Leaving Certificate Subject Support Case study: The Coleraine University controversy Developing the ability to think critically by exploring causation with students Spring 2021 Efforts have been made to trace and acknowledge copyright holders. In cases where a copyright has been inadvertently overlooked, the copyright holders are requested to contact
[email protected] Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the historical data contained herein. Any inadvertent errors are regretted. Please cite as: PDST, History Case Study: The Coleraine University controversy, Dublin, 2021 History Case Study: The Coleraine University controversy © PDST, 2021 Contents Page Case Study: The Coleraine University controversy Developing the ability to think critically 4 The enquiry-focused approach 4 Linking your work on the case study to the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy 5 An overview of the case study 6 Glossary of important terms: develop your historical literacy skills 7 Biographical notes 10 Timeline of important developments 16 Bibliography 18 Useful websites 19 The Coleraine University controversy: a possible line of enquiry 20 A possible hook (a film clip) 20 Film clip transcript 21 Questions and points for discussion on the film clip 23 Enquiry, Stage 1: Why was the decision taken in 1965 to locate the new university in Coleraine? 24 Enquiry, Stage 2: Why did the decision cause controversy? 31 Audio-visual source (with transcript and questions) 39 Enquiry, Stage 3: What is the historical significance of this controversy? 47 A critical skills exercise 54 Historians’ views on the Coleraine University controversy 58 Interrogating the historians 60 Your conclusions on the enquiry 61 3 History Case Study: The Coleraine University controversy © PDST, 2021 The Coleraine University Controversy: Developing the ability to think critically by exploring historical causation and significance with students In exploring the case study, The Coleraine University controversy, students are following a narrative of events.