REG. NO. 140705142






REG. NO. 140705142


Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed. TESOL Drs. Mohammad Syafi’ie, MA NIP. 196107031986011001 NIP. 195611131986011001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination

Head, Secretary,

Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A, Ph.D Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A, Ph.D NIP. 19540916 198003 2 003 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on December 21, 2018

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. NIP. 196008051 987031 001

Board of Examiners

Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A, Ph.D

Dr. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum

Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M. Ed. TESOL




Signed :

Date : December 21, 2018








Signed :

Date : December 21, 2018




Alhamdulillahirobbil'alamin, at the happiest moment, praises and thanks are given to Allah SWT, the Creator and the Owner of this entire universe for the blessing and keeps my body and brain keep functioning during the writing of this thesis, so that this thesis could finally be completed. This thesis would not be possible to be finished without the help of many people. I also would like to thank to:

1. The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S, for approving this thesis. 2. The Head of English Department, Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D, for the permission to conduct this thesis. 3. My Supervisor, Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed. TESOL, for his concern, patience, critical advise, and his valuable time in correcting the manuscript of this thesis. 4. My Co-Supervisor, Drs. Mohammad Syafi'ie, MA, for his guidance in correcting the manuscript of this thesis. 5. My Examiner, Dr. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum, for her suggestion in correcting this thesis 6. All the lecturers who have taught and given me valuable knowledge. 7. My beloved parents, Abdul Rahim and Sri Mulyani, for care, prayers, motivations, and supports me during the period of study in this faculty.

Finally, I realize that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore any suggestions, comments, and criticisms are welcome.

Medan, December 21, 2018

Surya Misauri



The research entitled Analysis of Colloquial Expressions in Gold Digger Prank is focused on colloquial words or phrase in Gold Digger Prank video. The objectives of this research are to find out colloquial expressions and to analyze the meaning of colloquial expressions found in Gold Digger Prank video. The data of this research are in the form of word, phrase, and sentence containing colloquial expressions found in the video. This research used a descriptive-qualitative method. From the chapter IV, I found 306 words/utterances of colloquial expressions on gold digger prank video. There are five types of colloquial expressions found on gold digger prank video. The most dominant types of colloquial expressions in this video is single words (41.5%), then contractions (34.31%), followed by clipped words (13.07%), and verb-adverb combination (8.17%). The least types of colloquial expressions is short picturesque words for technical terms (2.94%). From the analysis and finding, I conclude that colloquial expressions is known as impolite and rude language because it is informal language or ordinary language. It shows the relationship between the speaker and the listener. It is a faster and easier way to communicate.

Keywords: colloquial expressions, language varieties, formal and informal language.



Penelitian berjudul Analysis of Colloquial Expressions in Gold Digger Prank berfokus pada kata atau frasa kolokial pada video gold digger prank. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis ekspresi kolokial dan untuk menganalisis makna dari ekspresi kolokial yang ditemukan pada video gold digger prank. Data dari penelitian ini berupa kata, frasa, dan kalimat yang mengandung ekspresi kolokial yang ditemukan dalam video. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deksriptif-kualitatif. Dari bab IV, saya menemukan 306 kata/ungkapan dari ekspresi kolokial pada video gold digger prank. Ada lima jenis ekspresi kolokial ditemukan pada video gold digger prank. Jenis ekspresi kolokial yang paling banyak dalam video ini adalah single words (41.5%), kemudian contractions (34.31%), diikuti oleh clipped words (13.07%), dan verb-adverb combination (8.17%). Jenis ekspresi kolokial yang paling sedikit adalah short picturesque words for technical terms (2.94%). Dari analisis dan temuan, saya menyimpulkan bahwa ekspresi kolokial dikenal sebagai bahasa yang tidak sopan dan kasar karena itu adalah bahasa informal atau bahasa lumrah. Itu menunjukan hubungan antara pembicara dan pendengar. Ini adalah cara yang lebih cepat dan mudah untuk berkomunikasi.

Kata kunci: ekspresi kolokial, variasi bahasa, bahasa formal dan informal.



Table 2.1 : Spoken and Written Language Varieties ...... 6

Table 2.2 : Formal and Informal Language Varieties ...... 7

Table 4.1 : Single Words ...... 26

Table 4.2 : Clipped Words ...... 42

Table 4.3 : Short Picturesque Words for Technical Terms ...... 46

Table 4.4 : Contractions ...... 50

Table 4.5 : Verb-adverb Combinations ...... 60

Table 4.6 : Colloquial Expressions Found in Gold Digger Prank ...... 70




CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problems of the Study ...... 3 1.3 Objectives of the Study ...... 3 1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 3 1.5 Significances of the Study ...... 4

CHAPTER II – REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 5 2.1 Language Varieties ...... 5 2.2 Spoken and Written Language Varieties ...... 5 2.3 Formal and Informal Language Varities ...... 6 2.4 Classification on Language Varieties ...... 7 2.4.1 Standar Language ...... 7 2.4.2 Cant ...... 8 2.4.3 Jargon ...... 8 2.4.4 Glossolalia ...... 8


2.5 Style of Language ...... 10 2.5.1 Frozen Style ...... 11 2.5.2 Formal Style ...... 11 2.5.3 Consultative Style ...... 11 2.5.4 Casual Style ...... 12 2.5.5 Intimate Style ...... 12 2.6 Colloquial Language ...... 12 2.7 Review of Related Study ...... 16

CHAPTER III – METHOD OF THE RESEARCH ...... 19 3.1 Research Design ...... 19 3.2 Data and Source of Data ...... 19 3.2.1 Data ...... 20 3.2.2 Source of Data ...... 20 3.3 Data Collection Procedures ...... 20 3.4 Data Analysis Techniques ...... 21 3.4.1 Data Condensation ...... 22 3.4.2 Data Display ...... 22 3.4.3 Drawing and Verifying Conclusion ...... 22

CHAPTER IV – ANALYSIS AND FINDING ...... 23 4.1 The types of colloquial expressions found in gold digger prank video ...... 23 4.1.1 The analysis of the Findings Single Words ...... 25 4.1.2 The analysis of the Findings Clipped Words ...... 41 4.1.3 The analysis of the Findings Short Picturesque Words for Technical Terms ...... 44


4.1.4 The analysis of the Findings Contractions ...... 49 4.1.5 The analysis of the Findings Verb-Adverb Combinations ..... 59

CHAPTER V – CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...... 69 5.1 Conclusion ...... 69 5.2 Suggestion ...... 70 REFERENCES ...... 72 APPENDICES : i. APPENDIX 1 ii. APPENDIX 2 iii. APPENDIX 3 iv. APPENDIX 4




1.1 Background of the Study

Language is communications tools among members of society in the form of a symbol of the sound produced by human vocal organs (Keraf, 1997:1). It means that language is a tool to convey something that comes into mind to interact and communicate. In other words, language is a tool for conveying opinions, ideas, concepts or feelings. Without language, people will find difficulties to communicate with each other. Because of that, language is needed as a means and an infrastructure in the daily life, in terms of education, social, and culture. Language variation is one of the main subjects in sociolinguistic studies. When someone interacts with the others, there are differences between each other. These are commonly seen from different ethnic backgrounds, situations, goals and some more. Language that exists in an environment often occurs language variations, one of them is colloquial.

“Colloquialisms are expressions appropriate to informal spoken language but

ordinary inappropriate to more formal (usually written) language. Colloquialisms

(from Latin colloqui, to speak with, converse) abound in spoken and familiar

English and do not reflect unfavorably on the speaker‟s education.”

(Partridge in The Encyclopedia Americana, 1990: 262) .

Colloquial is a language that is often used in a particular speech society, which is often used as a daily language. Colloquial occurs due to the relationship of distance between speakers both social proximity as well as common language of the speakers.


This phenomenon without realizing it has been happened around us. It is not a formal language but informal language. Speakers usually shortened a word without changing the meaning of word and also interlocutors understand what he or she has said. It is a characteristic of an appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation. It is not a part of formal speech and it can not be used in academic writing. It is usually used in daily speech.

Colloquial expressions are usually spoken and are often thought of as being direct, earthy, or quaint (Richard, 2000). The characteristics of colloquial features such as usually uses spoken language, brief speech and content speech, and there are the relationship between the speakers. An example would be, „‟Hey guys!‟‟ to greet friends and “Hello Sir‟‟ to great teachers. In other words, it shows that colloquial has a relationship between the speakers. In Indonesian, conversations usually use colloquial language like dok for dokter, prof for professor, let for letnan, and others. The word usually used in daily life called colloquial. “A prank is a mean spirited or malicious practical joke. Often times pranks are aimed towards authority figures or disliked peers.

Pranks are often embarrassing or painful to the prankee, which can be extremely lulzy.”

(Practical Joke, n.d.)

In other word prank is a mischievous act that aims to entertain the audience. There are many kinds of prank like video prank and text or chat prank. In video prank there in chair pulling prank, bomb jalals prank, shampoo prank, and others. Gold digger prank one of them where prankster do prank by pretending to look poor and have nothing in order to see if the woman (target) is a mercenary or not.


For reason, I chose this topic to be researched because I am curious about colloquial language. The speaker usually shortens the word without changing the meaning of the word. For example, the word “bug” is not only interpreted as an insect but also the word “bug” can be interpreted as a program error in computer. In other words, there are two possibilities that occur in the word “bug”. The listener certainly understand what speaker says without asking the meaning of the word. It depends on the context in a conversation (situation and condition). Then, the object is chosen because as we know that in prank video, participants usually use informal language and also prank is one of the phenomenon that is happening at this time. In this thesis, a research entitled “Analysis of Colloquial Expressions in Gold Digger Prank” is interested in research because this is a phenomenon that we often faced in environment. This research was conducted by analyzing the colloquial that are in the video. Besides that, the ability of this topic has been understood and able to complete the thesis.

1.2 Problems of the Study

According to focus of the research above, the problems of study can be formulated as follows :

1. What are the types of colloquial expressions found in Gold Digger Prank ?

2. What are the meanings of colloquial expressions found in Gold Digger Prank ?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study can be formulated as follows:


1. To find out the types of colloquial expressions found in Gold Digger Prank

2. To analyze the meanings of colloquial expressions found in Gold Digger Prank

1.4 Scope of the study

It is necessary to limit the scope in order to avoid failure in this thesis. The analysis is focused on the colloquial expressions found in Gold Digger Prank retrieved from

1.5 Significances of the Study

The result of the research provides knowledge related to colloquial in daily life and also to apply formal and informal language in its place. Besides, the result of this research practically becomes literary material for the development of science especially

English students and also to interest and to motivate the students to learn more about colloquial. After reading and understanding this thesis, the students are expected to be able to compare which one of colloquial is perfectly correct or not.




2.1 Language Varieties

Language variety is caused by social interaction activities carried out by the community or group. While many linguist would like to view any language as a homogenous entity and each speaker of that language as controlling only a single style, so that they can make the strongest possible theoretical generalizations, in actual fact that language will be seen to exhibit considerable internal variation, and single-style speakers will not be found. (Wardaugh, 1986)

Hudson (1980: 24) defines variety of language as a set of linguistic items with similar social distribution meaning used by the same speaker or community. It is stated

(glossary terms) that a language varieties are systemic variants of the usage of a language, determined by individual and or group characteristic, including standard and non-standard usage, and norms as well as deviations from these norms.

2.2 Spoken and Written Language Varieties

According to the way people use them, varieties of language are split into two, namely the spoken and written variety. English and other languages regard the written language variety to be more formal than the spoken.


The spoken variety is basically distinguished from the written one as it involves supra segmental features, such as pronunciations, intonations, stress, tempo as well as the non-verbal ones, such as gestures and facial expressions (Jendra, 2010:40).

The following list presents a few examples of the spoken and written variety of

English often found in texted messages of mobile phones as well as in web communication.

Table 2.1

(Standard) spoken variety Written (texted) variety at @ for 4 and n are r see you C u by the way btw thankyou TQ Oh My God OMG

2.3 Formal and Informal Language Varieties

The formal language variety is reffered to the variety used in writing official letters, government documents, research reports, business meetings, college lecturers, academic seminar, etc. The informal language variety is sometimes referred to as the casual or colloquial style. Casual or colloquial English words are more commonly in the spoken than in the written English variety (Jendra, 2010: 42-44).

In English the difference between the formal and informal variety can be seen in the use of forms and vocabulary. Use of complete forms such as I am, he is, we are, they


will, you have, you cannot, can be formal that the use of contractions such as I‟m, he‟s, we‟re, they‟ll, you‟ve, and you can‟t.

The following list present some more examples of the common lexical differences of the formal English variety and the informal one.

Table 2.2

Informal English Variety Formal English Variety ok alright get there (here) arrive accept (opinion) acknowledge drinks beverage guys men kids children talks dialogs fix up finished bye bye good bye

2.4 Classification on Language Varieties

Ingrum in Hossein (2017) has divided the language varieties into the following sub-categories:

2.4.1 Standard Language

Standard language is mainly used for educational and governmental aims. Trudgill

(1992:70) argues that “standard language is the variety of English which is usually used in printed from, is spoken by educated native speakers and which is normally taught in schools and to non-native speaker learning the language”.


2.4.2 Cant

Cant is used for occupational and secretive purposes. Cant refers to the limited, technical words and expression of any specific group, commonly used by underworld group (criminal, tramps and beggar, etc). As a result, it is often called “thieves” or

“underworld” slang. When the underworld wants to talk or to communicate among themselves secretly, they use a kind of language that is „secret language‟. These expressions are not found in the slang language.

2.4.3 Jargon

Jargon refers to a collection of expressions used by one social or occupational group that are not used and regularly not understood by the public. Hence, all professional terminologies, such as medical, law and engineering are qualified as jargon because these terminologies offer terms, which are unfamiliar to general population, for instance, the terms “bilateral perobital haematoma” in medical, “in absentia” in law, and

“gasket” in engineering field.

2.4.4 Glossolalia

An example of using a language version for religious purposes is the choice of glossolalia of “speaking in tongue” used by certain charismatic Christian groups. As far as the position of colloquialism in this classification is concerned, Dalzell (1998 in

Weeks, 2010) claims that “there is a huge overlap between slang and colloquial and regional" so that "some would argue that cool is no longer slang but is so commonly used as to have lost the identity value and so is merely colloquial."


Taking this into account, the colloquial expressions identified in the source books may include the slangs as well. However, it is worth mentioning that the colloquial expressions were checked in the Persian Dictionary of Colloquialism by Jamalzadeh

(2003) and Najafi (2008)

Standard and non-standard English are categorized as varieties of English. Trudgill

(1975), standard English is a dialect. Unlike any other English dialects, Standard English is the most important dialect in the English speaking world from a social, intellectual and cultural point of view. It does not have anassociated accent. It is usually used in printed media (newspapers and books), associated with education and used in broadcasting world and other public contexts. It is more easily described in terms of the written language (vocabulary, spelling, grammar) than the spoken language (Yule, 1996:


Non-standard English is usually related to people having low status in society.

Therefore, it is labeled as “bad” or “vulgar” language while Standard English is known as “good” English. Non-standard English has greater variety than standard one. The fact shows that the diversity in non-standard speech is geographic. Various groups of non- standard speaker have their own speech-forms. For instance, occupational group such as fishermen, bakers, dairy workers and so on have their own technical language. Criminals in various countries develop a kind of dialect known as secret dialect (Bloomfield,



2.5 Style of Language

Language has a potentiality for making communication successful and establishing relationships with other people. Everyone of its speaker will never use our own language in exactly the same way, because language as a form of human social behavior and communities tend to split up into groups, each displaying differences of behavior. It is natural phenomenon in the society (Citra, 2014:11).

The variation of language used in society can be caused by the social context of the speaker. In the social context, a speaker talks by using different situation or context.

This is called as style. It is sometimes also known as register. Register refers to the way that language can systematically vary according to the situation in which it is used.

There are several meanings of style given by linguists like the ones below.

Perkkanen (2010:1) says that the term style is often associated with the distinctive way an individual uses language, but another common way of looking at the concept is to categorize styles as types of discourse used by a group or groups of people and based on the functions of language, i.e. types of language used for specific purposes

(functional categorization). Style can refer to broad categories such as written and spoken language, or fact and fiction, or such main categories may be divided into subcategories depending on purpose and situation.

In practice, a speaker or a writer can use different styles of speaking. It can bevery formally or informally. They can change or can choose the style of language depending on purpose and situation. In line, Wardhaugh (1998: 48) also gives definition that register or style is another complicating factor in any study of language varieties.


Hudson (1996:46) says “your dialect shows who (or what) you are, whilst your register shows what you are doing”. So, in other words, communication can be said that it concerns with relationship between language and context in which is used.

Nida (1975:175) divides five distinguishable levels or styles of language.

They are as follows:

2.5.1 Frozen Style

The frozen style is the most formal style, which is used in very formal situations and ceremonies. In written forms, this style can be found in historical documents for example constitution and other necessary state documents. A fixed liturgy is the most extreme example of the frozen style.

2.5.2 Formal Style

The formal style is used between persons who are unknown to each other but in this case, the setting is formal, for example, a university lecture hall, parliamentary chambers, or a public auditorium. The formal style employs fuller and more precise forms, closer conformity to written style, avoidance of clipped phrases and reduction of colloquial expressions. For example, an English speaker is likely to employ may rather than might, cannot rather than can‟t, will not rather than won‟t, etc.

2.5.3 Consultative Style

The consultative style occurs between people who do not know each other and who are talking about something which is neutral in emotive value. The setting is not


formal and therefore the source is not expected to employ formal language. It is also called contact language or back channel behavior.

2.5.4 Casual Style

The casual style normally occurs between people who know each other (in-group friends and acquaintances) and in setting where the participants are relaxed. The two principle characteristics of this style are ellipses and slang, often including some taboo terminology. This casual style may also occur between persons who do not know each other, but who are operating in a very familiar setting-bargaining in a market or store.

2.5.5 Intimate Style

The intimate style occurs only between people who are well acquainted and who have shared many linguistic experiences. As a result, they may employ extreme ellipses and private vocabularies which would not be intelligible to outsiders. In intimate style, people are communicated by supplementary codes of proximity (such as facial gestures, smell and touch),so that language becomes quite secondary for conveying message.

2.6 Colloquial Language

In general, a colloquial is any informal word or expression used appropriately in conversation among ordinary or educated people. (Nofalli, 2012)

The word “colloquialism” stems from the Latin colloquium that means

“conference” or “conversation”. Colloquialism as a literary device implies using informal or everyday language in literature. Colloquialisms have generally a geographic nature. As a result, every colloquial expression belongs to a regional or a local dialect.


They can be words, phrases, or aphorisms (see below for examples). Native speakers of a language understand and use colloquialisms without realizing it, while non-native speakers may find colloquial expressions hard to translate. (Literary Devices, n.d)

A colloquialism is “a word, phrase, or other form used in informal language.

Dictionaries often display colloquial words and phrases with the abbreviation colloq. as an identifier” (Colloquialism, n.d).

In the same case, Trask (1999 in colloquialism, n.d.) argues that:

“colloquial language, colloquial dialect, or informal language is a variety of language commonly employed in conversation or other communication in informal situations. The word colloquial by its etymology originally referred to speech as distinguished from writing, but colloquial register is fundamentally about the degree of informality or casualness rather than the medium, and some usage commentators thus prefer the term casualism”.

According to McCrimmon (1963, p.169), the word “colloquial” has been defined by the American College Dictionary as “characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing.” In his opinion, this definition does not mean that a colloquial word is improper or inappropriate or careless. McCrimmon (1963) himself calls colloquialism any word or expression that may accurately be used in conversation among educated persons.

He maintains that such definition of colloquial word transforms it to a wider term than popular words or idioms covering the popular words and idiomatic constructions as well.

They also include constructions that are not strictly idioms, particularly abbreviated or


clipped versions of more formal words, such as 'ad' for 'advertisement (in Barzegar,


Further McCrimmon (1963, pp.32 in Barzegar, 2008) has categorized the colloquial English in the following way:

1. Relatively short simple sentences, often grammatically incomplete, with few

rhetorical devices;

2. An extravagant usage of contractions (I'll, we've, didn't, can't), clipped words

(cab, exam, phone), and the omission of relative pronouns (who, which, that)

which would be preserved in a formal style;

3. A vocabulary marked by general prevention of learned words and by

inclusion of some less offensive slang terms;

4. A simplified syntactic structure that leans heavily on idiomatic units and

occasionally neglects the fine differences of formal grammar and;

5. A personal or familiar tone, which intends to create the impression of talking

warmly and friendly to the readers.

According to Partridge (in The Encyclopedia Americana, 1990:262), colloquial expressions consists of five types. They are in the forms of :

1. Single words

Single word is an informal word which is usually used in daily speech. The

examples are “folks” for “relatives” (“Did you meet my folks?”) or

“tremendous” for “excellent” (“The movie was tremendous”.);


2. Clipped words

Clipped word is a new word which is formed by shortening the original

word. The original word is shortened by omitting one syllable or more, for

example the word phone is clipped word of telephone, “lab” is clipped word

of laboratory, “bike” is clipped word of bicycle;

3. Short picturesque words for technical terms

It is a short and picturesque word which is used as a variation to call another

technical term, such as “bugs” for “insects” or for “mechanical faults”;

4. Contractions

Contraction is a shortened form of one or two words by omitting internal

letter. In a contraction, an apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter or

letters. Some examples are “we‟ll” or “can‟t”;

5. Verb-adverb combinations

This combination consists of verb followed by adverb, such as “put out” for

“expel”, “extinguish”, “publish”, “inconvenience”, “embarrass”, or

“retire” (in baseball) or “lay off” for “discontinue work or activity”, “rest”.

From definition above, it can be concluded that colloquial is a language used in daily that usually uses informal language without regard to correct grammar. Colloquial is a higher style than slang and vulgar. Nevertheless, colloquial is still low than the standard language. Vulgar, slang, colloquial are spoken language used in public society.

Vulgar means the language used by the social community is usually less educated. In other words, it is impolite. Slang is a secret language in the conversation between


members of a social group. While colloquial is the informal language used in a relaxed situation.

2.7 Review of Related Study

Hossein (2017) in her research "A study of English Translation of Colloquial

Expressions in Two Translations of Jamalzadeh: Once Upon a Time and Isfahan Is Half the World”. The purpose of this study is to explore the translation of one of the sub- categories of culture-bound items that is colloquial and slang expressions from Persian to English in two works by Jamalzadeh, Yeki Bud, Yeki Nabud translated by Moayyed &

Sprachman and Sar o Tah e Yek Karbas translated by Heston. The results of this descriptive study revealed that the translators had applied 6 procedures: synonymy

(51%), paraphrase (26.5%), literal (8.5%), descriptive equivalent (2.5%), couplet (2%) , shift (1%), omission (5%) and mistranslation (3.5%).

Barzegar (2008) in her research “ Translation of Colloquial Expression in English- into-Persian Subtitled Films. The purpose of this study is to investigate the strategies used in translation of colloquial expressions in English language films subtitled into

Persian. The data was gathered from two American comedy films. Midnight Run and

Liar Liar subtitled into Persian. From the analysis, the researcher found 1148 data of colloquial translation or transfer (60.58%).

Nofalli (2012) in his thesis “Translation Method Used in Translating Colloquial

Expressions in Subtitle Text of Transformers Movie”. The point of his thesis is to analyze the slang words and jargon found in Transformers movie. The data of this thesis were collected by downloading the movie, and getting the subtitle. The last step is


finding the colloquial expressions in the movie subtitle. From the analysis, the researcher found 1832 utterances in the movies, but only 90 utterances containing colloquial expression. From description above, it can be conclude that the finding is


Pangastika (2017) in her research “Technique of Translating Colloquial

Expressions in Subtitle Text of Dirty Grandpa Movie”. Her thesis focuses to analyze colloquial expressions in this movie. However, the data were obtained by using contect analysis and questionaire. The questionnaire was distributed to the raters to be given a score and evaluated the acceptabillity for the data. From the analysis, the researcher found 276 data colloquial expressions. There are four types of colloquial expression; single words, clipped words, contractions, and verb- adverb combinations. In this analysis, the researcher found 8 (eight) translation techniques used by the translator to translate colloquial expressions.

Zafarghandi (2013) in her research “A Comperative Study of English Colloquial

Language Utterance in Novel Translation from English to Persian”. This study aims at investigating the strategies employed by different translators to translate colloquial language utterances in novel translation from English to Persian. The colloquial utterances were extracted from the English novel The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest

Hemmingway and also their three Persian translation versions. The selected samples were analyzed to detect their adaptation with five characteristics of the colloquial language presented by McCrimmon (1963). In this analysis, the researcher found;1)

Grammatically Incomplete Sentences (G.I.S) which constitute 18% of the samples,


2) Contractions and Clipped Words (C) which constitute 54%, 3) Vocabulary with Less

Objectionable Slang Terms (V) which constitute 16%, 4) Idiomatic Constructions (I.C) which constitute 8% and 5) personal or familiar Tone (F.T) which constitute 4% of the selected samples.

In this case, some researchers analyze same issue about colloquial expression that is try to find out the types of colloquial expressions. The different is they do not analyze the meaning contained in the colloquial expression. They only classify the type of colloquial contained in the object without explaining the meaning of colloquial. In this research, besides classifying the types of colloquial contained in the video, analyzing the meaning of the colloquial expressions will also be done. Source of data from this research are also different from them that is a video prank or gold digger prank exactly.




In this chapter, it discusses about research design, source of data, data collection procedures, and data analysis technique.

3.1 Research Design

In this research, the data is analyzed by applying descriptive-qualitative approach in conducting this research. According to Bogdan and Biklen (in Creswell, 1994:171),

“descriptive method is collecting the qualitative data, analyzing it and writing the result”.

In this study, the data is analyzed by using qualitative research. Vanderstoep and

Johnston (2009:7) in qualitative research defines that a researcher produces a narrative or textual description of the phenomena under study. Thus, the object of the study is presented more in words rather than in numbers. The qualitative research is chosen because it can describe the characteristic of the data and also to understand the phenomena studied in the study by using the theory arising from the data.

3.2 Data and Sources of Data

Given (2008:185) defines data as a collection of information that will be used in the research. In other words, the types of data that combine to be the collected information such as numbers, words, pictures, video, audio, and concepts.


3.2.1 Data

In writing this thesis, all subtitles in Gold Digger Prank video are used as data. In other words, the data are in the form of word, phrase, and sentence containing colloquial expression found in the video.

3.2.2 Source of Data

The source of data is the transcript from the video retrieved from The video entitled Ultimate

Lamborghini Gold Digger Pick up Prank. The source of data consist of 4 scenes with different target in each scene. Gold Digger prank is chosen as a data because the data often uses informal language. It will support this research as a data because colloquial expressions relates to daily language.

3.3 Data Collection Procedures

Denscombe (2010:4) defines that research method are the tools for data collection such as questionnaires, interviews, observation, and documents. This research is concerning about study of documents. It is chosen because by studying documents related to the topic, it can be learn the information related to the problem under study.

We need to understand more clearly just what is going on when we analyze data, in order to reflect, refine our methods, and make them more generally usable by others

(Miles, Huberman, and Saldana, 2014:33).

The procedures data collection as follows:


1. Retrieving the video transcript from

2. Reading the transcript carefully to collect the data

3. Mark and classify the types of colloquial expressions to the sheet

3.4 Data Analysis Techniques

Data analysis which includes gathering and linking the data to find particular phenomena is the important part of qualitative research (Given, 2008:186).

This study will focus primarily on data in the form of words, phrase/sentences and discourses—that is, language in the form of extended text. According to Miles and

Saldana (2014), there are three concurrent flows of activity in the process of analyzing the data: (1) data condensation, (2) data display, and (3) conclusion drawing/verification

(as cited in Miles, 2014: 31). It can be represented as shown in figure below.

(Source: Miles, 2014: 33)


3.4.1. Data Condensation

Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and/or transforming the data that appear in the full corpus (body) of written- up field notes, interview transcripts, documents, and other empirical materials. (Miles, 2014: 31). In this study data condensation is done by only selecting and focusing through the data. I read the transcript carefully. In focusing the data, I put the selected utterances (word, phrase, and sentence) containing colloquial expressions (single words, clipped words, short picturesque words for technical terms, contractions, verb-adverb combination).

3.4.2 Data Display

Generically, a display is an organized, compressed assembly of information that allows conclusion drawing and action (Miles, 2014: 31). In this phase, I display the data by using table form and sentences to make the data looks more organized and easier to be observed so it helps conclusion drawing.

3.4.3. Drawing and Verifying Conclusions

Conclusion from this study focused on the analysis of colloquial expressions in

Gold Digger Prank video based on Partridge Theory. The following steps to analyze :

1. Read each line carefully

2. Classify the types of colloquial expression

3. Analyze and find the meaning

4. Drawing conclusion




This chapter tells about data analysis and result. I finding contain the answer of problems statements. It consist of two parts. The first part contains the types of colloquial expressions found in gold digger prank video. The second contains to analyze the meaning of the colloquial word found in gold digger prank video. The analysis was based on the data taken from gold digger prank video retrieved from

4.1 The types of colloquial expressions found in gold digger prank video.

According to Partridge, colloquial expressions consist of five types: single words, clipped words, short picturesque for technical terms, contractions, and verb-adverb combinations. There are all types found in gold digger prank video.


Table 4.1: Single Words

The Meaning The Types Utilized of No Data of Words or Colloquial Phrases Something given away at no charge 1 Giveaway / free by someone to other people 1 who participated. A large number (a lot) or 2 Loads 1 liquor/alcohol. Oll kerrect,it used to show that you 3 Ok agree with something or agree to do 10 something. The best way to say something are 4 Cool 7 nice, awesome, or excellent. 5 Literally It is similar to correctly or rightly. 3

Similar to a fellow, a man or boy. 6 Guys 14 In way that is acceptable or good Single 7 Fine 4 enough. Word A term of endearment for a woman 8 Babe or a man and also good-looking 1 woman. A shortened form of goodbye to express farewell or simple way of 9 Bye 1 concluding a conversation.

An indication amazement or 10 Wow surprise and also something 5 exciting. 11 Piss Urine. 1

An informal greeting or a quick 12 Hi 5 way of saying hello. It used to attract somebody 13 Hey attention or to express interest, 4 surprise or anger. 14 Chill Take it easy. 1

15 Die Perish. 1

Doing something stupid or you 16 Doh 1 realize that something is wrong. 17 Stuff Hastily force (something) into a 4



To used at the end of a statement to

18 Right invite agreement, approval, or 10


Someone feels him/herself is 19 Boss 4 awesome, cool, and perfect.

To give a more important reason for 20 Anyways 1 Single something that you are saying. Word 21 Cussing To swear at somebody 1 22 Dickhead The head of the penis 2 23 Fucking Damnable, lousy, and cursed 1 24 Dude A male friend or a guy 2 25 Yeah Yes and also exclamation 28

4.1.1 The analysis of the Findings Single Words

1. Giveaway

The setting is in the car. This word said by prankster who is calling with a police.

Below are the conversation:

Police : Ok ,on my way. Prankster : And also make sure you was into the end of this video for some free chain giveaway super iced out but anyways now I'm gonna start heading to the location and show then who's the real boss. Let's go.

From the quoted conversation above, the word giveaway includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word giveaway means to something that makes you guess the real truth about something or somebody. Based on NTC‟s

Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expression Edition, the word giveaway means something that that reveals a fact was meant to be concelaled. I assume that prankster uses this word to offer a gift for subscriber who participated. In other


words, it means that something given away at no charge / free by someone to other people who participated.

2. Loads

The setting is on the side of the road. Prankster starts the conversation by driving a

Lamborghini. Below are the conversation:

Prankster : Umm.. Yeah I'm kind of lost, I'm trying to look somewhere to eat. Do you know anywhere around here? Girl : Umm. I guess. Yeah yeah if you go straight up there, and then turn left, there's a loads of places down there.

From the quoted conversation above, the word loads includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word loads means to a large number or amount of somebody/something or plenty. Based on NTC‟s Dictionary of American

Slang and Colloquial Expression Edition, the word loads means a drink of liquor. In other words, there are two possibilities. First, the girl states that there are many place there. Second, the girl states that there is a bar that provides liquor / alcohol. From description above, I assume that the girl wants to tell the prankster that there are a lot of bar that provides alcohol.

3. OK / Okay

Below are some quotes from this word:

1. OK cool so back down that was. 2. OK cool ! 3. OK cool ! Can I get your number like .. 4. Oh OK 5. OK cool yeah. That was pretty weird. Lemme give you my number.. 6. OK , on my way. 7. Okay for sure


8. I just ended up. Okay 9. I‟m Okay. 10. He wanna get sushi, and you say okay?

From some quotes conversation above, the word OK includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word OK means to accepted or agreed.

This may be originally from a jocular oll korrect. This meaning is utilized by NTC‟s

Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expression Edition. OK is similar to yes and all right as exclamation, safe and well as a calm or happy state. I assume that the word OK is commonly used in society for daily communication. In other words, OK is used to show that you agree with something or agree to do something.

4. Cool

Below are some quotes from this word:

1. Ok cool so back down that was. 2. Alright cool chill. 3. Ok cool ! 4. Alright cool yeah it was a joke. 5. Ok cool ! Can I get your number like. 6. Ok cool yeah. That was pretty weird. 7. I was gonna get something to drink by you know is it cool me.

From some quotes conversation above, the word cool includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word cool is informal language if the meaning to approving. It used to show that you admire or approve of something and to show that they approve of something or agree to a suggestion. The word cool is similar to good or excellent, this meaning is taken by NTC‟s Dictionary of American Slang and

Colloquial Expression Edition. In other words, the best way to say something are nice, awesome, or excellent. The word cool is very relaxed and never goes out of style.


5. Literally

Below are some quotes from this word:

1. Yeah yeah literally. 2. Literally! 3. Literally just walk like 10 seconds down there.

From some quotes conversation above, the word literally includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word literally is informal language if the meaning used to emphasize a word or phrase, even if it is not actually true in a literal sense. In other words, literally used to emphasize what are you saying by using the real or original meaning of a word or phrase. It is similar to correctly or rightly.

6. Guy(s)

Below are some quotes from this words:

1. Where are you guys go? 2. First of all guys. 3. I miss you guys so much. 4. Well here's the thing guys. 5. A courses to help you guys to learn more about you. 6. So you guys always DM and ask me. 7. I realize you guys. 8. Alright guys. 9. That guy actually made a cut he wasn't suppose to. 10. Yo, alright guys. 11. Hey I just mailed this guy. 12. I just met this guy. 13. Are you guys together it? 14. I'm gonna be a good guy.

From some quotes conversation above, the word guys includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. Guy similar to a fellow, a man or boy and guys


similar to a group of people of either sex. This meaning is taken from NTC‟s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expression Edition. I assume that the word guy is commonly used in society for communication.

7. Fine

Below are some quotes from this words:

1. It's fine. I'll just see you later . 2. It's fine. I'll call you later 3. It's fine babe. I'll just call you later. 4. Hi, fine. How are you?

From some quotes conversation above, the word fine includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word fine is informal language if the word as adverb, in way that is acceptable or good enough. This word is commonly used in daily conversations. In other words, fine is used when something is usually attractive or interesting.

8. Babe

The setting is in on the side of the road. This word said by a girl who is talking with her friend. Below are the conversation:

Girl 2 : Shophie! are you serious right now? Are you actually? Girl 1 : It's fine babe. I'll just call you later.

From the quoted conversation above, the word babe includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word babe means a term of endearment for a woman or a man and also good-looking woman, this meaning is utilized by NTC‟s Dictionary of

American Slang and Colloquial Expression Edition. Babe means an attractive young woman. I assume that they have a good relationship, because in the beginning they


walked together until the prankster arrived. In other words, babe means to someone you and you call her babe instead of her real name.

9. Bye

The setting is in on the side of the road. This word said by a girl who is talking with her friend. Below are the conversation:

Girl 2 : Shophie! are you serious right now? Are you actually? Girl 1 : It's fine babe. I'll just call you later. Girl 2 : OMG.. this girl, she's... OMG.. Girl 1 : Bye

From some quotes conversation above, the word bye includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word bye is informal language if the meaning is an exclamation. I assume that this word is commonly used in daily communication. In other words, bye is used as a shortened form of goodbye to express farewell or simple way of concluding a conversation.

10 Wow Below are some quotes from this words:

1. Wow, you don't event know what I'm going to say. 2. Haha, Oh wow. 3. Wow, of course you have . 4. Wow 5. Wow that‟s crazy. If the leather steering wheel it's like so smooth.

From some quotes conversation above, the word wow includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word wow means exclamation, this word used to express great surprise or admiration. Based on NTC‟s Dictionary of American

Slang and Colloquial Expression Edition which states that wow is an indication amazement or surprise and also something exciting. I assume that this word is


commonly used in society for daily communication. In other words, wow means to a term used for a person or thing that is very successful, attractive, or pleasant.

11. Piss

The setting is on the side of the road. This word said by a girl who is cursing the prankster. Below are the conversation:

Prankster : Yeah but it wasn't a funny joke. Girl : Don't be a dickhead bro! Are you fucking taking the piss? Fuck off yeah! You‟re a dickhead bro! Think you‟re nice in it

From the quoted conversation above, the word piss includes colloquial expression because this word is informal because this word has characteristics such as a rude meaning. The word piss means urine, this meaning is utilized by NTC‟s Dictionary of

American Slang and Colloquial Expression Edition. I assume that the girl is angry and she said impolite. Actually as we know that if a man make love with a girl, he will produced sperm, but in fact the girl was very angry and she think he can only produce a piss.

12. Hi

Below are some quotes from this words:

1. Hi.. Sorry, don't judge me because I've got a nice car. 2. Hi 3. It's so rude to look and not say Hi ! how are you ? I'm Jason 4. Hi, fine. How are you? 5. I just want to say Hi. I actually I got it for you.

From some quotes conversation above, the word hi includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word hi means exclamation, this word used to say


hello. I assume that this word is commonly used in society for daily communication. In other words, hi used as an informal greeting or a quick way of saying hello.

13. Hey

Below are some quotes from this words:

1. Hey , what‟s up 2. Hey man. So we got a target right now is choosing the car Jason's in the car. 3. Hey I just mailed this guy. 4. Hey I got a key I found it.

From some quotes conversation above, the word hey includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. I assume that hey is commonly used in society for daily communication. The word hey means an exclamation, it used to attract somebody attention or to express interest, surprise or anger. In other words, hey is the most informal form of greeting, sometimes in a way that is not very polite.

14. Chill

The setting is in a park. This word said by a girl who is talking with the prankster.

Below are the conversation:

Girl : Uhhh.. you're short! I don‟t even like short boys. Why would you event come chat to me? You‟re ber short! Prankster : Alright cool chill .. Girl : Don't chat to me ..

From the quoted conversation above, the word chill includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word chill means to calm down, to get cool, and to relax. This meaning is utilized by NTC‟s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial

Expression Edition. The word chill means to spend time relaxing, to relax and stop feeling angry or nervous about something. In other words, chill similar to take it easy.


15. Die

The setting is in a parking lot. This word said by prankster who is talking with the girl. Below are the conversation:

Prankster : Whoops , watch out .. you don't want to die. Where are you going? Girl : I'm going to the shops where does it look like I'm going.

From the quoted conversation above, the word die includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. This word has characteristics such as a rude meaning and it is often used in daily conversation. The word die is informal if this word to be dying for something or to do something, it means that to want something or want to do something very much. Based on NTC‟s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial

Expression Edition, die means to “perish” (figuratively) from laughter or some other emotionally in tense response. I assume that the prankster wants to convey a message to be careful if there are many car there.

16. D’oh

The setting is in the middle of the road. This word said by prankster who is explaining in opening session. Below is the quotes from this word:

Prankster : We are coming back strong and without further ado let's get into this D’oh video .

From the quoted conversation above, the word doh includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word d‟oh means exclamation, it used to when you have just said or done something that you know is stupid. Actually, d‟oh commonly used by Homer Simpson from the fox TV show. The film is titled “The Simpson”. In other words, do‟h means doing something stupid or you realize that something is wrong.


17. Stuff

Below are some quotes from this words:

1. I was gonna get something to drink by you know is it cool me and you can exchange number maybe you know can hang out sometimes and stuff like that. 2. There's a lot of people that come up to you and stuff. 3. We shoot and stuff like that and I will be all day. 4. You know you can just get it yourself go why would you just grab your stuff without asking me.

From some quotes conversation above, the word stuff includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word stuff means hastily force

(something) into a space. It means a things that someone says or does, when you are referring to them in a general way without saying exactly what they are or someone's possessions or things that they take somewhere with them.

18. Right

Below are some quotes from this words:

1. Well we were just shopping but I don‟t think we have anything to do right now. 2. Shophie! are you serious right now? Are you actually? 3. Are you actually getting in the car right now? 4. So today I am back with a new Lambo right here. 5. So right now I have my boy Jason over here. 6. You never know, right. 7. Whatever makes me money. I mean you got to secure the bag , right? 8. So we got a target right now is choosing the car Jason's in the car. 9. Just the fuck up right now just be quiet don't say anything, just be quiet. 10. Stay right here, there.

From some quotes conversation above, the word right includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word right is informal if the meaning is immediately or exclamation. In other words, immediately means without delaying or hesitating and exclamations means to used at the end of a statement to invite agreement, approval, or confirmation.


19. Boss

Below are some quotes from this words:

1. I'm gonna let the cop pull them over and let him know who the real boss is 2. I'm gonna start heading to the location and show then who's the real boss. 3. This is my boss‟s car. 4. Actually this is my boss's car.

From some quotes conversation above, the word boss includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. I assume that boss is commonly used in society for daily communication. The word boss means a person who is in charge of a large organization. Based on NTC‟s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial

Expression Edition, boss means excellent, powerfull, and superior. In other words, the word boss means someone feels him/herself is awesome, cool, and perfect.

20. Anyways

The setting is in the car. This word said by prankster who is calling with a police.

Below are the conversation:

Police : Ok ,on my way. Prankster : And also make sure you was into the end of this video for some free chain giveaway super iced out but anyways now I'm gonna start heading to the location and show then who's the real boss.

From the quoted conversation above, the word anyways includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word anyways means to used when adding something to support and idea or argument and used when changing the subject of a conversation, ending the conversation or returning to a subject. In other words, anyways used to give a more important reason for something that you are saying.


21. Cussing

The setting is in the park. This word said by prankster who is cussing by a girl.

Below are the conversation:

Girl : What? Prankster : Yeah, you're rude. You was cussing me just a min ago. Girl : I thought you was gonna let. I was only joking obviously

From the quoted conversation above, the word cussing includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. This word has characteristics such as rude meaning. The word cussing means old-fashioned, it means that to swear at somebody. In other words, cussing similar to curse and the function is to say words that are not polite because you are angry. I assume that the prankster has been scolded by the girl and he reminds her again.

22. Dickhead

The setting is in the park. This word said by prankster who is cussing by a girl.

Below are the conversation:

Prankster : Yeah but it wasn't a funny joke. Girl : Don't be a dickhead bro! Are you fucking taking the piss? Fuck off yeah! You‟re a dickhead bro! Think you‟re nice in it

From the quoted conversation above, the word dickhead includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. This word has characteristics such as rude meaning. The word dickhead means a stupid person, usually and a man and also similar to the head of the penis. This meaning is utilized by NTC‟s Dictionary of American

Slang and Colloquial Expression Edition. Dickhead means a very rude way of


referring to somebody, especially a man, that you think is stupid. In other words, someone who treats people unfairly for little or no reason.

23. Fucking

The setting is in the park. This word said by prankster who is cussing by a girl.

Below are the conversation:

Prankster : Yeah but it wasn't a funny joke. Girl : Don't be a dickhead bro! Are you fucking taking the piss? Fuck off yeah! You‟re a dickhead bro! Think you‟re nice in it Prick!

From the quoted conversation above, the word fucking includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. The word fucking means damnable, lousy, and cursed. This meanins is utilized by NTC‟s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial

Expression Edition. Fucking means a swear word that many people find offensive that is used to emphasize a comment or angry statement. I assume that the girl unhappy with the prankster, so he express her anger by express this word. In other words, fucking usually used to treat unfairly or harshly.

24. Dude

Below are some quotes from this words:

1. Second of all, I miss you guys so much I had no I haven't hablo for a while like dude wherever you pin. 2. Oh my god. Dude ..

From the quoted conversation above, the word dude includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. I assume that dude is commonly used in society for daily


conversation. The word dude means a male friend or a guy ( also a term of address ).

This meaning is utilized by NTC‟s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial

Expression Edition. In other words, dude is a word that can be used in any situation in replacement of an actual sentence.

25. Yeah

Below are some quotes from this words:

1. Yeah, Sorry , can we help you ? 2. Umm.. Yeah 3. Yeah yeah if you go straight up there, and then turn left, there's a loads of places down there. 4. Yeah yeah literally. 5. Yeah 6. It's fine. I'll just see you later . Yeah 7. It's fine. I'll call you later. Yeah 8. Don't chat to me, Yeah. Just walk on.. 9. Yeah it is. 10. Yeah 11. Alright cool yeah it was a joke. 12. Yeah do you wanna drive down. 13. Yeah, you're rude. You was cussing me just a min ago. 14. Yeah but it wasn't a funny joke. 15. Fuck off yeah! 16. Yeah sometimes. 17. Ok cool yeah. 18. He's gonna help me to catch some gold digger as well as a yeah I did hire college just try to level my stand there 19. Yeah for sure , you‟re not really my type 20. No, I‟m single yeah 21. Oh yeah 22. Yeah just about five minutes the way that doors unlocked 23. Oh yeah. 24. Yeah, but it no problem. 25. Yeah, yeah let‟s hang out.


From the quoted conversation above, the word yeah includes colloquial expression because this word is informal. This word is commonly used in society for daily conversation. The word yeah similar to yes, it used when you are commenting on what somebody has just said and used to say that you do not believe what somebody has just said, disagree with it or are not interested in it. It has same explanations with NTC‟s

Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expression Edition which states that yeah means to yes and also exclamation, the ultimate sarcastic response of disbelief. In other words, yeah can be used as alternative way of saying yes to answer any question or no response.


Table 4.2: Clipped Words

The Meaning Utilized The Types of No of Words Data Colloquial or Phrases Oh My God, someone is suprised or 1 OMG 3 excited about something. Very, very pronouced to be ˈberē 2 Ber 2 (America English) All Right, similar to okay or nothing 3 Alright 5 wrong. Minute, a long time away and is now 4 Min 1 back.

5 Bro Brother, it commonly used in greetings. 2 Clipped Telephones, a system for talking to 6 Phones 3 Words somebody.

7 LA Los Angles, the city. 1

Direct Message, a private message sent 8 DM 1 on a social media website.

9 Lambo Lamborghini, Italian luxury sports car. 21

Air Conditioning, technologies for 10 AC altering the temperature and humidity 1 of air.


4.1.2 The analysis of the Findings Clipped Words

1. OMG → Oh my God

OMG is an acronym used when someone is suprised or excited about something

and can be translated as “Oh my God/Gosh/Goodness”.

Source Text :

1. OMG.. this girl.

2. She's... OMG..

3. OMG! Are you actually getting in the car right now?

2. Ber → Very

In America, very is pronounced with the word of ber which means “a lot”

Here is the difference in pronounciation between American English and British

English : 1. America English : very pronouced to be ˈberē

2. British English : very pronouced to be ˈverē

Source Text :

1. You‟re ber short!

2. Its be ber quick.

3. Alright → All right

An alternate spelling of all right. A (usually friendly) British informal greeting, not

always accompanied by the word "mate". This is similar to okay or nothing wrong.

It very infrequently means "not okay" or "They secretly having a bad day" or

something is wrong, but "They trying to hide / ignore it".


Source Text :

1. Alright cool chill ..

2. Alright cool yeah it was a joke.

3. Umm.. alright.

4. Alright guys, so right now I have my boy Jason over here.

5. Yo, alright guys.

4. Min → Minute(s)

Written abbreviation for minute. A long time away and is now back.

Source Text :

1. You was cussing me just a min ago.

5. Bro → Brother

Short for "brother". A friendly way of addressing a male person. Used much the

same way as bud, buddy, dude, or man. It commonly used in greetings.

Source Text :

1. Don't be a dickhead bro!

2. You‟re a dickhead bro!

6. Phone(s) → Telephone(s)

A system for talking to somebody else over long distance using wires to make it

possible for you to speak to someone in another place who has a similar device.

Source Text :

1. I'll put in your phone and I'm going to take yours at the same time.

2. Woah your phones bugging out, does it always do this.


7. LA → Los Angeles

The city of Los Angeles

Source Text :

1. First of all guys, it is super hot here today in LA.

8. DM → Direct Message

A private message sent on a social media website, that only the person it is sent to

can see.

Source Text :

1. So you guys always DM and ask me about you know how to do you to


9. Lambo → Lamborghini

The abbreviated version of, "Lamborghini", an Italian luxury sports car. The

symbol is a bull which symbolizes the taurus.

Source Text :

1. So today I am back with a new Lambo right here.

2. Oh you never know what's gonna happen when you're in a Lambo.

10. AC → Air Conditioning

Abbreviation for Air Conditioning, technologies for altering the temperature and

humidity of air, must usually used while driving.

Source Text :

1. I'm in a nice AC with Lamborghini you know.


Table 4.3: Short Picturesque Words for Technical Terms

The Utilized Meaning The Types

No of Words or Data of

Phrases Colloquial

Vibrator A variation to call another term 1 1 from a device which can vibrate to stimulate someone‟s lust. Short Instagram The name of a social networking 2 2 service for taking, changing, and Picturesque sharing photographs and video. Gold Digger A person who the fact that he or she 3 3 Words for .is attractive to get money from a relationship with somebody. Technical 4 Bull 1 A sport car/Lamborghini. Terms 5 Gopro 1 A camera. 6 Boot-cut 1 A jeans.

4.1.2 The analysis of the Findings Short Picturesque Words for Technical Terms

1. Vibrator

The setting is in the parking lot. This word said by the prankster who is holding girl‟s phone. Below are the quoted conversation:

Pranskter : I'm going to text myself now. Woah your phones bugging out, does it always do this. Girl : Yeah sometimes. Prankster : It feels like a vibrator. Girl : Oh my gosh this is so weird.

From the quoted conversation above, the word vibrator means to an electrical device that produce a continuous shaking movement, used in massage or for sexual pleasure. It means that vibrator is not like vibrate or vibration, but it is a variation to call


another term from a device which can vibrate to stimulate someone‟s lust. Based on the conversation above, prankster tries to bring a negative conversation with the girl.

2. Instagram

The setting is on the side of the road. This word said by prankster who is makes a opening video. Below is the opening video:

Prankster : First of all guys, it is super hot here today in LA. Second of all, I miss you guys so much I had no I haven't hablo for a while like dude wherever you pin. Well here's the thing guys, I've been working on a couple project. I got a podcast coming up. I'm working on twitch and I'm creating. A courses to help you guys to learn more about you to Instagram because allow so you guys always DM and ask me about you know how to do you to Instagram and also I realize you guys be asking me to do the gold digger prank video.

From the opening video above, the word Instagram means to the name of a social networking service for taking, changing, and sharing photographs and video. The word Instagram includes colloquial expressions because it is a name used as variation to call another technical term. In this case, it is social media networking. In other words, the prankster wants to promote his social media account named Instagram.

3. Gold Digger

The setting is on the side of the road. This phrase said by prankster. Below are some quotes from this phrase.

1. I realize you guys be asking me to do the gold digger prank video.

2. He's gonna help me to catch some gold digger.

3. So far I think we have got a gold digger in the car .

From some quotes conversation above, the phrase gold digger means to a person who the fact that he or she is attractive to get money from a relationship with somebody.


Here, gold digger is not a job which done by a mineworker but gold digger is another term from someone, usually a woman, who only likes people because of how much money they have, or because of the items they own.

4. Bull

The setting is outside of the coffe shop. This word said by prankster who is talking with a girl. Below are the quoted conversation:

Girl : I love you car. Prankster : Oh thank you. Have you ever ride a bull before? Girl : I haven‟t.

From the quoted conversation above, the word bull means a sport car/Lamborghini. The word bull includes colloquial expressions because it is another technical term for a car. This word is not a real bull that has meaning the male of various animals but this word is a symbol of Lamborghini ( luxury sportscar from Italy).

5. Gopro

The setting is in the car. This word said by the girl who is talking with prankster.

Below are the quoted conversation:

Girl : Wow What‟s the gopro for? Prankster : Oh you never know what's gonna happen when you're in a Lambo. I just have it for safety. There's a lot of people that come up to you and stuff.

From the quoted conversation above, the word gopro includes colloquial expressions because it is another terms from a camera. This is often used by youtuber when they are streaming or making videos. In other words, the girl doesn‟t know that she is recorded on the camera.


6. Boot-cut

The setting is in the park. This word said by a girl who is talking with prankster.

Below are the conversation:

A : Alright cool chill .. B : Don't chat to me .. A : I was only going to ask you, like where is around here to eat? B : Don't chat to me, Yeah. Just walk on.. Look at your bootcut jeans! Literally!

From the quoted conversation above, the word boot-cut includes colloquial expressions because it is another terms from a Jeans. The word boot-cut means trousers / pants are slightly wider at the bottom of the legs where the material goes over the feet or shoes. In other words, the girl does not like the prankster because he wears jeans that look like a boot-cut usually used by woman.


Table 4.4: Contrations

No The Utilized of Words Meaning Data The Types of or Phrases Colloquial 1 I‟m I am 22 2 There‟s There is 3 3 It‟s It is 8 4 I‟ll I will ; I shall 5 5 She‟s She is 1 6 Don‟t Do not 18 7 You‟re You are 11 8 It‟ll It will ; It shall 1 9 Wasn‟t Was not 2 10 I‟ve I have 3 11 What‟s What is ; What has 6 Contractions 12 Lemme Let me 1 13 Haven‟t Have not 2 14 Here‟s Here is 1 15 Let‟s Let us 4 Have got a ; Have 16 Gotta 2 got to 17 Gonna Going to 9 18 Who‟s Who is 1 19 Didn‟t Did not 1 20 He‟s He is 2 21 Wanna Want to ; Want a 2


4.1.4 The analysis of the Findings Contractions

1. I’m → I am

Short form of I am, used as the subject of a verb when the speaker or writer is

reffering to himself / herself.

Source Text :

1. I'm kind of lost

2. I'm trying to look somewhere to eat.

3. I'm on the phone?

4. I'm going to say

5. I'm going to the shops

6. It look like I'm going.

7. I'm going to take yours at the same time.

8. I'm going to text myself now.

9. I'm working on twitch

10. I'm creating.

11. I‟m Josh nice to meet you

12. I'm Jason

13. I'm doing good

14. I‟m okey.

15. I'm not intruding

16. No, I‟m single yeah

17. I'm in a nice AC with Lamborghini you know.


18. I'm gonna called the cop Jose.

19. I'm gonna let the cop pull them over

20. I'm gonna start heading to the location

21. I'm sorry for everything

22. I'm gonna have one on one conversation privately with her?

2. There’s → There is

Short form of there is, used to show that something exist or happens.

Source Text :

1. There's a load of places down there.

2. There's only one seat.

3. There's a lot of people that come up to you and stuff.

3. It’s → It is

Short form of it is, used to refer to an animal or a thing that has already been

mentioned or that is being talked about now.

Source Text :

1. It's fine

2. It's fine.

3. It's fine babe.

4. It's 10 seconds I'll just walk

5. It's so rude to look and not say Hi !

6. It‟s paying off

7. It‟s so hot today

8. It's like so smooth


4. I’ll → I shall; I will

Short form of I shall and I will, used for showing that somebody is willing to do


Source Text :

1. I'll just see you later

2. I'll call you later.

3. I'll just call you later.

4. I'll just walk

5. I'll put in your phone.

5. She’s → She is

Short form of she I, used as the subject of a verb / a female person.

Source Text :

1. This girl, she's... OMG..

6. Don’t → Do not

Short from of do not. It is often used informally, especially in speech, as the

equivalent of does not but this is not standard English and should be avoided in


Source Text :

1. I don‟t think we have anything to do right now.

2. Why don‟t one of you like show me where the place is.

3. Wow, you don't even know what I'm going to say.

4. I don‟t even like short boys.


5. Don't chat to me ..

6. Don't chat to me, Yeah. Just walk on..

7. I don't want you to come in because like your just rude.

8. Don't be a dickhead bro!

9. Sorry, don't judge me because I've got a nice car.

10. Whoops , watch out .. you don't want to die.

11. If you don't have a boyfriend one day

12. Don't say anything, just be quiet.

13. I don't want to do it anymore.

14. I just don't want to see anymore.

15. I don‟t know.

16. I don‟t know to say

17. I can't change my mind because I don't really good think about.

18. I didn‟t do anything wrong.

7. You’re → You are

Short form of you are, used as the subject or object of a verb or after preposisiton

to refer to the person or people being spoken or written to.

Source Text :

1. Uhhh.. you're short!

2. You‟re ber short!

3. So you're actually going to tell me where there is to eat?

4. Yeah, you're rude.

5. You‟re a dickhead bro!


6. Think you‟re nice in it

7. If you're new to the channel

8. If you're ready for this video

9. You‟re not really my type

10. You‟re single and ready to mingle

11. You're in a Lambo.

8. It’ll → It shall; It will

Short form of it shall or it will, used for asking somebody to do something.

Source Text :

1. It‟ll be ber quick.

9. Wasn’t → Was not

Short form of was not, first and third person singular past of be.

Source Text :

1. Yeah but it wasn't a funny joke.

2. He wasn't suppose to

10. I’ve → I have

Short form of I have, added to verbs to form adjectives meaning showing the

ability to perform the activity represented by the verb.

Source Text :

1. I've got a nice car.

2. I've been working on a couple project

3. I've been doing it


11. What’s → What is; What has

Short form of What is or What has, used to ask for information about people or


Source Text :

1. What‟s your number?

2. Hey , what‟s up

3. What‟s the gopro for?

4. Oh you never know what's gonna happen when you're in a Lambo.

5. What‟s happening here?

6. What's going on.

12. Lemme → Let me

Short form of let me, to allow something to happen or someone to do something

by not doing anything to stop an action or by giving your permission.

Source Text :

1. Lemme give you my number.

13. Haven’t → Have not

Short form of have not.

Source Text :

1. I haven't hablo for a while like dude wherevere you pin.

2. I haven‟t


14. Here’s → Here is

Short form of here is, used at the beginning of a statement to introduce someone

or something.

Source Text :

1. Well here's the thing guys.

15. Let’s → Let us

Short form of let us, used for making suggestion.

Source Text :

1. Let's get into this Doh video .

2. Let's go.

3. Let's do it.

4. Let's go.

16. Gotta → Have got a; Have got to

Short form of have got a or have got to. Gotta is used in written English to

represent the words got to when they are pronounced informally, with the meaning

'have to' or 'must'.

Source Text :

1. I gotta have some new fresh ideas.

2. I gotta go inside you came up to me.

17. Gonna → Going to

Short form of going to, a way of saying or writing going to in informal speech

when it refers to the future.


Source Text :

1. I thought you was gonna let.

2. He's gonna help me to catch some gold digger

3. I was gonna get something to drink

4. Oh you never know what's gonna happen when you're in a Lambo.

5. I'm gonna called the cop Jose

6. We're gonna do is

7. I'm gonna let the cop pull them over

8. I'm gonna start heading to the location

9. I'm gonna have one on one conversation privately with her?

18. Who’s → Who is

Short form of who is, used in question to ask about the name, identity or

function of one or more people.

Source Text :

1. Who's the real boss.

19. Didn’t → Did not

Short form of did not, past simple of do

Source Text :

1. I didn‟t do anything wrong.

20. He’s → He is

Short form of he is, used as a subject of verb / a male person.

Source Text :

1. He's gonna help me to catch some gold digger.


2. He's fire just take him away from you.

21. Wanna → Want to; Want a

Short form of want to or want a. Wanna is used in written English to represent the

words 'want to' when they are pronounced informally.

Source Text :

1. Yeah do you wanna drive down.

2. He wanna get sushi, and you say okay?


Table 4.5: Verb-Adverb Combinations

The Utilized The Types of NO of Words or Meaning Data Colloquial Phrases 1 Straight up Go ahead to the place. 1 To continue to hold somebody or 2 Hold on 4 something. 3 Fuck off Waste time. 2 Used to warn someone of danger or 4 Watch out an accident that seems likely to 1 happen. 5 Bugging out To get out of somewhere fast. 1 Spend a lot of time in a place or with someone in the context of 6 Hang out or in the context of 3 exploring.

A period of physical exercise that 7 Work out 1 you do to keep fit. Similar to income, earning, profit, 8 Paying off 1 Verb-adverb etc. Combinations 9 Come in Receive something. 1

10 Come up Move towards someone. 2 To change from one side, opinion, 11 Come over 1 etc. To say something, especially 12 Come out 1 something suprising or rude. 13 Come on An invitation. 1 Do something to conclude or finish 14 Playing out the mission. 1

A mess or someone who does 15 Fuck up everything wrong and messes 1 everything up. Used to finally be in a particular 16 Ended up 1 place or situation.


To think about somebody or 17 Figure out something until you understand 1 them/it. The most popular form of casual 18 What‟s up 1 greeting.

4.1.5 The analysis of the Findings Verb-Adverb Combinations

1. Straight up

The setting is on the side of the road. Prankster starts the conversation by driving a

Lamborghini. Below are the conversation:

Prankster : Umm.. Yeah I'm kind of lost, I'm trying to look somewhere to eat. Do you know anywhere around here? Girl : Umm. I guess. Yeah yeah if you go straight up there, and then turn left, there's a loads of places down there.

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase go straight includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. In this case, the girl wants to explain the direction of the path intended by using go straight up which means straight ahead to the place.

2. Hold on

The setting is on the side of the road. Below are some quotes from this phrase:

1. Hold on. Wait.. wait.. 2. Hold on hold on! before you say anything why are you wearing my jewelries. 3. Wait , who are you? Hold on a second.

From some quotes conversation above, the phrase hold on includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase hold on means to


continue to hold somebody or something; to put your hand on somebody or something and not take your hand away. In other words, the speakers need time for talking.

3. Fuck off

The setting is on the side of the road. This phrase said by the girl who feels disturbed by the arrival of the prankster. Below are the quoted conversation:

Prankster : Excuse me, do you know anywhere here ? Girl : Fuck off! Can you not see I'm on the phone? Fuck off yeah!

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase fuck off includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase fuck off means to waste time, this meaning is utilized by NTC‟s Dictionary of American Slang and

Colloquial Expression Edition. Fuck off means to go away. In other words, a rude way to tell someone to leave or go away.

4. Watch out

The setting is in a parking lot. This phrase said by the prankster when a girl is almost hit by a car. Below are the quoted conversation:

Prankster : Hi.. Sorry, don't judge me because I've got a nice car. I just wanted to say like you look nice. Girl : Oh.. thank you. Prankster : Whoops , watch out .. you don't want to die.

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase watch out includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase watch out means used to warn someone of danger or an accident that seems likely to happen. It other words, the phrase is used to say be careful or watch your step.

5. Bugging out


The setting is in a parking lot, this phrase said by prankster who is holding girl‟s phone. Below are the quoted conversation:

Prankster : I'll put in your phone and I'm going to take yours at the same time. Girl : Oh ok Prankster : I'm going to text myself now. Woah your phones bugging out, does it always do this. Girl : Yeah sometimes.

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase bugging out includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase bugging out means to get out of somewhere fast, this meaning is utilized by NTC‟s Dictionary of American

Slang and Colloquial Expression Edition. The phrase bugging out means to leave a place or situation, especially because it is becoming dangerous. In other words, prankster used this phrase because he feels disturbed by notification from girl‟s phone like text message from her boyfriend.

6. Hang out

The setting is outside of the coffe shop. Below are some quotes from this phrase:

1. I was gonna get something to drink by you know is it cool me and you can exchange number maybe you know can hang out sometimes and stuff like that. 2. I mean you still want to hang out 3. Yeah, yeah let‟s hang out.

From some quotes conversation above, the phrase hang out includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase hang out means to a place where somebody lives or likes to go often. It other words, the phrase is used to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone in the context of friendship or in the context of exploring.


7. Work out

The setting is outside of the coffe shop. This phrase said by a girl who is talking with prankster. Below are the quoted conversation:

Girl : What are you do? Prankster 2 : Whatever makes me money. I mean you got to secure the bag , right? Girl : Of course Prankster 2 : What are you into? Girl : I just work out a lot.

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase work out includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase work out means to a period of physical exercise that you do to keep fit. It means that work out used to exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body. In other words, this phrase is the same likes sports to exercise for something to end in success.

8. Paying off

The setting is outside of the coffe shop. This phrase said by a girl who is talking with prankster. Below are the quoted conversation:

Prankster 2 : What are you into? Girl : I just work out a lot. Prankster 2 : See that. It‟s paying off Girl : Thank you

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase paying off includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase paying off means to an advantages or a reward from something you have done. In other words, the words paying off is the similar to income, earning, profit, etc.


9. Come in

The setting is on the side of the road. This phrase said by prankster who is talking with a girl. Below are the quoted conversation:

Girl : Yeah do you wanna drive down. Its be ber quick. Prankster : Look, if it's 10 seconds I'll just walk I don't want you to come in because like your just rude.

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase come in includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase come in means to receive something. It other words, a prankster do not want a girl to join in his

Lamborghini because she is rude.

10. Come up

The setting is in the car. This phrase said by prankster who is talking with a girl in

Lamborghini. Below are the quoted conversation:

Girl : Wow What‟s the gopro for? Prankster 2 : Oh you never know what's gonna happen when you're in a Lambo. I just have it for safety. There's a lot of people that come up to you and stuff.

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase come up includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The word come up means to move towards someone. In other words, the words come up is the similar to approach, close, close in, near, etc.


11. Come over

The setting is in the middle of the road. This phrase said by prankster who is executing a girl. Below are the quoted conversation:

Prankster: Well you know what. I don't want to do it anymore. He's fire just take him away from you I just don't want to see anymore. I'm gonna have one on one conversation privately with her? Try to figure out what is going on. Come over here I need you to really ask you what's going on. How do you know my employee? Girl : I don‟t know

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase come over includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase come over means to change from one side, opinion, etc. In other words, this phrase use to come to a place, move from one place to another, or move towards someone.

12. Come out

The setting is on the side of the road. This phrase said by the police who is arresting a girl. Below are the quoted conversation:

Police : Now put your hands on the dash please. You stand there in front of car. Girl : Oh my god. Dude.. Police : I need you to come out with your hands up.

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase come out includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase come out with something means to say something, especially something suprising or rude. In other words, this phrase states that a girl must be force out / get out from the car.


13. Come on

The setting is outside of the coffe shop. This phrase said by prankster who is talking with a girl. Below are the quoted conversation:

Prankster 2 : Oh thank you. Have you ever ride a bull before? Girl : I haven‟t Prankster 2 :You know what, I know this really good sushi places not far from here? you want to roll Girl : Oh yeah Prankster 2 : Come on let's do it

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase come on includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase come on means to an invitation, this meaning is utilized by NTC‟s Dictionary of American Slang and

Colloquial Expression Edition. It means that used in order to tell somebody to hurry.

In other words, prankster aims to take a girl soon.

14. Playing out

The setting is in the car. This phrase said by Prankster who is calling the police to executing. Below are the quoted conversation:

Police : Hallo Prankster : Hey man. So we got a target right now is choosing the car Jason's in the car. Can you start heading over to the location were playing out just kind of like wait there and when they stop pass you by pull them over will be that the design location when we shoot and stuff like that and I will be all day. Police : Ok ,on my way.

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase playing out includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase playing out means to develop in a particular way. In other words, this phrase use to do something to conclude or finish the mission.


15. Fuck up

The setting is in the car. This phrase said by prankster who is talking with a girl and try to acting. Below are the quoted conversation:

Prankster : This is not good This is my boss‟s car. Girl : Are you joking? Prankster : Just the fuck up right now just be quiet don't say anything, just be quiet. Let me think for a second

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase fuck off includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase fuck off means to a mess or someone who does everything wrong and messes everything up, this meaning is utilized by NTC‟s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expression Edition.

Fuck up means to do something badly or make a bad mistake. In other words, pranskter is confused because a girl talks too much in a serious problem.

16. Ended up

The setting is on the side of the road. This phrase said by prankster 2 who is talking with another prankster. Below are the quoted conversation:

Prankster 1 : Oh my god Are you kidding me? Why would you drive my car? Prankster 2 : I just want to grab a bite that's it. I just ended up. Okay

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase ended up includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. Ended up is used to finally be


in a particular place or situation. In other words, the prankster feels that he has finished his job. So, this phrase is used to bring something to the end.

17. Figure out

The setting is in the middle of the road. This phrase said by prankter who is executing a girl. Below are the quoted conversation:

Prankster : Well you know what. I don't want to do it anymore. He's fire just take him away from you I just don't want to see anymore. I'm gonna have one on one conversation privately with her? Try to figure out what is going on. Come over here I need you to really ask you what's going on. How do you know my employee? Girl : I don‟t know

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase figure out includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. The phrase figure out means to think about somebody or something until you understand them/it. In other words, prankster wants to interview the girl to solve the problem.

18. What’s up

The setting is outside of the coffe shop. This phrase said by the prankster who is talking with girl. Below are the quoted conversation:

Prankster : Hey , what’s up Girl : Hi

From the quoted conversation above, the phrase what‟s up includes colloquial expressions because the form is verb followed by adverb. This phrase means to interrogative this meaning is utilized by NTC‟s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expression Edition. In other words, what‟s up is an extremely annoying


question that has (unfortunately) replaced "Hello" or "Hi" as the most popular form of casual greeting.

4.2 Findings

Table 4.6 : Colloquial Expressions Found in Gold Digger Prank Video

No Colloquial Expressions Data Percentage

1 Single Words 127 41.50%

2 Clipped Words 40 13.07%

3 Short Picturesque Words for 9 2.94% Technical Terms 4 Contractions 105 34.31%

5 Verb-Adverb Combinations 25 8.17%

TOTAL 306 100%

Table 4.2 is the findings of the colloquial expressions found in Gold Digger Prank video retrieved from In this research, I found 306 data containing colloquial expressions on this video.




This chapter covers the conclusions of the study and suggestions that might have benefits and inputs for everyone who wants to conduct a research relating to this study.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the analysis and findings in the previous chapter, I conclude that there are five types of colloquial expressions found in gold digger prank video retrieved from First is single words, second is clipped words, third is short picturesque words for technical terms, fourth is contractions, and the fifth is verb-adverb combinations. They are: a. Single words = 127 data b. Clipped words = 40 data c. Short Picturesque Words for Technical Terms = 9 data d. Contractions = 105 data e. Verb-adverb combinations = 25 data

Considering the research findings, the most dominant types of colloquial expressions in this video is single words (41.5%) , then contractions (34.31%), followed by clipped words (13.07%), and verb-adverb combination (8.17%). The least types of colloquial expressions is short picturesque words for technical terms (2.94%). Single words is the most dominant types of colloquial because people usually use a daily


language to communicate with each other in society. They use a colloquial words to simplify the conversation. Even though they use colloquial or daily language, the meaning contained is still conveyed appropriately and accurately. I determine which colloquial expressions is include in each type by its meaning in some dictionaries and understand the content of the dialogue.

From the description above, I conclude that all meanings in colloquial expressions are informal language because it is impolite or rude language to communicate.

Colloquial language generally depends on where you come from as different countries use different abbreviations. It shows the relationship between the speaker and the listener because the speaker usually shorten the word without changing the true meaning of the word. As far as people and teenager very enjoy and feel comfortable to use that, although colloquial make English language can be broken in grammatical and meaning.

It is a faster and easier way to communicate.

5.2 Suggestion

Through this paper, I suggest that colloquial expressions can be one of the topic for research study in the future especially for student of English language. Colloquial expressions is interesting to be studied and analyzed as part of language and literature study. I suggest that students interested in this topic use several dictionaries as a guide to determine the most correct meaning. So, I would like to suggest to the reader especially students of English Department to analyzed and compared between colloquial and slang, because it is almost the same but there are the differences.


Finally, this study is suggested to be a useful reference for people or future researchers who are interested in doing the same research topic. Hopefully, this can give positive contribution to the development of research about colloquial expressions.



Barzegar, Hossein. 2008. Translation of Colloquial Expression in English into Persian Subtitled Films. Journal Article. Teacher Training University: Iran.

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Citra, Natalia. 2014. An Analysis of The Language Styles Found in "The King's Speech" Movie (Unpublished Thesis) . Medan: University of North Sumatera.

Colloquialism. 2018 . Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from (Accessed on October 18, 2018)

Creswell, John W. 1994. Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. London: Sage Publications.

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Hossein and Elham. 2017. A Study of English Translation of Colloquial Expressions in Two Translations of Jamalzadeh: Once Upon a Time and Isfahan Is Half the World. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 8, No. 5: 1011-1012.

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Nofalli, T,S. 2012. Translation Method Used in Translating Colloquial Expressions in Subtittle Text of Transformers Movies (Unpublished Thesis). Semarang: Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. Pangastika and Asmarani. 2017. Technique of Translating Colloquial Expressions in Subtitle Text of Dirty Granpa Movie. Journal Article. Semarang: Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. Partridge, Eric. 1990. Colloquialisms in The Encyclopedia Americana. U.S.A. : Grolier Incorporated.

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YouTube is a popular video sharing website where registered users can upload and share videos with anyone able to access the site. These videos can also be embedded and shared on other sites. YouTube was developed by former PayPal employees in 2005 and was acquired by Google in 2006. It has had a profound impact on media and advertising.

Most of the videos found on YouTube are created by amateurs, but some professional film makers also use the platform to share their work. Virtually all types and genres of videos are posted on the site, from sports accidents to homemade music videos. Copyrighted work also makes its way onto YouTube, which has raised many issues for companies that produce media for traditional outlets such as television. Because of the nature of YouTube sharing and voting, there have even been cases where new talents got discovered through simple videos, one of the most notable of which is teen pop star Justin Bieber. On the other hand, it is also possible for YouTube stars to profit from the videos they post on the site through YouTube's ad revenue sharing program.

In this case, I choose gold digger prank video as the data. It is retrieved from





Prankster : Excuse me Girl : Yeah, Sorry , can we help you ? Prankster : Umm.. Yeah I'm kind of lost, I'm trying to look somewhere to eat. Do you know anywhere around here? Girl : Umm. I guess. Yeah yeah if you go straight up there, and then turn left, there's a loads of places down there. Prankster : Ok cool so back down that was. Girl : Yeah yeah literally. Prankster : Where are you guys go? Girl : Well we were just shopping but I don‟t think we have anything to do right now. Prankster : Umm.. Why don‟t one of you like show me where the place is. Girl : Yeah Prankster : There's only one seat. Girl : It's fine. I'll just see you later . Yeah Girl (2) : What? are you actually .. Hold on. Wait.. wait.. Girl : It's fine. I'll call you later. Yeah Girl (2) : Shophie! are you serious right now? Are you actually? Girl : It's fine babe. I'll just call you later. Girl (2) : OMG.. this girl, she's... OMG.. Girl : Bye Girl (2) : OMG Are you actually getting in the car right now?





Prankster : Excuse me, do you know anywhere here ? Girl : Fuck off ! Can you not see I'm on the phone? Prankster : Wow, you don't event know what I'm going to say. Girl : Uhhh.. you're short! I don‟t event like short boys. Why would you event come chat to me? You‟re ber short! Prankster : Alright cool chill .. Girl : Don't chat to me .. Prankster : I was only going to ask you, like where is around here to eat? Girl : Don't chat to me, Yeah. Just walk on.. Look at your bootcut jeans! Literally! What? swear.. is that your car? Prankster : Yeah it is. Girl : Well, to be honest. Thingking about it, I know a couple places down there. Like 10 seconds walk. Prankster : Haha, Oh wow. So you're actually going to tell me where there is to eat? Girl : Yeah Prankster : Ok cool ! Girl : I was only joking before you know. Prankster : Alright cool yeah it was a joke. So where? where about is it? Girl : Literally just walk like 10 seconds down there. Prankster : 10 seconds, you could show me. Girl : Yeah do you wanna drive down.


Its be ber quick. Prankster : Look, if it's 10 seconds I'll just walk I don't want you to come in because like your just rude. Girl : What? Prankster : Yeah, you're rude. You was cussing me just a min ago. Girl : I thought you was gonna let. I was only joking obviously Prankster : Yeah but it wasn't a funny joke. Girl : Don't be a dickhead bro! Are you fucking taking the piss? Fuck off yeah! You‟re a dickhead bro! Think you‟re nice in it Prick!




APPENDIX 3 Prankster : Hi.. Sorry, don't judge me because I've got a nice car. I just wanted to say like you look nice. Girl : Oh.. thank you. Prankster : Whoops , watch out .. you don't want to die. Where are you going? Girl : I'm going to the shops where does it look like I'm going. Prankster : Ok cool ! Can I get your number like .. Girl : I actually have boyfriend . So.. Prankster : Wow, of course you have boyfriend. Because like you look great. But what if you don't have a boyfriend one day Maybe you can take my number and you can text me. How does that sound .. Girl : Umm.. alright. What‟s your number? Prankster : I'll put in your phone and I'm going to take yours at the same time. Girl : Oh ok Prankster : I'm going to text myself now. Woah your phones bugging out, does it always do this. Girl : Yeah sometimes. Prankster : It feels like a vibrator. Girl : Oh my gosh this is so weird. Prankster : Ok cool yeah. That was pretty weird. Lemme give you my number..





Opening section ~ First of all guys, it is super hot here today in LA. Second of all, I miss you guys so much I had no I haven't hablo for a while like dude wherever you pin. Well here's the thing guys, I've been working on a couple project. I got a podcast coming up. I'm working on twitch and I'm creating. A courses to help you guys to learn more about you to Instagram because allow so you guys always DM and ask me about you know how to do you to Instagram and also I realize you guys be asking me to do the gold digger prank video. So today I am back with a new Lambo right here. I gotta have some new fresh ideas so if you're new to the channel make sure you click that subscribe button click on a notification to be part of squaw. We are coming back strong and without further ado let's get into this Doh video .

Alright guys, so right now I have my boy Jason over here. He's gonna help me to catch some gold digger as well as a yeah I did hire college just try to level my stand there you know gimmickry thumbs alright now if you're ready for this video let's go.

Prankster : Hey , what‟s up Girl : Hi Prankster : I‟m Josh nice to meet you. I just saw your really key I was gonna get something to drink by you know is it cool me and you can exchange number maybe you know can hang out sometimes and stuff like that.


Girl : I have a boyfriend actually Prankster : Maybe I can treat you better than him. You never know right Girl : Yeah for sure , you‟re not really my type Prankster : Well, have a good one. is your loss !

10 minutes later

Prankster (2) : It's so rude to look and not say Hi ! how are you ? I'm Jason Girl : Hi, fine. How are you? Prankster (2) : I'm doing good . How about yourself Girl : I‟m okay. Prankster (2) : Well, I'm not intruding I mean if you have a boyfriend or anything. Girl : No, I‟m single yeah Prankster (2) : You‟re single and ready to mingle. Girl : What are you do? Prankster (2) : Whatever makes me money. I mean you got to secure the bag , right? Girl : Of course Prankster (2) : What are you into? Girl : I just work out a lot. Prankster (2) : See that. It‟s paying off Girl : Thank you Prankster (2) : I am absolutely starving. Girl : I love you car Prankster (2) : Oh thank you. Have you ever ride a bull before? Girl : I haven‟t Prankster (2) : You know what, I know this really good sushi places not far from here? you want to roll


Girl : Oh yeah Prankster (2) : Come on let's do it Girl : Fine Do you live around here? Prankster (2) : Yeah just about five minutes the way that doors unlocked Girl : Wow What‟s the gopro for? Prankster (2) : Oh you never know what's gonna happen when you're in a Lambo. I just have it for safety. There's a lot of people that come up to you and stuff. Girl : What did you say you do for a living? Prankster (2) : Um I actually work with a lot of Hollywood video. I've been doing it Girl : It‟s so hot today I was sitting outside from lunch and I was like what am I doing to myself like I gotta go inside you came up to me and I'm in a nice AC with Lamborghini you know. How much is car like this? Prankster (2) : Maybe 24 billion dollars. Girl : Wow that‟s crazy. if the leather steering wheel it's like so smooth. Prankster (2) : Oh yeah. Girl : I like your jewelry so I say yes very observant appreciate the finer things in life. Prankster (2) : That guy actually made a cut he wasn't suppose to Girl : You are weird a Lamborghini, watch yourself.


Prankster : Yo, alright guys. So far I think we have got a gold digger in the car . I'm gonna called the cop Jose and let him know we got a target and now what we're gonna do is. I'm gonna let the cop pull them over and let him know who the real boss is. Cop : Hallo Prankster : Hey man. So we got a target right now is choosing the car Jason's in the car. Can you start heading over to the location were playing out just kind of like wait there and when they stop pass you by pull them over will be that the design location when we shoot and stuff like that and I will be all day. Cop : Ok ,on my way. Prankster : And also make sure you was into the end of this video for some free chain giveaway super iced out but anyways now I'm gonna start heading to the location and show then who's the real boss. Let's go.

Execute Prankster (2) : This is not good This is my boss‟s car. Girl : Are you joking?


: Just the fuck up right now just be quiet don't say anything, just be quiet. Let me think for a second Cop : This car has been reported stolen. Can you step out of the car please? Prankster (2) : Actually this is my boss's car. Cop : Put your hand behind your back. Girl : Are you kidding me? Cop : Now put your hands on the dash please. You stand there in front of car. Girl : Oh my god. Dude.. Cop : I need you to come out with your hands up Girl : Hey I just mailed this guy. Cop : Go around the car Girl : I just met this guy. Cop : Can we please contact the owner?

12 minutes later Prankster : Oh my god Are you kidding me? Why would you drive my car? Prankster (2) : I just want to grab a bite that's it. I just ended up. Okay Prankster : Hold on hold on! before you say anything why are you wearing my jewelries. You know you can just get it yourself go why would you just grab your stuff without asking me Girl : I just wanted to apologize I'm sorry for everything I actually met a girl.


Prankster : Who is she? Girl : I just want to say Hi. I actually I got it for you.

Prankster : You got it from me. Wait , who are you? Hold on a second Girl : What‟s happening here? Prankster : Why you look so familiar Girl : Are you kidding me? Prankster : I asked you for your number and you tell me you have boyfriend. Are you guys together it? Prankster (2) : No I just I met her I told you I think I picked her up for you. Prankster : Are you kidding me? Cops : Would you like to press charges? Prankster (2) : I didn‟t do anything wrong. Prankster : Well you know what. I don't want to do it anymore. He's fire just take him away from you I just don't want to see anymore. I'm gonna have one on one conversation privately with her? Try to figure out what is going on. Come over here I need you to really ask you what's going on. How do you know my emloyee? Girl : I don‟t know Prankster : Well I thought you say you have a boyfriend. Girl : Yeah, but it no problem. Prankster : He wanna get sushi, and you say okay? Is he your type or what? I wasn‟t your type. Girl : I don‟t know to say I‟m sorry like you know .. Prankster : Sorryfull why like .. Girl : I make it up to you , you know. I just Prankster : I mean you still want to hang out


Girl : Yeah, yeah let‟s hang out. It‟s oke for sure Prankster : Since I'm not gonna be a bag out here I'm gonna be a good guy so let me try to find a key and let's make this up again. Stay right here, there. Let me figure out. Hey I got a key I found it. It bow long. I can't change my mind because I don't really good think about.. Here's your key . Peace out !