Facts in the Case of HP Lovecraft
1'0,."", I", s"mud 1m .." W ~ ldo ",,4 Wrll",m I ~ ...~" Cou""", ,,,,..,, U,,"'~ ..'" A,d"vn Fvcrv Ihm~ , IIIUII! Cf>llnlf\' r< 1Il'lrchin,l: 011 Wifh ,peech . [unr J. 1832 . Samuel W . Blld,l:ham. (irH ffi<1yOf oi ,Ic.1I11 /'''<If",,,I fdl/Wdd _,pa d upon fhl' hi,l:hway of P/O\',de/lC( . P<lld /111>11/1' W rhe IW n \ pllrIa llo n 'I'vollllion, III1Pll'\'l'menl ,. In l h" ml'laphw 01 h,_\ intlugtlltllioll a I"uor In m"kln,(" ,uy of rhe town of Pmvidl'nct 'p. 29J. RHO DE ISLAND HISTORY The Rho..k hland Hi,HtJr/CLlI .~ocicty a.'iH.l mes Tin 1U1Om l'ol"'D I Il'TORIOH '-'OClETY no le'i'tm,d"/uy for UrI/II01I' or nmlnburn". 52 rO\HR vrarrr rRO\'IllI'U RHOO[ l~lA:'<[1 Issued QUJonerly at Providence, Rhode Island, lo-cph K O tt, pre\hlclIf Fch ru.uy, May. Auguve, and November Second G cur.i:l.' C DJ.\"I ~ , \-,It' prcssdem cl.r...... ('I<)<,I J.i:C polio ;II Providence, Rhode Island. Duncan H unter Mauran , "'ice pr esident Bradford F. S.... an . -ecnnary Tabl e flf CORleRl ~ Mr~ Nor man T Rollc ~ . <1~I"l drH .H'c H't<:Jry Townes ,\\ Hams. lr., ttcosurer Lawrence Lanpher, ,H,,,t,IIlIICf,hun:r Pace in the Case of H P. Lovecrafr Albert T Klvhcr~ , dUCClOt by Bar ton L S/ Armand 3 rUaLlL'ATlUr., CO VlMJ TTH Stuart C. vh crrnan. Chdlrlll<ln Henry LP.
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