Biblioteca Di Scienze Motorie 3
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Biblioteca di Scienze Motorie 3 international network of sport Università degli Studi di Napoli International Society of Performance and health science “Parthenope” Analysis of sport International Conference on Sport Science and Disability Febraury 15, 2014 | University of Neaples “Parthenope” | Italy Book of Proceeding Edited by Henriette Dancs | Filippo Gomez Paloma | Mike Hughes | Nic James Gaetano Raiola | Antonio Sciacovelli | Goran Sporis | Domenico Tafuri Editrice Gaia Edit by prof. Henriette Dancs University of West Hungary - Szombathely prof. Filippo Gomez Paloma University of Salerno prof. Mike Hughes University of Cardiff prof. Nic James University of London prof. Gaetano Raiola University of Basilicata prof. Antonio Sciacovelli University of West Hungary - Szombathely prof. Goran Sporis University of Zagreb prof. Domenico Tafuri University of Napoli “Parthenope” Segreteria Organizzativa dott. Giuliano Cimmino, dott. Mario Mirabile, dott. ssa Carmen Corcillo Published in Neaples, Italy, by Editrice Gaia www. editricegaia. it Copyright ©2014 Editrice Gaia ISBN 978-88-97741-33-6 All rights are reserved. Permission is granted for personal and educational use only. Commercial copying, hiring and lending is prohibited. The whole or part of this publication material cannot be reproduced, reprinted, translated, stored or transmitted, in any form or means, without the written permission of the publisher. The publisher and authors have taken care that the information and recommendations contained herein are accurate and compatible with the generally accepted standards at the time of publication. The individual essays remain the intellectual properties of the contributors. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPORT SCIENCE AND DISABILITY Febraury 15, 2014 | University of Neaples “Parthenope” | Italy SESSION MAIN PRESENTATIONS Chair: Prof. Filippo Gomez Paloma Embodied cognitive science and adapted physical activities Filippo Gomez Paloma¹, Domenico Tafuri² ¹Department of Human, Philosophical and Education Science, University of Salerno, Italy ²Department of Sport Science and Wellness, University of Naples “Parthenope”, Italy Abstract analysis and research of the embodied perspective on cogni- tion and learning is the living, feeling, acting, knowing and le- Researches on Embodied Cognitive Science (ECS) are arning being situated in a brain-body catalyzed by the oppor- promising to become a rich interdisciplinary endeavor offer- tunities and constraints stemming from its historical, cultural ing an opportunity to address, in a simultaneous and coordi- and social context (Campbell & Pagé, 2012). nated way, problems of philosophical and educational nature There is no single “embodied” theory, but there are various including the development of the mind-body-brain and its ones: some of them primarily emphasize the importance of ex- consequences in the teaching and learning of Sport Activities perience and perception, some others specifically that of the and Physical Education in the classroom. body and action. These theories have found their way in very These phenomena cannot be understood and studied out- different disciplines, ranging from neurosciences to psychology, side the living and acting sentient beings coupled to a particu- from robotics to philosophy of mind, to reach anthropology. lar socio-ecological situation. Thus, the embodiment paradigm It is a new theoretical perspective, according to which we presents both conceptual and practical consequences that al- understand the natural language expressions by the reacti- low new ways to understand cognition, learning and teaching. vation of brain areas devoted primarily to perception, mo- In parallel to this, a strong interest in Adapted Physical vements and emotions (F. Gomez Paloma, 2013). Therefore, Activities (APA) has grown stronger over the years; an activ- cognition is “embodied”, and it also depends on body cha- ity that, according to what Simard C. (1973) has been affir- racteristics: in particular on the perceptual and motor systems. ming from many years, includes any movement, any physical If these systems are compromised, will even cognition be activity that can be practiced by individuals limited in physi- compromised? It depends. Who presents difficulties equally cal, psychological and mental skills. “perceive” the world. It must implement targeted activities. This work presents, in an integrated way, some of the con- APA, Adapted Physical Activity, includes any movement, sequences and reflections on embodiment, notably the role of physical activity, which can be practiced by individuals limited physicality and corporeality on teaching-learning processes in in physical, psychological and mental skills (C. Simard, 1973). APA, and the potential of an enactive approach in education- In this regard, education plays a key role: it aims to health al relation between teacher and athlete. In doing so, it offers education and prevention. But it is relatively easy to make un- ways to challenge and reframe problems and issues in APA to derstand what are the good things and those harmful to he- improve teaching, learning as well as research practices. alth, and it is rather difficult to be able to observe the essen- tial directions, especially in relation to the fact that they must be pursued constantly and throughout life (C. Macchi, 2008). Introduction But what are and where do the Adapted Physical Activities come from? Disembodied perspectives of cognition and learning linked A first definition was given in Berlin in 1986: “includes any to cognitivsm, computationalism and Cartesian dualism are still movement, physical activity, which can be practiced by indivi- the prevailing and often unchallenged framework that guided duals with limited skills due to physical, psychological and men- the research in education (Pagé, 2013). In opposition, Wilson tal deficits or alterations of main functions” (Bianco A., Tasso and Golonka (2013) suggest that the most exciting idea in co- E., Bilard J., Ninot G., Varray A., 2004). The idea underlying gnitive science is the theory that cognition is embodied. this practice was that everything that can be done must corre- Embodiment is the surprisingly radical hypothesis that sees spond to the real skills of the subject, and that it needs to start behaviours as emerging from the interplay of different re- from him/her and the handicapper’s residual skills. sources distributed across the brain, body and environment, APA programs are promoted and coordinated by the Local coupled together via the perceptual systems. The object of Health Companies. Each program is targeted to a specific 8 SESSION MP chronic disability. For each program the criteria for inclu- inaccessible to the scientific studies. In particular, the radical sion/exclusion, access methods, exercises and verification of embodiment (Thompson & Varela, 2001) presupposes that any quality are made explicit. From all APA programs, however, change in the subjective experience, first of all, must objectively subjects with clinical instability for which the therapy is exclu- manifest, somehow, as a change in the brain, the body and the sively healthcare are excluded. behaviors, and vice versa. In this way, this perspective proposes to view the mind-body-brain as one unit of analysis, leading to look for links among subjective experiences, brain-body behav- Objective iors and the socio-ecological “milieu” (Pagé, 2013). Starting from these mentioned principles it’s possible to con- The objective of this study is the link between a new theo- textualize the paradigm of the ECS according to this model: retical perspective that gives the body a main role, Embodied Cognition, and APA, Adapted Physical Activity, which inclu- des movement, which can be practiced by individuals limited in physical, psychological and mental skills. The aim is to find a possible correlation and highlight discrepancies. Method To understand if it’s possible to use the theory of the Embodied Cognition to create new methods in the field of the didactic proposals of APA it needs to analyse two specific to- pics, each one concerning one of the two fields (ECS and APA). The first topic, linked to the ECS, concerns the need to ju- stify the mechanisms of technical-relational process between [Fig. 1] Relationship among Environment – Brain/Body – Mind educator/trainer and student/athlete. Thus it needs to make the following questions and give More in detail it’s possible to analyze the development of them an answer. the new lines of research of the ECS starting from its origins. – Is there a difference between motor and cognitive Indeed, if the Classical cognitive psychology has laid the ba- learning? sis for giving the mind the primacy of the elaborative com- – Does the motor learning process follow the same neuro- putational function, the ECS drastically revisits this scientific biological mechanism of the cognitive learning? interpretation and bases its raison d’être on two peculiar ele- – Which line of research of the ECS is more appropriate ments of the learning process: perception and action. to APA? Depending on the predominance of one of these two ele- For what concerns the second topic it’s mainly important to ments the ECS structures itself in a specific way or another analyze the type of technical-educational procedure required but, in both cases, it’s the body that represents the scientific by APA. But we have found other questions to be answered. essence and justification that cannot be ignored and, thanks What