City of Whittier 13230 Penn Street Whittier, CA 90602 Contact: Sonya Lui, Principal Planner
[email protected] May 2021 This page intentionally left blank. Table of Contents Page 1. introduction I1 Overview I1 housing element scope and purpose I2 relationship to other general plan elements I2 public participation I3 2. community profile/housing need assessment N1 population and employment characteristics N1 stock characteristics N5 special housing needs N8 energy conservation opportunities N11 at-risk housing analysis N12 preservation and replacement options N12 projected housing need (RHNA) N13 3. constraints on housing production C1 non-governmental constraints C1 governmental constraints C3 4. housing resources R1 regional housing needs assessment R1 progress towards the RHNA R2 consistency with affirmatively furthering fair housing R15 5. 2014-2021 housing element program accomplishments A1 6. housing plan H1 goals and policies H2 implementing programs H4 summary of quantified objectives H16 appendices This page intentionally left blank. 1. introduction overview This Housing Element provides the City of Whittier with a coordinated and comprehensive strategy for promoting the production of safe, decent, and affordable housing for all community residents. Whittier has a strong commitment to implementing a vision that embraces new opportunities, supports housing development, and provides diverse housing options. Realizing that new housing opportunities for all income levels was challenging to achieve during the 5th Cycle, Whittier initiated a comprehensive General Plan update that rethinks residential development opportunities throughout the City. The General Plan update provides for a diversity of housing in a new Transit Oriented District, along Whittier Boulevard, in Uptown, and in expanded mixed-use districts.