Session Primary Section Session Title Co-organized Number

Atmospheric Sciences A006 Aerosol exchange across the air-sea interface: deposition and emission B,OS

Atmospheric Sciences A017 Assessment, Enhancement and Integration of Arctic Observing Systems B,C,OS Atmospheric Trace Species Profiles from Long-term and Campaign Atmospheric Sciences A024 Sampling: Observations from Ground, Balloons and Aircraft GC Constraining Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange Processes using Remote- Atmospheric Sciences A037 sensing and In Situ Observations B Extratropical and High- Storms, , Extreme Weather, Atmospheric Sciences A046 and the Changing Polar C,GC,H,OS Atmospheric Sciences A051 Fog: Atmosphere, biosphere, land, and ocean interactions B

Atmospheric Sciences A054 High resolution weather and climate modeling on large supercomputers GC,OS Improving our Mechanistic Understanding of the Regional Climate Atmospheric Sciences A055 Response to Anthropogenic Aerosols GC Interactions between Land-surface, Convective Boundary Layer, Clouds and Atmospheric Sciences A059 Aerosols – Linking Observations with Models H

Atmospheric Sciences A067 Local Processes and Global Impact of the Indo-Pacific Maritime Continent OS Multiscale Evolution of Volcanic Plumes: from Injection to Large-Scale Atmospheric Sciences A073 Transport and Impacts P,V Polar Atmospheric Processes and Their Interactions with Land, Ice, and Atmospheric Sciences A081 Ocean C Atmospheric Sciences A086 Progress in Reanalysis: Development, Evaluation and Application NG Role of Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction in Regional Climate Variability and Atmospheric Sciences A093 Change GC,OS Atmospheric Sciences A094 Small Satellites Have Scientific Value, but Where Do They Fit In? IN,SA,SH,SM Urban and regional air quality: Emissions, land surface forcing, and Atmospheric Sciences A109 meteorological impacts B,H

Biogeosciences B006 Agricultural systems: links between hydrology and biogeochemical cycling H Carbon feedbacks in ’s climate system: beyond emergent patterns and Biogeosciences B012 towards mechanistic processes to reduce future climate uncertainty A,OS Comparative Organic Geochemistry of Soils and Aquatic Sediments: A New Biogeosciences B020 View in the 21st Century C,EP,H,OS Biogeosciences B025 Forensic Geology: From Crime Scene to Courtroom PA Insights from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity Biogeosciences B038 and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Assessments GC,PA Interactions between hydrological and biogeochemical change in Biogeosciences B041 permafrost environments H Biogeosciences B051 Modeling the why, where and when of regional forest decline GC,GH,H,NH Natural Wetlands, Inland Waters, and the Global Methane Cycle: Reconciling Top-Down Atmospheric Estimates and Bottom-Up Biogeosciences B054 Biogeochemical Estimates of Methane Emissions A,C,GC,H Past, Present and Future of Water-Limited Ecosystems: Local Trends to Biogeosciences B060 Global Impacts H

Biogeosciences B066 River Corridor Biogeochemical and Hydrologic Dynamics across Scales H Biogeosciences B077 The Global Methane Cycle GC The Resilience and Vulnerability of Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems to Climate Biogeosciences B081 Change GC

Biogeosciences B082 The resilience of wetland ecosystems to multiscale environmental changes H The value of vegetation, historical and cultural resources on Gotjawal(lava Biogeosciences B085 forest) EP,IN Advances in Ice Sheet-Ocean Interactions: From Measurements to Climate Cryosphere C004 Impacts OS Forty years of eyes on the planet: An uninterrupted record of earth remote Cryosphere C017 sensing with satellite passive microwave instruments A,GC,H,OS Cryosphere C022 Ice Core Records of Environmental Change PP Putting Arctic Science to Work: Using Your Words to Reach Collaborators Cryosphere C030 and Decision-makers PA Cryosphere C031 Quantifying Spatial and Temporal Variability of Snow and Snow Processes H Societal Impacts of Global Cryosphere Change and Associated Mitigation Cryosphere C039 and Adaptation Policies PA Study of Earth's Deep Interior DI002 Advances in Computational Geosciences T Connecting the Dynamics of Earth's Deep Interior and the Evolution of the Study of Earth's Deep Interior DI006 Magnetic Field GP Study of Earth's Deep Interior DI007 Digital Exploration of Earth's Deep Interior S,T Study of Earth's Deep Interior DI010 Emerging Methods in Diamond Anvil Cell Research MR Study of Earth's Deep Interior DI012 Exploring the Earth’s Core: a Multidisciplinary Approach MR,S Study of Earth's Deep Interior DI013 Forms and Fluxes of Deep Carbon in Earth V Study of Earth's Deep Interior DI017 Probing the Lowermost Mantle MR,P,S,V Study of Earth's Deep Interior DI018 Subducting Slabs in the Mantle MR,S,T Study of Earth's Deep Interior DI019 The Archean Earth and its Venusian Analog P Towards success in geodynamic modeling - Learning from and improving on Study of Earth's Deep Interior DI023 model iterations T

AGU Climate Solutions Conferences - Building Open Education Resources Education ED002 from Multidisciplinary Climate Change Solutions Partnerships GH Education ED030 Diversity, inclusion and equality in geosciences GC,H,IN,PA Geoethics: Taking a Stand for Ethical Geoscience Research, Education, Education ED037 Communication, and Practice ED,EP,OS Reframing the Conversation: Why Diversity in the Geosciences Workforce Education ED045 Matters A,B,V Science to Action: Education strategies for developing capacity through Education ED047 boundary organizations GC Sustaining K-12 Geoscience Education: The Role of Academic & Professional Education ED051 Societies GC,NH,PA,SI Teaching Introductory Geophysics using Near-Surface Methods and Education ED053 Experiments NS

Virtual Community Platforms and Tools for FAIR Data Management Education ED060 Planning: Supporting Your Research and Training the Next Generation IN Advances in Incorporating Geomorphology and Flooding – Feedbacks and Earth and Planetary Surface Processes EP002 Impacts on Flood Risk H Environmental seismology: using geophysical tools for Earth surface Earth and Planetary Surface Processes EP013 processes research C,H,S Forensic Earth: Novel Approaches to Reading Environmental Signals and Earth and Planetary Surface Processes EP017 Quantifying Surface Processes in the Geological Record PP From the Mountains to the Sea: Significance of Grain-Size Distributions in Stratigraphy, Sedimentology & Paleoclimatology - Analyses, Application, Earth and Planetary Surface Processes EP020 and Interpretation PP Interactions between neotectonics and surface processes along active plate Earth and Planetary Surface Processes EP024 boundaries T Modeling the Critical Zone: Integrating Processes and Data Across Earth and Planetary Surface Processes EP028 Disciplines and Scales B,H Nutrient and Sediment Dynamics at the Event Scale: From Hydrological Earth and Planetary Surface Processes EP029 Event Characteristics to Temporal Patterns B,H

Earth and Planetary Surface Processes EP031 Planets as Experiments: Surface Processes in Extraterrestrial Environments P

Earth and Planetary Surface Processes EP037 Sediment Transport and Land-Surface Evolution Beyond the Continuum H Earth and Planetary Surface Processes EP039 Signatures of Climate Change in Surface Processes C,H When rock meets water and ice - geomorphic and hydrologic response in Earth and Planetary Surface Processes EP047 periglacial Critical Zones H Better Living Through Volcano Geodesy: Constraints on Volcanic Hazards Geodesy G002 from Geodetic Observations and Multidisciplinary Models V Geodetic and Magnetic Investigations of Crust and Mantle of Earth and Geodesy G008 Other Planetary Bodies GP,P Integration of GNSS into Water Level Observation Networks: Priorities, Geodesy G015 Technologies, and Benefits OS Plate Motion, Continental Deformation, and Interseismic Strain Geodesy G017 Accumulation T Geodesy G020 Satellite Geodesy for Climate and Atmospheric Research A The Role of Geodesy and Remote Sensing in Preparedness, Hazard Geodesy G024 Monitoring, and Disaster Response NH Advances in Understanding Causes and Consequences of High- latitude System Changes for Improved Sub-seasonal to Decadal Global Environmental Change GC006 Predictability A,C,H,OS

Global Environmental Change GC010 Ambient Air Pollution, Climate Change, and Societal Impacts in South Asia A Application of forest change mapping and error estimation to forest carbon Global Environmental Change GC011 financing mechanisms and rural development PA,SI Attribution Science Advancements: Atmosphere, Cryosphere, Hydrosphere, Global Environmental Change GC016 Ocean OS Bridging Disciplines for Knowledge Discovery in the Food-Energy-Water Global Environmental Change GC018 Nexus H Carbon cycle climate variability: observation, modeling and data Global Environmental Change GC021 assimilation in the modern data-rich era A,B,OS Climate-Hydrology-Human Interactions and Their Implications on Global Environmental Change GC025 Hydroclimate Extremes in a Changing Environment A,H,NH

Creating Convergence among Academic, State, Federal, and NGO Initiatives Global Environmental Change GC028 to Enhance Sustainability and Resilience of Coastal Systems EP,H,SI Decision-Support Tools To Assess Social And Environmental Processes In Global Environmental Change GC029 The Built Environment A,B,H,SI Advances in understanding impacts of land use and land cover change Global Environmental Change GC035 using Earth system models and data records A,B,H,SI ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIO-ECONOMIC, AND CLIMATIC CHANGES IN Global Environmental Change GC040 NORTHERN EURASIA A,B,NH,SI Forest carbon and water dynamics under global environmental change: Global Environmental Change GC048 patterns, drivers and mechanisms A,B High-resolution solar energy monitoring and forecast from satellite Global Environmental Change GC057 observations and model forecasts IN Integrated Modeling Approaches for Assessing Climate Change Impacts to Global Environmental Change GC063 Social-Ecological Systems H

Global Environmental Change GC068 Marine-Based Methods of Global CO2 Management OS Partnerships for Advancing and Facilitating Science: The State of the Carbon Global Environmental Change GC072 Cycle & 20 years of Research Coordination B,GC,OS,SI Permafrost Dynamics, Biophysical and Socio-Economic Linkages: Connecting Global Environmental Change GC073 Science to Policy B,C Global Environmental Change GC075 Quantifying Nutrient Budgets for sustainable nutrient management B Regional to local Energy-Water dynamics in a Changing and Uncertain Global Environmental Change GC076 Future H Global Environmental Change GC077 Renewable Energy: Marine and Hydrokinetic A,H,PA State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Key Findings from Assessing a Global Environmental Change GC082 Decade of Science, Decisions, and Management Impacts A,B,OS,SI The Food-Energy-Water System Nexus and Decision Support for Global Environmental Change GC085 Sustainability A,B,H,SI The global water cycle: linkages of ocean salinity with the atmosphere and Global Environmental Change GC086 terrestrial hydrology A,C,H,OS GeoHealth GH004 Building Bridges to Global Health, Resilience and Sustainability PA Climate link to infectious diseases: Toward development of successful early GeoHealth GH006 warning systems GC,OS Global Warming, Urban Heat Island and Public Health: Vulnerability, GeoHealth GH013 Impacts, and Adaption A,B,NH,PA Lessons learned from tackling persistent polluters: Applying new GeoHealth GH016 approaches to protect human and environmental health GC,PA,SI GeoHealth GH017 Natural, Anthropogenic, Biogenic Air Emissions and Human Health A,GC,NH,SI Ocean Health,Environmental Hazards, and Social Justice :Information and GeoHealth GH018 Communication for Resilience and Sustainability of GeoHealth. GC,NH,OS,SI GeoHealth GH019 Projected Health Effects of Climate Change Impacts on Air Quality GC Geomagnetism, and Electromagnetism GP008 Motion Between Hotspots and True T Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism and Electromagnetism GP009 Planetary Magnetism and Core Processes P Understanding Active Earth Systems through Combined MT/EM and Seismic Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism and Electromagnetism GP013 Datasets S Hydrology H003 Advances in ecohydrology of water-stressed environments B,GC Advances in Integrated Observations, Modeling and Predictions for Hydrology H007 Weather, Climate, and Impact Assessments A,NH

Hydrology H010 Advances in petrophysics for hydrogeophysics and near surface geophysics NS Advances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions in a Changing Hydrology H014 Environment A Applications in Snow Hydrology: Linking Seasonal Snow to Natural Hydrology H022 Processes and Society C Hydrology H023 Applications of Machine Learning and Data Cubes in Remote Sensing B,GC,GH,IN Characterizing Spatial and Temporal Variability of Hydrological and Hydrology H032 Biogeochemical Processes across Scales B Hydrology H036 Computational Methods and Tools for Model-Data Integration B Coupled terrestrial-aquatic approaches promote watershed-scale Hydrology H041 sustainability connecting people and water B Drought in tropical and subtropical humid environments: Dynamics, Hydrology H048 impacts, resilience, and mitigation NH,PP

Disturbance Hydrology: Exploring both Immediate and Long-term Impacts Hydrology H054 of Abrupt Changes on Hydrological Processes and Earth Systems EP Evaporation, gas and heat exchange over inland waters under climate and anthropogenic changes: new insights from direct measurements Hydrology H055 and modeling A,B Fate, transport and remediation of contaminants of emerging concern and Hydrology H058 their transformation products in the critical zone B Frontiers in Surface Water Quality Measurements, Modeling, and Hydrology H060 Management B Global Floods: Forecasting, Monitoring, Risk Assessment, and Hydrology H062 Socioeconomic Response NH Groundwater Sustainability Studies: Integrating Monitoring, Modeling, and Hydrology H067 Policy SI Hydrology H070 Hydrologic Applications for Global Water Security NH Integrated Frameworks and Methods for Drought Risk Analysis: From Hydrology H078 Hazard to Impact NH

Hydrology H080 Landscape impacts of post-wildfire hydrology and geomorphic processes EP Legacy Effects of Land Use on Water Quality, Watershed Processes, and Hydrology H081 Ecosystem Function: Implications for Science and Policy B,EP New insights in stream and watershed restoration: Linking restoration Hydrology H091 design, habitat conditions, and ecological outcomes EP

Hydrology H097 Post-wildfire hydrologic, geomorphic, and biogeochemical responses EP Scientific Forefronts for Managing River Networks from Headwaters to the Hydrology H111 Sea B,H Earth and Space Science Informatics IN005 Application Development in Python for Solar and Space Physics SH Earth and Space Science Informatics IN014 Climate Informatics: Methods and Applications A,B Concepts for Research Oriented Teaching and Data Management in the Earth and Space Science Informatics IN017 Digital Age ED Convergence in Space Physics and Earth Science: Discovery through Earth and Space Science Informatics IN018 machine learning A,NG,SA,SH

Connecting Rheology, Microstructure, and Chemistry of the Upper Mantle: Mineral and Rock Physics MR003 New Constraints from Experiments, Models, and Natural Observations T,V The properties of Earth's deep interior: reconciling simulations and Mineral and Rock Physics MR009 experiments DI Mineral and Rock Physics MR012 Interiors of habitable planets P Mineral and Rock Physics MR020 Precursory deformation before dynamic failure G,S,T,V “Zoomed-in” geophysics: from atomic-scale structures to large-scale Mineral and Rock Physics MR024 planetary structures and processes DI

Nonlinear Geophysics NG001 Advances in Data Assimilation, Predictability and Uncertainty Quantification A Nonlinear Geophysics NG010 Statistical Geodynamics and Hazard Cascades NH Nonlinear Geophysics NG011 Stochastic Modelling in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics A,C,OS Natural Hazards NH005 Benchmarks for Extreme Space Weather Events PA,SI,SM Compound and Cascading Events: an Emerging Challenge for Natural Natural Hazards NH008 Hazard Risk Assessment and Management H Disaster Diplomacy: Transcending Academic and National Boundaries to Natural Hazards NH009 Reduce Disaster Risks SI Engaging Science to Enhance Preparedness for Regional and National-Level Natural Hazards NH011 Response to Volcanic Eruptions SI,V Environmental hazards from climate change and urbanization: science and Natural Hazards NH012 technology to build community resilience GC Natural Hazards NH013 Extreme sea levels: statistics, impacts, and adaptation OS

Ground, Buoys, Satellite and Model Data: Integrated Approach For Natural Hazards NH016 Monitoring, Damage Assessment and Early Warning of Natural Hazards AE,G,S,SI Natural Hazards NH022 Ionospheric and Atmospheric Responses to Multiple Natural Hazards G,SA One year on: further research into the cause and impacts of the 2017 Natural Hazards NH025 Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. IN Natural Hazards NH026 Predicting Extreme Events to Build Resilience to Natural Hazards EP,H,OS,SA Pre-Earthquake Processes: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake Natural Hazards NH027 Prediction Studies A,GP,S,SM Natural Hazards NH035 Tsunami Research and Early Warning G,OS,S Wildfires: Pushing the Limits of Predictability with Big Data, Big Models, and Natural Hazards NH038 Machine Learning A,GC,IN,SI Advances and Revelations from Geophysical Exploration and Observation in Near Surface Geophysics NS001 the Cryosphere C,S Near Surface Geophysics NS003 Agricultural Geophysics H Near Surface Geophysics NS004 A tour of open-source software packages for the geosciences IN,S Full-Waveform Inversion, modeling and imaging in Seismology and Near Near Surface Geophysics NS006 Surface Geophysics S Near Surface Geophysics NS007 Geophysical Methods for Groundwater Evaluation and Management H Near Surface Geophysics NS008 Geophysical Quantification of Biogeochemical Processes B,H

Near Surface Geophysics NS009 Near-Surface Geophysics and its Applicability to Volcanic Environments V Near Surface Geophysics NS010 Near-surface geophysics for anthropogenic targets PA Near Surface Geophysics NS012 Near-surface geophysics in the critical zone EP Promoting Access to Clean Drinking Water Through Innovative Applications Near Surface Geophysics NS013 of Near Surface Geophysics GH Near Surface Geophysics NS014 Time-lapse and Baseline Geophysical Studies in Coastal Zones OS Unoccupied Airborne Systems: Advances and Applications for Hydrology Near Surface Geophysics NS015 and Geophysics H Air-sea interaction from tropics to extratropics: ocean mesoscales, Ocean Sciences OS003 teleconnections, and climate predictions A,GH Ocean Sciences OS006 Biocalcification: From Geochemical Proxies to Climate Impacts B,GC,PP Ocean Sciences OS008 Coastal Altimetry: Retrieval, Applications and Assimilation in Models G Ocean Sciences OS018 Geologic Evolution of Continental Shelves EP

Rare Earth Elements (REEs) as Tracers of Oceanic Processes: New Insights Ocean Sciences OS037 into the Geochemical Mechanisms Behind Their Patterns and Profiles B Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission: Oceanography, Ocean Sciences OS040 Hydrology, and their interaction at the estuaries H Unprecedented Bering Sea Ice Extent and Impacts to Marine Ecosystems Ocean Sciences OS044 and Western Alaskan Communities C,GH Planetary Sciences P003 Aurora and airglow in planetary and exoplanetary atmospheres SA From the Earth to the : Unraveling the Geologic, Oceanographic and Planetary Sciences P020 Chemical Mysteries of Ice and Ocean Worlds C,OS Integrating Geophysical Methods for Improved Imaging of Planetary Planetary Sciences P024 Surfaces and Interiors NS “The New Underground”: Science and Exploration of a New Deep Planetary Sciences P046 Frontier B,NS The Significance of Late Accretion for Composition and Early Evolution of Planetary Sciences P052 the Terrestrial Planets V Addressing Societal Challenges through the Global Earth Observation Public Affairs PA002 System of Systems (GEOSS). PA Artists Engaging the Public in Climate Dialogues: Connect with Artists Working with Scientists to Engage the Public in Environmental Science and Public Affairs PA005 Climate Change IN Public Affairs PA015 Communication of Science - Practice, Research and Reflection ED,GC,H,SI Public Affairs PA019 Data Policy: Much More than Just the Data Set IN,SI

Public Affairs PA020 Earth Observation Applications in Support of Global Policy Frameworks SI Integrating Indigenous and Local Knowledge in Disaster Risk Reduction Public Affairs PA033 Research and Policies SI Public Affairs PA035 Intercultural Science Communication ED,PA Public Affairs PA036 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Drought and Drought Decisions B,GC Public Affairs PA042 New and emerging technologies and their society and policy impacts IN Public Affairs PA045 Open-source energy data and modeling A

Public Affairs PA047 Progress Towards Enhancing National Preparedness for Space Weather NH,SI,SM Remote Sensing Applications for Water Management and Planning: From Public Affairs PA049 Data to Operational Decisions in the Field H Science to Action: Building Novel and Transformative Partnerships Toward Public Affairs PA054 Decision-Relevant Science ED,GC,H,SI

Public Affairs PA056 Science to Action: Education for Community/Scientist Problem Solving ED Science to Action: Meeting the Information Needs for Climate Change Public Affairs PA064 Adaptation Decisions SI Carbonate Sediments Through Time: Processes of Deposition and Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology PP008 Diagenesis EP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology PP013 Emiliani Lecture OS Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology PP039 The K-Pg Mass Extinction and the Chicxulub Impact Crater P Beyond the earthquake cycle – field and modeling constraints of earthquake rupture along complex-geometry fault systems and implications Seismology S003 for seismic hazard assessment NH,T Earthquake Source Physics Inferred from Macroscopic Source Parameters Seismology S005 and Seismicity Parameters T Seismology S011 Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification in Geoscientific Inversion DI,GP,H,NS Heterogeneity and scaling relations impacting the geomechanical behavior Seismology S016 of fault zones MR,T Seismology S018 Induced Seismicity in the United States and Canada H,NG,T Seismology S023 On the symbiosis between fundamental and exploration geophysics NS Seismology S033 The 15 November 2017 the Pohang Earthquake T Cross-scale Coupling and Energy Transfer in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere- SPA-Aeronomy SA004 Thermosphere System SM Ground-Truth Data and Model Validation for Magnetosphere-Ionosphere SPA-Aeronomy SA006 Coupling Processes SM SPA-Aeronomy SA007 Employing Space Physics to Mitigate Space Weather Impacts SH,SM SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics SH002 Collisionless Shock Waves in Astrophysical Plasmas P,SM Novel Measurement Techniques for Space Plasma in Heliophysics and SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics SH013 Planetary Science P,SA,SM

SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics SH021 Reconnection and Turbulence: Two Fundamental Processes Intertwined SM Space-Weather Research and Forecasting: Building Tomorrow's Space- SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics SH025 Weather Architectures SM SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics SH029 The Interstellar Probe Mission: NASA Study Findings and Next Steps P SPA-Magnetospheric Physics SM003 Geospace Research from Polar Environments SA SPA-Magnetospheric Physics SM006 Machine Learning in Space Weather SA,SH SPA-Magnetospheric Physics SM008 Magnetospheres in the Outer Solar System P SPA-Magnetospheric Physics SM009 Magnetospheric Physics: General Contributions SA,SH SPA-Magnetospheric Physics SM011 -Plasma Interactions Throughout the Solar System P

Our Evolving Understanding of Auroral Processes and Magnetosphere SPA-Magnetospheric Physics SM013 Dynamics at Jupiter Through Juno and Earth-Based Observations P SPA-Magnetospheric Physics SM017 Quantifying Uncertainty in Space Weather Modeling and Forecasting SA,SH

The Application Usability Level (AUL) framework: a standard measure of SPA-Magnetospheric Physics SM022 progress to benefit heliophysics research, and the needs of our society. SA Current understanding of large igneous provinces, hotspot tracks, and Tectonophysics T011 mantle plumes GP,V Flow and fracture: mixed brittle-viscous behavior throughout the Tectonophysics T018 lithosphere MR Tectonophysics T023 Geospatial Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning in Earth Sciences GC,IN,OS

Tectonophysics T025 Interplay between seismic and aseismic slip: Implications for fault physics G,S Linking Tectonic Geomorphology and Plate Boundary Processes in Tectonophysics T026 Terrestrial and Marine Environments EP Mechanics of seismic and aseismic events from small-scale lab-experiments Tectonophysics T027 to large earthquakes MR Tectonophysics T035 Seafloor Geodesy — Measuring Deformation of the Seabed G,OS Seismo-tectonic processes along active Latin American margins: Tectonophysics T036 earthquakes and aseismic signatures. G,S Tectonophysics T038 Shallow subduction zone structure and dynamics G,S Structure and dynamics of the upper mantle: characterizing the lithosphere- Tectonophysics T040 asthenosphere system from crust to transition zone DI,S The Arctic Connection: investigating the tectonic evolution of the Circum- Tectonophysics T046 Arctic EP Tectonophysics T051 The Varied Roles of Aqueous Fluids Near the Subduction Interface MR,V

Volatile cycling in subduction zones: fluid inputs, pathways & outputs, and Tectonophysics T053 their impact on geodynamic processes and natural hazards DI,S,V Whose Fault Is It? Relating Structural and Compositional Heterogeneity to Tectonophysics T054 Slip Behavior MR,S,SM Wyoming Craton: From Precambrian core of Laurentia to current state Tectonophysics T055 within North America S,V 60 Years of Scientific Achievements in the Arctic and Antarctica: Looking Union U001 Back, Looking Forward C,GC Union U002 Can we manage Earth's future? B,GC,PA,SI

Union U004 Cities and Geophysics, lessons from the past and challenges for the future H,NG,NH Critical GeoHealth Disaster Research to Support Response, Recovery, and Union U005 Future Preparedness GH,NH Geoscience Impact in a Complex World: Successful Collaboration with Social Union U008 Scientists PA,SI

New Models of Citizen Science for the Next Century of AGU: Approaches to Union U016 Enable Meaningful Engagement With Evidence and the Scientific Process A,OS

The Challenges of Recognizing Implicit Bias in Earth and Space Sciences and Union U018 Strategies for Minimizing its Impact in the Coming Decades of the AGU NS,SH,SM Union U022 Toward a More Resilient Global Society. GC,GH,NH,SI Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology V003 Advancing Earth Science through Geologic Mapping T Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology V007 Basaltic magmatism: Constraints from trace elements. DI Crustal formation, fluid-rock reactions and subsurface microbial communities in the Samail ophiolite: Results from the Oman Drilling Project Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology V015 and related research B,T Data Science and Geochemistry: Applying Data-driven Approach in Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology V017 Geochemistry-centric Studies B,EP,H,IN

Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology V027 Interdisciplinary Characterization of Volcanic Explosion Source Dynamics NH,S

Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology V029 New Insights into Oceanic Spreading Centers from Seafloor Observatories B,OS,S,T Rates and timescales of magma transport and storage from mantle source Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology V033 to emplacement or eruption MR,NH Storage, cycling, and environmental consequences of magmatic volatile Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology V036 transfer from the mantle to the atmosphere DI,T Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology V041 Upper Crust Evolution:Models of formation and composition S,T Volcanic ash plumes - Generation, Dynamics, Electrification, Dispersion and Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology V043 Impacts AE