Country Report



By PRASHANT MITTAL – A20001913013

MBA –GENERAL Class of 2015

Under the Supervision of





Chapter Content Page no.








Singapore is an island state-city located at Malay Peninsula. But it is larger then the other two surviving sovereign city-states Vatican City & Monaco. At the time of World War-II, Britishers were occupied by the Japanese right after the fight with Singapore. In 1963, they have achieved the Independence from Britain and there is a merger between the Malaya, Sabah & Sarawak to make the Malaysia. But this merger didn’t work for long and in 1965 Singapore became the independent country. From the independence, Singapore’s living standard has risen dramatically. Now, Singapore is the world’s 5th wealthiest country in terms of GDP. In December 2008, the foreign exchange reserves of the nation risen to about US$174.2billion. The Singapore government announced in March 2009, that they will tap into the official reserves & withdraw S$4.9 billion, after the approval is been given by the President. Total population of Singapore is around 4.99 million including the non-residents. Singapore is the nation having the diverse people most of which are Chinese and others are Malay, Indian and other people. An EntrePass Scheme was launched to to attract more and more entrepreneurs and innovators to come and start business ventures in Singapore. For making the Singapore a medical hub, the Singapore Medical Council hired the doctors from private hospitals and clinics from all over the world.

The Straits Settlements

Singapore, together with Malacca and Penang, the two British settlements in the Malay Peninsula, turned into the Straits Settlements in 1826, under the control of British India. By 1832, Singapore had turned into the focal point of government for the three regions. On 1 April 1867, the Straits Settlements turned into a Crown Colony under the purview of the Colonial Office in London.

With the coming of the steamship in the mid-1860s and the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, Singapore turned into a significant port of call for boats utilizing in the middle of Europe and East Asia. What's more with the improvement of elastic planting, particularly after the 1870s, it additionally turned into the principle sorting and fare focus on the planet for elastic. The flourishing pulled in settlers from ranges around the district. By 1860, the populace had developed to 80,792. The Chinese represented 61.9 every penny of the number; the Malays and Indians 13.5 and 16.05 every penny individually; and others, including the Europeans, 8.5 every penny.

The peace and success finished when Japanese air ship shelled the resting city in the early hours of 8 December 1941. Singapore tumbled to the Japanese on 15 February 1942, and was renamed Syonan (Light of the South). It stayed under Japanese occupation for three and a half years. The Malaysia Proposal

On 27 May 1961, the Malayan Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, proposed closer political and financial co-operation between the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei as a merger. The principle terms of the merger, concurred on by him and , were to have focal government obligation regarding guard, outside issues and inside security, yet nearby self-governance in matters relating to training and work. A choice on the terms of the merger held in Singapore on 1 September 1962 demonstrated the individuals' staggering backing for PAP's plan to continue with the merger.

Malaysia was shaped on 16 September 1963, and comprised of the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and North Borneo (now Sabah). Brunei quit. Indonesia and the Philippines restricted the merger. President Sukarno of Indonesia worked effectively against it amid the three years of Indonesian meeting.


The merger turned out to be brief. Singapore was divided from whatever is left of Malaysia on 9 August 1965, and turned into a sovereign, equitable and free country.

Free Singapore was admitted to the United Nations on 21 September 1965, and turned into a part of the Commonwealth of Nations on 15 October 1965. On 22 December 1965, it turned into a republic, with Yusof canister Ishak as the republic's first President.

Coming of Age

An enormous industrialization system was propelled with the augmentation of the Jurong mechanical home and the production of littler domains in Kallang Park, Tanjong Rhu, Redhill, Tiong Bahru and Tanglin Halt. The Employment Act and the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act were passed in 1968 to advance modern peace and control among the workforce.

The Economic Development Board was rearranged in 1968 and the Jurong Town Corporation and the Development Bank of Singapore were situated up in that year In 1970, the Monetary Authority of Singapore was made to define and actualize Singapore's fiscal strategies.

In 1979, after the stun of two oil emergency, the Government began a system of monetary rebuilding. This was accomplished by adjusting instruction strategies, stretching engineering and machine training, offering money related motivations to modern endeavors and propelling a gainfulness crusade.

On 28 November 1990, another part opened in Singapore's current history Goh Cheok Tong turned into the second Prime Minster of Singapore when he assumed control over the workplace from Lee Kuan Yew who surrendered in the wake of having been Prime Minster since 1959.

Singapore Weather

Like the vast majority of Southeast Asia, Singapore is for the most part hot and sticky. It's warm and sticky year round, with the temperature practically never dropping beneath 20°c (68°f), even around evening time, and typically moving to 30°c (86°f) amid the day. Later times, it even arrived at till 35°c. Dampness is high, mounting over a 75% imprint.

November and December is the blustery season. June-August is thought to be the best time to visit, however that being said it rains frequently. Don't let the atmosphere prevent you from going, nonetheless. Most structures are cooled (to the point that you may need to take a sweater), and torments have been taken to make everything as agreeable as can be, things being what they are. When it does rain, its by and large just for a brief time.

Singapore Geography Singapore's vital area at the southern tip of the Malaysian promontory has guaranteed its imperativeness, which is more noteworthy than its size may appear to defend. Singapore comprises of the island of Singapore and exactly 63 islets inside its regional waters. The principle island is around 26 mi/42 km from west to east and 14 mi/23 km from north to south. It's a for the most part undulating nation with low slopes (the most astounding, 540-ft/166-m Bukit Timah Hill, is to the northwest of the city).

Singapore Culture Singapore is a cosmopolitan culture where individuals live congruously. The settlers of the past have given the spot a mixture of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and European impacts, all of which have intermixed. In Singapore, sustenance is likewise promptly and broadly accessible. There are heaps of foods to offer. We have, Chinese, Indian, Malay, Indonesian and Western, Italian, Peranakan, Spanish, French, Thai and even Fusion. It is exceptionally regular to enjoy other society's nourishment and a portion of the sustenance can be extremely fascinating. Indian sustenance are moderately spicier, while Chinese nourishment is less spicier and the Chinese appreciate fish. Malay cooking uses coconut drain as their fundamental fixing, that makes their sustenance extremely divine.

Religion in Singapore

The assortment of religions is an immediate impression of the assorted qualities of races living there. The Chinese are overwhelmingly adherents of Buddhism, Taoism, Shenism, Christians, Catholics and some considered as 'free-scholars' (Those who don't have a place with any religion). Malays have the Muslims and Indians are Hindus.

Religion is still a basic piece of the cosmopolitan Singapore. A significant number of its most fascinating structures are religious, be it old sanctuaries, cutting edge places of worship, or intriguing mosques. Chinese Temples

Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and inhereted love are consolidated into a flexible blend in Chinese sanctuaries.

Devotees of the Tao (The Way) hold fast to the teachings of the aged Chinese legend, Lao Tzu. They are concerned with the equalization of the Yin and Yang, which are inverse powers of paradise and earth, male and female. Fengshui, actually interpreted as wind and water, additionally started from Yin and Yang. Tribal love is basic and the spirits of the dead, in the same way as the divine beings themselves, are assuaged with offerings.


The Malays in Singapore are Muslims. A couple of the Indians are additionally Muslims, however significantly more extraordinary are the Chinese Muslims.

Islam has a key impact in the lives of the individuals who take after the Prophet of Allah, Muhammad. The religion includes asking five times each day, consuming just "halal" sustenance, fasting amid Ramadan, and going to Mecca on the Haj (journey). Halal nourishment implies sustenance that has been uncommonly arranged as indicated by the religion's dietary prerequisites.


As the Indian migrants move to Singapore, they brought with them Hinduism. The early sanctuaries are still the main issues of customs and celebrations, which are held as the year progressed.


One will have the capacity to discover Christian houses of worship of all sections in Singapore. They were really settled with the entry of different preachers after the happening to Sir Stamford Raffles. Together with Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism, Christianity is viewed as one of the four fundamental religions today. There is truly an extensive number of Christians on the island.


Minority religions are not overlooked. There are no less than two synagogues for the Jews and Sikhs. The Zoroastrians and Jains are likewise spoken to in Singapore.

Language in Singapore

The four authority dialects of Singapore are Mandarin, Malay, Tamil and English. English is the most widely recognized dialect utilized and is the dialect which unites the diverse ethnic gatherings. Youngsters are taught in English at school additionally take in their first language to reach their customs. Exiles and outsiders may experience dialect issues initially of their stay in Singapore as numerous Singaporeans use Singlish to impart. Singlish is a mixof English with different dialects blended into the English, in some cases expressions can end with entertaining terms like 'lah', 'leh', mah'. Chinese ordinarily utilize their tongues to convey, and off and on again, between vernacular gatherings don't comprehend each other's dialect, as the dialect is unfathomably diverse. Aside from Hokkien and Teochew, which have a closer interface. The Malays utilize the dialect among their kindred races and the Indians talk Tamil. Be that as it may whatever the race or religion, the nation's group unite as one country, where most religious or racial crevices are consistently spanned.

Singapore English has its causes in the schools of pioneer Singapore. In the nineteenth century not very many kids went to class whatsoever, and much less were instructed in English. The individuals who talked English and sent their youngsters to English medium schools were essentially the Europeans, the Eurasians (individuals of blended racial set of relatives), a portion of the little minorities, for example, the Jews, a percentage of the Indians and Ceylonese, furthermore a gathering of Chinese individuals typically called the Straits Chinese, who had predecessors of long home in the locale, and who talked a mixture of Malay normally called Baba Malay which was affected by Hokkien Chinese and by Bazaar Malay.

In the initial twenty years of the twentieth century, English medium instruction got to be well known for all gatherings. Young ladies began going to class in bigger numbers as well. By the 1950s about all kids went to class, and the larger part were instructed in English. By the 1980s.all training was in the medium of English (with youngsters learning an alternate dialect nearby English).

Singapore English developed out of the English of the play area of these offspring of different etymological foundations who were learning English at school. As more of its kin experienced learning English at school, English got to be broadly talked, close by Singapore's numerous different dialects. Since Singapore turned into an autonomous Republic in 1965, the utilization of English has expanded still further. For some Singaporeans, English is the principle dialect. Numerous families talk English at home and it is one of the first dialects learnt by about 50% of the current preschool youngsters.

Almost everybody in Singapore talks more than one dialect, with numerous individuals talking three or four. Most youngsters grow up bilingual from outset and take in more dialects as they grow up. Commonly the vicinity of different dialects (particularly different assortments of Malay and of Chinese) has affected the English of Singapore. The impact is particularly evident in the sort of English that is utilized casually, which is prevalently called Singlish. Singlish is a marker of character for some Singaporeans.


Singapore English usually come from other languages spoken in Singapore, especially Malay and Hokkien. Speakers of Singlish are not necessarily aware of which language they are from however.


• habis - finished • makan - to eat • chope - to reserve something • cheem - difficult, complicated • angmo - a white person • rojak - mixed, a mix of • liao - finished, the end • kiasu - afraid to lose mentality Speakers of Singlish will usually end his sentence with a distinctive exclamation. The three most common are ah, lah, ley and what.


• OK lah, bye bye. • Don't like that lah. • You are going there ah? • No parking lots here, what. • The price is too high for me lah. • And then how many rooms ah? • It is very troublesome ley. • Don't be like that ley! I'm not at home lah. That's why ah. Banking

The nearby cash is Singapore dollars and pennies. Notes come in categories of SGD 2, SGD 5, SGD 10, SGD 20, SGD 50, SGD 100, SGD 500, SGD 1,000, and SGD 10,000. Coins come in group of 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 pennies and SGD 1.

Saving money hours are Monday to Friday: 10 am to 3 pm, and Saturday: 9.30 am to 1 PM (a few banks are open until 3 PM). Sunday, 9.30 am to 3 PM (a few banks in Orchard Road). Most banks handle explorers' checks and change outside monetary forms. On the other hand, a few banks don't have outside trade dealings on Saturday. International Ids are obliged when changing explorers' checks. An ostensible commission may be charged.

Credit / Charge Cards

Real cards are generally acknowledged by foundations in Singapore. Should any shop demand including an extra charge, contact the individual card organization to report the errant shop-holder.

Drinking Water

It is impeccably sheltered to drink water straight from the tap in Singapore. Then again, for the individuals who incline toward packaged mineral water, nearby markets and food merchants dependably have adequate stocks. Immigration

Visas: Most Western nationals either don't oblige a visa at all or don't oblige a visa for a social stay of up to 90 days. A 30-day grant is issued on entry, and augmentations are hard to get.


Singapore's legislature is strict on medication laws, with capital punishment requisitioned medication trafficking. It is additionally against the entrance of guns, controlled medications, jeopardized types of untamed life, mulling over gum and cigarette lighters fit as a fiddle of a gun. Smoking in broad daylight transports, the MRT, taxis, lifts and cooled spots is likewise regarded illegal; with fines up to S$1,000. The legislature is additionally resolute that littering is an offense and conveys punishments of a fine of S$1,000 or more; furthermore a spell of remedial work request.


Tipping is rarely fundamental, as an issue products and administrations charge (GST) and an administration charge of 10% is typically included consequently (however constantly twofold check the bill). On the other hand it is standard to extra a couple of dollars for proficient servers, bellboys and cabbies.

Singapore Flag

The shades of the Singapore banner speak to red for fraternity and equity; white for virtue and ideals. The bow moon speaks to an adolescent country on the ascent. The five stars stand for Singapore's standards of majority rule government, peace, advancement, equity and uniformity.

The sickle moon initially served as an issue of confirmation to the Malays in 1959 —the year the banner was composed that Singapore was not a Chinese state. Today it is by and large said that the moon implied an adolescent country climbing. The banner was composed at first to have three stars, until pioneers, for example, then Deputy Prime Minister Toh Chin Chye communicated worry that Singapore may be seen to have relationship with the Malayan Communist Party, the banner of which likewise had three stars. The banner was initially intended to be red as red is an exceptionally customary Chinese color.



Since the day Singapore formally picking up sway on 9 August 1965, its governmental issues has been ruled by the People's Action Party (PAP). Amid the 2006 decision the PAP won 82 out of 84 seats in the country's Parliament. Notwithstanding the PAP's dealings with communists in the good 'ol days, its administering reasoning for the last a few decades can best be portrayed as Socialist Democracy.

Singapore, under the authority of the PAP, has a different political society: dictator, sober minded, normal and legalistic. Singapore's energy structure is exceedingly incorporated, portrayed by a top-down style. It offers arrangement as opposed to decision to generally work places. Financial development and political solidness were kept up by the fatherly direction of the PAP. Therefore, Singapore is not controlled by government officials, yet by administrators, in a meritocracy where force is picked up through ability, execution, and reliability to the country and its strategies.

Moreover, Singapore has a multi-racial and multi-religious character, where giving reasonable treatment to all races in training, lodging and wellbeing is viewed as vital. The minorities are guaranteed of equivalent representation in Parliament through the Group Representation Constituency or GRC framework.

There is a predominance of government-controlled organizations in the neighborhood economy. Anyhow regardless of its compelling position, the Singapore government has kept up a clean, debasement free picture. Likewise, fractures inside the initiative in Singapore are uncommon. The mode of choice making is by agreement, and the administration style is group.

The formal Head of State of the Republic of Singapore is the President. Sellapanramanathan is the current President and he was confirmed on 1 September 1999. The Prime Minister and Head of Government is Lee Hsienloong, who was confirmed on 12 August 2004.

The Constitution

The Constitution of Singapore is the incomparable law of the Republic of Singapore. It sets out the basic standards and schema for the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary — the three organs of the state. The constitution can't be changed without the regard of more than two-thirds of the parts of the parliament on the second and third readings. The Parliament

Together with the President of Singapore, the Parliament is known as the Legislature. The Parliament has a solitary house and is designed according to the Westminster arrangement of parliamentary popular government. The Westminster framework has Members of Parliament who are voted in at General Elections. The pioneer of the political party that secures the most seats in Parliament turns into the Prime Minister (PM). The PM will pick his Ministers from chose Mps to structure the Cabinet. The "life" of every Parliament is 5 years from the date of its first sitting after a General Election. The General Elections are held inside 3 months of the disintegration of the Parliament.

The Parliament has three noteworthy capacities: making laws, controlling the state's accounts and performing the discriminating/inquisitorial part to keep an eye on the activities of the administering party and the MinistrieThe Structure of the Parliament

• The Speaker of the Parliament – The Speaker of the Parliament chairs the sittings of the House and enforces the rules prescribed in the Standing Orders of Parliament for the orderly conduct of the parliamentary business. • The Government – The President appoints the Prime Minister and the other Cabinet Members from among the elected MPs. The Prime Minister leads the Cabinet in the administration of the Government. • Leader of the House – The Leader of the House is responsible for the arrangement of Government business and the legislative program of Parliament. • Party Whip – Party whips safeguard good communication within the party and contribute to the smooth running of the party’s parliamentary machinery. • Members of the Parliament – MPs act as a bridge between the people and the government by ensuring that concerns of the people are heard in the Parliament. • Parliament Secretariat – The Secretariat assists Parliament in its functions and in all matters related to its procedures and practices, the organisation of its business and the undertakings of its committees.

Singapore’s Political Parties Singapore’s ruling party is the People’s Action Party (PAP), which was established on 21 November 1954. The PAP began as a unity of two left-wing factions — the pro-socialist wing led by Lee Kuan Yew and the pro-communist wing led by Lim Chin Siong. The latter soon broke away from the PAP. The PAP is the longest-surviving and most successful political party in Singapore’s history.

The 2006 elections saw three main opposition parties — the Workers’ Party (WP), the Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) and the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP).

Singapore’s active parties, to date, are:

• Democratic Progressive Party • National Solidarity Party • People’s Action Party • People’s Liberal Democratic Party • PertubuhanKebangsaanMelayuSingapura • Reform Party • Singapore Democratic Alliance • Singapore Democratic Pary • Singapore Justice Party • Singapore People’s Party • Singapore National Front • Workers’ Party Singapore has a total of 43 active, dormant and historical parties.

The Election Cycle The Presidential Elections The legislation governing the conduct of the Presidential Election are:

• The Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (The Government, Part V); • The Presidential Elections Act; • The Political Donations Act; and • Subsidiary Legislations. The President is elected by the citizens of Singapore, and as the Head of State, holds office for a term of 6 years. The Presidential elections have to be conducted within 6 months after the office of the President becomes vacant prior to expiration of the term of office of the incumbent; or not more than 3 months before the date of expiration of the term of office of the incumbent.

The Parliamentary Elections The legislation governing the conduct of the Presidential Election are:

• The Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (The Legislature – Part VI); • The Parliamentary Elections Act; • The Political Donations Act; and • Subsidiary Legislations. The Candidates can just mount their race crusades after the end of selection up to the eve of the surveying day. On the surveying day, every voter will get a survey card containing data on where he (or she) can make the choice in individual. Voting is mandatory and votes are secret. The consequences of the decisions are then distributed in the legislature's journal.

The Cabinet

The Cabinet is in charge of all administration strategies and the regular organization of the issues of the state. The Cabinet is headed by the Prime Minister and comprises of different priests. The different services incorporate Community Development, Youth and Sports, Defense, Education, the Environment and Water Resources, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Health, Home Affairs, Information, Communications and the Arts, Law, Manpower, National Development, Trade and Industry, and Transport.

Secretariat and authoritative backing to the Cabinet is given by the Cabinet Office, headed by the Secretary to the Cabinet. To view a complete rundown of the current parts of the Cabinet, see Singapore Cabinet Appointments.

The Public Service Commission

The Public Service Commission (PSC) is an imperative mainstay of Singapore's open administration framework. It is the overseer of the honesty and estimations of the Civil Service. The Civil Service embodies the services and organs of Singapore. The PSC is tasked to select, affirm, advance, exchange, reject and activity disciplinary control over open officers. Its crucial part is to shield uprightness, absence of bias and meritocracy in the Civil Service. Therefore, the advancement or position of key government authorities is focused around capabilities, experience and legitimacy.

Government Jobs in Singapore

The Civil Service utilizes an aggregate of 60,000 individuals. The occupations in the Civil administration are assembled into the social, financial and security segments, instructing, uniformed administrations, corporate administrations, and operational and regulatory backing.

The Ministry of Manpower's 2008 Career Compass is a record that contains the word related postings in the Civil Service. It gives work seekers a finer understanding of the opportunities in the present and future employment business sector of Singapore. Its significant classes are: Management Executive, Management Support Officer, and Corporate Support Officer. The interest for such employments is relied upon to be steady.

Government's Role in Singapore's Businesses

In Singapore, the state has tackled the part of promoter and specialist of Corporate Social Responsibility, an intelligent advancement in perspective of the prevailing part of the administration in the neighborhood economy. The Economic Development Board Act exists to fortify the development, extension and advancement of Singapore's economy.

A decent illustration of the part the Singapore government has played in encouraging financial development is the Changi air terminal and the Singapore Airlines. The Singapore government speculation and holding organization, Temasek Holdings is the larger part shareholder with 54% shareholding of the Singapore Airlines. Nonetheless, the Singapore government has consistently focused on its non-contribution in the administration of the organization. The Singapore government additionally possesses Changi Airport that was produced in 1975 to supplant the Payalebar Airport. Both of these undertakings have ended up massively effectively and are a decent illustration of the insightful and forward-looking monetary arrangements advanced by the Singapore government.


Singapore has a very created and fruitful free-advertise economy adjusted with broad government mediation and arranging. It has an open, star business environment, moderately defilement free and straightforward, stable costs, low expense rates (14.2% of GDP) contrasted with other created economies, and one of the most astounding every capita horrible residential items (GDP) on the planet. Its creative yet undaunted manifestation of matters of trade and profit that consolidates financial arranging of Singapore Economic Development Board with free-showcase has provided for it the handle the Singapore Model. Singapore's sovereign riches store Temasek Holdings is a vast speculator in the economy, holding lion's share stakes in a few of the country's biggest organizations, for example, Singapore Airlines, Singtel, ST Engineering and Mediacorp. Sends out, especially in hardware and chemicals, and administrations including the carriage that Singapore is the territorial center for riches administration (and the opening of the city state's first clubhouse in 2010 ) give the fundamental wellspring of income for the economy, which permits it to buy regular assets and crude merchandise which it doesn't have. Also, water is a shortage in Singapore accordingly water is characterized as an issue asset in Singapore alongside the lack of area to be treated with area fill of Pulausemakau. Singapore has constrained arable area that Singapore needs to depend on the agrotechnology park for agrarian generation and utilization. Human Resource is an alternate essential issue for the soundness of Singaporean economy. Singapore could along these lines be said to depend on a stretched out idea of delegate exchange to Entrepôt exchange, by obtaining crude products and refining them for re-fare, for example, in the wafer manufacture industry and oil refining. Singapore likewise has a vital port which makes it more focused than a significant number of its neighbors in completing such entrepot exercises. The Port of Singapore is the busiest on the planet, surpassing Rotterdam and Hong Kong. Likewise, Singapore's port base and gifted workforce, which is because of the achievement of the nation's training arrangement in delivering talented specialists, is additionally essential in this viewpoint as they give less demanding access to business sectors to both importing and trading, furthermore give the skill(s) required to refine imports into fares. Singapore's legislature advances large amounts of reserve funds and speculation through arrangements, for example, the Central Provident Fund, which is utilized to store its resident's health awareness and retirement needs. Most organizations in Singapore are enlisted as private constrained risk organizations (normally known as "private restricted organizations"). A private restricted organization in Singapore is a different legitimate element, and shareholders are not subject for the organization's obligations past the measure of offer capital they have helped.

Parts Fabricating and budgetary business administrations represented 26% and 22%, individually, of Singapore's terrible local item in 2000. The gadgets business leads Singapore's assembling division, representing 48% of aggregate mechanical yield, however the legislature likewise is prioritizing improvement of the chemicals and biotechnology commercial ventures. To keep up its aggressive position in spite of climbing wages, the administration tries to advance higher worth included exercises in the assembling and administrations areas. It likewise has opened, or is currently opening, the money related administrations, information transfers, and influence era and retailing divisions up to outside administration suppliers and more prominent rivalry. The legislature has likewise endeavored a few measures including compensation limitation measures and arrival of unused structures in a push to control climbing business rents with the perspective to bringing down the expense of working together in Singapore when focal business locale office rents tripled in 2006.

Banking Singapore is a monetary focus in Southeast Asia. As per the Human Rights Watch, because of its part as an issue center point for the locale, Singapore has consistently been condemned for purportedly facilitating financial balances containing sick gotten increases of degenerate pioneers and their partners, including billions of dollars of Burma's state gas incomes avoided national records.

Biotechnology Singapore is forcefully advancing and creating its biotechnology industry. Hundred of a huge number of dollars were put into the division to develop framework, trust innovative work and to enroll top global researchers to Singapore. Heading medication creators, for example, Glaxosmithkline (GSK), Pfizer and Merck & Co., have set up plants in Singapore. On 8 June 2006, GSK published that it is contributing an alternate S$300 million to manufacture an alternate plant to create pediatricvaccines, its first such office in Asia. Pharmaceuticals now represent more than 16% of the nation's assembling generation.

Energy and infrastructure Singapore is the estimating focus and heading oil exchanging center in Asia. The oil business makes up 5 every penny of Singapore's GDP, with Singapore being one of the main three fare refining focuses on the planet. In 2007 it traded 68.1 million tons of oil. The oil business has prompted the advancement of the compound business and in addition oil and gas supplies fabricating. Singapore has 70 every penny of the world business sector for both jack-up apparatuses and for the transformation of Floating Production Storage Offloading units. It has 20 every penny of the world business for boat repair, and in 2008 the marine and seaward industry utilized just about 70,000 specialists.


Clubs and Associations

Singapore has an abundance of clubs, associations and affiliations. From nation clubs to business and expert gatherings, Singapore offers numerous outlets to meet new companions, look into another society or volunteering your administrations for a noble motivation. Here is a thorough rundown of clubs and associations in Singapore.

The American Association is the umbrella association of the American Club, the Singapore American School, the American Women's Association, the Singapore American Community Action Council and the American Business Council. These associations are all free, in spite of the fact that the American Association Board still gives a gathering to the pioneers of these and also other association to impart applicable data. The American Association supports the Singapore American Newspaper and in addition The Living in Singapore - An Expatriate's Guide. Enrollment is interested in all nationalities.

ANZA holds consistent newcomers gatherings, espresso mornings, visits, classes and youngsters' exercises, including lesser soccer and netball competitions. There are more than 2,000 parts in Singapore and conventional participation is interested in all Australians and New Zealanders in Singapore. Different nationalities are welcome to be partner parts.

Initially the British Association focused their deliberations on setting up the Tanglin School, United World College, Glen Eagles Hospital and a wellbeing protection plan for parts. Presently, it works as an issue association for families. Exercises incorporate snacks, espresso mornings, visits, courses, painstaking work, span, mahjong, tennis, badminton, squash, netball, and a book club. The Association runs a nursery school, a week after week child center, visits to healing facility patients and the elderly and sorts out a yearly reasonable for Singapore philanthropies. All nationalities are welcome.

The Canadian Association of Singapore is a Canadian social club, which respects all nationalities. A mixed bag of family and grown-up capacities are facilitated as the year progressed. Affiliation occasions incorporate a month to month pub night, grills, cooking and specialty classes. The Canadian Association distributes a month to month bulletin called the Northland Post.

This is a global gathering of Spanish talking individuals that assembles the last Wednesday of every month for a supper at the Hyatt. Everybody is welcome to join and the main tenet is to talk Spanish.


Below is the list of foreign embassies in Singapore with the address, contact number as well as the website if available: 1. Brazil embassy in Singapore (Embassy of Brazil in Singapore) 101 Thomson Road, #10-05 United Square, Singapore 307591 Tel: (65) 256-6001 Web Site: 2. Canada embassy in Singapore (Embassy of Canada in Singapore) 05-00 IBM Towers, 80 Anson Road, Singapore Tel: 325-3200 Fax: 325-3297 3. China embassy in Singapore (Embassy of China in Singapore) 11-01 Tanglin Shopping Center, 19 Tanglin Road, Singapore Tel: 734-3273 Fax: 734-4737 4. Denmark embassy in Singapore (Royal Danish Embassy in Singapore) 101 Thomson Road, #13-01/02 United Square, Singapore 307591 Tel: (65) 250-3383 Web Site: 5. Finland embassy in Singapore (Embassy of Finland in Singapore) 101 Thomson Road, #21-03 United Square, Singapore 307591 Tel: +65 254-4042 Web Site: 6. France embassy in Singapore (Embassy of France in Singapore) 101-103 Cluny Park Road, Singapore 259595 Tel: 880-7800 Web Site: 7. Germany embassy in Singapore (Embassy of Germany in Singapore) Far East Shopping Center, 14th Floor 545 Orchard Road, Singapore 238882 Tel: 737-1355 Web Site: 8. Israel embassy in Singapore (Embassy of Israel in Singapore) 24 Stevens Close, Singapore 257964 Tel: (65) 235-0966 Web Site: 9. Italy embassy in Singapore (Embassy of Italy in Singapore) 101 Thomson Road #27-02/03, United Square, Singapore 307591 Tel: +65 250-6022 Web Site: 10. Japan embassy in Singapore (Embassy of Japan in Singapore) 16 Nassin Road, Singapore 258390 Tel: 235-8855 Fax: 733-1038 Web Site: http://www.japan- 11. Laos embassy in Singapore (Embassy of Laos in Singapore) 101 Thomson Road, #05-03A, United Square, Singapore 307591 Tel: 250-6044 12. Mexico embassy in Singapore (Embassy of Mexico in Singapore) 152 Beach Road, #06-07-08, Gateway East, Singapore 189721 Tel: (65) 298-2678 Web Site: 13. Netherlands embassy in Singapore (Embassy of the Netherlands in Singapore) 541 Orchard Road, #13-01 Liat Towers, Singapore 238881 Tel: (65) 737- 1155 Web Site: 14. Philippines embassy in Singapore (Embassy of The Philippines in Singapore) 20 Nassim Road, Singapore 258395 Tel: (65) 737-3977 Web Site: 15. Russia embassy in Singapore (Embassy of Russia in Singapore) 51 Nassim Road, Singapore 258439 Tel: 737-0048 Web Site: 16. Sweden embassy in Singapore (Embassy of Sweden in Singapore) Orchard P.O. Box 292, Singapore 912310 Tel: +65 734-2771 Web Site: 17. Thai embassy in Singapore (Embassy of Thailand in Singapore) 370 Orchard Road, Singapore Tel: 737-2644 Fax: 835-4991 18. United States embassy in Singapore (U.S. Embassy in Singapore) 27 Napier Road, Singapore 258508 Tel: (65) 476-9100 Web Site: 19. United States embassy in Singapore (Embassy of the United States of America in Singapore) 27 Napier Road, Singapore 258508 Tel: (65) 476-9100 Web Site: 20. U.K. embassy in Singapore (Embassy of United Kingdom in Singapore) 100 Tanglin Road, Singapore Tel: 473-9333 Fax: 475-9706

Society Values and Principles

As these days, numerous Singaporean have the mentality of "Kia-su" which implies perplexed about miss out to others. Numerous Singaporean lives up to expectations hard to hold or satisfy their realism want. In some degree this has absolutely expanded the country productivities and the business parts can expect a higher acquiring power from the purchasers. Then again, some family and social qualities must be sidelined.

Demographic Profile

The current populace is around 4.8mil. Singapore ethnic blend is Chinese (75.2%), Malays (13.6%) and Indians 8.8%. The majority of the Singaporean despises hands on works like development and different works in hard environment. These are viewed as "hard and grimy" lives up to expectations and subsequently not welcome particularly by the more youthful era. This made the window for importing remote specialists to top off hands on opportunities. With the less expensive work from neighboring nations, the business segment has appreciated expense sparing and accordingly increasingly can be reinvested for further extension.


Singapore has systematized mandatory instruction for offspring of elementary school age, and made it a criminal offense if folks neglect to enlist their youngsters in school and guarantee their general participation. English is the essential dialect utilized as a part of Singapore's training frameworks. Great summon of English has given Singapore an edge advantage for pulling in outside speculation and universal exchange. Further the Chinese dialect capability among the Chinese ethnic has pulled in the financial specialist from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong and then again empower putting wanders into these nations effectively The most recent measurement demonstrates that the reading proficiency rate remains at 96% whilst auxiliary then again higher capability holders are 89%. This is the main impetus for the government to advance learning economy which is less work motivating force however more ability and intelligent are on interest. TECHNICAL -

This island city-state, on account of its little size and an enormous open speculation, could soon be the first nation covered with a fiber optic base so quick that it would empower the substance of a DVD to be downloaded in just a couple of seconds. The new system is required to give a solid help to the development of administrations like online feature and Internet telephony. Pyramid Research, which examines the information transfers business, expects the income of Singapore telecom administrators to climb to $5.1 billion by 2014 from $3.8 billion in 2009. The new system, invigorated by a speculation of 1 billion Singapore dollars, or about $700 million, from the administration, will help the nation jump ahead in a worldwide race to take off quicker broadband paces, a rival in which a few Asian nations are in heading positions. While arrangement producers in numerous spots are as of now debating their high velocity broadband methods, considering, for instance, whether improvement ought to be headed by people in general or private segment, broadband clients in a few parts of Asia as of now have admittance to the up and coming era of rapid systems. Japan and Hong Kong have been heading the route, with privately owned businesses officially offering speeds as high as one gigabit every second, or 1,000 megabits every second — ordinarily as quick as the 35 megabits every second needed for streaming high- definition feature. Be that as it may these systems don't cover each home. South Korea, one of the world's most wired spots, has likewise advertised arrangements to finish another broadband system offering one gigabit every second in all real urban areas by 2013. For the advancement of its system, Singapore is depending on a mixture of open sponsorships and private-area cooperation and dividing three fundamental capacities: the building of the base, the operation of the system and the procurement of retail administrations. Opennet, the foundation manufacturer is possessed by a consortium shaped by Axia of Canada and three Singaporean organizations — Singtel, Singapore Press Holdings and SP Telecommunications — utilizing existing parts of Singtel's system. As a major aspect of the understanding, Singtel has consented to exchange certain base advantages for a different element, claimed by Singtel, by 2011. It has consented to lessen its stake in that substance to short of what 25 percent by April 2014. The foundation administrator, which got a gift of 750 million Singapore dollars from the administration, is obliged to have the new system working in Singapore before the end of 2012. As such, it has laid fiber optic associations with around 30 percent of every last one of structures; it is going for 60 percent scope before this present year's over. Khoong Hock Yun, an official in the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, said the administration had seen a chance to present a cutting edge altered line system, and also to rebuild its information transfers division. "In the event that you take a gander at history crosswise over numerous created nations, after years of changing their telecom part, the crucial piece of their settled line system is still claimed considerably by the officeholder," he said, alluding to previous syndication suppliers like Singtel. "The individuals who have the physical framework have a tremendous focal point, and each administration organization stays reliant on the officeholder for their settled line system needs. "As an issue, a significant part of the pace of improvement, as far as estimating and administrations offered, truly relies on upon the speculation choice of that officeholder and whether they need to cooperate with other individuals to make arrangements they may not be arranged to offer by then themselves." By differentiating the framework building from the running of the system, the power trusts it can make a more focused environment with more viable open access to downstream administrators, Mr. Khoong said. The Singaporean model draws its enthusiasm from a few group broadband systems that can be found at the nearby level in nations like Britain, France, the Netherlands and Sweden. "We perceived that in a hefty portion of these urban communities that had revealed their system and made it open access, they had a tremendous development in telecom administration suppliers at the retail level," Mr. Khoong said. "For little groups you have 20 to 30 retail benefit suppliers. This makes genuine rivalry." Core Connect, which will work the system, has reported month to month wholesale costs beginning at 21 Singapore dollars for velocities of 100 megabits every second for private associations, and Malcolm Rodrigues, general administrator of business administrations at the organization, said in regards to 90 organizations had communicated enthusiasm toward giving a retail benefit. He anticipates that around 12 organizations will sign up for the administrations. At the same time experts and business sector spectators question whether new rivalry will truly create inside the Singapore setting, and whether costs of transmission capacity for shoppers will go down essentially for purchasers as an issue. Purchasers now pay around 40 Singapore dollars every month for broadband access of six megabits every second, which is moderately high contrasted and Hong Kong, where a few buyers pay around 200 Hong Kong dollars, or around 36 Singapore dollars, a month for administration of one gigabit every second. "I don't think its going to present new rivalry, in any event regarding conveying the essential administration," said Bryan Wang, an investigator at Springboard Research. "It's a little market. Regardless it going to be the same amusement between the principle three current players — Singtel, Starhub and M1," He said retail benefit suppliers who were not able to offer the packaging of different administrations like TV, portable or altered line telephone administrations, would have a daunting task to offer lower costs. "There is an extremely constrained space for new players," Mr. Wang said. "It's imaginable the altered broadband business will just pull in those clients that need the transmission capacity.


Retail is the place where there selling and purchasing of goods and services takes place. Retailer is the person or the entity those who purchase the goods and services in the bulk from factories or wholesalers and sell it to the end users. Retailing includes subordinated services, such as delivery. The term "retailer" is also used for the service provider who provides the services to the customer by selling the product to them. Retail shop can be on the streets, complexes, or in the houses. Some shopping complex is very much big that the whole building is a retail store. Online shopping or retailing is the B2C concept.

TYPES OF RETAIL OUTLETS A market is a place where the goods and services are exchanged. The older market places where seller set up his stall and buyer visit the place and if he find something to purchase then he purchase it. This is a very old technique but still in some places it still happens. Now a days, a huge retail chains have come into existence which are trying to capture the whole market but still in some parts of the world this is not expected and only the small Kinara Stores are been used to purchase the goods and services. But, the small stores don’t have the branded things with them in comparison with the big retail chains. They have the huge variety of products and services to offer.

Types by Products Retail is usually classified by type of products as follows:

 Food products — typically require cold storage facilities.  Hard goods or durable goods ("hardline retailers")— automobiles, appliances, electronics, furniture, sporting goods,lumber, etc., and parts for them. Goods that do not quickly wear out and provide utility over time.  Soft goods or consumables — clothing, other fabrics, footwear, cosmetics, medicines and stationery. Goods that are consumed after one use or have a limited period (typically under three years) in which you may use them.  Arts — Contemporary art galleries, Bookstores, Handicrafts, Musical instruments, Gift shops, and supplies for them.

Types by marketing strategy Marketing Strategies ar as follows:

Department store Department stores are very large stores offering a huge assortment of "soft" and "hard goods; often bear a resemblance to a collection of specialty stores. A retailer of such store carries variety of categories and has broad assortment at average price. They offer considerable customer service.

Discount store Discount stores tend to offer a wide array of products and services, but they compete mainly on price offers extensive assortment of merchandise at affordable and cut-rate prices. Normally, retailers sell less fashion-oriented brands.

Warehouse store Warehouses that offer low-cost, often high-quantity goods piled on pallets or steel shelves; warehouse clubs charge a membership fee.

Variety store Variety stores offer extremely low-cost goods, with limited selection.

Demographic Retailers that aim at one particular segment (e.g., high-end retailers focusing on wealthy individuals).

Mom-And-Pop A small retail outlet owned and operated by an individual or family. Focuses on a relatively limited and selective set of products.

Specialty store A specialty (BE: speciality) store has a narrow marketing focus - either specializing on specific merchandise, such as toys, shoes, or clothing, or on a target audience, such as children, tourists, or oversize women.[5] Size of store varies - some specialty stores might be retail giants such as Toys "R" Us, Foot Locker, and The Body Shop, while others might be small, individual shops such as Nutters of Savile Row.[5] Such stores, regardless of size, tend to have a greater depth of the specialist stock than general stores, and generally offer specialist product knowledge valued by the consumer. Pricing is usually not the priority when consumers are deciding upon a specialty store; factors such as branding image, selection choice, and purchasing assistance are seen as important. They differ from department stores and which carry a wide range of merchandise.

Boutique Boutique or concept stores are similar to specialty stores. Concept stores are very small in size, and only ever stock one brand. They are run by the brand that controls them. An example of brand that distributes largely through their own widely distributed concept stores is L'OCCITANE en Provence. The limited size and offering of L'OCCITANE's stores are too small to be considered a specialty store proper.

General store A general store is a rural store that supplies the main needs for the local community;

Convenience store A provides limited amount of merchandise at more than average prices with a speedy checkout. This store is ideal for emergency and immediate purchases as it often works with extended hours, stocking everyday;

Hypermarkets Provides variety and huge volumes of exclusive merchandise at low margins. The operating cost is comparatively less than other retail formats.

Supermarket A is a self-service store consisting mainly of grocery and limited products on non food items. They may adopt a Hi-Lo or an EDLP strategy for pricing. The supermarkets can be anywhere between 20,000 and 40,000 square feet (3,700 m2). Example: SPAR supermarket.

Mall A shopping mall has a range of retail shops at a single outlet. They can include products, food and entertainment under one roof. Malls provide 7% of retail revenue in India, 10% in Vietnam, 25% in China, 28% in Indonesia, 39% in the Philippines, and 45% in Thailand.[7]

"Category killer" or specialist By supplying wide assortment in a single category for lower prices a category killer retailer can "kill" that category for other retailers. For few categories, such as electronics, the products are displayed at the centre of the store and sales person will be available to address customer queries and give suggestions when required. Other retail format stores are forced to reduce the prices if a category specialist retail store is present in the vicinity.

E-tailer The customer can shop and order through the internet and the merchandise is dropped at the customer's doorstep or an e-tailer. Here the retailers use drop shipping technique. They accept the payment for the product but the customer receives the product directly from the manufacturer or a wholesaler. This format is ideal for customers who do not want to travel to retail stores and are interested in home shopping. However, it is important for the customer to be wary about defective products and non secure credit card transaction. Examples include, Pennyful, and eBay.

Vending machine A vending machine is an automated piece of equipment wherein customers can drop the money in the machine and acquire the products. Some stores take a no frills approach, while others are "mid-range" or "high end", depending on what income level they target.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Retail growth slows down Singapore’s economy is growing positively but still at a low, single-digit growth rate. In addition, tourist spending is more cautious as the Singapore dollar remains strong in 2013 compared to neighbouring countries’ currencies. The impact has extended to the local market, leading to uncertainties among consumers and a slowdown in spending. Among store-based retailers, growth was mainly driven by variety stores, such as Daiso, which saw double-digit growth. As the economy remains ambiguous, consumers are attracted to value-for-money products. In addition, high rental costs and difficulties in hiring continued to bug retailers in Singapore. This led to slower growth in the number of new retail outlets in 2013.

More international retailers entering suburbs With an increased number of completed residential projects in the suburbs, there has been a rise in the number of suburban malls. These malls provide attractive opportunities for retailers to be closer to consumers while at the same time, reaching out to a wider catchment. In 2013, more international retailers, which previously only had a presence in urban areas, are seen to be opening stores in the Western suburbs of Singapore. These retailers include Robinsons, Kinokuniya, H&M, and Isetan. The move suggested the significance and popularity of the suburban markets.

Internet retailing continues to gain popularity More grocery and non-grocery retailers are increasingly seen to be launching internet retailing to complement in-store sales in an attempt to provide greater convenience for consumers. Smaller retailers are also seen tapping into online marketplace sites, such as Qoo10 Singapore, to sell their products over the net. In addition, with the popularity of smartphones, the rising number of technologically savvy consumers, and high internet penetration rate across Singapore, mobile internet retailing grew rapidly in 2013. Aside from these, companies also turned to internet retailing to curb the issue of difficulty in hiring as consumers are able to read up about the product online.

Grocery retailers remain the leading players Grocery retailers including NTUC FairPrice Co-operative Pte Ltd, Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd, and Supermarket Pte Ltd, remained the dominant players in retailing. This is attributed to the rapid expansion of stores across Singapore, particularly in neighbourhood areas. In addition, competition among grocery retailers is more consolidated as compared to non-grocery retailers. Department stores Robinson & Co (S) Pte Ltd and Takashimaya (Singapore) Pte Ltd led value sales in non- grocery retailers due to their long establishment in Singapore. Robinsons has a wide portfolio of department stores, while Takashimaya is able to constantly attract high income local consumers and tourists with its assortment of luxury brands.

Consumers to do more research prior to purchases Consumers are expected to do more homework prior to purchases, particularly for big ticket items. As internet usage becomes more prevalent in Singapore, consumers are able to do research faster and more conveniently. They tend to read up on product reviews, online forums and sponsored blog posts to compare brands and prices across similar products. This is likely to add on to retailers’ pressures to keep selling price reasonable amidst rising costs.

NTUC FairPrice Co-Operative is a supermarket chain based in Singapore and the largest in the country. The company is a co-operative of the National Trades Union Congress or NTUC. The group has 100 supermarkets across the island, with over 50 outlets of Cheers convenience stores island-wide. NTUC FairPrice has partnered with ExxonMobil to run several stations with a FairPrice branding at the minimarts at their stations. The supermarket has a slogan known as Singapore's very own.


NTUC Fairprice was initially settled in 1973 as NTUC Welcome Supermarket in Toa Payoh, to fathom the climbing oil and day by day costs then because of expansion. The then head administrator Lee Kuan Yew opened the first market at Block 192, Toa Payoh Lorong 4, and it was the first of its kind. Around the same time, different unions, for example, the Singapore Industrial Labor Organization and Pioneer Industries Employees Union likewise set up co-agents to run markets. The two associations later united in the early 1980s to structure the Singapore Employees Co-agent (SEC).

In May 1983, because of rivalry, NTUC Welcome and SEC united to structure a bigger co-agent which was known as NTUC Fairprice Co-Operative Limited. The organization began a focal dispersion framework to change the way products were conveyed to stores, to improve effectiveness. This was possessed by an alternate organization, however in 1998, Fairprice took full responsibility for distribution center and dispersion organization. It was renamed Grocery Logistics of Singapore (GLS). In 2003, Fairprice opened another 13,000-square-meter Fresh Food Distribution Center. Therefrigerated-dissemination office incorporates the conveyances of crisp and chilled items to all the outlets in the chain. It is the first market retailer in Singapore to assemble, own and work its own particular new sustenance appropriation focus.

FairPrice Xpress

An Esso petrol station run by NTUC FairPrice. It is operated by the company with a FairPrice Xpress store, the station was the first to be converted to the new format. That same year, Fairprice tied up with oil organization Exxonmobil to open Fairprice Express and Cheers comfort outlets at sevenesso and Mobil stations as an issue venture. The station will be controlled by NTUC Fairprice Co-agent, which sets the fuel costs and run the station's minimart. Exxonmobil will supply the fuel, and will offer its oil items inside the Fairprice-run stations. In the event that this pilot venture demonstrates fruitful, all stations will be changed over to either Fairprice Express or Cheers with the co-agent assuming control over the administration of each one station. Exxonmobil additionally advertised that all the stations will be renamed "Esso" by year-end.

FairPrice Xtra

FairPrice's largest branch in Singapore, the FairPrice Xtra hypermarket, at Ang Mo Kio Hub. On 28 December 2006, FairPrice opened its largest branch in Singapore, the 7,150-square metre (77,000 square feet) FairPrice Xtrahypermarket, at Ang Mo Kio Hub. The new S$12 million outlet offers a wider range of goods than the typical FairPrice supermarket, and includes new lines like electronic products and fashion wear.[4]

FairPrice Finest In August 2007, FairPrice opened its upmarket outlet at Bukit Timah Plaza named FairPrice Finest, after five months of refurbishment. The move was to cater to the changing tastes of Singaporeans who are increasingly well-travelled. The 4,000 m² (43,100 ft²), two-storey outlet has an offering of products different from other FairPrice stores, and also features a Swiss-styledelicatessen, a wine cellar and a European bakery. FairPrice has plans to open more Finest outlets.


In September 2009, Fairprice ventures up its dedication to ecologically neighborly practices by propelling Singapore's first eco-accommodating store at City Square Mall.

Outlined with the fundamental guideline of decrease, reuse and reuse as a top priority, this pilot eco-accommodating Fairprice grocery store, measuring around 2,244 square meters, is a showcase of the most recent eco-accommodating arrangements in basic supply retailing. These incorporate utilization of reused and biodegradable materials for store apparatuses, vitality sparing supplies and lighting, green items and administrations, and in addition bleeding edge "Green Technology".

Vitality sparing gimmicks like LED lighting, T5 (28 watts) fluorescent tubes, vitality sparing refrigeration units, and movement sensor lighting control in office and staff zones help to lessen the vitality utilization of Fairprice's eco-accommodating store by around 30 every penny, contrasted with utilizing standard supplies and fittings.

Other green touches incorporate the utilization of non-lethal, environment benevolent paint for dividers and segments, roof sheets and seats produced using reused materials like layered board and mineral wood, and the utilization of wooden beds produced using reused wood waste. Installations from different stores have likewise been reused and incorporated into the general outline of the NTUC Fairprice City Square Mall extension.

The eco-accommodating market will likewise utilize 100% biodegradable shopping packs – naturally neighborly choices to the normal plastic sacks, that are produced using 40 every penny corn and yam starch, and 60 every penny polypropylene.

Separated from this, clients who bring their own particular reusable basic need packs not just get to utilize devoted check-out paths additionally appreciate refunds through the progressing Green Rewards program. Since this system was presented in 2007, Fairprice has spared more than 43 million plastic sacks and given out more than $500,000 in refunds to clients and these practices are an Eco Friendly Initiative which is in accordance with the strict 'Worldwide Standards' needed by 'Eco Friendly Approved'.

Regional Expansion Fairprice has wandered into the People's Republic of China and Vietnam to open stores in different parts. It will be a joint wander with DBS Private Equity, New Hope Group, silver Tie and Taiwan's Apex Group. The wander will be known as Nextmall, and will give promoting, administration and logistics for an expense to Nextmart which is a China consolidated hypermarket. It has opened seven hypermarkets in China, with its first in Shaoxing, Zhejian. Individual Outlets

 Cheers by FairPrice – This 24-hour comfort store network run by NTUC Fairprice was presented in 1999. It offers comparable offices to opponent 7-Eleven. Cheers can likewise be found at chose Exxonmobil stations around the island, in which NTUC Fairprice co-agent runs the station, rather than Exxonmobil itself.  FairPrice Express – An idea which can be discovered just at Exxonmobil stations, it is bigger than Cheers and offers things like crisp produce, meat and fish. It additionally offers a larger number of items addressing day by day needs than a Cheers accommodation store.  FairPrice Finest – This is a different store presenting business sector nourishment supplies. It was authoritatively opened in September 2007, furthermore it fused the previous Liberty Market.  FairPrice Xtra – A Hypermarket Chain which consolidates an ordinary store and the Fairprice Homemart in one store. It offers things, for example, hardware, dress and family unit stock notwithstanding the consistent store things.

Membership Programmes

Consistently, Fairprice offers NTUC Union Members (NTUC Cardholders) and Fairprice shareholders profits, alongside money back refunds for all buys made at Fairprice stores vast, including Fairprice Xtra, Fairprice Homemart, Fairprice Finest and Fairprice Express – barring Cheers outlets. Such payout rates are liable to support at Annual General Meetings (regularly in the month of August). In 2007, Fairprice pronounced refunds adding up to 4% of buys of up to S$6,000 made in the last monetary year, and a profit of 5% and extraordinary profit of 3%.

NTUC Plus! Cardholders (union), Plus! Cardholders (non-union) are qualified for 2 Linkpoints for each S$1 used (for a base using of S$20 in receipts issued on that day) under the Plus! program by NTUC Link. In a joint effort with OCBC Bank, Fairprice propelled its Fairprice Plus enrollment program in April 2007, offering keeping money arrangements and advancements at all Fairprice markets islandwide for all general store customers. For a base exchange of S$10, VISA installment is presently acknowledged at all Fairprice grocery stores for the Fairprice Plus Card and the NTUC Plus Card (formerly known as the NTUC-OCBC Visa Card) for NTUC Union Member.


Author(s): Loo Lee Sim (Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Citation: Loo Lee Sim, (1999) "Restructuring the small‐scale retail sector in Singapore", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 27 Iss: 2, pp.83 - 91 DOI:

Downloads: The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 1215 times since 2006

Acknowledgements: The literature for small‐scale retailing was gathered during my sabbatical at the Oxford Institute of Retail Management, Templeton College, from mid‐September to early December 1997, and I would like to acknowledge the kind assistance given by the staff there.

Abstract: Focuses on the small‐scale retail sector in Singapore. After reviewing the literature on small‐scale retailing, it discusses the measures undertaken by governments in European countries and Japan to help the small retailer. The various schemes and action plans undertaken by the Singapore Government to restructure the retail sector under the Retail Sector Development Plan are discussed and evaluated. The Retail Sector Development Plan is found to have limited access. It is recommended that the Government should introduce schemes to encourage marginally performing businesses to exit from the retail sector so that it can be more efficient and competitive. Keywords: Central government, Restructuring, Retailing, Singapore, Small firms Type: General review

Publisher: MCB UP Ltd


This research was conducted over a period of a month as a single paper. The research methodology required gathering relevant data from the specified documents and compiling databases in order to analyse the material and arrive a more complete understanding.

1. It’s a qualitative research. 2. It has a descriptive research.


SWOT Analysis 1. Good distribution network with more than 270 stores Strengths 2. One of the oldest in Singapore with a legacy 3. Backed by Government which can create policies aiding expansion 4. Trusted by customers; high investment in CSR builds goodwill 5. Ease of shopping: Facility for online shopping and home delivery. 1. Limited market share as it is restricted to Singapore Weaakness 2. Weak cyber protection of customers’ online purchasing account 3. Brand perception: Seen as discounted goods seller; may be difficult to sell high-end and luxury products in future 1. Potential of expansion in emerging economies; can become a global Opportunity brand 2. Premium segment can be targeted provided change in marketing strategies 3. With availability of capital and sound technology, the company can also enter into m-commerce 1. Equally impressive competitors can result in reduced market share Threats 2. Low priced products are conceived to be of low quality 3. Company’s profit depends on foreign currency, hence any change in that will impact its operations



1. By the existence of the big retail chains, it provides the customers to get the large

variety of products at one place.

2. A small retail store helps the customer to get the product at cheaper prices.





