Presentation: The 1/32 Presentation: The New Deal 2/32 Poll

Presentation: The New Deal 3/32 Why do you think Franklin D. Roosevelt called his program "The New Deal?"

It was new, and it was a deal.

His cousin, Theodore Roosevelt had a plan called the "Square Deal."

To continue the policies of Herbert Hoover.

Presentation: The New Deal 4/32 Presentation: The New Deal 5/32 Presentation: The New Deal 6/32 Presentation: The New Deal 7/32

Presentation: The New Deal 8/32 Open Ended Question

Presentation: The New Deal 9/32 What was the purpose of FDR's fireside chat, as seen in the video? Do think it worked?

Presentation: The New Deal 10/32 Presentation: The New Deal 11/32 Presentation: The New Deal 12/32 Presentation: The New Deal 13/32 Open Ended Question

Presentation: The New Deal 14/32 Why was the AAA so controversial?

Presentation: The New Deal 15/32 Presentation: The New Deal 16/32 Presentation: The New Deal 17/32

Presentation: The New Deal 18/32 Poll

Presentation: The New Deal 19/32 Which of the New Deal reforms do you think was most effective? Why?

Civilian Conservation Corps

Works Progress Administration

Glass-Steagal Act

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Presentation: The New Deal 20/32 Presentation: The New Deal 21/32 Open Ended Question

Presentation: The New Deal 22/32 Why is the character in the background so concerned about the "stew?"

Presentation: The New Deal 23/32 Presentation: The New Deal 24/32 Presentation: The New Deal 25/32 Quiz New Deal Quiz

Presentation: The New Deal 26/32 What was the Glass-Steagall Act?

It sought to raise crop prices by lowering production.

It established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

It provided money to states to create jobs chiefly in the construction of schools and other buildings.

It required corporations to provide complete information on all stock offerings.

Presentation: The New Deal 27/32 What was the Federal Securities Act?

It sought to raise crop prices by lowering production.

It established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

It provided money to states to create jobs chiefly in construction.

It required corporations to provide complete information on all stock offerings.

Presentation: The New Deal 28/32 What social program did propose?


National Recovery Act

Tennessee Valley Authority

Civilian Conservation Corps

Presentation: The New Deal 29/32 He was a popular radio personality, but his anti-Semitism and support for Hitler ended his career.

Huey Long

Father Coughlin

Dr. Francis Townsend

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Presentation: The New Deal 30/32 Which New Deal reform effort was meant to increase crop prices by reducing production?

Tennessee Valley Authority

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Civilian Conservation Corps

Federal Emergency Relief Administration

Presentation: The New Deal 31/32 Presentation: The New Deal 32/32

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