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LAW & ST ATu tes — Current from May 26, 2018 The Law and statutes of The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA, as well as remarks thereon have been adopted by the IDA Board of Representatives on November 17, 2000, taking effect on January 1, 2001. Amendments to the Law and statutes as well as remarks thereon have been adopted by the Board of Representatives on January 27, 2001. Moreover, the Board of Representatives has adopted amendments to the Law and statutes on November 24, 2001, May 24, 2003, May 15, 2004, November 27, 2004, June 21, 2005, November 25, 2006, May 16, 2009, November 21, 2009, November 20, 2010, June 1, 2012, November 24, 2012, May 24, 2014, November 22, 2014, May 30, 2015, May 21, 2016, May 20, 2017 and May 26, 2018. The remarks may be requisitioned from the Society. May 26, 2018 IDA’s Law and statutes Table of contents Law of the Danish Society of Engineers ............................. 5 I. Name, headquarters and objectives ............................ 5 § 1. Name ............................................................................ 5 § 2. Headquarters ................................................................ 5 § 3. The objectives of the Society ........................................ 5 II. Membership and organisation ..................................... 6 § 4. Members ....................................................................... 6 § 5. Membership categories ................................................ 8 § 6. Organisation ................................................................. 8
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