contents i

The Military Effectiveness of Post-Colonial States ii contents History of Warfare

Editors Kelly DeVries Loyola University Maryland John France University of Wales, Swansea Michael S. Neiberg United States Army War College, Pennsylvania Frederick Schneid High Point University, North Carolina


The titles published in this series are listed at contents iii The Military Effectiveness of Post-Colonial States

By Pradeep P. Barua

LEIDEN • BOSTON 2013 iv contents

Cover illustration: Indian Defense Ministry picture of Indian Vijayanta tanks in action along the border between India and West Pakistan during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. 15-12-1971 11:04:21. ©Agence France-Presse

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Barua, Pradeep. The military effectiveness of post-colonial states / by Pradeep P. Barua. pages cm. -- (History of warfare ; volume 88) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-90-04-24324-8 (hbk : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-90-04-24911-0 (e-book) 1. Military readiness- -Case studies. 2. Command of troops--Case studies. 3. Military art and science--History--20th century. 4. Armed Forces--History--20th century. 5. Postcolonialism--Case studies. I. Title.

UA10.B39 2013 355'.0332--dc23


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Acknowledgements...... vii viii Introduction...... 1

1. The ...... 9

2. The Argentine War for the Malvinas Islands...... 25

3. Egypt and the Ramadan War...... 57

4. India’s 1971 War for Bangladesh...... 95

Conclusion...... 141

Bibliography...... 163 Index...... 171 180 vi contents acknowledgements vii


Although this book has been researched over several years, a significant amount of preparatory work was done in the spring and summer of 2010. I would like to thank the University of Nebraska at Kearney and the College of Natural and Social Sciences for the generous grant of a Faculty Develop- ment Leave in the spring of 2010. I would also like to thank the Department of History for awarding me the Hamaker Faculty Research Grant in the summer of 2010. These dispensations enabled me to conduct the necessary travel abroad to archives to find the research materials for this project. There are several individuals who have assisted me and encouraged my research over the years and I am deeply indebted to them. They include— John Lynn, Pete Maslowski, Dane Kennedy, Jeremy Black, Steve Cohen and Paul Kennedy. I owe a special debt of gratitude to my late mentors and friends – Blair Kling, Gunther Rothenberg and DeWitt Ellinwood. Finally I would like to thank my family—my wife Mary Beth Ailes and my sons Christopher and Brian for their unstinting support. Mary Beth has been invaluable in helping me revise numerous iterations of this work. viii acknowledgements introduction 1


In 1979 a brief, but bloody border war erupted between Vietnam and China. Chinese official estimates placed the Chinese casualty figures at 20,000 soldiers killed and wounded.1 Outside scholarship has placed Chinese ca- sualty figures as high as 25,000 dead and 37,000 wounded.2 Vietnamese losses are unknown, but are thought to have been fewer than the Chinese. The 1979 War had deep strategic implications for Asia and the world. It marked the limits of Chinese expansion in Asia in the second half of the twentieth century, and helped trigger an arms and economic race in the region that continues to this day. Yet despite this conflict’s importance it has garnered little if any sustained scholarly interest with regard to its military aspects. The 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War is emblematic of the gen- eral lack of interest that military conflicts in the post-colonial world have generated. The exception to this has been conflicts between post-colonial states and western states. For example, the First and Second Vietnam Wars, the Arab Israeli Wars, the Falklands conflict, the 1991 and current Gulf War have attracted much interest. However, most of these studies have concen- trated primarily on the western aspect of military effectiveness. The few accounts that have delved into the military powers effectiveness of post- colonial states tend to portray these militaries as caricatured stereotypes. The “West and the rest” mentality in military scholarship is not a recent phenomena. It has been a staple of military historiography. For much of the latter half of the twentieth century, the debate on the Military Revolu- tion thesis has dominated military scholarship in trans-Atlantic universi- ties. The topic was first introduced by Michael Roberts in 1955 in a lecture titled “The Military Revolution 1560-1660” delivered at Queens University in Belfast. The talk and subsequent article published in 1956 argued that tactical reforms introduced by Maurice of Nassau and Gustavus Adolphus greatly enhanced the power of musket armed infantry. The use of drill and discipline led to the rise of professional standing armies. This is turn led to a massive growth in state bureaucracies and economies to fund these huge

1 Agence France-Presse (Hong-Kong), May 2, 1979, in Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), May 3, 1979, PRC, E1. 2 King C. Chen, China’s War with Vietnam, 1979 (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1987), 113-114. 2 introduction permanent armies.3 Robert’s thesis found general acceptance among Eu- ropean historians, but the scholar most connected with the evolution of the Military Revolution thesis is Geoffrey Parker whose seminal work The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the Rise of the West, 1500-1800 in 1988 is still considered to be the definitive work on the subject.4 Since the publication of Parker’s book, the topic has attracted much debate around issues such as when did these revolutionary changes occur in Eu- rope, were they evolutionary more than revolutionary, and was technology such a determining factor of the European Military Revolution.5 However, the true significance of Parker’s 1988 Military Revolution thesis lay not within its European contours, but outside of it. The book sought to explain the rise of the West in the context of the Military Revolution. The West’s military successes in Asia became the defining backdrop within which the true measure of the Military Revolution could be grasped. Yet, this crucial point of comparison has been largely ignored in the spirited debate on the Military Revolution. In his 1995 article “In Defense of the Military Revolution” Parker reiter- ated his comparison thesis noting “Only military resilience and techno- logical innovation – especially the capital ship, infantry firepower and the artillery fortress: the three valid components of the Military Revolution of the sixteenth century – allowed the West to make the most of its smaller resources in order to resist and, eventually expand to global dominance.”6 However, this neat paradigm proved problematic as a universal application for the non-western world. The Military Revolution triad may have worked well in America and Africa, but what of Asia? Parker himself points out that China and Japan “did not fall before the military revolution”.7 Instead he used the success of the British in India to emphasize his thesis. How- ever, even within the Indian context a careful review of the evidence sug- gests that factors other than western military superiority were responsible

3 Michael Roberts, “The Military Revolution 1560-1660,” in Essays in Swedish History (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1956), 195-225. 4 Geoffrey Parker, The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the Rise of the West, 1550-1800 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988). 5 For a detailed review of the Military Revolution debate see Clifford J. Rogers, ed., The Military Revolution Debate: Readings on the Military Transformations of Early Modern Europe (Boulder: Westview Press, 1995). 6 Geoffrey Parker, “In Defense of the Military Revolution,” in The Military Revolution Debate, 356. 7 Parker, The Military Revolution, 145. introduction 3 for British domination of India.8 The weakness of Parker’s Military Revolu- tion thesis lies in his tendency to generalize and gloss over Indian respons- es to the rise of the British, which he dismisses as weak imitations.9 The historical record, however, suggests that imitation was a two way street and that British domination in India came about largely due to British emula- tion and copying of Indian military systems and institutions.10 Parker’s transplanting of the rise of the West thesis to the existing Euro- pean Military Revolution debate has been followed by new adherents to the “West and the rest” school of thought. In 1993 John Keegan’s A History of Warfare tackled the issue of western and non-western warfare directly. He made a clear distinction between “Oriental” and “Western” military cultures. Keegan characterized the former by evasion, delay, and indirect- ness with the central goal of restraint. In contrast the “Western” military culture emphasized the ruthless, and more effective, face-to-face battle. The arrival of the gunpowder revolution in the eighteenth century added the technological icing to face-to-face battle, putting in place the final ele- ment in the superior western style of warfare.11 Keegan was not the first to point out the “decisive” nature of western warfare, the credit for that goes to Victor Davis Hanson in his 1989 book The Western Way of War. In it, Hanson argues that the classical Greeks were the first to introduce to the West the decisive form of face-to-face battle, namely phalanx warfare.12 Hanson would greatly expand on this thesis in his book Carnage and Cul- ture. Hanson notes that in the 2,500 years since the Greeks introduced a decisive type of direct infantry confrontation, the West has dominated the world with its superior military capability. Hanson does not rest his thesis, however, with a claim of unbroken western military superiority; instead, he develops a vast, albeit unconvincing, argument that the West simultane- ously developed superiority in intellectual, political and economic areas.13 Finally, if Hanson’s Greece ushered in the beginning of the rise of the West, then according to Niall Fergusson’s The War of the World: Twentieth-Centu-

8 Pradeep Barua, “Military Developments in India, 1750-1850,” The Journal of Military History 58, no. 4 (1994): 599-616. 9 See Geoffrey Parker, “The Western Way of War,” in The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare: The Triumph of the West, ed. Geoffrey Parker (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 7. 10 See Barua, “Military Developments in India.” 11 John Keegan, A History of Warfare (New York: Vintage Books, 1993), 387-391. 12 Victor Davis Hanson, The Western Way of Warfare: Infantry Battle in Classical Greece (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1989). 13 Victor Davis Hanson, Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Culture (New York: Random House, 2001), 5, 440-441. 4 introduction ry Conflict and the Descent of the West, Britain, specifically Margaret Thatch- er’s Britain, was the culmination of this rise. Although The War of the World offers no analysis of warfare as such, it does comport to the Hanson thesis of the West’s vast superiority over an intellectually stagnant Orient. In it, Ferguson views the end of the twentieth century as the start of western decline because the Asian powers that used western ideas and institutions to rid themselves of western military and economic hegemony did so through a process of “cultural miscegenation”, whereby they never com- pletely “Occidentalized” themselves, but cherry picked aspects of western modernization that suited their purposes.14 The use of race as a tool for identifying behavioral traits, and military abilities in particular, is not a new phenomena. Indeed Victorian Britain developed an elaborate system of classifying the martial potential of its colonial subjects based on racial typology. The system known as the martial races originated in India. For much of the early nineteenth century, British “Orientalists” entertained the hope that with a system of reforms Indian society could be successfully Anglicized. This hope was dashed by the se- poy (Indian soldiers) rebellion of 1857. The rebellion purged the Victorian mindset of the romanticized notions that the “Orientalists” had enter- tained about India. The quaint, exotic and childlike image of Indians was replaced by a malevolent and dangerous image. The use of race as a deter- minant of superior (British) and inferior (Indian) dominated British views in the later half of the nineteenth century. The publication in 1859 of Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species only accelerated this tendency. Bio- logical sciences, especially eugenics, proliferated in British discussions of race. To intellectuals in Britain and British officers posted in India, racial doctrines not only explained how and why a “superior” people were able to defeat and subjugate an “inferior” people, but also legitimized an impe- rial expansion overseas in which the “superior” British dedicated them- selves to the task of improving the lives of “inferior” races.15 In the aftermath of the rebellion of 1857, the British government conducted an official in- quiry into the sepoy mutiny’s causes. The report of the Peel Commission concluded that the British had been unaware of various Indian ethnic groups’ true martial qualities. According to the report, the mutiny had started with high caste Brahmins of the Bengal army. These Bengali Brah-

14 Niall Ferguson, The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West (New York: Penguin Press, 2006), lxvii-lxix. 15 Pradeep Barua, “Inventing Race: The British and India’s Martial Races,” The Historian 58, no. 1, (1995): 109. introduction 5 mins were, according to the report, prone to scheming and dishonesty. On the other hand, the Gurkhas, Sikhs, Marathas and Rajputs, ethnic groups which had remained loyal to the British during the rebellion, understood the meaning of honor, and duty, and were thus the true representatives of India’s martial traditions.16 The Peel Report coincided with the publication of many military re- cruiting handbooks. These works were part of a larger classification project that the government of India undertook to create an official ethnography of India. Three explanations were put forth to identify the differences be- tween the martial and non-martial races of India – climatic theories, phys- ical qualities and behavioral characteristics. The category of physical measurements or anthropometry became the favored classification tool for the military handbook writers.17 However, climatic theories and behav- ioral studies were used to justify the European races general “superiority”. Even though pseudo-sciences, like climatic/behavioral theories and an- thropometry have been thoroughly discredited along with their conclu- sions on racial superiority and inferiority, their legacy lives on. Today proponents of ethno-exceptionalism no longer garb their theories in the obsolete rhetoric of the nineteenth century Victorians. Instead, they clad them in sophisticated fig-leafs such as the “Culture of War” and “Ways of War”. Are there alternatives to the use of race and ethnicity in evaluating military effectiveness? In 1973 a Soviet General Staff Officer Colonel M.I. Galkin wrote an article titled “The Revolution in Military Affairs and the Increased Role of Science in Troop Leadership”. The article argued that “modern military sciences” would play a dramatic role in increasing the Soviet military forces’ effectiveness. Galkin pointed out: In the modern era, the nature of war has become extremely complex. It immediately can assume enormous spatial scope, it can be fast-occurring, encompass the deep rear, and lead to great human losses. While in the past failings and mistakes in military theory made before the start of military actions could be rectified in the course of the war, although at a price of extra losses, at present it is extremely dangerous to count on this possibili- ty.18

16 Peel Commission, Report of the Commissioner Appointed to inquire into the Organiza- tion of the Indian Army, Parliamentary Papers, Cmd 2515 (1859). 17 See Barua, Inventing Race, 113-114. Several of these handbooks are available in the India Office Records Library – “Recruiting Handbooks of the Indian Army,” British Library, India Office Records (BL/IOR), Military Department, L/MIL/15/2155-2168. 18 Colonel M.I. Galkin, “The Revolution in Military Affairs and the Increased Role of Science in Troop Leadership” in Scientific-Technical Progress and The Revolution in Military 6 introduction Galkin’s essay along with other military articles appeared in a 1973 work titled Scientific-Technical Progress and The Revolution in Military Affairs. The book was subsequently translated and republished in 1974 by the USAF. Decades later, his ideas about the role of modern technology in en- hancing the Soviet Union’s military effectiveness were rediscovered by adherents in the U.S. Department of Defense. In 1995, Andrew W. Marshall head of the Office of Net Assessment within the Pentagon used the term “revolution in military affairs” in testimony before the Senate Armed Ser- vices Committee. Marshall noted that “available and foreseen technologi- cal capabilities in areas such as PGMs, computing power, and surveillance systems could transform war to the extent that occurred during the inter- war period with armored warfare, strategic bombing, and carrier aviation.”19 In 2001, Williamson Murray and Macgregor Knox attempted to place the growing debate on the parameters of the “revolution in military affairs” (RMA) within a historical framework in their edited book The Dynamics of Military Revolution, 1300-2050. Murray and Knox point out that the “revolu- tion in military affairs” was very different from the earlier military revolu- tions. The latter they noted “resulted from massive social and political changes that have restructured societies and states, and fundamentally altered the manner in which military organizations prepared for and con- ducted war.” While the former “are periods of innovation in which armed forces develop novel concepts involving changes in doctrine, tactics, pro- cedures, and technology.”20 RMA offers a compelling alternative to cul- tural explanations of military effectiveness. However, it is not a panacea either, as Murray and Knox carefully point out, any analysis of RMA is rooted in and indeed dependent upon political and strategic context.21 Instead, it is the shift of emphasis from broader cultural generalizations to a more focused emphasis on the military institution itself, which enables approaches such as the RMA to offer us a more cogent estimation of the state’s military effectiveness.

Affairs (A Soviet View), ed. Colonel General N.A. Lomov, translated and published under the auspices of the United States Air Force (Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974), 237. 19 Andrew W. Marshall, “Revolutions in Military Affairs,” Statement for the Subcommit- tee on Acquisition and Technology, Senate Armed Services Committee (May 5, 1995): 1, quoted in Macgregor Knox and Williamson Murray eds., The Dynamics of Military Revolution, 1300- 2050 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 4. 20 Marshall, “Revolutions in Military Affairs,” 176, 179. 21 Marshall, “Revolutions in Military Affairs,” 180, 193. introduction 7 In their seminal 1986 essay “The Effectiveness of Military Organizations” Millett, Murray and Watman offered a basic definition of military effective- ness as “the process by which armed forces convert resources into fighting power. A fully effective military is one that derives maximum combat pow- er from the resources physically and politically available.”22 Millett, Murray and Watman point out that while it is not possible to obtain a precise es- timate of these different resources’ varying effects on military effective- ness, it is still possible to “reach a judgment about the possibilities open to a particular military organization in a given situation.” This in turn makes it possible to “compare national armed forces, possessing vastly different characteristics, problems and enemies, in a fashion that can explain their relative effectiveness.”23 In their 2007 book Creating Military Power: The Sources of Military Effectiveness, the editors Risa Brooks and Elizabeth Stan- ley also define military effectiveness as “the capacity to create military power from a state’s basic resources in wealth, technology, population size and human capital.”24 These resources can be both a source of strength and weakness as both works indicate, the key lies in how they are made available to and utilized by the military institutions. Building upon the developing discussion of military effectiveness, this book’s purpose is to offer an examination of four post colonial states – Ni- geria, Argentina, Egypt, and India. They make a compelling group for anal- ysis for a number of reasons. These states are not only geographically diverse they are also politically, economically and culturally diverse. How- ever, they do share a common bond of being former European colonies. They are largely non-European with the exception of Argentina with its large European descent population. Furthermore, they are located in the geopolitical region known as the “third world”. All of these similarities and differences raise a number of interesting questions. Do all of these “third world” post-colonial militaries have a common method of warfare? Is there a common “third world way of war” as some of the cultural military histo- rians would have us believe? Or perhaps a regional way of war—an “Arab way of war” as opposed to a “Latino way of war”? What this book will at- tempt to show, is that despite having broad similarities, each of these states have unique characteristics that impact their military systems effective- ness in different ways.

22 Allan R. Millett, Williamson Murray and Kenneth H. Watman, “The Effectiveness of Military Organizations,” International Security 11, no. 1, (Summer 1986): 37. 23 Millet, Murray and Watman, “The Effectiveness of Military Organizations,” 37. 24 Risa A. Brooks and Elizabeth A. Stanley, eds., Creating Military Power: The Sources of Military Effectiveness (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2007), 9. 8 introduction THE NIGERIAN CIVIL WAR 9

Chapter One

The Nigerian Civil War

When the British granted independence in 1960 they left behind a federal structure that helped polarize Nigerian politics, by dividing Nigeria into three regions that represented the three largest ethnic groupings in the country. This, combined with the inability of the Nigerian political elites to compromise, destroyed what little hope remained of effective cooperation between the central and the regional governments.1 As the political system fell apart, Nigeria’s military elite took matters into their own hands. In the early hours of January 15, 1966 a group of young officers (mostly Ibos from the country’s southern region), instigated a bloody coup to end the Nigerian politicians’ corrupt ways. The Prime Min- ister, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, was killed along with Chief Akintola the Minister of Finance and the Governor of Nigeria’s western region (one of three ethnic regions). A number of senior army officer were also killed, but the army , an Ibo, General Ironsi, escaped. Ironsi swiftly moved to crush the “Majors Coup” by initiating his own coup within a coup by pressuring the Nigerian cabinet to hand over all political powers to the army.2 Ironsi then attempted to get rid of Nigeria’s federal constitutional structure in favor of a unitary state. The Hausas of the north perceived these actions as an attempt by an Ibo dominated military government to diminish the Hausas’ status. Throughout May and June of 1966 there were widespread anti-Ibo riots in the north. The January “Majors Coup” had also created a deep sense of loss amongst northern Nigerian NCOs and soldiers since most of their northern officers were killed in the coup. Seven senior officers above the rank of colonel were killed during the coup, four were northerners, two were from the west, one from the mid-west, and only one, Colonel Unegbe was an Ibo.3 Not surprisingly many northerners believed

1 See Larry Diamond, Class, Ethnicity, and Democracy in Nigeria (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1988). 2 M.J. Dent, “The Military and Politics: A Study of the Relations between the Army and the Political Process in Nigeria,” in African Affairs, St. Anthony Papers, no. 21, ed. Kenneth Kirkwood (London: Oxford University Press, 1969), 113-139. 3 Robin Luckham, The Nigerian Military: A Sociological Analysis of Authority and Revolt 1960-67 (London: Cambridge University Press, 1971), 43. 10 chapter one that the January coup was an Ibo attempt to seize power. Although most northern officers accepted that the January coup was not an Ibo conspir- acy, they were disgusted by the way in which it was carried out. The north- ern officers also were under tremendous pressure from northern NCOs and other ranks to act.4 On July 29, 1966 northern soldiers turned upon their Ibo officers and fellow soldiers, killing them where they could. The north- erners were successful everywhere, except in the eastern region, where the military governor Colonel Ojukwu managed to survive and prevented the northern soldiers from taking over. On August 1, Go- won declared himself the head of the new military government over the radio.5 Colonel Ojukwu also went on the air and responded by saying he would not accept Gowon’s authority and stated his desire to split the na- tion and its military into its component regional parts. The stage was set for the secession of the eastern province (named Biafra) on May 30, 1967, and the bloody civil war that followed.6 When the civil war began, the Nigerian army numbered approximately 10,000 soldiers and officers. The army was already divided according to ethnicity prior to the May 1967 secession declaration. This occurred when a meeting of regional representatives in on August 9, 1966 recom- mended that army personnel should be redeployed to their respective re- gions of origins. Soldiers of eastern origin were posted to Enugu, the eastern region’s capital while non-eastern troops in Enugu were sent to the bar- racks in and Lagos. This split up of the army along ethnic lines essentially made it easier for the eastern province to secede.7 The series of coups and countercoups since January of 1966 had weakened the already small pool of officers in the Nigerian army. The internecine violence with- in the army had also greatly diminished the discipline and professionalism of the army’s rank and file. However, both the Biafrans and the Federal army began a crash program of expanding their military forces in 1967. In May the Federal army’s 4 regular battalions were formed into the 1st and designated 1st Area Command. Four additional battalions were also formed and would eventually form the 2nd Brigade. As the war progressed, these would be expanded to divisions. They would be joined by a third force, the Lagos Garrison Organization (LGO), which

4 Luckham, The Nigerian Military, 166-168. 5 Gowon, a northern Christian from the middle belt was the only northern colonel to survive the January coup. 6 Luckham, The Nigerian Military, 64-67. 7 General , My Command: An Account of the Nigerian Civil War 1967- 70 (London: Heinemann, 1980), 8. THE NIGERIAN CIVIL WAR 11 would become the 3rd Infantry Division and eventually be renamed 3rd Marine Commando.8 Between 1967 and 1969, the Nigerian Federal army grew from a small force of 7,000 to more than 200,000.9 The Biafrans faced an even greater shortfall in available troops. After the departure of non- eastern troops in 1966, the military garrison in Enugu numbered only 240 soldiers. This paltry force was quickly expanded to 2 battalions in 1967. They in turn would be expanded into brigade size forces the 51st and the 52nd, and deployed in the northern and southern zones of Biafra. 10 By the war’s end, the Biafrans would deploy approximately 5 under strength divi- sions and independent units like the Biafran Organization of Freedom Fighters (BOFF) and the 4th Marine Commando Brigade, numbering al- most 90,000.11 In terms of naval and air forces, the Nigerians faced even greater prob- lems. At the start of the civil war, Nigerian Federal forces had at their dis- posal a small fleet consisting of a frigate, a submarine chaser, 2 minesweepers, 3 torpedo boats, a landing craft, and several radar equipped seaward defense boats.12 This small fleet, however, was more than capable of blockading the Biafran enclave as the Biafrans had virtually no navy. It consisted mainly of a captured patrol craft and boats taken from the Port Harcourt Sailing Club.13 The Nigerian air force had only training and trans- port aircraft at the war’s start and many of the 100 or so pilots were Ibos who left when the conflict began. The air fleet consisted of 5 C-47s, 20 Dornier DO-27 liaison planes, and 12 P149D Piaggio trainers.14 When west- ern countries refused to supply combat aircraft to the Nigerians, they turned to the Soviets.15 In 1967 the Soviets sent 15 Mig 15s and 17s, and 12

8 Major Abubakar A. Atofarati, “The Nigerian Civil War: Causes, Strategies, and Lessons Learnt,” US Marine Command and Staff College, 1992. 15, 21-22; available from http://www.; Internet; accessed 2 February 2008. 9 Neville Brown, “The Nigerian Civil War,” Military Review 48 (October 1968): 27-28. 10 Alexander A. Madiebo, The Nigerian Revolution and the Biafran War (Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishers, 1980), 97-100. 11 Major Michael R. Stafford, “Quick Kill in Slow Motion: The Nigerian Civil War” (Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 1984); available from military/library/report/1984/SMR.htm; Internet; accessed 27 February 2008. 9-10. 12 See Joseph Okpaku, ed., Nigeria: Dilemma of Nationhood (New York: The Third Press, 1972), 293-4; Robert Thompson, ed., War in Peace (New York: Harmony Books, 1982), 159; Zdenek Cervenka, The Nigerian War, 1967-1970 (Frankfurt: Bernard and Graefe, 1971), 139. 13 Rolf Steiner, The Last Adventurer (Boston: Little Brown and Co., 1978), 87. 14 Neville Brown, “The Nigerian Civil War,” 25. 15 Michael I. Draper, Shadows: Airlift and Airwar in Biafra and Nigeria, 1967-1970 (Alder- shot, Hants: Hikoki Publications, 1999), 75. 12 chapter one Czech Delfin L-29 light attack and trainer aircraft.16 The Nigerians also received 6 Il-28 bombers from Egypt. For much of the war foreign merce- naries, including Egyptians and Czechs, flew the combat jets.17 The Nige- rians also used 2 B-26 bombers, 3 helicopters and a number of captured transports.18 The Nigerian air force build up represented a massive escala- tion of combat power over the Biafran air force. The latter consisted pri- marily of 5 Swedish single engine MFI-9B Minicon combat trainer airplanes provided by Count Carl Von Rosen. These planes outfitted with rockets proved to be very capable against static targets.19 Most of the Biafran planes were flown by mercenaries and volunteers from the West.20 The Nigerian operational plan was to use the 1st Area Command to over- whelm Biafra with a four phased assault. The offensive included the captur- ing of four towns: Nsukka, Ogoja, Abakaliki and finally, Enugu. The 2nd Area Command guarded the mid-west and the Lagos Garrison Organiza- tion defended Lagos. Meanwhile, the Nigerian navy developed a naval blockade of Biafra and the Nigerian air force gained total control of the air-space in the region. The Biafrans responded by building up fortified pill boxes along the likely routes of the Nigerian army’s advance. Biafran units also deployed accordingly with the 51st Brigade in the northern sector, the 11th Infantry Battalion in the central zone, and the 52nd Brigade in the southern zone.21 The Nigerian attack began on July 2, 1967 with a two pronged movement. The 1st Brigade advanced along the Ogugu–Ogunga–Nsukka Road and the 2nd Brigade along the Gakem–Obudu–Ogoja Road. By the 10th of July, the 1st Brigade had captured its initial objectives resulting in a general retreat by Biafran forces.22 By the 12th, the 2nd Brigade had captured Gakem, Obudu, and Ogoja. The Nigerian successes on the ground were now com- pounded with an amphibious assault. On the 26th of July, the Lagos Gar- rison Organization launched a seaborne invasion of Bonny Island at the

16 Neville Brown, “The Nigerian Civil War,” 26. 17 Tom Cooper, “Civil War in Nigeria, 1967-1970,” Western & Northern Africa Database.; available from; Internet; accessed 9 September 2007. 18 Cooper, “Civil War in Nigeria, 1967-1970.” 19 Rex Niven, The War of Nigerian Unity, 1967-1970 (Totowa, New Jersey: Rowan and Littlefield, 1971), 132. 20 Cooper, “Civil War in Nigeria, 1967-1970.” 21 Atofarati, “The Nigerian Civil War,” 16-20. 22 H.M. Njoku, A Tragedy Without Heroes: The Nigerian—Biafran War (Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishers, 1987), 128. THE NIGERIAN CIVIL WAR 13 mouth of Port Harcourt Harbor and quickly overwhelmed the Biafran gar- rison defending it. On August 9, 1967, the Biafrans launched their own offensive into the mid-western region. A motorized column of about 1,000 soldiers occupied the mid-western capital of Benin. Initially the Biafrans gained success due to the lack of Federal forces to oppose them. It soon became clear, how- ever, that the Biafrans lacked trained and disciplined forces to maintain the offensive.23 As soon as Nigerian pressure began to build, the Biafran assault petered out and reversed itself into a retreat, which ended in Onit- sha on October 8, 1967.24 Henceforth, the Biafran forces remained strictly on the defensive and all initiative passed to the Federal Nigerian forces. The abortive mid-western offensive also proved to be a strategic disaster for the Biafrans. It finally jolted the Federals out of their complacency and motivated them to mobilize all their resources to crush the rebels. The neutral mid-western population now became pro-Nigerian and the Bi- afrans were isolated. The Nigerian Federal forces began their counter offensive with the war’s first air strikes with attacks against Enugu, Onitsha, Port Harcourt and Calabar.25 In September the 1st Division continued its offensive towards Enugu.26 After repulsing a Biafran counterattack, the 1st Division began subjecting Enugu to artillery bombardment from September 26th. The main fighting occurred at Nine Mile Corner outside Enugu on the 1st of October. A few days later Millikin Hill dominating Enugu was taken and the city fell to the Federal forces. However, the 1st Division failed to follow up its success and rout the retreating Biafran troops, an action which may have ended the civil war.27 While the 1st Division met with success, the Nigerian 2nd Division’s offensive towards Onitsha bogged down. Through- out October the division made repeated attempts to cross the Onitsha River and capture the city. During the first offensive, the Federal units man- aged to cross the river and enter the city, but soon discipline broke down and the Nigerian soldiers began looting. A Biafran counterattack then de- stroyed the attacking battalion forcing the remnants back across the riv- er.28 Two additional attempts to cross failed in the face of Biafran resistance and amidst chaos, confusion and disobedience on the part of the 2nd Divi-

23 Fola Oyewole, Reluctant Rebel (London: Rex Collins, 1975), 42-44. 24 Madiebo, The Nigerian Revolution and the Biafran War, 160. 25 Elechi Amadi, Sunset in Biafra, (London: Heinemann, 1973), 48. 26 Obasanjo, My Command, 19. 27 Obasanjo, My Command, 20. 28 Frederick Forsyth, The Biafra Story (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1969), 123. 14 chapter one sion soldiers.29 Finally the Divisional Commander Colonel Mohammed made an unopposed crossing at Idah and began the advance on Onitsha. On the 31st of March, the 2nd Division made a determined push towards Onitsha, but the move was not without loss. A large column of the Federal forces were ambushed and wiped out at Abagana.30 Despite this brief re- spite, Onitsha finally fell to Federal units.31 The Nigerian army also supplemented its assaults against northern Bi- afra with an invasion of the south. The Lagos Garrison Organization now renamed 3rd Marine Commando Division launched an invasion of the eastern most Biafran port of Calabar on October 17, 1967. Calabar was held by the 9th Biafran Battalion, but the Nigerians quickly overwhelmed it and Calabar fell on the 19th.32 The Calabar operation enabled the Federal forc- es to seal off Biafra’s border with Cameroon, thus completely encircling the remainder of Biafra. A period of calm followed during which the Biafrans built up their defenses across the Cross River. The 3rd Marine Commando Division in the meantime began preparations for the assault on Port Har- court the only remaining major urban center in rebel hands after the fall of Enugu, Calabar and Onitsha. On May 16, 1968 the Nigerians began bom- barding Port Harcourt. Biafran resistance quickly melted away and on the 24th it fell to the Nigerians.33 In October of 1968 the Biafran forces were on the verge of defeat. Fed- eral forces were advancing in the north and the south. In the south, the 3rd Marine Division had captured Owerri and Aba, and began movement to- wards Umuahia the new Biafran capital. However, France decided to sup- port the Biafran cause with an air lift of war materials.34 The much needed aid enabled the rebels not only to halt the Nigerian advances, but to launch their own offensives to regain Onitsha and Owerri. Although the Onitsha offensive failed, Owerri was encircled and Nigerian forces were forced to withdraw from the town on April 25, 1969.35 At this time, the Biafrans also enjoyed more success with their rudimen- tary air force. In May of 1969, Count Gustav Von Rosen flew into Biafra with his flight of 5 MFI-9B counterinsurgency aircraft. These diminutive propel- ler planes quickly launched a series of surprise attacks against Nigerian

29 Obasanjo, My Command, 43. 30 Madiedo, The Nigerian Revolution, 224-225. 31 Cervenka, The Nigerian War, 61. 32 Madiebo, The Nigerian Revolution, 192. 33 Madiebo, The Nigerian Revolution, 254. 34 John De St. Jorre, The Nigerian Civil War (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1972), 271. 35 Madiebo, The Nigerian Revolution, 321. THE NIGERIAN CIVIL WAR 15 airfields in Benin, Port Harcourt, the Ughelli power plant, and the oil instal- lation at Sapelle.36 This success, however, provided only temporary respite to the Biafrans. Just a few days earlier on the 22nd, the Nigerian 1st Division captured Umuahia the Biafran capital.37 The war now rapidly drew to a close. The blockade was beginning to have a devastating impact on the Biafran war effort as they quickly ran out of supplies and spare parts. The civilian pop- ulation was suffering from a lack of food and the International Red Cross estimated that some 14,000 people were dying each day.38 In November 1969, the Nigerians began a final push and overwhelmed the Biafrans. Colonel Ojukwu flew out on January 11, 1970 leaving Colonel Phillip Effiong to announce the surrender. At first glance the Biafran war appears as a clear cut victory for the Ni- gerian Federal military. The weaker Biafrans put up a valiant struggle, but the Federal forces’ superiority in numbers and capabilities ultimately over- whelmed them. However, this simplistic analogy gives us little understand- ing of the Nigerian or the Biafran forces’ military effectiveness. A more in-depth analysis reveals that despite an overwhelming superiority on pa- per, the Nigerian Federal forces’ military effectiveness was woefully inad- equate. Throughout the war, Nigerian formations displayed a poor understanding of tactical and operational matters. Furthermore, all Nige- rian units suffered from disciplinary problems. Of the Federal army’s 3 main ground formations, only 1, the 1st Division contained a large number of regular soldiers from the original Nigerian army. The other 2 units, the 2nd Division and the 3rd Marine Commando Division, were rapidly con- stituted with poorly trained draftees after the civil war began. The poor preparation became clear during the 2nd Division’s attack on Onitsha. After the first successful incursion across the Niger River and entry into Onitsha, the soldiers of the 2nd Division resorted to looting, enabling the Biafrans to mount a successful counteroffensive and push the Nigerians back across the river. Soldiers from the same division were also responsible for the war’s biggest atrocity against civilians. During the siege of Onitsha, 2nd Division soldiers massacred 300 Ibo civilians sheltering in the Onithsa cathedral.39 It was poorly trained soldiers from the 2nd Division who also

36 Draper, Shadows, 222-230. 37 Obasanjo, My Command, 56-57. 38 Cervenka, The Nigerian War, 54. 39 De St. Jorre, The Nigerian Civil War, 188; In another incident soldiers of the 1st Divi- sion’s 21st Battalion killed two International Red Cross members and two representatives 16 chapter one formed the ill-fated Federal convoy at Abagana which the Biafran’s am- bushed and annihilated. While the 2nd Division proved to be the most undisciplined of the Ni- gerian units, the other 2 units were not without their problems. In the wake of the successful Calabar offensive, the 3rd Marine Commando Division under Colonel Benjamin Adekunle’s command failed to follow the retreat- ing Biafrans across the Cross River. This enabled the Biafrans to set up defenses on the river’s west bank. When the Nigerian 3rd Division attempt- ed a river crossing, it was repulsed with heavy losses. Just as in Onitsha, repeated costly attempts were made to cross the river under fire. Only be- latedly did the Nigerians finally cross down river and outflank the Bi- afrans.40 The 1st Division, arguably the Federal forces’ best manned forma- tion, also showed little operational capability. Its standard tactic was to advance slowly under heavy artillery bombardment. During the siege of Enugu, the division’s artillery indiscriminately bombarded the city for a week before moving in. Indeed the use of heavy artillery concentrations instead of infantry infiltration tactics became the hallmark of the Nigerian war effort.41 The 3rd Marine Division’s advance after the fall of Port Har- court was essentially an artillery advance. The Nigerians bombarded the Biafran positions for days and only moved in after they had been evacuat- ed.42 Similar, though, significantly less use was made of the Nigerian air force’s few bombers. While such tactics undoubtedly had a demoralizing effect on the Biafran soldiers, the civilians suffered the bulk of the casual- ties, which only solidified support for the Biafran cause internally and in- ternationally.43 When Nigerian troops did advance, they generally did so in large motorized columns spearheaded by armored cars. This method restricted the Federal forces to roadways and left them vulnerable to am- bushes as happened in Abagana. Cooperation between the armored units and infantry was minimal, and the 2 forces often separated quickly under fire. Federal units also refused to conduct regular patrols, secure their lines of the World Council of Churches (Britain) in a hospital in Okigwe on September 30, 1968. Cervenka, The Nigerian War, 89-90. 40 Niven, The War of Nigerian Unity, 123; also Oyewole, Reluctant Rebel, 85; Obasanjo, My Command, 50. 41 Michael A. Samueli, ed., The Nigeria Biafra Conflict (Washington: Center for Strategy and International Studies, Georgetown University, 1969), 19. 42 De St. Jorre, The Nigerian Civil War, 257. 43 A case in point was the Nigerian air force’s attack on Aguleri market on September 18, 1968, which reportedly killed 510 people and injured nearly a 1,000. Cervenka, The Nige- rian War, 64 THE NIGERIAN CIVIL WAR 17 of communications, or gather intelligence on the Biafran dispositions. Overall, chaos and a lack of coordination characterized the Federal offen- sive. The 3 divisional units conducted their own independent campaigns, with little attempt at cooperation. Their commanding officers frequently ignored or disobeyed orders from the headquarters in Lagos. Within the units, discipline and morale was poor. Soldiers went AWOL (absent with- out leave), wounded themselves to get out of combat, and even abused drugs and alcohol. The officers exacerbated the problems by allowing rela- tives and fellow tribesmen to transfer to safer position in the rear. The of- ficer corps was also fragmented with officers openly displaying mistrust and lack of confidence in each other.44 The incompetence and disarray that the Nigerians displayed should have been of great assistance to the Biafran secession effort, and it was. However, this gain was more than offset by the Biafran’s even more disas- trous military effort. From the beginning, the Biafrans underestimated the Nigerian blockade’s ruthless effectiveness. The loss of Port Harcourt—the only sea lane of communication for Biafra—was a major strategic blow from which the Biafrans never recovered. This loss was compounded by their ill-conceived and poorly executed counter-offensive into the mid- western region. Not only did the invasion result in the loss of irreplaceable men and material, but it turned the hitherto neutral mid-western popula- tion against them and opened a new front in the war. The Biafran war effort would have collapsed in 1968, had the French not stepped in with military aid. Even the French air lift, however, proved to be only a temporary relief. Tactically too the Biafrans played into the Federal forces hands by seek- ing to engage them in open battle and to hold on to all territory with fixed defensive lines. The lack of discipline, low morale and distrust, which had plagued the Federal war effort were present in an even greater degree in the Biafran military. Biafran soldiers and civilians were obsessed with the idea of “saboteurs” in the army’s ranks. Officers in particular were suspect and there were frequent pogroms to purge and punish officers on the slightest suspicion. During the final battle for Onitsha, the soldiers of 53rd Brigade arrested and executed their commander Captain Nweke, after hav- ing accused him of collaborating with the enemy. The second in command Major Olehi, who attempted to intervene, was also shot at but managed to

44 Obasanjo, My Command, 56-57. See also Olukayode Adelaja, “Psychiatric Casualties after a War—The Nigerian Experience after the 1966-1970 Nigerian Civil War,” in Contem- porary Studies in Combat Psychiatry, ed. Gregory Belenky (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1987), 143-155. 18 chapter one escape, leaving the brigade leaderless during the crucial battle.45 Surpris- ingly, the head of state Colonel Ojukwu far from suppressing these inci- dents, actually encouraged them, since he remained convinced that army officers were plotting to overthrow him. He also sought to scapegoat offi- cers for any military setbacks. Officers like Colonels Okon and Aniebo were demoted and disgraced when areas under their control fell to the Feder- als.46 These actions had a devastating impact on the officers’ morale and the constant turnover meant that there was little continuity and cohesion in the Biafran military’s command element. Command and control issues were even further complicated by the creation of several fighting units outside the regular chain of command. In addition to various militia units, Ojukwu instituted his own force known as the “S” Brigade. This so called elite unit functioned as Ojukwu’s personal body guard and received pref- erential treatment much to the disgust of the regular fighting units. An- other such unit was the 4th Commando Brigade that the German mercenary Rolf Steiner established. Originally set up to conduct guerilla operations behind enemy lines, the unit mainly supported regular troops and had a poor operational record. Steiner was ultimately stripped from command and sent out of the country.47 The end result was a disunited and frag- mented war effort, which proved disastrous for the Biafrans. The abortive war of Biafran independence reveals a systemic lack of military effectiveness within the Nigerian (and Biafran) armed forces. While much of the blame for this lack of effectiveness can be attributed to the flawed political system Nigeria inherited after colonial rule, institu- tional flaws in the armed forces made them mirror and indeed exacerbate the political system’s flaws. To understand the root causes of these institu- tional failures we have to examine Nigeria’s colonial military legacy. Like most colonial militaries, the Nigerian army originated as a security force to protect their colonial masters’ commercial and territorial inter- ests—in this case the British. The Nigerian army traced its roots to several such local forces that the British recruited in the region in the nineteenth century. The first of these forces was a constabulary force known as “Glov- er’s Hausas” organized in Lagos in 1863 with runaway slaves who had joined a Royal Navy officer Lieutenant Glover. Another force the “Oil River Irregu- lars” were set up in 1885 in the Calabar. From 1891 they were known as the

45 Madiebo, The Nigerian Revolution and the Biafran War, 209-211. 46 Ntieyong U. Akpan, The Struggle for Succession, 1966-1970 (London: Frank Cass, 1976), 92-93; Oyewole, Reluctant Rebel, 126. 47 Madiebo, The Nigerian Revolution and the Biafran War, 293. THE NIGERIAN CIVIL WAR 19 “Niger Coast Constabulary”. In the north a similar force the “Royal Niger Company Constabulary” was set up in 1886. It became the Northern Nige- rian Regiment in 1900 and played a key role in the annexation of northern Nigeria. The need for local Nigerian forces became apparent when the West Indian troops that the British had used in West Africa became as suscep- tible to the climate and disease of the region as their European counter- parts.48 The build-up of British forces in West Africa and in northern Nigeria in particular, can also be attributed to the intense territorial rivalry between the British and the French, with both sides disputing the frontiers of their spheres in Nigeria. The tension was exacerbated by the Berlin West Africa Conference of 1884-1885, which enumerated the doctrine of “effective oc- cupation” to legitimize territorial claims.49 In response to this, by 1896 the French began to move into areas of present day northern Nigeria. Matters came to a head when the French occupied the town of Busa in Borgu. Al- though war was narrowly averted, the British realized that their inadequate para-military forces in Nigeria were no match for the French military es- tablishment in West Africa. In Senegal and the Sudan alone, the French had 7,800 men (including 3,750 Europeans) with local troops like the Sen- egalese Tirailleurs and the Spahis, which were far superior in numbers and training to their British counterparts in Nigeria.50 The British reacted quickly to the French threat. In 1897 Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamber- lain, entrusted Colonel Lugard (ex-Indian army) with the task of raising a new West African force or the Northern Nigeria Regiment to oust the French from present day northern Nigeria. In June 1899 an Inter-Depart- mental Committee recommended the amalgamation of all colonial forces in West Africa under the designation West African Frontier Force.51 In 1914 when Lord Lugard amalgamated northern and southern Nigeria all these military units were joined to form the Nigeria Regiment of the West African Frontier Force.52 In World War One, the regiment took part in campaigns against German Cameroon and German East Africa (Tan- ganiyka). During the Second World War, Nigerian troops participated in

48 Confidential Memorandum, Captain A. Clarke, June 1864, United Kingdom, Public Records Office (PRO), War Office, W.O. 33/13. 49 Protocols and General Act of the Berlin West African Conference, 1885, Parliamentary Papers, Cmd. 4361 (1885). 50 The military position of the French in West Africa by Major Barnardiston, 28 Febru- ary 1899, United Kingdom, PRO, Colonial Office, C.O. African (West) No. 582. 51 War Office to Colonial Office, 25 February 1899, United Kingdom, PRO, Colonial Office, C.O. African (West) No. 577. 52 N.J. Miner, The Nigerian Army, 1956-1966 (London: Methuen & Co., 1971), 12. 20 chapter one the campaign to eject the Italians from Ethiopia, the British also used them in the Middle East, Palestine, Morocco and Sicily. Their biggest role in the war, however, was in the Burma campaign where Nigerian soldiers formed part of the 81st and 82nd West African Divisions. A total of 28 battalions and supporting troops were raised numbering 121,652.53 This large force was rapidly demobilized at the war’s end. By the time Nigeria gained inde- pendence, the Nigerian armed forces numbered a total of 15,000, of which 5,000 made up the newly formed navy and air force.54 Although small in number, the Nigerian armed forces, and the army in particular, had the potential to play an important and constructive role in the future Nigerian state. However, just as in the case of the political structure that Nigeria inherited from the British, there were severe flaws in the military system that Nigeria inherited. The first and most obvious flaw was structural. The military that the Nigerians were left with was essentially a glorified police force. Its primary responsibility was internal security and not combating external threats. In terms of resources and materials there were also severe deficiencies. The air force and the navy were in their infancy while the army was built up around 4 infantry battalions. Prior to the civil war’s outbreak, the Nigerian army operated mainly as a para-military police force, a fact reflected in its organization, training and equipment. There is little or no evidence that the Nigerian army engaged in regular field exercises to develop and main- tain combat skills. The Nigerian army’s few operational deployments prior to the civil war reflect poorly on their military preparation. During peace keeping operations in the Congo from 1960 to 1964, the Nigerian contingent generally avoided heavy combat, which was borne by the Indian army’s U.N. contingent. Furthermore, the Nigerian units suffered from growing disciplinary problems amongst its soldiers.55 As a consequence, the Nige- rian government was ill prepared to combat a separatist movement. How- ever, this fact offers only a partial explanation for the Nigerian military’s abysmal military effectiveness. It does not explain the army’s intervention in politics and the subsequent collapse into fratricidal warfare along ethnic lines. To understand these devastating impacts on Nigerian military ef- fectiveness during the Biafran War, we must examine the army’s composi- tion and the Nigerian officer corps’ evolution.

53 A. Haywood and F.A.S. Clarke, The History of the Royal West African Frontier Force (Aldershot: Gale & Polden Ltd, 1964), 328-472, and Miner, The Nigerian Army, 13-14. 54 Jimi Peters, The Nigerian Military and the State (London: I.B. Tauris, 1997), 77. 55 Miners, The Nigerian Army, 75-88. THE NIGERIAN CIVIL WAR 21 In 1857, the “Sepoy Uprising” in India almost ended British rule in India. In response, the British initiated a policy whereby they bypassed the po- litically unreliable ethnic groups in India and began to recruit soldiers from politically reliable ethnic groups such as the Sikhs, Gurkhas and Punjabis. The British also extended this policy of minority ethnic recruitment to Nigeria.56 Here the southern Yoruba and Ibos who the British perceived as politically unreliable were bypassed and Hausa, Tiv and Kanuri tribesmen were recruited instead.57 In 1958, the north actually provided more than 62% of the recruits while the east and the west provided about 36%.58 From that year onward the British instituted regional quotas to ensure that the northern region represented 50% of the army, while the eastern and western regions had 25% representation each. There were even built-in safeguards to prevent “nominal” northerners, natives from the middle belt, from entering the northern quota.59 As a result of the quota, by 1965 the recruitment figures changed to 55% for the north, 26% for the west and mid-west, and 25% for the east. The reduction of the northern presence in the army and the new safe-guards were resented by both the Hausa and the Tiv, the latter came from the middle belt, and had in the past provided the bulk of the northern recruits.60 The colonial recruitment system and the 1958 quota system undoubtedly created tensions within the Nigerian army’s rank and file. The faulty political structure of independent Nigeria further exacerbated these tensions. However, it was not the army’s rank and file members that were responsible for initiating the army’s collapse. The blame for that lies with the Nigerian officer corps. It was the January 1966 “Majors Coup” that triggered off the ethnic conflict within the Nige- rian army. Only after the Majors and then General Ironsi overthrew the civilian government did the northern soldiers initiate the bloody pogrom against Ibos within the army. The military’s intervention in the Nigerian political process demonstrated a fundamental breakdown in the officer corps’ professionalism. The subsequent conduct of the remaining officer corps in the civil war also reflected a lack of professionalism and military skills. This was the main cause for the Nigerian armed forces’ poor military effectiveness during the civil war.

56 General Staff, War Office, Military Report on Northern Nigeria, vol. 1, (London: HMSO, 1908), 87-88. 57 Ruth First, Power in Africa (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1972), 161. 58 Miners, The Nigerian Army, 25. 59 William Gutteridge, Military Institutions and Power in the New States (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965), 77. 60 Miners, The Nigerian Army, 98-99. 22 chapter one A key factor in the problems facing the Nigerian officer corps at the time of the civil war was its relative youth. It was only in 1948 that the British began to reserve slots for West African cadets at Sandhurst. These cadets would obtain a regular commission in the British army after they com- pleted their eighteen month course. Additionally, Nigerian NCOs and war- rant officers could obtain short service commissions if they completed a sixteen week course at Mons or Eaton Hall officer cadet schools in England. The short service officers could convert to regular commissions after three years of service as officers. Cadets aspiring to enter Sandhurst had to have secondary school education and pass a battery of written and oral tests in addition to a medical test. The short service commissioned officers also had to pass the general certificate in education and a medical test. Initial progress was slow because of the poor educational facilities in the tradi- tional recruiting grounds in the north and the mid-west. The south which had better educational facilities posed a different problem because south- erners had a poor opinion of the army, and few southern secondary school graduates considered a military career to be a better choice over higher paying civilian jobs such as lawyers, doctors and engineers. A high rejection rate during cadet training and poor promotion prospects also hampered recruitment. Between 1948 and 1955 the number of officers commissioned stood at two per annum. This improved to seven per annum between 1956 and 1958, but was still too little. In April of 1958 when the British War Office handed over control of the Nigerian armed forces to Nigeria, the number of Nigerian officers stood at only 32. At the time of independence in Octo- ber 1960, there were only 57 Nigerian officers out of a total of 283 officers. In addition to the lack of officers, the officer corps’ ethnic composition was also heavily skewed in favor of the south with only 8 of the 57 officers com- ing from the north.61 To redress this imbalance a quota system was intro- duced in 1961, by which 50% of officers were to come from the north, while 25% came from the east and the west.62 The new quota system and the existing pressure to hasten the Nigerianisation of the officer corps resulted in a lowering of standards. The speed at which Nigerianisation occurred after 1960 is stark. On January 1, 1960, the Nigerian army had 228 British officers and only 48 combat-commissioned and 2 non-combat commissioned Nigerian officers, which represented 18% of the officer corps. By January 1, 1966 there were no British officers left, and the Nigerian element now making up 100% of

61 Miners, The Nigerian Army, 33-52, 108, 115. 62 Peters, The Nigerian Military and the State, 79. THE NIGERIAN CIVIL WAR 23 the officer corps had grown to 330 combat commissioned officers and 181 non-combat officers.63 This rapid increase was affected through a system of rapid promotions. Officers were promoted and transferred so rapidly that they had little time to develop their skills and gain the necessary ex- perience to take on more challenging tasks. The regional quota system instituted in 1961 in particular had a harmful effect on the selection of of- ficer cadets. As the West African Pilot noted, the quotas’ net effect was to “send subgrade people for training to satisfy Regional as opposed to Na- tional interests”.64 The deterioration in the officer cadets’ selection process after 1961 came over and above the already weak educational preparation that officer cadets had prior to entering the officer corps. The basic require- ment was a West African school certificate, which was the equivalent of a secondary school certificate. In 1966, 84% of the combat officers had a secondary school background, while 14% were promoted from the ranks and did not even have that qualification. Only 2% had a university degree or equivalent professional qualification. This stands in sharp contrast to the federal civil service where at least 58% had a university degree and the legal and medical professions where 100% possessed a university or equiv- alent professional degree.65 In addition to possessing poor educational backgrounds and lacking adequate experience, the officer corps also lacked a cohesive corporate identity. The officer cohorts that emerged from Sandhurst, Mons and Eaton developed their own individual corporate identities. After 1961, officer ca- dets were also sent to academies and training schools in India, Pakistan, Australia, Canada, Ethiopia, and the U.S. After 1967, cadets also graduated from the Nigerian Defense Academy (established in 1964). These latter groups certainly lacked the homogeneity of the earlier groups from Sand- hurst, Mons/Eaton. In addition to coming from a variety of backgrounds during their formative training years, the Nigerian officers also were dif- ferentiated by educational backgrounds. The early group of short service commissioned officers trained at Mons and Eaton Hall were former NCOs with relatively poor educational backgrounds, the Sandhurst group and

63 Federation of Nigeria, Official Gazettes, (1960-6), quoted in Luckham, The Nigerian Military, 163. The massive influx of new officers and the rapid promotions resulted in a very young and inexperienced officer corps. In January 1966, 62% of the Nigerian army’s combat officers were under the age of 25. Of the remainder 23% were between the ages of 25-29, 12% were between the ages 30-34, and only 3% were between the ages 35-44. Luckham, The Nigerian Military, 98; and Miners, The Nigerian Army, 126. 64 Article dated February 13, 1964, quoted in Miners, The Nigerian Army, 117-118. 65 Luckham, The Nigerian Military, 96, Table 18. 24 chapter one the post 1961 Commonwealth trained officers all had secondary school backgrounds. The older officers did not command the respect and loyalty of the younger officers. The latter saw the senior officers as being less qual- ified colonial appointees and not as devoted to the nationalist sentiments of the newly independent Nigeria.66 Conversely the junior officers lacked the experience and the self-confidence to command the respect of the NCOs below them. These soldiers were much older than the officers and they had considerably more military experience than them. As a result, the officers relied upon them heavily for the day to day affairs of the unit. This inevitably meant that the officers ceded some authority to the NCOS.67 The Nigerian officers’ day to day activities revolved round social activi- ties rather than significant military training. As Robin Luckham notes, the Nigerian officer’s lifestyle maintained a strong emphasis “on material consumption”.68 Officers sought to have the most expensive cars, and to maintain the most lavish facilities to entertain visitors. Meticulous dress codes were maintained. During leisure hours European dress was the norm, while immaculate uniforms were worn during mess and work. On Saturday, early afternoon drinks, was an event all officers were expected to attend with a suitable friend of elite status. During these events, officers arranged games and hunting expeditions.69 The Nigerian officer corps thus represented the weakest link in the chain of military effectiveness. It was further weakened by the coup and counter-coup of January and July, 1966. In the coups’ aftermath, there were no officers of the rank of colonel and above left in the military, and only 5 officers or 36% of officers with the rank of lieutenant colonel remained in the military.70 The military junta’s subsequent lack of legitimacy in the wake of the coups meant that effective military leadership during the war from either side was never a possibility.

66 See Barret Lindsay, Danjuma: The Making of a General (Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishers, 1979), 21; and Gavin Kennedy, The Military in the Third World (London: Duck- worth, 1974), 78. 67 Luckham, The Nigerian Military, 166-168. 68 Robin Luckham, “Officers and Gentlemen of the Nigerian Army,” Transition, no. 39 (Oct 1971): 40. 69 Luckham, “Officers and Gentlemen of the Nigerian Army,” 38-46. 70 Federation of Nigeria, Official Gazettes (1960-7), quoted in Luckham, The Nigerian Military, 91. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 25

Chapter Two

The Argentine War for the Malvinas Islands

On December 9, 1981 the Argentine Army Chief General Leopoldo Fortu- nato Galtieri and his high school friend and Chief of the Argentine navy Admiral Jorge Issac Anaya met for lunch. The crux of their conversation revolved round a bloodless palace coup to overthrow Argentina’s current military dictator General Roberto Viola. The army and naval felt that Viola’s failing economic policies were detrimental to the country and were bringing disrepute to the junta. Admiral Anaya offered Galtieri the navy’s backing on condition that the navy would be allowed to go ahead with its plans for the invasion and occupation of the Falklands Islands (Malvinas Islands).1 Viola was overthrown on the 22nd of December and in early January 1982 planning commenced for the invasion. The invasion plan codenamed “Operation Rosario” was drafted by a task force under Rear Admiral José Lombardo’s leadership. The plan was based on already existing invasion scenarios that had been in existence since the late 1960s. In 1973 Admiral Emilio Massera took over as naval chief. The admiral had been greatly impressed by the ease with which India took control of the Portuguese colony of Goa in 1961. The admiral and his col- leagues were also struck by the utter lack of international response to the Goa takeover. Massera’s “Plan Goa” was formulated by none other than Jorge Anaya, then a captain in the navy. “Plan Goa” involved a surprise amphibious assault of the islands, the removal of the existing population to Montevideo, and the resettlement of the islands with Argentine settlers backed by a small garrison.2 “Operation Rosario” essentially involved a surprise amphibious landing of about 3,000 troops who would overwhelm the small Royal Marine garrison with minimal force. Thereafter a force of only 500 would remain on the islands. The main difference was that British settlers could opt to stay on in the islands if they wished. Those who left would be eligible for financial compensation. Britain would have no choice, but to except the new reality. The plan was forwarded to the junta on March

1 Jimmy Burns, The Land That Lost Its Heroes: The Falklands the Post-War and Alfonsin (London: Bloomsbury, 1987), 28-30. 2 Max Hastings and Simon Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands (London: Pan Books, 1983), 45-46. 26 chapter two 16, 1982, and accepted without changes. The operation was to commence no earlier than the 15th of May.3 Galtieri was also convinced that Britain would not attempt to use military force to regain the islands. In an August 1982 interview, he reportedly stated that he never considered a British military response to be a possibility.4 The Galtieri junta also was confident that it would have international opinion on its side and that the Reagan administration in Washington would not intervene to aid the British. Dur- ing a November 1981 visit to Washington, the Reagan administration warm- ly received General Galtieri and feted him as a leader in waiting.5 The arms embargo imposed on Argentina over human rights violations had been recently lifted, and the Argentine army was helping U.S. interests in the region by training the Contras.6 There was a belief in the junta that the U.S. had in effect given tacit approval for the invasion.7 Events that took place in mid-March, however, accelerated the junta’s invasion plans. On March 16, an Argentine salvage crew led by business- man Constantino Davidoff arrived in South Georgia (classed by the British as a “Dependency” of the Falkland Islands), to remove scrap materials from four abandoned whaling stations. Although Davidoff cleared the trip with the British embassy in Buenos Aires, he failed to report to the British mag- istrate stationed at the British Antarctic Survey station at Grytviken. When the Argentine incursion was reported to Port Stanley, the Falkland’s capital, the British dispatched the patrol vessel HMS Endurance with 22 Royal Ma- rines on board to Grytviken to forcibly remove the Argentines if necessary. In response the Argentine government dispatched its own naval vessel the Bahía Paraíso with 14 marines of the Buzos Tácitos an underwater special forces unit (similar to the U.S. navy’s SEALs). This signaled the start of “Operation Alfa,” the plan to seize South Georgia. The plan had been in existence for three months and was intended to go into effect in April, but the government now activated it in response to the British escalation. The

3 Details of the plans come from the Rattenbach (named after one of the report’s coau- thors Teniente General Benjamin Rattenbach) Commission’s report on the Argentine role in the conflict, See “II Parte, Antecedentes del Conflicto,” in Malvinas/Informe Rattenbach; available from; Internet; accessed 4 April 2009; and Burns, The Land That Lost Its Heroes, 30-31. 4 Quoted in Major Francis X. Kinney, “The Malvinas Conflict: Argentine Practice and the Operational Art,” U.S. Army Command and Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, AD-A234: 161, (1990): 17. 5 Hastings and Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands, 62. 6 Mark Falcoff, “The Falklands Conflict Revisited,” Global Affairs (Winter 1990): 155. 7 Juan Carlos Murguizur, “The South Atlantic Conflict: An Argentinean Point of View,” International Defense Review 16, no. 2 (February 1983): 135. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 27 Argentine force landed on Leith some 20 miles from Grytviken on the 25th of March, a day after the Endurance arrived at Grytviken.8 The commence- ment of “Operation Alfa” now forced the Junta to hasten plans for “Opera- tion Rosario,” the invasion of the Falklands. The Argentine marines and the navy had begun rehearsing for the invasion since March 19th, but the army and the air force has not been involved since their participation was not deemed necessary. On the 26th, the junta gave the go ahead for “Operation Rosario” now renamed “Operation Azul” (Blue). The army was now brought into the operation with the hurried addition of the 25th Regiment. “D” Day was set as April 1st with the 2nd and 3rd as alternatives.9 The decision to invade gave the Argentine navy a little over forty-eight hours to put to sea. Every seaworthy ship in the navy would be needed. The main invasion force, called Task Force 40, included the 2 most modern warships in the Argentine navy, the 2 Type 42 air defense destroyers Hér- cules and the Santísima Trinidad, who in addition to carrying troops sup- ported the amphibious landing ship the Cabo San Antonio. The naval support ship Isla de los Estados would carry stores and food for the garrison and the islanders. The invasion force would be supported by Task Force 20 built around the light aircraft carrier Vincente de Mayo and the gun cruiser General Belgrano. The landing force’s main component was to be the 2nd Marine Battalion. The unit was based in Puerto Belgrano, the invasion’s launch point. It was selected because it had just completed a joint exercise with U.S. marines in Patagonia and was considered to be the best trained and equipped marine battalion. The battalion was equipped with 20 Am- trac amphibious armored personnel carriers, and a battery of 6 105mm howitzers. The army provided a sized unit from the 25th Regiment based in Argentina’s southern Chubut Province. In a secondary operation, the Type 69 frigate Guerrico (Task Force 60.1) transported a reinforced pla- toon from the 1st Marine Battalion (also based in Puerto Belgrano) to take on the British garrison in Grytviken.10 On the 1st of April, Task Force 20 disembarked the first invasion party. Marines of the Amphibious Commando Company came ashore at Lake Point at 11:00pm. The unit split into two with the main body heading for

8 Grey Rock, “Planning and Preparing a Disaster—Argentina and the Falklands,” The Naval Review 73, no. 2 (April 1985): 119-120; Hastings and Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands, 73-74; Burns, The Land That Lost Its Heroes, 43-48. 9 Rock, “Planning and Preparing a Disaster,” 120-121. 10 Martin Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands (Barnsley, S. Yorkshire: Pen & Sword Books, 2003), 16-20; Nick van der Bijl, Argentine Forces in the Falklands (Oxford: Osprey Books, 1992), 3, 5. 28 chapter two the British marine barracks at Moody Brook, while a smaller unit of 16 men under Lieutenant-Commander Giachino headed for the Government House. It was apparent that the Argentines had poor intelligence about the British garrison’s status. Far from achieving surprise, the British Governor Sir Rex Hunt had been informed on the 1st that an invasion was imminent. Thanks to the South Georgia crisis, the British had two marine detach- ments at their disposal instead of the usual one (the outgoing group of marines was held back) for a total of 82 including 12 at Grytviken. Marines were sent to guard the airport (the runway was blocked) and Port Stanley.11 Government House was to be the marshaling point for the marines and the island’s territorial defense force. The end result was that Moody Brooks was abandoned when the main body of the Marine Commando Company attacked. On the other hand, Commander Giachino’s small platoon was confronted by twice their number when they attempted to take Govern- ment House. Giachino was mortally wounded and a stalemate occurred until the main invasion force arrived from Port Stanley.12 In fact the main invasion force came ashore at about 6:00am at the same time as the Argen- tine attack on Government House failed. Argentine marines of the 2nd Battalion came ashore in Amtracs and headed to Port Stanley.13 After a brief firefight with a Royal Marine detachment on the outskirts, the main force headed for Government House where Governor Rex Hunt had al- ready decided to surrender. A day later on the 3rd, the British in South Georgia surrendered after a brief firefight, which inflicted some casualties on the Argentines.14 Despite the haste with which the operation had been mounted, and the lack of surprise, the Argentines could look upon the invasion’s first phase with some satisfaction. The islands had been taken quickly with little loss of life—more importantly with no British loss of life. However, from this point on “Operation Azul” began to unravel. A major component of the junta’s post invasion strategic planning had been a largely positive and at worst neutral response from the world com- munity. Much to their shock, on the very day the main invasion force came ashore on the 2nd of April, the U.N. Security Council passed Resolution No. 502, which essentially backed the British demand for cessation of hostili- ties and the withdrawal of all Argentine forces. To add insult to injury, the

11 Hastings and Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands, 91. 12 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 27-32. 13 They were preceded into action by a small 12 man unit of the Buzos Tácticos who surveyed the beach. The submarine Santa Fé dropped them off. 14 Andrew Lane, Royal Marines Commandos in the Falklands War (Tiverton, Essex: Halsgrove, 2000), 9-10, 15. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 29 Americans voted with the British.15 The fait accompli scenario that the planners had been so confidently predicted also disappeared. The British far from backing down began feverish preparations to send a counter inva- sion force to retake the islands. In response the junta rejected the U.N. Resolution 502 and began to build up its own forces, all the while backed by a delirious and jingoistic public. In the invasion’s aftermath, the 8th and 25th Regiments of the 9th Bri- gade were the only Argentine forces left in the Falklands (the 2nd Marine Battalion had withdrawn to the mainland). The junta decided to send the 10th Brigade based in Buenos Aires Province with its 3 regiments, the 3rd, 6th and 7th to the Falklands. Prior to embarking for the islands, the 10th Brigade managed to replace most of its green recruits with reservists. How- ever, the 8th and 25th Regiments of the 9th Brigade had not replaced their recruits with reservists prior to their deployment to the islands as part of the first wave. As intelligence reports made clear that the British were set- ting sail with 4 battalions of professional soldiers, the junta decided to send another army brigade, the 3rd Brigade which was based in the northern Corrientes Province on the border with Uruguay. The leadership’s decision to use troops from the 9th, 10th and 3rd Brigades would be fateful for it left the Argentine army’s three best equipped and trained brigades along the tense frontier with Chile. These units included the 6th and 8th Mountain Brigades along the Andes range and the 11th Cold Weather Brigade in the southern tip of Argentina. All these formations were trained and equipped to fight in precisely the conditions present in the Falklands.16 Overall com- mand of the Falklands’ garrison was placed with -General Mario Benjamin Menéndez the governor of the islands. Brigadier-General Oscar Luis Jofre the 10th Brigade commander led the troops around Port Stanley, while Brigadier-General Omar Parada the 3rd Brigade commander took command of the vast outer area to the west of Stanley. In addition to their standard small arms, which included the FN FAL 7.62mm rifle, the FN50-41 7.62mm light machine gun, and the FN MAG 7.62 machine gun, infantry units were equipped with Korean War era 75mm and 90mm recoilless guns, and 105mm recoilless gun Model 1968s. Anti-tank weapons included obso- lete manually guided French SS-11, SS-12 and German Cobra missiles. The infantry units were supported by 2 artillery regiments with the Oto Melara M56 105mm pack howitzers. A number of air defense units were also de-

15 Only Panama voted against the resolution. Even Spain abstained. 16 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 56. 30 chapter two ployed with anti-aircraft artillery, including 2 batteries of radar directed Oerlikon GDF-002 35mm guns, obsolete British Tigercat SAMs, a handful of British made Blowpipe, and Russian made SAM-7 Strela shoulder launched missiles, and only 1 modern Roland short range SAM system. Two squadrons of French made Panhard AML90 armored cars with 90mm guns were also deployed.17 By the end of April, the Argentines had about 13,000 men on the islands awaiting the British counter-attack. The British responded to the Argentine invasion by launching “Opera- tion Corporate” to retake the Falklands. The invasion force was built around 2 infantry brigades. The 3rd Commando Brigade was responsible for estab- lishing a bridgehead on the islands. It consisted of 3 Royal Marine Battal- ions, the 40th, 42nd and 45th. The Parachute Regiment’s 2nd and 3rd Battalions also joined them. After the Commando Brigade established the bridgehead, the army’s 5th Infantry Brigade with the 1st/7th Battalion of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Own Gurkha Rifles, the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards and the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards followed them. The brigades had 3 batteries of 105mm field guns (18 in total) and air defense units with hand held Blowpipe missiles and the Rapier SAM.18 While evenly matched on paper, the British forces had a qualitative edge over the Argentine brigades in the Falklands. The Royal Marines had been trained in Mountain and Arctic warfare as part of their NATO duties, which made them ideally suited to the conditions in the Falklands. Additionally, all British forces taking part in “Operation Corporate” had extensive train- ing in combined arms warfare. Their regular training as part of NATO and routine overseas exercises made them far more adaptable to embark upon a sudden campaign on short notice. The 2nd Parachute Battalion had just returned from a training exercise in Kenya and prior to that it had com- pleted a two year tour of duty in Northern Ireland. The battalion was pre- paring to go to Belize when it was called up for Falkland duty.19 Qualitatively too the British held a significant edge. British infantry units carried more deployable firepower than their Argentine counterparts. Al- though in terms of small arms the British carried versions of the FN FAL and FN MAG, they also carried more modern infantry support weapons,

17 Adrain J. English, Armed Forces of Latin America (London: Jane’s Publishing Co., 1984), 33; Bijl, Argentine Forces in the Falklands, 21-23. 18 Hastings and Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands, 401-403. 19 Major-General John Frost, 2 Para Falklands: The Battalion at War (London: Buchan & Enright, 1983), 13. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 31 including the 66mm (M72A1 LAW) disposable rocket launchers, 84mm Carl Gustav anti-armor recoilless guns and Milan wire guided anti-tank missiles. The British artillery units used the excellent 105mm light field gun, which greatly outranged the Argentine 105mm pack howitzers (17-10 kilo- meters). British anti-aircraft weapons included modern handheld Blow- pipe missiles and the quick reaction Rapier missile system. The British forces also had a huge numerical advantage in the number of helicopters they were able to use in the Falklands. Significant as the British advan- tages were in terms of ground combat power, they were even greater with regard to naval and air-power which would play an equally pivotal role in the conflict. In 1982, the Royal Navy was the world’s fourth largest navy. During “Op- eration Corporate” the Royal Navy deployed a significant portion of its operational strength. This included its 2 light carriers the Hermes and the Invincible with Sea Harrier jump jets and Sea King helicopters. The British also deployed almost two dozen destroyers and frigates, the most modern of which were the Type 42 Destroyers Cardiff, Coventry, Exeter, Glasgow, Sheffield and the single Type 82 destroyer Bristol. These ships were armed with the Sea Dart area defense surface-to-air missile systems. Two Type 22 Frigates, the Broadsword and the Brilliant, were armed with the quick-re- action Sea Wolf missile system designed to take on low flying missiles and planes. These 2 missile systems would play an important role in the air and sea battles to come. The British also deployed 6 nuclear submarines, which would have a decisive effect on the naval campaign. In addition to combat vessels, the Royal Navy sent more than 75 transport vessels, including, troop ships, supply and support ships and tankers, including requisitioned civilian ships such as the liners Queen Elizabeth II and the Canberra.20 The Argentine navy was not only considerably smaller, but lacked mod- ern vessels. The most modern and capable warships in the fleet were 2 Type 42 destroyers, the Hércules and the Santísima Trinidad, with the Sea Dart air defense missiles. Three Type 69 light frigates built in France the Drum- mond, Guerrico, and the Gránville, armed with Exocet anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine torpedoes served as escorts. The Argentine navy also had 2 modern diesel submarines, the German Type 209s Salta and San Luis, armed with wire guided SST-4 torpedoes. The remainder of the combat fleet consisted of about a dozen obsolete, mainly, World War Two era ships and submarines, including the 2 principle surface units the light carrier

20 Frost, 2 Para Falklands, 393-400. 32 chapter two Vinenticinco de Mayo and the 6in gun cruiser the General Belgrano. A mod- est fleet of about 8 vessels provided the navy’s supply and support func- tions, including the 4,300 ton landing ship the Cabo San Antonio.21 The small size and the obsolescence of a significant portion of the fleet meant that the Argentine navy, with the exception of its land based strike aircraft, and 2 modern submarines would play a very limited role in the forthcom- ing conflict with the British navy. Combat air power was the one area in which the Argentines were able to outnumber the British significantly. When the British carrier task force steamed out on the 5th of April, the carriers Hermes and Invincible carried 12 and 8 Sea Harrier fighters. On the 30th of April, an additional 8 Sea Har- riers flew out to Ascension Island to land on the container ship the Atlan- tic Conveyor, which had been modified to accommodate a 50 feet by 80 feet landing pad. Six Royal Air Force (RAF) GR.3 Harriers Sea Harriers joined on May 5th. Additional GR.3s would trickle into the theater through May and early June right up to the Argentine surrender on June 8th.22 The Brit- ish had approximately 34 combat aircraft with which to face an Argentine combat force of about 120 planes. The greatest air combat strength lay with the Argentine air force, the FAA (Fuerza Aerea Argentina). Its combat fleet included 11 Mirage IIIE interceptors, 22 Daggers (Israeli built Mirage Vs), and more than 30 A-4 Skyhawks. The naval air units included a single squadron of 10 Skyhawks and a small squadron of 4 super Etendard strike aircraft armed with the AM-39 Exocet anti-shipping missiles. The Malvi- nas’ garrison included some 24 Pucará turbo-prop ground attack aircraft and a flight of 6 Aeromacchi armed jet trainers.23 The Argentine numerical strength, however, proved to be deceptive since they deployed their main combat strength on the mainland. The closest Argentine fighter bases to the Falklands were Río Grande (380 nautical miles), Río Gallegos (435 nau- tical miles) and San Julián (425 nautical miles). Only the Skyhawk and Super Etendard fighters had the ability to refuel in mid-air. The Mirages and Daggers had no mid-air refueling capability and could only spend a maximum of ten minutes over the islands. As a further consequence, they could not use their afterburners for maneuvering combat, which deprived them of their only advantage over the subsonic Harriers. Although the

21 Adrian English, Battle for the Falklands (2): Naval Forces (London: Osprey Publishing, 1982), 10-14; English, Armed Forces of Latin America, 44-47. 22 Roy Braybrook, Battle for the Falklands (3): Air Forces (London: Osprey Publishing, 1982), 12-16. 23 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 304-308. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 33 Harriers were subsonic aircraft with a relatively short range, their deploy- ment from the Hermes and the Invincible near the islands, meant that they were able to spend up to sixty minutes at a time over the combat zone. The Sea Harrier was also a far more technologically advanced aircraft than the FAA fighters. In addition to its advanced Blue Fox radar, its main air-to-air armament was the latest version of the Sidewinder missile, the AIM9L.24 This missile had a wide aspect infrared seeker, which enabled the Sea Har- rier to shoot at an enemy aircraft from virtually any angle. The Argentine Mirages (the only FAA fighters able to carry air-to-air missiles) by contrast carried the older French made Matra 550 infra-red heat seeking air-to-air missiles. These short range missiles had a very small angle of target acqui- sition forcing the Mirages to position themselves directly behind the en- emy aircraft’s tailpipe for a successful shot. The Daggers carried the Israeli made Shafrir missile based on early Sidewinder technology, and it too had the same limitations as the Magic.25 The Pucarás and Aeromacchis were the only combat aircraft that could be based at Port Stanley, because the 4,500 foot long runway was too small for jet fighters. Although these planes were useful counterinsurgency aircraft, their abilities against a well equipped British force proved to be woefully inadequate. Despite the huge technological and operational experience disparity that the Argentines suffered vis-à-vis the British, they did have a substantial garrison in the Falklands. While the Argentine supply lines were extended, this problem was dwarfed by the British challenge of maintaining a supply line over 8,000 miles of ocean. Even if the British forces were able to prevail over the inevitable air campaign against them, they would have to land their forces under fire and overwhelm a well dug-in defensive force. If the Argentines could create a stalemate around or even on the islands, Britain’s ability to sustain hostilities would ebb dramatically. The first British task force based around the aircraft carriers had left Portsmouth on April 5th. The liner Canberra followed four days later with most of the Marine Commando Brigade. Other ships sailed from Gibraltar. By mid-April the fleet converged at Ascension Island. Three nuclear sub-

24 Secret deliveries of these missiles from the U.S. enabled the British to make up stock depleted during the campaign. Mark Dartford, ed., Falklands Armoury (Poole, Dorset: Blandford Press, 1985), 65. 25 The Mirages also carried the semi-active radar guided Matra R.530 air-to-air missile. However, this was an obsolete missile designed to shoot down slower high flying bombers and not maneuvering fighters. Argentine pilots believed that the missile only created use- less drag. Salvador Mafé Huertas and Jesús Romero Briasco, Argentine Air Forces in the Falklands Conflict (Poole, Dorset: Arms and Armour Press, 1987), 44. 34 chapter two marines also headed straight for the Falklands’ area. From Ascension the fleet split, one group headed to take South Georgia, while the main task force headed for the Falklands, around which the British declared a 200 mile exclusion zone effective from April 12. On April 21 a small British fleet including the destroyer Antrim, the frigate Plymouth and the arctic patrol vessel Endurance approached South Georgia. An attempt to put a SAS re- connaissance team to scout the area ended in near disaster when deterio- rating weather forced their evacuation and the loss of 2 helicopters.26 The Argentine navy was responsible for South Georgia’s defense. After some indecision about whether to fight the British or to surrender, Admiral Ana- ya sent the old submarine Santa Fé with a detachment of 40 marines.27 After a brief firefight during which the Santa Fé was damaged and beached the Argentine garrison surrendered. On the 30th of April the main British carrier task force entered the self- imposed 200 mile exclusion zone. On the May 1st, a British long-range Vul- can bomber flying from Ascension bombed the air strip at Port Stanley, signaling the start of the British campaign.28 The same day Sea Harriers from the task force attacked Argentine positions in Stanley and Goose Green. The same afternoon a British destroyer and 2 frigates began shelling Argentine positions south of Stanley. The 4.5in British naval guns easily outranged the 105mm pack howitzers available to the Argentine garrison. The Argentines responded with a major air assault using Canberras, Sky- hawks, Mirages and Daggers. Although the British suffered some superficial damage, the Argentines lost 3 planes. At night the British fleet resumed their bombardment of Stanley and also landed reconnaissance teams on the island. The same day the British carrier task force launched raids against Ar- gentine positions in the Falklands, Grumman Tracker reconnaissance air- craft from the Veinticinco de Mayo (Operating as part of Task Force 79 north of the 200 mile exclusion zone) located the position of the British fleet operating east of the Falklands. The Argentines prepared a strike of 6 Sky- hawks, but light winds prevented the launch of the strike and the Argentine task force was ordered back to Argentine waters.29 A similar order was sent

26 Hastings and Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands, 150-152. 27 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 72. 28 Argentine troops around Stanley witnessed the spectacular night attack. One com- mando described the attack as “Dantesque” and thought the British had destroyed Port Stanley. Isidoro J. Ruiz Moreno, Commandos en acción. El Ejército en Malvinas (Buenos Aires: Emecé Editores, 1986), 72. 29 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 98-103. Huerta and Briasco, Argentine Air Forces in the Falklands Conflict, 44, 61. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 35 to another Argentine task force operating to the south of the exclusion zone. This was for the cruiser General Belgrano and her escort vessels. Un- known to the Argentines, the British nuclear submarine Conqueror had spotted and trailed the Belgrano since April 30th. On the 2nd of May, the British submarine was cleared to fire and launched 3 torpedoes. These were older Mk8 unguided torpedoes chosen because they had huge warheads, which would stand a better chance of penetrating the cruisers 6 inch armor plate. Furthermore, the Belgrano presented an easy target as it was cruising at 10 knots along a steady course. The Belgrano had ignored the usual zig zag course pattern taken when under the threat of possible submarine attack. The ship went down with the loss of 321 men. The Belgrano’s loss essentially put the Argentine surface fleet out of the war, with most vessels being ordered into shallower waters. The Argentine naval strike aircraft, however, remained very much on the battle operating from their land bases. On May 4th the Argentine navy launched a strike with 2 Super Étendards equipped with the AM39 Exocet anti-ship missiles. An Argen- tine Neptune reconnaissance aircraft had detected several British ships south east of the Falklands. The Exocets were launched some 20 miles out and one hit the British Type 42 destroyer Sheffield. Twenty British sailors died and the ship sank a few days later under tow. Meanwhile the British operations to weaken the islands’ defenses and to conduct a thorough reconnaissance continued. On the night of May 14-15, British SAS soldiers attacked the airfield at Pebble Island on West Falklands and destroyed all Argentine aircraft based there including 6 Pu- carás. Both sides launched airstrikes and some aircraft were lost in the process. With no British attack being imminent, the Argentines took time to reinforce the garrison via an air bridge. Additional aircraft and artillery pieces were sent over. They included 2 155mm artillery pieces with a range of 15 miles.30 They immediately forced the British bombardment ships to move further out to sea and reduced their guns’ effective range. This inter- regnum also witnessed the Argentine navy’s failed attempt to use its most effective weapon against the British, their Type 209 submarines the San Luis and the Salta. Of the 2, the Salta was suffering from a defective propel- ler which made it too noisy to risk using in combat. This left only the San Luis which reached its patrol area north of Stanley on April 29. The sub- marine under Captain Azcueta’s command had its first opportunity on the 1st of May when it detected a British vessel. However, the fire-control com-

30 These were indigenously designed and built in Argentina. English, Armed Forces of Latin America, 64, 66. 36 chapter two puter was unserviceable so the crew manually launched the wire-guided SST-4, but the attack failed because the torpedo’s wire guide broke after launch. On the 12th of May, the passive sonar on the San Luis detected the British frigates Alacrity and Arrow. Once again the wire guide on the SST-4 torpedo failed and the target was missed. Two days later the San Luis was ordered back to her base at Mar el Plata.31 The British had been aware that the San Luis was in the area and had expended considerable resources in trying to locate and destroy it. Had even one of the attacks succeeded, it may have changed the forthcoming conflict’s entire course. On May 8th, the British amphibious task group carrying the invasion force was ordered to set sail south from its marshalling point at Ascsension. The choice of a landing place was now critical. The British had initially favored Berkeley Sound just above Port Stanley, but they rejected it as being too risky. Eventually they choose San Carlos Bay on the island’s western side. The bay provided a protected anchorage since it was overlooked by high ground. This provided it immunity from the dreaded Exocet, and also made an air attack a very difficult proposition since attacking planes would have only seconds to acquire a target after crossing the ridge lines. The fact that the landing point would be out of the Argentine artillery’s range was also a decisive argument in San Carlos’s favor.32 On the night of May 20-21st a British SAS unit attacked Argentine positions in Darwin (just north of Goose Green) as a diversionary move to distract the Argentine garrison at Goose Green from moving to San Carlos. Another unit of the SBS (Royal Marine Special Boat Service) attacked a small Argentine force at Fanning Head overlooking Port San Carlos. After a brief action the British took 9 Argentine soldiers prisoner while the rest fled to San Carlos, where the unit commander First Lieutenant Carlos Esteban witnessed the British invasion fleet’s arrival in the morning. He radioed this information to Goose Green and then retreated inland. An Aeromacchi armed jet trainer from Stanley confirmed Lieutenant Esteban’s sighting later that morning. The Argentine air force responded with a major air operation involving 27 Skyhawks and 17 Daggers. It dispatched 54 sorties and 44 reached the target. The aircraft attacked in three waves of 14 to 17 aircraft between 10:30am and 3:30pm. However, instead of attacking the British landing vessels in the San Carlos Bay, the planes attacked the British warships in the Falklands Sound. This error gave the British enough time to unload their Rapier air defense mis- siles and establish a defensive perimeter for San Carlos. While attacking

31 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 74, 80-81, 132. 32 Hastings and Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands, 213-215. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 37 the warships, the Skyhawks had to run a deadly gauntlet of fire, from both the British warships and the defending Sea Harriers. The Argentines lost 13 aircraft including 10 (5 Skyhawks and 5 Daggers) to the defending Sea Harriers.33 One British frigate, the Type 21 Ardent was sunk and 4 other ships were damaged. Two ships the Antrim and the Argonaut had unex- ploded bombs in them. The Argentine air force pilots had not been trained to attack ships, and as a result were dropping their bombs at very low alti- tude. This resulted in the bomb hitting the ships before the fuse in the bomb’s nose could arm itself. Only the naval Skyhawk pilots of the 3rd At- tack Squadron were trained for bombing ships, and it is believed that a flight of naval Skyhawks were responsible for sinking the Ardent after they climbed high enough to enable their bombs to activate their fuses before hitting the ship.34 The air assault failed to stop the British landings. Within twenty-four hours, the British had landed 3,000 infantry, 24 105mm field guns, 8 light tanks, and 1 battery of Rapier air-defense missiles. Over the next two days, the Argentines launched several more raids against the Brit- ish invasion fleet. Once again although they launched the attacks with great courage and some precision, the low flying tactics resulted in several bomb hits, but no explosions. The only British loss was the Type 21 frigate Antelope when the bomb disposal team set off one of the bombs while trying to defuse it on May 23rd. The Argentines lost 4 Daggers and 2 Sky- hawks. On the 25th of May, Argentina’s national day, air force Skyhawks scored their first real success of the war when they bombed and sank the British destroyer Coventry. They also put out of action the accompanying frigate Broadsword that had a bomb that passed through it without explod- ing. The same day the Argentine navy’s Super Étendards made their pres- ence felt again when they attacked the British carrier force northeast of Stanley. Although their Exocets were decoyed away from the British war- ships, 1 missile hit the container ship Atlantic Conveyor, which sank with its crucial cargo of 3 Chinook heavy lift helicopters and 10 Wessex helicop- ters.35 The National Day attacks were a great success, but they came at a cost of 3 additional aircraft and no with diminution of the British bridge- head at San Carlos. In fact, the British were now ready to launch the deci- sive land phase of the campaign.

33 Chris Hobson and Andrew Noble, Falklands Air War (Hinckley: Midland Publishing, 2002), 84-85. 34 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 160-161. 35 Hobson and Noble, Falklands Air War, 94-99. 38 chapter two The same day the Argentines sank the Coventry and the Atlantic Con- veyor, the British expeditionary force in San Carlos formulated its plans for a ground campaign, albeit under tremendous pressure from Whitehall for immediate action. After much debate the British commanders decided that the 2nd Parachute Battalion (2nd Para) would attack Darwin and Goose Green, while the 3rd Parachute Battalion and the 45th Royal Marine Commando Battalion would trek all the way across the island to Port Stan- ley.36 The epic “yomp” across the island was necessitated by the loss of the helicopters on the Atlantic Conveyor. In Port Stanley, the Argentine garri- son commander Brigadier-General Menéndez and his staff wondered if the San Carlos landings were a diversion. The only reserve available was a single helicopter-borne infantry company, but it was too weak to confront the British. The Argentines eventually decided to send 2 105mm howitzers to Goose Green via ship on May 22nd. The ship unfortunately was detected by British Sea Harriers and attacked. Forced to beach 13 miles from its destination, the guns had to be salvaged from the vessel. Only 1 gun arrived in working condition in Goose Green. The Argentine garrison in Darwin and Goose Green was made up of one infantry regiment the 12th and a company of the 25th Regiment (this was the unit that retreated from San Carlos). A battery of 4 105mm howitzers (one non-operational) supported them. In addition, several units of engineers and the air force had also deployed for a total of 1,500 men. However, of the 1,500 men only 554 were combat infantry. B Company of the regiment had been kept back in Stanley to form an air mobile helicopter reserve. Furthermore, the 12th Regiment was based in Mercedes in Corrientes Province, and had been rushed to the Falklands making it impossible to complete the process of replacing its raw recruits with reservists. Most of the new recruits were from the class of 1963 and had only thirty days of military instruction.37 According to its com- mander, Lieutenant Colonel Italo Piaggi, the unit arrived without its com- plete complement of equipment. The regiment lacked enough radios and had to confiscate radios from the civilians at Goose Green. In lieu of a full complement of 25 7.62mm machine guns, the unit only had 11. Instead of 10 81mm and 4 120mm mortars, the unit had only 2 81mm mortars and single 120mm mortar with a welded base plate that could only fire to a set range. Instead of 13 106mm recoilless, rifles the regiment brought only 1.38

36 Hastings and Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands, 265-266. 37 Garciela Speranza and Fernando Cittadini, Partes de Guerra: Malvinas 1982 (Buenos Aires: Editorial Norma, 1997), 92. 38 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 179. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 39 The 12th Regiment recruits were overcome by the cold and wind of the Falklands, and were mentally and physically exhausted. Many refused to follow orders and abandoned positions to steal food.39 The Argentine 12th Regiment would face a well-equipped, highly trained professional British force in the 2nd Parachute Battalion. Prior to embark- ing from England, the unit had doubled its complement of machine guns and had also acquired a number of U.S. made M79 grenade launchers.40 The battalion would have a small battery of 3 105mm field guns and would also be supported by naval gunfire. The battalion marched to Camilla Creek House on the night of May 26-27. They received some harassing fire from the 3 Argentine 105mm guns in Goose Green. The battalion began its attack on the Argentine positions at 2:35am on the 28th. As the British advanced down the narrow (2 to 3 kilometers wide) and long (9 kilometers) Darwin and Goose Green isthmus, the 12th Regiment’s A Company confronted them. The unit, consisting of conscripts with 4 officers and 14 NCOs under the command of First Lieutenant Antonio Manresa, had taken up hastily prepared forward defenses a few days earlier. In the dark, the British ad- vanced among the Argentine positions before a confused fire fight erupted which ended with the British overrunning the Argentine positions. The survivors then retreated to the main defensive line near Darwin,41 which extended from Boca House on the isthmus’ western edge to Darwin Hill on the eastern edge and included trenches with some overhead cover. Colonel Piaggi also ordered his reserve, a platoon of C Company under Lieutenant Roberto Estévez, to counter attack. This reserve platoon had just occupied Darwin Hill, when it spotted the British moving toward the hill. The pla- toon managed to stop the British paratroopers with a hail of fire, which killed 2 British officers. The British commander Lieutenant Colonel H. Jones now attempted to assault part of the Argentine trench line but was mortally wounded in the process. By 10:00am the British advance had stalled outside the Argentine defensive line.42 This had been purely an infantry battle up until this point. The Argentine mortars and 105mm guns had used up their immediate ammunition supplies. The British 105mm field guns at Camilla House were too far away to lay down accurate fire and the British frigate Arrow which had been providing naval gun support had

39 Itlao Angel Piaggi, Ganso Verde (Goose Green) (Buenos Aires: Sudamericana/Planeta, 1986), 35,100. 40 Hastings and Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands, 270. 41 Speranza and Cittadini, Partes de Guerra, 131-132; Frost, 2 Para Falklands, 62-67. 42 Frost, 2 Para Falklands, 67-77. 40 chapter two expended most of its ammunition and had to return to the safer waters of San Carlos at first light. At noon the fighting resumed after the British re- grouped. The paratroopers gradually overcame the fierce Argentine resis- tance that Lieutenant Estévez had organized by using 66mm rocket fire and Milan anti-tank missiles, and began advancing towards Goose Green.43 The Argentine main line collapsed after Lieutenant Estévez and his second in command were both killed.44 A confused fight then followed with the British forcing the Argentine forces to collapse around Goose Green.45 The last major action outside Goose Green took place between 1:00pm and 2:00pm near the school house on the outskirts of the Goose Green air field. Gómez Centurión led a platoon of 36 men from C Com- pany to stop the British advance. After a heavy firefight against C Company of the 2nd Para, the survivors of Centurión’s decimated unit disengaged and fell back.46 Argentine Pucará and Aeromacchi aircraft from Stanley attacked the advancing British with little effect and lost several aircraft in the process. The British responded with a very effective Harrier strike using cluster bombs and 2in rockets to knock out the Argentine 35mm anti-air- craft guns, which were being used to good effect in the ground fire role.47 By 5:00pm the fighting was dying down and Piaggi was reinforced with 2 companies flown in by helicopter from Stanley, but was unable to use them. By nightfall Piaggi thought his men had become dispirited by the high casualty rate and that they were also battle weary. As a result on the morning of the 29th, he accepted a British offer to surrender.48 In twenty- four hours the second largest Argentine military base outside Stanley had fallen to a British assault. Approximately 55 Argentines died in the battle for Goose Green, the British lost 17 men.49 After Goose Green’s fall British forces moved eastwards towards Mount Kent. A series of skirmishes followed between British SAS units and Argen-

43 Frost, 2 Para Falklands, 78-90; Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 188. The Argentine forces in Bocca House under Lieutenant Aliaga also surrendered after they suffered heavy casualties and were surrounded. Piaggi, Ganso Verde, 103. 44 Speranza and Cittadini, Partes de Guerra, 134-135. 45 The “fog of war” had resulted in many differing accounts of the Goose Green Battle. See Spencer Fitz-Gibbon, Not Mentioned in Despatches: The History and Mythology of Goose Green (Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 1995). 46 Speranza and Cittadini, Partes de Guerra, 143-146; Frost, 2 Para Falklands, 89. 47 Hobson and Noble, Falklands Air War, 105. 48 Piaggi, Ganso Verde, 107. 49 Lawrence Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. II, (War and Diplomacy) (London: Routledge, 2005), 581; David Aldea, “Blood and Mud at Goose Green,” Military History (April 2002): 49. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 41 tine units from the 601st and 602nd Commando Companies. The Argentine commandos came out the worst losing 5 killed and 14 captured to the Brit- ish losses of 2 killed and 1 captured.50 Sporadic air action continued with both sides losing several aircraft due to enemy action and accidents. On May 30th the British 5th Brigade arrived at San Carlos and the British ad- vance to Stanley speeded up. On June 5th the Scots Guards Battalion board- ed landing craft and shipped out to Bluff Cove. On June 7th the landing ship Sir Tristram carrying ammunition arrived at Fitzroy Bay southwest of Stanley. She was joined by the landing ship Galahad carrying troops of the Welsh Guards Battalion. On the morning of the 8th Argentine soldiers on Mount Harriet spotted the British landing ships. The Argentine air force responded by launching a major air operation. A decoy group of aircraft simulated attack along the northern coast to attract the Sea Harrier patrol while 5 Skyhawks headed for Fitzroy Bay. In a text book attack aided by a lack of British defensive fire, since the ground based Rapiers had not been deployed, multiple bombs that did explode struck both the landing ships.51 Forty-eight men, mostly guardsmen, died in the attack. The British debacle at Fitzroy delayed their push to Port Stanley by only forty-eight hours. By June 11th the British were in position to begin their land assault on the line of hills surrounding Stanley to the west—Wireless Ridge, Mount Longdon, Two Sisters, Mount Harriet, Mount Challenger, Tumbledown Mountain, Mount William and Sapper hill. The Argentine garrison had 6 regiments deployed for Port Stanley’s defense. Three Regi- ments, the 25th, 6th and the 3rd were deployed along the coast south of Stanley. It was here that the Argentines expected the British to launch their main assault. The Argentines deployed 3 additional regiments, the 4th, 7th and the 5th Marine in the line of hills to the west. In Stanley itself, there were administrative and support personnel. Most of these troops had been waiting for the British assault for about two months. The troops deployed along the coast had the opportunity to visit Stanley occasionally for sup- plies and creature comforts. However, the troops in the hills were 7 miles from Stanley and few soldiers availed themselves of the once weekly pass

50 The Commandos were amongst the best trained Argentine units in the Falklands. Many had participated in the counter-insurgency campaign against rural Marxist guerillas in the Tucumán province. Antonius C.G.S. Robben, “Combat Motivation, Fear and Terror in Twentieth-century Argentinean Warfare,” Journal of Contemporary History, 41, no. 2 (April 2006): 370. Despite the fact that most of these units came into being only in 1964, they enjoyed great camaraderie and cohesion from extended service together. Héctor Rubén Simeoni, Malvinas: Contrahistoria (Buenos Aires: Editorial Inédita, 1984), 55. 51 Hobson and Noble, Falklands Air War, 123-124. 42 chapter two to trek to Stanley and back. These soldiers were also exposed to harsh weather conditions on the hill top positions. They were short on food and infrequently supplied. Of the 3 regiments deployed in the hills, only the 5th Marine whose home base was Rió Grande in Tierra del Fuego was prop- erly equipped with clothing for cold weather conditions. For a week prior to the assault on the night of June 11th British artillery, naval gunfire and air strikes softened up the Argentine positions. Aggres- sive British patrols probed to discover the layout of the Argentine mine- fields and defenses. The British attack commenced at 9:00pm. The 3rd Para attacked Mount Longdon, which was defended by B Company of the 7th Regiment, the 10th Engineer Company and a section of marine machine gunners. The night attack completely surprised the Argentines and they did not detect the advancing British until they were half way up the hill.52 A heavy and confused action followed for several hours. The marines’ heavy 12.7mm machine guns were particularly effective at pinning down the British, but British artillery soon suppressed the Argentine fire and the Argentine positions were broken. Much of the resistance came from the platoon led by Second Lieutenant Juan Baldini who died in the battle.53 By dawn after a bloody ten hour battle the entire hill was in British hands at a cost of 18 dead and 40 wounded. Argentine losses are imprecise and range from between 29 and 50 dead and 50 taken prisoner and about a 120 wounded.54 The Argentine defense of Mount Longdon was the toughest battle the British would face that night. At the same time 3rd Para was at- tacking, the British 45 Royal Marine Commando Battalion attacked the Argentine position on Two Sisters. Two Argentine infantry companies de- fended the hill—C Company from the 4th Regiment defended the hill’s western side under Major Ricardo Cordón and B Company of the 6th Reg- iment defended the eastern side under Major Oscar Jaminet.55 The brunt of 45 Commandos’ attack fell on C Company. After a quick battle and an intense and effective British artillery bombardment, the Argentine posi- tion collapsed with the marines suffering 4 dead and 10 wounded.56 Argen-

52 Graham Colbeck, With 3 Para to the Falklands (London: Greenhill Books, 2002), 168, 179. 53 Also killed was Lieutenant Albert Ramos the forward artillery observer. Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 235; Lieutenant Baldini and the other Argentine dead were buried by Argentine POWs the next day. Daniel Kon, Los Chicos de la Guerra: The Boys of the War, Translated from the Spanish (London: New English Library, 1983), 156. 54 Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. II, 629, fn10. 55 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 237. 56 Lane, Royal Marine Commandos in the Falklands War, 85. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 43 tine losses were placed at 10 dead, 50 wounded, and 54 taken prisoner, including Major Cordón.57 The surviving Argentines retreated to Mount Tumbledown. The southern-most attack and the last one on the night of June 11th, was launched by 42 Royal Marine Commando against Mount Harriet. The Argentine garrison here consisted of B Company of 4th Regi- ment and was supplemented by heavy weapons, and 2 additional . The British marines who had patrolled the area intensively, devised and planned to bypass the main Argentine defenses to the west of Mount Har- riet by attacking through the minefields and from the south east to the rear of the Argentine defenses. After a 4 mile night march, the British success- fully infiltrated the main Argentine defenses before they were detected. An intense firefight commenced with 1,000 British shells falling on the Argen- tine positions.58 By dawn, the British were in control of Mount Harriet too for the loss of only 2 soldiers and 13 wounded. Argentine losses were also light with 10 dead, and 53 wounded.59 Only a single Argentine platoon managed to escape before some 250 men surrendered to the British. The British now controlled the outer ring of hills around Port Stanley.60 On June 13th the British resumed their attacks. The Scots Guards at- tacked Mount Tumbledown in the center. The Argentines defending Tum- bledown were soldiers of N Company of the 5th Marine Battalion. They were supported in the adjoining Mount William sector with O Company of the same battalion. The 5th Marine Battalion was the only marine bat- talion in the Argentine garrison. Although its men were conscripts too, the marine system of taking in conscripts all year round instead of in batches meant that the marines had a higher proportion of trained soldiers than their army counterparts. The 5th Battalion was also supported by its own integral marine artillery battery. Unlike the army conscripts, the marines were well fed and well clothed for war in the Falklands. The unit had been based in Tierra del Fuego in the far south of Patagonia and the soldiers were used to the harsh terrain and cold climate.61 Because of their familiarity

57 Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. II, 631. 58 Lane, Royal Marine Commandos in the Falklands War, 85-86; Nick Vaux, March to the South Atlantic: 42 Commando, Royal Marines in the Falklands War (London: Buchan & Enright, 1986), 173-174. 59 Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. II, 635. 60 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 244. 61 Emilio Villarino, Batallón 5: El Batallón de Marina No 5 en la Guerra de Malvinas (Buenos Aires: Aller Atucha, 1992), 64; Carlos H. Robacio and Jorge Hernández, Desde el Frente: Batallón de Infantería de Marina No. 5 (Buenos Aires: Solaris, 1996), 71, 107, 117, 138, 168, 230. 44 chapter two with the terrain in Tierra del Fuego, the marines were aware of the rocky soil conditions that would prevail in the Falklands, and brought with them heavy iron crowbars for moving rocks.62 The Scots Guards opened the night action with a diversionary attack against the Mount William position in the south. The Argentines repelled this attack with the loss of 2 guards- men killed and 7 wounded. The main British attack was along the Tumble- down ridgeline west to east. The Argentine N Company had deployed most of its strength on the eastern side to confront an expected British attack from the south and the east. This left a single platoon (No. 4) under a young Sub-Lieutenant Carlos Vázquez to face the main British attack along the ridge’s middle. Vázquez would be supported by the remnants of an army platoon of the 4th Regiment under Second Lieutenant Oscar Silva’s leader- ship, which had retreated from Two Sisters.63 By 1:00am the Guards had come up to the middle of the ridge and intense fighting erupted. The Ar- gentines called down 81mm mortar fire on their own positions forcing the British to withdraw temporarily. The fighting resumed an hour later with the British surrounding the 2 Argentine units and methodically eliminat- ing their positions.64 As the fierce fight continued Lieutenant Silva was killed while exhorting his men to fight on.65 By 7:00am the Argentine force was almost out of ammunition and the action petered out. The British used laser guided Paveway bombs to destroy the Argentine company headquar- ters.66 The mid-ridge garrison of 27 marines and 16 army men sustained 50% casualties including 12 dead, 4 missing and 5 wounded.67 They had killed 8 Scots Guardsmen and wounded more than 35.68 The surviving Argentine companies were ordered to counter attack, but it quickly col- lapsed in the face of British firepower. The Argentines withdrew to Stanley and to Sapper Hill.69 A mile to the north of Tumbledown, the British 2nd Parachute Battalion attacked Wireless Ridge. It was held by about 4 mixed platoons of the 7th Regiment including survivors from the earlier Mount Longdon Battle. The British attack was heavily supported by artillery, naval gunfire and 4 light

62 Villarino, Batallón 5, 123; Robacio and Hernández, Desde el Frente, 19. 63 Vázquez’s unit consisted of 27 marines, 16 army soldiers and a few engineers. ­Villarino, Batallón 5, 129; Middlebrook, The Fight for the Falklands, 256. 64 Villarino, Batallón 5, 160-164; Robacio and Hernández, 297, 300-301. 65 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 259. 66 Hobson and Noble, Falklands Air War, 136. 67 Villarino, Batallón 5, 169-172. 68 Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. II, 646. 69 Villarino, Batallón 5, 192. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 45 tanks.70 The massive amount of accurate British supporting fire and the disorientation of the night combat led the Argentine opposition to quick- ly collapse. With the loss of only 3 men, 2nd Para quickly rolled up the Argentine positions on Wireless Ridge taking more than 37 prisoners. Brigadier-General Joffre in Stanley ordered a counterattack with 70 dis- mounted cavalrymen of the armored car squadron and 3rd Regiment’s A Company. This was the most concentrated and determined Argentine counterattack of the war and the only one to be launched at night. How- ever, 2nd Para used overwhelming firepower in the form of missiles and rockets to easily beat back both attacks.71 The loss of Tumbledown and Wireless Ridge eviscerated the Argentine defensive plan for Port Stanley. They had initially anticipated an amphibi- ous landing from the south to be followed by a land attack from the south west track south of Mount Tumbledown. However, the loss of the weakly defended western and northern mountain belt meant that only open ground lay between the British and Stanley. Early on June 14th, the British prepared to assault the last remaining Argentine position to the west of Stanley—Sapper Hill—held by 5th Marine Battalion’s M Company. As the operation was underway, however, news came through that a surrender had been negotiated bringing an end to the fighting. Faced with a dire situation Brigadier-General Menéndez had communicated with General Galtieri on the mainland. The latter unconvinced about the Argentine gar- rison’s poor condition urged continued action. Menéndez on the other hand urged Galtieri to accept U.N. Resolution 502 calling for a voluntary Argentine withdrawal from the islands. When Galtieri refused, Menéndez began negotiating surrender terms with the British commander Major- General Jeremy Moore. On the 17th of June as British ships prepared to repatriate thousands of Argentine prisoners, General Galtieri was forced from office. A scant eleven weeks after its euphoric start, “Operation Azul” ended in disaster for Argentina. The decisive British victory reveals serious flaws in the Argentine state’s military effectiveness. The Argentine invasion plan was based on a critical strategic blunder—the belief that the international community’s reaction and especially that of the U.S. would be positive and that Britain would not

70 The Scorpion and Scimitar reconnaissance light tanks of the Blues and Royals used their 76mm and 30mm guns to engage the Argentine dug-outs and bunker amidst the rocks. Their night vision devices enabled to operate in the dark without hindrance. Frost, 2 Para Falklands, 138-146. 71 Frost, 2 Para Falklands, 150-151. 46 chapter two respond militarily.72 This fundamental miscalculation, more than anything else decisively dictated the war’s course. Because “Operation Azul” envis- aged the need for a small occupying force after the invasion, little or no preparation was made to adequately garrison the islands. The Argentine air force’s inability to contest the skies over the Falklands was crucial to the war’s outcome. Had Argentine planning included the lengthening of the air strip in Stanley to accommodate even a single squadron of Mirage jets, British air superiority would have been in doubt.73 Without the Skyhawk’s refueling capabilities, the Mirages and Dagger could not engage in effective air combat maneuvers with the Sea Harriers and conceded air superiority to the British. Had the Sea Harriers had their hands full with the Mirages and Daggers, the Skyhawks would have had easier access to attack British ships. Since there had been no contingency planning for bombing ships, air force pilots were not trained adequately to perform such attacks. As a result despite very courageous attacks many of the bombs never exploded on impacting British ships because Argentine pilots flew too low and did not allow their bomb fuses enough flight time to arm themselves. The Argentine naval strength was also hamstrung by the war’s rapid commencement. While the Royal Navy had a clear numerical and qualita- tive advantage over its Argentine counterpart, the latter could have had a powerful force of modern naval strike fighters at its disposal. The conflicts’ abrupt start also halted full delivery of the French Super Etendard naval strike fighters and their Exocet missiles. The Argentine navy had to make do with only 4 Etendards and 5 Exocets. A full squadron with several doz- en Exocets could have had a much greater impact on the naval war. The war’s initiation also meant that 2 modern German submarines the Santa Cruz and the San Juan still under construction in Germany could not take part in the conflict. As events were to prove, the modern diesel electric submarine was impervious to detection by the Royal Navy. A flotilla of 4

72 America not only voted for Resolution 502, but offered military supplies to Britain from its own weapons’ stocks. On May 13th the Americans agreed to provide the British 100 AIM9L sidewinders with 200 to come, 2 Phalanx point defense guns for the British carriers, and 200 Mk46 anti-submarine torpedoes. These shipments were flown into Ascension on the 14th. They were followed by airstrip matting for Stanley airfield after it had been cap- tured, Shrike anti-radiation missiles, Stinger man portable ground-to-air missiles, ammuni- tion, helicopter engines, sonar equipment for British helicopters and temporary accommodations for large numbers of British troops in Ascension Island. Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. II, 386-398. 73 The Argentine air force did study the possibility of basing a detachment of older F-86F Sabre fighters in Stanley but decided that it was impractical. Huertas and Briasco, Argentine Air Forces in the Falklands Conflict, 14-15. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 47 modern diesel electric submarines with well-trained crews could also have had a decisive impact on the campaign. The faulty planning for “Operation Azul” also meant that the build-up of the army garrison on the island, once it became clear the British would react, was done in an ad hoc manner. The 2 brigades deployed in the island, the 3rd and the 10th from Buenos Aires and Corrientes Provinces, were not trained or equipped to fight in cold weather and mountainous terrain. Only 1 infantry unit deployed in the Falklands, the 5th Marine Infantry Battalion, was prepared to fight in cold weather conditions. The changing mission scenario also meant that many of the infantry regiments deployed to the Falklands either never replaced their green recruits with better trained reservists or had only partially completed the process. Artillery support was also not well planned. The Argentine garrison’s artillery mostly con- sisted of the light weight Oto Melara 105mm pack howitzer. Although, this was a very mobile weapon due to its light weight, its British counterpart the 105mm Field Gun outranged it. The Argentine army did possess longer ranged and vastly more powerful 155mm guns, but it deployed only 3 at Stanley. Air defense equipment was also shorthanded. Only a single Roland mobile surface-to-air missile system was sent to the island. The lack of an effective longer range air defense network allowed the British harriers to operate with impunity over the islands. Finally, the army garrison faced a constant shortage of arms, ammunition and supplies. Additionally, many units were deployed without their full complement of support weapons. Furthermore, units also faced a constant shortage of food and ammunition. Even after additional shipments made good these shortages, the problem of keeping outlying areas supplied persisted. Soldiers deployed in the mountains west of Stanley had to make do with meager resupply runs, while other units even more isolated like Lieutenant Ésteban’s platoon at Fanning Head had to forage off the land to survive. Many Argentine units quickly used up their stocks of ready use ammunition and were not resup- plied. Despite the many shortcomings due to faulty planning outlined above, many elements of the Argentine military acquitted themselves well against a vastly superior enemy. Of the three services, the Argentine air force (along with the naval air arm) performed the best, and came closest to stymieing the British war effort. The Argentine air force’s (FAA), southern commander, Brigadier General Ernesto H. Crespo was an energetic and able leader. In the weeks prior to the invasion, he vigorously trained his 48 chapter two airmen for the impending air campaign.74 As the war progressed, he and his staff adapted to the changing scenario. After the loss of the high flying Canberra bomber to a Sea Harrier, all Argentine aircraft transitioned to low altitude flight paths over the islands. The Argentine air force used it Fénix squadron of civilian Learjet aircraft to constantly decoy British Sea Harriers away from attacking Skyhawk aircraft. These aircraft also performed in- valuable radio relay and navigation assistance functions. When it was dis- covered that the low flying tactics did not allow enough time for the bombs to arm their fuses, the air force installed impact fuses on the bombs that would enable them to explode on contact.75 Although the air force had only 2 KC-130 air-refueling tankers at its disposal, it used them with great efficiency to maintain relentless pressure on the British. The air force’s small air transport fleet of 7 C-130 Hercules airlifted 8,000 soldiers and transported more than 5,000 tons of supplies. Even after the British main- tained a full air blockade the transports continued to fly in supplies and evacuate the wounded, losing 1 Hercules to a Sidewinder fired by a Harrier. The air force radar personnel at Port Stanley airport made effective use of their Westinghouse AN/TPS-43 radar to detect British planes and coordi- nate Argentine air movement. This was done under constant naval shelling and air attacks, including the British use of radar homing Shrike anti-radi- ation missiles.76 Argentine air attacks by both naval and air force pilots were pressed with great courage and skill in the face of devastating British fire power. Most missions lasted an exhausting four hours with the last hour usually spent flying at very low levels skimming the wave-tops. De- spite the loss of more than 40% of its aircraft, the Argentine air force’s morale remained high throughout the conflict.77 The air force’s performance stands in marked contrast to the navy and the army. The Argentine navy, with the exception of its air arm, had little impact on the battle. After the initial abortive attempt on May 1st to launch an attack on the British carrier task force, and the Belgrano’s sinking, the

74 Fighter crews flew simulated attacks on the Argentine navy’s own Type 42 destroyers. Even though these exercises indicated the Argentines would suffer 50% losses, the attacks were launched without hesitation. 75 Unfortunately for the Argentines, the thin skin of the British ships often resulted in the bombs passing right through the ship without exploding. 76 Hobson and Noble, Falklands Air War, 111. 77 The Argentine air force lost 9 Skyhawks A-4Cs, 2 Mirage IIIEAs, and 11 Daggers. The Argentine navy lost 3 Skyhawks A-4Qs. The AIM-9L Sidewinder was the most potent weapon the British arsenal accounting for 19 Argentine aircraft. Hobson and Noble, Falklands Air War, 163-165. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 49 Argentine surface fleet essentially pulled out of the conflict. This enabled the British to concentrate all their resources on the amphibious operation. Neither Admiral Anaya nor his Chief of Naval Operations Vice Admiral Juan Lombardo could come up with innovative ways to use the surface fleet. Had elements of the surface fleet operated in an interdiction role to cut off the British supply line between Ascension and the Falkland islands, this would have put tremendous pressure on the British. Not only would scarce British ships and planes have been diverted to act as escorts, but the wide ocean expanse would have given the Argentine ships a measure of security from British submarines.78 The Argentine navy was also in a poor state of preparedness for the conflict and little attempt had been made in the weeks prior to the conflict to get ships operational. One Type 42 de- stroyer was having engine troubles, 1 Type 209 submarine was laid up with a defective propeller, the other—San Luis—had a malfunctioning fire con- trol system, Punta Medanos the navy’s primary fleet tanker suffered a me- chanical breakdown mid-way through the conflict. Overall the Argentine naval staff displayed a lack of professional competence and strategic fore- sight throughout the conflict. Although the air and naval campaigns were crucial elements in the Falk- lands’ conflict, it was the conduct of the land campaign that proved deci- sive to the war’s outcome. The Argentine army had maintained a substantial garrison of about 13,000 men on the island. In terms of fighting manpower, it roughly matched the British expeditionary force sent against it. Furthermore, the Argentine forces had several weeks in which to pre- pare their defenses for the expected British assault. Yet despite these pari- ties and advantages, the Argentine infantry units crumbled when faced with their British counterparts. In the two major land battles in Goose Green and in the mountains to the west of Stanley, the Argentine forces could not hold back the British forces for more than a few hours. Had the land campaign settled into a stalemate, the onset of winter, and the island’s vast distance from Britain would have made the campaign’s further prog- ress from the British side virtually impossible. The Argentine and British soldiers’ utter disparity in the combat effec- tiveness has led many researchers to point out that the main cause for this was the difference in the two forces’ composition. The British units were made up entirely of volunteers—a professional fighting force. British re-

78 When Martin Middlebrook interviewed Anaya about just such an operation, the Admiral replied that the junta did not want to expand the conflict. Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 218. 50 chapter two cruits serve for a minimum of three years and a maximum of nine.79 The Argentine forces were made up largely of one year conscripts. Conscripts entered the army in March and ended their training cycle in October. They were released from service in batches in November, December-January and in March when the next class arrived. So as a result some conscripts served for as few as four months while only a handful completed their full twelve month service period.80 This difference undoubtedly played a role in the conflict. Yet it does not explain away the sheer disparity in military effec- tiveness. Many of the Argentine units deployed to the islands were in fact made up of reservists who had completed their full term of conscript ser- vice and had more experience. All of the Argentine officers and NCOs were also professionals like their British counterparts and could have provided the necessary guidance to the green recruits. While the British soldiers were all professionals, a significant number were also recent inductees who had few advantages in the length of training time over their Argentine counterparts. Finally the Argentine garrison was fighting from defensive positions and not going on the attack, a far more complicated operation. To fully answer this question we must delve deeper into the Argentine forces’ training, the quality of the weapons and materials at their disposal, and most importantly the quality of the officer corps. The short term of service available to the Argentine conscripts meant that there was little time left for field training. Many conscripts had to be taught how to fire and clean their weapons, and how to dig trenches after they arrived in the Falklands. In terms of equipment too there was a huge disparity between the Argentine and British soldiers. The Argentine infantry was basically equipped with light infantry weapons more suited to a para-military light insurgency fighting role. Its primary infantry support weapon was the World War Two era rifle launched grenade. By contrast, the British infantry could call upon an array of modern missiles and rockets including the Milan anti-tank missile, the 84mm Carl Gustav rocket launcher and the 66mm disposable rocket launcher. Private Horacio Benítez of 3rd Regi- ment’s A Company participated in an ill-fated counter attack against Brit- ish forces occupying Wireless Ridge. He recounts the shock and horror of going up against the superior British firepower— When we reached the foot of the ridge ... the British came into the open and were firing small hand-held missiles. From below, they were like balls of fire coming towards us. We had never seen anything like it; we did not

79 Nora Kinzer Stewart, Mates & Muchachos: Unit Cohesion in the Falklands/Malvinas War (McLean, VA: Brassey’s, 1991), 39. 80 Stewart, Mates & Muchachos, 45. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 51 have weapons like that in our army. It was so desperate that some of the men rushed back; the British fire followed them. They did not know which way to run.”81 The British used the same firepower superiority to overwhelm and destroy Argentine defensive positions. The Argentine light infantry was simply unable to cope with the British heavy infantry.82 Argentine conscripts ap- pear to have been aware of the differences in training between them and the British soldiers. One conscript observed “All the English soldiers had received at least three years’ training. And however much patriotism you put in, you can’t fight that.”83 The Argentine army’s official report on the conflict acknowledged the disparity in training, but it also noted that “Their [British soldiers] average age, considerably higher than that of the Argentinian soldier, put them in better condition to confront the mental pressures and the physical efforts of the operations.”84 Despite the overwhelming British advantage in fire power, some Argen- tine units did fight with tremendous bravery and determination. These were smaller units which were led by capable and dedicated junior officers such as Lieutenant Estévez in Goose Green, Second Lieutenant Juan Baldi- ni on Mount Longdon, and Second Lieutenant Oscar Silva on Mount Tum- bledown. These 3 officers fought and died with their men in their respective positions inflicting significant casualties on the attacking British. Such actions by Argentine officers were not the norm, however. Overall, the Argentine officer corps’ performance, and the mid and senior level in par- ticular, was abysmal. The Argentine General Staff’s strategic and opera- tional failures have already been recounted in detail. Their inability to anticipate British reaction to the invasion left them with a deeply flawed operational plan. However, the officer corps also displayed a lack of basic field craft capability. This was most obvious in the two sides’ night fighting capability. All British forces were routinely trained for night fighting. In- deed all of the British attacks in the Falklands were launched at night. This came as a total surprise to the Argentines who did not train in a similar fashion. Brigadier-General Jofre, the Argentine land commander in Stanley, expressed amazement at the British night fighting capabilities.85 The

81 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 265-266. 82 The term "light" and "heavy" infantry is being used here to differentiate the amount of portable firepower the Argentine and British forces utilized. 83 Private Guillermo learned of this from his British captors when he was being held on the Cruise ship Canberra. Kon, Los Chicos de la Guerra, 39. 84 Comisión de Redacción, Informe Oficial del Ejército Argentine Conflicto Malvinas, Tomo 1: Desarrollo de los Acontecimientos (Buenos Aires: Argentina Ejército, 1983), 18. 85 Informe Oficial del Ejército Argentine Conflicto Malvinas, 224. 52 chapter two Argentine officers were also poorly qualified in building and planning good defensive positions. British inspection of Argentine fortifications on Mount Longdon reveal them to be built mainly of rock reinforced with wooden and metal spans which supported a roof of flat rocks. Such a bunker could not withstand direct artillery strikes.86 Argentine positions were also guarded by inadequate minefields and no barbed wire. Advance warning picket posts and trip wire flares, standard defensive practices, were also absent. In most cases there is no evidence that night watches had been posted resulting in many Argentine positions outside of Stanley being un- aware of the British until they were right inside their positions. Argentine officers also made little attempt to supervise their conscript soldiers’ living conditions. In addition to poor amenities, the soldiers were not instructed to dig latrine pits, and as a result defecated around their positions.87 In addition to the obvious problems related to disease and hygiene, the smell of human ordure could easily warn the attacker of the position’s presence. The mid-level officer leadership was especially poor. Few of the Argentine unit commanders took the time to stock their emplacements with ade- quate ammunition. Most units quickly ran out of ammunition during fire- fights. Officers like Colonel Piaggi at Goose Green and Colonel Soria on Mount Harriet proved unable or unwilling to exercise effective command and control of their troops during the battle, providing little leadership. The mid-level commanders’ weaknesses were amplified by the sheer lack of skills among sector commanders Brigadier-General Oscar Luis Jofre and Brigadier-General Omar Parada. Neither commander grasped the cam- paign’s contours as it developed. Like their mid-level commanders, they failed to appraise themselves of the situation’s true nature and were unable to redeploy their forces effectively to meet the British attacks. The Argentine military’s and the officer corps’ poor performance is sur- prising given its long institutional history. Argentina’s colonial military heritage goes back to the mid-eighteenth century when Spain established several frontier militias to protect settlements from Indian attacks.88 These militias led the revolt against royalist control in the War of Independence from 1809 to 1812. In March of 1812, José San Martín arrived in Buenos Aires and took over the uprising. Born in the northeastern Corrientes province,

86 Colbeck, With 3 Para to the Falklands, 178. 87 Vaux, March to the South Atlantic, 186. 88 The Spanish viceroy expanded these forces in the late nineteenth century to cope with an undeclared war with Portugal over Uruguay and the Tupac Amarú Indian uprising. Ejército Argentino, Direción de Estudios Históricos, Reseña histórica y organic del Ejército Argentino, vol. 1 (Buenos Aires: Círculo Militar, 1972), 70-75. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 53 San Martín was a graduate of the Spanish School of Nobles and a veteran of the Napoleonic Wars. He established a regiment of mounted grenadiers along French lines and established the first professional military force in Argentina. The regiment helped free Chile and Peru from royalist control and even aided Simón Bolívar in northern South America.89 Following independence, however, much of the experience and skills that San Martín had organized dissipated and the Argentine military reverted to a militia system raised by cuadillos. By 1852 during the Battle of Unification the two warring sides, the province of Buenos Aires and the Confederation, utilized a mix of regular and National Guard reserve troops. This force along with a small naval force also engaged in the successful war against Paraguay in 1865-1869.90 Despite the great success in the Paraguayan War, the Argentine army had shown itself to be clearly unprepared for conventional war. This realization triggered off a major reform program to professionalize the army beginning with the establishment of the Colégio Militar (Military Academy) in 1870. In 1900 as part of the army’s “Germanization”, the Es- cuela Superior de Guerra (Senior Level War School) was created, and was placed under German direction until 1914.91 Decrees from January 1900 to April 1905 set up regulations for the military academy, the training of pilots and navigators, a school for laborers, an officer exchange program and a school to train workmen to build military bases.92 German influence re- sulted in the army’s professionalization. The once poorly educated officer corps could now claim to have an education on par with other professions. Furthermore, the officer corps became increasingly isolated from society. Commissions could only be granted to Colégio Militar graduates, and in 1916 the army adopted the German army’s honor code. This also included the system of honor tribunals which held jurisdiction over retired as well as active officers. The end result was the rise of an independent and elitist officer corps.93 This elitism, however, came at the cost of the army’s in-

89 Bartolemé Mitre, Historia de San Martín y de la emancipación sudamericana, vol. 1 (Buenos Aires: Editorial El Ateno, 1950), 76-77; Francisco O. Farinaccio, “San Martín at Chacabuco,” Military Review 47, no. 2 (February 1967), 15-21. 90 Ejército Argentino, Reseña histórica, 290-295. 91 Frederick M. Nunn, “Effects of European Military Training in Latin America: The Origins and Nature of Professional Militarism in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru, 1890- 1940,” Military Affairs 39, no. 1 (Feb., 1975): 4. The school was modeled after the German Kriegsakademie. João Resende-Santos, Neorealism, States and the Modern Mass Army (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 203. 92 Hobart A. Spalding, “Education in Argentina, 1890-1914: The Limits of Oligarchial Reform,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History 3, no. 1 (Summer 1972): 40, fn.21. 93 Elizabeth B. White, German Influence in the Argentine Army, 1900 to 1945 (New York: Garland Publishing, 1991), 164-165. 54 chapter two creased politicization. In 1930 the most Germanized officer General José Felix Uribiru helped seize power from the civilian government. From 1930 to 1983 the Argentine army became an integral part of the political system by forming no less than ten of the nineteen governments during that time span. The officer corps’ politicization had a devastating effect upon its professionalism. Senior officers began to take on responsibilities and du- ties that were non-military such as leading government ministries, state companies, provinces and hospitals and TV stations.94 Moreover, officer promotions were governed not by merit, but by their political connections. Generals began to promote officers who they thought would support them. Nepotism began to trump military professionalism.95 Militarism also had a negative impact on Argentina’s education system, which up until 1930 had been among the best in Latin America. Under President Domingo Sarmiento in the nineteenth century a concerted effort was made to expand the education system throughout Argentina. In 1884 (under President Julio Roca) a law was passed mandating universal, com- pulsory, free and secular education. By 1914, 90.2% of the Argentine popu- lation was literate.96 In 1918, major higher education reform came about when the universities, were made independent of the government and the Catholic Church.97 However, since the coups of the 1930s, the military sought to clamp down on the universities which were perceived as a hot bed of leftist agitation. The “Night of the Long Canes” on July 29, 1966 brought the crisis to a head when professors and students at Buenos Aires University were beaten and jailed. The assault triggered mass resignations of teachers and professors from all universities and some 1,300 highly skilled researchers fled into exile or were fired. The Peronist government from 1973 to 1976 brought a brief respite, but the armed forces’ return to power in 1976 once again unleashed political and ideological persecution on Argentina’s campuses. A new wave of thousands of teachers and re- searchers fled into exile. A quarter of the university student body, accused of being Marxist, went missing in the “Dirty War” that the military govern- ment unleashed on its own citizens. Academic life was devastated in Ar- gentina.98 The traumatized higher education system once the crown jewel

94 Francisco Fernando de Santibañes, “The Effectiveness of Military Governments dur- ing War: The Case of Argentina in the Malvinas,” Armed Forces & Society 33, no. 4 (July 2007): 620. 95 Santibañes, “The Effectiveness of Military Governments during War,” 621. 96 Spalding, “Education in Argentina,” 46. Table 2. 97 Inés Izaguirre, “Argentina,” Academe 85, no. 4 (Jul-Aug, 1999): 18. 98 Izaguirre, “Argentina,” 19. the argentine war for the malvinas islands 55 of Latin America was clearly in no position to aid the state’s military ef- fectiveness on the eve of the Malvinas War. A further hindrance to military effectiveness was the fact that Argentina had not fought a major war since the War of the Triple Alliance from 1865 to 1870.99 This lack of institutional war experience showed in the officer corps’ training. However, it was the military’s involvement in the “Dirty War” between 1976 and 1982 that had the most corrosive effect upon the officer corps’ professionalism and discipline. Although the military had been engaged in a bloody campaign against guerillas of the FAR (Revolu- tionary Armed Forces), ERP (People’s Revolutionary Army) and the Montoneros,100 the March 1976 Coup enabled the military to declare an all-out war against subversives. This brutal campaign of terror and suppres- sion targeted not only the guerillas and their sympathizers, but also the military regime’s opponents. Kidnappings, torture and execution were car- ried out at will by police and military death squads. As thousands of po- litical prisoners were swept up even young lower ranking soldiers were pressed into service as torturers. This involvement placed immense psy- chological stress upon them. Soldiers often requested transfers. Those who protested against the torture were labeled as deserters and themselves joined the ranks of the “disappeared”.101 The army was not the lone pros- ecutor of the “Dirty War”, the air force and the navy too played an active role. Indeed, the navy’s Admiral Emilio Massera accompanied his kidnap- ping task forces on their missions and even used an electric cattle prod to torture his hapless prisoners.102 The Naval Mechanics School (ESMA) in Buenos Aires became one of the principal detention centers in the “Dirty War”. Thousands of prisoners were detained and tortured at ESMA. Of this number some 1,500 to 2,000 were sent off on “death flights” where sedated, hooded and shackled prisoners were flown over the South Atlantic and

99 Argentina joined forces with Brazil and Uruguay to defeat Francisco Solano Lòpez the expansionist dictator of Paraguay. 100 The Montoneros have been described as “Peronist, Ultra Catholic Nationalists”. Martin Edwin Andersen, Argentina’s Desparecidos and the Myth of the “Dirty War” (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1993), 71. 101 Paul H. Lewis, Guerrillas and Generals: The “Dirty War” in Argentina (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002), 153-154. 102 Lewis, Guerrillas and Generals, 153, and Andersen, Argentina’s Desparecidos, 44. Several senior Argentine naval officers were linked to the infamous ESMA, they included Admiral Edgardo Otero the commander of naval operations and transport during the Falklands’ War. In 1980 Otero served as camp commandant of ESMA. Burns, The Land that Lost its Heroes, 43. 56 chapter two dumped into the sea.103 It is clear that the almost decade long involvement in the “Dirty War” had a devastating impact on the Argentine armed forces’ professionalism and military effectiveness. A factor that became all too apparent in the Malvinas conflict. Ironically many Argentine officers saw the Malvinas War as an opportunity to remove the stigma of their associa- tion with the “Dirty War”. As one scholar remarks: Now they could really show their worth in a clean, conventional war: a war in which they faced uniformed soldiers with their sophisticated weapons, unhampered by human rights protests, no longer burdened by the screams of hooded torture victims, away from the sordid secret detention centers, and out in the open fields of a longed-for land that they were promised would be theirs.104 Unfortunately for these officers the Malvinas War served only to highlight the disastrous consequences of their complicity in the “Dirty War”.

103 Lewis, Guerrillas and Generals, 158. 104 Robben, “Combat Motivation, Fear and Terror in Twentieth-century Argentinean Warfare,” 375. egypt and the ramadan war 57

Chapter Three

Egypt and the Ramadan War

On October 24th, 1972, after a year of futile U.S. diplomatic efforts to imple- ment UN Resolution 242, President Anwar Sadat decided to go to war with Israel. The decision was made at a meeting of Egypt’s Armed Forces Su- preme Council at the President’s Giza home.1 At the meeting Sadat de- clared— Our commitments are being tested. I am not prepared to accept defeatist solutions or surrender. I will not sit at a table with Israel while I am in such a humiliating position, because that means surrender. In the face of our enemies, and our friends, we must prove unemotionally and with careful planning that we are capable of sacrifice and can stand up and fight and change the situation with whatever means at our disposal.2 In fact planning for a crossing into Israeli occupied Sinai had commenced in 1968 in the wake of the disastrous 1967 War. President Nasser had initi- ated plan “Granite” an operation to take Egyptian forces as far as the Sinai passes. When General Mohammed Ahmed Sadiq became the army’s com- mander in May of 1971, he expanded the plan into “Granite2” and “Granite3” to extend the advance first to Egypt’s international borders and then to liberate the Gaza Strip.3 The problem with the “Granite” plans was that they went far beyond Egypt’s existing military capability. This fact was all too apparent to General Saad El Shazly who had also become Chief of Army Staff in May 1971. Shazly attempted to scale back the operation to a more modest plan “The High Minarets” which envisaged a much smaller 5-6 mile penetration into the Sinai. The troops would then dig in to face the ex- pected Israeli counter-offensive under the umbrella of SAMs (surface-to- air missiles). The President, however, did not share the caution of the generals. At the October 24th meeting in Giza, serious differences arose between President Sadat and Army Commander Sadiq (who also served as

1 Mohamed Abdel Ghani El Gamasy, The October War: Memoirs of Field Marshal El- Gamasy of Egypt (Cairo: American University of Cairo Press, 1993), 149-151; Lieutenant General Saad El Shazly, The Crossing of the Suez (San Francisco: American Mideast Research, 2003), 172-181. 2 Gamasy, The October War, 150. 3 Mohamed Heikal, The Road to Ramadan (New York: Ballantine Books, 1975), 156. 58 chapter three Minister of War). The latter along with Deputy Minister of War General Abdel Khader Hassan cautioned strongly against immediate war noting the vulnerability of Egypt’s interior to Israeli counter attacks, but Sadat dismissed these objections angrily.4 Two days later the President dismissed General Sadiq and appointed Shazly Army Chief in his place and General Ahmed Ismail was appointed Minister of War. Soon afterwards planning for the crossing of the Suez Canal commenced.5 The plan to cross the Suez Canal into Israeli held Sinai was codename “Plan Badr”. The plan envisaged the establishment of 5 bridgeheads across the canal with 5 assaulting infantry divisions within the first twenty-four hours. These bridgeheads would then coalesce into a continuous two army front in forty-eight hours. The bridgehead was expected to have penetrated 5-8 miles into the Sinai. Simultaneously the bridgehead was built up to repel the inevitable Israeli counter attacks. This modest plan, however, was modified in April 1973 to include the possibility of incorporating elements of the earlier “Granite 2 Plan”, which involved seizing the Khatmia, Gidi and Mitla passes deep in the Sinai.6 Crossing the Suez Canal would not be an easy task as the Egyptians faced the formidable Israeli Bar Lev Line fortifications. Named after the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff, General Chaim Bar Lev, this 160 kilometer long line stretched from the Mediterranean to the Gulf of Suez. The line was anchored around 30 stra- tegically located defensive forts, which dominated the road network that connected the canal-zone to the Sinai. The principal role of these platoon sized garrisons was to provide intelligence to the Israeli High Command about Egyptian movements and to delay a crossing. This was to have been achieved with the use of a second line of strongholds some 8 kilometers to the rear of the canal-zone. These company sized garrisons were also equipped with tank sections, which would advance to prepared positions some 500 to 1,000 meters from the canal to provide support to the canal forts. A network of roads connected this entire defensive complex, includ- ing the Artillery Road a north-south road some 10 kilometers from the canal-zone. This road was lined with emplacements for self-propelled artil- lery and tanks. To its rear some 30 kilometers from the canal ran another north-south connector the Lateral Road. A number of east-west roads also

4 Shazly, The Crossing of the Suez, 177-183; Gamasy, The October War, 151-152. 5 Heikal, The Road to Ramadan, 184. 6 According to Shazly this occurred at the insistence of the Syrians who demanded a more ambitious Egyptian plan in order to ensure Syrian participation. Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 36-37. egypt and the ramadan war 59 interlinked both these roads and the garrisons. This formidable defensive barrier was aimed at enabling the Israelis to mount a devastating counter to any Egyptian incursion into the Sinai.7 The task of implementing “Plan Badr” fell upon General Shazly and his Director of Operations, Lieutenant General Mohamed Al Gamassy. The first problem confronting the Egyptians was the sheer size of the Israeli sand ramparts on the Bar Lev Line. These towered some 60 feet above the canal. The Egyptians hit upon the solution of using high pressure water pumps to open a breach in the sand wall in only two hours. Even then the engineering feet of simply crossing the canal was monumental. It involved making no less than 70 breaches in the sand barrier, building 10 heavy duty bridges, 5 light bridges, and 10 pontoon infantry bridges. Additionally some 35 ferries needed to be placed in the canal and about 700 rubber dinghies would be used in the first assault wave, and all of this would be done under fire from the Israeli canal forts. Some 40 engineer battalions, these units were raised between 1971 and 1973, implemented the crossing operation. The first wave would be composed entirely of infantry who would storm across in dinghies. Mechanized infantry, tanks, combat vehicles and artil- lery would follow once the bridges had been constructed. The initial infan- try assault would face immediate Israeli counterattacks. Although they would carry an array of anti-tank weapons such as the Malyutka wire guid- ed anti-tank missiles, RPGs (rocket propelled grenades) and 82mm and 107mm recoilless anti-tank guns, fire from the Egyptian side of the canal would support them. After the Israelis built the Bar Lev Line, the Egyptians constructed a sand rampart that overlooked the Israeli positions. This high sand barrier also had built in firing ramps for tanks and anti-tank weapons to fire into the Israeli canal-zone. An equally daunting task was carrying out the deception plan that would deceive the Israelis and delay their reaction. Key to the deception plan was the Egyptian army’s mobilization plans which were part of exer- cises known as the “Tahir” exercises that had been going on since 1968. From January to October 1973, the Egyptians practiced no less than 22 mo- bilization and demobilization exercises to ensure battle readiness and the system’s smooth functioning. The number of exercises also had the effect of presenting such mobilizations as routine Egyptian training to the watch- ing Israelis. On September 27th the Egyptians began another mobilization. As part of the deception plan, they released some 20,000 men on October

7 Trevor N. Dupuy, Elusive Victory: The Arab Israeli Wars, 1941-1974 (Fairfax, Virginia: Hero Books, 1984), 394-399. 60 chapter three 4th, but at the same time called up all soldiers demobilized since June of 1972. The Israelis were oblivious to the call up. Troop assembly for the as- sault was done over a period of four months with units gradually assem- bling near the front. The final build-up occurred three weeks prior to the assault, on the pretext of a major military exercise. A further deception plan involving the constant back and forth movement of military forma- tions and a thorough plan of disseminating false information fooled not only the Israelis, but also the super powers.8 Israel’s Directorate of Military Intelligence (AMAN) under its com- mander Major General Eli Zeira held responsibility for gauging the Arab military threat. Throughout the spring and summer of 1973, Zeira contin- ued to rate the probability of war breaking out as being low. Despite warn- ing signs from Egypt and even direct reports from Mossad sources in Egypt, Zeira remained unmoved. The “low probability of war” estimate made Is- rael’s Defense Minister comfortable enough to state on August 10th that Israel could invest less in security and that in 1974 regular military service would be reduced by three months. He went on to predict that by 1977 Is- rael would invest 14.4% of the state budget on defense as opposed to the 40% spent in 1970.9 In September AMAN noticed an unusual buildup of air defenses in the Syrian sector of the Golan, but Zeira dismissed this as a Syrian reaction to heavy losses suffered in air battles in early 1973. On Sep- tember 13th another major air battle took place with the Syrians losing more than a dozen Migs to one Israeli Mirage. This last aerial engagement was instrumental in AMANs misinterpretation of the continued Syrian build-up. On the Egyptian side the constant series of mobilizations and demobilizations had lulled AMAN into a false sense of security. Only on October 4th when the Soviets began a massive evacuation of their military and civilian personnel, and their families did AMAN begin to change its war scenario from “improbable” to “low probability”. On October 5th, the Israeli Chief of Staff Lieutenant General David Elazar placed the Israeli defense force (IDF) on general alert (Manul) status. On the morning of the 6th in a meeting with Prime Minister Golda Meir, Elazar made the case for a preemptive air offensive and a massive ground mobilization. Meir im-

8 Details of the invasion plan and the preparation leading up to it have been obtained from. Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 53-75; and Major General Hassan El Badri, Major General Taha El Magdoub, and Major General Dia El Din Zody, The Ramadan War, 1973 (With a foreword by Trevor N. Dupuy, Dunn Loring, VA: T.N. Dupuy and Associates Inc., 1978), 29-47; Gamasy, The October War, 194-195. 9 Uri Bar-Joseph, The Watchman Fell Asleep: The Surprise of Yom Kippur and Its Sources (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2005), 73-78. egypt and the ramadan war 61 mediately rejected the preemptive airstrike, but authorized the army’s partial mobilization and the IAF’s (Israeli air force) full mobilization.10 Although the Israeli High Command missed, or chose, to ignore the signs of the Egyptian build-up, they did have a plan for the defense of the canal line code named “Shovach Yonim”. The plan envisaged the rapid de- ployment of armor to fill the gaps between the canal forts to blunt any Egyptian attack head on and then to counter attack over the canal into the Egyptian side. Actual forces on the front line included about 436 reservists of the 68th Battalion from the Etzioni Brigade in Jerusalem deployed in 16 Bar Lev forts. To their immediate rear was a regular army armored brigade the 14th deployed along the Artillery Road. Two additional armored bri- gades were deployed further back. To the north near Refidim (Bir Gifgafa) was the 460th Armored Brigade and to the south near Beersheba was the 401st Armored Brigade. These 3 armored brigades and about 2 infantry and several artillery units formed the 252nd Armored Division a unit of about 18,000 men under Major General Albert Mandler. Within days of the hos- tilities’ outbreak, the Israelis expected to mobilize and add 2 additional reserve divisions to the 252nd bringing their forces in the Sinai up to three divisions with over 100,000 men.11 The Egyptians were well aware of the Israeli dispositions in the Sinai and of the counter attack plans. Their goal was to achieve complete sur- prise, which would enable them to occupy a defensible buffer zone east of the canal before the main Israeli reserves could be committed into the battle. The Egyptians assembled a massive force to take on the Israelis. It included more than 1,200,000 men of whom more than half were in the army. However, these numbers were deceptive, since half the army troops comprised of National Guard units with little to no training and obsolete equipment. The field army consisted of 310,000 men divided into two armies. The 2nd Army (deployed in the north) under General Saad el Din Mamoun had 3 infantry divisions, the 2nd, 16th and 18th along with the 21st Armored Division and the 23rd Mechanized Division. The 3rd Army (de- ployed to the south) under General Mohamed Abd el Moneim Wasel had 2 infantry divisions the 7th and the 19th, the 4th Armored Division, the 6th Mechanized Division, and the 130th Marine Brigade. An additional mech- anized division the 3rd along with paratrooper units and 2 independent armored brigades, the 15th and the 25th, were held in reserve. The Egyptian army had 1,700 tanks. Some 1,020 were committed to the crossing with the

10 Bar-Joseph, The Watchman Fell Asleep, 81-199. 11 Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 399-401. 62 chapter three 2nd and 3rd Armies, 333 tanks were kept west of the canal as operational reserve and 250 tanks were part of the strategic reserve including 120 tanks for the Presidential Guard. Most Egyptian tanks were T-54/55s, but there were also 200 T-62s and 250 obsolete World War Two era T-34s. About 4,000 artillery pieces and 2,000 armored personnel carriers completed the Egyp- tian panoply.12 The Israeli army at the start of the war stood at 310,000 men. They were deployed in 7 armored divisions and 18 independent infantry, armored and mechanized brigades. They were armed with 2,000 tanks including more than 1,000 up-gunned Centurion heavy tanks, about 600 M60 and M48 tanks and several units of up-gunned Super Shermans and captured Arab T-54/55 tanks. Five hundred seventy artillery pieces were deployed most of them self-propelled—M109 155mm guns and Israeli built 155mm Soltam guns. About 1,000 anti-aircraft guns and 75 Hawk SAM launchers provided air defense. A considerable force would have to be deployed against the Syrian offensive, which was coordinated with the Egyptian assault. Three armored divisions the 36th regular, the 146th reserve, and the 240th reserve were committed to the Syrian front. Air and naval assets were deemed mobile and were committed to the northern and southern fronts as need arose. At precisely 2:00pm on October 6, 1973, a wave of 200 Egyptian attack aircraft skimmed over the canal and attacked Israeli positions in the Sinai. As they flew over some 2,000 Egyptian artillery pieces began to bombard of the Israeli Bar Lev Line, mine fields and barbed wire entanglements. Twenty minutes later 4,000 Egyptian infantry rowed across the canal in 720 rubber dinghies and established positions in the Israeli canal ramps around the canal forts. Within fifteen minutes, the Israeli tanks from the Artillery Road raced forward to confront the attackers. They were met by a hail of anti-tank missile and rocket fire from the Egyptian infantry. The Egyptians also used anti-tank positions from their side of the canal-zone to pour fire on the advancing Israeli tanks. Because the Israeli attacks lacked coordina- tion, the Egyptians decimated them. The first wave of Egyptian infantry was followed by successive waves at fifteen minute intervals. Simultane- ously, Egyptian combat engineers crossed over and brought their high pres- sure water pumps to bear upon the Israeli sand ramparts. At 3:00pm the first Israeli air strikes roared in, but the Egyptian air defenses were pre- pared and shot down several planes. By 4:00pm the Egyptians moved

12 Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 401-402, 608; Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 48, 236, 244. egypt and the ramadan war 63 across 10 infantry brigades with 22,000 men and 1,500 officers. Each bridge- head extended 1 mile deep and 5 miles wide. Several Israeli canal forts fell and prisoners were taken. Egyptian engineers began floating sections of bridges in anticipation of the breaches being opened in the sand wall. The first breach opened at 6:30pm and by 8:30pm some 60 of the 70 breaches had been made. Ten breaches in the south of the canal-zone proved to be more challenging as the sand had turned into mud. Nevertheless with the pontoon bridges and 31 ferries working round the clock, Egyptian armor poured across. By the morning of October 7th some 800 tanks and 3,000 vehicles had crossed the canal. The Egyptian canal offensive was also sup- plemented by two additional attacks. An amphibious brigade, the 130th, “swam” the Great Bitter Lakes and landed on the Israeli side and at night Egyptian helicopters dropped 4 Ranger battalions deep in the Sinai to in- terdict Israeli reinforcements. Within twenty-four hours of the crossing, the Egyptians had moved 100,000 men, 1,020 tanks and 13,500 vehicles across the canal. It was by any measure a phenomenal accomplishment achieved under fire for the loss of 20 tanks and 250 dead.13 In reaction to the Egyptian assault the Israelis immediately implement- ed plan “Shovach Yonim”. General Mandler’s 3 Sinai brigades—the 460th (north), 14th (center) and 401st (south)—moved out to take on the Egyp- tians, who responded with a hail of anti-tank fire. Confusion and chaos marked the Israeli response. Unaware of the scale of the Egyptian attack, the Israelis made piece meal counter-attacks and were savaged by the wait- ing Egyptians. By the morning of the 7th, Mandler’s division had lost 60% of his 300 strong tank force and was reduced to a holding action against Egyptian advances. The only success that the Israelis enjoyed came when the 401st brigade coming out of the Giddi Pass met elements of the Egyp- tian 130th amphibious brigade that had crossed the Bitter Lake and was headed to the Giddi and Mitla passes in the Sinai. In a short action, the Israeli heavy tanks made quick work of the thinly armored Egyptian PT-76 amphibious tanks and threw the Egyptians back.14 By October 7th, as the scale of the Egyptian (and Syrian) offensive be- came apparent Israel implemented its general mobilization plan. At a se- nior commanders’ conference at Um Kusheiba, General Gonen’s Southern Command headquarters, the decision was made to split the Israeli Sinai

13 Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 222-235; Badri, Magdoub, and Zody, The Ramadan War, 1973, 61-70. 14 Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 416-420; Chaim Herzog, The War of Atonement: The Inside Story of the Yom Kippur War (London: Greenhill Books, 2003), 156-169. 64 chapter three front into 3 sectors with 3 divisions. Major General Avraham “Bren” Adan’s 162nd Reserve Division would be responsible for the northern sector; Ma- jor General Ariel Sharon’s (called up from retirement) 143rd Reserve Divi- sion would take over the central sector, and Major General Albert Mandler’s much battered 252nd Armored Division would take over the southern sec- tor. The plan called for the newly arrived divisions to conduct probing at- tacks to keep the Egyptians off balance, learn of their dispositions, and prepare for a crossing to the canal’s west bank. On the morning of the 9th, the Israeli 162nd Division began its probing attacks towards Egyptian posi- tions in the town of Kantara. The Egyptians were ready and in a bloody repulse annihilated the Israeli 190th Armored Battalion and captured its commander Colonel Assaf Yaguri. Another attack towards an agricultural area known as the Chinese Farm near the Bitter Lakes also met with fierce Egyptian resistance. The 162nd Division’s setbacks delayed General Sha- ron’s 143rd Division from making its own attacks towards the canal.15 General Ariel Sharon, the previous leader of Southern Command, had drawn up a plan, titled “Operation Valiant” for an Israeli counter attack into the Egyptian held west bank of the Suez Canal. The plan called for a 2 divi- sion sized crossing into the Egyptian side at Deversoir north of the Great Bitter Lake. In preparation for the operation, the Israelis thinned out their sand embankment opposite Deversoir near the canal fort of Matzmed and had built solid brick ramps to enable engineers to launch bridging equip- ment into the canal. The current southern commander General Gonen essentially adopted this plan since it took advantage of the boundary be- tween the Egyptian 2nd and 3rd Armies and enabled the Israelis to deploy easily into a relatively undefended Egyptian rear area south of Ismailia. Two prefabricated bridges were in storage at El Tasa on the north-south Lateral Road twenty miles from the brick ramps. General Sharon’s rein- forced (3 armored brigades and a paratrooper brigade) 143rd Division would lead the crossing with General Adan’s 162nd Division following them. The Israeli plan was to wait for a renewed Egyptian thrust towards the Sinai passes and to “bloody” it before launching the crossing operation. However, should the Egyptian’s not advance the operation was to go ahead on the 14th.16

15 Avraham Bren Adan, On the Banks of the Suez: An Israeli General’s Personal Account of the Yom Kippur War (Presidio: Presidio Press, 1980), 135-153; Gamasy, The October War, 244-245; Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 422-435; Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 240. 16 Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 480-481, 492. egypt and the ramadan war 65 In the days following the successful canal crossing the Egyptian forces had not restricted themselves to repulsing Israeli counterattacks. They had launched their own limited attacks to expand their bridgeheads. These battles had cost the Egyptians dearly in tanks out of the 1,020 tanks that had made the crossing some 240 had been destroyed or disabled. The ini- tial rosy estimates of a push towards the passes had been greatly dented with the 130th amphibious brigade’s failure to take the Giddi and Mitla passes. Furthermore on the 11th, the 1st infantry brigade of the Egyptian 19th Division had been caught out in the open outside the Egyptian SAM zone of protection and the Israeli air force badly mauled it. To the Egyptian army commander General Shazly a vigorous defense and a battle of attri- tion were the obvious tactics. However, on the Syrian front the Israelis were making great gains and the pressure on the Egyptians to launch an attack to relieve pressure on the Syrians was growing. At an army commanders’ conference on the 12th, the Egyptian War Minister General Ismail acting on orders from President Sadat overruled objections from General Shazly and his army commanders and ordered preparations for a new attack. The forces selected for the attack constituted the bulk of the Egyptian opera- tional reserve on the west bank. They were the 4th Armored Division de- ployed behind the 3rd Army Zone and the 21st Armored Division deployed behind the 2nd Army Zone. These divisions also accounted for most of the Egyptian second line armored reserve of 330 tanks. The attack scheduled for the 14th involved one armored brigade attacking in the northern sector in the direction of Baluza, 2 armored brigades attacking in the central sec- tor towards El Tasa, 1 armored brigade attacking in the southern sector in the direction of the Mitla Pass, while a mechanized brigade would move towards the Giddi Pass.17 The Israelis who had been expecting the attack were ready. Israeli tanks were deployed in defensive hull down position and were heavily supported with APC borne infantry who would provide cover against Egyptian anti- tank infantry squads. Furthermore, with the Egyptians venturing outside the protective cover of their mobile (SA-6) SAM umbrella, the Israeli air force was ready with a major counter offensive. The Egyptian attack began at 6:00am with an artillery barrage, followed by an attack from 400 Egyp-

17 Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 247-248. In his memoirs General Gamasy, Shazly’s Chief of Staff, notes that a push towards the passes had always been part of the Egyptian war plan, and that merely stopping at the Bar Lev Line had never been an option. Also he observes that Shazly’s claim (in his book) that this was a political decision to assist Syria is inaccurate. Gamasy, The October War, 266-270. 66 chapter three tian tanks (Israelis claimed 1,000 Egyptian tanks attacked) along with sup- porting APCs. The battle quickly turned against the Egyptians. The Israeli tanks firing from hull-down defensive positions with good infantry support inflicted heavy losses on the Egyptians who were out in the open. The Is- raelis also used a new weapon, the American TOW anti-tank missile, a second generation system, the TOW used semi-automatic guidance and could hit tanks out to 4 kilometers. The TOW missiles were the result of an unprecedented American airlift of arms to Israel under “Operation Nickel Grass”. By the evening the Egyptians had lost 250 tanks and had fallen back to their starting positions.18 With the Egyptian attack blunted, the Israelis turned their attention once again to their own canal crossing plans. On October 13th Egyptian air defenses detected a high flying aircraft that they identified as an American SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft overflying the length of the canal. This flight was repeated on the 15th. The Egyptians believe that these flights revealed to the Israelis the fact the Egypt’s armored reserve had crossed over from the west bank to the east in preparation for the second offensive, and that a gap existed between the boundaries of the Egyptian armies.19 On the 15th the Israeli counter attack commenced with General Sharon’s 143rd Division leading the way. One brigade of the division, the 247th, would make a di- versionary attack against the Egyptian 16th Infantry Division in its posi- tions at Talata and Televisia along the Artillery Road. This would, and did, mislead the Egyptians into thinking that this was an Israeli attempt to roll up the 2nd Army’s southern flank. A second brigade20 the 14th would sweep south and west towards the canal taking the abandoned Israeli canal fort of Matzmed opposite Deversoir. A portion of the brigade would secure the bridging yard near Matzmed for the crossing. This task was assigned to the 243rd Reserve Paratrooper Brigade equipped with boats. Three ar- mored battalions of the brigade would continue to advance north along the Lexicon Road to attack the Egyptian 21st Division and reinforce the diversionary attack on the Egyptian 2nd Army. A third armored brigade, the 421st, was the divisional reserve and would bring with it the heavy

18 Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 248; Badri, Magdoub, and Zody, The Ramadan War, 1973, 97-98. 19 Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 251-252; Gamasy, The October War, 271, 276; Israeli sources claim that on the 9th of October an Israeli reconnaissance unit operating near the Chinese Farm reached the canal and discovered a gap in the Egyptian line between the Egyptian 2nd and 3rd Armies. Herzog, The War of Atonement, 195. 20 The brigade was transferred to Sharon’s command from General Mandler’s 252nd Armored Division. egypt and the ramadan war 67 bridging equipment, which would enable its tanks to cross over and join the Israeli paratroopers on the Egyptian side. The Israeli 143rd Division’s attack would rely on two principal east-west roads to support its thrusts. The Akavish Road that connected El Tasa to the Lexicon Road and to the now abandoned canal fort at Lakekan, and the Tirtur Road which ran par- allel and to the north of Akavish Road, that connected the canal fort of Matzmed to the Artillery Road. The Israeli attack was to commence at 5:00pm with the first crossing to take place at 11:00pm. The Israeli diver- sionary attack began as planned at 5:00pm and the 14th Brigade advanced along the Akavish Road with no opposition and reoccupied the Matzmed fort. Then according to plan, the Brigade’s armored battalions advanced north on the Lexicon Road, but at the crossing with the Tirtur Road near the Chinese Farm area the Israelis ran into a storm of fire from units of the Egyptian 21st Armored Division and the 16th Infantry Division. The 243rd Paratrooper Brigade was also delayed in its march due to traffic jams on the roads, and it being forced to divert around the fighting in the Chinese Farm area. The crossing began at 1:35am. The first units reached the west bank and found it devoid of Egyptian defenders. By dawn the entire bri- gade had crossed over and the first Israeli tanks were being ferried over.21 The Egyptian response to the Israeli crossing was complacent at first. The Egyptians believed that this was a minor raid and that the main Is- raeli thrust was against the 2nd Army’s southern flank. By mid-day on the 16th as reports of Israeli tank attacks on Egyptian SAM batteries on the west bank began to filter in, the Egyptians began to plan a response. The army commander General Shazly wanted to bring back to the west bank the original army reserve units the 4th Division and the 25th Armored Brigade, which had been trained to counter just such an Israeli operation. However, General Ismail, the War Minister, rejected this plan on the grounds that any such withdrawal would result in panic among the bridgehead troops. The plan implemented instead would be a southern attack by the 21st Ar- mored Division to cut off the Israeli crossing point while the 25th Armored Brigade deployed in the 3rd Army bridgehead would attack north towards the Israeli corridor. Both Shazly and General Wasel, the 3rd Army’s com- mander, pointed out that the 25th Brigade’s 25 mile line of thrust along the east bank of the canal was fraught with danger as its right flank would be dangerously exposed to Israeli attacks, and its left flank would be pinned in by the canal. Shazly made yet another plea, this time to President Sadat,

21 Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 493-500. 68 chapter three to move the 25th to the west bank and make the attack from there. How- ever, his Chief of Staff, General Gamasy did not support him because he agreed with Ismail’s assessment that any withdrawal would lead to panic. Sadat angrily rejected any unit withdrawal from the east bank bridge- heads.22 Throughout the 16th, the Israelis quickly moved men and material over the crossing point and most of the 421st Brigade’s tanks had crossed over to join the paratroopers in the west bank. However, in the area of the Chi- nese Farm (on the east bank) the Israelis were facing heavy resistance. By the evening of the 15th, the Israeli 143rd Division had lost more than 300 soldiers and 70 tanks in bloody close combat with the Egyptians. By the 16th, the Egyptian counter attacks had cut off both the Tirtur and Akavish Roads, essentially isolating the Israeli 143rd Division. The Egyptians’ moves were a serious concern to the Israelis who were dependent upon the roads to keep the crossing viable. Massive traffic jams had already delayed the transport of the massive 400 ton prefabricated roller bridge, which had been stored in El Tasa. This immense structure had to be pulled by 18 tanks and had been damaged as it was being moved to the Tirtur Road. In the face of determined Egyptian attacks there would be no permanent bridge over the canal and the entire Israeli operation now hung in the balance. General Adan’s 162nd Division, which was scheduled to cross over to the west bank, was now ordered by General Gonen to attack the Egyptian po- sitions around the Chinese Farm and to reopen the Tirtur and Akavish roads. Adan’s attack would coincide with the Egyptian counter attack by the 21st Armored Division and 25th Armored Brigade to close the Israeli corridor on the east bank. The stage was set for the final battle of Chinese Farm, the Ramadan War’s most crucial moment. On October 17th, the Egyptians launched their planned attack to cut off the Israeli corridor. Two brigades of the 21st Division provided the attacks main thrust, but these units were already exhausted by three days of con- tinuous action. The 25th Armored Brigade’s attack from the south was de- layed and the Israelis were able to concentrate on the 21st Division. The Israelis had launched a fresh division, the 162nd, into the battle for the Chinese Farm. Its 2 spearhead brigades, the 35th Paratrooper Brigade and the 600th Armored, were supported by Sharon’s 247th Armored Brigade. A bloody battle ensued and by afternoon the Egyptian attack had been blunt-

22 The exchange between Shazly and Sadat was extremely heated and it is likely that Sadat made up his mind to dismiss Shazly from command at this time. Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 253-256; Gamasy, The October War, 287-292. egypt and the ramadan war 69 ed. The area was strewn with more than 200 destroyed Egyptian and Is- raeli tanks. However, much of the Chinese Farm complex remained in Egyptian infantry hands, with the Israeli 35th Brigade paratroopers having suffered heavy casualties. Nevertheless, the Tirtur Road was now clear and the bridges and supply vehicles now streamed to the Matzmed crossing site. Just as the Israelis consolidated their hold on the Tirtur Road, news came of the Egyptian 25th Armored Brigade’s long expected approach. General Adan laid a trap for the slow moving Egyptians. The 600th Ar- mored Brigade along with tanks from the 14th Armored Brigade would stop the Egyptian advance at the abandoned canal fort of Lakekan on the Lex- icon Road, while another armored brigade, the 217th, would sweep down on the Egyptian 25th Brigade’s eastern flank and block its retreat. Hemmed in by vastly superior Israeli numbers and with the canal restricting their mobility, the 96 T-62 tanks of the Egyptian brigade were decimated. Only 10 surviving tanks and support vehicles retreated to the safety of the canal fort at Botzer now within the Egyptian 3rd Army’s defensive perimeter.23 With the corridor secure, the Israeli 162nd Division now began to cross over to the west bank on the newly built pontoon bridges. Once over they began to conduct probing actions to expand the bridgehead. Overhead Egyptian and Israeli planes swarmed around in an intense air combat as the Egyptians began to attack the Israeli bridges with air assets. On the 18th, the Israeli divisions began to break out of their bridgehead. The 143rd Divi- sion consolidated the Deversoir crossing site and struck north along the Sweet Water Canal towards Ismailia while the 162nd moved south towards the Geneifa Hills. Almost immediately the Israelis began finding and de- stroying Egyptian SAM missile sites and began opening up a gap in the Egyptian air defense screen. On the night of October 18th, a third Israeli division, the 252nd (Brigadier General Kalman Magen),24 crossed over to the west bank and joined the break out. By the 19th, units of Adan’s 162nd Division supported by Magen’s 252nd had begun to shell the highway con- necting Suez City to Cairo threatening to cut off the Egyptian 3rd Army. In the face of the Israeli advance, the Egyptian’s had been forced to withdraw many of their SAM batteries, and the Israeli air force was able to provide close air support to the advancing Israeli ground forces. The fighting to the south of the Geneifa Hills took on a very confused character. As the Israe- lis pushed south towards Suez City, they overran or bypassed several thou-

23 Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 256-260; Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 507-511; Adan, On the Banks of the Suez, 275-303. 24 Magen replaced General Mandler who was killed by anti-tank fire on October 13th. 70 chapter three sand rear echelon personnel of the Egyptian 3rd Army. By the time of the ceasefire on October 22nd, the Israelis had managed to cut off the Suez to Cairo highway, but they were also interspersed with several Egyptian units.25 On the Egyptian side, as the scale of the Israeli crossing became appar- ent, hurried consultations produced confused results. On the 18th, Sadat and Ismail finally agreed to the move of a single armored brigade from the 3rd Army bridgehead back to the west bank. The 182nd Parachute Brigade was to defend against an Israeli advance towards Ismailia and the 2nd Army reserve, the 4th Armored Division, would defend against any west- ward advance towards Cairo. On the 19th at a senior commanders’ confer- ence attended by Sadat and Ismail, General Shazly proposed withdrawing 4 armored brigades from the 3rd Army bridgehead to confront the Israeli bridgehead, but Ismail rejected this idea on the grounds that any with- drawal would precipitate panic among the 3rd Army’s ranks. Sadat agreed and insisted that not a single soldier be withdrawn from the eastern bridge- head.26 As the Egyptians debated, the Israeli southern thrust brought them to the gates of Suez City. However, in the north Sharon’s advance towards Ismailia was bogged down. On the 18th, the Israeli 247th Parachute Brigade moved north along the Sweetwater Canal towards Ismailia, but they were stopped at Serabeum and forced to retreat under heavy pressure from Colonel Ismail Azmy’s 182nd Egyptian Parachute Brigade. A second attack on the 19th was also repulsed. The Israeli 14th Armored Brigade now joined the attack and the Egyptians were slowly pushed back. By the 20th almost the entire Israeli 143rd Division—the 247th, 14th and the 421st Brigades— were committed to the battle, but Azmy’s paratroopers held firm and blocked the Israeli advance at Lake Timsah just south of Ismailia.27 The ceasefire of October 22nd did not last long. The intermingling of Israeli and Egyptian units and the fluid front lines gave the Israelis the op- portunity to easily break the cease fire at the first opportunity and thrust towards their main target—Suez City—and the complete encirclement of the Egyptian 3rd Army. The task facing Adan’s 162nd Division was two-fold. It had to clear Egyptian resistance at Shallufa and Kabrit on its left flank along the canal’s west bank and then to envelop Suez City. The attack com- menced on the 23rd with 2 brigades, the 600th armored and a newly formed infantry brigade made up of troops rushed in from the Syrian front under

25 Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 521-527; Adan, On the Banks of the Suez, 308-323, 345-399. 26 Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 265-267; Heikal, The Road to Ramadan, 243-244. 27 Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 527-528. egypt and the ramadan war 71 Brigadier General Dovic Tamari, clearing the west bank area, while 2 ad- ditional brigades, the 217th and 460th armored, moved towards Suez City. Brigadier Magen’s 252nd Division also struck southwest towards the Gulf of Suez reaching it at Ras Adabiya with minimal resistance. By nightfall after heavy fighting, the 162nd Division reached Suez City. A second cease- fire was scheduled to go into effect at 7:00am on the 24th, but this was completely ignored by the Israelis who began their attack at 5:00am with an artillery barrage. Brigadier General Yussef Afifi commander of the 19th Egyptian Division in the 3rd Army bridgehead on the east bank conducted Suez City’s defense. The Brigadier on his own initiative had detached anti- tank crews to Suez City. The 19th Division’s artillery from the east bank would also support the city’s defenders. The city itself had been well con- ditioned for the battle to follow. During the War of Attrition much of the city had been shelled and the civilian population evacuated. Those that remained were organized into militias. One such force, the Sinai Organiza- tion, would play a crucial role in destroying the Israeli armored column on the 24th. The Israeli 217th Brigade began the attack spearheaded by an armored battalion with 21 tanks, 8 M-113 APCs and 8 half-tracks. Two bat- talions of paratroopers in a mix of APCs, trucks and buses followed them. As the tanks moved into Suez City, heavy RPG and anti-tank missile fire met them. When they approached the city center heavy fire virtually dec- imated the force causing heavy casualties. Much of the city center’s defense was in the hands of the Sinai Organization whose fighters, armed with scavenged RPGs and light weapons, knocked out 23 tanks and APCs. The two supporting paratrooper battalions had fallen behind during the ad- vance and were also forced to take cover in abandoned buildings including a police station in the town center where they were surrounded by Egyp- tian forces. The Israeli units managed to break out and retreat out of Suez under cover of nightfall. On the 25th and 28th, the Israelis attempted to storm the city yet again, but were repulsed with heavy losses. The attack on Suez city proved disastrous for the Israelis, they lost between a 100 and 400 men and almost 40 tanks and armored vehicles. To the city center’s north in the green belt area of the west bank, the Israeli 600th Brigade at- tempted to clear Egyptian forces and completely cut off the Egyptian 3rd Army from Suez City. Dug in soldiers of the 19th Division supported by fire from the east bank resisted these attempts and the Israelis were unable to capture the bridge between the 3rd Army and Suez City. On the 28th, the 72 chapter three United Nations observers entered the combat zone and the fighting came to an end.28 The Israeli failure to capture Suez City meant that the Egyptian 3rd Army was not completely cut off. Pipes from wells in Suez City provided water to the east bank bridgehead and supplies of ammunition and food were adequate. Furthermore, a nightly seaborne supply route from the Gulf of Suez was also opened thus foiling any Israeli hopes of starving out the bridgehead. The 2 Egyptian divisions in the bridgehead, the 7th Infantry Division under Brigadier General Ahmad Badawi and the 19th Infantry Division under Brigadier General Afifi, dug in to repel any Israeli attack. Overall command of the Egyptian forces in the bridgehead passed to Badawi since the 3rd Army commander General Wasel was on the west bank leading the Egyptian forces encircling the Israelis on the west bank. Between October 20th and 23rd, the Egyptian battalion at the canal fort of Botzer had defeated several Israeli attacks. Badawi introduced strict food and water rationing, which enabled him to build a 95 day reserve of food and water. Under the terms of the ceasefire agreement of October 28th, the 3rd Army would receive 150 tons of water, food and medicine every day. By the start of the ceasefire, the Israeli forces on the east bank consisted of a single new division the 440th under Brigadier General Menachim Meron. This force was too weak to attack the Egyptian 3rd Army. It needed the support of Adan’s 162nd Division, but this would leave only 2 Israeli divi- sions—Sharon’s 143rd and Magen’s 252nd on the west bank. They in turn would then be vulnerable to the Egyptian encircling force of the 23rd Mechanized Division deployed against Sharon on the Ismailia to Cairo axis and the 4th Armored and 6th Mechanized Divisions deployed against Adan and Magen to the south west of Suez City and Ras Adabiya.29 In the meantime intensive permanent cease fire talks continued under UN mediation. On November 12th, the Israelis proposed that both sides withdraw their bridgeheads. The Egyptians rejected this out of hand. The Egyptians were aware that as long as a permanent cease fire was not in effect, the Israelis would be forced to maintain their mobilization, which would stall the Israeli economy.30 On January 11th, the Americans stepped in with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger engaging in intense shuttle di-

28 Mahmoud Bakr and Khaled El Ghamri, “Suez’s Sacrifices,” Al-Ahram Weekly On-Line, no 401; 29 October–4 November 1988; available from fe1.htm; Internet; accessed 29 October 2008; Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 538-545; Adan, On the Banks of the Suez, 400-425. 29 Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 575-579. 30 Gamasy, The October War, 300-302. egypt and the ramadan war 73 plomacy between Egypt and Israel. On the 17th, a deal was struck whereby the Israelis would withdraw from their west bank bridgehead and redeploy to the Sinai some 20-30 kilometers from the canal. The Egyptians would occupy a bridgehead on the west bank some 8-12 kilometers deep. In be- tween them and the Israelis would be an UNEF manned security buffer of 5-8 kilometers wide. On January 24th, the Egyptian 3rd Army’s blockade ended as Israeli forces withdrew from the west bank. By the first week of March, the two sides had deployed to their newly agreed upon front lines. Throughout the two weeks of intensive ground combat preceding the cease fires, another equally intensive conflict was taking place in the air. Since the debacle of the Six Day War in 1967 when a preemptive Israeli air assault “Operation Moked” had devastated the Egyptian air force, the latter had been building its strength and improving the quality of its air crew. In some ways the air war that took place during the 1973 War could be said to be an enlargement and continuation of the War of Attrition that had taken place between March 1969 and August 1970. The IAF, the Egyptian air force (EAF), and the Egyptian air defense force bore the brunt of the fighting during that conflict. Although the EAF was unable to stop the IAF’s air of- fensive, the War of Attrition gave the EAF new found confidence to engage the Israelis. The Egyptians, always cognizant of the huge advantage the Israelis enjoyed in the quality of their air crew and aircraft, sought to offset this advantage by building up a huge air defense network with Soviet sur- face-to-air missiles (SAM). Throughout the War of Attrition, the Egyptians gradually built up a layered air-defense system around the SA-2 and SA-3 missile systems. The build-up was so massive that for a while Russian per- sonnel manned some of the missile, radar and air-defense control sites. Russian pilots also manned Mig-21 fighters during the height of the War of Attrition until July of 1972.31 By 1972 the Soviets, under Egyptian pressure, began supplying the first of many SA-6 mobile SAMs to Egypt. These were supplemented with the ZSU-23-4 anti-aircraft self-propelled gun. On the eve of battle, the EAF consisted of 23,000 men including 730 pilots and nearly 435 combat aircraft. The air combat strength included 210 Mig-21 fighters, 100 Mig-17s, 80 Su-7s, 20 Su-20s, and 25 Tu-16s. They were joined by Arab coalition fighters including a squadron each of Mig-21s, Mig-17s and Su-7s from Algeria, a squadron of Mirages from Libya and a squadron of Hunters from Iraq. The Egyptian air defense force had some 100,000 under its command. Their equipment included 75 SA-2 batteries, 60 SA-3

31 Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 82-83. 74 chapter three batteries, 15 SA-6 batteries and 2,100 anti-aircraft guns ranging from 14.5mm to 100mm. The Egyptian army deployed its own air defense forces of sev- eral dozen ZSU-23-4 self-propelled 23mm guns and 5,000 shoulder launched SA-7 missiles.32 They would face an Israeli air force numbering 17,000 with 360 combat aircraft. These included 140 F-4 Phantom fighter-bombers, 150 A-4 Skyhawk attack aircraft, 50 Mirage III fighters, 12 Super Mystères, and 8 Vautour bombers.33 In the War of Attrition’s aftermath the Israelis recognized that the Egyptian SAM defenses posed the most serious threat to their air force. Since the War of Attrition’s end, the IAF had been training heavily to com- bat the Egyptian SAMs. The Israelis had already learned to make effective use of their American jamming pods to disrupt the SA-2 and SA-3 missiles, however, the newer mobile SA-6 was an unknown quantity. Nevertheless, an intense anti-missile training regime utilizing electronic counter mea- sures, decoy aircraft and massive air strikes was implemented. By the end of 1972, this system had evolved into an operational plan called “Tagar”, which called for a massive strike with hundreds of planes all meticulously planned to peel off the layers of Egyptian SAMs. The length of the Suez Canal was marked with a series of marker towers each carrying a code number. Low flying Israeli Phantoms would reach these towers flying a precise speed and time, release their huge bomb loads and head home immediately. As the bombs headed towards their targets, Skyhawks and Super Mystères (with jamming equipment) would move towards the Egyp- tian radar sites. They would be joined by Phantoms carrying the American made AGM-54 Shrike anti-radiation missile. The Egyptians would be forced to either turn on their radars, which would be destroyed by the radar hom- ing Shrikes or keep them turned off at which point conventional bombs would be used to destroy the radar sites. With the Egyptian air-defense network blinded, the IAF would then destroy the SAM batteries. A similar plan “Dugman V” was put into place to deal with the Syrian air-defenses on the Golan front. The key to both of these plans was precise intelligence on the position of the enemy SAM and radar sites, total surprise and me- ticulous timing. Unfortunately for the IAF none of these conditions existed on October 6th.34 Following the success of “Tagar” and “Dugman V”, the

32 Lon Nordeen and David Nicolle, Phoenix over the Nile: A History of Egyptian Air Power 1932-1994 (Washington: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1996), 257, 272-273. 33 Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 606. 34 Ehud Yonay, No Margin For Error: The Making of the Israeli Air Force (New York: Pantheon Books, 1993), 323-328. egypt and the ramadan war 75 IAF planned to initiate a general air offensive against the Egyptian and Syrian air fields called plan “Negiha” to eliminate air opposition. This would be followed by plan “Dominique”—strikes against strategic targets in Egypt and Syria and plan “Srita”—close air support for the ground forces. How- ever, the last plan was to go into effect even before air superiority had been achieved.35 The EAF opened the October 6th offensive at 2:00pm with a coordi- nated strike by 250 aircraft. Their targets included Israeli air fields in the Sinai, Hawk missile batteries, two 175mm artillery positions, radar and elec- tronic jamming stations, and logistical areas.36 Within hours of the Egyp- tian raids, the IAF struck back. In a modified version of Operation “Tagar”, 80 Skyhawks roared to the canal and released their bombs at the appropri- ate tower markers aiming them at the Egyptian air-defense artillery. Simul- taneously, almost 50 Israeli Phantoms and escorting Mirages initiated plan “Negiha” and struck at 8 Egyptian air bases including Bani Suwayf, Bir Ar- dah, Jiyanklis, Khutamiyah and al-Mansourah in an attempt to knock out the EAF. However, fierce Egyptian fighter and SAM defenses met these at- tacks. The Israelis claimed that they took the Egyptians by surprise, de- stroyed many runways and put 4 air fields out of action. They also claimed to have shot down 6 Mig-21s for the loss of only 2 Skyhawks.37 These attacks were supplemented with attacks on the Egyptian crossing sites, which were being met by Egyptian fighter and SAM defenses. The coordinated Egyp- tian and Syrian attacks complicated the IAF’s response. On the morning of the 7th, the IAF struck at the bridges across the Suez Canal, but by 6:00am Moshe Dayan the Minister of Defense ordered the IAF’s commander Lieu- tenant General Benjamin (Benny) Peled to shift his emphasis to the Golan front where the Syrians were threatening to breakthrough. The IAF had five hours to reorient into a new plan of attack—Operation “Dugman V”. The operation was a disaster. The Syrian surprise attack meant that the Syrian air-defenses were no longer where the Israelis expected them to be. Six Phantoms were shot down and only 2 out of 30 Syrian SAM batteries were put out of action. At 1:45pm a new directive ordered a shift back to the Suez Canal as the scale of the Egyptian crossing became apparent, and at 2:30pm a final order for the day directed the IAF to split its attacks over both the

35 Bar-Joseph, The Watchman Fell Asleep, 219. 36 Badri, Magdoub, and Zody, The Ramadan War, 1973, 156. 37 Bar-Joseph, The Watchman Fell Asleep, 219-220. 76 chapter three canal and the Golan Heights.38 The Israelis admitted that they lost 28 air- craft on the 7th on both the Syrian and Egyptian fronts. Indeed the losses were perceived to be so heavy that General Peled informed the Israeli Chief of Staff General Elazar that the IAF was approaching a “Red Line” with regard to losses, and future operations would be affected.39 On the 8th, the heavy losses prompted Peled to stop attacks on the crossing sites. Instead, the IAF focused on reducing the Egyptian SAM positions, and attempted to draw the Egyptian fighters out and ambush them. These tactics enabled the Israelis to destroy many Egyptian fighters. However, the EAF continued with its own efforts to support its ground forces and mounted many sorties into the Sinai.40 On October 14th, the Egyptians launched their ill-fated attack towards the Sinai passes, which the Israelis repulsed. EAF Mig-17, Su-7 and Su-20 strike aircraft supported the attack with some air cover flown by Mig-21s of the 104th Air Wing based at al-Mansourah. The IAF responded with a major air operation to destroy the EAF Mig-21 force. On the 14th, the Israe- lis struck at the Egyptian air bases of Tanta, Salihiya and al Mansurah. The Egyptians claimed that the Israelis dispatched 100 Israeli F-4 Phantoms and A-4 Skyhawks against al Mansurah in an attempt to destroy the 104th Air Wing. The subsequent air battle reflected the IAF’s intensive operations to destroy the EAF and the latter’s equally determined response to repulse the enemy. The IAF strikes at al Mansourah came in from the Mediterra- nean Sea in three waves. The attack path exploited the Israeli fighters’ su- perior range enabling them to avoid the Egyptian SAM belt along the canal. EAF headquarters (Air Marshal Hosni Mubarak) correctly estimated the first attack at 3:15pm by 20 F-4 Phantoms to be a decoy to draw out the patrolling Egyptian Mig-21s into combat over the Mediterranean. The Egyptian’s avoided the bait. At 3:30pm Egyptian Air Defense Command warned the EAF that 60 Israeli aircraft were approaching al-Mansourah from three different points—Baltim, Damietta, and Port Said—along the Mediterranean coast. By 3:52pm a second wave of 72 Israeli planes came in as part of the follow-up strike. The EAF launched all 45 Mig-21s based at al-Mansurah along with three flights of 8 Mig-21s from Tanta, Abu Hamad and Inshas. A massive swirling dogfight involving 160 aircraft erupted over

38 Shmuel L. Gordon, “The Air Force in the Yom Kippur War: New Lessons,” in ed. P.R. Kumaraswamy, Revisiting the Yom Kippur War (London: Frank Cass, 2000), 227-228; Yonay, No Margin for Error, 329-337. 39 Gordon, “The Air Force in the Yom Kippur War,” 224. 40 Nordeen and Nicolle, Phoenix Over the Nile, 282-284. egypt and the ramadan war 77 the Nile Delta. By 4:08pm, the IAF withdrew over the Mediterranean. The Egyptians claim to have shot down 17 Israeli aircraft for a loss of 6 Mig-21s.41 Israeli accounts make no mention of a major attack on al-Mansourah on the 14th of October or of a major air battle over the Nile Delta. However, Israeli records refer to a substantial attack on the Egyptian air base at Tan- ta by 2 Phantom squadrons the 107th and the 119th, while a third Phantom squadron, the 201st, cleared the way to Tanta by striking al-Mansourah. All 3 Phantom squadrons were met by Egyptian Mig-21 fighter cover. The Is- raelis admitted to fierce resistance from Egyptian Migs, but claimed a kill- to-loss ratio of 9 to 1 in their favor, while putting Tanta out of action for at least twenty-four hours.42 As the Migs and Phantoms battled over the Nile Delta, the U.S. was com- mencing a massive air lift operation called “Nickel Grass” to resupply the battered Israelis. The air lift brought in vast quantities of ammunition es- pecially 105mm tank rounds, TOW anti- tank missiles, Maverick TV guided air-to-surface missiles and Shrike radar homing missiles. In addition the U.S. flew in M-60 tanks, 155mm and 175mm guns. The IAF received 48 USAF Phantom II fighters and more than 50 A-4 Skyhawks from U.S. marine and navy squadrons. This massive infusion of equipment was decisive in help- ing the Israelis sustain their war effort.43 EAF pilots claimed a noticeable change in the Israeli Phantom pilots’ quality after October 17th. They per- ceived these pilots to be much more skilled and aggressive than the exist- ing Israeli pilots, leading them to believe that they were experienced American Phantom pilots.44 On the 15th of October, the Israelis began their crossing operation at Deversoir and the EAF threw itself at Israeli bridges. Israeli ground de- fenses and IAF fighters shot down many EAF aircraft in the battle of the

41 David Nicolle and Sherif Sharmy, “Battle of el-Mansourah,”; available from; Internet; accessed 9 September 2007. This account of the October 14th air battle is sourced from interviews with several Egyptian fighter pilots engaged in the battle. This article first appeared in Air Forces Monthly (Janu- ary 1996). 42 Shlomo Aloni, Israeli F-4 Phantom II Aces (Oxford and New York: Osprey Publishing, 2004), 47-48, 61-67. 43 Walter J. Boyne, The Yom Kippur War and the Airlift That Saved Israel (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2003), 139-141, 156-168, 209-211. 44 Nordeen and Nicolle, Phoenix Over the Nile, 292; Walter J. Boyne states that one American veteran pilot from Vietnam confirmed flying for the Israelis. Boyne also points out that it is highly unlikely that the highly advanced “Wild Weasel” ECM (Electronic Counter Measure) equipment supplied to Israel to combat the Egyptian SAM network could not have been operated by Israeli air men at such short notice, and must have been manned by U.S. air men. Boyne, The Yom Kippur War, 160-161. 78 chapter three “Deversoir Gap”. By now the EAF had flown more than 4,000 sorties.45 How- ever, the EAF had also lost more than 100 aircraft. Even more crucial was the loss of pilots who were already in short supply. By the 17th, the Egyp- tians were forced to put junior pilots and senior staff officers into action. They also had to rely on the help of the allied Iraqi and Algerian pilots based in Egypt. Between October 16th and the 24th (the last week of the war), the EAF and allied pilots launched 1,500 strike and air-defense mis- sions over the Deversoir-Geneifa area. As the Egyptian SAM belt in the area was destroyed by General Adan’s push into the Geneifa Hills, the IAF oper- ated freely in the area and took a heavy toll of the EAF and allied fighters. IAF Phantom units bolstered with resupplies of USAF Phantoms now used the disruption in the Egyptian air-defense network to put their anti-radar Shrike missiles to good use knocking out even more radar sites.46 In des- peration, the Egyptians threw in Mi-8 helicopters loaded with improvised petroleum bombs and Czech L-29 armed jet trainers.47 Despite the heavy losses and lack of pilots, the EAF continued to deny the IAF air superiority over the battlefield until the final ceasefire in May of 1974. While the air and ground wars were being waged intensively, a smaller yet strategically significant confrontation was taking place in the Mediter- ranean and in the Gulf of Suez as the Egyptian and Israeli naval forces tried to strike at each others’ maritime and naval assets. The Egyptian navy was the smallest of the three arms (army, navy, air force) with 17,000 men man- ning 17 Soviet built Osa and Komar class missile boats, 34 patrol and tor- pedo boats, 8 destroyers (including 6 Soviet Skory class) and frigates, 12 submarines and 14 amphibious craft. It faced an Israeli Navy which had 4,000 personnel equipped with 14 missile boats (12 Saar and 2 Reshef), 18 patrol/torpedo boats, and 10 landing craft.48 The Egyptian navy had seen minimal action during the 1967 War. Its main action came four months after the war, when Egyptian missile boats sank the Israeli destroyer Eilat in the Mediterranean Sea off Port Said. During the War of Attrition, the Egyptian navy conducted coastal bombardments and used frogmen to at- tack Israeli shipping in Eilat harbor. The Egyptian naval strategy for the 1973 War was implemented by Ad- miral Ahmad Fuad Zekry who had been called out of retirement by his old

45 Badri, Magdoub, and Zody, The Ramadan War, 1973, 82, 98, 107. 46 Yonay, No Margin For Error, 353-354. 47 Nordeen and Nicolle, Phoenix Over the Nile, 296-298; The helicopter attack was directed at General Adan’s headquarters element on October 18th. Adan, On The Banks of the Suez, 325. 48 Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 606-609. egypt and the ramadan war 79 friend General Ismail the Egyptian War Minister. The Egyptian naval plan- ners concluded that Israel had a decisive superiority in the quality of its missile boats. The Israeli boats were not only more heavily armed than their Egyptian counterparts, but they had advanced electronic jamming devices. Combined with the IAFs air superiority, the Egyptian navy de- cided against coastal operations, especially providing close shore bom- bardment during the canal crossing. The Egyptians believed they could use mines to deter the Israeli missile boats. The Egyptian plan was to use their destroyer force and submarines to enforce a blockade far from the Israeli coast. The most visible element of the blockade was the deployment of destroyers at the Straits of Bab el Mandeb to stop any Israeli maritime traf- fic in the Red Sea. In order to achieve surprise, the deployments for the blockade had to be carried out in secrecy. Egyptian submarines were de- ployed to patrol areas in the Mediterranean ahead of the conflict. Their captains were given sealed envelopes with their combat missions and told to open them only upon receipt of a prearranged signal. Submarines de- ployed to the Red Sea were sent there on the pretext of heading to Pakistan for repairs. The Egyptian destroyers also deployed to their patrol area in the Straits of Bab el Mandeb at the entrance to the Red Sea on the pretext of friendly port calls.49 The first major naval action took place on the nights of October 8th and 9th when Egyptian missile boats and helicopters near Baltim attacked Is- raeli missile boats. In the fighting that followed, the Israeli claimed 3 Egyp- tian missile boats, while the Egyptians claimed 4 Israeli boats (3 torpedo and 1 missile boat). On October 11th and 12th, the Israelis claimed 2 more Egyptian missile boats. The Egyptians claimed to have sunk 2 Israeli missile boats and stranded 1 during an action between Rosetta and Aboukir Bay. The Egyptians salvaged a Gabriel anti-shipping missile from the stranded wreck. For the rest of the war, the Egyptian and Israeli navies launched a number of commando raids and shore bombardment raids against each other.50 The main Egyptian naval success came in the form of the blockade. Egyptian’s claimed their submarines sank 2 Israeli merchant vessels in the Mediterranean and damaged 1 in the Red Sea. At the Straits of Bab el Mandeb, the Egyptian destroyer force intercepted and inspected all neutral

49 Badri, Magdoub, and Zody, The Ramadan War, 1973, 162-163; Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 557-558. 50 Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 558-565; Abraham Rabinovich, The Boats of Cherbourg (Annap- olis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1997), 256-262, 267-277, 292-299; Badri, Magdoub, and Zody, The Ramadan War, 1973, 164-167. 80 chapter three shipping heading up the Gulf of Suez. Egyptian mines also claimed the 46,000 ton Israeli operated oil tanker Siris. The blockade’s cumulative effect was to completely halt all Israeli maritime activity in the Red Sea and dras- tically cut down the number of ships visiting the Israeli Mediterranean ports.51 In fact some 200 ships carrying arms and essential commodities from the U.S. could only sail into Israeli ports at the end of hostilities after they were provided an Israeli naval escort “from the middle of the Mediter- ranean Sea”.52 However, a major Israeli success in the Gulf of Suez came about due to ground action, when Brigadier General Magen’s 252nd over- ran the Egyptian port of El Adabiya. The Israelis claimed that naval patrols from Adabiya and other local bases enabled them to complete the encircle- ment of the Egyptian 3rd Army, but Egyptian nightly supply runs were able to break the blockade and reach the 3rd Army.53 Egypt viewed its naval campaign as being a great success. Indeed, the Egyptians viewed the whole Ramadan War as a victory over Israel. How- ever, the majority of the historiography (overwhelmingly western) on the 1973 War does not hold this view. Although the Egyptian crossing of the Suez has come in for praise, the operations following it have been roundly criticized as being inept and unimaginative, leading to the Egyptian 3rd Army’s virtual defeat and encirclement. The Israeli operations on the west bank are presented as a remarkable come from behind, yet, predictable victory over Egypt. More recent scholarship has sought to dismiss any as- pect of Egyptian military effectiveness. One researcher describes the Egyp- tian crossing as “hardly the invasion of Normandy” and that what is “noteworthy is the amount of effort required to pull off … operations that never penetrated more than ten or fifteen kilometers ...”.54 Such analysis ignores the fact that the Egyptian operational objectives during the Ramadan War were in fact limited to establishing a defensible perimeter on the canal’s east bank. The Egyptians were well aware of their technological and operational limitations vis-à-vis the Israelis. Although the Egyptian generals disputed the rationale for abortive offensive on the 14th towards the mountain passes in the Sinai, even the most ambitious

51 Badri, Magdoub, and Zody, The Ramadan War, 1973, 166-167. 52 Rear Admiral (Res.) Ze’ev Almog, quoted in Moshe Tzalel, From Ice-Breaker to Missile Boat: The Evolution of Israel’s Naval Strategy, (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000), 138- 139. Tzalel notes that the Israeli Navy believed that it had effectively dealt with the Mediter- ranean blockade, 140. 53 Tzalel, From Ice-Breaker to Missile Boat, 56-57; Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 545. 54 Kenneth M. Pollack, Arabs at War: Military Effectiveness, 1948-1991 (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2002), 130. egypt and the ramadan war 81 Egyptian plan did not call for the seizure of the entire Sinai much less the destruction of Israel. Within this limited context, the Egyptians did achieve some of their operational goals. Egyptian failure lay primarily in the area of contingency planning, to prepare adequately for an Israeli counter of- fensive into the west bank. The gap between the Egyptian 2nd and 3rd Armies was too great to be accidental. Egyptian plans correctly envisaged the Bitter Lake to be too great a crossing challenge for the Israelis. What the Egyptians failed to do, however, was to cover the crossing site at Dever- soir. This left a narrow gap in the 2nd Army’s coverage of the Suez Canal. Their failure to garrison the abandoned Israeli canal fort of Matzmed and to dominate the Tirtur and Akavish Roads represents a fundamental intel- ligence and planning failure. The subsequent Israeli operations on the west bank have been univer- sally praised as being brilliantly executed and very aggressive. These op- erations are credited with encircling the Egyptian 3rd Army and forcing Egypt to plead for peace through its mentor the Soviet Union. The Egyptian reaction to the Israeli penetration is portrayed as being inept and ineffec- tive. Egyptian military effectiveness on the west bank is described as being remarkably poor in comparison to their earlier displayed skill on the west bank.55 Once again this analysis fails to appreciate that many if not most of the Egyptian troops that the Israelis faced on the west bank were support troops and not fighting formations. The bulk of the Egyptian operational reserve (especially the armor) had been committed to the October 14th offensive towards the Sinai passes. Sadat was adamant that few if any of these troops and tanks could return to the west bank’s defense. Further- more, researchers discount or gloss over the significant Israeli failures dur- ing the ground war. One of the most threatening incidents was General Sharon’s repeated disregard of Southern Army Commander General Gon- en’s orders to secure the narrow corridor along the Akavish and Tirtur Roads towards Matzmed. He was more interested in getting the bulk of his forces across the canal. The subsequent battles along the corridor seri- ously threatened the Israeli bridgehead at Deversoir. As a result General Adan’s follow up forces had to conduct the battle of the Chinese Farm to clear out the Egyptian 21st and 16th Divisions. Furthermore, on the west bank Sharon’s hesitation and lack of action enabled the Egyptians to rush in reinforcements to stem the Israeli advance towards Ismailia. Brigadier Azmy’s 182nd Paratrooper Brigade was able to stop the Israeli 143rd Divi-

55 Pollack, Arabs at War, 122. 82 chapter three sion’s repeated attempts to take Ismailia. It was Adan’s Division (aided by Magen’s) that bore the brunt of the offensive actions on the west bank and gained the most territory. However, even Adan’s forces were unable to cap- ture Suez city. The Israelis’ failure to capture either Ismailia or Suez City prevented them from accomplishing the main objective of their west bank thrust, the encirclement of the Egyptian 2nd and 3rd Armies. The repulse at Suez City was of paramount importance, for although the Israelis be- lieved they had effectively isolated the 3rd Army that was not the case. The 3rd Army was not in danger of running out of essential supplies and was easily repulsing attacks against it. Any Israeli attempt to move forces back to the east bank to reinforce the attack against 3rd Army would leave their own bridgehead in the west bank vulnerable to attack. The stalemate clear- ly did not favor either side and on January 17th, 1974, the Israelis agreed to a peace deal whereby they would evacuate the west bank and redeploy to the Sinai, while the Egyptians maintained their gains on the east bank. Tactically too the Egyptian army displayed a level of ability that had not been apparent in the 1967 War. The repulse of the Israeli counter-attacks following the canal crossing, were a model of infantry anti-tank operations. Early artillery utilization was also sound and effective using pre-registered shoots and fire plans. However, tactical deficiencies did reveal themselves once the original battle plan was modified. Generally Egyptian offensive operations after the 7th of October were poorly conducted. Units showed little of the cohesion and fluidity of the earlier operations. Tank and infan- try cooperation was poor, artillery preparation in-effective, and close air support virtually non-existent. The Egyptian 25th Armored Brigade’s de- struction during its abortive counterattack at Lakekan on the 17th was a textbook example of a lack of offensive tactical ability. The brigade ad- vanced slowly with no attempt to coordinate its attack with the Egyptian 21st Division’s counter-attacks to the north. This enabled the Israelis to concentrate overwhelming force on each of the disjointed attacks in turn. The attack itself was launched with no reconnaissance or screening forces, no artillery support and no air support, the brigade’s T-62 tanks advanced in the open with no attempt to hide their approach via sand dunes to the east of the canal, which is exactly where the Israeli 217th Armored Brigade deployed in a hull down ambush position on the reverse slopes of the sand dunes. Once the ambush was sprung, the Egyptian tank units failed to try and outflank the Israeli tanks or to engage in a coordinated fire and move advance. Throughout the remainder of the war, Egyptian counterattacks were conducted in a similar inept manner. The two exceptions were the egypt and the ramadan war 83 Egyptian forces’ operations in Ismailia and Suez City. There the Egyptian 182nd Paratroop Brigade in Ismailia, and elements of the 19th Division and local militia forces in Suez City, conducted local counter-attacks with great skill to defeat vastly superior Israeli fire power. In both these instances, the quality of the leadership at the mid and higher (divisional) level was sig- nificantly better than any of their peers. Both Brigadier Azmy (182nd Bri- gade) and Brigadier-General Afifi of the 19th Division exercised a level of individual initiative that was rare within the Egyptian officer corps. Nev- ertheless, the actions in Ismailia and Suez City were exceptions to the rule. On the whole, the Egyptian army’s tactical performance in the field left much to be desired. Even though Egyptian writers view the stalemate in the canal-zone as a victory, there is no denying the fact that Egypt had come close to the brink of disaster. Far from being beaten, Israel had gained a total victory on the Syrian front and had come close to inflicting an equal- ly crushing defeat on the Egyptians. To some extent the poor Egyptian performance can be attributed to the huge technological gap between them and the Israelis. In terms of princi- pal armaments, the Israelis possessed a huge advantage over the Egyptians. Tanks were a major component of the ground war. The standard Israeli tank was a modified version of the British Centurion heavy tanks. The Is- raeli version was equipped with a powerful British designed L-7 105mm main gun. They were supplemented with American made M48 and M60 tanks also armed with the L-7. The primary Egyptian tank was the T-54/55 series of Russian made tanks. The tank’s primary weapon was the D-10T 100m gun. The Centurion and the M48/60 tanks were heavily armored tanks designed to survive hits. Their interiors were roomy and ensured a reasonable working environment for their crew especially in the Sinai’s hot environment. The Russian T-54/55s were medium tanks with a smaller silhouette with lighter all round armor. They were designed to avoid being hit rather than to survive a hit. However, the tank’s low silhouette and compact dimensions came at a price. These tanks were cramped and very difficult to man. In the desert’s extreme heat, exhaustion of the crew be- came a routine problem. Another problem of the low silhouette was the main gun armament’s depression. In the T-54/55 the gun could only be depressed by -5 degrees, this in contrast to the Centurion and M48/60 tanks’ -9 degree depression angle. This weakness proved to be deadly in the desert. Egyptian tanks could not hide behind a reverse slope of a sand dune to engage the enemy. Their main gun’s low depression meant that they had to expose the nose of the tank hull and even the lightly armored 84 chapter three underbelly in order to engage enemy tanks. Israeli tanks on the other hand used their superior gun depression angle to almost completely hide behind a reverse slope and expose only the tops of their heavily armored turrets to engage the enemy. During the disastrous Egyptian offensive on October 14th, Israeli tanks deployed in such a way devastated the attacking Egyptian tank formations with little loss to themselves. Finally, the Israeli L-7 105mm tank gun was vastly superior to the D-10 100mm gun. The L-7 could destroy a tank at a range of up to 4,000 yards, while the D-10 was most effective between 500 and 900 yards. The only Egyptian tanks which had compa- rable firepower to the Israeli tanks were 200 T-62s with their powerful smooth bore 115mm guns. However, these tanks had just been introduced to the army (1972). The tank crews had little time to familiarize themselves with the new tank, especially its automatic loader. The bulk of them were given to the Presidential Guard and never committed to battle. Only the 25th Armored Brigade used them in the ill-fated October 17th counter at- tack.56 In terms of artillery too the Israelis had a huge qualitative edge. Al- though the Egyptians had many more artillery pieces, these were towed. The bulk of the Israeli artillery was comprised of armored self-propelled U.S. built M109 155mm or Israeli made armored self-propelled Soltam 155mm guns. The Israeli guns’ superior mobility meant that they could shift their fire patterns very quickly and follow the tanks into action. Their ar- mored protection also enabled them to gain the upper hand in the many counter battery engagements with the towed and unprotected Egyptian artillery. In addition to the 155mm guns, the Israelis also fielded several units of long range M107 175mm self-propelled guns and Soltam self-pro- pelled 160mm heavy mortars.57 The Israeli technological edge was far greater in the air. The EAF’s prin- cipal air combat fighter was the Soviet Mig-21 in its different iterations. This aircraft was a formidable fighter in its role as a purpose built point defense interceptor. It had a quick reaction time, and great supersonic speed and climb rate. However, the plane’s purpose built nature meant that it had

56 For details on the battle tanks used by the Egyptians and the Israelis see—Steven J. Zaloga, The T-54 and T-55 Main Battle Tanks 1944-2004 (Oxford and New York: Osprey Pub- lishing, 2004); Simon Dunstan, The Centurion Tank in Battle (London: Osprey Publishing, 1981); Steven J. Zaloga, The M47 & M48 Patton Tanks (London: Osprey, 1989); and Duncan Crow, ed., Modern Battle Tanks (London: Barrie and Jenkins Ltd., 1978). 57 For further information on the self-propelled artillery used by the Israelis see—Ste- ven J. Zaloga, Tanks Battles of the Mid-east Wars: (1) The Wars of 1948-1973 (Hong Kong: Concord Publications, 1996). egypt and the ramadan war 85 severe limitations with regard to range and weapon load capacity. In the Soviet air force, this was not a problem since the Soviets deployed a whole range of specialized long range interceptors to complement the Mig-21 in a layered air defense system. The Egyptians, however, used the Mig-21 as a multi-role fighter. Not only was it their only air defense fighter, but it was also designated to conduct strike missions. Here the weapon load limita- tion and small fuel capacity severely restricted the Mig-21’s combat effec- tiveness. The plane has a combat radius of approximately 300 miles, much less than the combat radius of 650 and 750 miles for the principal Israeli combat aircraft the F4 Phantom and the Mirage. The Israeli fighters’ supe- rior range enabled them to outflank the Egyptian air defenses and attack deep into Egypt. The Egyptians by contrast were restricted to operations in the Sinai. The many Mig-21 variants also carried inadequate armament. The early generation Mig-21F for instance only carried 30mm cannon, but no air-to-air missiles. The Mig-21PFM carried the K-13 heat seeking air-to- air missiles, but no cannon. Only a handful of late model Mig-21MFs carried both a Gsh-23mm cannon and K-13 missiles. The poor weapon load meant that Egyptian fighter pilots frequently fought at a disadvantage with their Israeli counterparts who were equipped with both cannon and air-to-air missiles.58 The principal Israeli air-defense fighter was the U.S. made F4 Phantom. This plane was a generation ahead of the Mig-21 and Mirage fighters. It was a large powerful twin engine fighter, which had advanced radar, and huge fuel and weapons load capacity. A single Phantom could carry a weapon/ fuel load of over 16,000 pounds, greater than an entire squadron of Mig-21s, the Israeli planes also had vastly better electronics and weapons. The Phan- tom had superior radar, which enabled it to fire long range radar guided AIM-7 Sparrow missiles.59 The Phantoms also carried effective electronic jamming equipment. The dedicated Wild Weasel Phantoms carried spe- cialized ECM (electronic counter measures) pods, which enabled them to jam Egyptian communications and air-defense radars, and to fire the Shrike anti-radar homing missile, which destroyed many Egyptian radar sites. Israeli ground based electronic assets were also far more sophisti- cated than their Egyptian counterparts. The Israelis deployed advanced radars and electronic counter measure equipment on the mountains in the

58 For details of the Mikoyan Mig 21 see—Christopher Chant, Mig-21 (Yeovil, Somerset: Haynes Publishing, 1984). 59 In Israeli service the Phantoms were called Kurnass or Sledgehammers. See Amos Dor, The F-4E Phanton II Kurnass (Milan: AD Graphics, 1998). 86 chapter three Sinai overlooking Egypt. This enabled them to track Egyptian fighters as they took off from their air bases, and to monitor and disrupt the conversa- tions between Egyptian pilots and their ground controllers. Conversely, the superior Israeli electronics enabled them to provide their own pilots with a comprehensive picture of the air space as they went into battle. Despite the huge disparity in the quality of its aircraft and equipment and in the numbers of trained pilots, the EAF performed well against great odds dur- ing the 1973 War. Until recently, the historiography of the air war has over- whelmingly favored the Israeli claim that only 6 Israeli fighters had been shot down in air combat.60 However, as more Egyptian accounts of the air war emerge, it is clear that the Israelis have downplayed their air-to-air losses and may have attributed many of their losses to Egyptian SAM de- fenses.61 As in the air, Israel also enjoyed an overwhelming technological edge over Egypt in the naval war. The principal coastal combatants (where all combat took place) for both sides were fast missile boats. The principal Egyptian weapon was the Soviet SS-N-2 Styx anti-ship radar homing mis- sile. After the sinking of the Israeli destroyer Eilat in October 1967, the Is- raelis had developed electronic counter measures to confuse and decoy the radar seeker on the Styx. This was used to great effect in the 1973 war and not a single Israeli vessel was hit by a Styx missile. The Egyptians had no similar answer to the Israeli Gabriel anti-ship missile and took heavy losses. Technological disparity also played a huge role in undermining Egyptian military effectiveness vis-à-vis Israel. However, it cannot by itself be the sole reason for Egypt’s shortcomings in 1973. Egyptian forces proved to be capable of implementing preplanned operations, but when the opera- tional parameters changed they were unable to adapt. The officer corps on the whole with a few rare exceptions lacked the initiative and autonomy of action of their Israeli counterparts. The rank and file Egyptian soldier proved to be brave and willing to fight, but was poorly led and in many cases poorly trained. The lack of effective command and control extended to the Egyptian command system’s highest echelons. Senior generals were loath to contradict President Sadat in the run up to the war. Additionally, none of them including General Shazly resigned when Sadat refused to order a troop pull-back from the east bank to stem the Israeli breakout on

60 Some Israeli sources claimed only 3 fighters were lost in air-to-air combat. Dupuy, Elusive Victory, 554. 61 Nordeen and Nicolle, Phoenix over the Nile, 304-305. egypt and the ramadan war 87 the west bank. With the exception of the actions in Suez City and Ismailia, the Egyptian response to the Israeli break out in the west bank was cha- otic and ineffective. The Egyptian 2nd Army failed to develop any pressure on the thin screen of Israeli covering troops in front of them, thereby al- leviating some of the pressure on the 3rd Army. The EAF had a far greater technology and qualitative barrier to overcome, but its actions too proved to be on the whole lacking in flexibility and initiative. Despite huge im- provements since the 1967 conflict, the EAF remained heavily reliant on ground controllers. Although Egyptian pilots proved to be skilled in air- defense combat, they were largely ineffective in deep strike missions and close air support tasks. Finally, the EAF simply lacked the numbers of trained and experienced pilots to keep up with the Israelis during the con- flict. The Egyptian naval effort also represented a mixed success. The Egyp- tian long range naval interdiction plan was effective, but the Egyptian navy had to give up control of the coast to the Israeli navy. The Egyptian navy’s inability to appreciate the rapid rise of electronic warfare and adapt to it was a significant failure. In sharp contrast to the Egyptian command failures, the Israeli response to the massive Egyptian and Syrian attacks showed a remarkable degree of flexibility, fluidity and adaptation. When the first counterattacks against the Egyptian bridgehead ended in disaster for General Gonen’s Sinai Com- mand, the Israelis methodically built up their forces and adapted their tactics to account for Egyptian anti-tank missiles. With the exception of vetoing a request from the military for a pre-emptive air strike, Prime Min- ister Golda Mier left the conduct of operations to her military command- ers. The separation of the civilian and military institutions enabled the Israeli High Command to work more effectively than their Egyptian coun- terparts. Even when disagreements and conflicts arose within the Israeli General Staff, they were able to overcome it. General Sharon’s erratic per- formance was more than offset by General Adan’s actions on the west bank. A similar degree of flexibility can be seen in the IAF. After the initial shock of losses to the Egyptian SAM network dissipated, the IAF quickly adapted its tactics to adapt to the SAMs. Although the massive American resupply effort was crucial to the Israeli success, the IAF proved to be far more skill- ful and adaptive than its Egyptian counter-part. Similarly, the Israeli navy proved far more technologically proficient and well trained than its Egyp- tian counterpart. The decline in Egypt’s military capabilities is surprising when one takes into account that Mehmed Ali the virtual ruler of Egypt (as Ottoman Vice- 88 chapter three roy) in the nineteenth century had created one of the most modern armies in the Middle East—the Nizam-I Cedid. This European style infantry based force was equipped with French rifles and trained to fight by French and Italian instructors. In 1823 it numbered some 24,000 officers and men. In 1826 Muhammad Ali had begun to create a navy and to develop a school system to train officers for the infantry, cavalry, artillery, and navy. How- ever, only Circassians, Mamluks and Ottomans qualified for command level training. Egyptian officer were not allowed to rise above the rank of major.62 In 1841 after Mehmed Ali’s new model army had seized Syria from his former master the Ottoman Empire, a worried Europe imposed limits on Egypt’s military. The army was limited to 18,000 men. No officers above the rank of colonel were to be commissioned and all naval construction was halted. The most severe blow, however, was economic. The Europeans commerce convention of 1838 abolished Muhammad Ali’s monopolies in domestic and external commerce. This dramatically cut back Egypt’s mil- itary and economic modernization plans.63 Muhammad Ali’s successor, his grandson Isma’il (1863-1879) was unable to maintain the empire. Mas- sive spending and debt to the Europeans had led to France and England already running the country’s economy by 1879. In 1882, when Colonel Ahmad Urabi initiated a coup d’état, the British occupied Egypt. The army was disbanded and re-established as a glorified canal security force under British officers. In 1922 Britain granted Egypt independence, but retained overall command of the army until 1936. At the start the Second World War, the Egyptian army’s strength was 23,000. Most of the soldiers were con- scripted fellahin (Egyptian peasants) and Nubians from Upper Egypt. The officer corps continued to be made up of the Turkish-Circassian elites. The officers and their king the young ruler Faruk, were pro-Nazi and main- tained an uneasy alliance with the British. Although the army grew to 100,000 men, it never saw combat and operated as a logistical force for the British Commonwealth Army.64 On July 23, 1952 the Free Officers Move- ment seized power and forced King Faruk I to abdicate the throne. One of the Free Officers Movement’s leader, Colonel Gamal ábd al-Nasser, would eventually become leader of the military junta. Nasser would lead Egypt

62 J.C. Hurewitz, “The Beginnings of Military Modernization in the Middle East: A Comparative Analysis,” Middle East Journal 22, no. 2 (Spring, 1968): 145-146. 63 Hurewitz, “The Beginnings of Military Modernization in the Middle East,” 147. 64 Andrew McGregor, A Military History of Modern Egypt: From the Ottoman Conquest to the Ramadan War (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2006), 227-239. egypt and the ramadan war 89 in its disastrous war against Israel in 1967 and his successor Sadat would follow suit in 1973. Under Nasser, Egypt undertook land reform and purged the officer corps of its Turkish-Circassian members. Although the corps was now open to members of Egypt’s educated middle class, a new problem of filling the growing armed forces ranks became apparent. This problem became acute during the War of Attrition with Israel as Egypt undertook a massive expan- sion of its armed forces. A major reason for the lack of Egyptian military effectiveness in the 1973 was due to the paucity of low and mid-level offi- cers in the army. Even among the officers available, not all were trained to a proficient level. In 1971, the Egyptian army numbered some 800,000 men. By October 1973, its ranks had swelled to 1,200,000 men, 66,000 officers and 1,134,000 NCOs and soldiers. The biggest increase came in the number of officers—some 30,000 being added. This expansion was surprising given that the Egyptian army already suffered a dearth of officers before the ex- pansion. General Shazly tackled this deficit by creating a new junior officer rank called War Officer. These officers would be trained for specific tasks and to command only platoon sized units, which enabled the training pe- riod to be reduced to four or five months. Some 25,000 NCOs who were university graduates were trained to be War Officers. They were supple- mented by 10,000 university graduates pressed into service. Regular mili- tary academies trained a further 5,000 career officers. The ranks of the soldiers also proved hard to fill. Out of 350,000 men of draft age, barely 120,000 were physically and educationally fit to join the army. This led to a yearly shortfall of 40,000 recruits. Shazly solved this problem by lowering the physical fitness and education requirements.65 Given the poor state of preparedness that affected more than half of the officer corps in 1973, the subsequent poor performance in the field is hardly surprising. The EAF’s problems were even greater than that of the army, the air force always suf- fered from a lack of pilots compared to the IAF, and the need to rush pilots into battle meant that they too had little opportunity to train and gain experience. The deficit in trained junior officers in all branches of military service was compounded by a politically hamstrung senior officer corps. After the dismissal of War Minister General Sadiq and his deputy General Hassan, none of the military’s senior commanders dared challenge President Sadat, or offer him frank assessments of the state of the armed forces. Although

65 Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 48-50. 90 chapter three Sadat himself was a former colonel in the army and a founding member of the Free Officers movement, he had a distrustful relationship with the Army High Command. This was especially so after his purge of Nasserite officers after he took over the presidency.66 Time and again Sadat overruled his military commanders and subordinated tactical military decision mak- ing to personal, political and foreign policy goals. In a marked and ironic contrast, Israel which is a liberal democracy, witnessed the armed forces and the army in particular wielding unprecedented influence and even control over its civilian government. When David Ben Gurion took over as Israel’s first Defense Minister, he allowed the Zahal or the army to have an unprecedented degree of autonomy from civil control. Ben Gurion saw the state of Israel as being encircled by enemies and saw the army as a princi- pal player in the nation’s fate. As a result, all matters of foreign policy were coordinated with defense issues.67 In the years since independence, the Israeli army’s autonomy and influence has grown. The Agranat Commis- sion appointed to look into the 1973 War, noted that that there was “a lack of clear definition in the distribution of functions, obligations, and respon- sibility for defense among the three authorities dealing with these matters, i.e., the cabinet and the Prime Minister, and the Chief of Staff.”68 The Israeli army’s autonomy enabled it to wield total control over the training, equipping and operational planning. Only principal decisions such as when to go to war remained under civilian control. The ease and flexibil- ity with which the Israeli armed forces altered their operational plans in the 1973 War is a clear indication, not only of the armed forces autonomy, but also of the civilian government’s complete confidence in them. A clear indicator of the Israeli army’s influence was its ability to mold Israeli society to meet its manpower needs. Although both Israel and Egypt used universal military conscription to fill their armed forces ranks, the Israeli defense forces shaped the Israeli educational system to meet the military’s specific needs. As early as 1948, the Israeli army sought to de- velop programs to eliminate illiteracy and raise the educational level of its soldiers and officers. It established a special army educational center, Camp Marcus, on Mount Carmel to help soldiers who were school drop

66 For details of the May 1971 Purge see Abdallah Al Imam, Inqilab 15 Mayu: al-Qissa al-Kamila (Cairo: al-Mawqif al-Arabi, 1983). 67 Amos Perlmutter, “The Israeli Army in Politics: The Persistence of the Civilian over the Military,” World Politics 20, no. 4 (July, 1969): 628. 68 Yoram Peri, “Political-Military Partnership in Israel,” International Political Science Review 2, no. 3 (1981): 310-311. egypt and the ramadan war 91 outs or educationally deprived. In 1952 a military academy was established in connection with the most prestigious high school in Israel the Reali Gymnasium in Haifa to enable officer cadets to mix with civilians. In 1966, the IAF opened the Air Force Technical High School in Haifa.69 The level of cooperation between university based institutions and the military was even greater. From the earliest days of the state, the university system played a vital role in the state’s defense. In addition to providing a pool of highly educated manpower to the Israeli armed forces through a system of reserve duty,70 the universities engaged in developing vital defense prod- ucts for the armed forces until government run armament industries could fulfill that role. Prestigious institutions, like the Hebrew University and the Technion in Haifa, provided valuable research and production facilities for various types of armaments.71 Indeed, even before the state of Israel’s cre- ation, the desire to establish a first class education system that could meet the dual needs of a modern industrial state and the defense needs of that state dominated Zionist planners’ efforts. In 1903 the Zionist Conference authorized the establishment of a technical college, the Technion in Haifa, which opened in 1924. The Technion was based on the German colonial model and the American land-grant universities, and focused heavily on scientific learning as a way to stimulate social and economic learning, and enhance the state’s development. During the War of Independence, the Technion recruited aeronautical scientists from England and the United States. These highly skilled individuals became the academic base of Is- raeli Aircraft Industries, the nation’s largest manufacturer and export earn- er.72 Indeed, the massive influx of highly educated Jewish immigrants from Europe and North America, and the infusion of money from wealthy inter- national Jewish benefactors played a crucial role in helping establish a first world educational system in Israel. The Technion would be joined by the Hebrew University in 1925 and the Weizman Institute in 1944.73 Together they formed the basis of a premier higher educational system for the new state of Israel, and provided a steady supply of highly educated and techni-

69 Perlmutter, “The Israeli Army in Politics,” 622-623. 70 For a detailed review of the importance of the “Miluimm” or Reserve Service to the IDF, see Reuven Gal, A Portrait of the Israeli Soldier (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1986), 38-45. 71 S. Ilan Toren, “Higher Education in Israel: A Historical Perspective,” Higher Education 23, no. 1 (January 1992): 55-56. 72 Toren, “Higher Education in Israel,” 49-50, 57. 73 Theodore Huebner, “Education in Israel,” Journal of Educational Sociology 27, no. 8 (April 1954): 352. 92 chapter three cally skilled officers for the armed forces. As a consequence, the Israeli officers and men who participated in the 1973 War were the byproduct of a modern and comprehensive liberal arts education. Not only were they technically capable of operating the advanced electronics of modern war- fare, their education enabled them to blend seamlessly into the highly adaptive nature of modern warfare. In sharp contrast to Israel, Egypt lacked the focus and drive needed to establish a modern educational system. During the period of British oc- cupation (1882-1922), the British largely neglected education,74 and the Egyptians made little attempt to forge ahead on their own. Indeed, the strides made under Muhammad Ali’s regime (1805-1849) to introduce a western education system were halted and such education remained iso- lated to Egyptian elites.75 During the Independence period (1922-1952), little improvements were made. Until 1951 Egypt continued to follow a two tier education system whereby the masses had access only to elementary education, while the elites had access to a primary school education lead- ing to an academic secondary school and then on to university, or a profes- sional higher college. Not surprisingly, the number of students entering technical schools was very low. Between 1943 and 1953, the enrollments in technical schools increased from 16,000 to 18,838.76 Only during the Revo- lutionary Regime (1952-1975) was a concerted effort made to expand and improve the educational system, technical school enrollments, for exam- ple, increased to 75,549.77 However, the revolutionary regime’s education- al goals were social and political, to open the educational system to the general population, rather than qualitative. Additionally, despite a mani- festo (Free Officers) declaration that stated—“We declare to our soldiers that no army could ever win a victory without the help of scientists and

74 In fact Lord Cromer, the British consul-general in Cairo followed a deliberate policy of restricting the level of higher education in Egypt. He was determined to avoid the mistakes of India where an intellectual class inimical to British imperial interests had been formed. In Egypt Cromer wanted to emphasize elementary and technical education to create “as many carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers, etc., as I possibly can.” Cromer to Strachey, April 3, 1906, Cromer Papers, United Kingdom, Public Records Office (PRO), Foreign Office, F.O. 633/VIII. 75 The only secondary school systems Muhammad Ali created were a Mamluk prepara- tory school and a military school for his sons and the sons of his principal aides. Hurewitz, “Military Modernization in the Middle East,” 146. 76 M.A. Faksh, “A Historical Survey of the Education System in Egypt,” International Review of Education 22, no. 2 (1976): 238-239. 77 Faksh, “A Historical Survey of the Education System in Egypt,” 238. egypt and the ramadan war 93 their microscopes …”78—there appears to have been little attempt to stra- tegically link the development of education policy to national defense. A Military Technical Faculty was only set up in 1961 with a seven year cur- riculum to train managerial staffs of career military officers and civilian engineers.79 Not surprisingly in 1973 there was a huge deficit of trained officers. A poorly trained officer corps, inferior technology, and the politicization of the military decision making process were all contributing factors to the lack of Egyptian military effectiveness in 1973, yet they have been down- played or even dismissed by some scholars. These scholars argue that the primary reason for Egyptian (and Arab) military ineffectiveness lies in Arab culture— The patterns of behavior characteristic of the dominant Arab culture found to have the greatest influence on Arab military effectiveness were those that favored a centralization of authority within any hierarchy; those that dis- couraged initiative, flexibility, improvisation and independence among subordinates in a hierarchy; those that encouraged individuals to see knowl- edge as discreet, compartmented entities; and those that discouraged indi- viduals from undertaking manual labor or learning technical skills.80 This simplistic approach seeks to categorize all Egyptians (and Arabs) into a single “cultural” stereotype. It has more in common with outmoded Vic- torian notions of race and military behavior than with any contemporary empirical and analytical approach to the issue of Egyptian military effec- tiveness.

78 Anouar Abdel-Malek, Egypt: Military Society: The Army Regime, the Left, and Social Change under Nasser, (New York: Random House, 1968), 179. 79 Abdel-Malek, Egypt: Military Society, 177. 80 Kenneth M. Pollack, “The Influence of Arab Culture on Arab Military Effectiveness” (Ph.D. diss., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996), 759; see also John A. Lynn, Battle: A History of Combat Culture (Boulder, CO: Westview, 2003), 312-313. 94 chapter three india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 95

Chapter Four

India’s 1971 War for Bangladesh

On April 28, 1971 a crucial meeting took place in New Delhi. The Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and her cabinet met with General Sam Manekshaw, the Army Chief of Staff and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A grim faced Prime Minister informed the general of her decision to order an im- mediate invasion of East Pakistan. The General refused to initiate the op- eration immediately. He pointed out that the monsoon rains were about to arrive and that the rains combined with the melting Himalayan snows would turn East Pakistan into a flood zone. This would restrict the Indian army’s movements to roadways. The Indian air force (IAF) would also be hampered by poor weather and be unable to provide close air support. The general then pointed out that the army’s main strike force, the 1st Armored Division, had less than one squadron of tanks operational due to a chron- ic shortage of spare parts. The general’s bluntness angered the Prime Min- ister, but she ignored his offer to resign on “health” grounds and acquiesced to his demand for delaying the invasion for several months.1 The April meeting in New Delhi was a direct consequence of the sharp- ly deteriorating situation in East Pakistan and the impact it was having on India. In 1970 after more than a decade of pent up frustration at the high handed policies and attitude of the Pakistani government based in Islam- abad, the Bengali Muslim population of East Pakistan handed Sheikh Mu- jibur Rahman, the leader of the Bengali Muslim Party, a massive electoral victory. The military dictator of Pakistan General Yahya Khan, bowing to political pressure from West Pakistan, rejected this vote and declared mar- tial law on February 17, 1971. During the early hours of March 25-26, the Pakistani army garrison in East Pakistan under Major General K.H. Raja’s command arrested Sheikh Rahman and his associates, which began “Op- eration Search Light”, a bloody crackdown against the Bengali opposition. Resistance to the crackdown was sporadic and came mainly from local police units and the East Pakistan Rifles. The Pakistani army’s response was to unleash an orgy of violence and mass killings. With the fighting spread-

1 From General Manekshaw’s inaugural speech at the Field Marshal KM Cariappa Memorial Lecture in October 1995, New Delhi. Directorate General of Infantry, Field Marshal K M Cariappa Memorial Lectures, 1995-2000 (New Delhi: Lancer Publishers, 2001), 28-30. 96 chapter four ing throughout the country, millions of Bengali Muslims fled into neigh- boring India. To the Indian government under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s leadership, the situation in East Pakistan represented both a po- tential economic disaster—represented by the task of indefinitely housing, feeding and caring for millions of refugees and a strategic opportunity—to break up Pakistan by creating the independent state of Bangladesh. In mid May, the Indian army’s Eastern Command formally took charge of aiding and advising the Mukti Bahini against the Pakistani forces.2 Although the Mukti Bahini’s guerilla campaign caused considerable damage and losses to the Pakistani forces, they were unable to diminish the Pakistani grip on Bangladesh. This failure triggered the Indian decision to invade East Paki- stan. During the months following the April 28th New Delhi meeting, the Indian army steadily built up its presence along the East Pakistan border. As the emboldened Mukti Bahini struck once again at the Pakistani gar- rison forces, the latter retaliated triggering off the first skirmishes with Indian forces. On October 30-31, Pakistani and Indian forces clashed in the border town of Kamalpur. A month later from November 20th to the 27th, the forces clashed again in the border towns of Bogra and Hilli. Pakistan had hoped that the UN Security Council would protect it from Indian in- terference in East Pakistan, but the guarantee of a Russian veto essentially gave the Indians a free hand in the east. With diplomatic options out of the window and the prospect of an inevitable Indian attack against East Paki- stan looming, the military junta in West Pakistan decided to preempt the Indians and strike first in the west. The Pakistani strategy was to offset any territorial gains that the Indians made in East Pakistan by seizing Indian territory in the west. According to Lieutenant Colonel Siddiq Saliq, “the defense of East Pakistan lay in the west.”3 This would not be the first time India and Pakistan had gone to war. The two neighbors had clashed previously in 1947-1948 and again in 1965 over the disputed region of Kashmir. After the 1965 conflict, India had under- taken a substantial expansion and modernization program of its armed forces. The IAF was to see the most improvement among the three ser- vices. The air force was well on its way to transitioning from subsonic fight- ers to supersonic fighters. A program to license manufacture the Soviet

2 Major Rafiq-ul Bir Uttam Islam, A Tale of Millions (Dhaka: Bangladesh Book Interna- tional, 1981),176; Lieutenant General JFR Jacob, Surrender at Dacca: Birth of a Nation (New Delhi: Manohar, 1997), 39, 90. 3 Saliq was a Major in the Pakistani army posted in East Pakistan during the 1971 War. Siddiq Saliq, Witness to Surrender (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1977), 124. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 97 Mig-21L fighters was well underway and 7 squadrons of Mig-21 were in service by December 1971. Another 6 squadrons were raised with the new- ly acquired Soviet Sukhoi Su-7 strike fighter. Three ground attack squad- rons were equipped with the Indian designed and built HF-24 Marut fighter. Another 7 squadrons were equipped with the Indian built Gnat air superiority fighter. Still in service were 6 Hunter squadrons, 2 Mystère IV squadrons, and 3 Canberra bomber squadrons. All told the IAF had 625 combat aircraft and 80,000 men.4 The Indian army underwent a similar if more modest modernization program. It began to induct the license pro- duced British Vickers medium tank (renamed the Vijayanta in Indian ser- vice) to replace the Centurion tank. The army also inducted large numbers of Soviet T54/55 tanks to replace its World War Two era Sherman tanks. The Indian 1st Armored Division’s mechanized infantry brigade was equipped with Polish—wheeled (SKOT) and tracked (TOPAS) APCs along with a number of Soviet BTR-60 wheeled APCs. The Indian artillery large- ly reliant on older British 25pdrs and 5.5in howitzers received a tremen- dous boost with the acquisition of the accurate and long range (17 miles) Soviet 130mm field gun. The Indian army’s strength stood at 850,000 men in 12 infantry divisions, 1 armored division, 10 mountain divisions, 3 inde- pendent infantry brigades, 4 armored brigades and 1 independent para- chute brigade with 1,450 tanks and 3,000 artillery pieces5 Pakistan too had launched a major modernization program after the 1965 War. This was done despite the cutoff of military assistance from its Cold War benefactor the U.S. At the start of the 1971 War, the Pakistani air force (PAF) had 13 combat squadrons and 17,000 personnel. Its inventory of fighters included 40 F-86F Sabres, 90 Sabre MK-6s (ex-Luftwaffe), 20 Mirage IIIE fighters from France, 7 F-104 Starfighters, 70 F-6 (Chinese built Mig-19s), 16 B-57 bombers and 2 RB-57 reconnaissance aircraft.6 The Pakistani army had 365,000 men deployed in 2 armored divisions, 13 infantry divisions, 2 ar- mored brigades and 1 independent infantry brigade with 850 tanks and 800 artillery pieces.7

4 International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 1971-1972 (London: Institute for Strategic Studies, 1972), 46; “Quantity or Quality? The Indian Dilemma,” Air International (October 1975): 174-175. 5 International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 1971-1972, 46; Gur- charan Singh Sandhu, The Indian Armour: History of the Indian Armored Corps 1941-1971 (New Delhi: Vison Books, 1987), 428-431; John H. Gill, An Atlas of the 1971 India-Pakistan War: The Creation of Bangladesh (Washington D.C.: National Defense University, 2003), 13-14. 6 International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 1971-1972, 50. 7 International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance 1971-1972, 50; Saliq, Witness to Surrender, 126-127; Gill, An Atlas of the 1971 India-Pakistan War, 13-14. 98 chapter four Pakistan’s grand strategy for the 1971 War rested on a surprise attack against western India. The PAF would initiate the attack with a preemptive airstrike in the early morning hours of December 3rd against Indian air- fields. However, it was the ground offensive upon which the Pakistanis placed the most strategic importance. The Pakistani army in the west had 3 corps (the 1st, 2nd and 4th), with 2 armored divisions, 10 infantry divi- sions, 2 armored brigades, 2 artillery brigades, and 1 independent infantry brigade. In Kashmir, the Pakistanis deployed 2 corps sized formations. These units, the 12th and 23rd Infantry Divisions had 11 infantry brigades between them. The 12th Division was tasked with offensive operations in Kashmir with its goal being to capture the Indian town of Poonch. The 23rd along with 2nd Independent Armored Brigade would secure the Chaamb area up to and including Akhnur. Pakistan’s 1st Corps, with the 8th and 15th Infantry Divisions, was responsible for defending the Shakargarh bulge, between the Chenab and Ravi Rivers. The 4th Pakistani Corps controlled the area just north of Lahore (Maqbulpara) to the southwest of Bhawalpur with the 10th and 11th Infantry Divisions and an independent infantry bri- gade. The 18th Infantry Division, deployed along the Sind border at Rahim Yar Khan, was ordered to capture Ramgarh and threaten Jaisalmer, the Pakistani 2nd Corps, with General Headquarters’ (GHQ) reserve, would launch the main Pakistani offensive. The 2nd Corps included the 6th Ar- mored Division and the newly raised 17th Infantry Division in the Mont- gomery-Okhra area and the 8th Independent Armored Brigade in the Gujranwalla-Daska area (This unit was under the control of the 1st Corps, ready to react to an Indian thrust at Shakargarh). The GHQ reserve in- cluded the 1st Armored Division, the 7th Infantry Division, and the newly raised 33rd Infantry Division. Indian sources, state that there was consider- able debate in the Pakistani GHQ over whether to launch an immediate offensive with the Pakistani 1st Corps or to wait for India to reveal its of- fensive plans.8 The Indian operational plan in the western theatre was mainly defen- sive in nature, with two exceptions. The first was that several strategically important heights along the Kashmir cease-fire line that had been seized during the 1965 War, but handed back to Pakistan under Soviet influence during the 1966 Tashkent Agreement, should be occupied once again and this time retained. Second, India was to launch a limited offensive to

8 For this and Pakistani strengths and deployments see Sandhu, Indian Armor, 424-426; K.C Praval, The Indian Army After Independence (New Delhi: Lancer International, 1987), 491-494. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 99 threaten the lines of communication between Karachi and Lahore to deter Pakistani offensives in Kashmir, the Punjab and Rajasthan.9 India had 3 army corps deployed along the western front. Lieutenant General Sartaj Singh’s 15th Corps with 5 divisions was responsible for Jam- mu and Kashmir. Its 3rd Indian Mountain Division was deployed against both China and Pakistan to the north from Ladakh. The 19th Infantry Divi- sion, headquartered in Srinagar, held the Uri and Tithwal sectors. The 25th Infantry Division was responsible for Poonch, Rajauri and Jhangar. The 10th Infantry Division along with the Deccan Horse was responsible for Chaamb and the approaches to Akhnur. The 26th Infantry Division was responsible for the defense of Jammu. The 3rd Armored Brigade was to be the backup for both the 10th and the 26th divisions. Lieutenant General K.K. Singh’s 1st Indian Corps headquartered at Sam- ba controlled the area from Samba to Madhopur and the border in the Pathankot and Gurdaspur areas.10 Lieutenant General N.C. Rawlley’s 16th Corps controlled the border area between Dera Baba Nanak to the Anup- garh-Suratgarh axis in Rajastham. Its 15th Infantry Division was responsi- ble for Dera Baba Nanak, Gill Ferry, Grand Trunk Road and the Raja Tal approaches to Amritsar. The 7th Infantry Division along with the 3rd Cav- alry was responsible for the Kharla-Khem Karan and Hussainiwalla axis, while the 18th Cavalry, the 70th Armored Regiment, the 92nd Independent Recce Squadron and the No. 4 Independent Armored Squadron supported them. The 16th Corps was also allocated the use of the 14th Independent Armored Brigade. In addition to these forces, Army Headquarters (AHQ) had its own reserve including the 1st Armored Division, the 14th Infantry Division located in the southern area of the 11th Corps sector. The remain- der of the western border came under Lieutenant General G.G. Bewor’s Southern Command with the 12th and the 11th Infantry Divisions respon- sible for the Jaisalmer and Barmer sectors’ defense.11

9 Richard Sisson and Leo E. Rose, War and Secession: Pakistan, India and the Creation of Bangladesh (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1990), 215. In 1972 the Soviets once again volunteered to act as a mediator. This time India—based on its Tashkent expe- rience—politely declined the offer, preferring instead to negotiate with Pakistan on a bilateral basis, which enabled it to maintain control of gains made in Kashmir in 1971. 10 Its strength included the 36th, the 39th, and the 54th Infantry Divisions, the 2nd and the 16th Armored Brigades and 1 artillery brigade. 11 They were supported by the 20th Lancers, one squadron of the 70th Armored Regi- ment (anti-tank missiles), and the No. 3 and the No. 6 Independent Armored Squadrons. All data on Indian forces from Sandhu, Indian Armor, 430-1; and Praval, The Indian Army After Independence, 491-492. 100 chapter four India’s posture in the west was to be primarily defensive. K.K. Singh, the Director of Military Operations (DMO) at AHQ prior to taking over com- mand of the 1st Corps, devised a plan which envisaged three possible sce- narios for a Pakistani offensive. With its 1st Corps, Pakistan could strike between Kathua and Samba, cut the new rail-link between Pathankot and Jammu, and then strike deep into the Shivalik mountain range.12 The sec- ond scenario foresaw the 1st Corps striking in the north across the Ravi River in the DBN-Gill Ferry area and in the south with the 2nd Corps attacking across the Sutlej River in the Kasur area. As a third option, Paki- stan’s 3rd Corps could strike either in the Jalalabad area or in the Ganga- nagar-Anupgarh area. Indian forces had been deployed to meet these possible attacks. The commanders deployed the 1st Indian Corps in the Samba-Pathankot-Gur- daspur area, while AHQ reserve moved to the Faridkot-Abohar area and the 14th Independent Armored Brigade moved to Ajnala. The Indian coun- ter-offensive plan involved having 1st Indian Corps attack the Shakargarh bulge. A limited offensive in the Jammu sector by the 10th and the 26th Indian Infantry Divisions north and south of the Chenab River could decoy the Pakistani forces which reacted to this strike. If the Shakargarh offensive succeeded in drawing the Pakistani reserve 2nd Corps from Okhra-Mont- gomery, then the Indian reserve, including the 1st Armored Division and the 14th Infantry Division, could attack across the Sutlej towards the Upper Bari Doab Canal.13 Pakistan initiated its preemptive ground offensive in the Chaamb area of Jammu.14 The sensitive Chaamb area came under the aegis of the 10th Indian Infantry Division, itself part of the 15th Indian Corps. Major Gen- eral Jaswant Singh, the divisional commander, planned to advance along the Chenab River’s northern bank. The 28th Indian Brigade was deployed in the hill sector northeast of Chaamb, the 191st Brigade held the plains west of the Munawar Tawi (rivulet), the 68th Brigade which was to spear- head the attack was near Akhnur, and the 52nd Brigade was deployed near Jaurian. The 10th Indian Division hoped to establish a firm foot-hold on the

12 Major General Sukhwant Singh, India’s Wars Since Independence: Defence of the Western Border, vol. II (New Delhi: Vikas, 1981), 13. 13 Singh, Western Border, vol. II, 10-12; Sandhu, Indian Armour, 431. 14 Both India and Pakistan had fortified their positions in Kashmir greatly since the 1965 War, so neither side wanted to risk a major offensive in the Kashmir region. During the brief fourteen day war, both sides launched minor localized attacks to gain better ground. Lightly defended Jammu, however, was a different story as both sides prepared to launch major ground offensives in this area. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 101 CFL from where the 3rd Indian Armored Brigade could strike into Pakistan. In November, the 72nd Armored Regiment from the 3rd Armored Brigade joined the 10th Division’s integral armored unit the 9th Horse to boost the division’s strike potential. Unfortunately for General Jaswant Singh, his Pakistani counterpart had his own plans for an offensive into Chaamb, which preempted the 10th Indian Division’s own attack and completely surprised the Indians. The Pakistani division that the 10th Indian Division faced was Major General Efthikar Khan’s 23rd Pakistani Infantry Division. Its 4th Azad Kashmir Bri- gade oversaw the area from Uparla to Bakan, the 20th Pakistani Brigade held the area from Bakan to Mattewalla, and the 7th Azad Kashmir Brigade defended the Bhimbar and Mirpur areas. The 66th and 111th Brigades lo- cated at Daulat Nagar and Jalapur Jattan formed the divisional reserve. The division’s armor support came from the 26th Cavalry (Sherman Mk IIs). The 11th Cavalry (T-59s) joined it in October, at which point the 2nd Ar- mored Brigade took over both regiments. When hostilities broke out, the 26th Armored Regiment and the 12th Independent Squadron (M-36B2s) supplemented these armored forces.15 Unlike his Indian counterpart, General Eftihikar Khan had devised a precise and coherent plan for his divisional attack into Chaamb. The of- fensive was to open at 9:00pm on December 3rd. At first light on December 4th, the 66th and 111th Brigades would strike along the Moel-Chaamb axis and secure the area from Nala to Barsala. The 111th Brigade’s 11th Cavalry would then thrust through Munnawali and secure the home bank (west) of the Tawi River near Mandiala. The 111th Brigade would then advance and capture Chaamb. The 20th Brigade operating in the south was to feint at the Burgail, Manawar and Nadala enclave. Its primary role was to halt any Indian counter-offensive from Jhanada, Manawar and Chimival. If the 111th Brigade succeeded, the 20th Brigade would try and take all of these areas.16 The 10th Indian Division operated on the assumption that the best way to defend Chaamb was to go on the offensive, and as such had made no preparations to guarantee Chaamb’s defense. It made little or no attempt to prepare in-depth defenses, particularly on the Tawi River’s western side. The 191st Brigade was deployed on the west bank only on the night of De- cember 2/3rd. On December 2nd, the Deccan Horse (T-54s) deployed a single squadron on the west bank in a last minute attempt to establish a

15 Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad Saeed, The Battle of Chhamb (1971) (Rawalpindi, Pakistan: Army Education Press, 1973), 10-13. 16 Saeed, The Battle of Chhamb, 15. 102 chapter four better defensive position. But by and large, the 10th Indian Division re- mained concentrated in marshaling areas in preparation for its own of- fensive. Significantly a dummy mine-field covered the area between Barsala and Jhande, which the division planned to use as an invasion route into Pakistan.17 When the Pakistani offensive opened as planned, the Indians were com- pletely surprised. By December 4th, the 11th Pakistani Cavalry had suc- ceeded in taking the Mandiala North crossing.18 The Indian commanders rushed troops and tanks piece-meal into the battle.19 Although initial at- tempts to retake Mandiala North failed, the Indians repulsed all Pakistani attempts to exploit east of the Tawi. The Pakistanis now increased their pressure in the south and by the 6th had taken Mandiala South crossing. The same day at 9:00pm, Major General Jaswant Singh ordered the aban- donment of the Tawi’s west bank and had all the bridges blown.20 The Pakistani thrust in the center was fast approaching Chak Pandit and threat- ening the 191st Indian Brigade’s flank. Fortunately for the Indians, the Pakistanis could not maintain the momentum. The 111th Pakistani Brigade and the 2nd Pakistani Armored Brigade failed to concentrate for an attack on Palanwala on the east bank, which gave the Indians time to prepare their defenses on the east bank.21 The Indian commanders rushed the 68th and the 58th Brigades along with the 72nd Armored Regiment up to new positions. When the Pakistanis attempted to establish a foothold on the east bank on December 7/8th, Indian forces threw them back.22 On the 8th, however, Pakistani forces took Dewa thus securing their northern flank

17 Singh, Western Border, vol. II, 66-67. 18 Muhammad Yahya Effendi, Punjab Cavalry: Evolution, Role, Organisation and Tacti- cal Doctrine 11 Cavalry (Frontier Force) 1849-1971 (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2007), 250-251. 19 Considerable confusion reigned on the Indian side. 7th Kumaon based at Akhnur was preparing to relieve 3/4 Gurkha when it was diverted on December 4th at 9:30pm to hold the east bank of the Munawar Tawi and to deny the Mandiala crossing to the Pakistanis. K.C. Praval, Valour Triumphs: A History of the Kumaon Regiment (Faridabad, Harayana: Thompson Press, 1976), 338. 20 Singh, Western Border, vol. II, 71. The 3rd FFR entered Chaamb at 9:00 a.m. on Decem- ber 7th. M Attiqur Rahman, The Wardens of the Marches: A History of the Piffers 1947-1971 (Lahore: Wajidalis, 1980), 155. 21 Saeed, The Battle of Chhamb, 67-70. 22 Colonel Effendi the commander of the Pakistani 11th Cavalry noted that the Indians made intelligent use of the terrain in Chaamb to stem the Pakistani advance. Indian T-54 tanks were deployed in the high elephant grass in well prepared positions that offered them clear fields of fire and took into account the limited depression angle of the D-10T gun. Effendi, Punjab Cavalry, 259. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 103 against an Indian offensive. On December 9/10th, the Pakistani 28th Cav- alry and the 111th Brigade secured the crossings at Darh and Raipur.23 That afternoon elements of the 168th Indian Brigade retook Darh while the 3/4th Gurkha from the 52nd Brigade along with two troops from Deccan Horse retook Raipur.24 At this point, all Pakistani offensives to cross the Tawi ceased, compelled by Major General Efthikar Khan’s death in a heli- copter crash on December 9.25 The only Indian success in Jammu came in the sector under the 26th Indian Division. Major General Zorawar Bakshi planned a highly effective attack to take “chicken’s neck” a narrow strip of Pakistani territory jutting towards Akhnur. Brigadier Mohinder Singh’s 19th Indian Infantry Brigade was to strike south and cut-off the neck at the shoulders. The attack began on December 5th and successfully seized the salient, although delays allowed the defending Pakistani troops to escape.26 Pakistan’s success in Chaamb had a direct impact on the other major theatre of fighting on the western front. Shakargarh is a large bulge of Pakistani territory jutting into India between the Chenab and Ravi Rivers. On the Indian side, the 1st Indian Corps held the area. The corps’ com- mander, Lieutenant General K.K. Singh, formerly (till October 1971) the DMO at AHQ, was well versed with the offensive plans having formulated them himself. He deployed his corps as follows—Major General Balwant Singh’s 36th Indian Infantry Division to the Ravi River’s southeast to guard the approach to Pathankot in the general area of Thakurpur-Gurdaspur- Dinanagar, Major General B.R. Prabhu’s 39th Indian Infantry Division in the Madhopur-Bamial-Dayalchak area to cover Madhopur’s approaches and communication lines, and Major General W.A.G. Pinto’s 54th Indian Infantry Division deployed between the Bein River and Degh Nadi. If a Pakistani offensive did not materialize in this sector, General K.K. Singh planned an offensive into the Shakargarh bulge. In accordance with the Army Chief’s (Manekshaw) wishes, the Indian army first ensured Akhnur, Jammu, Samba, Madhopur, Gurdaspur and Amritsar’s security. Once they achieved this goal, the next objective was to engage the Pakistani strike force and if possible destroy it before it could be committed to an offensive.

23 These crossings were held by the 9th Jat and 10th Garhwal Rifles. Saeed, Chhamb, p. 78; Praval, Indian Army, 498. 24 Praval, Indian Army, 499; Sandhu, Indian Armour, 488. 25 Saeed, Chhamb, 74. 26 Praval, Indian Army, 504; Singh, Western Border, vol. II, 78-86. The 7/11 Gurkhas, the 11th Guards, the 9th Parachute and the 3/5th Gurkhas were involved in the attack. Gautam Sharma, The Path of Glory: Exploits of 11 Gorkha Rifles (New Delhi: Allied Publishers, 1988), 138. 104 chapter four According to the Indian army planners, this could be best achieved with an offensive into the Shakargarh bulge.27 The initial plan for the Shakargarh offensive called for the 1st and 15th Indian Corps to launch a joint attack into the bulge. However, the preemp- tive Pakistani offensive into the Chaamb meant that only the 1st Corps could strike into the bulge. General K.K. Singh proposed a two pronged attack. The northern prong would include the 54th Indian Infantry Divi- sion and the 16th Indian Armored Brigade and from the south, in the area between Bein River and Degh Lake the southern prong would include the 36th Indian Infantry Division and the 2nd Indian Armored Brigade. The Karir Lake would form the inter-divisional boundary line, and the initial objectives were Zafarwal (54th Division) and Shakargarh (36th Division). The 39th Indian Infantry Division along with Scinde Horse (from the 16th Armored Brigade) held the Samba-Ramgarh area to deny Pakistani ad- vance to Jammu.28 On the Pakistani side, the bulge’s defense belonged to Lieutenant Gen- eral Irshad Ahmed Khan’s 1st Pakistani Corps. Its 15th Pakistani Infantry Division under Major General Abid Ali Zahid oversaw the Sialkot border. Major General Abdul Ali Malik’s 8th Pakistani Infantry Division defended Shakargarh. The 8th Pakistani Armored Brigade provided armored support for both these divisions. In addition to its defensive tasks, the 1st Pakistani Corps also had the secondary duty of eliminating all Indian enclaves and to “stimulate offensive actions in order to draw enemy forces into the Sha- kargarh area.”29 On this last requirement, the Pakistani 1st Corps need not have worried, on December 5th they would have all the Indian forces they could handle. The basic Pakistani defensive plan for the bulge was to hold all major towns and communication hubs including Narowal, Shakargarh, and Zaf- arwal. The Indians were aware of this, and knew that Pakistan intended to use mobile forces to defend the gaps between these static points. Armored strike forces would engage and destroy Indian forces in a “killing ground” between these strong-points. The 8th Pakistani Armored Brigade would provide the bulk of the counter-attack force. After they had inflicted suit- ably heavy attrition on the Indian attackers, the 6th Pakistani Armored Division and the 17th Pakistani Infantry division would attack the Ganga-

27 Praval, Indian Army, 506; Singh, Western Border, vol. II, 90-92. 28 Singh, Western Border, vol. II, 96; Sandhu, Indian Armour, 495. 29 Major General Fazal Muqeem Khan, Pakistan’s Crisis in Leadership, 2nd ed. (Lahore, Pakistan: National Book Foundation, 1973), 199-200. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 105 nagar area.30 An East Pakistani Brigade Major from the 8th Pakistani In- fantry Division who defected to the Indian side before the battle provided valuable intelligence on the Pakistani plans.31 On the evening of December 5th, the 72nd Indian Infantry Brigade (part of the 39th Division) with the 7th Cavalry’s support began the advance towards Shakargarh between the Bein River and the Karir Lake. The 2nd Indian Armored Brigade and a mechanized battalion (the 8th Dogra) backed these advance units. By December 7th, the Pakistani minefields had halted the division’s thrust at Harar Kalan. The divisional commander Ma- jor General Prabhu ordered an outflanking move from the direction of Shabazpur, but this attack failed on the 8th when an attempt to trawl through the minefields failed. The 39th Division’s inability to take Dehrla and Chakra exposed the 54th Division’s eastern flank as it advanced west of Karir. So to compensate, the 1st Corps ordered the 54th Division to take Dehrla-Chakra, which it did on the 10th.32 The 72nd Brigade also managed to capture Harar Kalan on the 10th.33 The Corps commander then decided to place the responsibility of tak- ing Shakargarh on the 36th Indian Division. He sent the 39th Division to take over the Ramgarh-Samba area and sent most of its combat strength to the 36th Division, while its 72nd Brigade came under the 54th Division.34 The 54th division with 4 infantry brigades and the 16th Armored Brigade moved to take Zafarwal-Dhamtal with the later intending to advance to- wards Deoli-Mirzapur. It faced the Pakistani 24th Infantry Brigade, the 8th Armored Brigade and part of the Pakistani 1st Corps Reconnaissance Reg- iment.35 The 74th Indian Brigade took Chakra after a night attack led by the 8th Grenadier with a squadron of 4th Cavalry’s support, while Dehrla fell to the 6th Kumaon.36 The divisional commander, Major General Pinto, then ordered the 91st Brigade to follow through and exploit south. By De- cember 15, the 91st Brigade was just a kilometer away from the Shakargarh-

30 Sandhu, Indian Armour, 494; Singh, Western Border, vol. II, 94. 31 Saeed, Chhamb, 201; Singh, Western Border, vol. II, 94. 32 Singh, Western Border, vol. II, 100. 33 Praval, Indian Army, 508. 34 Praval, Indian Army, 508. 35 Praval, Indian Army, 509. 36 The 8th Grenadiers stormed Chakra on the night of 10/11. Colonel R.D. Palsokar, The Grenadiers: A Tradition of Valour (Jabalpur: Commandant, the Grenadiers Regimental Center, 1980), 394-397. The 6th Kumaon’s attack on Dehrla began early morning on the 10th with artillery cover from the 69th Field Regiment. According to the Battalion Diary “it had gone entirely according to the book”, and Dehrla was taken by 5:30 a.m. Praval, Valour Triumphs, 343. 106 chapter four Zafarwal Road at Ramri Barwal Chanda. While the 91st Brigade advanced, the 74th and the 47th Indian Brigades prepared to cross the Supwal ditch and turn the Pakistani positions on the Basanthar River. With the 91st Bri- gade providing a form base and fire-support, the 16th Madras and 3rd Grenadier Battalions took Saraj Chak, Jarpal and Lohal to establish a bridge-head on the night of 15/16 December.37 The 17th Horse and the 6th Madras reinforced them at first light. On the morning of December 16th, the 16th Pakistani Infantry Brigade and the 8th Pakistani Armored Brigade launched a violent counter-attack from the direction of Laliar-Ghazipur. Lieutenant Colonel Hanut Singh’s 17th Horse’s (Poona Horse) Centurion tanks repulsed the counter-attack with heavy losses. They also smashed the Pakistani 13th Lancers and the 31st Cavalry’s repeated attacks. B squad- ron of Poona Horse virtually annihilated the 31st Pakistani Cavalry at Saraj Chak-Jarpal.38 Indian artillery played a significant supporting role during this battle. Using excellent signal communications the 54th Artillery Bri- gade commander, Brigadier Avtar Singh coordinated the fire of 162 guns (the largest Indian artillery concentration in 1971) to disrupt and disperse Pakistani counter attacks.39 On the 17th, the Pakistanis rushed in the 124th Brigade all the way from Rahim Yar Khan and launched a desperate coun- ter-attack via Barapind, which the Indians also repulsed with heavy loss- es.40 The cease-fire came into effect at 8:00pm on the 17th, bringing the heaviest combat in the western sector to an end.41

37 Praval, Valour Triumphs, 511; Singh, Western Border, vol. II, 104. The 3rd Grenadier captured Jarpal on the 16th. Palsokar, Grenadiers, 388-397. On the night of December 15th, the 18th Mechanized (TOPAS APC’s) Rajputana Rifles—part of the 16th Armored Brigade— crossed the Basanthar minefields captured Saraj-Chak and flushed the enemy out of the Lalial forest. The battalion then provided security for the 17th Horse by flushing enemy anti-tank positions out of the Supwal Ditch. A.M. Sethna & Valmiki Katju, Traditions of a Regiment: Story of the Rajputana Rifles (New Delhi: Lancer Publications, 1983), 165. 38 Sandhu, Indian Armour, 506-508. 39 Major General Jagjit Singh, Indian Gunners at War: The Western Front—1971 (New Delhi: Lancer International, 1994), 140-143. 40 The Pakistani 35th FFR launched a hurried attack against Jarpal on the 17th. Its sister battalion the 29th stationed to the west of Jarpal was unaware of the attack and did not provide any support. The attack failed with the 35th losing 54 killed and 69 wounded includ- ing the CO Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Akram Raja who died leading the attack at 4:00 a.m. Rahman, Wardens of the Marches, 171-172. On the Indian side, the 3rd Grenadiers lost 1 officer (Major Hoshiar Singh), 3 JCOs, 32 other ranks killed and 3 officers, 3 JCOs and 86 other ranks wounded. Palsokar, Traditions of a Regiment, 389-391. 41 The area of southern Punjab below Shakargarh and up to the Rajathan border saw little action in the 1971 War. Two Indian infantry divisions the 15th and the 7th fought minor skirmishes along the border with their Pakistani counterparts, the 10th and the 11th Infan- try Divisions. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 107 The only other sector in the west to see major combat was the Rajasthan region. This vast desert area was thinly populated and lightly defended on either side. Southern Indian Command’s border with Pakistan consisted of 4 sectors—Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Barmer and Kutch. The 2 sectors, which saw action during the war were Jaisalmer and Barmer. Major General Khambatta’s 12th Indian Infantry Division (headquarters at Tanot) and Major General R.D.R. Anand’s 11th Indian Infantry Division (headquarters at Ranwar) defended these areas. Armor support for the 12th came from the 20th Lancers (AMX-13s), and for the 11th Division from the No. 3 Inde- pendent Squadron (T-55s). General Bewoor, the GOC Southern Command, planned to take Rahimyar Khan some 65 kilometers deep in Pakistani ter- ritory and thus cut-off Karachi’s rail-link to Lahore. He assigned the task to the 12th Division, while he ordered the 11th Indian Division to advance towards Naya Chor-Umarkot and threaten Hyderabad.42 However, on December 5, the same day the Indians began their offen- sive, the Pakistani 18th Division struck at Longenwalla with its 51st Brigade supported by 22nd Cavalry (T-59s). The IAF’s reacted swiftly and by mid- day Hunter fighter-bombers from Jaisalmer had wreaked havoc on the Pakistani armored columns bringing the entire Pakistani attack to a halt. The 12th Indian Division, which was diverting its forces to Longenwalla, now went on the defensive.43 Despite the Army Chief’s urging General Khambatta with Bewoor’s backing did little more than follow the retreat- ing Pakistanis, thus capturing 650 square kilometers of the Thar Desert on the Pakistani side.44 The 11th Indian Division had begun its advance on December 4th. Very quickly, however, the commanders discovered that divisional en- gineers could not cope with the deep desert sand. After an army engineer- ing regiment and a Railway Engineering Group (Territorial Army) rushed in to help, the advance continued. By the 8th, the leading brigade reached Parbat Ali the outer perimeter of the Pakistani defensive ring around Naya- Chor.45 It took Parbat Ali on the 13th.46 The Indians began to build up

42 Praval, The Indian Army, 210. 43 The 12th Division had concentrated at Kishangarh on the night of December 4/5 for the forthcoming offensive, when news came of the attack on Longenwalla. The division (including the 13th Kumaon) diverted to Longenwalla to defend its divisional headquarters at Tanot. 44 Praval, The Indian Army, 532. 45 The 2nd Rajputana Rifles formed the reserve for the 85th Brigade’s attack on Parbat Ali. This battalion failed to establish a roadblock on the Umarkot-Naya-Chor Road on December 11. Sethna & Katju, Traditions of a Regiment, 58. 46 Parbat Ali fell to the 2nd Mahar and the 10th Sikh after a bitter fight on the night/ morning of December 12/13. V. Longer, Forefront for Ever: The History of the Mahar Regiment 108 chapter four forces for another attack, in the mean time the Pakistanis rushed in a bri- gade group from the 33rd Infantry Division and a T-59 tank regiment from the reserve corps and managed to stabilize the front till the cease-fire. How- ever, even as the 11th Indian Division conducted its ponderous advance to Naya-Chor, Indian Para-Commandos launched successful raids against Chachro, Virwah, Nagar Parkar and Islamkot.47 The war in the west went as India had hoped. Not only did it manage to fend off Pakistani attacks in most areas with the exception of Chaamb, it managed to secure considerable territory in the region of the Shakargarh bulge and in the Rajasthan sector. This success meant that in the eastern front, the Indian army was free to conduct its main operational goal to destroy the Pakistani garrison and liberate Bangladesh. Although Pakistan had launched preemptive offensives in the west in order to secure East Pakistan, it did have a plan for its eastern territories defense. Lieutenant General Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, the GOC Pakistani Eastern Command, formulated the plans for East Pakistan’s defense. Niazi adopted a “fortress” concept of defense, i.e. converting border towns into strongholds, espe- cially those that lay along the most likely routes of an Indian advance. They included Jessore, Jhenida, Bogra, Rangpur, Jamlapur, Mymensingh, Sylhet, Bhairab Bazar, Comilla and Chittagong. The army would provision these fortress towns with munitions and rations to withstand a two month siege. Troops in the fortresses could not fall back without the GOC’s permission, failing which they were to fight to the end. The Pakistani Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant General Abdul Hamid Khan approved this plan with slight modifications. The Pakistani army distributed resources in East Pakistan as per the plan. The 9th Division under Major General M.H. Ansari deployed its head- quarters at Jessore with the 107th and the 57th Brigades at Jhenida.48 Major General Nazar Hussain Shah’s 16th Division was responsible for North Ben- gal with its headquarters at Nator while its 23rd Brigade was at Rangpur, and its 205th Brigade was sent to Bogra.49 The 14th Division under Major General Abdul Majid Qazi was responsible for the eastern border and had

(Bombay: Allied Publishers, 1974), 194. 47 Lieutenant Colonel Bhawani Singh’s 10th Para-Commando Battalion launched these attacks on December 5th-17th. K.C. Praval, India’s Paratroopers: A History of the Parachute Regiment of India (Faridabad, Haryana: Thompson Press, 1976), 306-309. 48 The division had 2 field artillery regiments and 1 reconnaissance and support bat- talion. 49 Two field artillery regiments, a reconnaissance and support battalion, and an armored regiment with M-24 Chaffee light tanks supported the division. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 109 its headquarters at Dacca. Its 117th Brigade garrisoned Comilla, its 27th Brigade was stationed at Mymensingh and its 212th Brigade was at Sylhet.50 Brigadier Ataullah commanded the 93rd Independent Brigade stationed at Chittagong. As the prospect of hostilities approached, Niazi created 2 ad hoc divisions, the 36th and the 39th. He initially established them by milk- ing the existing units—especially the 27th Brigade and the 117th Brigade— and by inducting new units—the 53rd Brigade (stationed at Feni). During the last week of November, Pakistani GHQ dispatched 5 additional bri- gades to Niazi.51 According to Colonel Saliq, East Pakistan’s defense rested on the prem- ise that India would only seize chunks of territory to establish a foothold for Bangladesh’s new government.52 In fact, Pakistani intelligence had cor- rectly assessed India’s strategy towards East Pakistan right up until July 1971. Lieutenant General K.K. Singh, the DMO at AHQ who planned the forthcoming operation in East Pakistan, believed that given the Indian army’s inability to conduct a mobile campaign, there would not be enough time to take Dacca (the capital of East Pakistan) before international pres- sure forced India to halt all offensive operations (Indian planners esti- mated a twenty-one day window of opportunity). With this in mind, the military initially limited its plan to capturing significant territories includ- ing Chittagong, Chalna and Khulna.53 By November, however, the Indian High Command had decided to capture all of East Pakistan. Several factors influenced this change in plans. On August 9, 1971, India signed a treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union, which reduced the possibility of Chinese intervention on Pakistan’s behalf. War games conducted in October indi- cated that if the Indian army took to country tracks, thus bypassing the Pakistani’s fortified towns, it could speed up the operation. Furthermore, experience had shown that attacks on these fortified towns would be ex- pensive and time-consuming (in other words playing into Pakistani hands). Lastly, the junior and mid-level officers wanted a more aggressive mobile operational style, which had indicated a high success rate in the October war games.54 The Pakistani High Command and intelligence services’ in-

50 One field artillery regiment, 2 mortar batteries and 1 troop of M-24 Chaffee light tanks supported the division. 51 Saliq, Witness to Surrender, 124-127. 52 Saliq, Witness to Surrender, 123. 53 Major General Sukhwant Singh, The Liberation of Bangladesh, vol. I (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1980), 72-73. Sukhwant Singh was the Deputy DMO at AHQ in Delhi; Jacob, Surrender at Dacca, 66. 54 Singh, The Liberation of Bangladesh, 91-92; Praval, The Indian Army, 441; Jacob, Sur- render at Dacca, 67-69. 110 chapter four ability to foresee a possible scenario for a full-fledged Indian conquest of East Pakistan resulted in their Eastern Command preparing for a hopeless confrontation. For example, General Niazi still working on the original intelligence estimates of India’s intentions, ordered his units not to with- draw until they had suffered at least 75% casualties which in effect meant the unit’s destruction.55 This order combined with the inadequate plan- ning for in-depth and fall-back defensive positions made the attacking Indian commander’s—Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh Aurora, GOC East- ern Command—task all the more easier. To accomplish his goal, Aurora had at his disposal 3 army corps. The southwestern sector near Calcutta was the responsibility of the 2nd Corps under Lieutenant General T.N. Raina.56 The northwestern sector to the west of the Brahmaputra River became the 33rd Corps under Lieutenant General M.L. Thapan’s responsibility.57 The region between the Brahma- putra and the Meghna Rivers came under a static headquarters formation’s aegis, the 101 Communications Zone with its headquarters in Shillong. Its commander Major General Gurbaksh Singh Gill controlled the 95th Moun- tain Brigade. The region to the Meghna River’s east, the eastern sector, came under the banner of Lieutenant General Sagat Singh’s 4th Corps.58 The IAF allotted 11 squadrons to the eastern theatre, including 4 Hunter, 1 Sukhoi-7, 3 Gnat and 3 Mig-21 squadrons. A single Pakistani F-86 Sabre squadron confronted the IAF, thus ensuring total Indian air-superiority.59 The defense of East Pakistan’s southern Jessore sector came under the aegis of Major General Ansari’s 9th Pakistani Division. He faced the diffi- cult task of holding the area against Lieutenant General T.N. Raina’s 2nd Indian Corps. The latter’s offensive plan called for Major General M.S. Brar’s 4th Indian Division to advance on Magura via Majdia, Jibanaggar,

55 Saliq, Witness to Surrender, p.128. 56 It included the 4th Mountain Division, the 9th Infantry Division, the 50th Parachute Brigade, the 45th Cavalry Regiment (PT-76 amphibious light tanks), the 63rd Cavalry’s (T-55s) B squadron and the 9th Punjab Mechanized Battalion (SKOT APCs). 57 This force included the 20th Mountain Division, the 6th Mountain Division, the 69th Armored Regiment (PT-76) the 63rd Cavalry (less B squadron), and the 5th Maratha Light Infantry Mechanized (SKOT APCs). 58 Its strength included the 8th, 23rd and 57th Mountain Divisions, 2 squadrons of PT-76 light tanks (from the 7th and 63rd Cavalry) and 1 squadron of Ferret Scout cars (also from the 63rd). The 2nd and 33rd Corps had a medium regiment each of the Soviet built 130mm field guns, and the 33rd Corps also had the 71st Mountain Brigade with D squadron of the 69th Armored Regiment (8 PT-76 tanks) and 1 battery from the corps medium regiment. See Praval, The Indian Army, 440-441; Sandhu, Indian Armour, 429. 59 Praval, The Indian Army, 444. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 111 Kotchanpur and Jhenida. From there, the division would be ferried across the Madhumati River and advance towards Faridpur. Major General Dalbir Singh’s 9th Indian Division was to advance on the fortified city of Jessore. From there, 1 brigade would advance south to Khulna while the remainder of the 9th Division would assist the 4th Division.60 The Pakistani plan for its 9th Division was simple enough—to delay the enemy on the border as long as possible before falling back to prepared positions at Jessore and Jhenida.61 Unfortunately for the Pakistanis, border skirmishes in the months leading up to the Indian attack had enabled the 4th Indian Divi- sion to secure a substantial foothold (villages of Jibanaggar and Uthali) in East Pakistan. When the main Indian attack began, the 62nd Indian Bri- gade took Kotchandpur on December 4, the 41st Indian Brigade’s 4/1 Gur- khas took Darsana which was located on the northern flank of the 4th Indian Division’s advance route. The Pakistani 57th Brigade, under Briga- dier Manzoor Ahmed’s command, apparently surprised that the Indians broke out in a direction which ignored the road axis, fell back on Chaudan- ga.62 However, the 4th Indian Division, headed toward Jhenida, had estab- lished a roadblock on the Chaudanga-Jhenida road. By 9:30am on December 7, the 9th Dogra had reached Jhenida. The swift Indian advance prevented Brigadier Manzoor from falling back to Jhenida as planned and the defenseless town fell to the Indians at 2:30pm.63 The 62nd Indian Bri- gade captured Kaligunj south of Jhenida on the 7th and took Magura the next day. With the advance progressing better than expected, General Raina released the 7th Brigade to the 4th Indian Division to seize Kushtia and to cut-off the Pakistani retreat to Faridpur.64 Brigadier Manzoor upon learning that Jessore’s main defensive position had fallen to the 9th Indian Division on the December 6/7 moved the 57th Pakistani Brigade to Kushtia. There elements of Pakistan’s 18th Punjab and 2 troops of M-24 light tanks managed to ambush elements of the 7th In- dian Brigade and throw them back in confusion.65 The Indians overreacted to this set-back, and by December 10th most of the 4th Indian Division was assembled before Kushtia. This force included the 62nd Brigade, which the

60 Praval, The Indian Army, 447. 61 Saliq, Witness to Surrender, 139-140. 62 Saliq, Witness to Surrender, 144. 63 Praval, The Indian Army, 449; Saliq says that the town was abandoned at 11:00am Saliq, Witness to Surrender, 145. 64 K.C. Praval, The Red Eagles: A History of the Fourth Division of India (New Delhi: Vision Books, 1982), 390. 65 Praval, The Red Eagles, 392; Saliq, Witness to Surrender, 145. 112 chapter four commanders diverted from its assigned task of advancing on Faridpur after crossing the Madhumati/Garai Rivers. Brigadier Manzoor’s 57th Pakistani Brigade retreated across the Hardinge Bridge over the Ganges on the 10th and blew up two spans of the bridge. The next day, the 4th Indian Division entered Kushtia and the 62nd Indian Brigade resumed its original mission of crossing the Madhumati towards Kamarkhali-Faridpur. At the same time, the 7th Indian Brigade advanced along the Harinadanga axis. The Pakistani 38th Frontier Force Rifles and the 50th Punjab tried and failed to stop the Indian advance. They were forced to retreat and suffered heavy losses in the process when the 7th Indian Brigade established a road-block behind them on the Faridpur road.66 Major General Ansari and the remain- ing 9th Pakistan Division surrendered to Lieutenant Colonel Torpy, the 5th Maratha Light Infantry’s (MLI) commander on December 16th.67 Like the 4th Indian Division, Major General Dalbir Singh’s 9th Indian Division had managed, in the months leading to the war, to obtain a con- siderable foot-hold (150 square kilometers) in the Garibpur area. Brigadier Makhmad Hayat’s 107th Pakistani Brigade defended the area. By December 6th, the 42nd Indian Brigade had punched out towards Afra with the 32nd Indian Brigade following through. That evening at about 5:30pm, Hayat evacuated Jessore for Khulna to avoid being cut-off.68 As a result by De- cember 7, the Indians had captured both Jessore and Jhenida, the 9th Pakistani Division’s most important defenses. Although the 32nd Indian Brigade pursued the 107th Pakistani Brigade, its commander Brigadier Hayat managed to conduct a fairly effective fighting retreat towards Khul- na till the cease-fire on December 16.69 General Dalbir Singh’s insistence on following a cautious advance with overwhelming firepower to batter down roadblocks facilitated an easy retreat for Hayat’s forces.70

66 The Pakistani unit’s shattered remnants were re-deployed in Faridpur. Praval, Praval, The Red Eagles, 403; Saliq, Witness to Surrender, 147. The 38th Pakistani FFR withdrew across the Madhumati to Kamarkhali on the night of the 10th. They withdrew from there to Farid- pur on the 15th after an arduous cross-country march with their wounded. Rahman, The Wardens of the Marches, 149. Their retreat no doubt was hastened by the fact that on the 15th at 11:00 am the 5th Indian MLI crossed the Madhumati to attack Kamarkhali. C.L. Proudfoot, Valour Enshrined: A History of the Maratha Light Infantry 1947-1979, vol. II (Belgaum: MLI Regimental Center, 1980), 191. 67 Proudfoot, Valour Enshrined, 192-193. 68 Hayat had earlier asked General Ansari for permission to withdraw from Jessore at the start of hostilities. Ansari who was following Niazi’s directive that units not withdraw until they had suffered 75% casualties refused this request. Saliq, Witness to Surrender, 140-142. 69 Saliq, Witness to Surrender, 143; Praval, The Red Eagles, 455. 70 In doing so Dalbir Singh probably avoided the debacle that was inflicted upon Indian troops at Kushtia. See Major General Sukhwant Singh, The Liberation of Bangladesh, vol. I india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 113 East Pakistan’s northwestern sector, came under Lieutenant General M.L. Thapan’s 33rd Indian Corps’ responsibility. He confronted Major Gen- eral Nazar Hussain Shah’s 16th Pakistani Division. In an attempt to cover all possible routes for an Indian advance, Shah had deployed his units close to the border. The 205th Brigade with the divisional headquarters was at Bogra, the 23rd Brigade was at Rangpur and the 34th Brigade at Nator.71 He divided the Pakistani 29th Cavalry Regiment (M-24s) amongst the bri- gades. As in the Jessore sector, Indian troops had nibbled away at Pakistani territory in the months leading up to the full-scale war that began on De- cember 4th. Particularly heavy clashes had taken place in Hilli, and the Indians took the village of Morapara on November 22/23.72 The 33rd In- dian Corp’s plan was to protect the Siliguri corridor in the north, while at the same time capturing Gaibanda and Bogra with an exploitative thrust towards the Ganges.73 When hostilities began on the 4th, Pakistani troops pulled back from Kurigram, Lalmonir Hat, and Domar and moved into a new defense line on the Dinajpur-Saidpur-Rangpur axis. The first Indian attack came from the west when the 66th Indian Brigade (part of 20th Mountain Division) took Charkhai on the 4th.74 On the 6th, the brigade struck towards the Rangpur-Bogra Highway and captured Nawabgunj. The 340th Indian Bri- gade followed through on the 7th and captured Pirganj thus cutting the Rangpur-Bogra Highway.75 The Indian advance surprised the Pakistanis and Major General Shah had a narrow escape when advancing Indian tanks shot up his convoy, which was returning from Rangpur to Bogra. Major General Lachman Singh, the 20th Indian Mountain Division’s GOC, ordered his 3 brigades to advance. The 202nd Brigade advanced via Khetal, the 66th via Bhaduria-Ghraghat-Gobindganj and the 340th via Gobind-

(New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1980), 142. In the course of its advance to Khulna, the 9th Indian Division found itself road-bound near Daulatpur some 14 kilometers from Khulna. Off-road access was blocked on the left by the Bahirab River and on the right by marshes. Initial attacks up the road by 26th and 8th Madras failed. On the 15th, the 4th Sikh attacking with the support of divisional artillery managed to subdue the 107th Pakistani Brigade’s defenses at Siramani and Syamganj by the 16th a day before the cease-fire. Colonel Kanwaljit Singh and Major H.S. Ahluwalia, Saragrahi Battalion, Ashes to Glory: History of the 4th Bat- talion the Sikh Regiment (New Delhi: Lancer International, 1987), 235-238. 71 Saliq, Witness to Surrender, 149. 72 Praval, The Indian Army, 458. 73 Praval, The Indian Army, 458. 74 Saliq, Witness to Surrender, 153. 75 The 2/5 and 5/11 Gurkha captured Pirganj, the latter battalion also established a roadblock to cut Pirganj from the north. Sharma, The Path of Glory, 115-116. 114 chapter four ganj. The Indian advance towards Bogra along the Pirganj-Bogra axis split the 16th Pakistani Division. Its 23rd Brigade was isolated on the Dinajpur- Rangpur axis, having failed to fall-back in time, while the 205th Brigade managed to retreat into Bogra.76 After this success the Indian advance slowed, the 202nd Indian Brigade could only clear the 4th Frontier Force Rifles (FFR) (Pakistan) from Hilli on the 11th and was ordered to head back to Rangpur.77 The 66th Indian Brigade also had great difficulty in securing Bhaduria on the 11th, suffering some 132 casualties (17th Kumaon) in the process.78 The 340th Brigade managed to take Gobindganj with a flanking attack with PT-76 amphibious light tank support. The Pakistanis had blown the bridge to the north, but were surprised to find the Indians established in a blocking position behind them. The Pakistani garrison at Gobindganj fled on the night of December 11 abandoning their equipment. Mahastan fell the next day to the 340th Brigade.79 The Pakistani 16th Division then moved to Nator leaving the 205th Brigade to defend Bogra. Lachman Singh attacked Bogra on the 14th. The 6th Guards and the 69th Armored Regi- ment established a roadblock to the rear of the town, while a squadron of the 63rd Cavalry and the 2/5th Gurkha Rifles attacked frontally. Excellent close-air-support missions and artillery-strikes preceded the attack.80 Bogra fell on the 14th, but elements of the 205th Pakistani Brigade contin- ued to fight on until the cease-fire on the 16th. To the north, the 23rd Paki- stani Brigade deployed along the Dinajpur-Saidpur-Rangpur axis, held off the 71st India Brigade. The 202nd Indian Brigade and the newly inducted 6th Indian Brigade did not reach Rangpur from the south until the 16th.81

76 Sharma, The Path of Glory, 155. 77 The 22nd MLI captured Hilli at first light on the 12th after a bloody night attack, dur- ing which the Marathas lost 23 dead and 59 wounded. Proudfoot, Valour Enshrined, 210. 78 Two companies of 8th Baluch, 1 company of 13th FFR, a troop of tanks, 2 75mm guns and a battery of 105mm howitzers manned a network of bunkers that heavily defended the Bhaduria area. In the course of the assault, the 17th Kumaon lost 2 officers, 3 JCOs and 52 other ranks. The retreating Pakistanis left behind 82 of their own dead. Praval, Valour Triumphs, 329-330. 79 The 5/11 Gurkhas succeeded in capturing the Mahastan Bridge over the Kartaya River before Pakistani sappers could blow it up. Sharma, Path of Glory, 124. 80 Saliq himself was witness to these effective attacks. Saliq, Witness, 156. 81 Fighting in the closing stages of the war in this area was very intense and the Indian progress slowed. The 7th MLI was unable to take the Kantanagar Bridge some 8 kilometers from Birganj. Proudfoot, Valour Enshrined, 199. The 12th Rajputana Rifles fought a bloody action at the Ichamati-Kharkharia river-crossings on the 15th against the 48th Punjab (Pakistan). Sethna and Katju, Traditions of a Regiment, 89-90. The Pakistani 26th FFR with- drew from Dinajpur to Saidpur only after blowing up all the rail and road bridges behind it. The unit surrendered at Saidpur on the 17th. Rahman, Wardens of the Marches, 144. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 115 East Pakistan’s eastern half extending from Sylhet in the north to Co- milla in the south came under Lieutenant General Sagat Singh’s 4th Indian Corps. It was also responsible for the longest and most sensitive border area between India and East Pakistan. The East Pakistan capital, Dacca, lay only 80 kilometers from the Indian border town of Agartala. However, in order to get to Dacca, the 4th Corps would have to cross the 4,000 yard wide Meghna River, which was spanned by a single railway bridge at Bhairab. Pakistan had deployed its 14th Division, under Major General Abdul Majid Qazi’s command, to defend the Sylhet sector.82 As with the other sectors, Indian troops and Mukti-Bahini guerillas had been very active in the month of November, undermining Pakistani border positions. General Qazi planned to withdraw his forces to the Titas River’s west bank, but failed to blow up the bridge, which fell to Indian forces on December 3.83 Major General B.F. Gonsalves’s 57th Indian Mountain Division had the task of advancing to the Meghna River via Daudkandi in the Akhaura area. The commanders ordered Brigadier Tulli’s 72nd Brigade to neutralize Gan- gasagar, while they told Brigadier Misra’s 311th Indian Brigade to take Akhaura itself. Gangasagar fell to the 14th Guards on December 3, while Akhaura fell to the 18th Rajput on the 5th.84 With the Titas Bridge under its control, the corps’ commander ordered the 57th Indian Division to strike for the Bhairab rail-bridge along the Brahmanbaria-Ashuganj axis.85 The 73rd Brigade now attacked the Pakistani 22nd Brigade holed up at Brahmanbaria. The Indian attacks, from the front and the rear, surprised the Pakistanis who withdrew on the night of December 7/8 to Ashuganj.86 The 311th Indian Brigade, however, had to wait for its heavy equipment to catch-up, and this pause allowed the 27th Pakistani Brigade to dig in at Ashuganj. At this time, General Qazi suddenly decided to blow up the Bhai- rab Bridge on December 9th. The 27th Pakistani Brigade crossed the river

82 Its 27th Brigade, under Brigadier Saadullah’s command, was directly responsible for the Bhairab Bridge’s defense and was deployed on the Akhaura-Brahmanbaria-Bhairab Bazar axis (this was also the 14th Division’s headquarters). The 202nd “ad-hoc” Brigade, under Brigadier Salimullah, was in Sylhet proper, while the 313th Brigade, under Brigadier Iftikhar Rana, was stationed at Maulvi Bazar. 83 Saliq, Witness, 161. 84 Saliq notes that Gangasagar fell of December 1st. Saliq, Witness, 161. See Praval, The Indian Army, 469. The 12th FFR the unit defending Akhaura, withdrew its positions to the Titas bridge’s west side. Rahman, Wardens of the Marches, 115; Major General Ashok Kalyan Verma, Bridge on the River Meghna: the Dash to Dacca (New Delhi: KW Publishers, 2009), 65-77. 85 Singh, Liberation of Bangladesh, vol. I, 156. 86 Saliq, Witness, 161-162. 116 chapter four and reached Bhairab Bazar where it remained for the rest of the war.87 The 27th Pakistani Brigade made no attempt to move to Dacca’s aid, which a single regular Pakistani army battalion and some para-military elements defended. Undeterred by the Bhairab Bridge’s destruction, General Gonsalves de- cided on a helli-borne crossing of the Meghna River. The operation com- menced on the 9th at Brahmanbaria from where the air force moved the 311th Brigade troops to Raipura some 15 kilometers from Bhairab Bazar. The next days, it flew troops into Narsingdi. Meanwhile the 73rd Brigade crossed the Meghna on river craft. The Pakistani 27th Brigade allowed only 2 In- dian battalions and some air-strikes to bottle it up in Bhairab Bazar.88 By December 14th, both the 73rd and the 311th Indian Brigades were en-route for Dacca and the first Indian artillery fire began to hit the city the same day. To the north of the Sylhet Sector, Lieutenant General Sagat Singh or- dered Major General K.V. Krishnarao’s 8th Indian Division to secure Sam- shernagar airfield and Maulvi Bazar. He ordered the division to follow this action up by investing Sylhet itself.89 Prior to hostilities, the 59th Indian Brigade had attacked and eliminated a Pakistani post at East Atgram on November 20/21. Another Indian force including 5/5 Gurkhas probed Pak- istani positions to the north of Sylhet.90 As a result, Pakistani forces fell back to a new defensive line from Charkhai in the east to Hemu in the north to Chhatak in the west.91 In addition to his primary objectives, Gen- eral Krishnarao also aimed to prevent the 202nd Pakistani Brigade at Sylhet and the 313th Pakistani Brigade at Maulvi Bazar from coming to the belea- guered 27th Pakistani Brigade’s aid in the south. By December 4, the 81st Indian Brigade had seized Samsher Nagar and Ghazipur. Kulaura fell on the 6th and the brigade moved on to Fenchuganj. Acting on a wireless intercept, which revealed that the Pakistanis were withdrawing from Sylhet to join the 27th Pakistani Brigade at Ashuganj, General Krishnarao ordered the helli-lift of the 4/5th Gurkhas (the 81st Indian Brigade) to the Surma River’s north bank about 1.5 kilometers from the railway-bridge. Some 90 men, including Lieutenant Colonel Harolikar,

87 Tactical headquarters of the 14th Pakistani Division had already moved from Brah- manbaria to Bhairab Bazar on the 8th. Saliq, Witness, 163; Verma, Bridge on the River Meghna, 99. 88 Saliq, Witness, 163; Praval, Indian Army, 471. 89 Singh, Liberation of Bangladesh, vol. I, 87-88. 90 Praval, Indian Army, 464; Saliq, Witness, 168. 91 Saliq, Witness, 168. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 117 landed under fire on the 7th. Fortunately for the Indians, the Pakistanis did not attack this small landing party. The Pakistani 22nd Baluch’s command- ing officer refused to attack the small Indian air-head claiming his troops were “exhausted”! The 30th Frontier Force Rifles’ commander gave the same excuse on the 9th. Finally the 30th Frontier Force rifles and the 31st Punjab launched a weak attack on the 10th, which was easily repulsed.92 On the 14th, the 6th Rajput linked-up with the 4/5th Gurkhas on the Sur- ma’s south bank. The 313th and 202nd Pakistani Brigades sat out the war’s remainder in Sylhet. When the conflict began the Pakistani 313th Brigade was stationed at Maulvi Bazar and its commander Brigadier Rana withdrew the 30th FFR and the 22nd Baluch from their border-posts to the town proper. On De- cember 6, the Pakistani commanders ordered the 313th Brigade to join the 27th Brigade at the Akhaura-Bhairab Bazar axis. Rana replied that he could not do this as he was under heavy Indian air-attack. On the evening of the 7th, the 30th FFR was withdrawn to Shadipur Ferry and from there to Sylhet on December 8/9 with the remainder of the 313th Brigade.93 There they joined the 202nd Pakistani Brigade to sit out the war. Major General Krish- narao’s 8th Indian Mountain Division had succeeded (with the help of Indian air-power) in isolating the 313th Pakistani Brigade and preventing it from intervening in the crucial battle along the Akhaura-Bhairab Bazar axis. South of Sylhet was the Comilla Sector. On the Indian side, Major Gen- eral R.D. Hira’s 23rd Indian Mountain Division oversaw the area. Major General Mohammed Rahim Khan’s 39th (ad-hoc) Pakistani Division op- posed him. His 53rd Brigade was deployed at Feni and the 117th Brigade was at Comilla, while the divisional headquarters was also at Comilla. The Pakistanis planned to pinch out from the flanks (Feni and Comilla) any Indian attack up the Chandpur Road, which the Pakistani headquarters at Dacca considered to be the most likely route for an Indian attack.94 Briga- dier Ataullah’s 97th Independent Pakistani Brigade along with two Com- mando Battalions defended the Chittagong hill tract, which lay to Comilla’ south.

92 Saliq, Witness, 170; Attiqur Rahman says that the 30th FFR had only 2 weakened companies at this time. Rahman, Wardens of the Marches, 147. 93 Saliq, Witness, 166-167. The 10th Mahar took Maulvi Bazar just as the 313th Pakistani Brigade was completing its chaotic withdrawal leaving behind all of its heavy equipment. Longer, Forefront for Ever, 185. 94 Saliq, Witness, 171. 118 chapter four During November, Major General Hira managed to secure the Belonia bulge, a strip of Pakistani territory some 10 kilometers wide and 25 kilome- ters long that jutted into India.95 His main objective, as the Pakistani head- quarters had rightly estimated, was Chandpur.96 The 23rd Indian Division’s schedule was quite flexible—Comilla by D+14 and Feni by D+18. After Co- milla’s fall, the 57th Indian Mountain Division would join the 23rd Division in operations against the Pakistani defenses in the Lalmai-Myanmati Hills. Following this attack, they would advance towards Chandpur via Laksham and to Daudkandi via Comilla, thus severing Dacca from Chittagong.97 On December 3, the 14th Jat led the 301st Indian Brigade as it struck towards Main Bazar just south of Comilla. By the 4th, they captured their objective along with 2 companies of the 25th FFR and their battalion CO.98 On December 5th, the 181st Indian Brigade followed the 301st Brigade and cut the road and rail links between Laksham and Lalmai. The same day, the 301st Brigade took Muzafarganj.99 As a result of the Indian advance, most of the 23rd Punjab (Pakistani) was cut-off on the Dakatia River’s west bank. On December 5, Brigadier Aslam received orders to withdraw 53rd Pakistani Brigade to Laksham where the Indian forces subjected the Paki- stani garrison to constant artillery and air-strikes. On the 9th, the Pakistani commanders ordered the garrison to join the 117th Pakistani Brigade at Maynamati-Comilla. The brigade left Laksham on the night of the 10th after destroying most of its heavy equipment. However, only a small por- tion made it to Maynamati, as Indian troops rounded up most of the bri- gade on the 12th between Ram Mohan and Chandina.100 On December 8,

95 The 14th Kumaon took most of the bulge on the night of November 16/17. The remain- der was taken on the 25th-28th with the help of the 9th Kumaon. Praval, Valour Triumphs, 311-312. 96 Praval, Indian Army, 464, 471. 97 Singh, Liberation of Bangladesh, vol. I, 89-90. 98 Saliq states that it was the 61st Indian Brigade which was involved in this attack. Saliq, Witness, 172. The 3rd Kumaon was the first India unit to enter Main Bazar which fell at 12:05pm on the 4th. Six officers (and CO) and 202 other ranks of the 25th FFR surrendered to the 1/11 Gurkha. The CO of the 25th FFR remarked that it was the fire-support from the 7th Indian Light Cavalry’s independent squadron of PT-76 tanks which was instrumental in forcing their capitulation. Lieutenant Colonel C.L. Proudfoot, We Lead: 7th Light Cavalry 1794-1990 (New Delhi: Lancer International, 1991), 207-208. See also Rahman, Wardens of the Marches, 136. 99 Praval, Indian Army, 473. 1/11 Gurkha Rifles captured Mudafarganj on the morning of the 5th. Sharma, Path of Glory, 108. 100 Saliq, Witness, 179. On the 14th 14 officers, 27 JCOs and 1,077 other ranks of the 15th Baluch, 23rd Punjab, 25th FFR, 21st Azad Kashmir Battalion, 53rd Field Regiment and police units surrendered to C Company 12th Kumaon south of Chandina. Praval, Valour Triumphs, 333. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 119 the 14th Jat captured Comilla when the 117th Pakistani Brigade withdrew to the Maynamati cantonment as a result of intense pressure from the 61st Indian Brigade on Maynamati city.101 A column from the 61st Indian Bri- gade reached Daudkandi on the 9th while the brigade’s remainder main- tained pressure on Maynamati cantonment, where the 117th and the 73rd Pakistani Brigades were holed up. The 61st and the 181st Indian Brigades moved to Maynamati, while the 301st Indian Brigade crossed the Meghna River and reached the Lakhya River southeast of Dacca on the 15th. The next day, the Pakistani forces surrendered. In the Chittagong sector, Indian forces including the 83rd Brigade and “Kilo” force under Brigadier Anand Swaroop engaged the Pakistani 97th Brigade and its 2 supporting Commando battalions up until the surren- der.102 In the south, the Indians launched an amphibious operation against Cox’s Bazar. “Romeo” Force, a 1,550 man unit—comprising of the 1/3 Gur- kha Rifles (formerly with the 9th Division), 2 companies of the 11th Bihar, the 881st Light Battery, Ambulance Platoon, and an ASC detachment—was loaded on to a merchant vessel the Vishwa Vijay (15,000 tons). On the night of December 13/14, the 1/3 Gurkha was transferred to 2 LSTs, INS Gharial and INS Guldar. An unexpected sandbar forced the men to wade ashore in 9 feet of water. Not surprisingly, 2 men drowned and the commanders called off the entire operation.103 The only other theatre of operation in East Pakistan was the northern region. On the Indian side, the 101st Communication Zone, with headquar- ters in Shillong, secured the responsibility for this sector. Its normal peace- time duties involved the logistical support for all Indian army units in the northeast. As hostilities became imminent, its initial duty was to contain the Pakistani troops in the area while the 2nd and the 4th Indian Corps struck out for Dacca. The underdeveloped communications infrastructure on the Indian side precluded any extensive troop deployments, and the only Indian force in this sector was Brigadier Hardev Singh Kler’s 95th In- dian Mountain Brigade. The overall sector commander was Major General Gurbax Singh Gill. However, as operational plans continued to evolve in November, the commanders ordered the 95th Indian Brigade to destroy

101 On the 9th, the 3rd Kumaon supported by the 1st Squadron of the 7th Cavalry secured Chandpur. Proudfoot, We Lead, 210. The 7th Rajputana Rifles took part of the Lalmai Hill on the 10th. Sethna & Katju, Traditions of a Regiment, 163. 102 “Kilo” force led by the 32nd Mahar Regiment advanced some 75 kilometers in Chit- tagong sector. Longer, Forefront for Ever, 185-187. 103 On the 14th a platoon was landed ashore by motor launch. Sharma, The Path of Glory, 329-330; Jacob, Surrender at Dacca. 124-125. 120 chapter four Pakistani forces in the Tangail and Mymensingh districts, which would deny the Dacca garrison any substantial reinforcements. General Gill planned to take Tangail with paratroopers (helicopters were in short sup- ply). The town formed the critical bottleneck for Pakistani forces retreating from Jamalpur and Mymensingh to Dacca.104 The Pakistanis were unconcerned that the northern sector could be- come a major line of Indian advance into Dacca. Pakistani Eastern Com- mand placed this sector under Major General Jamshed’s 36th (ad hoc) Pakistani Division, which had only 2 battalions, the 33rd Punjab and the 31st Baluch grouped under Brigadier Qadir’s 93rd Brigade. When hostilities commenced, the 2 battalions “trading space for time”, were to fall back on Jamalpur and Mymensingh the 2 fortified towns on the Chotta (small) Brahmaputra River’s south bank, which would form the “line of no penetration”.105 When the Indians attacked in this sector on the 4th, ac- cording to plan, the 31st Baluch (minus a company which fell with the Kamalpur border post) withdrew to Jamalpur reaching it on the 6th. The 33rd Punjab also fell back up on Mymensingh. On the Indian side, Major General G.C. Nagra took over from General Gill who had been injured in a mine explosion. He decided to take Jamalpur from the right flank while at the same time maintaining frontal pressure. The 1st MLI and the 13th Guards crossed the Chotta Brahmaputra some 8 kilometers to Jamalpur’s west. However, the temporary reliance on draft animals to move heavy equipment meant that the force could only cut the Jamalpur-Tangail road by first light on the 9th.106 The 6th Sikh Light Infantry (SLI) from the 167th Mountain Brigade reinforced these soldiers on the 10th.107 The Indians planned the attack on the Pakistani defenders for the same night, coinci- dently it turned out to be the same time the 31st Baluch (Pakistan) in- tended to break out of the Indian encirclement and to head for Dacca under new orders.108 In the ensuing breakout attempt, Indian forces cap- tured most of the 31st Baluch.109 However, the 33rd Punjab managed

104 Singh, Liberation of Bangladesh, vol. I, 183-186. 105 Saliq, Witness, 181. 106 Proudfoot, Valour Enshrined, 175-178. 107 Praval, Indian Army, 478-479. 108 The battalion was ordered in for the defense of the Capital. Saliq, Witness, 188. 109 By first light on December 11 some 60 Pakistanis had been captured. Two hundred thirty-four dead and 20 wounded were found in front of and within the 1st MLI Battalion’s area. The garrison’s remnants surrendered the next day, 3 officers, 10 JCOs and 372 other ranks were taken prisoner in what turned out to the campaigns bloodiest battle. Proudfoot, Valour Enshrined, 181-182. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 121 to withdraw unmolested from Mymensingh and reach Madhupur Junc- tion.110 On the afternoon on December 11, the 2nd Indian Parachute Battalion dropped some 8 kilometers northeast of Tangail. Its objective was the five span concrete bridge on the Madhupur-Tangail Road. Capturing this bridge would cut-off the 93rd Pakistani Brigade from Dacca.111 However, by the time the Indian paratroopers deployed some elements of the 33rd Punjab had managed to pass through to Dacca. The remainder, after unsuccess- fully trying to dislodge the paratroopers, took to cross-country path-ways to avoid the roadblock. On December 12 at about 5:00pm, the 95th Indian Brigade linked up with the 2nd Parachute. General Nagra now decided to move directly on to Dacca. The 6th SLI led the advance and took Kaliakair on the 13th. On the 14th, the 167th Indian Brigade joined the 95th Indian Brigade at Turag. By 10:00pm on the 15th, the paratroopers had reached Mirpur. Dacca was virtually defenseless and the only organized forces were the 33rd Punjab’s exhausted remnants. No other Pakistani forces had man- aged to fall back on Dacca. The next day, General Nagra drove across the Mirpur Bridge to General Niazi’s headquarters at about 11:00am. The 2nd Parachute Battalion, the first Indian unit into Dacca, escorted him.112 At 1:00pm, General Niazi signed the instrument of surrender the presence of Lieutenant General Aurora GOC Eastern Command India. Some 90,000 Pakistani regulars and irregulars surrendered to the Indian army. Although the ground war captured the media’s attention in 1971, an equally intensive conflict in the air took place during the two week war. Indeed, Pakistan initiated its attack on December 3 at 5:45am with air strikes against Indian air fields. In 1971, both the IAF and the PAF planned and mounted major air campaigns against each other. The greatly in- creased air activity in the 1971 War reflected the substantially larger air fleets both air forces maintained since the 1965 War. In 1966, the PAF began

110 Proudfoot, Valour Enshrined, 189. 111 This operation became the independent Indian army’s first major para-drop opera- tion. It was finally sanctioned because of the total air-superiority that the IAF enjoyed over East Pakistan. Lieutenant Colonel Pannu’s 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment was supported by the 49th Parachute Field Artillery Regiment and other support units. It consisted of 27 officers, 25 JCOs, and 734 other ranks. The operation was mounted from Kalaikunda air-field with 12 AN-12s, 20 Fairchild Packets and 2 Caribous. The force dropped at 4:00pm some 5 miles northeast of Tangail. The entire drop was completed in about fifty minutes. Praval, India’s Paratroopers, 291-293. 112 On December 16 at 10:45am 2nd Parachute Battalion became the first Indian unit to enter Dacca. Praval, India’s Paratroopers, 298. 122 chapter four to receive the first of 70 Chinese F-6 (Chinese copy of Mig-19) fighters.113 The same year, the PAF also began to receive 90 ex-Luftwaffe Sabre Mk-6 fighters.114 In 1968, the PAF obtained its most potent strike aircraft yet, the French Dassault Mirage IIIE; 20 Mirages equipped the No. 5 squadron based at Sargodha. In addition to these new acquisitions, the PAF contin- ued to maintain 40 F-86 Sabres, 1 squadron of 7 F-104 Starfighters and a squadron of B-57 bombers, all obtained earlier from the U.S. The PAF also bolstered its aircraft acquisition program with a number of new airfields equipped with dispersed and hardened shelters. Many U.S. built .50 caliber quad mounted machine guns, supplemented with Chinese built 14.5mm and 37mm automatic guns also protected all Pakistani airfields. An exten- sive radar network including Soviet P-35 Ground Control Intercept (GCI) radars, Plessey (British) AR-1 low level radars and Marconi (British) Condor radars reinforced the PAF’s extensive ground observer network.115 By De- cember 1971, the PAF had a total of 13 combat squadrons manned by 17,000 personnel. It had deployed all but a single squadron in West Pakistan. The IAF too underwent a substantial modernization and expansion program in the inter-war period. In 1966, the IAF, which up until then had been a branch of the army, became an independent service with separate commands in central, western and eastern areas along with training and maintenance commands. In 1971, the IAF had 625 combat aircraft in 33 combat squadrons, and a manpower strength of 80,000. The most numer- ous aircraft type was the diminutive Gnat, which equipped 7 squadrons. The license built Mig-21 fighter was the second most numerous combat aircraft. Although the IAF was extremely happy with the Soviet fighter’s performance, it had some concern about the fighter’s lack of an automatic cannon. The IAF correctly believed that the Soviet K-13A (NATO codename “Atoll”) infra-red homing air-to-air missile was too unreliable to be the fighter’s only armament. As a result of the Indian insistence, the Soviets developed the GP-9, a twin 23mm cannon gun-pack which could be carried on the Mig-21 FL’s belly. The Soviets also added to the Mig-21 an Indian developed lead-computing gun-sight. During the 1960s, the IAF also ac- quired a large number of short range Soviet Sukhoi-7 fighter bombers,

113 By 1967, the PAF had 3 Mig-19 squadrons. “Pakistan Air Force Built around Mig-19,” Aviation Week & Space Technology (December 2, 1968): 43. 114 The Canadian built Luftwaffe Sabres were obtained from a Swiss Company. David Hunt, “Reflections of the Canadair Sabre,” Air Enthusiast (April 1972): 203. 115 John Fricker, “Post-Mortem of an Air War,” Air Enthusiast (May 1972): 229. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 123 which equipped 6 squadrons in 1971.116 Two fighter squadrons and a con- version unit were equipped with the locally designed and built HF-24 fighter-bomber. Six Hunter squadrons continued to serve in the IAF, as did 3 Mystère IVA squadrons and 3 Canberra bomber squadrons. As with the PAF, the IAF too constructed new airfields along with dis- persed and hardened shelters.117 In addition to extensive anti-aircraft artil- lery, the IAF also deployed 20 batteries of Soviet SA-2 surface-to-air missiles. Equipped with the latest version of the “Fan Song E” (NATO codename) fire-control radar, the missile could engage targets flying as low as one thousand feet.118 The IAF also made considerable efforts to improve air and ground cooperation, and air and naval cooperation.119 Air Chief Marshall, PC. Lal, the IAF commander in the 1971 War, attributed the IAF’s poor ground support performance during the 1965 War to the IAF’s emphasis on deep-strike bomber offensives. This doctrine, Lal noted, was copied from the RAF, despite the fact that during the Second World War the RIAF oper- ated almost exclusively in a close-air support role. The big change in doc- trine came in 1969 during an Air Commanders’ conference when it was decided that after air-defense, close air support for the army would have priority over bomber offensives.120 To facilitate close cooperation with the army, Western and Eastern Commands’ advance headquarters operated within their army counterparts headquarters. An air commodore who pro- vided the air support that his army command needed, led these units. At the corps level, each corps’ headquarters had its own Tactical Air Center (TAC) commanded by a group captain, and further in the field there were Forward Air Controllers (FAC) responsible for directing air-strikes against

116 The SU-7s appear to have been purchased to offset the failed locally developed HF-24 fighter-bomber project. “Quantity or Quality? The Indian Dilemma,” Air International (October 1975): 174-175. 117 In Rajasthan fully operational combat airbases were established at Jodhpur, Barmer and Jaisalmer. These airbases were established to offset the air-superiority advantage the Pakistanis had enjoyed there in 1965. Air Chief Marshall P.C. Lal, My Years With the IAF (New Delhi: Lancer International, 1986), 164. 118 Pushpinder Singh, Aircraft of the Indian Air Force, 1933-74 (New Delhi: English Book Store, 1974), 143-144. 119 Lal, My Years with the IAF, 164-165. 120 Lal, My Years with the IAF, 174. According to Lieutenant General S.K. Sinha the improved army-air coordination in 1971 had much to do with the compatible personalities of the Army, Air and Naval Chiefs—General Sam Manekshaw, Air Chief Marshal P.C. Lal, and Admiral S.M. Nanda—and their ability to get along with the Prime Minister (Indira Gandhi) the Defense Minister (Jagjivan Ram) and the Defense Secretary (K.B. Lall). See Thomas, Indian Security Policy, 139. 124 chapter four the enemy. In 1971, the commanders assigned specific aircraft types and squadrons their own areas of ground support operations.121 As in the case with the ground war, the preliminary clashes between the opposing air forces occurred well before December 4th. On November 22, 4 PAF Sabres from Dacca clashed with 4 IAF Gnats of the 22nd Squadron. After a dogfight, the Indians claimed 3 Sabres downed for no loss to the Gnats, while the PAF claimed 2 Gnats downed for the loss of 2 Sabres.122 The main air war began on the evening of December 3rd, when PAF Sabres and B-57s launched preemptive air-strikes against Indian airfields, railway stations and suspected troop concentrations. The Pakistani struck the In- dian airfields at Pathankot, Amritsar, Avantipur, Srinangar, Uttarali, Agra and Ambala.123 Unlike in 1965, the PAF met with little success as the IAF had dispersed its planes in concrete shelters, resulting in only a few aircraft suffering minor damage. The IAF struck back immediately attacking the Pakistani airfields in the east—Tezgaon, and the west—Peshawar, Sar- godha, Shorkot and Mauripur.124 On the western front, the IAF flew a combination of deep strike interdic- tions and close-air support missions throughout the fourteen day conflict. In addition to attacking Pakistani airfields, the IAF, in conjunction with the Indian navy, struck repeatedly at Pakistan’s oil storage facilities in Karachi. Canberras and Hunters carried out these strikes. At the same time Hunters, Gnats, Mystères, SU-7s, and HF-24s flew constant close-air support mis- sions from Kashmir in the north to the Rajasthan desert in the south. The PAF tried to follow a similar pattern of air-strikes, but concentrated main- ly on close-support and air-defense missions. Heavy air combat engage- ments occurred throughout the war with both sides claiming exaggerated kill ratios. At the height of the air war on December 15-17, both sides threw considerable air power into the crucial battles of the Shakargarh bulge and the Naya Chor in the Sind. On the eastern front, the IAF concentrated its initial effort against the sole Pakistani combat airfield at Tezgaon. Mig-21s of the No. 28 Squadron eventually put the airfield out of action by using rocket assisted M-62 1000lb bombs to make deep craters in the runway.125 The lone PAF No. 14 Sabre Squadron fought back valiantly and downed some Indian aircraft,

121 Lal, My Years with the IAF, 175-176. 122 Pushpinder S. Chopra, “Gnat,” Air International (August 1974): 75. 123 Pushpinder S. Chopra, “Journal of an Air War,” Air Enthusiast (April 1972): 197. 124 Chopra, “Journal of an Air War,” 180. 125 Fricker, “Post-Mortem of an Air War,” 228. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 125 but repeated IAF strikes against the Tezgaon runway finally grounded the PAF Sabres for good. This left the IAF free to concentrate on ground sup- port missions. The IAF also carried out a massive helicopter lift mission to move the 4th Indian Corps across the Meghna River. The commanders entrusted the airlift operations in this sector to the No. 110 HU (Helicopter Unit) with 12 Mi-four Helicopters (including 2 from No. 105 HU).126 Be- tween December 7 and December 11, the 12 Mi-4s of the No. 110 HE trans- ported some 4,500 troops and 515 tons of equipment, providing 4th Indian Corps with tremendous mobility to neutralize the Pakistani defenses.127 On the 11th, IAF transports dropped the 2nd Indian Parachute Battalion near Tangail. IAF close air support missions reached a zenith on the 14th with Mig-21s rocketing the Governor’s Mansion in Dacca, which prompted East Pakistan’s governor, Dr. A.M. Malik, to write out a hasty resignation letter while cowering in a bunker. The next day General Niazi signed the instrument of surrender. By the war’s end, the IAF had flown almost 6,000 sorties. In the east, 1,178 of the 1,978 sorties were ground-support missions, indicating the IAF’s new mission emphasis. Similarly about half of the 4,000 sorties flown in the west were also ground support missions.128 India claimed to have destroyed 94 PAF aircraft while losing some 54. The PAF claimed 106 Indian aircraft destroyed for a loss of only 25 PAF planes.129 The IAF’s campaign in the east was a predictable success, but the west was a different matter altogether. Here despite the PAF’s ferocious opposition, the IAF’s two pronged strat- egy of attack and close air support worked reasonably well. A primary goal of the IAF, after the ground support mission, was to destroy Pakistani en- ergy, industrial and communications infrastructure. In this regard, the IAF

126 On December 7, the 110 HU moved 254 troops from Lailashahar to the Sylhet sector under heavy ground fire. The next day it airlifted an additional 279 troops and 97 tons of equipment from Kalaura during a night mission. Between the 9th and the 10th, the unit airlifted 584 troops and 125 tons of supplies and 9 field guns to reinforce the build-up against the 313th Pakistani Brigade that defended Sylhet. On the 11th, 110 HU moved 1,350 troops and 192 tons of equipment from Brahmanbaria to Narsingdi, including the lead battalion— the 4/5 Gurkhas—across the Meghna River to Sylhet’s southeast, which forced the much larger Pakistani defending forces to beat a hasty retreat into Sylhet to avoid being cut-off from the rear. On the 14th, the unit lifted 810 troops and 23 tons of equipment across the Meghna (from Daudkandi) to Baidya Bazar. The next day it flew 1,209 troops and 38 tons of equipment across the Meghna to strengthen the Baidya Bazar air-head. 127 The Indian Air Force and Its Air Craft, 1982, eds. William Green, Gordon Swanborough and Pushpinder S. Chopra (London: Ducimus Books, 1982), 52. 128 Chopra, “Journal of an Air War,” 172. 129 Chopra, “Journal of an Air War,” 177; and Shaheen, “The PAF at War,” Journal of the Pakistan Air Force (May-August 1972): 11. 126 chapter four claimed much success, which U.S. intelligence documentation has backed. According to U.S. State Department documents, within a few days of the war’s outbreak, India had destroyed 40% of Pakistan’s total oil supplies, leaving the country with an estimated two weeks’ worth of petroleum stocks.130 Pakistani sources also corroborate this account.131 During the 1965 War, the Indian and Pakistani navies had largely stayed on the sidelines. The Indian navy in particular took no offensive actions during that war. In the late 1960s, two successive Chiefs of Naval Staff, Ad- mirals A.K. Chatterjee and S.M. Nanda, made a strong case for a blue water (ocean going) navy. The naval lobby argued that India’s geo-strategic loca- tion required her to maintain a strong navy. They pointed out that in 1965, the Indonesian President Sukarno—bolstered by 1 billion dollars’ worth of Soviet built ships and equipment, including the most powerful gun cruiser in the region—had offered to seize the Andaman and Nicobar islands in the Bay of Bengal to aid Pakistan.132 The naval lobby also noted the obvious, that India’s seaborne trade and offshore resources needed naval protec- tion.133 Although many people within the government and the military’s other two branches opposed naval expansion, a blue water navy remained a popular issue for politicians. In 1968, the government elevated the Chief of Naval Staff to the rank of Admiral, thus bringing the navy in line with the other two services with regard to its leader’s seniority. Furthermore, even though the Defense Minister Swaran Singh opposed a blue water fleet, the current fleet’s routine modernization became an inevitable process, and in the late 1960s navy expenditure ballooned from a mere 7.8% of defense capital expenditure expended on it in 1966-1967 to 34.3% in 1971.134 When the 1971 War started, the Indian navy had a total of 40,000 men in uniform. Its main surface combatant fleet included 1 light aircraft carrier, 4 Soviet built “Foxtrot” (NATO codename) class diesel patrol submarines, 2 light 6in gun cruisers, 21 destroyers and frigates, 10 patrol craft (including 6 Soviet “Osa” class missile boats) and 8 coastal and inshore minesweepers.

130 Department of State, Sitrep, December 9, 1971, quoted in Sisson and Rose, War and Secession, 231. fn. 37. 131 See Shaheen Foundation, The Story of the Pakistan Air Force: A Saga of Courage and Honour (Islamabad, Pakistan: Shaheen Foundation, 1988), 443. Also George K. Tanham and Marcy Agmon, The Indian Air Force: Trends and Prospects (Santa Monica, CA: RAND study for the USAF, 1994), 40-41. 132 Admiral S.N. Kohli, Sea Power and the Indian Ocean (New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 1978), 21-34, 133-134. 133 Thomas, India’s Security Policy, 153. 134 Thomas, India’s Security Policy, 192, Table 5.9. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 127 The carrier Vikrant and the Indian naval air stations also hosted some 35 Seahawk jet fighters, 12 Alize ASW planes, 2 Sea King ASW helicopters, and 10 Allouette helicopters. The Pakistani navy numbered 10,000 men with 4 French Daphne class diesel patrol submarines, 1 light anti-aircraft gun cruiser, 7 destroyers and frigates, 6 patrol boats, 8 coastal minesweepers and 2 UH-1 “Huey” helicopters.135 The Indian naval command deployed its lone carrier the Vikrant, 4 de- stroyers and 1 submarine with the eastern fleet. The western fleet consisted of the cruiser Mysore, 12 destroyers/frigates, 3 submarines and 6 “Osa” mis- sile boats. It also deployed 2 destroyers with the southern fleet. The Indian navy’s objectives included destroying Pakistani shipping, blockading East and West Pakistan, and protecting Indian ports.136 The Western Naval Com- mand was tasked with a major offensive operation to attack the Pakistani port of Karachi with “Osa” missile boats, which would be towed to the target.137 The Indian navy’s involvement in the East Pakistani civil war began as early as mid-1971 when it established a training camp south of Calcutta to train East Pakistani freedom fighters to become naval sabo- teurs.138 These naval commandos began their operations on August 15/16 with a coordinated attack on the East Pakistani sea port of Chittagong and the river ports of Chalna, Chandpur and Barisal. The commandos timed their assaults with the help of coded messages sent out on regular All In- dian Radio (AIR) broadcasts.139 These and other operations were so suc- cessful that when the war began on December 3, the naval commandos had imposed a virtual naval blockade on East Pakistan. At the war’s start, the Indian navy initiated and maintained a fairly ef- fective if not total blockade of the Pakistani port, Karachi. On December 3/4, Indian “Osa” missile boats and 2 “Petya” class corvettes left Bombay. They refueled at Diu and after a brief wait at Dwarka, 3 of the “Osas” moved out to attack Karachi. Some 40 miles off Karachi, they detected and sank the Pakistani destroyer PNS Khaiber (ex-Royal Navy Battle Class) with 2 P15 anti-ship missiles. They also sank the Pakistani minesweeper PNS Muhafiz

135 All data from the Military Balance 1971-72 (London: IISS, 1972). 136 Ravi Kaul, “The Indo-Pakistani War and the Changing Balance of Power in the Indian Ocean,” USNI Proceedings (May 1973): 186, 188. 137 Vice Admiral G.M. Hiranandini, Transition to Triumph: The Indian Navy 1965-1975 (New Delhi: Lancer Publishers, 2000), 678. 138 The first recruits for this camp were 6 East Pakistani submariners who had defected while undergoing training on the Daphne class submarines in France. Pran Chopra, India’s Second Liberation (New Delhi: Vikas, 1973), 157. 139 Ranjit Rai, A Nation and its Navy at War (Delhi: Lancer International, 1987), 55. 128 chapter four when it moved in to pick up the survivors from the Khaiber. On the 8th, the “Osas” attacked Karachi again damaging the naval tanker PNS Dacca, and sinking and damaging several merchant ships. On the 9th, other In- dian surface combatants were sent to shell the Makran coast including the ports of Pasni, Gawder and Jiwani.140 The 3 Indian submarines operating in the Arabian Sea with support from the submarine depot ship INS Amba (based in Cochin) met with no success, which was not surprising since they operated under extremely strict rules that required a Pakistani warship to be positively identified before attack. The Pakistani navy could only strike back with their submarines, out- numbered as they were on the surface. On the evening of December 8th, the Pakistani Daphne Class submarine PNS Hangor, operating off the Rann of Kutch, spotted two Indian frigates the INS Kirpan and the INS Khukri (ex-Royal Navy Type 14). The Hangor sank the Khukri with a salvo of 3 hom- ing torpedoes, thus giving the Indian navy the dubious reputation of being the first navy since the Second World War to have a warship sunk by enemy submarine action.141 However, after the December 4th attacks on Karachi, the main Pakistani surface combatants did not venture out of port. Control of the seas had passed to the Indian navy. In the east, the Indian carrier battle group under Rear Admiral V.K. Sarma, consisting of Vikrant and two air defense frigates (ex-Royal Navy Type 14) and 2 Soviet “Petya” class ASW corvettes, left their base in the Andaman Islands and sailed for the East Pakistani coast. From there the Vikrant’s Seahawks and Alizes launched 400 sorties against Chittagong and other coastal and riverine ports.142 The force sank 3 of the 4 Pakistani naval boats as well as several merchant vessels. The naval air operations brought a complete halt to all sea and riverine activities in East Pakistan, cutting the Pakistanis off from the rest of the world. The only offensive action that the Pakistanis in the east took, was to send their only long range submarine, the U.S. built PNS Ghazi, to locate and sink the Vikrant. While patrolling

140 For attacks on Karachi and the bombardment see Admiral S.N. Kohli, We Dared: Maritime Operations in the 1971 War (New Delhi: Lancer International, 1989), 49-55, 59-64; The shelling of the Makran coast did not occur as the strike group headed by the 6in gun cruiser Mysore was ordered back to base after seizing a Pakistani merchant ship. Hiranan- dani, Transition to Triumph,129. 141 Rai, A Nation and Its Navy at War, 138-141. The Khukri was moving at a slower speed in order to allow a newly developed experimental sonar to be used more effectively. The sonar experiment also resulted in the non deployment of a torpedo decoy behind the ship. Hiranandani, Transition to Triumph, 134-135. 142 The Seahawks launched daytime strikes while the Alizes launched nightly raids. Chopra, “Journal of an Air War,” 275-279. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 129 off Vishakapatnam harbor on December 3rd, the Indian destroyer INS Ra- jput surprised the Ghazi with a routine drop of depth charges outside the harbor. Soon afterwards the Indians heard a loud explosion, and days later naval divers confirmed that the Ghazi had indeed been sunk.143 The 1971 War has been described as a “Classic War” in the Clausewitzian tradition. India struck a direct blow at Pakistan’s military and produced a successful political outcome.144 Indeed, the Indian government under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi controlled and engineered all the events leading up to the war’s outbreak after the Pakistani crack-down in East Pakistan. In marked contrast to the events in 1962 and 1965, the Indian government, operating this time from a position of strength vis-a-vis Paki- stan, seized the military initiative after having garnered all possible inter- national and domestic political support. However, this need not have necessarily been the outcome. The Pakistani junta of General Yahya Khan also enjoyed overwhelming political support in West Pakistan for his crack- down on East Pakistan and international support came from powerful al- liances with the U.S. and China. Furthermore, in terms of historical origins, training, and operational experience, the two professional armed forces were closely matched given their common colonial lineage. Yet clearly the two sides differed greatly in military effectiveness in December of 1971. The differences between the Pakistani and Indian military establish- ments occurred even before the British departed in 1947. Prior to partition, the unified Indian armed forces were the only colonial forces in the world to have had a continuous involvement in conventional warfare since 1914. India’s colonial military system dates back to 1668. From 1750-1850 this colonial force (The East India Company Army) grew massively and saw extensive action as it conquered India. In doing so, the East India Com- pany Army proved to be a major military innovator and its techniques were adopted by the British army.145 Following the rebellion of 1857, the British crown government took over the administration of India and the army. The

143 It appears that the Ghazi struck the sea bed while trying to evade the Rajput. Vice Admiral N. Krishnan, No Way But Surrender (Delhi: Vikas, 1980), 40-43; subsequent dives revealed that the submarine had been destroyed by an internal explosion from either mines or torpedoes triggered by the impact with the rocky sea bed. Hiranandani, Transition to Triumph, 88-93. The Indian army’s Eastern Command’s Signal Intelligence Unit intercepted signals from the Ghazi near Sri Lanka as she entered the Bay of Bengal and passed this information on to the navy. Jacob, Surrender at Dacca, 49. 144 See Raymond Aaron, Clausewitz: Philosopher of War, trans. Christine Booker and Norman Stone (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1985), 346, 352. 145 Pradeep P. Barua, The State at War in South Asia (Lincoln and London: The Univer- sity of Nebraska Press, 2005), 127. 130 chapter four colonial Indian army continued to see action in Afghanistan. The Indian army was also heavily engaged in World War One. By the Second World War, the colonial Indian military had become a large conventional fighting force with its own army, navy and air force. This force engaged in extensive campaigns in Burma, North Africa and Italy, and gained valuable combat experience in the process.146 Even more importantly, the Indian armed forces were also the beneficiary of a comprehensive “Indianisation” pro- gram for its officer corps—the replacement of white British officers with Indian officers. The Second World War greatly accelerated this program. At the start of the war, the ratio of British to Indian officers in the Indian army stood at 4,028 to 415. By 1947, however, the ratio was 11,500 to 8,400.147 After the creation of the independent Dominions of India and Pakistan on August 15, 1947, the bulk of the officer corps, which was Hindu went to India. Not only did the Pakistani army face a huge shortage in officers, the few officers it inherited had seen little combat during the Second World War, with most serving in support units.148 In terms of defense materials and bases, the bulk also went to India. Politically too the differences were stark. In India, the Indian army worked under a mature political system firmly steeped in the British parliamentary democratic tradition. The Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru had the backing of the Indian National Congress, the British Empire’s oldest and best prepared political party. The Indian army would never question the supremacy of civilian rule. The Pakistani army would find no such political stability in its civilian government. Pakistani officers were promoted to high rank with no train- ing and experience for the posts, and they soon developed a deep distrust for the dysfunctional civilian government. This is reflected in the career of General Ayub Khan. He was a major in the Indian army in Burma during the Second World War. After Pakistan’s creation, he was promoted to Brig- adier and then within two years he was elevated to Major General. In 1951 he became Commander in Chief of the Pakistani army succeeding the British Commander General Sir Douglas Gracey. In October of 1957 he over- threw the civilian government in a bloodless coup and became the first military dictator of Pakistan.

146 Pradeep Barua, “Strategies and Doctrines of Imperial Defence: Britain and India, 1919-1947,” The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 25, no. 2 (May 1997): 240-266. 147 Lieutenant General Arthur Smith to Lieutenant General Frank Simpson, 9 June 1947, CGS monthly liaison letters, vol. 2, BL/IOR, War Staff, WS 17096-L/WS/1/1107, 74-76. 148 Pradeep P. Barua, Gentlemen of the Raj: The Indian Army Officer Corps 1815-1949 (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003), 133. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 131 By the start of the 1971 War, Pakistan had eliminated the numerical de- ficiencies in its junior officer corps. The issue for India and Pakistan was to find and educate enough officers to man the armed forces. Following in- dependence in 1947, both India and Pakistan recognized the need to en- hance higher education as a pillar of national development. India inherited a vast and capable educational system from Britain. What was lacking was an emphasis on research. To redress this imbalance, the Indian government developed plans to establish the Indian Institutes of Technol- ogy (five initially). In addition organizations such as the Council of Scien- tific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) along with the University Grants Com- mission (UGC) developed specific plans to promote research in universi- ties.149 Between 1950 and 1965 the number of students holding a Bachelor’s degree in Science and Engineering rose from 81,600 to 368,100.150 In 1970 on the eve of the Bangladesh War, universities in India graduated 141,406 students with Bachelors, Masters or Doctoral degrees in Science, Engineer- ing, Agriculture and Medicine.151 This vast pool of highly educated man- power provided a valuable resource to the rapidly expanding defense research and production base in 1971.152 In contrast, Pakistan did not immediately develop a concrete higher education plan after independence. In 1959 the Sharif Commission (named after the head of the commission Mr. S.M. Sharif the Education Secretary of West Pakistan) did put forth a detailed national education plan, but did not offer any strategy to implement the plan. The military junta under General Ayub Khan also did not push the education plan.153 Despite the problems in the educational field, the Pakistani armed forces did not seem short of potential officer recruits. For example, up to 15,000 potential re- cruits underwent a rigorous interview and examination process over three

149 A. Rahman, “Universities and Scientific Research,” in The Higher Learning in India, eds. Amrik Singh and Philip B. Altbach (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing, 1974), 355-356. 150 Department of Science and Technology (India), Research and Development Statistics 1994/95 (New Delhi: Government of India, 1997), 70. 151 Research and Development Statistics 1994/95, 75. 152 For a critical analysis of higher education and defense research in India see Ravinder Pal Singh, “An Assessment of Indian Science and Technology and Implications for Military Research and Development,” Economic and Political Weekly 35, no. 31 (Jul 29–Aug 4, 2000): 2762-2775. 153 When government portfolios were handed out by the junta no one opted for the Education Ministry. U.A.G. Isani and Mohammad Latif Virk, Higher Education in Pakistan: A Historical and Futuristic Perspective (Islamabad: National Book Foundation, 2003), 39-49. 132 chapter four days to enter about 300 at the Pakistani Military Academy (PMA) at Kakul.154 The problem for Pakistan and for India was the inability to com- pete with the private sector for the best qualified recruits. From the mid- 1960s, most high school graduates entering the Indian army came from lower middle class and rural class backgrounds.155 This pattern was dupli- cated in the Pakistani army of the 1960s too.156 Nevertheless, when the 1971 War began both India and Pakistan had a well educated and trained officer corps. The two armed forces rapid expansion since the 1965 War resulted in some shortages and questions about the officers’ quality, but neither side could gain an advantage here. The political situation, however, clearly had not changed. In 1971, the military remained in full control in Pakistan. In March 1969, the army com- mander, General Yahya Khan, replaced General Ayub Khan as Pakistan’s President. Yahya, however, was not an absolute dictator he worked in close proximity with, and relied upon, other senior generals in the junta. Yahya constantly declared publicly that his goal was to return Pakistan to a par- liamentary democracy. In 1970 he presided over a series of important po- litical changes. Martial law was relaxed and political parties were allowed to operate once again. Elections were scheduled for October 5, 1970 and for the first time since independence Pakistan’s entire adult population would be able to vote in the general election. West Pakistan was broken up into the separate administrative and political provinces of Punjab, Baluchistan, Sind, and the North West Frontier. This political honeymoon, however, ended in East Pakistan. In the October elections, 25 political parties cam- paigned for 300 in the national assembly, of these 162 seats were in East Pakistan. There, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who led the biggest political party the Awami League, had a 6 point plan to form a loose knit federation of East and West Pakistan. The junta, however, saw this plan as a secession- ist document, and hoped that the elections would produce no majority party, and would release some of the pent up political tensions in both East and West Pakistan. This rosy scenario was dashed when the Awami League won 167 of the 169 in East Pakistan. The Pakistani People’s Party (PPP), the largest party in West Pakistan, won 81 seats. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto the PPP’s leader was unwilling to accept a Mujibur led government on the basis of

154 Stephen P. Cohen, The Pakistan Army (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1984), 52. 155 Barua, Gentlemen of the Raj, 152. 156 Khalid Bin Sayeed, “The Role of the Military in Pakistan,” in Armed Forces and Soci- ety: Sociological Essays, ed. J. Van Doorn, (The Hague: Mouton, 1968), 274-279. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 133 the 6 points. This impasse led to Yahya’s decision to order a military crack- down in East Pakistan.157 While Pakistan struggled with issues of junta legitimacy and state for- mation, India dealt with more mundane issues confronting the world’s most populous democracy. The Congress government under Prime Minis- ter Indira Gandhi’s leadership had to deal with severe inflation caused by a decline in the agricultural sector (due to severe droughts in 1965 and 1967). The government’s signature economic issue—eradication of pov- erty—had also run into severe problems due to nepotism and corruption within the nationalized economy and the centralized food grain distribu- tion system.158 The government’s legitimacy was unquestioned, however, and the state of the Indian union in 1971 remained strong. The military remained in the background and continued its professional activities de- void of any political encumbrances. It did, however, feel the sting of poor budgets in tough fiscal times. Between 1966 and 1971 the defense forces’ share of the annual budget never exceeded 3.5%.159 Nevertheless, when the 1971 War began, the political stability that India enjoyed gave its civilian and military leaderships a clear advantage over their Pakistani counter- parts. Political problems notwithstanding, the Pakistani junta had managed to raise a substantial military force in 1971. Although numerically inferior to India, and despite having a much smaller economy than India, Pakistan had managed to induct some advanced weaponry. This was largely due the Pakistani military junta’s close relations with the U.S. This military assis- tance came when Pakistan joined two anti-communist organizations in 1955—the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) and the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). The U.S. pledged to support these allies with considerable military aid. Relations with the U.S. had also been cemented with the signing of a Mutual Defense Agreement on May 19, 1954. As an initial step the U.S. promised 171 million dollars in military aid to help Pakistan raise 5.5 new divisions.160 General Ayub Khan’s coup in October 1958 threw a wrench in Washington’s plans to offer military assistance.

157 See Lawrence Ziring, “Militarism in Pakistan: The Yahya Khan Interregnum,” Asian Affairs, 1, no. 6 (Jul-Aug, 1974): 402-420. 158 J.W. Mellor, “The Indian Economy: Objectives, Performance and Prospects,” in India: A Rising Middle Power, ed. J.W. Mellor (Delhi: Select Book Service Syndicate, 1981), 100-103. 159 Raju G.C. Thomas, Indian Security Policy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986), 184, Table 5.5. 160 Shuja Nawaz, Crossed Swords: Pakistan, its Army and the Wars Within (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2008), 134. 134 chapter four Reliance on Pakistan during the Cold War, however, was paramount. In December 1958, U.S. U2 spy planes of the 6927th Communications Group were flying out from the Badaber air base south of Peshawar deep into the Soviet Union.161 As a result, military aid continued to flow to Pakistan. They included M47 and M48 Patton tanks and F-104 Starfighters, which were the first supersonic fighters introduced into South Asia. In 1963, an additional 143 million dollars in military assistance program (MAP) aid arrived in the form of 2 additional F-104 Starfighter squadrons (24 aircraft).162 Ayub’s successor, Yahya Khan, found a firm ally in the Nixon administration.163 In October 1970, the U.S. agreed to supply Pakistan with 300 APCs (armored personnel carriers) and 20 F-5 fighters. During the 1971 War, the Nixon ad- ministration facilitated the transfer of planes, arms and ammunition from Jordan to Pakistan.164 Along with American equipment came American military organization and doctrine. Pakistan began to adopt American techniques of gunnery and armored warfare. Hundreds of Pakistani officers attended military schools in America and participated in NATO programs.165 Adopting American doctrine meant that Pakistan sought to engage in combined arms warfare when it clearly did not have the equipment and more impor- tantly the trained manpower to engage in such operations. Pakistani of- fensives in the Shakargarh bulge and in Logenwalla saw poor utilization of armor and no infantry cooperation. Indeed, the Pakistani army GHQ own post war analysis of the conflict noted that the army lacked even the knowl- edge of “basic techniques and procedures” involved in tank-infantry coop-

161 This was the air base from which Francis Gary Powers flew his ill-fated U2 on May 7, 1960. 162 Nawaz, Crossed Swords, 199. 163 Yahya became an intermediary between the U.S. and China in 1969 and his coop- erative attitude clearly impressed Nixon. In sharp contrast Nixon (and Kissinger) detested the Indian leader Indira Gandhi and saw non-aligned India as being an impediment to U.S. interests in the Cold War. Robert Dallek, Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power (New York: Harper Collins, 2007), 335-340. 164 Memorandum for Dr. Kissinger, “Military Assistance to Pakistan and the Trip to Peking, July 19, 1971,” Nixon Presidential Materials Project (NPMP), National Security Coun- cil (NSC) files, Indo-Pak Wars, Box 574; National Security Council Memorandum for Henry Kissinger, “Jordanian Transfer of F-104s to Pakistan: Secret, December 7, 1971,” NPMP, NSC files, Indo-Pak War, Box 575, doc. no. 29; Department of State Cable, “Pakistan’s Request for F-104s, Secret, December 9, 1971,” NPMP, NSC Files, Indo-Pak Wars, Box 573; available from; Internet; accessed 25 January 2010. 165 Major General Shaukat Riza, Izzat-O-Iqbal: History of the Pakistan Artillery, 1947-1971 (Nowshera: School of Artillery, 1980), 114-123. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 135 eration.166 In contrast, the Indian army well aware of its equipment shortcomings concentrated on time tested and proven positional warfare doctrines it had learned during the Second World War.167 Beginning with his point-blank refusal in April 1971 to launch a “speedy” offensive against East Pakistan, to his careful build-up and preparation in the months lead- ing to the escalation of border conflicts in November, the Chief of Army Staff, proved to be the master of the set-piece battle plan. AHQ’s planning for the offensive into East Pakistan was deliberate and methodical. The DMO Lieutenant General K.K Singh, well aware of the army’s inability to conduct “true” mobile operations, had initially opted for a limited border offensive. Only when total ground (and air) superiority was apparent did planning for an all-out offensive to take East Pakistan begin. Overwhelming superiority in troops and firepower, and air and naval supremacy in the Bay of Bengal thus lay at the roots of Indian offensive planning. However, this does not diminish Lieutenant General Aurora (GOC Eastern Command) and his subordinate commanders’ excellent operational and tactical abili- ties. Their skill in adapting their operational plans to the rapidly changing situation in the field brought the war to a spectacularly swift end. East Pakistan’s dense forests and riverine terrain were excellently suited to the Indian army’s light infantry formations. Nevertheless, the hellilift opera- tions in Sylhet and the parachute drop in Tangail also revealed the army’s willingness (and the air force) to experiment with highly complex types of air-land mobile operations. The 1st U.S. Air Cavalry Division’s success in Vietnam particularly influenced the helli-lift operations. In the west, the Indian army had mainly defensive objectives and in this, with the exception of Chaamb’s loss, it was remarkably successful. The Western Command’s ability to strike telling blows at the Shakargarh bulge in the Punjab, while the Southern Command struck out towards Naya Chor in Rajasthan, kept the Pakistani High Command off-balance and prevent- ed them from throwing in their powerful strike corps (the 6th Armored Division and the 17th Infantry Division). Although the commanders pri- marily used semi-static infantry formations for military operations in the west, the army also obtained some experience in combine arms mecha- nized warfare. The 18th Rajputana Mechanized Battalion worked closely with tanks to overwhelm Pakistani positions in the Lalial forest across the Basanthar River. The Shakargarh offensive, however, also revealed the In-

166 Quoted in Nawaz, Crossed Swords, 314. 167 P. Barua, “Strategies and Doctrines of Imperial Defence: Britain and India, 1919-1945,” 240-266. 136 chapter four dian army’s limitations. The 1st Indian Corps failed to capture the bulge by taking the main objectives, the towns of Shakargarh and Zafarwal. Armor was utilized to support infantry rather than as an independent strike force. The infantry itself proved too slow in its advance through Pakistani mine- fields and finally the corps simply lacked the numbers and weight of artil- lery to support a simultaneous attack by 2 infantry brigades.168 Pakistan did use its armor aggressively in its counteroffensives in the Shakargarh bulge. Two Pakistani Patton tank regiments, the 13th and the 31st, were sent out in concentrated attacks, but failed in the face of a resolute Indian de- fense that came from dug-in infantry, superbly trained and led Centurion tanks of the Indian 17th Cavalry and effective artillery support. Operations on the western front were characterized by limited movement and posi- tional warfare, a factor that aided the Indians. At a tactical level, the Pakistani army displayed a poor utilization of the weapon systems at its disposal. In 1971, India enjoyed a substantial nu- merical edge over Pakistan in terms of military resources. However, India’s need to maintain an effective reserve to take on any possible Chinese ac- tion to support Pakistan offset this advantage. In terms of major weapons systems, the principal strike element for both sides was their fleet of battle tanks. India had begun to field the license built Vickers light tank from Britain. The tank was equipped with a formidable L-7 105mm tank gun, but had poor armor protection and was underpowered. Most of these tanks were in the Indian 1st Armored Division and sat out the war as part of the reserve strike corps. The Indian tanks that saw action were the Soviet T54/55 medium tanks and the British Centurion heavy tank armed with 100mm and 83.4mm guns respectively. The Pakistani tank fleet was built around the heavy American M47/48 Patton tanks armed with a 90mm gun and the Chinese T59 (a copy of the Soviet T54) armed with the 100mm gun. The Pakistani M48s had a sophisticated fire control system comprising of a stereoscopic rangefinder, which fed data mechanically to a T31 ballistic computer. The gunner entered the type of ammunition used, along with additional data if needed such as air temperature and barrel wear. This fire control system was developed specifically for the tank’s HEAT (high explo- sive anti tank) round—a low velocity shaped charge round that could take on enemy armor at long ranges in excess of 1,500 yards. At closer ranges when the HVAP (high velocity armored piercing) round was used, the gun- ner was expected to manually input the range and or use the coaxial ma-

168 Singh, Indian Gunners at War, 151-154. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 137 chine gun to get the range.169 The computer system and the manual input system required thorough training and repeated use to master it, and the Pakistani tankers were unable to deal with its sophistication and com- plexity.170 On the western front, most tank engagements took place at less than 1,000 yards requiring rapid crew reactions, and here the Indians had a distinct advantage. The Centurion tanks carried a smaller gun, the 83.4mm (20pdr), but it fired a high velocity APDS (armor piercing discard- ing sabot) round with a very flat trajectory (similar to the Patton’s HVAP). The crucial difference was that the Indian tank crews were well trained to use the “battle range technique”. If the tank commander estimated the range to the enemy target to be within 1,000 yards, he ordered the gunner to use his telescopic sight to lay and fire the gun at 800, 1,000, and 400 yards in rapid succession. Three rounds were usually fired within twenty seconds and a hit was ensured. Many Pakistani Pattons were hit before they had fired their first round.171 These deficiencies were first laid bare during the tank battle of Assal Uttar in the 1965 War and repeated again in 1971 during the Battle of Jarpal (in Shakargarh) when a single squadron of Indian Cen- turions decimated an entire regiment of Pakistani Patton tanks.172 The air war revealed similar failings in the PAF. It was clear that the PAF’s preemptive air-strike at Indian airfields on December 3rd was an attempt to emulate the great success of the Israeli air force’s “Operation Moked” at the start of the 1967 War. The Pakistani strike, however, was launched by only 32 aircraft in penny packets against relatively unimport- ant Indian air fields. Unlike the Israelis, the Pakistanis also did not train extensively for the operation nor did they use specialized bombs to disable the runways. Indian intelligence had also predicted the possibility of the air assault and Indian fighters were deployed in concrete shelters. The end result was a complete failure to reduce Indian air power. Although the IAF outnumbered the PAF in 1971, the PAF did have an edge in the quality of its fighters. The F-104 Starfighters and the Mirage IIIEs had a superior range

169 Steven J. Zaloga, The M47 & M48 Patton Tanks (London: Osprey Publishing, 1980), 8-9; Duncan Crow, Modern Battle Tanks (London: Barrie & Jenkins, 1978), 25. 170 Effendi, Punjab Cavalry, 222-223. 171 Simon Dunstan, The Centurion Tank in Battle (London: Osprey Publishing, 1981), 15-16; Kenneth Macksey, The Tanks: The History of the Royal Tank Regiment, 1945-1975 (Lon- don: Arms & Armour Press, 1979), 114-115. 172 Colonel Effendi, who commanded Pakistan’s 11th Cavalry in the 1971 War noted that in 1971 Pakistani tank gunnery remained poor. The level of training and preparedness was largely dependent on the initiative of individual unit commanders. Effendi, Punjab Cavalry, 267. 138 chapter four and weapon load capacity to their Indian equivalents the Mig-21FL and the SU-7.173 This advantage was never exploited as the PAF choose to preserve these planes and never committed them in large numbers to challenge the IAF. During the war itself, the over-extended PAF proved unable to provide adequate air support to the ground forces. The Pakistani army complained that it took the PAF four to six hours to react to calls for assistance.174 In sharp contrast, the IAF’s close air support performance in 1971 was consid- erably superior. Not only did the air force and army cooperate on fire sup- port missions, but the IAF also provided excellent transportation support for the army with efficient hellilift and para-drop missions. Significantly, even though its fleet of obsolete and short-range strike planes hampered the IAF, it managed to sustain a remarkably effective strategic air campaign against Pakistan. In the naval war, Pakistan simply could not confront the Indian navy. With the exceptions of its submarine operations, control of the high seas and seaborne trade passed to the Indian navy. A major reason for the superiority of Indian military effectiveness in 1971 lay in the stability of its parliamentary democracy. The armed forces in India operated free of any political baggage and were able to concentrate solely on the task of training, equipping and planning for the war. General Maneshshaw, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), had free reign to demand the best possible military conditions to prepare for the war. The Prime Minister Indira Gandhi who operated as the nation’s unquestioned leader efficiently tackled political, foreign policy and economic objectives to enable the armed forces to deliver the strategic objective her govern- ment wanted. It was this implicit and harmonious separation of tasks that was the final arbiter of Indian military effectiveness in 1971. In Pakistan, the army served as the political leadership too and this ironically subvert- ed the grounds for military effectiveness. The junta’s strategic planning and even military preparedness were constantly sidelined in preference for political convenience. The regime’s lack of legitimacy only compounded its political, and as a consequence, its military weakness. General Yahya Khan and his inner circle came up with political and military solutions without any input from the army, navy, air force, bureaucrats and foreign ministry officials. When contradictory views were put forth they were

173 The primary armament of the Mig-21FL, the K-13 missile and the GSH-23mm canon, were both inferior to the 20mm M-61A-1, 30mm DEFA and AIM-9B Sidewinder that the F-104 and Mirage fighters carried. Air Commodore M Kaiser Tufail, Great Air Battles of the Pakistan Air Force (Lahore: Ferozsons, 2005), 118-122. 174 Nawaz, Crossed Swords, 314. india’s 1971 war for bangladesh 139 ignored.175 When the junta initiated “Operation Searchlight” on March 25, 1971, it triggered off a series of unforeseen and unplanned for events. These events enabled India to showcase its overwhelming military effectiveness and culminated in the disastrous surrender in Dacca eight months later.

175 Evidence given to the Hamoodur Rahman Commission of Inquiry into the 1971 War. Quoted in Nawaz, Crossed Swords, 312. 140 chapter four conclusion 141


In order to develop an understanding of the common parameters of mili- tary effectiveness in the developing world, the four case studies presented in this book will be compared according to the following criteria—Colo- nial Heritage, Type of Government, Resources, Military Institutional His- tory, and Foreign Intervention. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it gives us insights into the nature of military effectiveness in these nation states.

Colonial Heritage

As the title of this book suggests, the four militaries reviewed in this book have post-colonial origins. Three are former colonies of Britain and one of Spain. The immediate question is does the military legacy of one colonial ruler differ significantly from another? The answer to that must be no. Nigeria and India were both British colonies, yet the evolution of their military effectiveness followed diametrically different paths. The next question related to the colonial past is does the timing of independence from colonial rule affect military effectiveness? Egypt, Nigeria and India all gained independence from Britain within thirty years of the end of the Second World War, and each of them developed varying degrees of military capability. Argentina stands out because it gained independence from Spain in 1817, more than a century before any of the other countries dis- cussed in this book. It is possible that a longer period of self-rule might enable a country to develop more capable and efficient military institu- tions. Yet, this is clearly not the case for Argentina. So, the nationality and duration of colonial rule is not an indicator of military effectiveness.

Type of Government

A more useful avenue to understanding military effectiveness is the type of government in existence at the time of conflict. Two of the states in question, Argentina and Egypt, were ruled by a military junta and a military dictatorship. A military junta also technically ruled Nigeria, but the weak civilian government that existed prior to the 1966 coup also played a sig- 142 conclusion nificant role in determining Nigeria’s military effectiveness. Only one state, India, qualifies as a fully-fledged parliamentary democracy during its con- flict. In the case of Nigeria, Argentina and Egypt, having the military in charge of the state during a war was not an asset to military effectiveness. Indeed, the evidence overwhelmingly suggests that it is a liability. In Nigeria, the Federal junta under General Gowon’s leadership acqui- esced to the regional political leaders’ demands in August of 1966, to split the army along ethnic and geographic lines. Northern soldiers and officers were sent to the northern barracks of Kaduna and Lagos, while the eastern troops were sent to the eastern barracks of Enugu. This decision of political convenience made Biafra’s secession that much easier militarily.1 The Bi- afrans had their own problems too. Colonel Ojukwu, the Biafran dictator, was obsessed with maintaining his grip on power and saw fellow officers as a potential threat. As a result, he did not trust them, and constantly sought to undermine them and remove them from command. The end result was a loss of morale and poor discipline within the Biafran officer corps. Ojukwu also established special units outside the military chain of command, the “S” Brigade and the 4th Commando Brigade. These privi- leged units operated as his personal bodyguard and contributed little to the main fighting. Much to the regular forces’ anger these units siphoned off much needed equipment and manpower during the war.2 In Argentina, the Galtieri junta had come to power in December 1981 with the resolve of taking the Malvinas from the British. Retaking the is- lands would help legitimize the new regime and help restart a new era of military control in Argentina following the Viola junta’s disastrous eco- nomic policies. The junta’s decision to seize the Falklands was based on Admiral Masera’s “Plan Goa”. It falsely assumed that just as the interna- tional community had stayed silent over India’s seizure of Portugal’s en- clave of Goa in 1962, the same would occur now. The junta also appears to have not consulted or ignored the advice of its foreign service, and com- pletely misread the attitude of the U.S., Argentina’s principal ally. General Galtieri believed that he had tacit U.S. support for the invasion and com- pletely discounted the possibility of a British counter attack.3 Given these rosy scenarios the junta’s preparations and lead up to the invasion were ad

1 General Olusegun Obasanjo, My Command: An Account of the Nigerian Civil War 1967- 70 (London: Heinemann, 1980), 8. 2 Alexander A. Madiebo, The Nigerian Revolution and the Biafran War (Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishers, 1980), 293. 3 Malvinas/Informe Rattenbach; available from bach/parte2_capitulo4_01.html; Internet; accessed 4 April 2009. conclusion 143 hoc in nature. The original time line was to launch an invasion no later than May 15th, but this was revised when in mid-March Argentine scrap merchant arrived on South Georgia and triggered off an international in- cident. The junta decided that it would forcibly prevent the British from removing the scrap merchants and rushed forward the invasion date to April 1st. So far, the invasion had been a strictly naval affair. Only at this point, did the junta bring the army into the planning. The army in turn deployed its most inexperienced and poorly equipped brigades to the is- lands, and kept it most combat ready brigades deployed along the tense Chilean border.4 Although, faulty political considerations triggered a poor- ly planned invasion, it was the Argentine military’s highly politicized na- ture that devastated its military effectiveness. In Egypt Anwar al-Sadat seized complete power in May 1971 when he instituted a purge of Nasserite officers in the Egyptian military. The “cor- rective revolution” as Sadat called it made him sole dictator of Egypt.5 It also placed upon him the sole burden of erasing the shame from the 1967 War defeat and retaking the Sinai from Israel. His legitimacy depended upon delivering this result. This goal became more urgent with his continu- ing crack down on all political opposition in Egypt in 1971 and 1972 includ- ing liberal and Islamist groups. When diplomacy failed to deliver the Sinai, he quickly seized the military option. Sadat persisted with plans for a mil- itary offensive despite the fact that his army commander Sadiq (who also served as Minister of War), and Deputy Minister of War General Abdel Khader Hassan cautioned strongly against an immediate war noting the vulnerability of Egypt’s interior to Israeli counter attacks. In response, Sa- dat removed these officers who had offered frank and honest appraisals of Egypt’s military weaknesses.6 Once the assault across the canal had established a successful bridge- head on the east bank, Sadat once again overruled his army commander (now General Shazly) and ordered another attack deep into the Sinai on October 12th. This poorly coordinated and executed attack was crushed by the Israelis, and helped prepare the way for the Israeli counter attack into the west bank. Even when the scale of the Israeli attack became apparent,

4 Martin Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands (Barnsley, S. Yorkshire: Pen & Sword Books, 2003) 56. 5 For details of the May 1971 purge see Abdallah al-Imam, Inqilab 15 Mayu: al-Qissa al- Kamila (Cairo: al-Mawqif al-Arabi, 1983). 6 Lieutenant General Saad El Shazly, The Crossing of the Suez (San Francisco: American Mideast Research, 2003), 177-183; Mohamed Abdel Ghani El Gamasy, The October War: Memoirs of Field Marshal El-Gamasy of Egypt (Cairo: American University of Cairo Press, 1993), 151-152. 144 conclusion Sadat refused to follow Shazly’s suggestion that units be withdrawn from the bridgehead to stem the Israeli advances on the west bank. In fact, Sadat made the decision to dismiss Shazly from command.7 Only the Israeli fail- ure to take Suez City prevented the Egyptian 3rd Army’s complete encircle- ment and surrender. In the Egyptian case, it is clear that Sadat’s total control of military and political decision making was detrimental to Egyp- tian military effectiveness. Political expediency rather than military reality on the ground determined the conduct of the campaign, and the end result was a near disaster. In 1971 when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi decided to go to war over East Pakistan, she did so after consultation with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Sam Manekshaw. The General had no problem issuing a blunt refusal to carry out an immediate invasion on the grounds of poor military preparedness, and the Prime Minister in turn agreed to accede to his request to delay the invasion by several months.8 Planning for the at- tack was left solely in the military commanders’ hands and the civilian leadership concentrated on laying the crucial diplomatic groundwork to facilitate an intervention free window of time for the plan to succeed. Once operations began, the Prime Minister made no attempt to micro manage the conflict leaving it entirely in the military’s hands. The end result was a swift and complete victory. The Indian case, however, is not isolated. Although Britain and Israel are not the subjects of this study, their governing systems, and their mili- tary effectiveness has been contrasted with that of Argentina and Egypt. In both cases, they have been found to be superior democratic systems. The conclusion could then be that democratic governments have inher- ently superior military effectiveness than non-democratic governments. This is not borne out, however, by other examples. For instance communist dictatorships like that of the Soviet Union, China and Vietnam have cre- ated very effective military systems for short term periods. On the other hand being a democratic type of government does not guarantee military effectiveness either. The French in 1940, the U.S. in Vietnam, and Georgia in 2008 attest to that.9 The key to military effectiveness is the separation of

7 Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 253-256; Gamasy, The October War, 287-292. 8 From General Manekshaw’s inaugural speech at the Field Marshal KM Cariappa Memorial Lecture in October 1995, New Delhi. Directorate General of Infantry, Field Marshal K M Cariappa Memorial Lectures, 1995-2000 (New Delhi: Lancer Publishers, 2001), 28-30. 9 Studies on democracy and military effectiveness have shown that there is no constant positive correlation between the two. See Dan Reiter and Alan C. Stam, “Democracy and Battlefield Military Effectiveness,” The Journal of Conflict Resolution 42, no. 3 (June 1998): conclusion 145 political and military decision making. When a regime or government is responsible for both, military effectiveness suffers as the examples of Ni- geria, Argentina and Egypt clearly demonstrate.


A country’s resources, both natural and manmade, undoubtedly will have an impact on the state’s military effectiveness. Substantial reserves of min- erals and oils could greatly increase a nation’s wealth and indirectly en- hance military effectiveness. Yet, this is not the case in these conflicts. Nigeria has large reserves of petroleum. However, poor infrastructure, lack of engineering skill, and anemic capital investments meant that during the Biafran War this resource was unavailable. The combined economies of the Arab states that went to war with Israel in 1973, including the considerable oil wealth that buttressed it, did little to gain them an advantage in the sphere of military effectiveness. In the case of the Malvinas War, Britain had a huge economic and industrial advantage over Argentina, but the short term nature of the conflict meant that this advantage could not man- ifest itself into an immediate military advantage on the ground. Similarly, India had a huge economic advantage over Pakistan, but the short two week war meant that this advantage would not readily translate itself into a military advantage. The military industrial complexes of these nation states, is one area of economic activity where an immediate impact on military effectiveness is felt. With the exception of India, none of the other countries in this study had developed a viable indigenous military industrial capacity. Nigeria’s lack of military industries meant that the federal government was com- pletely dependent on foreign suppliers to build up its military prior to an invasion of secessionist Biafra. Only the fact that Biafra had a greater prob- lem supplying its forces enabled the Federal forces to win in the end. Ar- gentina’s poor military industrial base also meant that the bulk of its military supplies came from foreign suppliers. In many cases, supplies from countries such as the U.S. and France were immediately cut off after the invasion of the islands. The Argentines also had severe problems servicing the sophisticated weapons they had in hand. The Argentine navy had two very capable German Type 209 submarines the San Luis and the Salta. The

259-277; and Stephen Biddle and Stephen Long, “Democracy and Military Effectiveness: A Deeper Look,” The Journal of Conflict Resolution 48, no. 4 (August 2004): 525-546. 146 conclusion Salta was out of commission due to a faulty propeller and the San Luis was unable to use its highly advanced wire-guided SST-4 torpedoes because the submarine’s fire-control system was defective.10 The Argentines did not have the industrial capacity to service or repair either submarine. Had these submarines been fully serviceable, they could have changed the war’s entire complexion. Egypt had begun to develop a rudimentary arms industry in the 1950s, but when the Soviet Union became Egypt’s principal arms supplier in the 1960s most of these industries shut down.11 During the 1973 War, Egypt was completely dependent on the Soviets not only for all of their arms supplies, but also servicing these weapon systems. In contrast, the Israelis had de- veloped a huge defense industry not only capable of fully servicing many of the military’s advanced weapon systems, but also to modify them exten- sively for Israeli needs. Israel had also developed a world leading expertise in electronic warfare and surveillance equipment that gave it a huge edge over the Egyptians. In 1971, India had a substantial indigenous military industrial capacity. Indian industry produced the army’s main battle tank, the Vijayanta; the IAF’s principal fighters, the Gnat, Marut and Mig-21; and had started pro- ducing frigates for the Indian navy. This huge defense production capacity could have been a major factor had the conflict dragged on longer. Pakistan by contrast had no significant defense production capacity and was forced to call on its allies for fighter planes and other materials during the war.12 Human resources also have the potential to play an important role in military conflicts. A huge population advantage can be an asset in a long term war. The Nigerian Civil War clearly illustrates this. The federation’s huge population advantage over Biafra had an immediate impact on the war’s military conduct. On the other hand, a massive population advantage did not assist Egypt and the other Arab states in the 1973 War with Israel.

10 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 74, 80-81, 132. 11 Jim Paul, “The Egyptian Arms Industry,” in The Arms Race in the Middle East, MERIP Reports, no. 112 (Feb 1983): 26-28; Joe Stork, “Arms Industries of the Middle East,” in The Middle East: Living By the Sword, MERIP Reports, no. 144 (Jan-Feb 1987): 12-16. 12 Memorandum for Dr. Kissinger, “Military Assistance to Pakistan and the Trip to Peking, July 19, 1971,” Nixon Presidential Materials Project (NPMP), National Security Coun- cil (NSC) files, Indo-Pak Wars, Box 574; National Security Council Memorandum for Henry Kissinger, “Jordanian Transfer of F-104s to Pakistan: Secret, December 7, 1971,” NPMP, NSC files, Indo-Pak War, Box 575, doc. no. 29; Department of State Cable, “Pakistan’s Request for F-104s, Secret, December 9, 1971,” NPMP, NSC Files, Indo-Pak Wars, Box 573; available from; Internet; accessed 25 January 2010. conclusion 147 Israel’s excellent military service and call-up system along with a plethora of advanced weaponry more than offset any numerical advantages the Arab states could muster. A more effective gauge of human resources on military effectiveness is the educational quality of the manpower available. In Nigeria, the education system’s poor quality compounded the severe problems of manning the officer ranks. The British began the process of replacing white officers with Nigerians in 1948. However, with the excep- tion of the country’s southern region, the educational system’s weakness in the rest of the country greatly hampered the recruitment of qualified officers. At the time of independence in October 1960, there were only 57 Nigerian officers out of a total of 283. Since most of these officers came from the south, a new quota system was introduced to redress the region- al imbalance—50% of officers were to come from the north while 25% came from the east and the west.13 The speed of Nigerianisation was also greatly accelerated, so that by January 1966 Nigerian officers had replaced all British officers. However, this was achieved at the cost of introducing poorly educated officer cadets and hastily promoting young and inexperi- enced officers to the senior ranks.14 The lack of educational and career experience had a devastating impact on the officer corps’ discipline and cohesion. Many of the senior officers had been former NCOs who were quickly promoted to meet the desperate need for officers. They lacked the educational backgrounds of the younger generation of officers and were not respected by these officers. The junior officers in turn were raw and inexperienced, and lacked the respect of the NCOs under them.15 The coup and counter-coup of January and July 1966, which decimated the officer corps’ can also be directly linked to the Nigerian officer corps’ poor quality. On the other hand, the Argentine officer corps was a well-educated force with a long institutional history. The Colégio Militar (Military Acad- emy) had been established in 1870, and in 1900 the Escuela Superior de

13 Jimi Peters, The Nigerian Military and the State (London: I.B. Tauris, 1997), 79. 14 Federation of Nigeria, Official Gazettes, (1960-6), quoted in Robin Luckham, The Nigerian Military: A Sociological Analysis of Authority and Revolt 1960-67 (London: Cambridge University Press, 1971), 163. The massive influx of new officers and the rapid promotions resulted in a very young and inexperienced officer corps. In January 1966, 62% of the Nige- rian army’s combat officers were under the age of 25. Of the remainder 23% were between the ages of 25 to 29, 12% were between the ages 30 to 34, and only 3% were between the ages 35 to 44. Luckham, The Nigerian Military, 98; and Miners, The Nigerian Army, 126. 15 See Barret Lindsay, Danjuma: The Making of a General (Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishers, 1979), 21; and Gavin Kennedy, The Military in the Third World (London: Duck- worth, 1974), 78; Luckham, The Nigerian Military, 166-168. 148 conclusion Guerra (Senior Level War School) was created with German assistance. 16 Not only did the officer corps have educational skills equivalent to the civil- ian professions, but it began to perceive itself to be an elitist organization best able to run the country. The armed forces subsequent politicization resulted in repeated military governments between 1930 and 1983. The advent of military rule in Argentina, however, devastated the Argentine higher education system. Between 1966 and 1983 thousands of highly skilled teachers and researchers fled the country or were sent into exile. The military government persecuted and killed thousands of university students in the course of the “Dirty War”.17 The Argentine higher education system was clearly not an asset for military effectiveness in 1982. The military’s politicization also meant that the officers and men be- came embroiled in internal security, policing and state-terrorism activities, which drew them away from and diminished their capacity to train and function as a conventional armed force. Senior generals became bureau- crats and politicians more obsessed with political connections and nepo- tism than military professionalism.18 The Argentine conscripts too suffered from involvement in the “Dirty War”, but they also had institutional hurdles that prevented them from developing military skills. As was the case in Nigeria, in Egypt, the education system had been neglected during the Mamluk/Muhammad Ali Dynasty period (1805-1882) and the British colonial era (1882-1922).19 Until 1951, Egypt followed a class based two tiered education system. Elites had access to a primary school education leading to an academic secondary school and then on to univer- sity, or a professional higher college, but the masses only had access to an elementary education. Only during the Revolutionary Regime (1952-1975)

16 Frederick M. Nunn, “Effects of European Military Training in Latin America: The Origins and Nature of Professional Militarism in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru, 1890- 1940,” Military Affairs 39, no. 1 (Feb., 1975): 4. The school was modeled after the German Kriegsakademie. João Resende-Santos, Neorealism, States and the Modern Mass Army, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 203. 17 Inés Izaguirre, “Argentina,” Academe 85, no. 4 (Jul-Aug, 1999): 18-19. 18 Francisco Fernando de Santibañes, “The Effectiveness of Military Governments dur- ing War: The Case of Argentina in the Malvinas,” Armed Forces & Society 33, no. 4 (July 2007): 620-621. 19 Lord Cromer, the British consul-general in Cairo followed a deliberate policy of restricting the level of higher education in Egypt. He was determined to avoid the mistakes of India where an intellectual class inimical to British imperial interests had been formed. In Egypt Cromer wanted to emphasize elementary and technical education. Cromer to Strachey, April 3, 1906, Cromer Papers, United Kingdom, Public Records Office (PRO), Foreign Office, F.O. 633/VIII. conclusion 149 was a concentrated effort made to open up the system, but even then over- all quality did not improve appreciably. Between 1943 and 1953, the number of students enrolled in technical schools increased from 16,000 to 18,838.20 After the Revolution, the enrollments in technical schools increased to only 75,549.21 Military education lagged even further behind. A Military Technical Faculty was only set up in 1961 with a seven year curriculum to train managerial staffs of career military officers and civilian engineers.22As a result, the Egyptian army suffered a huge deficit in trained officers at the start of the 1973 War. In sharp contrast to Egypt, India inherited a comprehensive and capable education system from Britain in 1947. This system enabled India to obtain officers from a large pool of educated youth. The main problem that the Indian army faced was to make the armed forces an attractive career option in comparison to jobs in the civil sector, and to diversify the recruitment from traditional “martial” ethnic groups. From the mid-1960s, most high school graduates entering the Indian army came from lower middle class and rural class backgrounds.23 In 1971, the Indian armed forces clearly did not suffer from a dearth in educated manpower resources. Nor did the defense research and production facilities in the country lack skilled man- power. India’s comprehensive plans to build and develop research univer- sities after independence provided a steady stream of research staff to these institutions.24 A well-developed education system is essential to developing human resources for the military and the military industrial complex. The sci- ences and technology clearly play a huge part in this process. However, a symbiotic coexistence with a liberal arts education is also essential in order to ensure the development of independent thinkers with individual initia- tive—a key element in any military leadership program. This is a much harder catalyst to pin down as a contributor to military effectiveness, but as the examples of Britain, India and Israel have shown it is no less vital.

20 M.A. Faksh, “A Historical survey of the Education System in Egypt,” International Review of Education vol. 22, no. 2 (1976): 238-239. 21 Faksh, “A Historical survey of the Education system in Egypt,” 238. 22 Anouar Abdel-Malek, Egypt: Military Society: The Army Regime, the Left, and Social Change under Nasser, (New York: Random House, 1968), 177. 23 Pradeep P. Barua, Gentlemen of the Raj: The Indian Army Officer Corps 1815-1949 (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003), 151-153. 24 A. Rahman, “Universities and Scientific Research,” in The Higher Learning in India, eds. Amrik Singh and Philip B. Altbach (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing, 1974), 355-356. 150 conclusion The Military Institution

Colonial Heritage Earlier in the section on colonial heritage we discussed how the national- ity and duration of colonial rule had no effect on military effectiveness. The same, however, does not apply to the nature of the colonial military institution. Its character clearly has a significant impact upon the evolu- tion of the former colonial state’s military effectiveness. Nigeria highlights this clearly. Nigeria inherited what amounted to an armed constabulary force from the British in 1960. The force’s main purpose was internal secu- rity. It was also a small force of only 4 battalions and clearly not equipped or trained to fight as a conventional army. The colonial military institution’s characteristics that the Nigerian government inherited clearly had an im- pact on military effectiveness during the civil war. Argentina inherited a frontier fighting force structure from Spain in the eighteenth century. Under San Mártin’s leadership, this force temporarily expanded into a professional army during the war of independence that liberated south and north Latin America from Royalist control.25 The ex- pertise that the army gained under San Mártin was quickly lost, however, and in the many wars fought in the nineteenth century, culminating in the Paraguayan War of 1865-1869, the Argentine military (now including a small navy) developed along militia line with the use of regular troops as political and economic need allowed. Clearly the long disconnect with the colonial past meant that it would have little impact on the Argentine armed forces’ evolution. In 1900, the full-fledged embrace of the German- ization program meant that all connection with the colonial military sys- tem had been broken.26 Egypt experienced two very distinct types of colonial military systems prior to independence. The first was under Ottoman (Mamluk) control. Under Muhammad Ali, Egypt had one of the most modern and capable armies in the Middle East—the Nizam-I Cedid. The force was almost exclusively led by Mamluk and Circassian officers.27 When the British

25 Bartolemé Mitre, Historia de San Martín y de la emancipación sudamericana, vol. 1 (Buenos Aires: Editorial El Ateno, 1950): 76-77; Francisco O. Farinaccio, “San Martín at Chacabuco,” Military Review, 47, no. 2 (February 1967): 15-21. 26 Nunn, “Effects of European Military Training in Latin America,” 4. The school was modeled after the German Kriegsakademie. Resende-Santos, Neorealism, States and the Modern Mass Army, 203. 27 J.C. Hurewitz, “The Beginnings of Military Modernization in the Middle East: A Comparative Analysis,” Middle East Journal 22, no. 2 (Spring, 1968): 145-146. conclusion 151 entered Egypt in 1882, however, this army was disbanded. The Egyptian army that the British set up was little more than a police force for the Canal and internal security. Even after Egypt gained nominal independence in 1922, the British maintained a tight grip on the army. The bulk of the army was made up of uneducated fellahin (Egyptian peasants) and Nubians from Upper Egypt, while Turkish-Circassians and a few Egyptian elites contin- ued to make up the officer corps. The army saw no action during the Sec- ond World War and gained no combat experience.28 It is clear that in Egypt’s case the colonial military system was detrimental to its evolution as a competent fighting force. India inherited one of the oldest colonial military establishments in the world in 1947. The British established the first colonial forces in India in 1668 and from then on expanded them greatly during the wars of imperial conquest in India. These wars established the East India Company Army as a major military innovator in the nineteenth century.29 From the mid nineteenth century onwards, the colonial Indian army continued to see constant action culminating in the Second World War. By then, the Indian armed forces had developed into a major fighting force with its own army, navy and air force equipped and trained to fight conventional wars. The extensive battle experience in the war helped hone these skills.30More importantly, the Indian army inherited a vast pool of well trained and battle experienced officers to lead the army after independence.31 In India’s case the nature of the colonial military establishment clearly had a positive impact on its’ military effectiveness.

Organization, Structure and Training The previous section discussed how the colonial military organization impacted the military effectiveness of the state in question. This section deals with how these states organized, structured and trained their armed forces after independence. In Nigeria’s case there was very little time to bring about changes before the Biafran War began. As mentioned above, the Nigerian army was a small (4 battalion) sized light infantry force. In

28 Andrew McGregor, A Military History of Modern Egypt: From the Ottoman Conquest to the Ramadan War (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2006), 227-239. 29 Pradeep P. Barua, The State at War in South Asia, (Lincoln and London: The Univer- sity of Nebraska Press, 2005) 127. 30 Pradeep Barua, “Strategies and Doctrines of Imperial Defence: Britain and India, 1919-1947,” The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 25, no. 2 (May 1997): 240-266. 31 Barua, Gentlemen of the Raj, 130. 152 conclusion organization and training it was established as an internal security force. The army did little field craft training and stayed in its barracks most of the time. Its only operation deployments came as part of peace keeping op- erations in the Congo in 1960 and 1964, where the army shied away from combat and was plagued by discipline problems.32 The Nigerian army’s biggest weakness, however, was its flawed recruitment structure. The Brit- ish had followed a “martial races” recruitment system in Nigeria during the early colonial period. This system favored heavy recruitment of northern soldiers. In 1958, this system was altered in favor of a quota system to give more representation to other regions.33 The quota system’s creation, how- ever, only created tensions in the army’s ranks and helped fuel the northern soldiers’ July 1966 rebellion. The Argentine army that invaded the Malvinas in 1982 was one of the better equipped forces in Latin America, but it was inadequate for the task at hand. The Argentine army’s greatest organizational weakness was its conscription system. The soldiers were mostly one year recruits. Conscripts entered the army in March and ended their training cycle in October. They were then released from service in groups in November, December, January and next March—when the next batch arrived. The end result was that some conscripts served for as little as four months and only a few com- pleted their full twelve months of service.34 Attempts were made to replace raw recruits with reservists, but the ad hoc nature of the buildup on the island meant that only a few units could accomplish this in time for the conflict. The best trained units of the Argentine army, the 6th and 8th Mountain Brigades and 11th Cold Weather Brigade were left behind to guard the frontier with Chile.35 The 5th Marine Battalion, the only Argen- tine unit to have been exposed to NATO style training after it had engaged in a joint exercise with U.S. marines in Patagonia, was withdrawn from the Malvinas to the mainland after the initial invasion.36 However, all Argen- tine units deployed in the Malvinas were equipped and trained to fight as light infantry forces. Even Argentina’s best forces in the Malvinas, the 601st and 602nd Commando Companies, were trained and equipped to fight

32 N.J. Miner, The Nigerian Army, 1956-1966 (London: Methuen & Co., 1971), 75-88. 33 William Gutteridge, Military Institutions and Power in the New States (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965), 77. 34 Nora Kinzer Stewart, Mates & Muchachos: Unit Cohesion in the Falklands/Malvinas War (McLean, VA: Brassye’s, 1991), 45. 35 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 56. 36 Middlebrook, The Argentine Fight for the Falklands, 16-20. conclusion 153 lightly armed insurgents and not heavy NATO frontline infantry.37 Argen- tine ground forces lacked the training, experience and firepower to take on their British counterparts. The Argentine navy, like the army was hopelessly outclassed in the con- flict. In terms of structure and organization, the Argentine navy, despite being one of the largest in Latin America, was largely a coastal navy. It had seen no action in modern times and its only mobilization came in 1978 in the tension with Chile over the disputed Beagle Channel Islands. Its two principal surface combatants, the light aircraft carrier Vincente de Mayo and the gun cruiser General Belgrano, were obsolete World War Two era ships. The Argentine navy also did not have adequate anti-submarine as- sets to protect these vessels, nor did it seem to have the requisite training and expertise in submarine warfare. The Belgrano and her escorts pre- sented an easy target to the British submarine the Conqueror, which used line of sight unguided World War Two era Mk8 torpedoes to sink her. After this sinking, the Argentine surface fleet sat out the war in port. The Argen- tine navy’s 2 most capable fighting vessels the German Type 209 subma- rines the San Luis and the Salta, were ineffective due the navy’s inability to repair a faulty propeller on one and maintain the sophisticated fire con- trol computer on board the other vessel. Throughout the conflict, the Brit- ish were unable to detect the super quiet diesel submarines. The lack of adequate crew training and engineering expertise rendered these tremen- dous force multipliers useless for the Argentine navy. The one area in which the Argentines matched the British, in fighting spirit if not in equipment, was in the air. The Argentine air force (FAA) and the Argentine naval air arm, Comando de Aviacion Naval Argentina (COAN), both performed with great skill and bravery in the conflict. Both these forces were largely manned by professionals with considerable train- ing and experience, who had seen limited involvement in the “Dirty War”. Despite a huge technological and firepower gap versus the British, the air force and naval pilots pressed home their attacks with great courage and determination. As a consequence, the British, in spite of having the tre- mendous advantage of operating close to the Falklands and using the deadly American AIM-9L Sidewinder air-to-air missile were never able to obtain total air superiority.38

37 Héctor Rubén Simeoni, Malvinas: Contrahistoria (Buenos Aires: Editorial Inédita, 1984), 55. 38 Chris Hobson and Andrew Noble, Falklands Air War (Hinckley: Midland Publishing, 2002), 163-165. 154 conclusion By 1973 the Egyptian armed forces had undergone a remarkable rebuild- ing since the disastrous defeat of 1967. Constant conflicts with Israel and Europe in 1948, 1956 and 1967 had also enabled the Egyptians to build a considerable reservoir of battle experience, which they put to good use in planning for the October War. However, these gains also masked severe structural and training deficiencies. Tactically, the Egyptians showed them- selves to be proficient in the set piece planned battle. The crossing of the canal was a complex operation that highlighted model cooperation be- tween tanks, infantry and artillery. Units were thoroughly trained and knew exactly what to expect from the enemy during this phase of the bat- tle. However, once the battle plan was changed to an unplanned for of- fensive role, the cohesion fell apart and disastrous losses resulted. The Egyptian army was clearly hampered by the poor quality of its tactical formations, which proved to be inflexible to the needs of a rapidly chang- ing modern battle field. The individual initiative and tactical proficiency, that Brigadier Azmy and his 182nd Paratroop Brigade39 demonstrated, proved to be isolated examples. This poor tactical performance combined with a huge deficit in technology against the Israelis almost brought the war to a disastrous end for the Egyptians. The Egyptian air force (EAF) and air defense forces also suffered huge technological disadvantages. Additionally, their structure, which closely followed the Soviet model hamstrung them. Although the Soviets had equipped and trained the air force and air defenses, they lacked the com- prehensive array of weapon systems available to the Soviet forces in Eu- rope. The EAF for instance was equipped mainly with short range air-defense fighters. Although the pilots were well trained and had high morale, there were too few of them and attrition cut down their effective- ness. The EAF’s main mission was air-defense and it conducted very few offensive operations. Cooperation with ground forces was nonexistent, and the EAF had no impact on the ground war. The same tactical, technological and manpower deficiencies that plagued the army also affected the EAF. However, despite these problems, the EAF continued to fight with its dwin- dling manpower and aircraft resources.40 At the war’s beginning, the Egyptian navy recognizing that the Israeli coastal fleet of missile boats completely outclassed it, abandoned offensive

39 Trevor N. Dupuy, Elusive Victory: The Arab Israeli Wars, 1941-1974 (Fairfax, VA: Hero Books, 1984), 527-528. 40 Lon Nordeen and David Nicolle, Phoenix over the Nile: A History of Egyptian Air Power 1932-1994 (Washington: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1996), 296-298. conclusion 155 operations along the coast in favor of a long range interdiction effort. Egypt’s 6 Skory class Soviet built destroyers and 12 submarines were well suited for this purpose. The naval blockade completely halted all Israeli maritime activity in the Red Sea, and drastically cut down the number of ships visiting the Israeli Mediterranean ports.41 Despite this success, the Egyptian navy’s poor performance in the many coastal battles against at- tacking Israeli missile boats revealed it to be a poorly equipped and tech- nologically inferior force. As mentioned earlier, India’s armed forces had been in constant combat since World War Two, and this experience showed in 1971. The Indian armed forces in 1971 were also an all-volunteer force of professionals. In the aftermath of the Second World War, and in the course of the conflicts in 1948, 1962 and 1965, the Indian army had become acutely aware of its equip- ment and training limitations. Lessons learned during the Second World War had been relearned by the time of the 1971 War, and the army relied on these battle proven positional warfare doctrines.42 After the 1965 War, India began to acquire a large quantity of Polish and Soviet APCs and tanks, but this was a limited adoption. Out of a total organizational strength of 23 divisions and 8 independent brigades, only 1 tank division and 4 ar- mored brigades utilized mechanized infantry. Unlike Egypt which estab- lished no less than 2 armored and 3 mechanized divisions in 1973, the Indians were not interested in their infantry’s large scale mechanization in 1971. India’s battle plans were also well suited to its large infantry based army. In the east, East Pakistan’s jungle terrain was ideally suited to the swift outflanking maneuvers that the Indian infantry conducted.43 In the west, the army engaged in limited offensive operations to keep the Paki- stanis at bay.44 Key to the Indian army’s success on both fronts was a real- istic appreciation of its inability to undertake true combined arms operations. Indian army officers and men were well trained in this limited role and were thoroughly familiar and at ease with their weapon systems.

41 Major General Hassan El Badri, Major General Taha El Magdoub, and Major General Dia El Din Zody, The Ramadan War, 1973, with a foreword by Trever N. Dupuy, (Dunn Lor- ing, VA: T.N. Dupuy and Associates Inc., 1978), 166-167. 42 Barua, “Strategies and Doctrines of Imperial Defence,” 240-266. 43 Major General Sukhwant Singh, The Liberation of Bangladesh, vol. I (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1980), 91-92; K.C Praval, The Indian Army After Independence (New Delhi: Lancer International, 1987), 441; Lieutenant General JFR Jacob, Surrender at Dacca: Birth of a Nation (New Delhi: Manohar, 1997), 67-69. 44 Singh, The Liberation of Bangladesh, 10-13; Gurcharan Singh Sandhu, The Indian Armour: History of the Indian Armored Corps 1941-1971 (New Delhi: Vison Books, 1987), 431. 156 conclusion The Indian air force (IAF) too drew heavily from its past battle experi- ences, the 1965 War in particular. In 1971, the IAF was organized and trained to perform air defense, close air support and offensive air operations. The reorganization and training for close air support was particularly impor- tant during the 1971 War.45 In East Pakistan, the IAF’s close air support role and helicopter transport operations were instrumental in speeding up the advance to Dacca. In the west, the IAF maintained an effective air-defense and provided close air support to the army. At the same time, the IAF con- ducted a fairly effective interdiction campaign against Pakistani economic and strategic targets. By the war’s end, Pakistan’s oil reserves had been re- duced to a two week stock.46 Backed by a growing military-industrial com- plex which produced most of the major IAF combat aircraft, and by a large pool of well-educated and trained officers and men, the IAF was a formi- dable organization in the 1971 War. The Indian navy also grew in the 1960s to become one of the largest navies in Asia.47 In 1971, its missions included protecting Indian ports, blockading East and West Pakistan and destroying Pakistani shipping.48 In a series of complex operations, the navy achieved these goals. A carrier task force including the light carrier the Vikrant successfully shut down the port of Chittagong in East Pakistan and blockaded the coast. While in the west, an innovative and daring operation by Indian missile boats destroyed Pakistani naval ships and merchant vessels in the port of Karachi and suc- cessfully blockaded the Pakistani west coast. The Indian navy’s 1971 opera- tion clearly demonstrated that a well trained professional fighting force with able leadership could achieve remarkable results even with limited resources.

The Officer Corps A fundamental aspect of military effectiveness is the quality of a nation state’s officer corps. The size, level of training, education, and individual initiative are vital elements in establishing a viable officer corps. In Nigeria,

45 Air Chief Marshall P.C. Lal, My Years With the IAF (New Delhi: Lancer International, 1986), 139, 175-176. 46 Department of State, Sitrep, December 9, 1971, quoted in Richard Sisson and Leo E. Rose, War and Secession: Pakistan, India and the Creation of Bangladesh (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1990), 231, fn. 37. 47 Richard Sisson and Leo E. Rose, War and Secession: Pakistan, India and the Creation of Bangladesh (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1990), 192. Table 5.9. 48 Ravi Kaul, “The Indo-Pakistani War and the Changing Balance of Power in the Indian Ocean,” USNI Proceedings (May 1973): 186, 188. conclusion 157 the government of independent Nigeria in October 1960 had only 48 com- bat-commissioned officers and 2 non-combat commissioned officers in the army. By 1966, this number had grown to 330 combat-commissioned officer and 181 non-combat officers. This rapid increase was enabled by lowering standards and rapidly promoting inexperienced and unqualified officers.49 The officer corps also lacked cohesion. The early short service commis- sioned officers (now senior commanders) trained at Mons and Eaton were former NCOs with poor educational backgrounds. By contrast the post 1961 junior officers all had secondary school education and considered them- selves to be superior to the former NCO officers.50 The junior officers in turn lacked the experience and self-confidence to command the respect of the NCOs and men under their command.51 All officers, however, shared a lavish country club lifestyle devoid of any serious military training and exercises to hone their skills.52 The severe flaws in the Nigerian officer corps revealed itself in the inept conduct of the war by both sides. Argentina’s office corps dates back to the nineteenth century with the establishment of the Colégio Militar (Military Academy) in 1870. In 1900 the army’s “Germanization” saw additional training schools being set up, and the once poorly educated officer corps could now claim a level of edu- cation on par with other professions. This professionalization, however, came at the price of increased isolation from Argentine society. Officers could now only come from the Colégio Militar, and the 1916 the adoption of the German army’s honor code meant that a military tribunal would govern all Argentine officers, including retired officers. The end result was the creation of an elitist organization largely free of civilian control.53 In 1930, the army seized power from the civilian government and from then on the politicization of the officer corps became a serious impediment to training and professionalism. Senior officers took over government minis- tries and state companies. Promotions were governed not by merit, but by nepotism and political connections.54 The most serious blow to the officer

49 Federation of Nigeria, Official Gazettes, (1960-6), quoted in Robin Luckham, The Nigerian Military 1960-67 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971), 163. 50 See Lindsay, Danjuma: The Making of a General, 21; and Gavin Kennedy, The Military in the Third World (London: Duckworth, 1974), 78. 51 Luckham, The Nigerian Military, 166-168. 52 Robin Luckham, “Officers and Gentlemen of the Nigerian Army,” Transition, no. 39 (Oct 1971): 38-46. 53 Elizabeth B. White, German Influence in the Argentine Army, 1900 to 1945 (New York: Garland Publishing, 1991), 164-165. 54 Francisco Fernando de Santibañes, “The Effectiveness of Military Governments dur- ing War: The Case of Argentina in the Malvinas,” Armed Forces & Society 33, no. 4 (July 2007): 158 conclusion corps’ effectiveness came in 1976 with the commencement of the “Dirty War”. Under the pretext of waging war against guerillas, the junta used the armed forces to eliminate all political opposition to its rule. Many Argen- tine officers personally took part in the brutal interrogations and killings of many political prisoners. This involvement clearly dissipated the officer corps professionalism and deflected it from its routine military training roles. The utter incompetence of the Argentine army officer corps’ mid and senior levels in the Malvinas clearly highlights the damage that politiciza- tion wrought on the officer corps. Like Argentina, Egypt’s office corps was also politicized when the 1973 War began. However, the absence of major civil opposition meant that the Egyptian office corps was not engaged in conducting a “Dirty War” as in Argentina. Most of the Egyptian officer corps’ mid to junior ranks were free to concentrate on the task of training for conflict with Israel. The same, however, was not the case with the senior officers. Sadat did not trust the senior officer corps and had in fact purges it of Nasserite officers in 1971. He made senior appointments himself on the basis of political reliability, and he also constantly countermanded his generals. As a result after War Minister General Sadiq’s dismissal55, few senior officers offered honest advice. The Egyptian officer corps’ most pressing problem on the eve of the 1973 War, however, was the paucity of trained officers. The massive buildup of the Egyptian army from 1971 to 1973 left a huge deficit of officers. To correct this problem, the government used various measures including, creating a new junior rank of officers who received only a few months of training for particular tasks. Additional new officers came from 25,000 NCOs who were university graduates and given training to be officers. Some 10,000 univer- sity graduates were also commissioned as officers.56 These ad hoc mea- sures managed to fill the need for officers, but at the cost of quality. A poorly educated and trained junior officer corps and a politically ham- strung senior officer corps conspired to greatly reduce Egyptian units’ tac- tical efficiency in the 1973 War. Time and again once the main battle plan had been modified, officers proved unable to adapt and respond to the rapidly changing battle conditions. In India the officer corps’ build-up began in earnest after the First World War. At the end of the Second World War, the Indian army consisted of no

620-621. 55 Mohamed Heikal, The Road to Ramadan (New York: Ballantine Books, 1975), 184. 56 Shazly, Crossing of the Suez, 48-50. conclusion 159 less than 8,400 offices, many of them battle experienced and several of mid-level rank.57 After independence India’s officer corps (including the air force and navy) continued to grow and expand thanks to a well formed education system which supplied a large number of qualified applicants. Successive wars in 1948, 1962 and 1965 also honed the officer corps’ skills. Finally a stable parliamentary democracy meant that the Indian officer corps was apolitical and able to concentrate completely on training and preparing for war. Merit rather than political influence guided the officers’ success. In April 1971 when General Sam Manekshaw the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff rejected the Prime Minister’s demand for immediate action in East Pakistan, it marked the high water mark for the corps’ profession- alism.58 Although far from perfect, the Indian officer corps was a vital ele- ment in the successful campaign of 1971.

Foreign Intervention In the four conflicts discussed above, diplomacy is a vital aspect of military effectiveness. How a state manages its external relations has a telling im- pact upon the conduct of its military operations and the endurance of its war making abilities. In Nigeria, the conflict had a remarkable lack of for- eign intervention. The Federal government was successful in isolating the Biafran rebels from gaining much foreign support. Towards the end of the conflict, France began a limited airlift of arms in September 1968,59 but it was too little and too late, and could not alter the huge imbalance of for­ces and material on the ground. The Nigerian Federal government on the oth- er hand found a ready source of arms supply from the Soviet Union.60 Overall the lack of foreign interest in the Biafran War aided the Federal government. The Malvinas War saw both the combatants on the same side of the Cold War conflict’s diplomatic divide. Both Argentina and Britain were close allies of Washington. The Galtieri junta had worked closely with the Rea- gan administration and aided it greatly by providing training and assis- tance to the right wing Contra rebels of Salvador. In return, the Americans had lifted the arms embargo placed on the regime for human rights viola- tions. Galtieri himself was held in high esteem in Washington and Reagan

57 Barua, Gentlemen of the Raj, 130. 58 Field Marshal K M Cariappa Memorial Lectures, 1995-2000, 28-30. 59 John De St. Jorre, The Nigerian Civil War (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1972), 271. 60 Michael I. Draper, Shadows: Airlift and Airwar in Biafra and Nigeria, 1967-1970 (Alder- shot, Hants: Hikoki Publications, 1999), 75. 160 conclusion warmly received him during a November 1981 visit. The junta thought that the Americans had in effect given them tacit approval for the invasion.61In fact, the entire Argentine plan hinged on the flawed strategic belief that international opinion would favor Argentina in much the same way that the world had tacitly accepted the Indian seizure of Goa from Portugal in 1961. These hopes were dashed when on April 2nd the very day the main invasion force came ashore, the U.N. Security Council passed Resolution No. 502, which backed the British demand for cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of all Argentine forces. The U.S. not only voted for Resolu- tion 502, but also provided military assistance to their long-time ally Brit- ain. On May 13th the Americans agreed to provide to the British with 100 AIM9L sidewinders with 200 to come, 2 Phalanx point defense guns for the British carriers, and 200 Mk46 anti-submarine torpedoes. These shipments were flown into Ascension on the very next day of the 14th. The U.S. mili- tary also provided airstrip matting for Stanley airfield after it had been captured, Shrike anti-radiation missiles, Stinger man portable surface-to- air missiles, ammunition, helicopter engines, sonar equipment for British helicopters and temporary accommodations for many British troops in Ascension Island.62 In sharp contrast no western country, including the principal arms suppliers the French and the U.S., provided Argentina with any military assistance or expertise. Argentina’s inability to isolate Britain from international support clearly hampered its war effort. In the 1973 War, Egypt and Israel stood at opposite ends of the Cold War divide. Neither side could gain a significant diplomatic advantage as a re- sult. However, military assistance was another matter. Although the Soviets established resupply flights to the Egyptians, the massive American air-lift operation “Nickel Grass” that assisted the Israelis dwarfed the Soviet effort. The air-lift brought in immense quantities of ammunition especially 105mm tank rounds, TOW anti-tank missiles, Maverick TV guided air-to- surface missiles and Shrike radar homing missiles. In addition the Ameri- cans flew in M-60 tanks, 155mm and 175mm guns. The IAF also received 48 USAF Phantom II fighters and more than 50 A-4 Skyhawks directly from U.S. marine and navy squadrons. This massive infusion of equipment was instrumental in halting the Egyptian advance and enabling the Israelis to

61 Mark Falcoff, “The Falklands Conflict Revisited,” Global Affairs, (Winter 1990): 155; Juan Carlos Murguizur, “The South Atlantic Conflict: An Argentinean Point of View,” Inter- national Defense Review 16, no. 2 (February 1983): 135. 62 Lawrence Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign vol. II, (War and Diplomacy) (London: Routledge, 2005), 386-398. conclusion 161 sustain their own counter offensive.63 The intervention of a super power ally with greater political resolve and strategic airlift capability was a deci- sive element in the 1973 War. Diplomacy also played a crucial role in the Bangladesh War’s planning and conduct. As was the case with Egypt and Israel, India and Pakistan stood on opposite sides of the super power Cold War divide. As a member of The Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) and The Southeast Asia Trea- ty Organization (SEATO), Pakistan received considerable military assis- tance from the U.S. The Pakistani junta of General Yahya Khan enjoyed close ties with the Nixon administration. Yahya became an intermediary between the United States and China in 1969, and his cooperative attitude clearly impressed Nixon. In sharp contrast, Nixon (and Kissinger) detested the Indian leader Indira Gandhi and saw non-aligned India as being an impediment to U.S. interests in the Cold War.64 However, Pakistan’s brutal crackdown in East Pakistan turned other western governments and the American public against the junta. As a result, the Nixon administration was unable to provide any direct military assistance to Pakistan during the war. Instead, it facilitated arms transfers from third countries like Jordan.65 These small transfers did little to shift the military balance during the swift two week war. India’s super power ally in 1971 was the Soviet Union. Indian war plans in early 1971 were designed specifically to take into account the limited time available for any offensive action in East Pakistan due to world reac- tion. However, the signing of the Indo-Soviet Friendship Treaty on August 9, 1971 changed the strategic equations. India now had a firm ally among the UN Security Council’s permanent members. Furthermore, the treaty of friendship guaranteed the security of India’s northern flank against Chi- nese aggression in support of Pakistan. By November 1971, India’s war plans were modified to seize all of East Pakistan. During the war India needed little military assistance as its own military industrial complex and war reserves were more than adequate to keep its forces supplied. During the war the Russians used their veto in the Security Council to stop a ceasefire resolution and ships of the Soviet Pacific Fleet sailed to the Bay of Bengal

63 Walter J. Boyne, The Yom Kippur War and the Airlift That Saved Israel (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2003), 156-168, 209-211. 64 Robert Dallek, Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power (New York: Harper Collins, 2007), 335-340. 65 National Security Council Memorandum for Henry Kissinger, “Jordanian Transfer of F-104s to Pakistan,” NPMP. 162 conclusion to counter the U.S. carrier task force deployment to the region.66 India’s careful management of its diplomatic ties helped keep Pakistan isolated and vulnerable during the 1971 War.


The individual complexity of these four nation states’ responses to the comparative criteria of Colonial Heritage, Type of Government, Resources, Military Institutional History, and Foreign Intervention, reinforces the fact these countries evolved their own unique pathways to military effective- ness. The key variables that affected that military effectiveness were the military institutions’ maturity and skill sets, the availability and manage- ment of human and material resources, and the quality of both civil and military leadership. Thus any attempt to lump these nations into a single typology for military effectiveness would be grossly inaccurate.

66 Dallek, Nixon and Kissinger, 342, 344. bibliography 163


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Aba 14 Antelope (Royal Navy frigate) 37 Abagana 14, 16 Antrim (Royal Navy destroyer) 34, 37 Abu Hamad 76 Arabian Sea 128 Abubakar, Sir Tafawa Balewa (Nigerian Ardent (Royal Navy frigate) 37 Prime Minister) 9 Argonaut (Royal Navy frigate) 37 Abukaliki 12 Arrow (Royal Navy frigate) 36, 39 Abohar 100 Artillery Road 58, 61-62, 66-67 Aboukir Bay 74 Ascension Island 33-34, 49 Adan, Major General Avraham “Bren” Ashuganj 115-116 (162nd Israeli Division commander) 64, Asia 2 68-70, 72, 78, 81-82, 87 Aslam, Brigadier (53rd Pakistani Brigade Adekunle, Colonel Benjamin (Nigerian commander) 118 Army) 16 Assal Uttar 137 Afghanistan 130 Ataullah, Brigader (93rd Pakistani Afifi, Brigadier General Yussef Independent Brigade commander) 109 (19th Egyptian Infantry Division Atgram 116 commander) 71-72, 83 Atlantic Conveyor (merchant ship) 32, Africa 2 37-38 Agartala 115 Atomic Energy Commission (India) 131 Agra 124 Anupgarh 99, 100 Agranat Commission 90 Aurora, Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh Ahmed, Brigadier Manzoor (57th Pakistani (General Officer Commanding Indian Brigade commander) 111-112 Eastern Command) 110, 121, 135 Ajnala 100 Australia 23 Akavish Road 67-68, 81 Avantipur 124 Akhaura 115, 117 Awami League 132 Akhnur 1-3, 98-100 Azcueta, Captain (Argentine Submarine Akintola, Chief (Nigerian Minister of commander) 35 Finance) 9 Azmy, Colonel Ismail (182nd Egyptian Al Mansourah 75-77 Parachute Brigade commander) 70, Alacrity (Royal Navy frigate) 36 81, 83 AMAN (Israeli Directorate of Military Intelligence) 60 Bab el Mandab Strait 79 Amba (Indian Navy Submarine Depot Badaber 134 Ship) 128 Badawi, Brigadier General Ahmad Ambala 124 (7th Egyptian Infantry Division Amritsar 99, 103; airbase 124 commander) 72 Anand, Major General R.D.R. (11th Indian Bahiá Paraíso (Argentine Navy patrol Infantry Division commander) 107 ship) 26 Anaya, Admiral Jorge Issac (Argentine Bakan 101 Naval Chief) 25, 49 Bakshi, Major General Zorawar Andaman and Nicobar Islands 126 (26th Indian Infantry Division Aniebo, Colonel (Biafran Army) 18 commander) 103 Ansari, Major General M.H. (9th Pakistani Baldini, Second Lieutenant Juan (‘B’ Infantry Division commander) 108, Company 7th Argentine Regiment) 42, 110, 112 51 172 index

Baltim 79 Brooks, Risa (author) 7 Baluchistan 132 Buenos Aires 26, 29, 47, 52-54 Baluza 65 Burghail 101 Bamial 103 Burma 130 Bangladesh 96, 108-109, 131 Busa 19 Bani Suwayf 75 Buzos Tácitos (Argentine Navy Underwater Bar Lev Line 58-59, 61-62 Demolition Unit) 26 Barmer 107 Bari Doab Canal, Upper 100 Cabo San Antonio (Argentine Navy landing Baripand 106 ship) 27, 32 Barisal 127 Cairo 69, 70, 72 Barsala 102 Calabar 13, 16, 18 Bay of Bengal 126 Calcutta 110, 127 Ben Gurion, David (Israeli Defense Cameroon 14 Minister) 90 Camilla Creek 39 Beagle Channel Islands 153 Camilla House 39 Beersheba 61 Camp Marcus 80 Bein River 104-105 Canada 23 Belize 30 Canberra (cruise liner) 31-32 Belonia 118 Cardiff (Royal Navy destroyer) 31 Bengal Army 4 CENTO (Central Treaty Organization) 133, Benin 13-15 161 Benítez, Private Horatio (‘A’ Company 3rd Centurión, Second Lieutenant Gomez Argentine Regiment) 50 (‘C’ Company 12th Argentine Berkeley Sound 36 Regiment) 40 Berlin West Africa Conference (1884- Chaamb 98-101, 103-104, 108, 135 1885) 19 Chachro 108 Bewoor, Lieutenant General G.G. (General Chakra 105 Officer Commanding Indian Southern Chak Pandit 102 Command) 99, 107 Chalna 109, 127 Bhaduria 113-114 Chamberlain, Joseph (British Colonial Bhairab Bazar 108, 115-117 Secretary) 19 Bhawalpur 98 Chandanga 111 Bhimbar 101 Chandina 118 Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali (Pakistani Peoples Chandpur 118, 127 Party leader) 132 Chandpur Road 117 Bikaner 107 Charkhai 113, 116 Bluff Cove 41 Chatterjee, Admiral A.K. (Chief of Naval Boca House 39 Staff India) 126 Bogra 96, 108, 113-114 Chenab river 98, 100, 103 Bonny Island 12 Chhatak 116 Bombay 127 “Chicken’s Neck” 103 Borgu 19 Chile 29, 53, 143, 152 Botzer 69 Chimival 101 Brahmanbaria 115-116 China 1-2, 99, 129, 144, 161 Brahmaputra River 110; chotta (small) 120 Chinese 97, 109, 122, 136, 161 Brahmins 4 Chinese Farm 64, 67-69, 81 Brar, Major General M.S. (4th Indian Chittagong 108-109, 117, 119, 127-128, 156 Infantry Division commander) 110 Chubut 27 Bristol (Royal Navy destroyer) 31 Circassians 88, 150-151 Brilliant (Royal Navy frigate) 31 Clausewitz 129 Broadsword (Royal Navy frigate) 31, 33 Cold War 97, 161 index 173

Colégio Militar 53, 147, 157 El Tasa 64-65, 67-68 Comilla 108-109, 115, 117-119 Elazar, Lieutenant General David (Israeli Congo 20, 152 Chief of Army Staff) 60, 76 Conqueror (Royal Navy nuclear attack Endurance (Royal Navy patrol ship) 26, 34 submarine) 35, 153 England 88 Corrientes 29, 53, 143, 152 Enugu 10-13, 16, 142 Cordón, Major Ricardo (‘C’ Company 4th ERP (People’s Revolutionary Army) 55 Argentine Regiment) 42-43 Escuela Superior de Guerra (Senior Level Council for Scientific Research (India) 131 War School) 53, 148 Coventry (Royal Navy destroyer) 31, 37-38 ESMA (Naval Mechanics School) 55 Cox’s Bazar 119 Esteban, First Lieutenant Carlos Crespo, Brigadier General Ernesto H. (Argentine Army) 36, 47 (Argentine Air Force Southern District Estevez, Lieutenant Roberto (‘C’ commander) 47 Company 12th Argentine Regiment) 39-40, 51 Dacca 109, 115-116, 119-122, 125, 139, 156 Ethiopia 20, 23 Dacca (Pakistani Navy oil tanker) 128 Exeter (Royal Navy destroyer) 31 Dakatia River 118 Darh 103 Fanning Head 36, 47 Darsana 111 Fardikot 100 Darwin 36, 38-39 Faridpur 111-112 Darwin, Charles 4 FAR (Revolutionary Armed Forces) 55 Darwin, Hill 39 “Felahin” 88, 151 Daska 98 Fenchuganj 116 Daudkandi 115, 119 Feni 117 Daulat Nagar 101 Fergusson, Niall (author) 3 Davidoff, Constantino (Argentine scrap Fitzroy Bay 41 merchant) 26 France 14, 88, 145 Dayalchak 103 Free Officers 92 Dayan, Moshe (Israeli Defense French 17, 19, 53, 88, 122, 144 Minister) 75 Faruk I, King (King of Egypt) 88 Degh Lake 104 Dehrla 105 Gakem 12 Deoli 105 Galkin, Colonel M.I. (Soviet Army) 5-6, Dera Baba Nanak 99-100 142 Deversoir 64, 66, 69, 77, 78, 81 Galtieri, General Leopoldo Fortuna Dewa 102 (Argentine dictator) 25-26, 45, 142, 159 Dhamtal 105 Gamassay, Lieutenant General Mohamed Dunajpur 113-114 Ali (Egyptian Director of Military Dinanagar 103 Operations) 59, 68 “Dirty War” 54-56, 148, 153, 158 Gangasagar 100, 115 Domar 113 Ganges River 112-113 Drumond (Argentine Naval frigate) 31 Garai River 112 “Dugman V” 74-75 Geneifa Hills 69, 78 Dwarka 127 General Belgrano (Argentine Navy gun cruiser) 27, 35, 48, 153 East India Company 129 German 53, 91, 148, 145, 157 Eaton Hall 22-23, 157 German Cameroon 19 Effiong, Colonel Phillip (Biafran Army) 15 German East Africa (Tanganyika) 19 Eilat 78 Gharial (Indian Navy tank landing Eilat (Israeli Navy destroyer) 86 ship) 119 El Adanbiya 80 Ghazi (Pakistani submarine) 129 174 index

Ghazipur 116 Hassan, Abdel Khader (Egyptian Deputy Giachino, Lieutenant Commander Pedro Minister of War) 58, 89, 143 (Argentine Navy) 28 Hausa 9, 21 Gibraltar 33 Harar Kalan 105 Gidi Pass 58, 63, 65 Hayat, Brigadier Makhmad (107th Gill Ferry 99-100 Pakistani Brigade commander) 112 Gill, Major General Gurbaksh Singh Hebrew University 91 (101st Indian Communication Zone Hemu 116 commander) 110, 119-120 Hércules (Argentine Navy destroyer) 27 Glasgow (Royal Navy destroyer) 31 Hermes (Royal Navy aircraft carrier) 31-32 Glover, Lieutenant John Hawley (Royal Hilli 96, 113-114 Navy) 18 Hira, Major General R.D. (23rd Indian Golan 60, 74, 76 Mountain Division commander) 117-118 Golda Meir (Prime Minister of Israel) 66, Hunt, Sir Rex (Falkland’s Governor) 28 87 Hussainiwalla 99 Goose Green 34, 36, 38-40, 49, 52 Hyderabad 107 Gonen, General Shmuel “Gorodish” (General Officer Commanding Israeli Ibos 9, 21 Southern Command) 63-64, 68, 81, 87 Indian Council for Agricultural Gonsalves, Major General B.F. (57th Indian Research 131 Mountain Division commander) 115-116 Indian Council for Medical Research 131 Gowon, Lieutenant Colonel Yakubu Indian Institute of Technology 131 (Nigerian Army) 10 Indian National Congress 130 Indira Gandhi (Prime Minister of Gracey, General Sir Douglas (Commander India) 95, 129, 133, 138, 144, 161 in Chief Pakistan) 130 Inshas 76 Grand Trunk Road 99 Invincible (Royal Navy aircraft carrier) 31- “Granite” 57-58 33 Gránville (Argentine Navy frigate) 31 Ironsi, General Aguiyi (Nigerian Army) 9, Great Bitter Lake 63-64 21 Greece 3 Islamkot 108 Greeks 3 Islas de los Estados (Argentine Navy Grytviken 26-27 support ship) 27 Guerrico (Argentine Navy frigate) 27, 31 Ismail, General Ahmed (Egyptian Minister Gujranwalla 98 of War) 58, 65, 67-68, 70, 79 Guldar (Indian Navy tank landing Ismailia 69-70, 72, 81, 83, 87 ship) 119 Italians 20 Gulf War 1 Italy 130 Gurdaspur 99, 100, 103 Garibpur 113 Jaisalmer 98, 107 Gurkha (town) 103 Jalalabad 100 Gurkhas 5, 21 Jalapur Jattan 101 Gustavus Adolphus (King of Sweden) 1 Jamalpur 108, 120 Gwader 128 Jaminet, Major Oscar (‘B’ Company 6th Argentine Regiment) 42 Haifa 91 Jammu 100, 103-104 Hangor (Pakistani Navy submarine) 128 Jammu and Kashmir 99 Hanson, Victor Davis (author) 3 Jamshed, Major General Mohammad Hardinge Bridge 112 (36th Pakistani Infantry Division Harinadanga 112 commander) 120 Harolikar, Colonel Arun B. (4/5 Gurkha Japan 2 Battalion commander) 116 Jarpal 106, 137 index 175

Jaurian 100 Khutamia 75 Jessore 108, 111-112 Kirpan (Indian Navy frigate) 128 Jhanada 101 Kissinger, Henry (U.S. Secretary of Jhangar 99 State) 161 Jhenida 108, 111-112 Knox, Mcgregor (author) 6 Jianklis 75 Kotchandpur 111 Jibanagar 110-111 Kler, Brigadier Hardev Singh (95th Indian Jiwani 128 Mountain Brigade) 119 Jofre, General Oscar Luis (10th Argentine Krishnarao, Major General K.V. (8th Indian Brigade commander) 29, 45, 51 Division commander) 116-117 Jones, Lieutenant Colonel H. (2nd British Kurigram 113 Parachute Battalion) 39 Kushtia 111 Jordan 134, 161 Kutch 107 José San Martín 52-53, 150 Ladakh 99 Kaduna 10, 142 Lagos 10, 142 Kaliakair 121 Lahore 98-99, 107 Kaligunj 111 Lake Timsah 70 Kamalpur 96, 120 Lakekan 67, 69, 82 Kamarkhali 112 Lakhya River 119 Kanuri 21 Laksham 118 Karachi 99, 107, 124, 127-128, 156 Lal, Air Marshal P.C. (Indian Air Force Karir Lake 104-105 commander) 123 Kathua 100 Lalmonir Hat 113 Kashmir 96, 98-99, 124 Lateral Road 58, 64 Kasur 100 Lexicon Road 66-67, 69 Kaulaura 116 Lohal 106 Keegan, John (author) 3 Lombardo, Rear Admiral José (Argentine Kenya 30 Chief of Naval Operations) 25, 49 Khaiber (Pakistani Navy destroyer) 127-128 Longenwalla 107, 134 Khambatta, Major General R.F. Luckham, Robin (author) 24 (12th Indian Infantry Division Luftwaffe 97, 122 commander) 107 Lugard, Colonel Frederick J.D. (West Khan, Lieutenant General, Abdul Hamid African Frontier Force commander) 19 (Chief of Army Staff Pakistan) 108 Khan, General Ayub (Pakistani Madhopur 99, 103 dictator) 130-134 Madhumati River 111-112 Khan, Major General Efthikar (23rd Magen, Brigadier General Kalman (took Pakistani Infantry Division command of 252nd Israeli Division commander) 101, 103 after the death of General Mandler) 69, Khan, Major General Mohammed Rahim 71-72, 80, 82 (39th Pakistani Division) 117 Magura 110-111 Khan, Major General Yahya (Pakistani Mahastan 114 dictator) 95, 129, 132-134, 138, 161 Main Bazar 118 Khan Lieutenant General Irshad Ahmed Majdia 110 (1st Pakistani Corps commander) 104 “Majors Coup” (Nigeria 1966) 9, 21 Kharla 99 Makran 128 Khatima 58 Malik, Dr. A.M. (Governor East Khem Karan 99 Pakistan) 125 Khetal 113 Malik, Major General Abdul Ali Khukri (Indian Navy frigate) 128 (8th Pakistani Infantry Division Khulna 109, 111-112 commander) 104 176 index

Mamluks 88, 148, 150 Mount Tumbledown 41, 43-45 Mamoun, General Saad el Din (2nd Mount William 41, 43-44 Egyptian Army commander) 61 Mubarak, Air Marshal Hosni (Egyptian Air Manawar 101 Force commander) 76 Mandiala 101, 102 Muhammad Ali (Egyptian ruler) 88, 92, Mandler, Major General Albert 150 (252nd Israeli Armored Division Muhammad Ali Dynasty (1805-1882) 148 commander) 61, 63-64 Mukti Bahini (East Pakistani Manekshaw, General Sam (Chief of Army insurgents) 96, 115 Staff India) 95, 138, 144, 159 Munawar Tawi 100 Manresa, First Lieutenant Antonio Murray, Williamson (author) 6-7 (‘A” Company 12th Argentine Muzafarganj 118 Regiment) 39 Mymensingh 108-109, 120-121 Mar del Plata 36 Mynamati Hills 118; cantonment 119 Marathas 5 Mysore (Indian Navy gun cruiser) 127 Marshall, Andrew W. (Office of Net Assessment) 6 Nagar Pakar 108 Massera, Admiral Emilio (Argentine Naval Nagra, Major General G.C. (took command Chief) 25, 55, 142 of 101st Communication Zone after Mattewalla 101 General Gill was injured) 120-121 Maulvi Bazar 116-117 Nala 101 Mauripur 124 Nanda, Admiral S.M. (Chief of Naval Staff Matzmed 64, 66-67, 69, 81 India) 126 Maurice of Nassau 1 Narowal 104 Meghna River 110, 115-116, 119, 125 Narsingdi 116 Menéndez, Brigadier General Mario Nasser, Colonel Gamal ábd al- (Egyptian Benjamin (Malvinas Governor) 29, Junta leader) 88-89 38, 45 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Mercedes 38 Organization) 30, 134, 153 Meron, Brigadier General Menachim Nator 108, 113-114 (440th Israeli Division commander) 72 Naya Chor 107-108, 124, 135 Military Assistance Program (MAP) 134 Nawabgunj 113 Millet, Allan R. (author) 7 Nehru, Jawaharlal (Prime Minister of Mirpur 101, 121 India) 130 Mirzapur 105 Niazi, Lieutenant General Amir Abdullah Mitla Pass 58, 63, 65 Khan (General Officer Commanding Mohammed, Colonel Murtala (2nd Pakistani Eastern Command) 108-110, Nigerian Division commander) 14 121, 125 Mons 22-23, 157 “Night of the Long Canes” 54 Montevideo 25 Nixon Administration 134, 161 Montgomery 98, 100 Nixon, Richard (U.S. President) 161 Montoneros 55 “Nizam-I Cedid” 88, 150 Moody Brook 28 North Africa 130 Moore, Major General Jeremy (British North West Frontier 132 Falklands commander) 45 Northern Ireland 30 Morapara 113 Nsukka 12 Morocco 20 Mount Carmel 90 Obudu 12 Mount Challenger 41 Ogoja 12 Mount Harriet 41, 43, 52 Ogunga 12 Mount Kent 40 Ojukwu, Colonel C. Odumegwu (Biafran Mount Langdon 41-42, 44 leader) 10, 15, 18, 142 index 177

Okhra 98, 100 Prabhu, Major General B.R. (39th Indian Olehi, Major E. (Biafran Army) 17 Infantry Division commander) 103, 105 Onitsha 13-15, 17 Punjab 21, 99, 132, 135 “Operation Alfa” 26-27 Punta Medanos (Argentine fleet “Operation Azul” 27-28, 45-47 tanker) 49 “Operation Corporate” 30 “Operation Moked” 73, 137 Qadir, Brigadier Abdul (93rd Pakistani “Operation Nickel Grass” 66, 77, 160 Brigade commander) 120 “Operation Rosario” 25, 27 Qazi, Major General Abdul Majid “Operation Searchlight” 95, 139 (14th Pakistani Infantry Division “Operation Valiant” 64 commander) 108, 115 Oweri 14 Queen Elizabeth II (ocean liner) 31 Queens University Belfast 1 Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) 132 Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) 132 Rahim Yar Khan 98, 106-107 Palanwala 102 Rahman, Sheikh Mujibur (Bengali Muslim Pathankot 100 Party leader) 95, 132 Parada, Brigadier General Omar (3rd Raina, Lieutenant General T.N. (2nd Indian Argentine Brigade commander) 29, 52 Corps commander) 110 Paraguyan War 53, 150 Raipura 116 Parbat ali 107 Raja Tal 99 Parker, Geoffrey (author) 2 Rajauri 99 Pasni 128 Raja, Major General K.H. (East Pakistan Patagonia 27, 43, 152 Garrison commander) 95 Pathankot 124 Rajasthan 99, 107-108, 124, 135 Pebble Island 35 Rajputs 5 Peel Commission 4 Ram Mohan 118 Peel Report 5 Ramgarh 98, 104-105 Peled, Lieutenant General Benjamin Rana, Brigadier I.A. (313th Pakistani “Benny” (Israeli Air Force Brigade commander) 117 commander) 75-76 Rangpur 108, 113-114 Peronist 54 Ranwar 107 Peru 53 Ras Adabiya 71-72 Peshawar 134 Ravi River 100, 103 Piaggi, Lieutenant Colonel Italo (12th Rawlley, Lieutenant General N.C. (16th Argentine Infantry Regiment Indian Corps commander) 99 commander) 38-40, 52 Reagan Administration 26, 159 Pinto, Major General W.A.G. (54th Indian Reali Gymnasium 91 Infantry Division commander) 103, 105 Red Sea 79-80, 155 Pirganj 113-114 Refidim 61 “Plan Badr” 58-59 Río Gallegos 32 “Plan Dominique” 75 Río Grandé airbase 32; marine base 42 “Plan Goa” 25, 142 Roberts, Michael (author) 1-2 “Plan Negiha” 75 Roca, Juan (Argentine President) 54 “Plan Srita” 75 “romeo force” 119 “Plan Tagar” 74-75 Rosen, Count Carl Von (Swedish Plymouth (Royal Navy frigate) 34 Polish 97 aviator) 12, 14 Poonch 98 Rosetta 79 Port Harcourt 11, 13-16 Russian 73 Port Said 78 Port Stanley 26, 28, 33-34, 36, 38, 40-41, Sadat, Anwar (President of Egypt) 57-58, 45-48 67-68, 70, 81, 86, 89, 90, 143-144 178 index

Saidpur 114 Siliguri 113 Salihiya 76 Silva, Second Lieutenant Oscar (4th Saliq, Lieutenant Colonel Siddique Argentine Regiment) 44 (author) 96, 109 Simón Bolivar 53 Salta (Argentine Navy submarine) 31, 35, Sinai 57-59, 64, 66, 68, 70, 74-75, 79-82 145-146, 153 Sinai Organization 71 Samba 99-100, 103-105 Sind 124, 132 Samsher Nagar 116 Singh, Brigadier Avtar (54th Indian San Carlos Bay 36-37, 41 Artillery Brigade commander) 106 San Julián 32 Singh, Brigadier Mohinder (19th Indian San Juan (Argentine Navy submarine) 46 Infantry Brigade commander) 103 San Luis (Argentine Navy submarine) 31, Singh, Lieutenant Colonel Hanut (17th 35-36, 49, 145-146, 153 Poona Horse commander) 106 Sandhurst (Royal Military Academy) 22-23 Singh, Lieutenant General K.K. (1st Indian Santa Cruz (Argentine Navy Corps commander) 99, 100; Director of submarine) 46 Military Operations 103-104, 109, 135 Santa Fé (Argentine Navy submarine) 34 Singh, Lieutenant General Sagat (4th Sarmiento, Domingo (President of Indian Corps commander) 110, 115-116 Argentina) 54 Singh, Lieutenant General Sartaj (15th Sapelle 15 Indian Corps commander) 99 Sapper hill 41, 44-45 Singh, Major General Balwant (36th Indian Santísima Trinidad (Argentine Navy Infantry Division commander) 103 destroyer) 27, 31 Singh, Major General Dalbir (9th Indian Saraj chak 106 Infantry Division commander) 111-112 Sargodha 122, 124 Singh, Major General Jaswant (10th Indian SEATO (South East Asia Treaty Infantry Division commander) 100-102 Organization) 133, 161 Singh, Major General Lachman Second World War 19, 123, 130, 141, 151, 155 (20th Indian Mountain Division Senegal 19 commander) 113-114 Sepoy Mutiny 4 Singh, Swaran (Indian Defense Shabazpur 105 Minister) 126 Shadipur Ferry 117 Sino-Vietnamese War 1 Shah, Major General Nazar Hussain Sir Galahad (Royal Navy landing ship) 41 (16th Pakistani Infantry Division Sir Tristram (Royal Navy landing ship) 41 commander) 108, 113 Siris (oil tanker) 80 Shakargarh 98, 100, 103; bulge 104-105, 108, Six Day War 72 124, 134-136 South Georgia 26, 28, 34, 143 Shallufah 70 Soviet 5, 73, 85, 96-98, 122-123, 126, 136, 146, Sharon, Major General Ariel (142nd Israeli 154, 160-161 Division commander) 64, 66, 72, 81, 87 Soviet Union 109, 134, 144, 146, 161 Sharif, S.M. (Pakistani Education Spain 52, 141 Secretary) 131 Srinagar 99, 124 Shazly, General Saad El (Chief of Army Stanley, Elizabeth (author) 7 Staff Egypt) 57; Army Chief 58-59, 65, Steiner, Rolf (German mercenary) 18 67, 70, 86, 89, 143-144 Sudan 19 Sheffield (Royal Navy destroyer) 31, 35 Suez Canal 58, 62-64, 66, 68, 70, 74-75, 79, Shillong 110, 119 80-82 Shivalik Mountain Range 100 Suez City 69-72, 82-83, 87, 144 Shorkot 124 Sukarno (President of Indonesia) 126 “Shovach Yonim” 61 Supwal ditch 106 Sicily 20 Suratgarh 99 Sikhs 5, 21 Surma River 116-117 index 179

Sutlej river 100 Uri 99 Swaroop, Brigadier Anand (83rd Indian Uribiru, General José Felix (Argentine Brigade) 119 dictator) 54 Sweet Water Canal 69-70 Uruguay 29 Sylhet 108-109, 115-117, 135 Uttrali 124 Syrian 60, 62, 76 Vázquez, Sub-Lieutenant Carlos (‘N’ “Tahrir” 59 Company 5th Argentine Marine Talata 66 Battalion) 44 Tamari, Brigadier General Dovic (Israeli Victorian Britain 4 Army) 71 Vietnam 1, 144 Tangail 120, 125, 135 Vietnam Wars (first and second) 1 Tanot 107 Vikrant (Indian Navy aircraft carrier) 127, Tanta 76-77 128, 156 Tashkent Agreement 98 Vincente de Mayo (Argentine Navy aircraft Tawi river 101-102 carrier) 27, 32, 34, 153 Technion 91 Vishakapatnam 129 Televisa 66 Vishwa Vijay (merchant ship) 119 Tezgaon 124-125 Viola, General Roberto (Argentine Thapan, Lieutenant General M.L. (33rd dictator) 25, 142 Indian Corps commander) 110-113 Virwah 107 Thatcher, Margaret (British Prime Minister) 4 War of Attrition 71, 73-74, 78, 89 “The High Minarets” 57 War of the Triple Alliance 55 Tierra del Fuego 42-43 Washington D.C. 133 Tirtur Road 67-69, 81 Wattman, Kenneth H. (author) 7 Titas Bridge 115 Weizman Institute 91 Tithwal 99 West African Pilot (newspaper) 23 Tiv 21 Wireless ridge 41, 44-45 Turag 121 World War One 19, 130, 158 Two Sisters 41-42, 44 World War Two 50, 97, 153

Ughelli 15 Yaguri, Colonel Assaf (190th Israeli Um Kusheiba 63 Armored Brigade commander) 64 Umahia 14-15 Yoruba 21 Umarkot 107 Unegbe, Colonel Arthur (Nigerian Zabid, Major General Abid Ali Army) 9 (15th Pakistani Infantry Division U.N. (United Nations) 72 commander) 104 U.N. Security council 28, 96, 161 Zafarwal 104-106, 136 United States (U.S.) 23, 45, 97, 122, 129, 134, Zahal 90 142, 144-145, 162 Zekry, Admiral Fuad (Egyptian navy) 78 USAF (United States Air Force) 6, 78 Zeria, Major General Eli (Israeli Director of University Grants Commission (India) 131 Intelligence) 60 Uparla 101 Zionist 91 Urabi, Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad (Egyptian Army) 88 180 index