Voter Handle Category Affilation First Second Third

Aidan Moon Zirene Caster aphromoo Huni

Arthur Chandra TheMay0r Producer Riot Games aphromoo Huni Bjergsen

Clayton Raines Captain Flowers Caster Riot Games aphromoo Huni Smoothie

David Turley Phreak Caster Riot Games aphromoo Dardoch Meteos

Isaac Cummings-Bentley Azael Caster Riot Games aphromoo Huni Bjergsen

James Patterson Dash Host Riot Games aphromoo Bjergsen Huni

Joshua Leesman Jatt Analyst Riot Games aphromoo Huni Smoothie

Julian Carr Pastrytime Caster Riot Games aphromoo Huni Jensen

Kien Lam MeanMisterKien Lolesports Writer Riot Games Huni Bjergsen

Mark Zimmerman MarkZ Analyst Riot Games aphromoo Huni Bjergsen

Ovilee May Interviewer Riot Games aphromoo Huni Smoothie

Rivington Bisland III RivingtonThe3rd Caster Riot Games aphromoo Huni Bjergsen

Sam Hartman-Kenzler Kobe Caster Riot Games Huni aphromoo Smoothie

Tom Searfoss Optimus Tom Stats Riot Games Smoothie Huni aphromoo

Tyler Stack Kozlov Observer Riot Games Smoothie Huni aphromoo

Zaqueri Black aphromoo Player Huni Smoothie Apollo

Neil Hammad pr0lly Coach 100 Thieves Dardoch Huni Bjergsen

Andy Ta Smoothie Player Dardoch Huni Febiven

Hangyu Bok Reapered Coach Cloud9 Dardoch Huni aphromoo

Apollo Price Apollo Player aphromoo Bjergsen Huni

David Lim DLim Coach Clutch Gaming aphromoo Bjergsen Huni

Vincent Wang Biofrost Player aphromoo Huni Febiven

Tony Gray Zikz Coach Counter Logic Gaming aphromoo Bjergsen Huni

Jason Tran WILDTURTLE Player FlyQuest Bjergsen Smoothie Ssumday

Minseong Jeong Rapidstar Coach FlyQuest Dardoch Svenskeren Xmithie

Seung-hoon Heo Huni Player Declined to Vote

Nicholas Smith Inero Coach Echo Fox Hakuho Bjergsen

Hai Lam Hai Player Declined to Vote

Tyler Perron Tyler Coach Golden Guardians aphromoo Huni Smoothie

Matthew Higginbotham Akaadian Player OpTic Gaming Cody Sun aphromoo Dardoch

Thomas Si-Hassen Zaboutine Coach OpTic Gaming Huni aphromoo Smoothie

Yiliang Peng Player Bjergsen Huni aphromoo

Nu-ri Jang Cain Coach Team Liquid Huni Bjergsen

Søren Bjerg Bjergsen Player TSM Dardoch aphromoo Meteos

Sangsu Kim Ssong Coach TSM Pobelter Xmithie Cody Sun

Aaron Mickunas 3rd Party Media Dot Smoothie aphromoo Huni

Austen Goslin 3rd Party Media Rift Herald Cody Sun Bjergsen Meteos

Colin McNeil 3rd Party Media theScore esports Bjergsen Jensen Doublelift

Emily Rand 3rd Party Media Independent Meteos Febiven Zven

Miles Yim Feeding_Bot 3rd Party Media Huni aphromoo Bjergsen

Sharon Coone Sharoogala 3rd Party Media Blitz Esports aphromoo Febiven Dardoch

Travis Gafford Travis Gafford 3rd Party Media Travis Gafford Esports Smoothie Huni aphromoo

Tyler Erzberger Fionn 3rd Party Media ESPN aphromoo Huni Bjergsen