New York Times, Vol. XI-No. 3388, August 2, 1862
t PRICE TWO CENTS. VOL. XI-NO. 3388. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1862. lhe right of the pllte, as an outpost guard. Tbe reg1- durin& the t.0/tol• 1•ar. X..t ue act quick!:, and ener• below,.are proved lo be unfoundod. Yesterday was city. T he Confederate Joss In kllled and wo,mded, during the late retre:tt of MCCLELUH, ii ncknow THE ARMY Of VIRGINIA. menl 1a a strong one, and so, I am informed, nry ef aeOcally, and not lose a moroen1•s ume. FROM THEJA MES RIVER. lhe first time a balloon reconoolesance hu been made lcdied to be 3'•,000. More t rooos, \0 tho addillon"l llclenl In regimental drill. From tllal point until F. SlGEL, amount of 30,000, were preparln£ 10 join J ..c«SON. In reaching Culpepper I aa w no soldiers under arma. Mltjor-Gen'I Commanding F irst Corpa Virginia. lrom a vessel In tbia army. the Shenandoah Valley, in his attack upor Por•. Tbc mallboat proceeded to Portrea& Monroe, yes JouN M . DANTJIL, edllor or 1be ruchmond Eo:amuur, The fear of danger upon lhe road 11, I tWnk, un Tho preceding Jetter bas produced no llllle excite warranted-at least from tbe people llflns alons the terdny, under coavo7 of two gunboats. b0881ing lnio the clly, 8fter lhe recen1 fights, Advance of Gen. Pope Toward ment among the German circles In this City who DigJal y Important and Ex thut he had been lo a charge a11d got wounded. This line. 'rhelr whole desire seem, to be to be let alone No one doubts that lhe mnln force of the Yebela ie wound was lo lbe wrist, and was from a straggling by both parties, and, they say, " to take pnrt with have become cognlzanl of It.
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