BU Students Make Memes Page, Bring Students

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BU Students Make Memes Page, Bring Students Thursday, February 9, 2012 Year XLI. VolumeThe LXXXII. Issue LXIX. Daily Free Presswww.dailyfreepress.com [ The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University ] Campus & City MUSE Sports Weather I FOUGHT THE LAW: MUSIC ROYALTY? STILL HOT: Today: Cloudy, High 46 Students not limited to MUSE tries to grasp W. basketball nets 11th Tonight: Clear, Low 28 field of study straight win Tomorrow: 46/28 page 3 Lana Del Rey page 5 page 8 Data Courtesy of weather.com Union plans study spaces for students living off campus BU students make By Rachel Eides Daily Free Press Staff memes page, bring Student Union has set plans to create study lounges that would include Boston students ‘together’ University students living off campus, who otherwise cannot access most study areas through Facebook in residence halls. Alisha Tubis, president of the Off-Cam- By Gina Curreri Daily Free Press Staff pus Council, said Union will work with faculty and the Facilities, Management & David LeHouillier, who co-created BU Planning to find locations to convert into Memes on Facebook, said his two-hour study spaces, as well as improving current walk on Monday was the last free time he’s spaces to include necessities such as print- had since the page became popular. ing. “Overnight, it just went into a snowball “There is currently an overwhelming effect and became the success it is now,” support for the initiative as this necessary LeHouillier, a College of Communication space is not being provided,” said Tubis, a sophomore, said. “I haven’t had time to get Sargent College of Health and Rehabilita- actual work done amidst all this fun.” tion Sciences junior, in an email interview. Since LeHouillier and College of Engi- The initiative does not include working neering sophomore Nicole Black created toward 24-hour access to residence hall BU Memes Monday night, the page has study rooms, said Union Vice President received more than 5,500 “likes” and hun- Alex Staikos. Instead, Union will focus on dreds of memes from students. providing access to a space that on- and Black recruited LeHouillier as her part- off-campus students can share. ner, after which they launched BU Memes. “Since the beginning, our approach has MICHELLE KWOCK/DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF At its inception, they posted five to ten not been to allow off-campus students un- College of Arts and Sciences freshman Erika Koutrakis swipes into the Towers memes of their own. limited access to on-campus housing,” said dormitory in order to utilize the study lounge Internet memes, images with catch- Staikos, a School of Management sopho- tions include dormitory study space for all While opening the dorm study spaces phrases, became part of Internet culture more, in an email interview. “Rather, we students, a separate facility similar to the is the most cost-efficient solution, Staikos and spread via social media websites. BU see a supply issue in dealing with the de- 24-hour computer space that opened on said it also raises a number of concerns, Memes involve commentary on inside mands of students for reserved team col- Cummington a few years ago, or additional including possible overcrowding, usage jokes for BU students, which are meant to laboration spaces.” specific reservation-only rooms similar to be satirical and funny, Black said. Staikos said Union’s possible solu- the team rooms in SMG. “It’s not really a negative thing because UNION, see page 4 there are memes that make fun of people, but we have everyone covered,” she said. “No one’s exempt. We have the CGS, the Students, national groups speak out in favor of Prop. 8 decision COM, the black, the Jewish, every meme.” By Amelia Pak-Harvey Supreme Court when Proposition 8 sup- Counsel Andy Pugno said the lawsuit was Another meme features Boromir from Daily Free Press Staff porters appeal. “pushed forward as an assault on tradition- “Lord of the Rings” and reads “One does “We’re not done yet. I’d be shocked if al marriage” with the help of “Hollywood not simply / find a seat in the GSU.” The Boston University student Celestina the case ends here, but it’s certainly en- elite.” Boromir meme received over 600 “likes.” Leon, the vice president of the Queer Activ- couraging to see this kind of progress,” “We will immediately appeal this mis- The Condescending Fox meme states ist Collective at BU, said she stood on the said Spectrum President Beth Luby, a soph- guided decision that disregards the will of “People come to BU from all walks of life Link Tables in the George Sherman Union omore in BU’s College of Arts and Sci- more than 7 million Californians who vot- / Asia.” and shouted with joy when she found out ences and College of Communication, in ed to restore marriage as the unique union Students were uploading memes by Proposition 8 was overturned. an email. “The court’s decision took a firm of only a man and woman,” Pugno said. the minute on Wednesday. Black said the “It was just a moment of relief,” Leon, stance and whatever happens next, this will The court declared that Proposition 8, memes help bring a sense of community to a College of Arts and Sciences senior, said. bring the issue back into public discourse. a ban on gay marriage that California vot- BU. BU LGBTQ members and others na- CAS junior Michael Nitz, who used to ers approved in 2008, violated the 14th “If you see that someone maybe thought tionwide said they support the Ninth Cir- be involved in Spectrum, said via email it Amendment. the same thing as you about Warren din- cuit Court of Appeals’ 2-1 action to over- is only a matter of time until Proposition 8 “Although the Constitution permits ing hall, then it brings you guys together,” turn Proposition 8. is ruled unconstitutional. communities to enact most laws they be- Black said. “That’s really what we need at “I thought it [Proposition 8] was obvi- “More than likely, it’ll end up at the Su- lieve to be desirable, it requires that there BU because it is such a large campus.” ously unconstitutional, I thought it was un- preme Court,” Nitz said. “I feel like it’ll be be at least a legitimate reason for the pas- Black said her friend Alex Lee, a fresh- fair . it came out of left field,” Leon said. overturned again, but who knows?” sage of a law that treats different classes of man at the University of Michigan, reached Members of Spectrum, a GLBTQA In a statement from Protect Marriage, a group at BU said they are pleased with the coalition supporting Proposition 8, General decision, but recognize it may reach the PROP 8, see page 4 MEMES, see page 4 Airlines to double ticket prices, students seek trains, buses as alternative transport By Meg DeMouth tinue that route,” said Southwest Spokes- Daily Free Press Staff woman Ashley Dillon in an official blog After Saturday, only US Airways offers post, noting that Southwest often adds and direct flights from Boston to Philadelphia – subtracts flights to and from its offerings. and by then, its prices will have effectively Southwest currently runs about five di- doubled. rect flights a day between the two cities, This means that in the foreseeable fu- she said. The airline will continue to offer ture, commuters who wish to go from Bos- one-stop flights between the cities. ton to Philadelphia in less than two hours “I think that it’s a popular route, just one will pay about twice as much as what they that we couldn’t sustain,” Dillon said. would have paid a week ago, about $520, Phil Orlandella, director of media rela- according to Orbitz. tions at Logan International Airport, said The price shift comes after Southwest Logan will lose some of its business. Airlines dropped its own Boston-Philadel- “Southwest has six flights a day, sev- phia route, leaving US Airways in control en days a week [for that route],” he said. of the market. “We’re losing [about] 43 flights a week.” Southwest Airlines, the only other ser- It is a small percentage, but it is still a vice to currently provide non-stop flights dent, he said, for the route, announced earlier this week Orlandella said the non-stop route con- they would no longer offer that option to necting Boston to Philadelphia tends to be travelers. useful for businessmen and women, add- “It’s just a route that wasn’t profitable ing, “I’m sure that other airlines are look- for us. With the cost of fuel and the eco- ing at it for their market.” MICHELLE KWOCK/DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF nomic downturn we just decided to discon- Airlines are beginning to increase fares between Boston and Philadelphia. AIRLINES, see page 4 2 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2012 Start Your Career COMING 100’s of New Choices MONDAY in Accounting. Where: Agganis Arena Main Lobby When: Mon. Feb. 13 thru Fri. Feb. 17 Time: 10 A.M. - 7 P.M. Sponsor: Barnes and Noble at Boston University Northeastern’s MS in Accounting/MBA for non-accounting majors: D • Earn two degrees in just 15 months. • Complete a 3-month paid residency at a leading accounting firm. F • Proven track record of 100% job placement. P Application Deadlines: November 15, February 1 and March 15 D Learn more about the program and upcoming events at: F www.msamba.neu.edu. 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