American University University of Puget Sound Bennington College Bentley University Maritime Academy Bowdoin College California Polytechnic State University University of California, Berkeley University of California, Davis University of California, Los Angeles Dartmouth College University of California, San Diego University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, Santa Cruz Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Chapman University Boston College College of Charleston Claremont McKenna College Cornell University University of Colorado at Boulder Brown University CATE Yale University Cornell University University of Michigan The Culinary Institute of America Barnard College The Culinary Institute of America Dartmouth College Columbia University University of Denver Duke University University of Chicago University of Edinburgh Elon University Emmanuel College University of Pennsylvania Emory University Endicott College Dickinson College Franklin and Marshall College Johns Hopkins University The George Washington University University of California, Berkeley Georgetown University Purdue University Georgia Institute of Technology University of San Francisco , NY Harvard University Georgetown University Haverford College Santa Clara University Hobart and William Smith Howard University Johns Hopkins University Juniata College King’s College London Lehigh University Lewis & Clark College Macalester College Wake Forest University Institute of Technology McGill University University of Miami Davidson College University of Michigan Missouri University of Science and Technology New York University University of California, Santa Barbara Colorado College CATE The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Emory University Northwestern University NYU Shanghai Claremont McKenna College Georgia Intstitute of Technology Occidental College University of Oregon Harvey Mudd College University of the Pacific University of Pennsylvania University of Southern California Pomona College University of Puget Sound University of California, San Diego Purdue University Rhode Island School of Design University of Richmond University of San Diego University of San Francisco Santa Barbara City College Santa Clara University Simmons College Skidmore College University of Southern California University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts Southern Methodist University NYU Shanghai University of St Andrews Stanford University Syracuse University The University of Texas, Austin Southern Methodist University The University of Texas, San Antonio The New School Parsons School of Design Trinity College Trinity University 2016 Tufts University Tulane University United States Military Academy Vanderbilt University University of Virginia Wake Forest University Washington and Lee University Washington University in St. Louis University of Washington Wellesley College Graduates Wesleyan University Wheaton College, MA Williams College OF THE MESA Yale University

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Taylor Nicole Bigony COLORADO COLLEGE Eunbie Emmanuelle Coe* WELLESLEY COLLEGE Samantha Chase Hill† JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Gabriella Marie Limón* YALE UNIVERSITY Isabel Joy Moss NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Jackson Stratton Pruitt NYU SHANGHAI John Dearborn Tarlton BOWDOIN COLLEGE Isaiah Robert Washington UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Late this winter, Taylor made a film about gender. She had never done There is a certain lightly-restrained effervescence to Eunbie that Sam arrived as a heralded athlete, so powerful and accomplished Whatever the coming challenge, Gabi is surely ready for it. Her We have watched Izzy find her purpose at Cate, see the student and There is an enviable cohesion to Jack Pruitt’s life, filled as it always Jack arrived as a junior and immediately found himself torn between Isaiah has the grace of Fred Astaire and the creamy soulful voice of such a thing before, had no training as a filmmaker, but she was invigorates everything and everyone with whom she associates. It’s in on the lacrosse field that we struggled to find a goalie who was scholarship literally sparkles with insight, acumen, earnest inquiry. citizen she might become, and then become it. She is organized, of seems to be with a delightful mix of aptitudes, endeavors, and competing interests — play John Proctor in The Crucible or play Ray Charles. He glides from interaction to interaction or endeavor to energized by the topic, and she did it beautifully. That’s Taylor — little things like the Cate Broadcasting Club, music during passing willing to stand in front of her blistering shot. And while she has She is a writer of uncommon poise and purpose, capable of course, and remarkably industrious, but she has also shown a virtues. He does everything well and some things exceptionally so. goalie for our water polo team. Everybody wants Jack involved in endeavor with seamless agility and consummate poise. And determined, creative, curious, and completely undaunted. A teacher periods, gestures of kindness and goodwill to Round Square visitors, more than lived up to her billing athletically, we have come to feel molding language into the kinds of melodies you are apt to hear creative knack, an ability to iterate original thinking and engage He is a competitive and accomplished athlete, yet coaches laud him, what they are doing, because he always has something powerful to especially when he sings, we are transfixed. He has set records on once noted of Taylor’s writing that it appeals to both a reader’s or simply a smiling assembly announcement. But it’s in the bigger and value her presence almost more profoundly everywhere else. from her violin or her piano. Whatever the instrument, Gabi can use peers in her process. She helped initiate the Writing Relay to serve too, for his understanding of the beauty of sport. He is as likely to win contribute. He’s an idea guy, fascinated by the big picture, by our football field, set standards in our choir, and left an indelible “intellect and heart.” Another colleague said the same of Taylor’s work stuff too, her joyful scholarship, her masterful musicianship, her She is as creative as she is analytical, a truly gifted student with an it to fashion her compelling voice. And Gabi ensures every such students eager to invest in the art of language and this year became a race as he is to cheer himself hoarse in support of his teammates; to meaning, and truth. His scholarship is original and insightful, tinged imprimatur in our community. The inclination to be both teacher and last summer to earn her Wilderness First Responder certification; a melodious voice, and her reliably gentle bearing. And though folks eye for detail and a knack for expression. Never willing to play it expression is as productive as it is lyrical. Her work with El Batidor a teaching assistant so that she might guide underclassmen toward listen carefully to a classmate as he is to volunteer his own thoughts. always by his uncanny depth of thought. He is busy, of course, student is nicely balanced in Isaiah, leading him not simply to healer where healers are hard to find. People like Taylor surely are, use terms like “go-getter,” “conscientious,” and “academic” to safe, Sam pushes always her scholarship, her art, even her reflects that very intentionality and the artistry. It would be easy to the same kind of constructive citizenship she shows. Summer work He took on a prefectship in Long House this year and has because he wants to do too many things. That first year, he chose scholarship but to the facilitation of our community dialogue, to a too. There is such sincerity there, such concern, such poise, and such purpose. She has led describe Eunbie, they fall markedly short of capturing the spirit of this remarkable young citizenship, asking from the community the same commitment Sam shows. She has led our assume that Gabi is just naturally great, given the breadth of her talent, but it is her at the Georgetown Institute for Law has led Izzy toward a possible career in law and the become the resource we always trusted him to be. It is truly that blend of characteristics the stage, captivating the audience with an intense and tortured rendering of the doomed measurement of history, and to the hopes we have for the future. He is, as one faculty here conspicuously — as a prefect, a tour guide, an athlete, and the head of our public service woman. She is more like a composer, building a life of full of memorable notes all of which Women’s Forum, pushed us to be a more inclusive community, and shared her own unique eagerness to refine her gifts that determines her unique trajectory. Kind and humble, opportunity in her words “to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves.” We have — the confidence and the humility, the aspiration and the perspective that make Jack’s Proctor. This fall, he was back in the pool, and it is hard to know what will consume his time member observed, “magnetic,” and he uses that very virtue to lead us all in the best and program. But she is just as content to let others lead, to give what is needed for the group, when joined together make for a one-of-a-kind melody. perspective with us. Power comes in many forms and has many beneficial and productive she finds joy in the journey, which is why she has already traveled so far down the road to certainly seen the fighter in Izzy, and the compassion and empathy which complement it. It nature so rare and his leadership so subtly meaningful. next year. We imagine, though, that it will be something creative, constructive, and revealing most responsible directions. Isaiah noted once to his choir director who was concerned and to do always what is best, mindfully, of course, and from the heart. expressions. Sam is fluent seemingly in all of them. wisdom. is the balance of these very qualities that distinguishes her past and assures her bright of his great affection for people and partners, ideas and communities. about the lead in a particular song, “Don’t worry. I got this.” Yes, he surely does. future. Jacob Dexter-Meldrum* BOWDOIN COLLEGE Cordelia Kingdon Pryor PURDUE UNIVERSITY Ajibola Babajide Bodunrin UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Jake seems to be perpetually on the lookout for ways to help. He Maliha Ashanti Hollis UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Jessica Bing-Ying Liou* UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Cordelia is brave. She loves a good adventure and seems, in fact, to Alondra Elena Torres-Navarro* HARVEY MUDD COLLEGE Oliver Iselin Welch TUFTS UNIVERSITY Ajibola walks on the balls of his feet and each powerful stride lifts started the “Room to Read” program as a freshman with the hope of Maliha brought so many qualities to Cate that are reflective of her Many of her classmates thought Jessica brave when she agreed to Harrison Otis Murray UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN be ever on the lookout for them. Perhaps that is why she’ll so happily Before she came to Cate, and throughout her early school years, Oliver is full of complementary virtues, inclinations, and aptitudes. him upward as it propels him forward. In fact, that’s the case with acquiring books with which to fill a library he had planned for a upbringing in Montana: hard work, resourcefulness, unselfishness, try out for goalie on the Lacrosse team, especially when a shot We spent some time trying to push Harrison into places where we plunge into a conversation with anyone she encounters, head into Alondra’s favorite place was the library. Her curiosity and love of He is at once humble and ambitious, exceedingly kind and every gesture from Ajibola — progress and uplift. He is as cherished village in Africa. This gave rise later to a partnership with the and an abiding respect for people and possibility. She rose to her would occasionally carom off her helmet. Jessica just laughed it off. thought he needed to be — like the football field his freshman year. And the backcountry or step into a canoe and let the river take her where it learning are truly profound, leading to a distinctive and impassioned powerfully competitive, artfully creative and highly disciplined. by this community as any individual we have known, the byproduct Indigenous Foundation in Tanzania, to his leadership of prefectship this year by always striving to be and do better, but She built herself into one of Cate’s very best squash players ever. he kindly indulged us for a while. But things changed for Harrison may. She made quite a splash her junior year when a complication level of scholarship. One teacher called her, “relentlessly positive,” Deductive and intuitive, Oliver sees as much meaning in scholarly CATE of a personality wired to connect. Though he has and does occupy our Model UN effort, and to scholarly appetites in fields where Jake without compromising on her high standards, and by committing Why not do the same in lacrosse? Besides, Jessica has always done when he stopped wondering what others wanted from him and began on her Kern River trip resulted in Cordelia being helicoptered out, and another suggested she is the “embodiment of Servons.” Her inquiry as he does in personal interactions and team pursuits. virtually every position of leadership on the campus — tour guide, may be able ultimately to do real service to the world and his fellow herself to guide and support her peers. Her strength is what is needed, far better than anyone else could. She became our working on what he wanted for himself. His scholarship, which was but the experience only fired her up to get her Wilderness First every act is infused with the desire not simply to achieve but to do Athletics are a response to that physical restlessness within him and prefect, athletic team captain, head of the young men’s forum — he is man. He is competitive too, only in the best sense of the word, trying conspicuous, manifest in how she aspires and how she succeeds. Head Prefect for that very reason, because we trust her, admire her, tentative at first, took on greater energy and clarity. His work ethic Responder certification so that she might offer medical care rather something worthy, something that supports or validates or improves the opportunity to use his strength and agility in productive ways. His in truth more of a Pied Piper than an authority figure. He just cares to get everything he can from himself or his teammates in whatever worthy venture in From the backcountry to the classroom to the basketball court, we and needed her to lead the way. Her scholarship is similarly improved both in intensity and breadth of application. He contributed than require it. Health care, ever since that moment, has become Cordelia’s aspiration, and the life of another. She leads everything from our LGBTQ musicianship is a celebration of interactions between people about people because of who each of us is, which makes us all the more likely to want to which they are engaged. He is a water polo and baseball standout — distinctive for his see power and confidence in Maliha, the kind that distinguishes her without diminishing inspiring, a balance of uncanny understanding, precise thinking, and artful expression. She to our baseball program, took on summer study initiatives to broaden frankly it is hard to imagine a doctor more likely to put a patient at ease or to see through to efforts to Round Square to Girls Who Code, all with gentle purpose and unwavering and a form of expression. And his many friendships follow from the commitment he be with him. Humble though he is, Ajibola has no real reason to be. He is a remarkable strength, both physical and moral — and for his leadership, which always takes us in the others. There is a practicality, too, that colors her efforts, making her not only helpful but is a brilliant filmmaker, a skilled flutist, and a remarkable hip-hop dancer. Perhaps most his understanding of business and marketing, and invested himself in his many friendships on the root cause of the problem. “She’ll swashbuckle her way,” said one faculty member, affirmation. When it comes to that combination of ability and conviction, Alondra is in maintains to the folks who surround him. Even the out-of-doors, where Oliver may be student and brilliantly self-aware. He can do anything he sets his mind to, which may well right directions. endearingly direct and responsible. Just as Maliha is proud to identify with her native state, notable, though, Jessica has managed to matter in so many lives on the Mesa. As one the Mesa. In truth, Harrison is a remarkably gentle soul, inclined towards camaraderie more “through everything life can throw at her … and come out smiling.” rarefied air, capable of contributing to massive constructive change by energizing what is most at home, speaks to the contemplative side of a young man who relishes the be why we gravitate to him. Because we know one of those commitments is to all of us. we are honored to call her one of ours. student noted recently, “She’s my hero. She’s everybody’s hero!” than competition, and eager always now to do and be his very best. best in humanity. opportunity to think deeply, to act with conviction, and to live with energy and joy. Elizabeth Hill Douglas* GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY Maria Madelein Rios JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY † † † Hannah Ryen Bowlin SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY There is an uncanny authority to Elizabeth Douglas that she SeungJae Hong DARTMOUTH COLLEGE McKenna Christina Madden* BOSTON COLLEGE Michael Wilhelm Nettesheim WILLIAMS COLLEGE Maria is kind and patient, polite and thoughtful. She will not tell you Maximiliano Aidan Vasquez COLORADO COLLEGE Jaime Tyler Yrastorza UC, SAN DIEGO Hannah is a glorious blend of art and heart. Give her a canvas to exercises with remarkable sensitivity. Her teachers see it often, one Everybody knows Jae and appreciates his tendency to make It has not been uncommon these last four years to see McKenna There’s a great letter written on Michael’s behalf that identifies him as when you have erred or lost track in your argument. But she will find Upon hearing him speak before a group of current and former Cate A letter about Jaime this fall began, “Jaime Yrastorza is the kid you decorate or a rendering to imagine, and she’ll do what most can’t, see of them noting, “Elizabeth ended three minutes of confused assembly announcements with gestures as much as words, his literally taped together, competing for Cate on the tennis court or a “young Socrates” and “that amazing rarity, our Ivory-Billed a way to help get you back on track or discover the truth you are trustees, one member of the group was heard to say, “His pacing hope your child will date in college.” He is kind, respectful, what most don’t, build what we all wish we could. Such aptitudes don’t stumbling from her classmates with ten words of perfectly formed distinctive white Birkenstocks, his unusual and endearing energy, his the soccer field or the track despite the pain. One faculty member Woodpecker.” His distinctive scholarship is colored by his insatiable missing. Her incredible intelligence she offers as a service to her was magical. It was like he was pulling wisdom from a young well.” endearingly well-mannered, and endlessly engaging. His natural come easily, and, in fact, can only be present with commensurate concision that left the rest of the class blinking.” It is present in her brilliance and his candor. He is gentle and kind always, but he does called her a “rock” and noted that she is just as likely to push through and provocative curiosity. He seems to enjoy questions far more fellow man, so that it might be more useful and perhaps contribute to We have come to expect that from Max, that he will be generous, sense of propriety is balanced by profound natural curiosity and a proportions of courage. That may well be why Hannah is the artist prefectship as well and in her inclination to turn that remarkably not shy from the truth and is willing to confront challenges — both challenge in the classroom as she is in athletics or in the community. than answers, though in our answer culture he is happy to conform the way we use our own minds. “Girls who Code” started in part that he will be insightful, that he will be mature beyond his years. He searing intellect. Indeed, Jaime is the personification of fully that she is, because courage is in her DNA. Anyone who sees her on insightful eye on herself. In her Tuesday Talk she captured with intellectual and socio/cultural — that most would avoid or ignore. He We have come to rely on McKenna’s reliability, in fact, and her as necessary. Teachers suggest Michael is more interested in what because of Maria, and she has set her sights on a career as an became one of our head prefects for those very reasons, and for a optimized cognition, which may well be why he is the most sought the volleyball court or the soccer field will acknowledge that. She alarming clarity her evolving relationship with our community and is our conscience, deftly steering and guiding us, so that we might inclination to do or give even more than we expect. She became a the people next to him think than in his own cogitations, which engineer. Putting her many skills to work is one of Maria’s specialties, host of others — like his patient scholarship, his unflappability, his after tutor in the school. Actually, students flock to Jaime for all plays with the kind of skill and abandon that with herself, ultimately celebrating our collective need and responsibility to look within. see in a better and more balanced way. He occupies several teaching assistant this year for that very reason and took over the makes him not only bright but respected and appreciated. He can as is supporting those who would like to get the most out of theirs. That very inclination has humor. The latter he has needed to combat a manner of reasons, the unifying theme being that they need help. If inspire and amaze. Admittedly, her own body is not always capable of meeting Hannah’s Early in Elizabeth’s time at Cate, a faculty member wrote, “She is a great kid to whom it has positions of authority — tour guide, teaching assistant, Head of the Ross Robins Club for head of the opinion and editorial section of El Batidor. Who better than McKenna to raise combative, of course, bothbe intellectually and as an athlete, but that too is always in service to led Maria to become one of our most devout tutors for local kids and a teaching assistant in series of injuries that repeatedly took Max out of our athletic program. But Max used the Jaime chooses to do something, more often than not, he’ll ultimately do it better than demands upon it, which has kept our athletic training staff rather busy these last four years, not yet occurred that she could be extraordinary.” Three years later, that’s exactly what she’s Equality — but his real authority comes more from within. We respond to Jae, not because the important issues or help us to navigate them? She admits that she does not always like some laudable objective. A quarterback and captain of the football team and a four-year our Human Development program. It also likely compels her to be that rare engineer, time to become an artist, to build those many aptitudes he never knew he had and to anyone we have encountered. Just ask him something in Chinese or get him to explain a but pushing past boundaries is what brave people do. Surely Hannah is just beginning to become. he is so incredibly smart, but because he is so honorable, so aware of his fellow man, and to be watched or even cheered on when she competes, mostly because it makes her varsity tennis player, Michael understands that his efforts are often on behalf of his team or whose aptitudes run to the construction of human communities. discover the kind of power that does not require a team or an athletic field to exercise. biological principle and you’ll see what we mean. Better yet, ask him what’s special about transcend limits, and to create more masterpieces worthy of her great and fearless vision. so genuinely helpful. As one faculty member admitted, “Jae is one of our models for how ot nervous that she will somehow let us down. But she never does. his community, which may well be why he competes so powerfully and productively. And he has used it in service to this community, always in the most compassionate and everyone else and you’ll understand the generous genius of your future son-in-law. be.” thoughtful ways. Jacob C. Farner OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE † Cole Cavin Brennan SKIDMORE COLLEGE The enigmatic grin that distinguishes Jacob’s countenance might Peter David Marcus THE CULINARY INSTITUTE OF AMERICA Evan Katherine Oetgen NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Jillian Claire Rogers STANFORD UNIVERSITY Lauren Stillwater Zahm* BARNARD COLLEGE “Sometimes it seems as though Cole is made of pure energy.” well suggest that he knows something we don’t, or hears Graeme Duncan Hugo SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY Perhaps Peter’s captivating self-assurance and easy-going manner A faculty member recently called Evan Kate “deceptively intrepid, “ In one project this year, Jillian partnered with another student to Yvette Vega UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO We have relied on Lauren since her freshman year to be older than That’s the opening line of a letter written by a Cate faculty member something we miss, or is just thinking about something interesting, Graeme Hugo may be our most versatile citizen. He’s a great come from a clarity of purpose he has been refining since he was perhaps in reference to her junior year abroad in Italy or her contend with a fictitious outbreak of TB in Texas. The challenge Yvette can capture things — incredible images with her camera, she is, the voice of reason even when it would be easier to be seeking to capture this enigmatic young man. Cole’s perpetual maybe even entertaining. His mastery of all things musical, as well as student, known for his curiosity and careful articulations. He is an very young. While he has excelled in every way at Cate, Peter has fascination with culture and language. Immersion experiences are brought out so many of Jillian’s remarkable aptitudes — her capacity cogent thoughts with her distinctive language, the dynamics of otherwise, a mature touchstone for classmates and teachers. Her motion is certainly manifest on the lacrosse field, where he has his digital compositions, confirms that Jacob’s imagination reaches athlete, contributing particularly to our baseball program. And he is long had his sights on becoming a chef. Certainly he knows a Evan Kate’s specialty and she seems to thrive on the ability to know a for detailed analysis, her passion for the biological sciences, her human interaction with her keen observations and uncanny insight. clarity of purpose led one teacher to note that “Lauren’s middle eclipsed virtually every Cate record over four years of phenomenal beyond most, into the realm of creation. For Jacob, that looks like a a remarkable performer — funny, convincing, musical, and great deal about flavor, for he adds it wherever he goes to place and its people from the inside out. That very interest has led mastery of logistics and strategy. There is nothing of an academic She aspires ultimately to be a psychologist, and to use her many name could very well be ‘tenacity.’” But her actual one is far more play. But it’s also in his intellectual pursuits, his roll-up-the-sleeves placid, almost serene exercise. He is unflappable, artistic without mesmerizing. He has risen to a number of critically important whatever he does. Our football games owe at least some of the fans her to Kenya and India, where she and her family have been activated nature that Jillian can’t do remarkably well, and the prospect of aptitudes in the service of those seeking the very clarity that appropriate, for it speaks to Lauren’s depth, her almost tranquil 2016 scholarship, and his inclination to get things done. Business, the being moody, curious without being tormented. He is consistently at leadership roles, fulfilling each with his characteristic sincerity and to Peter’s irresistible barbecues, designed, perhaps, to build by the opportunity to understand the culture and to help. Thankfully, directing that intellect toward the service of mankind is good news distinguishes Yvette’s own life and scholarship. She became a ability to access her best thinking, and the gentle character of her study of it and its professional exercise, animates Cole in the same yet seems most at homeease and comfortable in the out of doors. There perhaps he has aplomb. But, in truth, the way Graeme does things is as impressive community as well as to sate appetites. He is adventurous too, she has taken the same approach at Cate, focusing also for all of us. In the meantime, though, Jillian may well be busy on the teaching assistant toward fulfillment of that helpful ambition, and she influence on this community. Naturally inclined to service, Lauren way a fast break or a slow defenseman does on the lacrosse field. And given his capacity access to a different kind of rhythm and music, one that resonates with his own quality of as his many accomplishments. He is just charming, so much so that portion of his junior yearhaving to study left usin Israel,for a perhaps to add yet more season and spice to his on the people, this year in particular as a Teaching Assistant in our sophomore seminar volleyball court, where she has played through pain and injury to be a mainstay of our supplements with service work in the summer or in those has optimized that inclination at Cate, serving as a teaching assistant and big sibling and for both work and ingenuity, Cole is surely bound for more great things. He will tell you, existence. Whether he is climbing a rock face, or kayaking in the surf, or deejaying a his classmates chose him freshman year to invite the ladies of ’25 House over to Long repertoire. But there is something about a career in nourishment, something that speaks program. There we see not only Evan Kate’s effort and inquiry but also her hope and the program. Indeed, Jillian’s fortitude in sport speaks most powerfully to her capacity for occasional unfettered moments here on the Mesa. As one teacher noted, “Relying on giving expression to a philosophy that she herself articulates, “Power comes from creating too, that he has come from great places — from Chile where he was born and now from dance, Jacob seems both energized and content. Maybe that’s the reason for the grin. House for a social. They accepted for the same reason we all do when Graeme asks, to a person’s desire to enrich others. Peter will do remarkable things in the kitchen, surely, practical exercise of her belief that we can all make an impact in the world. We just need to good works. She is never daunted or passive in the face of a challenge. She attacks Yvette’s character and decision-making is easy, for she always seeks the responsible and your own perception of yourself.” The key is what you do with that knowledge. And that’s Cate. Each has contributed to Cole’s unique enthusiasm and his endearing inclination to because we can’t imagine a better or more thoughtful or more likeable guy with whom to but we know he is just as good outside it. be willing — as she is — to jump in with both feet. problems of any sort in the same way she strikes a volleyball; with authority, precision, and compassionate path.” In so doing, she has become a student of the human condition and where Lauren seems to have all the answers. OF THE contribute to his community. † spend our time. uncommon vision. after a few more years of study one especially suited to help us all be better at being Makena Nicole Fetzer UC, BERKELEY ourselves. Lydia Grace McMahon† GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY Jason H. Pak UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Graduates Makena is universally enthusiastic, especially when the universe is † Alexander Michael Brown UC, SANTA BARBARA the topic. The study of the stars compels her in every productive Rei Imada* CLAREMONT MCKENNA COLLEGE Lydia hasn’t slowed down for a minute since she set foot on this Jason makes the planet brighter. That endearing smile is seemingly Cecilia Jane Sanborn POMONA COLLEGE MESA Alex is distinct, notable, striking for personality alone. He is way, leading her to late-night viewing sessions of planets and Mesa, jumping wholeheartedly into every conceivable area of the only face he shows the world, and he derives genuine joy Cecilia is our hummingbird, perpetually in motion yet gracefully and Rei Imada believes anything is possible, and if he’s involved … it perpetually stylishly dressed, already has his own music label, galaxies, anomalies, comets and meteor showers. She is brilliant usually is. He is the young man with the bright eyes who always has endeavor. And in each one, she has distinguished herself, fashioning through the learning process. Indeed, whether he is improv’ing a artistically efficient. A colleague refers to her as “intellectual “Part of the spirit of this place goes with us. We shall again doesn’t have an introverted bone in his body, and is headed for and endearingly playful, capable of tackling the most challenging something helpful to say or contribute, who leads with patient a tenure that is as memorable as it is artful. One of her teachers, in solo on his saxophone, setting up for a jump shot on the basketball dynamite” and “an exquisite problem-solver.” She’ll as likely join a Division I collegiate competition in water polo. Hard work in the intellectual hurdles or making sense to the layman who does not goodwill and remarkable insight, and who matches his insatiable fact, referred to Lydia recently as “a scientist with the soul of an artist.” court, or diving into a text in his Spanish Literature class, Jason math team to work on complex problems as she will pick up a tennis aspire, again attain, in the world that lies beyond these service of things he loves is one of Alex’s special virtues. And his possess her cognitive reach. Her curiosity, like the universe, knows appetite for knowledge with an uncanny gift for acquiring She gravitates in particular to the study of cognition, a fitting topic for seems totally energized and deeply content. His empathy is as racket or rehearse on her oboe. As a musician, Cecilia is one of our growth in such areas of endeavor, like his music or his aquatics, is no real bounds, which gives her every effort a joyful quality. Even in information, and the skills to use it. A child of many nations— he was someone with her level of discernment. But she is just as likely to profound as his scholarship, giving even his intellectual pursuits a most accomplished, a leader in our orchestra and a soloist with the evidence of just how capable he is. One faculty member called Alex athletics on the soccer and track teams she engages with a smile. Big challenges, hard born in Japan and lived in Poland and Africa before coming to Cate strap on a pair of cleats as she is to stare down the barrel of highly personal quality. And he is never afraid to be himself, even Santa Barbara Youth Symphony. For the last three years, too, she has horizons.” “as brilliant as the moment requires,” which virtually assures his questions, unsolved riddles — these are the things that compel Makena’s mind. Building — Rei may well be one of those archetypal citizens of the world, the a microscope. Our varsity lacrosse and volleyball teams have relied on Lydia’s athleticism, sporting the “man bun” for a while this year. But he never gets much grief for such things been greeting families to the Mesa, this year as one of the heads success as a student, a musician, and an athlete. But Alex’s virtues will pay far larger communities, offering care and service, genuinely valuing people — these are the traits that kind who helps to connect us to our fundamental humanity. He has already distinguished just as our many vocal ensembles have been distinguished by her mesmerizing voice. largely because everything he does is distinguished by earnest intentions and remarkable of our Tour Guide program. Once she even appeared on a panel for applicants in her — Curtis Cate, School Founder dividends in the future, especially when he focuses that remarkable aspiration of his on distinguish Makena’s citizenship, a pretty powerful combination. himself through his service, earning a Metherall Grant from Cate to sustain a village in Uplift seems second nature to Lydia, not simply as an artist, but as anathlete , a scholar, a sincerity. Like an emotional touchstone, Jason’s presence suggests all will be well, and that lacrosse uniform, since there was no time to change. We may not see the wings that carry new and broader challenges. Like his outsized personality, Alex is the light that a Mongolia. He has more than nourished ours too, giving substance to an idea of human- student and even this year as a teacher. the world is all we need it to be. her from one generous contribution to another, but we certainly admire the results. community needs him to be. And the larger world certainly needs his brilliance. centered scholarship that is profound and inspiring.

Porter Alejandro Brown COLORADO COLLEGE Samuel Gunn Furmanski UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND Hannah Llouise Jorgensen BOWDOIN COLLEGE Megan Elise Mettler BARNARD COLLEGE Charlotte Hadley Pecot TULANE UNIVERSITY Malachi Murphy Schrager SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY Cate is small by design, so students here are known well by faculty, There is something fundamental about Porter Brown — a blend of Sam took up water polo as a freshman and in just a few years made Hannah often becomes quite nervous before she performs, as A faculty member describes Megan as an “independent thinker, self- Charlotte seems to play a role in every life on this Mesa. Her Students and teachers will observe Malachi in the pool, where he is purpose and principle. He does everything well but with little or no himself indispensable to the team. A goalie of remarkable courage though she is not confident she will do justice to the music she’ll motivated, self-reliant, innately curious, incredibly bright.” Her drawing of a classmate earned a scholastic art award. Another an accomplished aquatic athlete, and remark on the distance he has fanfare. He can even become someone else on stage, but he never and stunning reflexes, he became great in part, perhaps, because we make. Nobody else worries at all, because we have never heard a maturity as a freshman led to her selection to serve on a committee of rendering of a bunny from freshman year holds a place of honor on travelled. There is always respect in the observation, and often some administrators, and fellow students long before they graduate. loses his distinctive sense of self. He reads voraciously, revels in the needed that from him. Sam has a deep sensitivity to the people with voice as soulful and melodic as hers. She can transport an audience the Board of Trustees, a position she has distinguished ever since with a friend’s desk. The inscription on the back says, “Do not ever throw measure of awe. The fact is, Malachi has made himself into the water solitude of the mountains, and is driven by the opportunity to dig whom he shares his life. He is patient and calm, forward-thinking and with song, but in truth she doesn’t really need music to be inspiring. the clarity of her thought. The girls’ basketball team she managed this away.” She makes friends with such casual grace that we cannot polo player and swimmer that he is; he’s put in the time, and he deeply into topics. As adept as he is in this universe, he dabbles in optimistic. We trust him and have come to know and admire his She is one of our beloved citizens and leaders, notable for the both affectionately refers to Megan as “Mom” because “she takes such help but be smitten, and she takes such care of her relationships that certainly does not shy from hard work. Which is why Malachi’s far In a Commencement tradition, Headmaster Ben Williams gathers others as well, creating a club called Guild to fulfill those seeking the kindness and sincerity. That very appreciation led to his appointment the principle and compassion of her leadership. Faculty love to have good care of us!” Destined for a career in medicine, Megan has we never let go. Community leadership comes naturally for her as less public but no less meaningful achievements, most of them in the domain of Dungeons and Dragons. He even shares his time with as a teaching assistant in Sophomore Seminar, the ideal expression her in class, for her scholarship is as provocative as her voice. Peers already taken strides in that direction at Cate, not simply with her much through her own gregarious nature as through the titles she classroom, don’t get quite the same attention. Malachi has built his local students as a tutor, often finding ways to reach those whom others can’t. It is a long for his community-minded spirit. Sam, in fact, has found a distinctive balance in his life, gravitate to her as well, sensing perhaps that in Hannah they have found someone who studies, but with the creation of a medical symposium involving practitioners in the area. She holds. She is really the ultimate Big Sister, the ideal teammate, the most engaging scholarship with purpose and conviction, and he has committed his whole self to the work. observations, teacher and advisor comments, and campus lore to craft a way from his home in Rhode Island to this Mesa, but one gets the sense that Porter is blending his own scholarship with the genuine unselfish citizenship that everyone notices. values them for exactly who they are. A faculty member suggested recently that there is a is a student athletic trainer, too, but she is just as willing to step out of her areas of expertise. intellectual adversary, and the most inspiring, warm-hearted, uncommonly tough Indeed, he aspires to a career in business and engineering, perhaps so that Malachi can perpetually on the lookout for new things, new ideas, new worlds to discover. Thank They couldn’t miss his saves in the pool either, which often are as inspiring as his affable nature. theme to Hannah’s every effort and commitment: human expression and love. Clearly, she She joined the cast of Singin’ in the Rain last year because Megan admitted she needed to competitor we’ll ever meet. Our memories of these last four years, like that drawing, will continue to build things in the same manner he has his own intellectual and academic life. “literary snapshot” of each senior. Read aloud during the ceremony, goodness that he found ours. has a remarkable capacity for both. do something that terrified her. Rare courage and rare poise from an even rarer student. stay with us forever. He clearly has all the tools … and the capacity to use them well. Julia S. Gan† HAVERFORD COLLEGE † Premchai Bunsermvicha WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Most of the descriptors of Julia are connected somehow to her Jonathan Junghyun Kim* JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Jacob Marshall Meyer* COLORADO COLLEGE Minh Thu Pham BROWN UNIVERSITY Joel Serugo HARVARD UNIVERSITY these citations speak to the depth and breadth of the Cate community. Prem is one of those rare people F. Scott Fitzgerald noted as indomitable will. Teachers and coaches alike refer to her as J. Robert Oppenheimer once said, “The most fundamental quality of a A teacher once referred to Jacob’s character as “rock solid … like the Minty captivated us from the beginning. That lovely lilting English It is easy to talk about Joel the athlete. His accomplishments on the capable of a never-ending series of successful gestures. He is as “dogged,” “persistent,” ”unflappable,” and “undaunted.” We know scientist is a love of mankind.” He would have loved Jonathan Kim. A granite in the mountains he loves.” An outdoorsman through and accent had something to do with it as did her unbridled passion for soccer field and on the track are pretty much legendary. That bright as they come, inspired particularly by the quantitative her work ethic well, have seen her drive herself to extraordinary decorated mathematician since his sophomore year at Cate, through, Jacob spent a semester during his junior year studying at discovery. She is the consummate humble scholar, acutely aware of combination of skill and speed and vision is a winning one, literally. disciplines but phenomenal in all of them. He sings beautifully and levels of play on the tennis court, know how committed she is to her Jonathan has had perhaps the greatest impact on our writers and the High Mountain Institute. And while his orienteering and winter all the things she would like to know and thrilled when the possibility But we might do Joel a remarkable disservice if his brilliance in one has the kind of dance moves that make even the best K-Poppers work and her sport. But there is an art to Julia’s aspiration, a delicacy storytellers on the Mesa. He has led our Tuesday Talk program this camping skills may have progressed there, it was the intentional to learn something new arrives. Her energy is infectious and her area of endeavor was not acknowledged in relation to a kind of jealous. And in just a few years he has become a standout athlete to the power of her forehand. She carries the weight of expectation year to unprecedented levels of presentation and insight. “Who am I focus on leadership that was evident on Jacob’s return. Always influence universally positive. She became a prefect after less than a citizenship that has been demonstrative too. Joel does not wander — leading our squash program and running on our 4 X 100 relay thoughtfully and earnestly, and she shows as much and who are you?” he asked in his own address. What we commit humble and politely purposeful, Jacob just oozes self-awareness, year on the Mesa in large part because the respect and trust she from his path or his principles. He is forever true, which also makes team. But Prem’s most notable genius lies less in what he can do grace as she does strength in her convictions. Arriving on our Mesa as a sophomore, she ourselves to be, Jonathan answered, as much with the conduct of his integrity and compassion. He is particularly magical in group earned in her short tenure was and is prodigious. Environmental him one of the best friends a person could ever want. His great and more in the influence he can have on everybody else. As one teacher noted this year, this year took on the role of teaching assistant, reaching outside her own challenges to life as with his language. Indeed, whether the endeavor involves his music, his contributions settings, where he adds richness, vigor, and judgment. Teammates expect him to set the issues and the opportunity to effect change fire her up in the same way a visit to one of our intellect he wields carefully, using it to advance his own work but never as a foil to another’s. Prem possesses “a sheer positivity that cools the flames when things get heated.” He is our help others with theirs. In so doing, she revealed not only her thoughtful generosity but her to El Batidor, his incre dible scholarship, or cooking a meal for his podmates on the Kern standard of commitment, which he always does, never offering less than his best. His Foster Homes does. Minty just seems to live to contribute, always in the most earnest and And his good-natured bearing allows him to be committed to his work without being modulator, one of those we trust to keep the tone and direct the effort, a little like a legacy of unselfish care and dedication. River, Jonathan cares, gives it his all, wants to get it right. Even his aspirations, which revolve scholarship is infused with the same energy and humility as his citizenship and his constructive of ways. Two years with her was not enough, but we’re deeply thankful for the obsessive about it. It is fitting actually, given his athleticism, that Joel’s gift is his balance and 2016 compass, with a special magnetism to show the way. around medicine, reflect the power of the intellect in the service and care of humanity. leadership, which is surely why all are so unassumingly productive. time we got. speed. Because that’s exactly what he shows … even when he is not on the pitch or the track. Anna Elizabeth Graves CLAREMONT MCKENNA COLLEGE Christian Paul Burke* UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA When U.S. Lacrosse named Anna an “Academic All- American,” Justin Chung Kwan Leung* UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Keller Whitford Mochel COLORADO COLLEGE Julie Dang Phan OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE Peyton Shelburne WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY Memorable descriptors of Christian abound. “He is an Eastern boy her coach took issue with the phrasing. “All -Around All-American The best way to understand Justin is to watch what he does when Keller has always been the person we most needed him to be. Julie arrived on the Mesa with a nickname given to her by the There is nothing but power in Peyton. She is a coiled spring waiting with a Western heart,” a “polite non-conformist,” “a student of the would be more precise,” she said. Indeed, Anna has done he’s not working. You may see himreading, which he does When we needed an athlete, a leader on the field, a standard setter Admission Committee: Julie Phan-tastic. She has more than earned to lift off the ground so that she might direct a volleyball at high speed Graduates living world,” and “a leader in virtually every class.” His cerebral everything exceptionally well on our Mesa. She is an athlete, of voraciously; or traveling to Transition House on a Wednesday in competition, he was exactly that. When we needed a stage actor, the moniker ever since, diving into all manner of activities before to the floor. She has been a force on our team since her freshman nature makes Christian a remarkably productive academician, course, quick, strong, and fearless. She doesn’t smile a lot when she evening; working out on the soccer field or teaching himself a singer, someone to show exactly how diverse a skill set a young focusing intensively on her music. A percussionist, pianist, guitarist, year, not simply because of her skill, her timing, and her perfect totally undaunted by challenge and coolly efficient as a problem competes, but she more than makes up for that off the field or the economics so that he can take the Econ AP. Aside from Juggling an man can have, Keller showed it. He grew up on this Mesa before he and songwriter, Julie is literally a one-woman band. But thankfully, mechanics, but because of her tenacity, her commitment, her fire. OF THE solver. He joined us as a sophomore, establishing his athletic court. Her natural state seems to be joy, mixed with endearing impressive academic load, which he handles with remarkable came to Cate. But in the last four years he has grown into it, infusing Julie’s pursuits are rarely solitary. A joiner by nature, she has even Who better than Peyton to get the best out of everybody else? We *With Honors contributions as quickly as his academic ones. He rose to captain portions of playfulness, humor, and compassion. She can and is grace, Justin is a prefect in Long House and the very counselor and our community with his power, his purpose, his perspective, and his reached out beyond Cate, spending a semester at the High see her getting it out of herself every day. That’s as true academically †With High Honors our basketball team and to play a central role in our Lacrosse serious when necessary. How else might she be the remarkable athlete and student that role model the underclassmen need to build purposeful lives like peace. Critical as he is to so much we do here, there is never any Mountain Institute in Colorado honing her skills in the out of doors as it is athletically. Peyton works and focuses, she goes program, all through an impressive balance of discipline, ability and effort. And he seems she is? But Anna balances her sense of purpose and responsibility with just the right Justin’s. He is active in theY oung Men’s Forum, and abelieve r in the power we all have to swagger to Keller, no ego — just hope, appreciation, a ready laugh, and a kind word. In fact, and cultivating the kind of perspective and purpose that Thoreau wrote about in Walden. the extra mile, and she seeks productive feedback and constructive criticism. She looks past MESA poised to continue his vertical trajectory, for Christian loves the next thing, the newest portion of light-heartedness. That very nature led her to a prefectship this year, to influence the character of human experience. Naturally a bit reserved, he finds expression if you ask Keller what matters most to him, he won’t likely mention the many victories or Julie admits that for much of her life school was an escape, but like Thoreau at his pond she what she knows she can do to imagine what she might do … and then she goes out and opportunity to commit, the next level of study, another way forward. That very inclination captaincies, to her role as a tour guide for visiting families, and to the very all-around title to in a wry sense of humor, the generous commitments he makes, the dedicated manner in championships. He’ll talk about the people, about the ideas he got to pursue, and about the has turned it into an opportunity. While his gift was literature, Julie will surely rely on song to does it. That takes courage as much as fortitude, but that too is not lacking in Peyton. It is the led him here in the first place, to do his best and bring out ours. which her coach so aptly referred. which he fulfills them, and the principled compassion that is at the root of his nature. place he made home. tell her continuing compelling story. very thing that propels her towards the fulfillment of her own potential, establishing milestones of achievement and contribution along the way. † Ever Roman Roberts Avary OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE Hannah Elizabeth Barr* GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY Ryan Joshua Cain YALE UNIVERSITY Clinton Donnell Hall III CLAREMONT MCKENNA COLLEGE Mikaela Yanfei Li* WELLESLEY COLLEGE Charlotte Bonnie Monke EMORY UNIVERSITY Morgan Robert Pierce JUNIATA COLLEGE That name just sounds nice — alliterative, substantial, musical. How Hannah wants to enter the world of public health, a fitting ambition for Rarely do we come across an artist or a scholar as skilled, as driven, Clinton calls himself “non-traditional,” perhaps because he does Mikeala is one of our most distinctive problem solvers. She is a To run like Charlotte does — to be among the best long-distance Morgan is one of our favorite people to watch on the way out of Dean Burich Smith MACALESTER COLLEGE often do we wonder using the word “ever?” And here he is, arguably this remarkably serene, contemplative care giver. Her gentle, and as self-aware as Ryan. He is better than we might ever imagine things the rest of us can’t: like that shoulder shake he used in mathematician certainly, and wonderfully original when confronted athletes that Cate has ever seen or known, to push past what Tuesday Talks. After he unfolds that lanky frame, he looks first for the Dean is old school. He likes things he can rely on — hard work, the most affirming personification of the term. For our Ever makes methodical activism has become a fixture here — whether the focus is a student to be, yet he is more likely to measure his work against his Ragtime, a dance move that looked a lot like the one he used to with everything from a physics anomaly to a subtle implication in a everybody else thinks you might do to achieve what sometimes only student he will walk out of the sanctuary with, greets him or her with commitment, practice, discipline, generosity of spirit, manners, trust, everything possible, even likely. He is brilliant in that gentle, humble, environmental responsibility, community citizenship, or the own lofty standards than our occasional awe. His inquiry flows from avoid tacklers on the football field. Clinton’s art is indeed versatile. literary text. She has mastered everything at Cate, even you know you can — that takes a special kind of talent and a grin, and then swings that long arm around his companion’s friendship. He is one of our most remarkable citizens, not simply for well-meaning way. His answers are always thoughtful and deeply commitments we show one another. She is kind always, which only a well of curiosity that is deep beyond measure and it fires an He can guide class discussions in the same way he leads our supplementing her program with study in business and diversity conviction. And in Charlotte it is manifest in far more than her shoulders. It’s a kind gesture and a protective one, as if to say, “I got his accomplishments — some of which, like not missing a single day informed, the product of not only great thinking, but great listening. seems to enhance her authority. Even when she competes at the very intellect that is forever reaching for more detail, more clarity, more football, basketball and track teams — both with the character of his training. Mikaela seems to thrive as much on the breadth of knowing running. It is in the way she balances great seriousness of purpose you. You’re safe withme .” This gentle giant really is all heart, inclined to of school in four years, are legendary — but for the sincerity of his There is in Ever a fundamental respect for his fellow man and an highest level, as the setter on our decorated volleyball team, she has a reason. He gravitates to his art, perhaps to give expression to a level own performances and the unselfishness of them. He has advanced as she does on the depth. But it is expression, ironically, that may be with refreshing candor and just the right amount of whimsy. Those be generous and helpful in large part because he just likes being compassion, the clarity of his priorities, and the kindness of his endearing sense of our potential. That is surprising for someone calming and centering effect on her teammates. Efficiency, economy, of creativity that will ultimately change things in our world. It’s the work of the Young Men’s Forum, stood up for programming Mikaela’s legacy at Cate. Some of that we see on the basketball very virtues and unprecedented dedication made her the ultimate with people. And he never wants to let anybody down, which is why interactions. He is one of the best all-around athletes we have ever who knows so much — he is arguably one of our most precocious students of world events fluidity of motion, and clarity of purpose; these are the byproducts of Hannah’s presence. impossible to know what he’ll do or how, but it is easy to trust in Ryan. We do it all the time and community investment in efforts designed to keep race, difference, and humanity in court, where the often unflappable Mikeala gives us glimpses into the competitor within. teaching assistant, prompting the department chair to observe, “Charlotte was more particularly on the volleyball court easygoing Morgan occasionally feels the weight of the seen — both in ability and in character — but he is far more likely to — yet the challenges of the world and our species don’t seem to daunt Ever. He can furrow She has improved us in all manner of ways, but perhaps more important, she has taught us — in the classroom, on the squash court, in El Batidor, on the Mesan, anywhere we need community discourse, and he has shared his unique and affirming charisma. Having The other is in the studio, where she is capable of capturing people and images with teacher than assistant.” She has range too, showing captivating presence as a stage actor, world on his shoulders. A brilliant and powerful player, we have relied on him to do it all, celebrate a teammate or honor an opponent or congratulate a coach than he is to take any his brow and smile at the same time, wonder perhaps without worrying, and make a that substance has little to do with volume and that service finds its best expression in wisdom or inspiration or answers. Perhaps that is why he gravitates to Where the Wild arrived as the winner of a national award for scholarship from the KIPP schools, Clinton astonishing clarity and understanding. The technique is flawless, of course, but the insight gracious hospitality as a tour guide, impressive chops as an academician, and the even when such a thing was wholly unreasonable. But he never let us down, simply credit for himself. And he is always there, like the ball boy he was to that first Cate 8-man community of people better, smarter, and kinder. He is one of the best … ever. unselfish grace. Things Are, a story about the worlds within and beyond. Imagine, and it might be so. Ryan has more than lived up to his own promise, and he has helped us realize ours too. is almost more memorable and revealing of the connection Mikeala implicitly celebrates momentum derived from that long, steady, record-setting stride. reached higher, swung harder, and carried us along. football team, reliable in his excellence, loyal beyond measure, and eager to take on the next is proof of that. with each new rendering. great endeavor or worthy collaboration. † Hai Yang Bai CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cem Turan Basar UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Elan Dakota Halpern STANFORD UNIVERSITY Thomas Duffy Montgomery DICKINSON COLLEGE Patrick Larkin Prestridge* GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY † William likely smiles in his sleep, if he gets any. He is our Tom A faculty member recently called Cem, “an uncommon young man … James Ji Hong Chang COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Responding to a question of how she is able to so casually and Emma Sarah Liberman* DAVIDSON COLLEGE Duffy’s nickname on the baseball field is “Nails,” and he looks the Patrick is the young man we hope our children will emulate — kind, Brandon Michael Sugarman STANFORD UNIVERSITY Sawyer, the kid who makes work look like play and who inspires as comfortable navigating the streets of Doha, Qatar, as those of To get a sense of James’ remarkable aptitudes, you simply have to comfortably maintain relationships with all manner of people on and Emma organized her Tuesday Talk this yeararound a series of part. His uniform is dirty even at the beginning of games, his hat is dependable, principled, and purposeful. He has managed at Cate to The third son in a family of British expatriates, Brandon has always those around him to want to join in. William’s scholarship is Houston, Texas.” He has that rare quality that enables him to be in any look at the names of some of the endeavors in which he has been around the Mesa, Elan quipped, “Honestly, I just don’t get nervous statements and beliefs about the human condition, on what the sweat stained, and he has this casually menacing swagger that be excellent without ever being obsessive. He is competitive and been the one with the easygoing drawl more reminiscent of California prodigious by any measure, but that is not what sets him apart. No, part of the world, yet be somehow of all of it. He connects naturally and involved; like the World Changers Project in Laos, where he also around anybody.” Or anything, for that matter. Occasionally brash, world needs and we can offer, on our limits, which Emma doesn’t makes opponents worry about hitting the ball in his direction. In perpetually fair-minded, broadly invested and eternally good- than London; with that can-do swagger, and a charismatic comfort it’s more the grin, or the gentle inquiry, or the intrinsic compassion graciously. He inspires great affection and gives generously of his own received the Prime Minister’s Medal of Honor. Or the Global usually brilliant, perpetually clever, and always entertaining, Elan just seem to have. She pushes hard — always — with the hope of truth, he is far more friendly than ferocious; one of the most natured. As one teacher sheepishly noted, “All this … and he has with all manner of people. He is an academic juggernaut, capable of that distinguishes William. He is the child of many nations — China, friendship. Teachers universally admire Cem’s intellect and his Enterprise Challenge and the Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles goes from memorable moment to memorable moment, often with a discovery or achievement or simply more and better questions. She entertaining and engaging young men you’ll ever meet. But he is never needed any adult advice.” Patrick can work the most masterful problem solving and compelling oratory. Indeed, engaging Canada, the U.S. — which may explain his remarkable dexterity commitment, with several referring to him as a “model student … Research Scholarship. He is even an honorary member of the smile and every once in a while with a roar. She is as much magician is a competitor, fierce and strong, even breaking several bones over gritty — as an athlete certainly, as a student, even as an challenging math problems as deftly as he can pick up a sport and in a good argument may well be one of Brandon’s favorite pastimes.

with people. There is no judgment in William, just concern; no fear, methodical and precise.” He works impressively hard, yet shows little orchestra at Carnegie Hall, a token he picked up while playing on the basketball court as she is courageous in class discussions four years in the goal for the Cate soccer team. Her strong outdoorsman. He works through stuff, and seems to be at his best become an immediate contributor. He is an Eagle Scout, so he is But he wields that mind of his gently and thoughtfully, and he uses it in WWW.CATE.ORG

just hope. He joins naturally and generously with all manner of people and pursuits, signs of wear or fatigue. He is curious, clever, and careful to do and not simply to think. He is

there. Little did we know that this unassuming and remarkable and ruthlessly efficient in assessments. She is a leader who would be so even without her convictions contribute dramatically to her authority as does her when he is active, in motion, not just intellectually but physically. It was no accident that he familiar with commitment. But there is an art to his effort and a balance that makes his the service of far more than himself. He 93013 CALIFORNIA CARPINTERIA,

celebrates our uniqueness as Head of the International Club, and seems headed for a one of our most notable contributors to student government, a partner to students and faculty

student is already contributing on the world stage. It’s fitting, though, given the acuity and many titles, and she is an inspiring citizen. Her familiar refrain in team huddles — “we’ve got willingness to follow thought with action. The world occasionally lets Emma down, but did the Kern trip twice or that he spends the better part of each summer on canoe trips in aspiration all the more healthy and influential. Patrick is driven not simply to do his best, but became our student body president this year in part because we all were compelled by his ROAD MESA CATE 1960

career in some form of diplomacy. William, after all, may be one of the few who can help alike in addressing community aspirations, and an endearing blend of new world aspiration understanding we see every day from James. He is a quantitative mastermind, capable this” — is also a prophecy. We have trusted Elan since she arrived, and it’s occasionally a rarely does Emma let the world down. Instead, she tries to make it better, as an activist or the wilderness. He just has that kind of passion and energy and mettle. And given his to gently compel others to do the same. And the result is not only accomplishment but a desire to accomplish something for all of us. And having seen him invest himself so heavily in to make the world a little more like his generous vision for it. and old world honor. He is, indeed, a gem. perhaps of seeing past the present — as he showed in his Inquiry project — to the patterns wild ride. But as said, “that has made all the difference.” here as editor of El Batidor.She has most certainly been an agent for the very best unique character and sense of humor, Duffy’s fortunate companions never know a dull memorable and fulfilling journey. our music and athletic programs, we understood that Brandon’s perspective, much like his SCHOOL CATE that reveal the future. He smiles a lot, too, which tends to make us even more hopeful. expression of leadership and citizenship at Cate, and she has made us believers too — moment. scholarship, would surely light the way. especially in her.