TARA IN Greet Tara by Artist Tashi Norbu Tashi Artist by Tara Greet

Sanctuary in the Heart of the Divine Buddha Mother

A Sacred Soul Retreat for Blessing, Healing, Protection and Enlightenment

Kathmandu, Nepal - , Tibet 15th - 23rd May 2018

Divine Saviour Goddess and Rainbow Buddha Mother

Tara, one of the most ancient emanations of the Divine on Earth. She is an enlightened feminine Buddha, a divine goddess with playful and wrathful faces, and our passionate protector. Known as the one who saves, Tara is our refuge and sanctuary. When we have been drifting off course, she guides us back to our path, bestowing limitless blessings to all who seek her assistance. When we feel lost, she finds and restores us. She is our divine guiding star for hope, healing and fulfilment.

This is a pilgrimage for the soul. When it is meant for you, you will sense a calling deep within your heart.

Join Alana Fairchild for a once-in-a-lifetime experience of the Great Rainbow Buddha Mother in her vibrant holy lands of Nepal and Tibet, nestled at the base of the spiritually-charged . Alana holds a powerful space on retreat, interweaving healing ritual, sacred dance, inspired

Green Tara, artist unknownartist Tara, Green meditations, accessible spiritual guidance, and a healing balance between active spiritual engagement and yin restoration time to nourish and integrate our experiences. Rainbow Emanations of the Divine Feminine

Tara manifests as a colourful rainbow of Divine Feminine faces, so that all our spiritual needs can be met. From physical healing to spiritual awakening and everything in between, Tara in her form as White Tara is known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel, bringing peace, blessing and fulfilment. She is the Mother of All Buddhas, the Theotokos of the East, helping us birth our own divine nature into full realisation, bringing joyful protection for our authentic and unique life path.

As beloved Green Tara, she is swift and responsive, the immediate rescuer from fear and suffering. One of her defining qualities is her speed, so that when we work with Green Tara, our aspirations can quickly manifest. She is pictured with her right foot extended, symbolising that she is not a distant deity but a being most willing to be active and present, a living force of divine aid in our lives. As we call on her, we realise that she amplifies our happiness and limits our suffering.

As a wild Dakini, Red Tara brings us joy, energy and courage. Through her power, Red Tara instructs us in the art of magnetic attraction of all good things in our lives. As the invincible and wrathful Black Tara she overcomes all darkness and obstacles, whilst in her beautiful golden form as Yellow Tara she blesses us with abundance, prosperity and wellbeing, whilst as Orange Tara she purifies us of poverty-consciousness and generates auspicious, blessed conditions in our lives. As fierce Blue Tara she teaches us the divine alchemy of transmutation, helps us channel our passions and our anger, transforming that energy into a great bliss that furthers our life path. Her wild blue form is a manifestation of the Dark Mother for our supreme spiritual protection, clearing interference on our path, supporting our ascension through her spiritual transmission of the star wisdom of Sirius.

As we explore the emanations of Tara as divine feminine power and wisdom, we embark upon on a guided healing soul journey into her sacredness that dwells within us as a vitalising blessing.

Alana connects with divine energy in a direct and powerful way so that participants in her retreats feel it as a very real, and often profoundly life- changing, presence.

As we support each other in receiving Tara’s direct transmission of power, we have the opportunity to surrender the life that we have lived, and open up to potent Divine intervention to uplift, protect and align our course to the true path of our soul.

From sound healing, chanting and moving meditations to beautiful music, to exploring local markets and hunting for the most delicious Tibetan momos (dumplings!), we journey together in divine friendship, wildness and serenity. We prepare and surrender ourselves to be awakened, blessed and transformed. Om Tara! withunknown Lotus,artist Tara HandGreenof

Alana will guide several beautiful group sessions including -

The Mystical Tantra of Tara Tibetan Tantric Mystical practice honours the body as a great gift. It is taught that earning the right to have a human lifetime is a great blessing and that much spiritual progress can be made through our life journey. Physical protection and healing is considered incredibly important as the body is the way for the spirit to fulfil its divine destiny. Working with Tara is not only about our spiritual journey but also very much about our quality of life on all levels including physical, emotional and psychological. Healing for all aspects of our lives is seen as an integral part of our spiritual development. Tantra is about the unification of body, mind and soul with the divine spiritual presence within us and all around us through beautiful mystical practices including visualisation, ritual and mantra. In this session we will explore the Tantra of Tara for our soul liberation from restraints and physical regeneration.

Your Dakini Nature and Magnetic Inner Feminine Power The Dakini is a wild divine feminine spirit that exists in enlightened spiritual perfection as well as existing in each one of us, evolving along with our spiritual journey. We are divine Dakinis-in- training under the tutelage of the most powerful and energetic Dakini herself, the Tantric Queen known as . This ever-youthful, vibrantly red-skinned goddess with a necklace of skulls and spear, is believed to have evolved from Nepalese Buddhism as a particular emanation of the fiercely protective Blue Tara. We will meet our own Dakini nature in this session, under the guidance of Vajrayogini, as we tap into the vitalising and magnetic power of the divine feminine.

Divine Pathway of the Tara Chakra The higher Tara consciousness is able to enter our being through the vital subtle body centres of the chakra system in the auric field. Chakras are organs of the soul, allowing for inflow and expression of energy for manifestation of our life experiences. As we work with Tara in our own chakra system, we purify, encode and evolve our level of being to new frequencies. We can choose to make those frequencies ones of greater light, joy and openness to divine truth and blessing. During our session we will explore the colourful emanations of the Great Rainbow Buddha Mother to cleanse, nourish and restore body, mind and soul.

Soul Mandala of the 21 Taras The 21 praises of Tara is a beautiful prayer that worships and evokes the 21 particular emanations of the Goddess, fulfilling our every spiritual need for grace, protection, blessing, overcoming, assistance and guidance in all ways. In this session we will explore a the beautiful Soul Mandala of the 21 Taras channelled by Alana, to meet every aspect and every need of the soul for complete divine fulfilment. ______

We will enrich our retreat with time out to relax and nourish ourselves. You can involve yourself fully in the group work, or take time out to rest, relax and integrate your learning in solitude. This is your retreat and you’ll be supported to claim what you need. You can join our included group excursions as you wish, such as -

Guided tour through village areas and markets for local artisan wares Guided visits to sacred sites including holy temple, palace and pilgrimage circuit Visit to the sacred Yamdrok lake to receive spiritual blessing

The Divine Playground of the Himalayas Yamdrok Lake, Lhasa Yamdrok

Our divine experience takes place in the sacred surrounds of the Himalayas, beginning in Kathmandu, Nepal, and venturing up into Lhasa, Tibet, we immerse ourselves in the spiritual frequencies of the divine Himalayan playground.

The and the Himalayas are geologically active, continuing to ascend, driven by the movement of tectonic plates of the Earth’s mantle. It is believed that the mountain ranges themselves are actually ancient ground that some 50 million years ago once rested underwater, but was driven upwards, folded into mountains by the pressure. This is how the summit of Mount Everest, at the peak of the Himalayas, can be made of marine limestone from an ancient ocean.

The spiritual mirror of the living land for our soul journey is clear. Here is a holy place upon the earth where we can offer up the deepest recesses of our being to the Divine. In this place, the depths of our souls can reach for the celestial heights and be received. What was once our deepest, perhaps darkest self, can become the most luminous and celestial. All can be received and blessed.

We begin our journey in Nepal. From sunrise over the Himalayas, to peaceful temples amongst the liveliness of Kathmandu, we imbibe the energy of Nepalese culture. Then on to the Tibetan city of Lhasa, the translation of which is ‘place of the divine’, and soul home of the Dalai Lama. Immersing ourselves in the extraordinary Tibetan culture of vibrant spirituality, we balance our sacred inner work with outer discoveries of the soaring mountainside palace, pilgrims and prayer wheels, heavenly lakeside communion and of course, an abundance of yak butter tea. Here the compassionate and joyful nature that shines in the Tibetan people invites us more deeply into the Wild Divine Heart of Tara.

Yamdrok Lake, Lhasa Yamdrok

When the Soul is called to Tibet

The sacred lands of Tibet, immersed in the potent frequencies of the Himalayas and site of spiritual pilgrimages for numerous religions including Buddhist, Jain and Hindu, are a living offering of divine grace. Beneath the colourful chaos and challenges of life, Nepal and Tibet, in the sacred field of the Himalayas, emanate a blessing of spiritual power and healing wisdom which we will tap into to nourish body, mind and soul as we open to genuine grace and spiritual upliftment that can truly heal and assist us in all ways. Tibet is home to a culture of pronounced spirituality with an emphasis on purity and compassionate devotion which allows for a more effortless high level transmission of divine energy.

An inner urging to visit Tibet is a divine call of the spirit to the soul, an indication of an inner readiness for spiritual blessing and transformation. In legitimate divine presence, healing change unfolds. It is not a case of simply visiting a place, but rather of the soul of that place evoking an effect in your own being. This is why retreats with Alana often have such a potent transformational effect in the lives of the participants - they are consciously held interactions with the vital blessings inherent in the sacred places upon the Earth.

We don’t always know why we are in need of that blessing or how it will manifest in our lives as healing change. Perhaps we believe that the struggles or obstacles we are encountering are simply what is meant to be. When we are called to Tibet, the Divine has another view of our destiny in mind for us! Together we open our hearts and minds to the gift of Divine blessing through our intercessor, guide, the Great Rainbow Buddha Goddess, Tara.

Retreat Details Accommodation

Hotel Manang

Club Himalaya Nagarkot

Shangbala Hotel Lasa


Twin share accommodation is priced at AUD$4275 and single room accommodation is priced at AUD$4495 This is inclusive of airport-hotel transfers, excursions and all meals.

Flights and visa into China/Nepal not included. Tibet visa included.

Bookings and enquiries

Secure your place now with a non-refundable deposit of AUD$1000. Final payment will be required by 15 February 2018 and will be non-refundable after received. For questions and bookings, including payment plans and travel queries contact Richard Martin.

M: +61 (0)400345113 E: [email protected]

Places at the retreat are strictly limited to ensure personal attention from Alana

Reserve your place now email [email protected]

Limited Private Readings are available with Alana at the venue during the retreat.

Book your place by emailing the admin angel [email protected]

About Alana Fairchild

Around a year or so ago, I had a dream of a beautiful, heavenly lake. I was filled with its beauty, peace and other-worldly quality of divine beingness. I just didn’t want to wake up from that dream! When I did, I felt quite strongly to Google images of ‘heavenly’ and ‘lake’. Lo and behold, of course, there was a picture of the same place that I had dreamed of, as if some clever photographer had managed to sneak into my dream and capture it forever.

As my heart leapt at the realisation that this lake was an actual place on earth, I became suddenly determined and deeply inspired (two of my leading character traits!) to visit it. The lake in my dream vision was Yamdrok Yumtso, where sacred water meets the sky, grounded by the presence of colourfully-adorned yaks!

It was only in the process of putting the retreat together, that I consciously realised that this dream had a special purpose and meaning on another level. Oddly enough, I didn’t actually ask for a visit to the lake, and yet it was suggested specifically by our tour advisors (funny about that). I then realised that the lake, known as one of the three Holy Lakes of Tibet, and also as a Goddess and Guardian who blesses those that visit Her, was actually a divine being offering a special message through my dream. It was an invitation to take a pilgrimage to a sacred site of our Earth Mother. Yamdrok Lake, Lhasa Yamdrok

As I began to write the materials for the Tibet retreat, I was overcome with joyful laughter and a deep sense of awe. I could feel the essence of what will be unfolding on the retreat, and it left me speechless. I felt Tara as a wild and vitalising presence with a definite plan in mind, and whilst I would open the space to her, and she has given me an outline for preparation, when it comes down to it, I have no idea what she is going to do with us. All I know is that the beauty, vibrancy and power of what I feel in the visionary preview she just gave me had me gaping and giggling simultaneously. I open to receive Her grace. Om Tara!

Vajrayogini, artist unknownartist Vajrayogini,