H6446 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 29, 2010 H.R. 2476 amends the National Forest reational opportunities for you, Mr. b 0050 Ski Area Permit Act of 1986 to update Speaker, our colleagues and friends SUPPORTING GOSPEL MUSIC the use of ski permits to include other from across the country, and across the HERITAGE MONTH snow sports in addition to Nordic and world. alpine skiing, and to provide guidelines With those recreational opportuni- Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I move to sus- and clarification to the Secretary re- ties that we give for people to enjoy pend the rules and pass the joint reso- garding other year-round recreational our mountains with summer activities lution (H.J. Res. 90) expressing support activities on Forest Service lands. This like mountain biking, activities on the for designation of September 2010 as bill is sponsored by Representative mountain, activities in our rivers, with ‘‘Gospel Music Heritage Month’’ and DEGETTE, and has 16 cosponsors, and those opportunities, Mr. Speaker, we honoring gospel music for its valuable the Forest Service supports this legis- create jobs, jobs for people who reside and longstanding contributions to the lation. in Eagle and Summit Counties, and culture of the United States. The original statute was enacted in Grand County in my district, and other The Clerk read the title of the joint 1986, before new sports like areas across the country. resolution. snowboarding grew into popularity. We have the opportunity with Na- The text of the joint resolution is as Additionally, many ski areas operate tional Forest System land that we use follows: year-round activities like summertime for skiing to provide additional oppor- H.J. Res. 90 mountain biking on the slopes. This tunities for seasonal and year-round Whereas gospel music is a beloved art form bill will not alter any forest manage- recreational opportunities, providing unique to the United States, spanning dec- ment plan or the need for strict envi- enjoyment and fun for families across ades, generations, and races; ronmental compliance on Federal the United States, and promoting jobs Whereas gospel music is one of the corner- lands. in my district and others like it, and stones of the musical tradition of the United I encourage my colleagues to support the communities that serve these States and has grown beyond its roots to achieve pop-culture and historical relevance; this legislation. areas. By increasing the extent to which Whereas gospel music has spread beyond I reserve the balance of my time. its geographic origins to touch audiences Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. the National Forest Service land is managed to allow for outdoor rec- around the world; Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time Whereas the history of gospel music can be as I may consume. reational activities, we can provide traced to multiple and diverse influences and Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. more opportunities for people to inter- foundations, including African-American 2476, the Ski Area Recreational Oppor- act with nature, to gain an apprecia- spirituals that blended diverse elements tunity Enhancement Act. This bipar- tion of our ecosystem and natural her- from African music and melodic influences from Irish folk songs and hymns, and gospel tisan bill provides the Secretary of Ag- itage. With this bill, we clarify the author- music ultimately borrowed from uniquely riculture the authority to allow addi- ity of the Secretary of Agriculture to American musical styles including ragtime, tional activities on National Forest permit appropriate seasonal or year- jazz, and blues; land governed by a ski permit. A ven- round recreational activities. This all Whereas that tradition of diversity re- dor who holds a ski area permit will be mains today, as the influence of gospel music continues to be subject to permits that able to offer snow sports other than al- can be found infused in all forms of secular are granted through a process that pine and Nordic skiing in these per- music, including rock and roll, country, soul, takes into account impact on the lands mitted areas. rhythm and blues, and countless other The legislation also clarifies the Sec- themselves. styles; The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Whereas the legacy of gospel music in- retary’s authority to expand the num- time of the gentleman has expired. cludes some of the most memorable voices ber of activities allowed in these skiing Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. I yield the and musical pioneers in the history of the areas during summer months when gentleman an additional 30 seconds. United States, such as Thomas Dorsey, they are not being utilized for their Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, with the Mahalia Jackson, James Vaughan, Roberta primary purpose. passage of this bill we can do an even Martin, Virgil Stamps, Diana Washington, Mr. Speaker, these are great ways to Stamps Quartet, The Highway QCs, The better job in Vail, Beaver Creek, and in Statesmen, The Soul Stirrers, Point of encourage Americans to explore our our mountain communities in showing National Forest systems and to appre- Grace, Smokie Norful, Terry Woods, James you a good time, Mr. Speaker. And in Cleveland, Billy Ray Hearns, Rex Humbard, ciate the beauty of our National For- showing you a good time, Mr. Speaker, Joe Ligon and The Mighty Clouds of Joy, ests, all while being physically active. we’re going to create jobs for the good Kirk Franklin, V. Michael McKay, Theola The bill ensures that these activities residents of Colorado’s Second Congres- Booker, Yolanda Adams, Edwin and Walter are regulated in such a manner that sional District. Hawkins, Sandi Patty, The Winans, Kathy does not alter the character of the for- I urge support of H.R. 2476. Taylor, and Brenda Waters, Carl Preacher, est. Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. I would just Shirley Joiner of B, C & S; Mr. Speaker, I hope my colleagues like to give an amen to the distin- Whereas many of the biggest names in music emerged from the gospel music tradi- will join me in supporting this bill. guished gentleman from Colorado for I yield back the balance of my time. tion or have recorded gospel music, includ- which he speaks. As one who has trav- ing Sam Cooke, Al Green, Elvis Presley, Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, eled out to Colorado myself and visited Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Whitney I yield 3 minutes to the distinguished around Vail and around Golden, Colo- Houston, Little Richard, Ray Charles, Buddy gentleman from Colorado (Mr. POLIS). rado, what he speaks is so truthful. Holly, Alan Jackson, Dolly Parton, Mariah Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today And the enjoyment, the recreation, and Carey, Bob Dylan, and Randy Travis; as a cosponsor of H.R. 2476. the significant amount of jobs that are Whereas, regardless of their musical styles, Mr. Speaker, I hope that you have created as a result of what’s embodied those artists and so many more have turned had the chance to visit some of the ter- to gospel music as the source and inspiration in this legislation. I commend you for for their music, which has blurred the bound- rific winter recreation and summer your very strong remarks on it. recreation areas in Colorado’s Second aries between secular and gospel music; I yield back the balance of my time. Whereas, beyond its contribution to the Congressional District, in places that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The musical tradition of the United States, gos- are known across the United States question is on the motion offered by pel music has provided a cultural and musi- and across the world, like Vail, Beaver the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. cal backdrop across all of mainstream Creek, Copper Mountain, Arapahoe SCOTT) that the House suspend the media, from hit television series to major Basin, Keystone, Breckenridge, Winter rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2476, as Hollywood motion pictures, including Park. amended. ‘‘American Idol’’, ‘‘Heroes’’, ‘‘Dancing with People know us for our skiing. Our The question was taken; and (two- the Stars’’, ‘‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?’’, alpine and Nordic skiing is among the ‘‘Sister Act’’, ‘‘The Preacher’s Wife’’, ‘‘Evan thirds being in the affirmative) the Almighty’’, and more; best in the world. And yet there are rules were suspended and the bill, as Whereas gospel music has a huge audience many more opportunities to be both amended, was passed. around the country and around the world, a good stewards of our mountain re- A motion to reconsider was laid on testament to the universal appeal of a his- sources and provide additional rec- the table. torical American art form that both inspires

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:03 Jul 31, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JY7.274 H29JYPT3 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE July 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6447 and entertains across racial, ethnic, reli- Mr. CAO. I yield myself such time as cultural awareness have been heard gious, and geographic boundaries; and I may consume. through the gospel music we recognize Whereas September 2010 would be an appro- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support and celebrate today. priate month to designate as ‘‘Gospel Music of House Joint Resolution 90, express- Mr. Speaker, gospel music has gone Heritage Month’’: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- ing support for the designation of Sep- from a little-known American music resentatives of the United States of America in tember 2010 as Gospel Music Heritage genre to be known all around the world Congress assembled, That Congress supports Month and honoring gospel music for as an art form that has the ability to the designation of ‘‘Gospel Music Heritage its valuable and longstanding contribu- inspire and entertain millions of peo- Month’’ which would recognize the contribu- tions to the culture of the United ple. No matter the race, ethnicity, reli- tions to the culture of the United States de- States. gion, or location, gospel music has be- rived from the rich heritage of gospel music I would like to commend the gentle- come and will continue to be cherished and gospel music artists. woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) and enjoyed by many. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- for introducing this legislation and Mr. Speaker, I urge all Members to ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from bringing it to the floor this evening— join me in supporting H.J. Res. 90. California (Ms. CHU) and the gentleman well, rather, this morning. I reserve the balance of my time. from Louisiana (Mr. CAO) each will This is the third year in a row that Ms. CHU. I now recognize Represent- control 20 minutes. this body has considered a resolution ative SHEILA JACKSON LEE, the author The Chair recognizes the gentle- supporting Gospel Music Heritage of this resolution, for such time as she woman from California. Month and honoring gospel music. Be- may consume. GENERAL LEAVE ginning in June 2008, Members of this Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Thank Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- body have worked together in a bipar- you to the manager of this legislation, mous consent that all Members may tisan fashion to recognize what gospel Congresswoman CHU, for her very kind have 5 legislative days within which to music means to our country. I com- and astute words and to Mr. CAO for his revise and extend their remarks. mend my colleagues for their work in words in recognizing that gospel music The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there honoring the cultural contributions is part of Americana. objection to the request of the gentle- that gospel music has and continues to And that’s why I stand today to be woman from California? make to America and the world. able to reflect the history of America There was no objection. Over the years, gospel music has been and to be able to say that it is impor- Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself influenced by a multitude of unique tant that we preserve our history, cher- such time as I may consume. and diverse musical styles and genres ish uniqueness of American history and Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Com- including elements of European music American history in music. mittee on Oversight and Government and African American spirituals as b 0100 Reform, I am pleased to present H.J. well. These spirituals brought together Res. 90 for consideration. and blended elements of African music Today I rise in support of H.J. Res. This resolution expresses support for and were coupled with melodic influ- 90, expressing support for the designa- Gospel Music Heritage Month cele- ences from Irish folk songs and hymns. tion of September 2010 as Gospel Music brated in September and honors gospel Over the last century, gospel music Heritage Month and honoring gospel music for its valuable and longstanding has also merged aspects and features music for its valuable and long-stand- contributions to the culture of the from uniquely American music styles ing contributions to the culture of the United States. H.J. Res. 90 was intro- such as ragtime, jazz, and blues. United States. duced by our colleague Representative Today, gospel music has progressed It was in my own hometown of Hous- SHEILA JACKSON LEE of Texas on June into more of a contemporary era as it ton, listening to the wide range of gos- 17, 2010. It was referred to the Com- has obtained pop culture status but at pel artists from many different dis- mittee on Oversight and Government the same time has been able to stay ciplines, that the idea came to seek an Reform, which ordered it reported fa- true to its roots, traditions, and his- opportunity for all of America, no mat- vorably by unanimous consent on July tory. Artists like Aretha Franklin, Ray ter from where they may have come, 15, 2010. It enjoys the bipartisan sup- Charles, Marvin Gaye, Bob Dylan, and from what walk of life, what religion, port of 65 cosponsors. Mariah Carey have either emerged what ethnicity, what background to Mr. Speaker, gospel music has been from or recorded gospel music. These really celebrate this very special part enjoyed by generation after generation artists and many others have sought of American history. of Americans and by music lovers from inspiration from gospel music and As you may know, gospel music is an around the world. As with many of our through their work have blurred the American art form that has spanned country’s artistic and cultural tradi- line between secular and gospel music. hundreds of years and across several tions, it reflects our diverse ancestry, The area of Louisiana that I rep- generations. It has touched millions of borrowing from such sources as African resent includes New Orleans, the birth- lives around the world while dem- music, African American spirituals, place of jazz. Gospel music, much like onstrating its profound ability to tran- Irish folk songs and hymns as well as jazz, reflects the richness of talents, scend secular music and many other ragtime, jazz, and blues. The blending culture, and crosses all barriers. It pro- forms of music. of these styles with Christian hymns vides a positive force for informing and As you can note, you can see that and gospel verse has led to a musical reuniting our communities, and it when we play or sing gospel music in a tradition at the heart of our culture. serves as a spoken, yet often unwrit- very diverse form, people are happy. Throughout its history, gospel music ten, record of our shared experiences. They are joyful. They are having a has stood as a prominent form of Chris- From Louis Armstrong to Irma wonderful time. tian worship. Congregations across the Thomas to Marva Wright, the maven of By surpassing culturally constructed country continue to sing gospel music song who passed away early this year, boundaries, gospel music has emerged during their regular services. Gospel New Orleans is rich with music that as a musical thread uniting the fabric music has also influenced many forms has shaped our Nation’s rich heritage of America. Gospel music is when we of secular music with rock, country, and inspired lives across the world. are sad. Gospel music is when we are soul, rhythm and blues, with many America’s cultural story is heavily in- joyous. Gospel music is when we need other styles drawing from its distinct fluenced by the celebration and strug- comforting. sound. gle of African Americans through their Whether you are rich or poor, young Mr. Speaker, gospel music is a truly musical expression, especially gospel or old, and even Democrats and Repub- American art and H.J. Resolution 90 music. African American musicians, licans alike have been uniquely inter- will recognize its profound contribu- singers, and composers have contrib- linked by gospel’s undeniable influence tion to our culture. uted immensely to our Nation’s his- to American culture. For this reason it I urge my colleagues to join me in tory. is important that we recognize and cel- supporting it. For decades, the voices of the civil ebrate the vital role that gospel music I reserve the balance of my time. rights movement’s social activism and has played in shaping music history. If

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:03 Jul 31, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JY7.119 H29JYPT3 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H6448 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 29, 2010 you talk to many of our military per- lo and behold, he designed, wrote, felt while demonstrating its profound ability to tran- sonnel on battlefields, you will note and offered to the world the song, scend secular musical genres. By surpassing that many will hum a gospel song or a ‘‘Amazing Grace,’’ which offered to us culturally constructed boundaries, gospel hymn that began with the origin of that one could be saved when you felt music has emerged as the musical thread gospel music. lost and blind. uniting the fabric of America. Rich, poor, While gospel music has become a And so it is important that as we re- young, old, and even Democrats and Repub- multibillion-dollar industry, gospel flect on how wonderful it is to live in licans alike have been uniquely interlinked by music’s historic roots have originated this great country, how many at- gospel music’s undeniable influence and con- in the humble and soulful melodies of tributes we have, we have brought to tribution to American culture. For this reason, African American spirituals, as well as this Congress the opportunity to com- it is important that we recognize and celebrate in the far ranges of Appalachia and memorate and designate September as the vital role that gospel music has played in other places around the Nation. Its Gospel Music Heritage Month. shaping music history. sound contains diverse elements from There are some icons that I want to While gospel music has become a multibil- African music, melodic influences from mention in this statement tonight. lion-dollar industry, gospel music’s historic Irish folk songs, hymns and ultimately Dr. Bobby Jones, who founded and is roots have originated in the humble and soul- borrows from other uniquely American the director and anchor and presenter ful melodies of African American spirituals. Its musical styles, including ragtime, jazz of ‘‘Dr. Bobby Jones Gospel,’’ a pro- sound contains diverse elements from African and blues. The legacy of gospel music gram that has been on cable TV for 30 music, melodic influences from Irish folk songs can be heard in the voices of pioneers years, I did not say 10, I did not say 20, and hymns, and ultimately borrowed from in American history like Thomas Dor- this is the longest-running cable TV other uniquely American musical styles includ- sey, Mahalia Jackson, James Vaughan, program in the Nation, not longest gos- ing ragtime, jazz, and blues. The legacy of Roberta Martin and many, many more. pel TV program, the longest gospel pro- gospel music can be heard in the voices of The influence of gospel music can be gram of 30 years. And so I thank you, pioneers in American history, such as Thomas found infused in all forms of secular Dr. Jones, for providing for aspiring Dorsey, Mahalia Jackson, James Vaughan, music, including rock and roll, coun- artists and the many gospel singers Roberta Martin, and many more. try, soul, R&B and countless other that have had their opportunity to be The influence of gospel music can be found styles. Gospel music laid down the on your program. infused in all forms of secular music including foundation for legendary recording art- Singers like Kurt Carr, V. Michael rock & roll, country, soul, R&B, and countless ists such as Elvis Presley. I heard McKay and Don Jackson, who was the other styles. Gospel music laid down the musi- many say that Elvis’s best words and founder of the Stellar Awards, which is cal foundation for legendary recording artists music were the gospel songs that he the great honorable program that hon- such as Elvis Presley, Marvin Gaye, Aretha sang, and I believe that someone re- ors all gospel singers. Certainly V. Mi- Franklin, Buddy Holly, Whitney Houston, Ray minded me that Elvis Presley won a chael McKay, as I indicated, just wrote Charles, Dolly Parton, Mariah Carey, Bob Grammy because of a gospel song that a book of hymns that has a gospel Dylan, and Randy Travis. he sang. Marvin Gaye, Aretha Frank- touch; to Jazzy Jordan, who manages a While there are many elements, situations, and issues that divide our Nation, gospel lin, Buddy Holly, Whitney Houston, number of artists and to many of those music has found a unique way to highlight our Ray Charles, Dolly Parton, Mariah whose names have been listed in this similarities and influence the cultural make of Carey, Bob Dylan, and Randy Travis. legislation, names like the Mighty While there are many elements, situ- Clouds of Joy, Kirk Franklin, Theola our society. Instead of emphasizing our dif- ations and issues that divide our Na- Booker, Yolanda Adams, Edwin and ferences, gospel music has found a way to tion, gospel music has found a unique Walter Hawkins—and certainly we cater to the fundamental elements that unite people around the world, focusing on the soul way to highlight our similarities and mourn the passing of brother Walter of an individual rather than the mind. With influence the cultural makeup of our Hawkins—Sandi Patty, the Winans, that, it is important that we do not take this art society. Instead of emphasizing our dif- Kathy Taylor, Brenda Waters, Carl form for granted. We must make sure that the ferences, gospel music has found a way Preacher—the late Carl Preacher— heritage of gospel music is recognized, hon- to cater to the fundamental elements Shirley Joiner of B, C & S. All of these ored and celebrated. that unite people around the world, fo- may not still be with us today, but we Over the years, songs like ‘‘Amazing cusing on the soul of an individual recognize their value. Grace,’’ which was written by John Newton, a rather than the mind. What about those who started with a young boy who left school at the age of elev- If you look at these pictures, you can grounding in gospel music like Sam en and began a life as a pirate seaman. Even- see how people are inspired and seem- Cooke, Al Green, Marvin Gaye, Aretha tually he engaged in slavery, capturing people ingly caught up in the emotion and the Franklin, Whitney Houston, Alan from West Africa and selling them to slave feeling of the song. Jackson and many, many others. markets around the world. But by the grace of With that, it is important that we do So I hope that as we celebrate, we God, fear was put into his heart when he was not take this art form for granted. In will find the opportunity to be able to caught in a violent and fierce storm upon the fact, this evening I was speaking to have a gospel music heritage event in sea. Newton was so afraid of a shipwreck that Kurt Carr, and it may be important every location around America. Again, he began to read ‘‘The Imitation of Christ’’ by that as we celebrate Gospel Music Her- no matter what your background, you Thomas a’ Kepis. Calling himself a wretch itage Month we find a way to translate can celebrate gospel music. who was lost and blind, John Newton recog- this musical art to our children. We This bill has generated bipartisan nized that God had used this book to lead him must make sure that the heritage of support with 65 cosponsors, and I urge to a dramatic change in his way of life and this gospel music is recognized, honored, the rest of my colleagues to join us in episode led him to write one of the most and celebrated. As I said, it is part of honoring and celebrating this historic amazing songs throughout history. Americana. It is part of American his- musical art form and pass H.J. Res. 90 My bill will designate the month of Sep- tory. It is a song which pioneers took today so that we can establish Sep- tember as ‘‘Gospel Music Heritage Month,’’ west with them and others found com- tember as Gospel Music Heritage honoring gospel music for its valuable long- fort in their times of stress. Month in the United States of Amer- standing contributions to American culture. Over the years, songs like ‘‘Amazing ica. This bill has generated bipartisan support with Grace,’’ which was written by John Mr. Speaker, I rise today to support my bill 65 cosponsors. I urge the rest of my col- Newton, a young boy who left school at H.J. Res. 90, ‘‘Expressing Support for the leagues to join me in honoring and celebrating the age of 11 and began a life as a pi- Designation of September 2010 as ‘Gospel this historic musical art form, and to pass H.J. rate seaman. Eventually he engaged in Music Heritage Month’ and Honoring Gospel Res. 90 today. slavery capturing people from west Af- Music for its Valuable and Longstanding Con- Mr. CAO. Mr. Speaker, again, I urge rica and selling them to slave markets tributions to the Culture of the United States.’’ all Members to support the passage of around the world. But some would say As you may know, gospel music is an H.J. Res 90, and I yield back the bal- by the grace of God fear was put into American art form that has spanned hundreds ance of my time. his heart when he was caught in a vio- of years and across several generations. It Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I again urge lent and fierce storm upon the sea, and has touched millions of lives around the world my colleagues to join me in supporting

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:03 Jul 31, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JY7.279 H29JYPT3 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE July 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6449 Gospel Music Heritage Month, and I California, of Manhattan I rise today in support of H. Res. 1527, Con- yield back the balance of my time. Beach, California, of Olney, gratulating the United States Men’s National The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Maryland, Steve Cherundolo of , Soccer Team for its inspiring performance in question is on the motion offered by California, DaMarcus Beasley of Ft. Wayne, the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Indiana, of Nacogdoches, Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Texas, of Las Vegas, Ne- CHU) that the House suspend the rules vada, of Redlands, Cali- stand before this body to commend the U.S. and pass the joint resolution, H.J. Res. fornia, of Houston, Texas, Men’s National Soccer Team on their truly 90. of Los Alamitos, Cali- amazing performance in this year’s FIFA The question was taken; and (two- fornia, of Jonesboro, Georgia, World Cup. thirds being in the affirmative) the of New Rochelle, New York, I would also like to commend my distin- rules were suspended and the joint res- Jay DeMerit of Green Bay, Wisconsin, Jose´ guished colleague from Texas, Mr. GOHMERT, olution was passed. Torres of Longview, Texas, of for introducing this resolution that recognizes Boca Raton, Florida, of Homer A motion to reconsider was laid on the men who represented our Nation on soc- Glen, Illinois, of Fontana, Cali- cer’s grandest stage. And I thank the gen- the table. fornia, , of Phoenix, Arizona, tleman from Texas for allowing me to be a co- f of Alexandria, Virginia, of Irvine, California, and sponsor on his resolution. CONGRATULATING UNITED of Seattle, Washington; Mr. Speaker, our men’s soccer team com- STATES MEN’S SOCCER TEAM and peted admirably and played their way to a 1, (3) commends the United States Soccer 1 and 2 record, earning them a chance to play Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I move to sus- Federation, the United States Soccer Foun- in the elite ‘Round-of–16’. While all of the pend the rules and agree to the resolu- dation, and coaches and parents of young players on our national soccer team deserve tion (H. Res. 1527) congratulating the soccer players around the country for their praise for their performance, one player in par- United States Men’s National Soccer role in the success of soccer in the United ticular earned the right to receive special rec- Team for its inspiring performance in States. ognition for his efforts. the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Landon Donovan’s performance not only The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from helped his team to advance deep into the tion. California (Ms. CHU) and the gentleman World Cup but his performance as an indi- The text of the resolution is as fol- from Louisiana (Mr. CAO) each will vidual earned him a place in U.S. soccer his- lows: control 20 minutes. tory. Mr. Donovan now holds the U.S. World H. RES. 1527 The Chair recognizes the gentle- Cup record for most matches played, 12, most Whereas the United States Men’s National woman from California. goals scored, 5 and the most consecutive Soccer Team made the Nation proud and im- GENERAL LEAVE games with a goal, 3. pressed fans around the world with steadfast Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Mr. Donovan’s goal in the 91st minute of the play and an impressive performance in the mous consent that all Members may match against Algeria, allowed the U.S. to win 2010 FIFA World Cup; have 5 legislative days in which to re- ‘‘Group C’’ and gave the team it’s first World Whereas the team won its group in the vise and extend their remarks. Cup Group first place finish since 1930. The FIFA World Cup for the first time since 1930; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there win over Algeria was also the U.S.’s first vic- Whereas Nacogdoches, Texas, native Clint Dempsey scored a goal against England in objection to the request of the gentle- tory since the 2002 World Cup and gave our the opening match to ensure a tie; woman from California? team it’s fifth shutout in FIFA World Cup play. Whereas Landon Donovan of Redlands, There was no objection. Mr. Speaker, the U.S. Men’s National Soc- California, and Michael Bradley of Manhat- Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I urge my col- cer Team proved that the U.S. can compete at tan Beach, California, each scored goals leagues to support this resolution. the international level with the most elite against Slovenia to tie the match and put On behalf of the Committee on Oversight teams in the world. I am truly proud of the the United States in position to advance to and Government Reform, I present H. Res. team’s players, coaches, training personnel the second round with a win over Algeria; 1527 for consideration. This measure con- and administrative staff who all worked and Whereas the team advanced to the Round- gratulates the United States Men’s National competed tirelessly to be the best they could of-16 with a 1–0 victory over Algeria, the first Soccer Team for its inspiring performance in FIFA World Cup victory for the United be, and represent our great country to the rest States in 8 years and its fifth shutout in the 2010 FIFA World Cup. of the world. FIFA World Cup play; Mr. Speaker, with this resolution, we ex- Mr. Speaker, I ask all members to join me Whereas Landon Donovan clinched the vic- press our great pride in our Nation’s perform- in strong support of H. Res. 1527. tory over Algeria with the second of his ance in this year’s FIFA World Cup. Its stun- Mr. CAO. Mr. Speaker, I yield the three goals in the 2010 FIFA World Cup in ning win over Algeria on June 23 marked the gentleman from Texas (Mr. GOHMERT) dramatic fashion in the first minute of added first time that the U.S. won first place in its as much time as he may consume. time following 90 minutes of exhausting play group since 1930. Cheers erupted all over the Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I do by both sides; country as forward Landon Donovan scored thank my friend from California and Whereas Landon Donovan now holds the the winning goal in the 91st minute of play, in my friend from Louisiana. all-time United States records for FIFA I urge my colleagues to support this World Cup career appearances at 12 and what may have been the most dramatic mo- FIFA World Cup career goals at 5; ment in the history of the team. resolution for the wonderful, out- Whereas the United States demonstrated The U.S. team also played well in its standing job the United States Men’s that it can compete with the elite soccer matches against England and Slovenia, with National Soccer Team did in rep- programs in the world; and goals scored by Clint Dempsey, Landon Dono- resenting this country. Whereas the team’s achievement reflects van, and Michael Bradley, ensuring the team Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of House Res- the growth in popularity of soccer in the would have the chance to advance to the sec- olution 1527 to congratulate the United States United States and the importance of athletic ond round of the Cup. The team, comprised of Men’s National Soccer Team for its valiant participation for building character and con- excellent players from around the country, performance in the 2010 FIFA World Cup. fidence in the Nation’s youth: Now, there- In a country where baseball is said to be the fore, be it demonstrated that the U.S. can compete at Resolved, That the House of Representa- elite levels with the top teams of the world, National pastime and the NFL draws the larg- tives— and it is fitting that we should congratulate est TV viewership, this year’s World Cup team (1) congratulates the United States Men’s them on their historic performance today. showed Americans how exciting the game of National Soccer Team for its historic per- H. Res. 1527 was introduced by our col- Soccer can be. As our United States team formance in the 2010 FIFA World Cup; league, Representative LOUIE GOHMERT of seemed to overcome insurmountable obsta- (2) recognizes the United States Men’s Na- Texas, on July 15, 2010. It was referred to the cles, the American spirit showed through time tional Soccer Team head coach Committee on Oversight and Government Re- and time again. When all seemed lost against of Manhattan Beach, CA, the team’s coach- Algeria, and the prospects of even moving out ing, training, and administrative personnel, form, which ordered it reported favorably by and each of the players for their tenacious unanimous consent on July 28, 2010. It enjoys of group play seemed dim, Landon Donovan play and dedication to excellence, including the bipartisan support of 50 cosponsors. scored a goal that will be on highlight reels for of North Brunswick, New Jer- I reserve the balance of my time. years to come. That goal ensured that the sey, of Arlington Heights, Mr. CAO. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself team would win its group in the FIFA World Illinois, of Alta Loma, such time as I may consume. Cup for the first time since 1930.

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