East Hoathly & District Preservation Society Summertime 2018 EAST HOATHLY & DISTRICT PRESERVATION SOCIETY SUMMER 2018 The Society is: Associate Member of Action in Rural Sussex Affiliate Member of the CPRE Associate Member of the Sussex Wildlife Trust Associate Member of the Woodland Trust Committee CHAIRMAN Toni Whewell SECRETARY Leycester Whewell TREASURER Peter Brooke NEWSLETTER EDITOR Chris Pellett EVENTS SECRETARY Toni Whewell WEBSITE & IT Leycester Whewell MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Jenny Pellett Additionally, we thank Linda Allsop, Kate Richardson, Fred Carter, John Deane, Jane Seabrook, as well as many others who all assist with different aspects when needed The Society aims to promote the preservation of the amenities of the village and its surrounding area, its heritage, historic buildings and footpaths. The Society hosts expert speakers, outings, monthly guided walks and issues seasonal newsletters. Website address: www.easthoathlypreservation.org.uk Email:
[email protected] 2 EAST HOATHLY & DISTRICT PRESERVATION SOCIETY SUMMER 2018 JUNE – Vic Tidswell June moved to East Hoathly in1987. She had a full time job and was involved in the new home and garden in her spare time. In 1988 Susan Gold was asking for support to restart the Preservation Society which had ceased to function from the lack of officers. She managed to form a committee and as June had little time Vic agreed to act as secretary with June’s support until she retired from her day job in 1989 when she and Vic became joint secretaries. When Susan Gold became president of the preservation society June took over as secretary and Vic became treasurer. June was excellent as secretary and she also took on the duties of Susan Gold, which were to organise the monthly speaker and occasional outings.