toddler fence and will maintain the area in future. • Church clock repairs now progressing - hopefully if testing goes well it will be re-installed w/c 12th October. • The Baptist Chapel have accepted the terms of the Parish Council grant and work should start in the next 2-weeks. • Clerk attended the NALC virtual conference with Cllr Lloyd. The two presentations were excellent – link to slides https://www.northantscalc.com/agm.html . Clerk to contact our Social Prescribing Link Worker and invite them to one of our meetings.

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• Complaint received regarding two shrubs blocking sightlines where Church End meets Piddington Lane. Action: Councillor Charteress to speak to residents who tend the area and ask for them to cut back/remove. • Request received for sail type shelter & table for books for the Book Share at the end of Sheppey Lane. Declined due to Community Book Share being set up permanently in the Chapel. 139/20 Finance & Governance a. The receipts and payments account to 28th September 2020 was received and compared to budget. RESOLVED: The figures presented represent the current financial position of HPC. Bank balances as at 28th September 2020: Current account £169,460.79 deposit account £30,071.84 Total funds £ £199,532.63. b. RESOLVED: To approve for payment outstanding invoices/accounts as per schedule presented. c. RESOLVED: To agree to a request from the Firework Committee for the grant approved to be ring-fenced for the 2021 firework display. d. RESOLVED: To approve a grant application from Hackleton Pre-School Playgroup in the sum of £1000.00. e. RESOLVED: To approve a grant application from Group 8 in the sum of £2481.00 f. RESOLVED: To approve a grant application from Inspire Choir in the sum of £763.00 to be paid once Government guidelines allow the Choir to meet again. g. RESOLVED: To adopt Data Map as previously circulated. h. A report on website accessibility requirements was received. RESOLVED: To adopt Action Plan. i. A review of the process of risk assessment and asset inspection had been undertaken. RESOLVED: To adopt new open spaces risk assessment. To adopted amended weekly visual inspection template for play equipment which will be carried out by the Groundman. To amend the annual external ROSPA safety inspection to January each year. To amend the process of internal asset inspection to twice yearly in May & September to be carried out by Councillor Tobutt. 140/20 Open Spaces a. A report from the working party meeting 15th September was received. Action: Councillor Ward to remove log climber from Recreation Ground. Councillor Ward to liaise with Councillor Heap regarding removing the path behind the pond in Longland Meadow. b. RESOLVED: To install new signage with pictograms behind the pond in Longland Meadow. c. RESOLVED: To construct a hardstanding area near the store in the cemetery for the trailer. d. RESOLVED: To approve a request from Get Fit Today to hire the Recreation Ground for 1 hour per day 4 days per week. e. Parking on grass verges near to the war memorial was discussed. Action: Clerk to arrange temporary signage asking drivers not to park on the verges and to respect the war memorial. School to be asked to circulate leaflet to parents requesting more considerate parking. f. RESOLVED: To replace the bollards around the war memorial. g. Cemetery re-wilding was discussed. RESOLVED: To purchase bird/bat boxes. Initial budget £250.00. 141/20 Bus Shelters a. Quotation for repairs still awaited. Action: Councillor Charteress to chase. b. RESOLVED: To approve and sign the licence with NCC to position 2 x planters on either side of the Hackleton bus shelter. 142/20 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)/S106 Funds/NHB Funds a. Meeting with school governors to be held 12th October. b. Negative response received from Morris Homes regarding infra-structure. Action: Clerk to escalate. c. Request to divert NHB grant for village signs to play equipment declined by SNC and grant withdrawn. 143/20 Consultations a. Emergencies: How prepared are you? Action: Councillors to respond individually. b. Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan Action: Councillor Willmer to provide information to Clerk for a response to be drafted for approval. - 29 -

c. South Landscape Character Assessment. Action: Councillor Lloyd to draft response for approval. d. Draft Statement of Community Involvement for the Strategic Plan. RESOLVED: no comments. e. Planning for the Future. Action: Councillors to send feedback comments to Clerk for response to be drafted. 144/20 To consider/note the following correspondence: a. Extensive electricity network upgrade work in Horton. b. Response from Chef Inspector James Willis confirming no monthly update can be provided to individual parish councils c. Response received from landowner regarding Piddington Airfield. Action: Clerk to refer to SNC for confirmation of planning requirements and to revert to landowner requesting land further away from Piddington is used and asking for date of events to be publicised. 145/20 Remembrance Sunday Action: Clerk to liaise with school requesting their front fence be a mass of poppies. Councillor Charteress to look into making large poppies to attach to the street lamps and messages to go out on social media, website & Mag’ requesting all residents display poppies. RESOLVED: Councillor Heap to lay the wreath on behalf of the Parish Council. 146/20 RESOLVED: To move the January 2021 meeting date to 12th January and all future January meetings to be held on the second Tuesday of the month. 147/20 Next meeting Tuesday 3rd November 2020. Agenda items to the Clerk by 23rd October 2020. The meeting closed at 9:05pm.

Approved 3rd November 2020

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