19.62 Congressional· Record - House 5
19.62 CONGRESSIONAL· RECORD - HOUSE 5 The telJer.s h~ving taken. their places, Cramer Kearns Ray HOUSE OF REPRESENTAT~S Cunningham Keith Reece the House proceeded to vote for Speaker. Curtin Kilburn Reifel The following is the result of the vote:, Curtis, Mass. King, N.Y. Rhodes, Ariz. WEDNESJ?AY, JAN:UARY l~, 196~ Curtis, Mo. Knox Riehlman [Roll No. 2) Dague Kunkel Robison The House met at 12 o'clock noon and McCORMACK-248 Derounian Kyl Roudebush was called to order by the Honorable Abbitt Granahan Nix Devine Laird Rousselot Ralph R. Roberts, Clerk of the House. Abernethy Grant Norrell Dole Langen St. George Addabbo Gray O'Brien, Ill. Dominick Latta Saylor The CLERK. Members of the House of Addonizio Green, Oreg. O'Brien, N.Y. Durno Lindsay Schadeberg Representatives, the time has arrived Albert Green, Pa. O'Hara, Ill. Dwyer Lipscomb Schenck Alexander Ellsworth McCulloch Scherer for the meeting of the 2d session of the Griffi.ths O'Hara, Mich. Fenton McDonough Schneebeli 87th Congress. Since the last session of Alford Hagan, Ga. Olsen Findley Mcintire Schweiker Andrews Hagen, Calif. O'Neill Fino McVey Schwengel Congress the great and beloved Speaker Anfuso Haley Passman Ford of the House has departed this life. Ashley Hansen Patman MacGregor Scranton Ashmore Harding P.erkiJ?.S Frelinghuysen Mailliard Seely-Brown The Clerk of the House;in conformity Aspinall Fulton Martin, Mass. Short Hardy Peterson Garland Mason Shriver with the rules, has called the House to Bailey Harris Pfost Gavin Mathias Sibal order for the purpose of electing a Baring Harrison, Va .
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