Ewen Estate Auction
THE NiSW YORK HERATP. Ti3URSDAY, OCTOBER 2CK 1921. 21 ' nurses juimori and Bather Hughes, Nhw bort G. Gates, to Division 13; Llsut. Leon 8. AT AUCTION. APARTMENTS. APARTMENTS. J. WATSON WEBB WILL Yciic; Piedmont, Norfolk, lowing bargee N'oa Flske, to U. S. 8. Tattnall; Lieut. Earle W. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTIOH. REAI ESTATE 18 (from Beverly), M md 24; Paoli, towing Mills, to U. 8. 8. Hocan; Lieut. John N. WOMAN BIDDERS BUILD NEAR WESTBURY barge Haverlord, Hock(anil..Wind dW, 23 Whelan. to U. 8. 8. Delong; Lieut. WllUain uillti; rain; rough aea. M. Ktlfcl. to U. 8. 8. Farcival, Lieutenant to Lieut. || BALTIMORE. Md, Oct 19-Arr(ved. stra Commander Arthur Moore, home; ni mum it cm- Whitton Farm Ban Oregorto (Br), Tuxpain; Vlatula (Danri, Maurice B. Durgln, relieved all active duty. Central Union Trust Company in i vuvu ni unuu Bey9 for Now Port Lubos; Grecian. Boston and Norfolk (community 1Life at its Best Home flatter 18th. and aailed on return). Site; Other Dealt. Cleared 19th, atru Tuacatooaa City, f»00,000 FOR SHIP CAMPAIGN. of New York, 1rrustee of the and Kobe: Phallron (Greek), YokohamaPort Maria; Bow den (Nor), Port Antonio; Washington, Oct 19..An extensive is enjoyed by every Make Part of Crowd J. Watson Webb, the polo player who (Dana), Port I^oboa. Vlatulaadvertising campaign in behalf of Estate of HENRY HILTON, Dec'd f Up Large la to aell his House" Jn Sailed ltttli, atra Lake Chelan, Near York: American lines operating "Woodbury Pawnee, do. passenger one L. at auction next Shipping Board vessels was approved Has Ordcied the of the 600 Ameri- In Auction ltoom at Ewen Syoaset, I., Saturday) BRUNSWICK.
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