Welford street, 29S Cannon II York tavern, Thomas Bromilow George Spencer 27 Hudson Geo. Allen.bu.tcher street to Newport street. Dennis Pickering (Handsworth) 29 Gilchrist & Tash,ch;t,rt.8red 55 McGee John, shopkeeper I3 Wooler Ernest Hy. butcher Kirkup EJwin (Glenaln) accountants rg & 21 Warwick Rt. pwnbkr Wilson Richad Newton Old Linthurpe Brit.:k Co. Wellesley road, Grove hill, ...... he-re is Ctoss st...... •. (Birkettville) Ltd. brick manufactrs Grove hill to Fields. 23 Peacock Herbert, butcher Thomas Alfred Ernest(Brant- 31 & 33 Field Alfred, printer NORTH SIDK. 35 Robinson Thos. boot repr wood) · 31 & 33 Kirby Miss Georgina, McCreton Jn. builder (Avoca) ...... here ate Stockton. cf Taylor Geo. W. (Brecondale) teacher of shorthand souTII SIDPJ. A.cklam sts ...... Skipsey Cuthbert (Belle Vue) 35 & 37 Newhouse J. Ltd. tlrs 51 Earl Miss Evelyn, teacher Porter Ernest, baker Hall Rt. Thomas (Walwor h) ...... lzere m·e Al!Jert mPWs ...... of music ...... here is Snowdon rd...... WEST SIDE...... here is .Albt!'l·t rd ...... here is Innes st.: ...... Dawson Isaac Wellington hotel Wellington street, 3o lw·eareRandolpluj-Hopkms sts Jones Bernard 39 Hudson William, butcher Bridge street west to 22 sOUTH SIDE. Stephenson Arthur, insurance ..... here a1·e Dund,as mews ...... Richmond street. 2 Carter ~Irs. & Son, ward- supt. (Hanowins house) +I Watkins Ltd. watch ma.s WEST SIDE. robe dealers Key John (Roselle) +3 Charlton John H. fruiterer :;~ & 4 Victoria P.H. Robert 6 Parkin Mrs.Elizabeth,fried Davison George F. (Hythe ho) 45 Colbeck James M. butcher O'Brien fish dealer Avern William (Ryecroft) 47 Spark R. & Son, bakers ...... here is Victoria yard...... 8 Nag's Head P.H. Joseph ... ~ere is Phillips avenue ... 49 Lewis A~aziah, painter 10 Middlesbrough Church Callaghan Colhn Mri!. D. ( Clunas house) ...... here ts Dundas st ...... Army & Labonr House, I4 Eastmans Ltd. butchers Davie John (Fyvie) SI & SIA, Heron R. C. & Co. window clnr;. &c. (Capt. r6 McKay Ernest, shopkeeper Hanso~ James tailors George Leary in charge) I8 ChapmanMri!.M.hair drssr Hutchmson John Henry 53 :M:edcraft George, hatter&c 1:8 Readma.n James, fruiterer 20 Oxley Mrs. Margt. grngrcr (Staincliffe) .... lzere m·e Lintho1--pe mews ..•• ~8A, Byers William, smith 24 King William IV. P.H. Bul!ough John B.(Denewoo:l) 57 & 59 Mercdith Jn.confctnr I8A, White Arthur, joiner Edward Chas. Braunton Wetherill George (Asenby) 61 & 63 Stewarts Clothiers ...... here is Wesley pl ...... 28 Stones Mrs. Mary Hannah, Allott Miss (Ashbury) Limited, tail ora &c 40 Darcy James, insur. ao-ent shopkeeper Christianson William Alex- ...... he1·e is Liathorpe rd...... WEsLEYAN REFORM C;APL 36 1\layo Wm.Edwd.boot repr ander (Holme Lacy) County Court, Hugh s: ...... here is Brougham st ...... 38 Bentley .Albert, grocer Oldhall_l Alfred Edward (Nor- Cr?~by, registrar & high 4~ Etherington Philip, butchr ...... here ts Stockton st...... • to!llergh) . _bailiff Bentley Joseph, commou Ransome John, wheelwright ~enlle Robert H. (Lochiel) Hippodrome (Thomas lodgmg house ...... he1·e i~ Snowdon rd ...... :\Iurrdy Francis William Thompson, proprietor ; EA.S'r SIDE...... here is Lincoln st...... (Pierremont) Frank P.uker,m:mager) I ParkerMrs.Eleanor,shpkpr 56 Hargrave John w. grocer Ephgrave Fred a. (Rosewell) ...... here i~ Todds bldjS ...... here is lYilliam st .•....•. 58 Conlon Mri!. :\Iargaret, ...... he1·e ts Masons pl...... 7 Haw Jame51, shopkeeper fried fish dealer Whitehouse street, Ayre· 69 LeaderGeo. Wm. paper mer ..... here is Tempe1·ance pl ...... here a1·e Buck st. some Grange rd. to \Vest la. 69A. Mortimer Jn Wm. joiner 23 Hardy William,shopkeeper q Robin~on st...... SOUTH ~IDE. 71 :\Iorton~ydneyE. u. R.c. v.::t. •P Elcoate Mrs. Alice,shopkpr 62 McPhillips P. shopkeeper 38 Morgan Mtss Hannah, vetermary surgeon here a1•e Robe1·tq B1·ougham sts -~ •.. het~ is .Woodhou,;e ter..... shopkeeper ...... here are D~ughtys bldgs. 47 Kyle Sarah, shopkpr Gas Improvement kl t t P· _ Hdl st ...... :· ·•• ~Irs. LI~h~mg w·10 8 10 ~ 4 .... here lS Ma1·lboro1.tgh st.. ... Co. Lmnted . ow rea ' 7 ar .... he1·e m·e Aljl'ed st. Pr,nc8 49 Wicks Mrs. Clara Jane, hament rd. to Ayresome st. Arthur ~t. ~- Dale st ...... shopkeeper · West wharf. 46 Crane Mrs. :\Iary Ann, ro5 Montague Mrs. Mal"y, "r I ...... h ere ts· .~..e zson p l ...... "'ee~ V u can s t ree t . shopkeeperh . C t d sl1opkeeper 63 Bishop Mrs. Sarah, grngro ...... eJ·e ts rescen r ...... NORTH SID~. Westward street, II9 Lin- 82 Sterry Mrs.Ros.e, dress ma ...... lw·e is E:J:cltanyepl ...... Wentworth terrace. thorpe rd. to 9 Hartington rd. 88 Johnson Wm. msur. agent Co.:\lllERCIAL BUILDINGS: See Borough road east. N~RTH. sn~E. Willlam street, Sussex st. :\I~~~~~~r J. & Cl>. engineers' ...... here ·ts F£urbrtdye st ...... to Wellington street. Wesley street 68 I Baker .Mrs. Elizabeth, fried , . Henderson JohnJsph.coal mer road to Fletcher street. fish dealer St. Mary s Cathohc Schools Richardson Thos. accountant SOUTH SIDE. 21 Hrack Miss Hannah milk St. 1\Iary's Catholic Club, Latham George D. reporter Hall Ernest, motor engineer seller ' John B. Muir, sec for "Daily Mail" & garage 29 Moore John, painter Lyth Thomas, sacristan at Smith William, accountant ...... here is Fletcher st ...... 35 Dodshon Thos. blacksmith Catholic cathedral Trosky Brothers, tailors NORTH SIDE...... here is Head st...... ~ewcastle Daily & Weekly Wesleyan Schools 37 Hunter Frederick, grocer Willow Dene terrace. Chronicle Offices, 77 Westerman & Co. house & See Woodlands road Wm. Thompson, reporter West lane, Newport Whitehead Robert, accountut 444 esta~e agen~s ~ad to Acklam road...... here ts Harttngton 1·d ...... Willows road, Linthorpe, NORTH SIVE. SOUTH SIDE. Sycamore road. 12 Arch bold 1\Irs.Sarah, tbcnst 2 Wright Harold Richardson Joseph, hair drssr I Hinde Miss r6 Harrison Arth. Wm.chmst ...... here is Whitehouse st ...... here is .Pai1·bridye st...... 2 Goldsbrough Waiter r8 Hood & Co. Ltd.art printrs 6 Fibbens Lester L. grocer 32 Moss Mrs: Minnie, grocer 3 Bowel! Rubert 20 Foster Arthur W. hosier t6 Marshall Hany, shopkeepr ...... here 's Head st...... 4 Davidson Andrew 22&24 W oolstonsLd.statnrs.&c here are Torran, Uunningham, 54 Bowes Miss Ruth, dress ma 24 Seaton Jn. Wm. hair drssr .Archibald 4" Outwaite sts ...... he1·e is Hartinqton rd .... Wilson street, Marton rd . 26 Appleyard Mrs. Edith, Harring1on Hy. teacher of m us . to Boundary roai. Ironmonger• Bray hank, builder Westwoodaven.Lmthorpe. souTH SIDE. 28 Preston Wllliam Edward, ... he~e is Ayresome Green la.. EAST SIDE. Bentham J. H. & Co. iron hair dresser Fever Hospital (Chas. Vincent Davies Thomas S. traveller works & colliery stores 32 & 3+ Newton James Thos. Dingle M.D. medical officer; Robertson Sydney (Aher- (Hentham buildings) beer & wine retailer Miss M. L. Webb, matron) cairnie) Harmby Limestone Quar· 36 Woolstons Ltd. st:..tioner& _.here are entrances to Jewish Spence Albert (Belmont) ries Ltd. quarry owners 38 North SLar Xewsp'lper, .f Prote.~tant portions of Herdman Thomas, clerk (Bent ham buildings) Jn. 'fhos. Hutchtnson,agt cemetery ... Hlackhouse Thomas 3 Ridsdale & Co. analytical 4-0 Simpson Jo~>~eph Huckton, ...... here is Ackl-'1ll rd ...... Wilks Chas. Ernest(Craig lea) chemists h:,ir dres.,er SOUTH SIDE. Howen Hubert (Glencoe villa) 5 RylattJohnEiwd.hairdrsr +O Sutton & Co. c~.rrieN Porter John, wheelwright Pybus Wil1iam H. (Rowanlea) 7 Nelson James &Sngrcr _;6A, Brenrlel Paul, joiner llutchers' :Market (Bath bouse) 15, 17, 19 & 21 Morning :Star _;6 Admiralty Recruiting Off. 7 Hind Patrick,boot repairer ~mitbMrs.H.A.(Meadowfield) P.H. Robt. Deuchar Ltd (Col.-~ergt. James F. 9 Downey John Frederic, Thompson l'"rederick ...... here is Riclavd.~on st...... Moffitt &.M.L.l) fried fish shop 'l'aylor Albert W. (Elmscroft) Belk, Cochrane &Helk,solrs 58 Rhoies Leonard, hair drssr ••• here is Yo1·k Tavern ya1·d ... Jackson John (Graystock) 25 Lowes Ernest, boot repr ...... he1·e is Thompson st. •• h.