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'Coe A11 Not Needed' ,.. , arianas ~riet~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ ~ 'Coe a11 not needed' would only contribute to the con­ Hillbroom grandma wants to be lead guardian fusion and greatly and adversely By Ferdie de la Torre Imeong's motion to designate as Family and Immigration Law undermine Junior's (Hill broom) Variety News Staff lead guardian for Hill broom filed Clinic resulting to failure to make best interest," she sai_d. THE MATERNAL grandmother through her counsel, Bill R. intelligent decisions for As lead guardian, Imeong said of Larry Hillblom' s alleged son, Mann, on Tuesday before the Hillbroorn's best interest. she will continue consulting with Junior Larry Hill broom, wants to Superior Court. Imeong blamed the law firm for the co-guardian (Kinney) and be be the lead guardian for the 12- Documents submitted by the confusion and disarray which sensitive to her concerns. year -old boy in the heirship claim Imeong also confirmed the now allegedly surrounds the pa­ Imeong has had physical cus­ against Hillblom's $450-million Variety's earlier story about con­ ternity claim. tody ofHillbroom since birth. The estate. fusion and dispute arising in As co-guardian and custodian boy resides with her in Koror, In heraffidavit, Naoko Imeong, Kinney's camp rega.rding the of Hillbroom who raised the boy Republic of Palau. Kinney is his mother of Kaelani Kinney, has latter's lead counsel, David since birth, the grandmother said, co-guardian. also expressed opposition to have Lujan's handling of the paternity the court must appoint her as the Imeong pointed out that it is not Johnnie Cochran, 0. J. Simpson's claim. lead-guardian with the sol.e au­ her desire to have Cochran repre­ lead defense lawyer, in their legal In her affidavit, the grand­ thority as to hiring of attorneys, sent the child nor does she have team. mother claimed Kinney remains negotiations and settlement. any plans to have any attorney Johnnie Cochran The affidavit was attached in under the undue influence of the "To allow the present impasse Continued on page 16 By Mar-Vic C. llllunar . .· . Variety News Staff · .. · .. · '. · · . · ··.. .· · \ . ·":: ·· NEWfac;es:wm.·griitscb9<>I\:hildreriwhentbey:go back iq·~ei{ classrooins next .schqoly~ar as _the ~ew batch of t~chers,:r~f\ . cruited by the PubUc s~~pol system':f.i:ori Illcl.iajaildUS arpvef.!\c onSaipan last Tuesday. ·.. ·.·.· ·... ··· > : i>'. ..·.. ·· ... ·. .. <\:: 'i: . peputy c()~~sio~ef.Margaret P.ela .c~ said ~Ont~ ~t:tJie) ·. new tea<;hers w'1ll ~ed1ately fill the vacanton~trciclc J)()S,I~<m.s.:: ·at Hopwood Junio.r Hig~ ancl M~ianas .High School.Oth.ers_will':­ await theforthconiing school reopening. .. .. ... .··. The US teachers; who haye signed two-year contracts :wJtll · PSS, wilfreplace the nonresidentteachers whose <;oritracts< were: notrenewed. AtJeast87'received notices ofnonren,ei.yat : ·,.··, PSS had expected the _arriyal of 70 new teachers last Tuesday, but Dela Cruz said; some of the recruits decided to postpone th~ir .· trip for next week.She could not tell the exact number of those ' who.came in. , ...... , Continued on pageJ6 \ Gov. Froilan C. Tenorio signs agreement signifying the tu~nover of CHC's outpatie'}t pharmacy ope.rations to Pacific Health Inc., a private joint venture. PHI President Clarence T. Tenono (left) and actmg AG -underwood fights 'demise' · Sebastian Afoot also signed the accord. Photo by Ratty H. Arroyo ·of the Chamorro language Tenorio optimistic lVlayo Clinic By Mary Rose S.Tigulo For the Variety GUAM - A bill currently being still interested in CNMI facility : entertained in U.S. Congress to By Rafael H. Arroyo vate sector. fall in line with his concept of a :: declare English· as the official Variety News Staff "Id rather that private cmnpa­ totally privatized hospital, language of the United States, ' ! MA YO CLINIC, one of nies take over the operation of the Continued on page 5 ,; may could be a death blow for America's top health maintenance hospital. Government should not : the Chamorro language, accord­ organizations, may still be inter­ be in the business of running a .• ing to Guam Delegate Robert A. ested in the CNMI as a possible hospital," he said. · Underwood. site for a planned Pacific region Pointing out that the govern­ The House of Representatives facility $35 'l! ment budgets some million ; is currently expected to take up This was disclosed by Gov. fortheoperationofCHC, Tenorio :: H.R. 123 this week. The bill will I Froilan C. Tenorio yesterday right said privatizing the hospital en­ ., restrict the use of any other lan- j after he signed an agreement with tirely could mean the same amount guages aside from English by I Pacific Health Inc. for the latter's in savings to remain in the gen­ federal agencies. ·1), takeover of the Commonwealth eral fund. ~ Robert A. Underwood ! The Guam delegate is cur­ 1: Health Center's outpatient phar­ Tenorio late last year announced / rently fighting the passage of P, u macy. he is trying to woo Mayo Clinic to :: the bill. Arizona's declaration ofEnglish J During the signing ceremonies either put up a regional hospital 1 Recently, Underwood wrote .. as its official and the firing of a ! at the Governor's conference on Saipan or to take over the op­ a "friend of the court" brief to Hispanic worker for speaking ij M room, Tenorio said he remains erations of CHC. i supportthedecisionoftheNinth Spanish at work. The Ninth Cir- " committed to the total This was after he learned of 1 : Circuit Court in the case of cuit Court of Appeals declared privatization of hospital services Mayo plans to put up a hospital ·: Enriquez vs. State ofArizona. the Arizona law unconstitu- in the CNMI saying such services somewhere in the Pacific region. , This case involves the state of . Continued on page 19 • I are better off provided by the pri- Since having M~yo here will • • J,.. J ... ,I ~ ~ - ·.-~>J .. ( I,·, .•. ,. ,: .. ·, !, .• . .' -~ - •• 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-THURSDAY- AUGUST 1, 1996 THURSDAY, AUGUST I, 1996-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 World powers form united front against terrorism Eurotex given two weeks G-7 adopts 25-point plan look into alleged "sweatshop" Gov't: Either comply or face fines, closure working conditions. By TERRIL JONES rather confused ideology," French table, social, or cultural goals, by Peter Tarnoff, undersecretary of Japanese Foreign Minister Aftervisiting Saipan last February, closing Ewotex's factory in San tory. PARIS (AP) - As a summer of Foreign Minister Herve de terrorists using them as a cover state for political affairs. Yukihiko Ikeda also announced and find out for itself whether it Sen.FrankH.Murkowski(R-Ala,kaJ Vicente or ordeijng its management InanunannouncedvisittoEurotex bombings added urgency to their Charette said. for their own activities." Still, "I have no doubt that the Japan will hold an Asia-Pacific has "sweatshop" working condi­ toldaU.S.ScnatehearingtharEurotex to pay fines, he said last July 25, Tenorio said he will work, Western ministers adopted "This new kind of terrorism They placed as much impor­ spirit and the measures that were terrorism conference sometime tions. was one of the "sweatshop" factories Inspected last week by officials a 25-point cooperative plan for requires new approaches," he said. tance in cutting off terrorists' taken here among us will be ex­ between this fall and the next G- ask OSHA to look into the factory Tenorio visited the factory to on Saipan. from various executive departments tracking, stopping and convicting The June 25 truck bombing funds as stemming their arms sup­ tended to other countries around 7 summit in July 1997. and agencies, Eurotex's factory terrorists. that killed 19 U.S. servicemen in ply, pledging heightened vigi­ the world ... that support and har­ A numbing series of terrorist Foreign ministers from Russia Saudi Arabia prompted the con­ lance over bank accounts and bor terrorists," Tarnoff said. attacks around the world in the was found to have 84 counts of and the Group of Seven industri­ ference. The meeting conyened money transfers and a crackdown The Japanese indicated Wash­ past 16 months - starting with the building code violations alone. alized nations, joined by their in­ two weeks after 230 people died on drug and arms trafficking. ington would not find unanimous massive poison gas attack on the The reports submitted by in­ By Ferdie de la Torre Chronic Diseases, to include diabe- terior ministers and security di­ in the crash of a Paris-bound TWA Experts from the participating support for the d' Amato-Kennedy Tokyo subway last year - in­ spectors from the Division of La­ VarieJy News staff tes, hypertension, breast and cervical bor, Departments of Public rectors, agreed Tuesday to sha:re jumbo jet off the New Yark coast nations will discuss the points bill, which would enforce an em­ creased pressure on Western gov­ THECOMMONWEALTHHealth cancers, as well as other prevalent Works, Public Safety, and Public Center has resources, and preventable chronic diseases,'' information and resources to in­ and just four days after a pipe further in the coming months, and bargo 11gainst Iran and Libya as ernments to combat terrorism. offered its Health were described by a gov­ indudingitsstaff,toGuaminfuture Abraham said_ bomb at the Atlanta Olympics a meeting in November will re­ sponsors of state terrorism - legis­ "Open democratic societies crease surveillance of bank ac- ernment source as all "very nega­ resean::h and training health ser.; 1heDPHSsecretarytoldthesena- will always remain vulnerable to Mark Broadhurst ·counts, front organizations and the killed one. view progress on carrying them lation France also opposes. tive." Internet. "The events of these last days out, de Charette said. "Such a measure may consti­ terrorist attacks," British Home vices¢ff~i r·····r< ..
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