FTurban ingenuity December 6 2012 supported by ft.com/ingenuity foreword Enduring visions his, the third FT Urban Ingenuity FTurban ingenuity magazine, marks the end of a year-long December 6 2012 process leading up to the announcement of the winners of the 2012 FT/Citi TIngenuity Awards. Entries for the awards came from all over the world, and from city authorities, community groups, charities and companies. Some entries were high tech, for example looking at how to use data from people’s mobile devices to ease traffic congestion. Others were simpler, but potentially transformative, such as one asking children to document an urban Indian hazard. Our distinguished panel was charged with supported by establishing the most ingenious solutions to urban ft.com/ingenuity problems in the categories of education, energy, healthcare and infrastructure, as well as deciding on an overall winner. But what were the criteria? As the judges’ discussion went on, it became clear that they were looking for originality. Some entries were highly impressive, but the same solution had already been effected elsewhere. The judges wanted FT/Citi Ingenuity Awards: to be sure that the winning projects had had an impact, or were most likely to do so. They wanted Urban Ideas in Action the winners to inspire others. They wanted them to EnErgy engage with a wider community, attracting sufficient Winner: Community Cooker public support to be sustainable. This was the most Foundation, Kenya important criterion: the winning projects needed runner-up: Tokyo Metropolitan to be enduring. All of the category winners, and the Government, Japan overall winner, promise to be exactly that.
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