Page No.

Mission Statement i

Subjects and Functions i

Mahinda Chintana – Vision for the Future ii

Preface iii – ix

Progress Reports of Divisions

South Asia & SAARC Division 01 - 07

East Asia & Pacific Division 08 - 15

Middle East Division 16 - 22

Africa Division 23 - 30

West Division 31 - 37

UN & Multilateral Affairs Division 38 - 44

Economic Affairs Division 45 – 49

Protocol Division 50 - 53

Consular Affairs Division 54 - 56

Public Communications Division 57 - 65

Legal Division 66 - 73

Overseas Administration Division 74 - 78

General Administration Division 79 – 80

Finance Division 81 – 83

Network of Diplomatic Missions Abroad 84

Organization Chart of the Ministry 85


“The promotion, projection and protection internationally

of Sri Lanka’s national interests,

in accordance with the foreign policy of the Government and

to advise the Government on managing international developments in keeping

with the best interests of Sri Lanka”




“Implementation of political plans and programmes in respect of External Affairs; representation of Sri Lanka abroad; international agreements and treaties; foreign Government and international organization representation in Sri Lanka ; external Publicity; diplomatic immunities and privileges and consular function”


I will continue Sri Lanka’s non-aligned foreign policy. During the last four years we witnessed the benefits of maintaining friendly relations with , Japan, China, and other Asian countries. I am committed to continue these friendly relations in the

political, economic, defence, trade

and cultural arena.

I will ensure that Sri Lanka abides by the global treaties and agreements on the environment and climate change and will

strengthen Sri Lanka’s ties with the UN Agencies.

I will maintain the dignity of my country in foreign relations and will

initiate a new programme to forge relations with countries.

Mahinda Chintana - Vision for the Future



A country‟s foreign policy is principally shaped by its supreme national interest. Hence, the foreign policy is an indispensable part of the overall policy framework of the government.

President was re-elected by the people of Sri Lanka with a resounding majority in January 2010 for a second six year term of office on the platform of a people oriented manifesto –“Mahinda Chitana : Vision for the future”. This manifesto, which forms the backbone of government policy encapsulates the vision of President Mahinda Rajapaksa to transform Sri Lanka into the emerging “Wonder of Asia”. The main objective underpinning this manifesto, which has been formulated in the post-conflict scenario, is to make Sri Lanka once again the “Pearl of the Asian Silk Route” in the modern context. By taking full advantage of the island‟s strategic geographical position in the Indian Ocean, it is envisaged to develop Sri Lanka as a naval, aviation, commercial, energy and knowledge hub, serving as a key link between the East and the West.

It is in this backdrop that the Ministry of External Affairs has undertaken its programme of work during the period under review covering this Report, i.e. from 1st January 2011 to date. In terms of the broad guidelines enunciated in the “Mahinda Chintana: Vision for Future” policy framework and under the guidance of the Minster of External Affairs, the Ministry as the Head Office and its network of 58 Missions across the world (excluding the Embassies in Libya and Iraq, which are temporarily closed) have been working assiduously to promote and protect the vital national interests of Sri Lanka abroad.

Despite the decisive and comprehensive victory over terrorism that was achieved in May 2009 by the security forces under the inspiring leadership of President Rajapaksa,


as the Commander-in–Chief of the armed forces, the formidable and extensive global terror network of the LTTE has remained largely intact, retaining much of its vast financial assets and resources.

Since the Government has instituted far reaching steps to expeditiously rehabilitate and re-settle the people in the North and the East who had been internally displaced during the conflict and undertaken an impressive and ambitious programme to re- build the war shattered infrastructure and economy in the two provinces, as well as implemented measures to bring about reconciliation and promote harmony among the different communities, who had been affected by the long drawn out internal conflict, the possibility of a resurgence of terrorism in Sri Lanka can be effectively ruled out.

However, the overseas LTTE network has not given up its separatist agenda to establish an ethnically cleansed „Tamil Eelam‟ in Sri Lanka, and in the post-conflict scenario, the organization, awash with funds that would have been otherwise used to procure lethal weapons and bombs, has re-invented itself into outfits such as the „Global Tamil Forum‟ and the „Transitional Government of Tamil Eelam‟ and applying these funds to destabilise the Sri Lankan State and undermine the nation building and reconciliation efforts of the government.

This phenomenon has manifested itself in concerted efforts by these outfits and their fronts masquerading as human rights NGOs to lobby foreign governments to move resolutions against Sri Lanka at various international fora, as well as fund a major propaganda war against the nation in the form of the production and dissemination of audio-visual material with spurious and misleading information that could easily deceive an unsuspecting audience.

Today, in the post-conflict context, the Ministry of External Affairs is focussing its attention to meet the external threat to Sri Lanka‟s sovereignty, territorial integrity and


national security posed by the overseas network of the LTTE and the government‟s firm commitment to translate President Mahinda Rajapaksa‟s vision to transform Sri Lanka into the „Wonder of Asia‟, a reality through rapid and sustainable socio- economic development.

Among the notable achievements of Sri Lanka‟s foreign policy this year have been President Mahinda Rajapaksa‟s visit to New York in September this year to address the 66th session of the UN General Assembly, where he was able to articulate the government‟s policy objectives and its ambitious programme of work of nation building following the end of the internal conflict, to the largest international gathering of Heads of State or Government.

Another notable victory was secured at the recent Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Perth, Australia. At this meeting, Sri Lanka was able to galvanise the support of a large number of fellow member States and successfully ward off attempts to bring into question Sri Lanka‟s hosting the next CHOGM, raising issues of human rights. As a result, the CHOGM has reiterated the earlier decision that Sri Lanka will be the venue for the next Summit in 2013.

President Rajapaksa‟s personal interactions with fellow South Asian leaders at the 17th SAARC Summit in Addu City in the in November 2011, helped to further consolidate the abiding bonds of friendship and mutual goodwill existing between Sri Lanka and her neighbours, as well as provided fresh impetus to transform SAARC into a dynamic regional mechanism.

Due to the pro-active measures taken by the Ministry of External Affairs in conjunction with line Ministries and other relevant agencies, as well as the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN in Geneva, it was possible to pre-empt moves to have the „Darusman Report‟ (the report submitted by a panel of experts appointed by the UN Secretary


General to advise him on accountability matters pertaining to Sri Lanka), which had been formally submitted to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and to the Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva at its 18th session, being taken up for discussion in the Council.

Moreover, Sri Lanka was also successful in countering a move by a group of countries in the HRC to include on the agenda of the 19th session of the HRC in March 2012. Report of the Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) was submitted on 15th November 2011 to H.E. the President. The Ministry took timely action to despatch six Ministers as Special Presidential Envoys to several capitals of current HRC Member States to lobby support to prevent such a procedurally flawed course of action being pursued by the Council.

The Ministry is also being re-organized and strengthened in order to meet the objectives enunciated in the „Mahinda Chintana-Vision for the Future‟ policy framework. Towards this end, interviews have been concluded recently to recruit a new batch of officers to the Sri Lanka Foreign Service, while the open competitive examination to recruit a fresh intake of officers to the Foreign Service in 2012 will be gazetted shortly.

It is also envisaged to relocate the Ministry of External Affairs from its cramped present premises at the Republic Building (the former Senate building) to a modern and more spacious building to be constructed on a 3.5 acre block of land at Battaramulla, which would befit Sri Lanka‟s image as a rapidly modernising nation and meet the new challenges of the 21st century.

In keeping with President Rajapaksa‟s vision, the foreign policy has been given a distinctive people–centric orientation; a tangible manifestation of this direction has been the streamlining and strengthening of the Consular Affairs Division of the Ministry, located at the former BOI building at Baron Jayatilake Mawatha, Colombo 1, in a


spacious and convenient environment, in order to provide a more efficient and courteous service to the general public, numbering an average of 750 persons who visit the Division daily. Similarly, the consular services offered by the network of Sri Lanka Missions abroad, especially in the Middle East, where the vast majority of expatriate Sri Lankans are employed, have also been revamped to expeditiously attend to the needs of the Sri Lankan migrant workers visiting or calling the missions.

The Public Communications Division, being the Ministry‟s interface between the Government and external actors in disseminating information and projecting Sri Lanka‟s image abroad, has the added responsibility of countering the relentless and sustained anti-Sri Lanka propaganda campaign that has been unleashed by the overseas rump LTTE and its front organizations . Towards this end, the Division has been working in close collaboration with key institutions such as the Ministry of Defence & Urban Development, the Government Information Department and other relevant agencies to rebut the disinformation and false propaganda through the network of Sri Lanka missions abroad.

Sri Lanka Missions in major European countries such as UK, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy and Belgium have paid particular attention to countering anti -State propaganda carried out by the pro-LTTE elements in those countries, with a view to reaching out to the expatriate Tamil community and correct the distorted propaganda spread by the LTTE lobby.

A significant achievement of the Ministry during this year has been securing the cooperation of European governments which have initiated judicial action against LTTE activists, who are still operating in those countries. Arrests have been made in Switzerland and Germany while LTTE activists arrested in previous years who have been prosecuted, resulted in their convictions in Germany and the Netherlands in 2011.


Sri Lanka has provided judicial cooperation to Switzerland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Norway in gathering evidence in investigations against LTTE activists.

As part of the Government‟s efforts to counter the disinformation campaign being carried out by anti-State elements, the Ministry is working closely with selected Sri Lanka Missions abroad, particularly in the USA, Canada, Western Europe and Australia, to invite legislators, civil society leaders, media personnel and other opinion makers to visit Sri Lanka, which would enable them to get a first hand assessment of the actual ground situation in the country, and witness the impressive progress achieved in the rapid rehabilitation and resettlement of IDPs, following the end of the conflict in May 2009, as well as the massive infrastructure development projects that have been launched across the island including, the far flung rural areas of the country, a tangible manifestation of the people enjoying the dividends of peace.

The Ministry is spearheading a vigorous Economic Diplomacy drive, in conjunction with the Ministry of Economic Development, key state agencies such as the EDB, BOI, the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, the Sri Lanka Tea Board, as well as the private sector to find new markets for Sri Lankan products and services abroad, attract foreign investment, promote Sri Lanka as an upmarket tourist destination, among a broad range of activities that has been undertaken, with active cooperation of Sri Lanka missions abroad.

The Ministry has also significantly expanded its diplomatic outreach through visits undertaken by the Minister of External Affairs to many capitals of the world, both as bilateral official visits and to attend international and regional conferences. During these visits, the Minister has been able to engage in a productive dialogue with his interlocutors and articulate Sri Lanka‟s agenda to rebuild the war ravaged economy and bring about rapid and sustainable economic development for the benefit of the people,


while also taking concrete measures to heals the wounds of war and rebuild trust and unity among the different communities in the country.

As part of the Government strategy to widen its diplomatic presence abroad, action has been initiated to open new missions in Nigeria and Turkey, while new Consulate offices will also be opened in Melbourne, Australia and Guangzhou, China shortly. Meanwhile, it has also been decided to expeditiously re-open the Sri Lanka Embassies in Iraq and Libya, which had been temporarily closed.

All these efforts to promote Sri Lanka‟s interests abroad need to be reckoned in terms of the principle of „Friendship with all and enmity towards none‟ which constitutes the bedrock of Sri Lanka‟s non-aligned foreign policy.

Ministry of External Affairs Colombo 31st May 2012




South Asia and SAARC Division

Territorial coverage: , , , India, Maldives, and Pakistan

No. of resident missions: 08 - Bangladesh, India (3), Maldives, Nepal and Pakistan (2)

No. of concurrent accreditations: 02 - Afghanistan and Bhutan from New Delhi

No. of Multilateral Organizations:01- South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

In pursuance of the “Asian Focus” of Sri Lanka‟s Foreign Policy, there has been an increased level of interaction with the South Asian neighbours as well as active engagement in regionalism through the SAARC process. The South Asia & SAARC Division, in coordination with the Sri Lanka Missions in the South Asian region, continues to monitor major political and economic developments with a view to providing assessment on their implications to Sri Lanka‟s domestic and foreign policy.


The Minister of External Affairs of India Hon. S. M. Krishna paid an official visit to Sri Lanka from 26 – 28 November 2011 and co-chaired the 7th Session of the India – Sri Lanka Joint Commission. During this visit, Indian Consulates General in Jaffna and Hambantota were also inaugurated. Through the Meeting of the Joint Commission, the two countries were able to identify and consolidate areas of cooperation covering political, economic, trade, investment, infrastructure development, culture, education, science & technology and agriculture. The Indian Minister also launched the pilot project for the construction of 50,000 houses with Indian assistance in Ariyalai.


The Foreign Secretary of India Mrs. Nirupama Rao undertook two visits to Sri Lanka from 30 – 31 January and 29-30 July 2011. The new Foreign Secretary of India Mr. Ranjan Mathai visited Sri Lanka on 8 October 2011. A high level delegation led by Mr. Shivshankar Menon, National Security Advisor of India visited Sri Lanka from 10-11 June 2011. During these visits, bilateral consultations were held with H. E the President, Hon. Minister of External Affairs as well as other senior officials.

Hon. Minister of External Affairs undertook an official visit to India from 15–17 May 2011, where he held bilateral consultations with his Indian counterpart as well as called on the Hon. Prime Minister of India. The discussions focused on India‟s assistance to Sri Lanka‟s rehabilitation, reconstruction and resettlement in the Northern Province.

A delegation led by the Speaker of , Hon. visited India from 8 -13 July 2011 at the invitation of the Hon. Meira Kumar, Speaker of the Lok Sabha of India.

A Sri Lankan delegation attended the Third Session of the Joint Working Group on Fisheries (JWG) held in New Delhi from 28 to 29 March 2011. The issue of continued incursions by Indian fishing trawlers into Sri Lankan waters was raised by the Sri Lankan delegation in this meeting. The discussions covered several areas such as, poaching by Indian trawlers, bottom trawling, humane treatment of fishermen, release of Sri Lankan fishermen and Cooperative mechanisms between the two countries.


The President of Pakistan H. E. Mr. Asif Ali Zardari undertook a State Visit to Sri Lanka in November 2010, accompanied by a business delegation. During this visit, Agreements on Visa Abolition for Holders of Diplomatic and Official Passports, Agricultural Cooperation, Co-operation & Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters and Co-operation in the field of Arts & Creative Studies between

3 the National College of Arts of Pakistan and the University of Visual and Performing Arts of Sri Lanka were signed.

Hon. Dr. Fehmida Mirza, Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan visited Sri Lanka to attend the 03rd Commonwealth Parliamentary Association meeting from 10-16 February 2011.

Hon. Minister of External Affairs undertook an official visit to Pakistan from 14–16 July 2011, where he held consultations with his Pakistani counterpart as well as called on Pakistani leaders. The discussions were focused on the follow up work related to the visit of the President of Pakistan to Sri Lanka. The Hon. Minister thanked the Government of Pakistan for sending Sacred Buddha Relics for exposition in Sri Lanka. The exposition of Sacred Buddha Relics was held in Sri Lanka from 3–19 June 2011, in Maligakanda, Hunupiitiya, Tissamaharama and Malabe.

A 12 member team of doctors visited Lahore in September 2011 to train Pakistani doctors to fight Dengue Virus. This Division arranged to dispatch a consignment of emergency relief items to the flood affected people in Sindh province in Pakistan.


At the invitation of the Hon. Prime Minister of Bangladesh, H.E. the President paid a State Visit to Bangladesh from 18th to 20th April 2011 paying the way for consolidation of our relations with that country. During the visit the following agreements were signed: (a) MoU between the Export Development Board (EDB) of Sri Lanka and the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) of Bangladesh, (b) MoU between the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development of Sri Lanka and the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock of Bangladesh for cooperation in relevant fields, (c) MoU between Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) and Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy (SLCARP) on cooperation in Agriculture, (d) MoU between the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (TVEC) of Sri Lanka and the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) of Bangladesh for


Exchanging documentation and related material and (e) Cultural, Educational and Scientific Exchange Programme between Bangladesh and Sri Lanka for the years 2011-2014. H. E. the President also attended ceremonies of laying the foundation stone for the International Buddhist Monastery Complex in Badda, Dhaka and (the foundation stone) for the Twenty- eight Shrine Rooms at Bodhinana Meditation Centre, Ashulia. Further, the Chittagong Buddhist Monastery handed over the Sacred Hair Relics of Buddha to H.E. the President to be brought to Sri Lanka for exposition.

As a follow up of H.E. the President‟s visit to Bangladesh, a delegation led by Hon. Minister of Shipping of Bangladesh was invited to Sri Lanka from 8-10 June 2011 to explore the possibilities for mutual cooperation in the areas of Shipping and Ports. This delegation visited new Hambantota port and the Colombo port. The revised Shipping & Services Agreement between the two countries was also signed during this visit.

The Foreign Office consultations between Bangladesh and Sri Lanka were held in Dhaka from 25-27 January 2011. Through this Session, the two countries were able to identify areas of mutual cooperation as well as to discuss the elements for the Presidential visit.

The Maldives

Hon. Abdulla Shahid, Speaker of the People‟s Majlis participated in the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference in Colombo from 10-16 February 2011.

Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed visited Sri Lanka on 16 - 18 August 2011, during which the Government of Sri Lanka offered US $ 10 million for the purpose of construction of a 4.8 km asphalt concrete road in Addu City where the 17th SAARC Summit was held.

Hon. , Deputy Minister of External Affairs visited Maldives from 31 July to 2 August 2011 and held talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the


Minister of Fisheries. The release of a group of Sri Lankan fishermen was secured through these meetings.


A delegation headed by the Hon. Harinarayan Yadav, Minister for Agriculture and Cooperatives visited Sri Lanka to attend the Asia Regional Ministerial Meeting on Aquaculture for Food Security, Nutrition and Economic Development in Colombo on 11 April 2011.


Hon. G.L. Peiris Minister of External Affairs visited Bhutan to attend the 33rd Session of the SAARC Council of Ministers from 06th to 10th February 2011.

Hon. Lyonpo Mijur Dorji, Minister of Home and Cultural Affairs visited Sri Lanka to attend the Sangha Council Certificate Ceremony in Kotte from 5 - 8 February 2011.

In association with the Ministry of Higher Education and Universities in Sri Lanka, this division facilitated Bhutan students to enrol in Sri Lanka Universities to follow MBBs and Dental Science courses.


H.E. the President attended the 17th SAARC Summit in Addu City, Maldives from 10 – 11 November 2011, accompanied by a delegation comprising Hon. Minister of External Affairs, Hon. Minister of Power & Energy and Hon. Minister of Traditional Industries & Small Enterprise Development, Hon. Sajin de Vass Gunawardena, Monitoring MP, Hon. A.H.M. Azwer, M.P., and Senior Officials. Hon. Minister of External Affairs attended the Council of Ministers‟ Meeting on 9 November 2011. During the Summit, four SAARC Agreements in the areas of Conformity of Assessments, Regional Standards, SAARC Seed Bank and Rapid Response to Natural Disasters were signed. The SAARC leaders took important decisions in number of areas including rooting out terrorism, Indian Ocean Cargo & Passenger


Ferry Service, SAFTA process, Economic Integration of South Asia and Renewable Energy. H.E. the President also held bilateral consultations with all the SAARC leaders as well as meetings with the Secretary General of Commonwealth and the US Assistant Secretary of State on the sidelines of the Summit.

The SAARC Cultural Center (SCC) in Colombo, in collaboration with the Ministry of External conducted a number of programmes such as screening of films from the SAARC region, folk dances, art & craft exhibitions, collection of short stories and poems, visual archives and diminishing cultures in South Asia among others.

The Ninth SAARC Conference on Cooperation in Police Matters and the fourth meeting of the SAARC Terrorist Offences Monitoring Desk (STOMD) and the SAARC Drug Offences Monitoring Desk (SDOMD) were held in Colombo in April 2011. Senior law enforcement officers and delegations from the SAARC countries attended this Conference.

The Ministry co-ordinated with relevant line Ministries in holding the following SAARC activities in Sri Lanka during this period:

- Regional Workshop on Exploration, Characterization and Utilization of Under- utilized Fruits and Vegetable Plant Spices in SAARC countries in July 2011

- Preparatory Workshop on Inter-Laboratory Comparison Measurements in June 2011 - Inter-governmental Expert Group on Climate Change in June 2011

- Workshop on Standalone Village Hydro Schemes in May 2011

- Workshop on Applications of Nano-technology in June 2011




East Asia & Pacific

Territorial coverage: Australia, Brunei Darussalam , Peoples Republic of China, Cambodia, Democratic People‟s Republic of Korea, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Vanuatu.

Number of resident missions: 13 - Australia, China(4), Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Number of concurrent accreditations: 10 - Fiji, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu from Canberra

- Democratic People‟s Republic of Korea, Mongolia from Beijing

- Cambodia, Laos from Bangkok

Number of Regional organizations: 02 - ASEAN Regional Forum and

Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Relations with countries in the East Asia and Pacific region improved significantly with several key developments in the bilateral, multilateral, trade and cultural spheres.

In the bilateral sphere, the Division was actively involved in several high level visits, finalizing of Agreements, furthering trade and investments and promoting cultural ties. In multilateral fora, many countries in this region have shown solidarity with Sri Lanka in safeguarding her territorial integrity and sovereignty, while supporting Sri Lanka to counter adverse propaganda by parties with vested interests, especially at the UN Human Rights Council. Even in the Oceania region, where Sri Lanka has historically had a minimal presence, the small island nations have come forward to

9 support Sri Lanka and this year has seen significant engagements with these small yet important friendly nations.

People‟s Republic of China

2011 has been a landmark year in Sri Lanka - China relations. President Mahinda Rajapaksa undertook a State Visit to China in August this year while Prime Minister Hon. D.M. Jayaratne visited China on two occasions in June and September 2011. The Hon. Minister of External Affairs undertook a working visit to Beijing in May 2011.

The ceremonial opening of the National Performing Arts Theatre in Colombo which was opened in December 2011 was constructed with the generous aid from the People‟s Republic of China. This edifice now stands as a monument to the strong bilateral relations between the two countries.

Bilateral visits by several key Ministers from both sides and the exchange of trade delegations helped to broaden our engagement with China. Sri Lanka also actively participated in several trade fairs in China, including the Canton Fair, South Asian Countries Commodity Fair and „Jewellery Shanghai‟ in 2011.

Sri Lanka Embassy in Beijing has been playing an important role in liaising with Chinese institutions in coordinating development assistance which amounted to US $ 3 billion that fund infrastructure and development projects throughout Sri Lanka.


Relations between Sri Lanka and Vietnam reached a historic milestone in 2011 with H.E Truong Tan Sang, President of Vietnam undertaking a State Visit to Sri Lanka as the first Head of State of that country to do so since diplomatic relations were established. During the visit eight bilateral agreements were signed between the two countries. Further a Bilateral Air Services Agreement between the two countries is pending finalization. The 3rd Session of the Joint Commission between Sri Lanka and Vietnam will be held during the first quarter of 2012 in Hanoi.



Sri Lanka – Singapore relations also saw many positive developments in the period under review. During his official visit to Singapore the Hon. Minister of External Affairs held discussions with his Singaporean counterpart and other dignitaries. H.E the President has been invited to undertake an official visit to Singapore and the dates are being finalized.

The former President of Singapore, H.E S. R. Nathan, immediately after relinquishing duties, visited Sri Lanka in his personal capacity. During the visit, he was briefed on the current situation in Sri Lanka, especially with regard to the socio- economic progress of the country and political reconciliation process that is underway, particularly with moderate Tamils. Sri Lanka High Commission in Singapore has been active in promoting bilateral trade with visits by investors and businessmen from both sides, in addition to investment promotion seminars.


H.E Mahinda Rajapaksa attended the 4th Bali Democracy Forum in Bali, Indonesia in December 2011. This Indonesia is emerging as a valuable partner for Sri Lanka in the South East Asia region. The two countries will celebrate 60 years of diplomatic relations in 2012. The First Joint Commission Meeting between the two countries were held in Colombo in January 2012. This will provide an opportunity to enhance relations covering political, economic, cultural and defence spheres.


Australia was supportive of Sri Lanka‟s offer to host the next Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM), desisting calls from a few nations to reopen the issue at the recently concluded CHOGM in Perth, Australia.

Further, the bilateral engagement between the two countries has improved in the year under review with several high-level exchanges. Significant among these were visits to Sri Lanka by a two groups of Australian Parliamentarians in March and in


December 2011 on fact-finding missions whose contribution in the Australian Parliament greatly aided to dispel the negative perceptions towards Sri Lanka. A Special Envoy of the Australian Prime Minister visited Sri Lanka in September. An Australian Parliamentary Group visited on December 2011.

Australia has increased its development aid to the country contributing to the resettlement of IDPs and the redevelopment of the former conflict zone.

With regard to investments, Sri Lanka attracted approximately US$ 100 million of realized investments from Australia, the bulk of which have come from Ansell and P&O. At present, there are 53 Australian companies operating in Sri Lanka. Our Mission in Canberra was successful in convincing the Australian authorities to downgrade their travel advisory to its citizens, creating greater opportunities to attract tourists from Australia to visit Sri Lanka.

Republic of Korea

The year 2011 saw Sri Lanka actively re-engaging the Republic of Korea, particularly to attract greater trade and investment opportunities. The Hon. Minister of External Affairs visited Republic of Korea in September which was followed up by the visit of Hon. Deputy Minister of External Affairs in October, accompanied by a business delegation.

A key objective of these visits was to encourage Korea to increase the quota of labour opportunities granted to Sri Lankans. Strengthened cooperation with the Republic of Korea is also becoming visible in several areas including bilateral aid, education and culture.

Cooperation in the agricultural sector between our two countries were improved with the signing of a MoU between the Korea Project on International Agriculture (KOPIA) and the Ministry of Agriculture of Sri Lanka signed in December 2011. The setting up of the KOPIA office in Sri Lanka has enabled Sri Lanka and Korea to collaborate closely on the development of the agriculture sector, particularly

12 focusing on highbred seed processing and retaining a high yields from soil management.


Traditionally warm relations between Sri Lanka and Japan were further expanded in 2011. Hon and Hon. Dr. Sarath Amunugama undertook visits to Japan while Hon. Makiko Kikuta, Parliamentary Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Hon Yasuo Fukuda, M.P. and former Prime Minister of Japan along with four M.Ps visited Sri Lanka.

Both countries will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2012.

Japan continued to offer significant amounts of development aid to Sri Lanka. The Special Representative of the Japanese government Mr. Yasushi Akashi attended the ceremonial inauguration on 27 November 2011 of the Southern Express Way, partially funded by JICA, a landmark infrastructure development in Sri Lanka.

Expressing solidarity with the victims of Fukushima Disaster, Sri Lanka donated US$ 1 million and 3 million tea bags. A 15 member disaster relief team was deployed by the Government of Sri Lanka to carry out volunteer activities in the Ishinomaki area of Miyagi prefecture.


The Government of Sri Lanka donated over US$ 50,000 worth of aid including 100,000 bottles of drinking water, 150 water tanks and 1300 kg of tea to the Government of Thailand as relief for flood affected people. The total amount of aid donated by the government of Sri Lanka, the Chambers and numerous other private sector organisations exceeded US $ 80,000.

Hon. Prime Minister and several other senior Ministers undertook visits to Thailand in 2011. A Thai delegation participated in the Sambuddhatva Jayanthi celebrations and

13 took an active interest in the establishment of the International Buddhist Museum in Kandy.


Relations with Malaysia continued to grow in 2011 with several key Ministers, including Hon. Susil Premjayantha, Hon. , Hon. Ratnasiri Wickramanayake and Hon. Lakshman Seneviratne undertaking bilateral visits.

The High Commission of Sri Lanka in Kuala Lumpur embarked on a programme of enhancing bilateral economic activities. The Malaysia-Sri Lanka Business Council was reactivated this year in close collaboration with the National Chamber of Commerce of Malaysia.

The Philippines

Hon. Prime Minister visited the Philippines in May 2011 which marked a significant improvement in bilateral relations between the two countries. The Golden Jubilee of the establishment of the Diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and the Philippines was celebrated in Manila with the participation of Hon. Deputy Minister of External Affairs.

Sri Lanka Embassy in Manila has been actively seeking avenues to increase bilateral trade and in this regard coordinated with the Sri Lanka Tea Board, Board of Investment, Sri Lanka Export Development Board, Sri Lanka Tourist Board, National Gem and Jewellery Authority and Private Sector Companies to launch several Sri Lankan products and tourism promotional programmes in the Philippines.

Sri Lanka donated US $ 50,000 to the Philippine government in the wake of devastating floods experienced by that country in December 2011. This gesture of goodwill was received with much gratitude by the Philippine authorities and as a result a visit of that country‟s Foreign Minister is expected in the first half of 2012.



Sri Lanka-Myanmar relations continued to grow in 2011 with Hon. Deputy Minister of External Affairs visiting the country to attend the BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting in January and meeting with key Myanmar Government officials during his visit to that country. The Hon. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar visited Sri Lanka subsequently.

The 3rd Session of the Joint Commission will be held in Myanmar in the first quarter of 2012. Cultural relations were strengthened with the National Troupe of Sri Lanka touring Myanmar in February. Cooperation in the gems and jewellery sector has also improved with bilateral interactions between the relevant stakeholders.

Multilateral Relations:

Sri Lanka was an active participant at the Shangri-La Dialogue, ARF and Bali Forum for Democracy.





Territorial coverage: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, UAE, Yemen

Number of resident missions: 12 - Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,

Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia(2), UAE(2)

Number of concurrent accreditations: 4 -Bahrain from Kuwait,

Iraq and Syria from Beirut

Yemen from Muscat


Hon. Minister of External Affairs visited the State of Qatar on 14th – 15th February 2011. The Minister met with His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al – Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar at the Emiri Diwan, H.E. Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabir Al- Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Nasser bin Abdulla Al- Humidhi, Minister of Social Affairs and Acting Minister of Labour during his visit.

His Excellency the President Mahinda Rajapaksa met with his Qatari counterpart His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, the Emir of the State of Qatar on the sidelines of the 66th UN General Assembly meeting in New York, September 21, 2011.

A seven member delegation headed by the Assistant Minister to H.E. the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Follow –up Affairs His Excellency Mohammed Bin Abdullah Bin Mutib Al Rumaihi visited Sri Lanka on 18th November 2011 to make preliminary

17 arrangements for the visit of His Excellency Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al- Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar to Sri Lanka,

H.E.Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar visited Sri Lanka from 12th -13th December 2011. The Visiting Qatari Prime Minister had series of meetings with Minister of External Affairs and the Minister of Economic Development in Colombo.


On an invitation extended by Hon. , Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Orit Noked, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Israel visited Sri Lanka from 3rd to 4th May 2011 with a 14 member business delegation. During the visit both Ministers explored new vistas of mutual cooperation between Sri Lanka and Israel. They also agreed that the field of agriculture carries a great potential for joint cooperation in the future. The visit culminated with the signing of an Agreement for Cooperation in Agriculture.

Hon. Namal Rajapaksa, MP, as a Special Envoy of H.E. the President along with a 10 member delegation comprising of Members of Parliament visited Israel from 5th to 9th September 2011. The delegation held meetings with H.E. Shimon Peres, President of Israel, Hon. Danny Ayalon, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Director General of the Population, Immigration & Border Authority. The delegation also met business personalities representing the manufacturing, industry, dairy farming, agriculture and IT sectors and explored the expansion of employment opportunities for Sri Lankans in Israel. The Hon. MP also personally handed over a message of Condolence from H.E. the President of Sri Lanka to Israeli President for the sudden demise of his brother.



Hon. Seyyed Amir Mansour Borghai, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Acting Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs of Iran visited Sri Lanka from 27th to 30th July 2011 for the official handing over of the 1000 units Housing Project at Kankeyanodai village, Mammunai Pattru , in the Batticaloa District.

The Uma Oya Hydro Electric and Irrigation Project, the estimated cost of which is US $ 529 million (of which US $ 450 million has been given as a loan) and a Rural Electrification Project, at an estimated cost of US$ 106.5 million, with the objective providing electricity to 180,000 rural households, are among the development projects that are underway in Sri Lanka with Iranian assistance.

His Excellency the President Mahinda Rajapaksa met with his Iranian counterpart President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the sidelines of the 66th UN General Assembly meeting in New York, September 21, 2011.

Hon. , M.P. Deputy Speaker of Sri Lanka Parliament attended the 5th International conference on Palestinian Intifada “Palestine; the homeland of Palestinians” in Tehran, Iran from 1st – 2nd October 2011.


Hon. Minister of External Affairs visited Jordan from 8th to 9th September 2011 and had meetings with Hon. Dr. Marouf Al Bakhit, the then Prime Minister and Defence Minister and Hon. Nasser Judeh, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Jordan.

Hon. Prof. G. L. Peiris, Minister of External Affairs met His Excellency Nasser Judeh Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at the 4th Bali Democracy Forum – Bali, Indonesia, 8th-9th December 2011.



Hon. Neomal Perera, Deputy Minister of External Affairs attended the First Session of the Assembly of International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held from 04- 05th April 2011 in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

Hon. Prof. G.L.Peiris, Minister of External Affairs visited the U.A.E. from 8th -9th October 2011. During the visit Hon. Minister has met H. H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Foreign Minister of the U.A.E.


On an invitation extended by Hon. Neomal Perera, Deputy Minister of External Affairs, His Worship Mr. Arafat Khalaf, Mayor of Beitunia of the State of Palestine visited Sri Lanka on 12th November 2011.

Oman Hon. Prof. G.L.Peiris, Minister of External Affairs visited the Sultanate of Oman from 23rd- 25th April 2011 to pay a courtesy call on His Majesty the Sultan of the Sultanate of Oman and H.H the Deputy Prime Minister for the Council of Ministers of Oman. Hon. Minister had meetings with Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs, H.E. the Minister of Finance, H.E. the Minister of Labour, H.E. the Minister of Commerce & officials of other agencies responsible for investment, tourism & development assistance and Oman Chamber of Commerce.

Multilateral Relations


Hon. Minister of External Affairs visited Kuwait to attend the 10th Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Ministerial Meeting from 10th to 11th October 2011 and met Kuwait Minister of Foreign Affairs.


Iran Hon. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena, Minister of Agriculture visited Iran from 11th - 16th to attend the 28th Session of Executive Committee of Center on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP).

Economic Relations


Her Highness Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid bin Sultan Al Qasimi, the Minister for Foreign Trade of United Arab Emirates, visited Sri Lanka from 23rd – 26th November 2011. This visit has led to a high powered UAE-Sri Lanka Business Forum in Colombo in the recent days and has further strengthened the trade relations between the two nations. It was also agreed to proceed with the establishment of a Joint Commission.


H.E.Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar visited Sri Lanka from 12th -13th December 2011. During the meetings the Qatari Prime Minister showed keen interest in exploring investment opportunities in Sri Lanka particularly in the areas of tourism, hotel industry, Banking Sector and Colombo Stock Exchange.


The Government of Iran has contributed generously to a number of projects which include,

 Uma Oya Hydro Electric and Irrigation Project  Rural Electrification Project  Housing Project in the Batticaloa District  and pledges for the SOREM (Sapugaskanda Oil Refinery Expansion and Modernization) Project.


Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Fund for Development (SFD), has released a grant of Rs. 3,000 million for the construction and equipping of the National Neuro-Trauma Center in Colombo. On 31 March 2011 the Neuro Trauma Centre of the Colombo National Hospital was declared open by President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Cultural Relations


A Peace Pagoda from Sri Lanka unveiled in Palestine The Ministry of External Affairs, in the collaboration with the National Crafts Council has sent a “Stupa” (A Peace Pagoda ) in dolomite to the friendship park, “The Garden of Nations”, in Ramallah as a sign of solidarity and friendship between the two nations. It unveiled at the Garden of Nations in Ramallah on 12th October 2011 by Mayor of Ramallah Ms. Janet Michel, Dr. T. Jayasinghe, Sri Lankan Representative in Palestine and Deputy Governor of Ramallah and Al-Bireh Mr. Hamdan Bargouthi, to commemorate the 2600th Sambuddhatava anniversary and also to bring peace to Palestine. A large gathering of diplomats, government officers, journalists, businessmen, travel agents and Sri Lankans were present at this unveiling ceremony held at the Garden of Nations in Ramallah.

Saudi Arabia

The Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Jeddah provides necessary assistance to Hajj and Umrah pilgrims who visit the Kingdom to perform the holy pilgrimage. Assistance includes reception at the Jeddah Airport on arrival, attending to the welfare of the pilgrims in Makkah, Madinah, Mina, Arafat during Hajj and assistance during their departure from Jeddah. This year 3800 pilgrims from Sri Lanka performed the Hajj pilgrimage. Saudi authorities raised the Hajj quota to 3800 pilgrims (for year 2011) which is an increase of 1,000 over the allotted number.






Libya Evacuation of Sri Lankans in Libya: - Due to political and social uprising in Libya SL Embassy/Cairo assisted to evacuate more than 1000 Sri Lankans in Libya. - Periodic press releases were issued on the prevailing Socio- political situation.

Egypt Facilitating Sri Lankan workers during the crisis period in Egypt: - SL Embassy in Cairo contacted the factories such as Velocity Garment, Dubai Apparels, Eroglu Garment in Ismailia, Alex Apparels and Baby Coca Garment in Alexandria, Bensuef Garment in Bencief etc. where large number of Sri Lankans are employed. The SL Embassy in Cairo was in constant touch with the garment factories and advised Sri Lankans that the Embassy would facilitate their return upon their decision to leave the country. Accordingly, Sri Lanka workers in Classic factory were repatriated. SL Embassy/Cairo also facilitated to repatriate over 90 Sri Lankan workers in Libya who arrived at Egyptian border, El Salloum with the assistance of IOM Office in Cairo.

- The SL Embassy/ Cairo coordinated the support for the candidature of Arab Republic of Egypt to the Committee on Rights of Migrants workers. 5th Meeting of State Parties to the convention on the rights of Migrants Workers in New York, in December 2011;

- The SL Embassy/Cairo made due Publicity on Fourth Footwear & Leather Fair 2012 and Jaffna International Trade Fair – 2012.

- The SL Embassy/Cairo coordinated the support for the candidature of Tunisia to UNESCO Executive Board in return for Tunisia‟s support to the Sri Lanka candidature to the International Law Commission

Ethiopia - Mr. Fekade Tadesse was appointed as the Hony. Consul for Sri Lanka in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 21st April 2011.

South Africa - On the invitation of Hon. Neomal Perera, Deputy Minister of External Affairs, Hon. Ebrahim Ebrahim, Deputy Minister of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) of South Africa visited Sri Lanka from 05th – 09th Nov. 2011.


- Hon. Athauda Seneviratne, Minister (Senior) for Rural Affairs participated at the official funeral of Mrs. Albertina Sisulu, the wife of Mr. Walter Sisulu former President of African National Congress (ANC), on 11th June 2011. Condolence messages from H.E. the President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Hon. Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa were forwarded.

- Initiated the process of arranging a visit by Madam Winnie Mandela to Sri Lanka in April, 2012. H.E. the High Commissioner has had several meetings/discussions with influential figures in this regard. An invitation has been sent by the First Lady for Madam Mandela to visit Sri Lanka.

- As advised by Hon. Deputy MEA, the Political Desk (Africa) arranged a meeting chaired by the Hon. Deputy MEA on the follow up actions of the 3rd Sri Lanka - South Africa Partnership Forum on 06th Dec. 2011 at the Ministry of External Affairs.

- The SLHC/ Pretoria Coordinated the visit of Sri Lanka 20 member delegation including 3 cabinet ministers to the United Nations Climate Change Conference, Durban, South Africa, from 28th Nov. – 09th Dec. 2011.

- Actions were taken to check with the relevant authorities to verify the involvements of the TGTE, GTF and TNA on ANC Centenary Celebrations/LLRC Report.SL High Commissioner/ Pretoria participated the ANC celebrations held on 08th January, 2012 at Durban. The Political Desk and the S/L High Commission in Pretoria coordinated his participation.

- Interviews made by the SL High Commissioner/ Pretoria relating the climate change and contemporary issues in Sri Lanka were given to CCTV and Lotus FM radio.

- The SL High Commissioner/ Pretoria held a networking event in honour of the visiting Sri Lankan indoor cricket team at his residence.

- The SLHC / Pretoria initiated discussions to finalize a MoU between the Colombo Zoo and the National Zoological Gardens of Pretoria. These discussions also initiated the offer of a gift/exchange of two South African lions in return for Animals for the Colombo Zoo.


- The SLHC / Pretoria screened the film “The God King” in Johannesburg. This was the very first Sri Lanka film screening in South Africa. The film was attended by over a hundred people from South Africa‟s Government. Business and Sri Lankan expatriate community.

- High Commission of S/L in Pretoria attended on the following trade and investment matters:

1. Meeting with South African Department of Trade and Industry to explore inward and outward investment 2. Discussion with Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry for a presentation by the SL High Commissioner 3. Meeting with the Chairman and CEO of the South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) for a presentation to be made by the SL High Commissioner on opportunities for hotel and shopping mall developments in Sri Lanka 4. Meeting with Entyce Tea of National Brands Ltd to discuss an application to ITAC for Duty Waiver on imports of Sri Lankan Tea.

Southern Sudan - As a Special Envoy of H.E. the President, Hon. (Prof) Tissa Vitarana, Minister (Senior) for Scientific Affairs participated at the inauguration ceremony of the formation of Southern Sudan as New State on 09th July 2011 at Juba. Felicitation Message from H.E. the President was handed over. Further, Cabinet of Ministers has granted approval for the Establishment of DPL relations with 54th African Newest Nation, South Sudan on 03rd Aug. 2011.

Mali - The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval for the Establishment of DPL relations with Mali on 19th Oct. 2011. The Embassy/ Cairo coordinated with the Political Desk (Africa) in this regard.

Rwanda - The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval for the Establishment of DPL relations with Rwanda on 20th April 2011 and the formal announcement in this regard was made on 10 Oct. 2011.

Country briefs & Suggested Speaking Notes


. Hon. MEA‟s Bilateral Meetings with Ghana, Algeria, South Africa, Mauritius, Nigeria, in sideline with the Commemoration of 50th NAM Anniversary, 5-6 Sept., 2011, Belgrade, Serbia: . Bilateral Meetings for H. E. the President of Sri Lanka and the Hon. MEA – in sideline with the 66th UNGA 20-24 Sep. 2011 - New York: South Africa, South Sudan, Egypt, Seychelles for the Bilateral Meetings (for H.E. the President) and Angola, Cameroon, Djibouti, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Nigeria, Mauritius, Uganda and Botswana (for Hon. MEA). . Visit by Hon. Minister of Environment to Climate summit of Heads of State in Brazzaville, Congo from 31st May to 03rd June 2011. . Presentation of Credentials to the Angolan President by the SL High Commissioner in Pretoria. . Presentation of Credentials to the Mozambiquan President by the SL Ambassador . Presentation of Credentials to SL President by Ambassadors/ High Commissioners of Ethiopia, Ghana, South Africa. . Bilateral Meetings for H.E. the President and for Hon. MEA (South Sudan, Ghana, Mauritius and Namibia) in side line with the CHOUGM in Perth, Australia, October 2011.


Uganda Establishment of Vocational and Technical Training Centre in Uganda: - Sri Lanka delegation visited Uganda 20th – 27th Aug. 2011 for a feasibility study on the Establishment of a Technical Training Centre in Uganda.

South Africa SAITEX 2011: - Sri Lanka delegation participated at the SAITEX 2011 from 15th – 20th July 2011 in South Africa. During this period the visiting delegation discussed the business projects available with SPAR and Pick and Pay leading retail Supermarkets as well as with South African Chamber of Commerce and Minara Chamber of Commerce.

Ayurveda Conference and Symposium 2011 Colombo:

- Two resource persons participated from South Africa Medical Research Council and Department of Science & Technology at the Ayurvedic Research Symposium and Conference held in Colombo from 15th to 17th July 2011. This has given opportunities to South African companies to gain knowledge on Sri Lankan traditional Ayurvedic medicine system and the products developed based on that.


Promotion of Sri Lanka EXPO 2012 in Colombo: Sri Lanka High Commission in Pretoria has commenced the promotion of Sri Lanka EXPO 2012 in South Africa.

Egypt - SL Embassy in collaboration with the Management of Pharaonic Village which is a major leisure destination in Cairo held an exhibition on Sri Lankan products and culture. It was a good opportunity to introduce Sri Lanka and its products to the Egyptians. Several TV Channels covered the Exhibition.


Kenya - Sri Lanka High Commissioner in Nairobi is also the Sri Lanka‟s representative for UNEP and UN-HABITAT. Therefore, Sri Lanka has been able to obtain financial assistance for number of Programmes and Projects. Some are still in progress. Executive Director/HABITAT had agreed to undertake a number of initiatives such as creation of sustainable cities etc. He also agreed to arrange financial assistance from donor agencies.


- Sri Lanka and Kenya concluded an Air Services Agreement between two countries on 18th Jan. 2011 in Nairobi.

- Sri Lanka and South Africa initiated an agreement on Air Services Negotiations on 16th March 2011 in Colombo.

- Sri Lanka and Seychelles concluded an Agreement on Avoidance of double Taxation on 23rd Sept. 2011 in Colombo.


Darusman Report: - In accordance with the MEA instructions, SL High Commission in Pretoria, Kenya and Egypt disseminated all information on the GoSL‟s position on the Darusman report and Channel 4 video to respective governments and all main media institutions. SL High Commission/Pretoria had TV interviews with the SABC News and the State Television of South Africa.

Briefing on US proposal at the 18th Session of the HRC 2011: - SL High Commissioner/Ambassador in Pretoria, Cairo and Nairobi met the representatives of the member countries of HRC in their respective capitals and briefed them on the proposal to be submitted by the USA at the 18th Session of HRC and the progresses of LRC post war developments,


resettlement of IDPs, rehabilitation of ex-LTTE carders and democration of the North and East and on the progress on humanitarian issues.

- Further, as Special Presidential Envoys Hon. Dilan Perera, Minister of Foreign Employment Promotion and Welfare, Hon. Geethanjana Gunawardena, Deputy Minister of Finance & Planning, (Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon) Hon. , Minister of Petroleum (Mauritius) and Hon. Athauda Seneviratne Minister (Senior) for Rural Affairs (Nigeria, Senegal, Cameroon), visited African countries and briefed on them the same

- At the per-commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) Foreign Ministers‟ meeting held during 28th – 30th Oct. 2011at Perth, Australia, Canada sought to raise the human rights issues in Sri Lanka. Out of fifteen countries supported Sri Lanka at this crucial meeting, eight (08) were African nations. They are Swaziland, Zambia, Mauritius, Nigeria, Uganda, Sierra Leon, Kenya and Rwanda.

- SL Embassy/ Cairo Coordinated the support for the candidature of Tunisia to UNESCO Executive Board in return for Tunisia‟s support to the Sri Lanka candidature to the International Law Commission

South Africa - The possibilities of establishing links between the Pretoria Eye Bank and the Sri Lanka Eye Bank on the provision of donor eye tissues from Sri Lanka to South Africa is under consideration.

Tenders and Procurement: - SL Missions in Cairo and Pretoria assisted Sri Lanka Pharmaceutical Cooperation and Sri Lanka Railway for their tendering. - Action was taken to establish direct contacts between two leading arms manufacturing companies in South Africa and the Ministry of Defence on procurement of defence equipment in 2011. Tender complaints: - SL missions in Cairo and Pretoria also assisted to solve the trade complaints.

CULTURAL - „Tikiri Suwada‟ was screened at the 121st „International Film Festival in Cairo‟ in Jan. 2011 and 47 Art works from Sri Lanka was forwarded for the “Egypt in the eyes of children of the world” competition in Egypt.

- Sri Lanka English film „God King‟ was screened in Pretoria in Nov. 2011.


- Inputs from Africa Desk and our Missions in Africa were duly forwarded for the inclusion in the 6th Volume of the Mahavansa.

- 2600th Sambudhatva Jayanthi Celebration: 2600th Sambudhatva Jayanthi was celebrated by the SL Missions in Pretoria, Cairo, Nairobi (with the participation of Sri Lankans and other nationals abroad).




West Division


Territorial coverage: 42 Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia &

Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Holly See, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Turkey

Number of resident missions: 12 Austria, Belgium, France, Germany (Berlin & Frankfurt), Italy, Norway, Poland, Sweden, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, Turkey

Number of concurrent accreditations: -Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia from Vienna

-Luxembourg from Brussels

-Portugal and Spain from Paris

-Switzerland, and the Holy See from Berlin

-Albania, Cyprus, Greece, Malta from Rome

-Bulgaria, Romania from Warsaw

-Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania from Stockholm

-Ireland from London


Number of multilateral organizations: 02

The Commonwealth and The European Union

The Political Affairs (West) Division covers the work related to Sri Lanka‟s bilateral relations with countries in Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region and the Americas.

Sri Lanka Missions in Canada, USA and Europe pay particular emphasis to engaging the Sri Lankan Diaspora in projecting a positive image of Sri Lanka, as well as lobbying the Members of Parliament, Senators, Congressmen etc. in promoting Sri Lanka‟s interests.


In the past one year, focus has been given to further strengthening our relations with European countries including consolidating our bilateral ties with East European countries, some of which are newly joined members of the EU.

Particular attention is paid by Sri Lanka Missions in European capitals with considerable expatriate populations, to reach out to the diaspora and correct the distorted propaganda continued to be spread by the LTTE rump.

During the year 2011, a number of European governments have initiated judicial action against LTTE activists, who are still operating in those countries. Arrests have been made in Switzerland and Germany, while LTTE activists arrested in previous years have been prosecuted resulting in convictions in Germany and the Netherlands in 2011. Sri Lanka has provided judicial/intelligence and other cooperation to the governments of Switzerland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France and Norway in gathering evidence in investigations initiated in those countries against LTTE activists.


During the year 2011, the Hon. Minister of External Affairs visited the UK (April) and France (October) where he held bilateral discussions.

Hon. Minister of External Affairs also visited Serbia (September) to attend the 50th anniversary celebrations of the NAM and called on the President of Serbia, and also met the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence. On the sidelines of the NAM meeting the Minister also met the Foreign Minister of Bulgaria and held bilateral discussions.

Bilateral consultations were held with the Foreign Ministries of Romania in Bucharest and the Czech Republic in Colombo at the level of Deputy Minister, where a wide range of issues pertaining to relations with those countries were discussed.

Over the past one year, Sri Lanka has also worked at strengthening relations with the EU - a key export market for Sri Lanka. Heads of Mission of the EU member countries represented in Colombo in January and July 2011 and initiated a dialogue on issues pertaining to Sri Lanka-EU relations. During interactions with the European Parliament, Sri Lanka has encouraged European Parliamentarians to visit Sri Lanka and get a first hand view of the developments taking place following the end of the conflict.

Representatives from the Delegation for Relations with South Asia in the European Parliament visited in February 2011 and their report following the visit was overall balanced, commenting on several positive developments.

The Chair of the „Friends of Sri Lanka Group‟ in the European Parliament (EP) visited Sri Lanka in December 2011. In addition, a three member delegation from the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group in the European Parliament, which is the second largest political group, also visited in December 2011.

The Sri Lanka –EU Parliamentary Friendship Group was established in 2011.


The Commonwealth

Sri Lanka‟s participation at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Perth, Australia in October 2011, with H.E. the President leading the delegation was of particular importance given the reaffirmation of Sri Lanka hosting the next CHOGM in 2013. At the Perth meeting, Sri Lanka was able to successfully ward off attempts to bring into question its ability to host based on issues of human rights.

The coordination of the preparatory work for Sri Lanka‟s hosting of CHOGM 2013 is done by the West Division.

CIS region

Territorial coverage: 12 - Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

Number of resident missions: 01 Russia

Number of concurrent accreditations:-Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan,Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

Particular focus has been given to the promotion of our close and cordial relations with Russia while also seeking to strengthen Sri Lanka‟s relations with other CIS countries.

In June 2011, His Excellency the President participated at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in Russia, where he held bilateral discussions with the Presidents of Russia, China and Kazakhstan and the Prime Minister of Spain.

Bilateral consultations were held with the Foreign Ministry of Russia in November 2011, in Moscow at the level of Foreign Secretary.


Consultations with Ukraine are scheduled to be held in Colombo in 2012.

The Americas

Territorial coverage: 38 - United States of America, Canada, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Antarctica, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto- Rico,St. Christopher and Nevis, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uruguay, Venezuela, The British Virgin Islands

Number of resident missions: 04 United States of America, Canada, Cuba, Brazil,

Number of concurrent accreditations: - Mexico from USA, Venezuela, Jamaica from Cuba, ,Argentina, Chile Colombia, Peru from Brazil

In the Americas region, Sri Lanka‟s relations with North America have taken prominence, i.e. with USA and Canada.

Sri Lanka has continued to engage closely with the US authorities on political and economic fields. The US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs visited Sri Lanka in September 2011, while a Congressional delegation that visited in October commented on the positive developments that have taken place in the country, particularly in Jaffna.

The US GSP concessions which were temporarily halted in 2010 were restored in October 2011 until the end of 2013.


The Sri Lanka Missions in the USA and Canada have also been focusing their attention on countering anti GOSL propaganda carried out by the LTTE lobby. The assets of the Ontario and Quebec offices of World Tamil Movement (WTM) - which were under investigation since the LTTE was banned in Canada in 2006 – were forfeited by the Federal authorities in January, thus further confirming the WTM‟s links to the LTTE.

The human smuggling operations carried out by the LTTE where two vessels „Ocean Lady‟ (2009) and „MV Sun Sea‟ (2010) arrived in Canada carrying illegal immigrants from Sri Lanka were exposed. These two incidents received much media attention, prompting the Canadian government to take a strong stand against human smuggling. Sri Lanka continues to cooperate with Canada on human smuggling related issues.

H.E. the President met the President of Colombia on the sidelines of the UNGA in New York in September. The Hon. Minister of External Affairs also held bilateral talks with counterparts from Canada and Uruguay on the sidelines of the UNGA in New York.

As part of the efforts to expand Sri Lanka‟s foreign relations with South America and the Caribbean, diplomatic relations were established with the Dominican Republic and Ecuador in 2011. Sri Lanka‟s internal processes have been completed to establish relations with El Salvador.

Hon. Deputy Minister of External Affairs visited Mexico, Uruguay, Peru and the Dominican Republic in September, and had discussions with his counterparts.A high level delegation headed by Senior Minister and former Prime Minister represented the Government of Sri Lanka at the inauguration of the new President elect of Brazil H. E. Dilma Rousseff in January 2011 while the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil visited Sri Lanka in March 2011. These high level visits have given an impetus to our relations with Brazil.




United Nations, Multilateral Affairs, Human Rights And Conferences Division

The United Nations, Multilateral Affairs, Human Rights and Conferences Division is entrusted with a range of responsibilities covering Sri Lanka‟s representation in and engagement with the United Nations and its affiliated agencies with a view to meet Sri Lanka‟s international obligations as a responsible member of the global community.

Matters pertaining to post-conflict developments

The major focus of this Division in the past year has been in the realm of post- conflict developments in Sri Lanka, a matter that has gained international attention since the end of the conflict in May 2009.

In this respect, the Division has been responsible for strategizing Sri Lanka‟s action within the UN system to respond to various queries raised by the international community in relation to post-conflict development issues in Sri Lanka and especially to respond to allegations related to the last phase of the conflict with a view to deterring any adverse reaction by the international community.

To this end, the Division was involved in gathering and disseminating information to key interest groups, such as the Human Rights Council in Geneva, international civil society representatives as well as the international media. These included the Report prepared by the Presidential Task Force on Humanitarian Efforts, Humanitarian Operation-A Factual Analysis compiled by the Ministry of Defence and Wonder of Asia compiled by the Ministry of External Affairs. The Division has also sent briefing material for Sri Lanka Missions abroad in order that they may keep their Capitals of accreditation informed on a regular basis.

Several briefings by the Hon. Minster of External Affairs were organized for the diplomatic community and the local as well as international media based in Sri Lanka to explain Sri Lanka‟s position on the call for the establishment of an international investigation mechanism against Sri Lanka.


Participation in the UN General Assembly

The Division handled the preparations for the 66th session of the UN General Assembly, held in 2011. Participation from Sri Lanka was both at the High-Level and at Main Committee level.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa led the delegation to both sessions and addressed the General Assembly. On the sidelines of the 66th session he held bilateral meetings with 16 Heads of State and other high-level dignitaries. Hon. Minister of External Affairs also met with 12 Ministers of Foreign Affairs and other dignitaries.

The Ministry also facilitated the participation of the Hon. Ministers of Health and of Environment at the High Level Dialogues on Non-Communicable Diseases and the UN Convention on Combating Desertification respectively.

Participation in the sessions of the UN Human Rights Council

In the past one year, this Division was involved in the preparations for three sessions of the Human Rights Council (HRC), namely the 16th, 17th and 18th sessions.

In view of the “Darusman Report” having been formally submitted by the UN Secretary General to the HRC and to the High Commissioner of Human Rights, the Ministry in coordination with the Special Envoy of Sri Lanka to the Human Rights Council, Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe and Sri Lanka missions abroad launched a coordinated action to halt this Report being taken up for discussion in the Council.

The Division facilitated the visit of a delegation to the 18th session of the HRC. Hon Minister of External Affairs visited Geneva at the beginning of the session and briefed the President of the Human Rights Council and a group of HRC members. This Ministry also facilitated arrangements for a side event in Geneva to informally engage with interested parties both during the 17th & 18th sessions of the HRC.

The Division continues to monitor any move to take up this subject at the 19th Session of the HRC in March 2012.


In view of the move by a group of countries to bring in a procedural decision to include an informal Dialogue on the LLRC in the Agenda of the 19th Session in March 2012, the Division coordinated the dispatch of six ministerial envoys to capitals of current HRC Members, to lobby them on the GOSL position on such a procedurally flawed action in the Council. It is expected that some members of the Council will demand that Sri Lanka shares the outcome and the progress achieved regarding reconciliation and other post-conflict matters as reflected in the LLRC report.

The Division has been involved with the preparation of responses to adverse international media and NGO publicity in consultation with experts from other Ministries/agencies. In this regard, this Division has worked with other Divisions in the Ministry as well as the other agencies to counter adverse LTTE propaganda such as the Channel 4 documentary. This Ministry will continue to follow up on these matters in preparation for the 19th session of the HRC.

Sri Lanka‟s reporting obligations to UN Treaty Bodies and to other UN mechanisms

Sri Lanka is a State Party to seven Human Rights Treaty Bodies. As a mandatory requirement of a State Party, during the past one year, this Division has submitted periodic reviews to the Committee against Torture (CAT) and the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

With regard to the UN Security Council‟s Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, the Division closely liaised with the National Child Protection Authority, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health and Attorney General‟s Department to update on the current status and to initiate the delisting of Sri Lanka from the Working Group Agenda.

In view of the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), which is a peer review mechanism of the HRC on human rights in countries, Sri Lanka will be submitting its report in 2012. This is a major reporting obligation. The Division will coordinate with the line Ministry concerned with regard to the submission of Sri


Lanka‟s UPR. Similarly, the Ministry is closely following up with the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption on Sri Lanka‟s compulsory reporting in June 2012 regarding the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption. Sri Lanka was also involved in reviewing the report submitted by Kuwait (as a reviewing country). The GOSL delegation received training on the reviewing process and is in the process of finalizing its observations regarding Kuwait.

Elections to UN bodies

The Division successfully campaigned for the election of Sri Lanka‟s candidate Dr. Hiranthi Wijemanne as a Member to the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 2010. The Division also assiduously campaigned for the bid for re-election of the GOSL candidate to the International Law Commission (ILC), for which elections were held on 17th November 2011. These elections have been helpful to raise the profile of the country and recognition for its experts.

The Division also assisted the Ministry of Environment to lobby the World Heritage Committee Members, at its Meeting in Brasilia in July 2010 for the inscription of the “Central Highlands of Sri Lanka” in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Sri Lanka‟s position on matters of interest

The Division has been instrumental in formulating GOSL positions regarding matters of interest to Sri Lanka such as Climate Change, Sustainable Development, and Disarmament taking into account the political nature of the discourse on the subjects.

The Division has assisted in furthering Sri Lanka‟s policy on friendly relations with other countries by exchanging Sri Lanka‟s support for their candidatures, resolutions and other issues of national interest (such as the Embargo on Cuba, Palestine Issue)


Sri Lanka‟s contribution to UN Peacekeeping

Sri Lanka has been contributing to the UN flagship activity of Peacekeeping. The Division coordinates with the Police Department, the three Armed forces and the Ministry of Defence, as well as PRUN/New York to enhance Sri Lanka‟s participation as well as to facilitate deployment of personnel. As of July 2011 Sri Lanka was ranked as the 21st largest troop and police contributing country with 1190 personnel deployed in many peacekeeping missions such as in Haiti, Iraq, Chad, Central African Republic, Timor l‟Este, Sudan and South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Western Sahara, Lebanon, Liberia, Cote d‟Ivoire, Somalia, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Cyprus, Guinea Bissau and Kosovo, Brindisi (Italy).

Other multilateral representations by Sri Lanka

The Division has been represented in delegations attending environment and health related UN conferences and has been assisting national focal points in complex political issues.

The Division has assisted the Ministry of Youth Affairs to mark the International Year of Youth declared by the UN.

The Division has facilitated participation from other Ministries/focal points to make representations at various international meetings, conferences, workshops. In this respect the Division has issued 55 letters of credence to these delegates over the last one year.

As a former Chair of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), this Division co-organized a national event to mark the 50th Anniversary of the NAM, including the issuance of a first day cover and a commemorative postage stamp. The Division also coordinated participation of the Hon. Minister of External Affairs at the 50th anniversary celebrations of NAM organized in Bali, Indonesia and Belgrade, Serbia.

This Division coordinated the visit of the delegation for the 17th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate


Change (COP/17) and the 7th Meeting of the Members of the Kyoto Protocol (KMP/7) which was held in Durban, South Africa from 28th November to 9th December 2011. On issues relating to the meeting, this division attended several preparatory meetings held at the Ministry of Environment and provided inputs.

This Division provided briefing material on the issues relating to human rights, food security, climate change, and sustainable development to the delegation of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting held in Perth, Australia, which was held from 28th to 30th October 2011.

Conferences and visas

In keeping with the vision of H.E. the President to promote Sri Lanka as a conference venue, the Division provides observations/approval for visa applications by UN agencies and NGOs for holding conferences in Sri Lanka. The Division also grants approval for short-term visas for UN staff to attend meetings in Colombo. Approximately, about 50 such visas have been approved in the past year.

Registration of NGOs

The Division also provides observations on matters relating to the registration of NGOs in Sri Lanka when there is a foreign funding component to the NGOs concerned.

Forum on Gloabl Issues, Deyata Kirula Exhibtion

This Division is in the process of organising the Forum on Global Issues at the Deyata Kirula Exhibition to be held in February 2012, in conjunction with the National Day Celebrations. The Forum of Global Issues is a platform for selected school children and is aimed at generating interest in young minds in current global issues and in developing their public speaking skills. The children are selected from the respective province, in which the Exhibition is held each year.




Economic Affairs Division

The Economic Affairs Division is entrusted with activities relating to bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation. It also handles national and international events and forums such as the Deyata Kirula Exhibition, resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons, Uthuru Mithuru Programme and arrangements for the Commonwealth Business Forum.

Under multilateral economic cooperation, the Division facilitates Sri Lanka‟s active participation and contributions for better global and regional presence of Sri Lanka in several organizations such as WIPO, G-15, ACD, ESCAP, Colombo Plan, IOR- ARC, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, BIMSTEC, G-11, WTO, AMED, UNCTAD, Group of 77 and ILO.

The Economic Affairs Division also deals with economic and non-traditional security issues. Amongst these issues are Migration and Development, Energy and Food Security. Sri Lankan migrant workers contribute to the national economy 1/3 of foreign exchange, which is around 8% of the GDP.

In terms of national processes, the Division actively participated in meetings of the National Task Force working towards developing a Health and Migration Policy, spearheaded by the Ministry of Health. The Division also represented the Ministry at the Advisory Committee to implement the National Migrant Labour Policy and has participated in a series of workshops organized by the ILO on the subject of migration. The Division coordinated overseas placement for Sri Lankan doctors and nurses in Kuwait and Brunei.

The Economic Affairs Division contributes to the protection and promotion of Sri Lanka‟s interests in the sphere of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) at the international, regional and national levels. The Division liaised with the National Intellectual Property Office and several line Ministries to ensure the participation of experts in the relevant fields of IPR relating to copyrights, trademarks, patents,

46 geographical indicators, genetic resources, traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions, among others. This has contributed to safeguarding Sri Lanka‟s interests as well as contributing to the national policy making initiatives in relevant fields. The Division also supports Sri Lanka‟s permanent Mission in Geneva in relation to pursuing Sri Lanka‟s interests at the WIPO.

In terms of promoting South Asian and South East Asian integration, the Division actively participates in entirety of BIMSTEC process. In 2011, the BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting decided to establish the Permanent Secretariat in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The Division along with the Ministry of Technology & Research organized the “2nd Expert Group Meeting on the Establishment of the BIMSTEC Technology Transfer Facility” in Colombo in May 2011.

The Division facilitated Sri Lanka‟s participation at the 11th IOR-ARC Council of Ministers Meeting held from 09th to 15th November 2011 in Bengaluru, India. Hon. Dr. Sarath Amunugama, Senior Minister of International Monetary Cooperation headed the Sri Lanka delegation. The Division in collaboration with the National Engineering Research and Development Centre (NERD) organized the “IOR-ARC Regional Workshop on Cost Effective Housing Technology” in October 2011, Ekala, Sri Lanka.

The Colombo Plan is one of the oldest regional inter-governmental organizations and the Colombo Plan Secretariat is the only international secretariat headquartered in Sri Lanka. The Colombo Plan was conceived at the Commonwealth Foreign Ministers Conference held in Colombo in January 1950 to enhance economic and social development of the countries of the region and Sri Lanka was one of the seven Founding Members of the Colombo Plan. The Division facilitated its 60th anniversary celebrations in July 2011 in Colombo.


The Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) is a 31 member forum which aims to build an Asian community. This Division coordinated Sri Lanka‟s participation in the ACD Ministerial Meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly and the 10th ACD Ministerial Meeting in Kuwait in November 2011. The Division also coordinates with other line agencies on the Sri Lanka‟s contribution to ACD as Co-Prime Mover on SME and e-education.

Sri Lanka assumed the Chairmanship of the G-15 in 2010 at the Summit held in Tehran, Iran. The Division together with the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Geneva coordinated the work relating to Sri Lanka‟s Chairmanship in the G-15.

The Uthuru Mithuru Programme was an initiative undertaken by the Ministry of Transport to rebuild the vital Yal Devi Friendship Railway Track which will join the North and the South of the country together again. The Division had coordinated the sale of train tickets worth over Rs 5.6 million through our missions abroad and is continuing to sell more tickets.

The Division coordinated the participation of five foreign missions based in Colombo at the Deyata Kirula National Development Exhibition in Buttala, Monaragala District in February 2011. The Missions were encouraged to display their cultural, tourism, educational and trade opportunities as well as historical ties with Sri Lanka which attracted a large public audience at the exhibition. The Division has ensured the participation of six countries and three international organizations in the next exhibition.

The Division also coordinated the participation of all foreign Missions based in Sri Lanka with Membership in the OIC at a meeting chaired by Hon. , Minister of Economic Development and attended by Hon. Rishard Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce to obtain assistance for housing for internally displaced persons.


Senior Minister of International Monetary Cooperation Dr Sarath Amunugama, was unanimously selected to Chair the Ministerial Segment of the 67th Session of the UN ESCAP Commission in Bangkok in May 2011.

The 67thCommission session of UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) was held under the theme “Beyond the Crises” – the long term perspectives on social protection and development in Asia and the pacific.




Protocol Division,

1) The Protocol Division handles visits by dignitaries, diplomatic Privileges and Immunities, accreditations and concurrent accreditations of Heads of Missions to Sri Lanka and facilitates logistical and protocol arrangements for international conferences being held in Sri Lanka.

2) The Division deals with logistical and protocol arrangements necessary for facilitating visits to Sri Lanka by Heads of State, Heads of Government, Ministers, other dignitaries and Senior officials. It is also the responsibility of the Protocol Division to provide, required assistance to the events hosted by H.E. the President, Hon. Prime Minister and Hon. Minister of External Affairs for foreign dignitaries. During this year, the Protocol Division handled the visits of six VVIPP (President of Maldives H E Mohamed Nasheed, President of Vietnam and Prime Minister of Nepal (transit)), five Heads of UN & Other International Organizations (UN Asst. Secretary General, President of ICC (twice), Secretary General of SAARC, President of China Flower association, Prime Ministerand foreign Minister of State of Qatar and President of Maldives H E Mohamed Nasheed)), six Special Envoys(Mr. Hisashi Owada, President of International Court of Judge, former president of Singapore, former president of Japan, Mr.Mariene Gollyot, Canadian Special Envoy and Special Envoy of Japan, Mr. Yashushi Akashi and Vice Chairman of National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference), seven Foreign Ministers(Brazil, Iran, Japan, Czech Republic,Myanmar,Sudan and Ecuador),eighteen other Ministers and forty two high dignitaries.

3. The Protocol Division is responsible for handling the protocol and logistical aspects of the foreign visits by H.E. the President, Hon. Prime Minister and Hon. Minister of External Affairs. During this year, the Division coordinated arrangements for the eight visits by H.E the President(to India, Bangladesh, Russia, China, USA, Australia, Maldives, and Indonesia),two visits to China by Hon. Prime Minister and seventeen visits (details attached) by the Hon. Minister of External Affairs.


4. The Protocol Division is also responsible for extending, facilitating and overseeing the diplomatic privileges and immunities granted to the Diplomatic and Consular Missions, International Organizations and their staff, in terms of the Vienna Conventions on the Diplomatic Relations of 1961, Consular Relations of 1963, Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations of 1946 and the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of 1947.

Under this responsibility, the Division issued 1522 Duty Clearance Certificates, 403 Customs clearance permissions, 205 DPL Vehicle sale permissions, 64 new DPL vehicle registration permits, 1456 DPL vehicle revenue licenses, 188 DPL driving license permissions and 402 DPL petrol coupons. The Division also issued 1231 visa clearances for Foreign Missions & UN Organizations and 490 Airport Passes for the staff of the Foreign Missions in Colombo. The Division also coordinated issuance of 490 VIP Lounge Permits and 174 Diplomatic Clearances for Foreign Aircrafts & Ships. The Division issued 193 diplomatic identity cards and 239 non-diplomatic identity cards to the diplomatic and non-diplomatic staff of the foreign missions, UN and other international agencies in Colombo this year.

5. The Protocol Division is responsible for seeking Agrements for Sri Lankan Ambassadors/High Commissioners appointed to other countries, facilitating Agrements for Heads of Mission of other countries accredited to Sri Lanka, arranging ceremonies for presentation of Credentials by foreign HoMM accredited to Sri Lanka. The Division handled accreditation of 25 Foreign Heads of Mission to Sri Lanka this year.

6. The Protocol Division continues to play a key role in projecting and promoting Sri Lanka as an attractive venue for holding International Conferences. The Protocol Division also provides necessary assistance and guidance to the staff members of the relevant line agencies to perform protocol and logistical functions during such international conferences. The major international events held this year includes Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO), Asian Parliamentarians Meeting on Population Development (APDA), Asia Regional Ministerial Meeting on Aqua Culture for Food Security, Nutrition & Economic


Development Community and Water Services Challenges for Sustainability International Conference and Annual Forum of the Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA).

7. The Protocol Division also plays an active role in collaboration with the government agencies to ensure and promote participation of foreign Heads of Mission and other diplomats in regular diplomatic briefings and national events such the Independence Day, Kandy Perahera etc.

Visits by Hon. Minister of External Affairs of Sri Lanka

1) State visit to USA from 19th to 25th January 2011

2) Official visit to Bhutan from 6th to 10th February 2011

3) Official visit to Prague from 26th March to 11th April 2011

4) State visit to Bangladesh from 18th to 20th April 2011

5) Official visit to Oman from 23th to 25th April 2011

6) Official visit to Delhi from 15th to 17th May 2011

7) Official visit to Singapore from 19th to 27th May 2011

8) Official visit to Singapore from 03rd to 06th June 2011

9) Official visit to Pakistan from 14th to 16th July 2011

10) Official visit to Indonesia from 21st to 24th July 2011

11) State visit of H.E. the President to the People‟s Republic of China from 9th to 12th August 2011

12) Official visit to Singapore, Korea, United Kingdom, Serbia, Jordan and Switzerland from 29th August to 11th September 2011

13) Official visit to New York from 17th to 27th September 2011

14) Official visit to Abu Dhabi, Kuwait & France from 08th to 14th October 2011

15) State visit of H.E. the President to the Australia from 24th to 31st October 2011

16) Official visit to Maldives from 08th to 12th October 2011

17) Official visit to Indonesia to attend the Bali Democracy Forum from 7th to 10th December 2011.




Consular Affairs Division

Serving the interests of Sri Lankan Nationals in Sri Lanka and Abroad (Consular Assistance)

The Consular Affairs Division (CAD) of the Ministry is dedicated to facilitating the requirements of Sri Lankans employed abroad, while facilitating the provision of welfare services to them in coordination with the network on Sri Lanka Missions abroad and Honorary Consuls of Sri Lanka in the respective countries.

Document Authentication Section: From 1st January to 31st December 2011 a total revenue of Rs.136,731,767/- has been collected by the CAD for the Government by extending consular assistance services.

Following the computerization of the document authentication process with the financial assistance from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), it is now possible for the CAD to serve the needs of more than 1000 members of the public who visit the Division daily seeking assistance.

Repatriation Section: Repatriation of Sri Lankans stranded abroad is another important task handled by the CAD in collaboration with our Diplomatic Missions and with the assistance of the IOM and other organizations. This Division received 785 complaints regarding repatriation during this year and so far 467 cases have been resolved.

The Ministry was able to arrange the repatriation of 41 Sri Lankans stranded in Iraq who went there for employment illegally, and the Ministry negotiated to recover their salary arrears. Also, the CAD has taken continuous efforts to secure the release of Sri Lankans detained in foreign countries, some of whom are in death row. In the Rizana Nafeek case, the Ministry is persisting with efforts to obtain a pardon from the parents of the infant who died while being under the care of the housemaid, in coordination with our Embassy in Riyadh and other relevant authorities.


It is observed that a large number of employers and agencies in the Middle Eastern countries are not willing to repatriate employees before the completion of their contract period, unless they pay about Rs. 200,000/- claimed to have been spent by them as recruitment charges.

Compensation Section: In the event a Sri Lankan dies in a foreign country, the next of kin of the deceased person is entitled to receive compensation, salary dues, gratuity or insurance payment as applicable. The CAD has been working closely with Sri Lanka Missions, the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) and other relevant agencies to obtain these financial benefits as a matter of urgency and accordingly during this year a sum of about Rs. 180 million has been collected mainly from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Lebanon and The Republic of Korea.

Death Section: There are over 1.5 million Sri Lankans employed abroad and an average of about 350 deaths is reported annually. In 2011, 417 deaths were reported, of which reportedly 203 are natural, 89 accidents and 08 suicides. It needs to be placed on record that most of the deaths took place in Saudi Arabia (87), Kuwait (48) and Qatar (30). The CAD assisted the next-of-kin to repatriate the human remains to Sri Lanka.

Stranded fishing vessels and fisherman: Assistance of the Consular Division is sought for stranded fishermen whose fishing vessels had drifted or caught poaching in territorial waters of neighbouring countries, especially India and the Maldives. During this year, the CAD facilitated the repatriation of 176 Sri Lankan stranded fishermen in coordinating with our Diplomatic Missions and the Ministry of Fisheries, Out of 144 fishermen 131 fishermen were detained by the Indian authorities with 29 fishing vessels. Of the two fishing vessels detained in the Andaman Islands for almost one year, one vessel with 5 fishermen were repatriated on 12th November 2011 and the other vessel was released by the end of year 2011 following successful negotiations by the Sri Lanka Missions in New Delhi and Chennai with the relevant Indian authorities in coordination with the Consular Division.




Public Communications Division

The Public Communications Division (PC) acts as the Ministry‟s interface between the Government and the external actors in terms of information dissemination and projection of Sri Lanka‟s image as well as the promotion of its interests abroad through our diplomatic Missions and the international media. The main subjects that come under the purview of the PC Division include engaging the media in the conduct of diplomatic relations, communication and public diplomacy, promotion of Sri Lanka and its interests abroad, countering adverse propaganda and interaction with the diaspora, projection of the Government‟s points of view and relevant issues internationally.

At a time when the conduct of the Ministry and Sri Lanka Missions abroad has come under greater scrutiny by the public and the media in the face of new and emerging trends/challenges, the PC Division has taken upon itself the task of pro-actively engaging the Missions abroad in the pursuit of a vigorous and effective promotional campaign, targeting certain countries in Western Europe, North America and the Far East. Considering the changing realities in the contemporary world and the international reaction to the post-war developments in Sri Lanka, the Ministry of External Affairs has initiated a coordinated strategy to address the issues and concerns expressed by certain sections of the international community and the media, including the civil society with regard to allegations on human rights, war crimes and accountability.

During the period under review, the PC Division under the direction of the Hon. Minister, spearheaded action in collaboration with relevant Government institutions to promote Sri Lanka‟s image and its interests abroad through activities organized by our overseas Missions. This pre-emptive strategy was specially necessitated in view of sustained attempts by anti-Government elements abroad including the overseas network of the LTTE, some sections of the diaspora and international media to challenge and discredit the Government with allegations of war crimes, human rights violations, accountability issues against Government leaders, members of the security forces and officials. The PC Division is carrying out its work to

58 counter anti-Government propaganda by constantly engaging with other relevant institutions such as the Ministries of Defence, Human Rights, Rehabilitation, Mass Media and Information and other agencies.

The PC Division has been responsible for keeping our Missions abroad duly updated with current information on the Government‟s perspective on issues of concern raised by anti- Government elements and lobbyists. The PC Division is constantly monitoring media coverage/reports on Sri Lanka in the print and electronic media including the internet. When it becomes necessary, the Division also issues rebuttals to the media to counter false or adverse propaganda. The PC Division has been dispatching daily media feeds to Sri Lanka Missions abroad with a view to updating them on all issues of relevance to Sri Lanka vis-à-vis international developments that have ramifications on Sri Lanka‟s security, political, socio economic and regional/sub-regional interests.

In the aftermath of allegations of war crimes allegations which surfaced in the Channel 4 footage as well as by other media the PC Division under the instructions given by Secretary/External Affairs made concerted efforts to refute such allegations by projecting the Government‟s point of view in key capitals through programmes/presentations organized by our Missions abroad with the aid of the Defence Ministry report “Humanitarian Operation: Factual Analysis” and its video “Lies Agreed upon”. Several Sri Lankan Missions abroad (such as Missions based in New York, Washington, London, Geneva, Canberra, New Delhi, Bangkok etc) have arranged the screening of the Defence Ministry video in their capitals and have organized presentations for target groups which has helped to counter the wave of anti-Sri Lanka propaganda. Over 2500 copies of the report and over 500 copies of the video produced by the Defence Ministry were distributed to Sri Lanka Missions abroad.

On the direction of the Hon. Minister and the Secretary/External Affairs, the PC Division took action to reconstruct the Ministry and Sri Lanka Missions‟ websites in line with current trends and the latest technological advances. Accordingly, the


Ministry and the Missions websites have been revamped and modified to make them more effective and user friendly with a new outlook and additional features.

During the period under review, the PC Division has taken a number of initiatives to present the latest information on Sri Lanka, and its policies to the international community through the dissemination of reports and statements issued by the Government Ministries and Departments on matters ranging from protection of human rights, media freedom, strengthening of democracy, good governance, promotion of communal harmony and civil liberties, etc. The Missions have been duly briefed with daily news feeds, and other important news and information on all matters of concern.

A large number of foreign journalists have also visited Sri Lanka on familiarization tours, goodwill and official visits undertaking documentary features, news reporting and special assignments. Such visits have helped enhance Sri Lanka‟s profile in the international community, as well as a greater understanding of Sri Lanka and her interests.

The PC Division worked with the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Mass Media and Information and the Department of Information in the compilation of reports and publications that have been of benefit to the Ministry and Sri Lanka Missions abroad towards promoting Sri Lanka‟s image/profile abroad as well as countering adverse propaganda. The reports/publications compiled with the PC Division‟s help include the “Sri Lanka - Emerging Wonder of Asia”, “Path to destruction through Tamil Blood” , “Special documentary on CHOGM – 2013”, “Special Supplements on H.E. the President‟s 6th Anniversary in Office”, “Sri Lanka Promotional video” etc.

The PC Division has been coordinating preparative work with other Divisions in the Ministry regarding to arrangements to showcase the work/ activities/progress of the External Affairs Ministry and its Missions abroad at the Deyata Kirula Exhibition in 2012.


The PC Division during the period under review has coordinated the release of over 75 media/press releases pertaining to the activities/events organized by the Ministry.

The PC Division has devised a mechanism to implement the electronic mode of PC related document management and inward and outward document flows. The proposed system will facilitate document circulation and transmission between the PC Division and Sri Lanka Missions abroad in an effective manner and will minimize delays and the cost of communication.

VVIP Visits – 2011

01. Visit of Hon. Mr. Yasuo Fukuda, Former Prime Minister of Japan on 16th July

02. Visit of H.E Mohamed Nasheed President of the Republic of Maldives from 16th August – 18th August

03. H.E. S.R. Nathan, former President of Singapore 5th -10th September 2011.

04. Visit to Sri Lanka by H.E Trong Tang Sang, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and 145 – member delegation from 13th – 15th October 2011

05. Visit of H.E Mohamed Nasheed, President of the Republic of Maldives from 25th to 28th December 2011.

VIP Visits – 2011

01. Visit of Minister of Expatriates welfare and overseas Employment of Bangladesh from 13th -16thJanuary 2011.

02. Visit of Catherine Bragg, UN Asst. Secretary General from 19th – 21st January 2011.

03. Visit of Hon. Lyonpo Minjur Dorji, Minister of Home and Cultural Affairs of Bhutan to Sri Lanka (5th to 9th February 2011)


04. Visit of H.E. Dr. Ir Fadel Muhammad, Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia (26th – 28th January 2011).

05. Visit of Mrs. Nirupama Rao, Foreign Secretary of India to Sri Lanka (30th - 31st January 2011)

06. Visit of Vice Minister of Commerce of the People‟s Republic of China from 23rd to 26th February 2011.

07. Visit by Prof. David de Kretser, Governor of the State of Victoria, Australia to Sri Lanka (14th – 15th March 2011)

08. Visit by Hon. Antonio Patriotra, Minister of External Relations Brazil from 5th -7th March 2011.

09. Visit by H.E. Mrs. Margaret Alva, Governor Uttar Pradesh India(from 6th – 9th March 2011)

10. Visit of Hon. Shaward Power, Minister of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Food and Public Relations of India (President of ICC) (5th – 6th March 2011)

11. Visit of Hon. Shadatullah, Federal Minister of Sports of Pakistan (18th – 21st March 2011)

12. Visit by H.E. Thomas Chalupa, Minister of Environment of the (Czech Republic 16th – 19th April 2011)

13. Visit of Hon. Shaward, Power, Minister of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Food Public Distribution of India (President of Ice) (29th – 30th March 2011)

14. Ninth SAARC Conference in Police Matters and Fourth Meeting of Focol Points of the STOMD, Colombo (4th – 5th April 2011)

15. Visit of Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan on 3rd – 04thMay 2011

16. Visit of Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister on 26th – 28th May 2011

17. Visit of Hon. Tomas Dub, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the (Czech Republic) from 01st June – 05th June 2011


18. Visit of the Agriculture Minister of Israel to Sri Lanka (03rd – 07th May 2011)

19. Visit to Sri Lanka by four – member Delegation from the Australia. Sri Lanka Parliamentary Friendship Group, (6th - 11th June 2011)

20. Visit to Sri Lanka by H.E. Shajahan Khan, Minister of Shipping in Bangladesh and Four (A) Member Delegation (07th to 11th June 2011)

21. Visit of H.E. Dr. Fathimath Dhiyana Saeed, SG of SAARC, from 20th to 23rd June 2011.

22. Visit of Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

23. Official visit of Dr. Liam Fox, MP, Secretary of State for Defence of UK

24. Visit of H.E U Maung Myint, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar.

25. Visit of Hon. Maria Ahmad Didi Senior Parliamentarian of Maldives. (01st August 2001)

26. Visit of Marine Gollyot Special Envoy from Canada

27. Visit of H.E. Ahmed Shaheed Special Reporter of the UN for the Republic of Iran.

28. Visit of Hon. Tholhath Ibrahim Minister of Defence and National Security of Maldives 11th – 14th October 2011

29. Visit by Ibrahim Smile Ibrahim, Deputy Minister of International Relation and Co-oporation 15th – 19th November

30. H.E. Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani, Prime Minister & Foreign Minister of State of Qatar (5th – 13th December 2011)

Visit of Delegations – 2011

01. Visit to Sri Lanka by South-Asia Delegation of the European parliament 22nd - 25th, February


02. 15th Annual Session of the Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALO), Hotel Cinnamon Lake Side from 26th June 1st July

03. 27th Asian Parliamentarians meeting on population and Development (APDA) Sri Lanka 18th – 19th July

04. 8 member Delegation from Gazprom- Russian Federation, September

05. Visit of Hon. Minister of Trade & Industry of Czech Republic & 70 Member delegation on 13th October, 2011

06. Visit by US Congressional delegation to Sri Lanka 20th October 2011.

07. Visit by Pakistan Demining team 13th – 20th October 2011.

08. Visit to Australian Parliamentary Delegation 08th – 14th December 2011

09. Visit to EU Parliamentary Delegation 06th – 09th December 2011.


Annex II

Subject Description Remarks Media Accreditation for This Division issues The Division had foreign media personnel recommendations for recommended media media accreditation to accreditation for 201 visiting foreign journalists journalist/media crew /media personnel and film


Facilitating film groups This Division assists film This Division had crews who visit Sri Lanka b assisted 21 filming obtaining necessary groups during the period clearance for their filming under review.

by liasing with line agencies

Issuing media releases & This Division organizes The Division had media coverage for organized 19 media organizing press briefings Ministry related activities, briefings and issued 146 press briefings etc. and media releases on behalf

issue press releases on of the Ministry during the behalf of the Ministry. period under review.

Media coverage for VIP The Division Organizes This Division had and media coverage for VVIP organized media visits and provides coverage for 30 VIP visits VVIP visits assistance to accompanying and 04 VVIP visit for the media delegations period under review.




Legal Division

A general description of the core areas of the functions of the Legal Division

The basic function of the Legal Division of the Ministry of External Affairs since its inception in 1967, is to furnish legal advice on matters of International Law to the Minister through the Ministry‟s Secretary and to the other Divisions of the Ministry of External Affairs as well as to the Sri Lankan Missions abroad and Foreign Missions in Sri Lanka.

Principal areas in which the Legal Division furnishes advice to Divisions

Legal Division provides advice on legal aspects of all policy decisions and particularly international issues arising from time to time, on territorial claims and boundaries, recognition of treaty relations, diplomatic immunities and privileges etc.

The Legal Division also advises on matters of International Law to all other Ministries and Government Departments involved in foreign transactions covering a wide range of subjects such as Shipping, Civil Aviation, International Trade and Investment. Further, the Legal Division is also involved in convening, holding negotiations and finalizing treaties on Judicial Cooperation such as Extradition, Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal, Civil and Commercial matters, Avoidance of Double Taxation, Investment Protection and Promotion, Transfer of Prisoners, Readmission, Migration, Labour and Manpower and Law of the Sea.

Interpretation of documents relating to Sri Lanka Foreign Service, contracts and agreements entered into by Sri Lanka‟s Mission abroad on local recruitment of labour, issues relating to Diplomatic and Consular Privileges and Immunities of Sri Lanka‟s Missions abroad as well as Foreign Mission in Sri Lanka and few of the administrative areas in which the Division is consulted.

Negotiations & Conclusion of Agreements

Air Services

1. Kenya – Air Services Agreement between Sri Lanka and Kenya negotiated two years back was signed on in January 2011.

2. United Kingdom – Negotiations with UK was held in February 2011. Agreed on a new Air Services Agreement and enhancement of traffic rights for the satisfaction of both sides.

3. South Africa – Air talks were held in March 2011 and an Air Services Agreement and traffic rights were agreed.


4. India – Bilateral air services negotiation was held with India in April 2011 and agreed to a major increase of frequencies between Sri Lanka and India, particularly between Colombo-Chennai v.v Sector.

5. Ukraine - Air Services Agreement negotiated in 2010 October, was signed on 04th August 2011, in Kiev. As a result of this Ukrainian Airlines has commenced operations to Sri Lanka.

6. Russia – Bilateral Air talks were held with Russia in July 2011, and a new Air Services Agreement was negotiated and finalized. As a result Sri Lankan Airlines and Aeroflot commenced operations.

7. Philippines – Air talks were held in July 2011 and a new Air Services Agreement including enhancement of Traffic rights were agreed.

8. International Civil Aviation Air Services Negotiations Conference(ICAN) was held in Mumbai in October 2011. At the Conference bilateral negotiations were held with Azerbaijan, Bahrain, India, Poland Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Spain, Canada, Iceland and with Jamaica. Agreements were concluded with some of these countries.

9. EU Sri Lanka Horizontal Air services Agreement - Agreement was initialed on 27th October 2011 and action is been taken to sign same.


1. Currently, Investment Agreements with Qatar, Jordan, Bahrain, Oman, Ukraine, Russia and Bangladesh are being negotiated.

2. Czech Republic – Investment Agreement negotiated and agreed in 2007, was signed in March 2011. Action has been taken to table this in Parliament.

3. Vietnam and Kuwait These agreements were signed in 2011, action has been taken to table these in Parliament. 4. Bangladesh – Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement between Sri Lanka/Bangladesh was negotiated in September 2011. Action will be taken to finalize the same early.

5. Qatar – Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement between Sri Lanka and Qatar was negotiated in December 2011. Action will be taken to finalize the same early.


Double taxation

Double Taxation Agreements with Saudi Arabia, Palestine – Negotiations have been concluded and the Cabinet Approval has been obtained for signature.


Switzerland – The Agreement and its Implementing Protocol were finalized for signature subject to minor amendments to the Implementing Protocol. Cabinet Approval to sign the Agreement and the Protocol was sought. Awaiting for the observations of the Attorney General and the Ministry of Finance at the request of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Maritime Transport Agreement with India

Agreement on Ferry Services between Tuticorin and Colombo – Negotiated and signed during the year enabling to commence the Ferry Service

Judicial Cooperation Agreements

1. Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (MLA/CM) and in Civil and Commercial Matters (MLA/CCM)

Two MLA Agreements in Criminal Matters were finalized with the Russian federation in July 2011 and with the UAE in October 20111 which are ready for signature at a High Level State visit. Negotiations are pending with Iran , Kuwait, Spain, Switzerland, Maldives and UAE (on MLA/CCM).

Negotiations between Sri Lanka and UAE were held in July 2011 on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters. Agreement was finalized for signature.

2. Extradition

An Extradition Agreement with UAE was also finalized in October 2011, which is ready for signature. Negotiations are pending with Oman, Iran, Spain and Kuwait and the Russian Federation.

For the year 2011, action had been taken with regard to number of MLA requests (approximately 20 – 25) received from various countries.

A separate Inter Ministerial Committee on MLA and Extradition was established in January 2011 to discuss and to take immediate action on the requests received from the countries with which we have bilateral


Agreements and other Commonwealth countries. These monthly meetings are being attended to by this division.

Special Projects

Continental Shelf Submission of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka presented its submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) in May 2009. An oral presentation is scheduled to be held by Sri Lanka to the CLCS during the second half of 2012. Sri Lanka‟s submission is scheduled to be taken for consideration by the CLCS in 2025. Accordingly, the Legal Division with the Inter-Ministerial Committee chaired by Secretary/External Affairs is currently in the process of preparing for these presentations.

Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement with India (CEPA)

The Legal Division was involved in CEPA negotiations from its inception and has attended most of the inter-ministerial meeting held in this regard as well as with the meetings held with the Indian side in Colombo to finalize its Chapters during 2011 as well.

Conferences attended

Actively participated at a seminar on the “Promotion of Accession to the International Counter Terrorism Conventions and Protocols including the threat of CBRNE Terrorism” held from 23-24th February 2011, in Tokyo, Japan. A joint paper on the Accession to the International Counter Terrorism Conventions by Sri Lanka and the implementation process of the Security Council Resolutions by Sri Lanka was submitted.

Actively participated at the Hague Regional Conference (HCCH) on Private International Law which was held in Manila on October 2011. Sri Lanka fully supported the initiative taken by the Government of PR of China to set up a regional HCCH Office in Hong Kong which was highly acknowledged by both HCCH in the Hague and the Government of PR of China.

Provided assistance at the 18th ASEAN Regional Forum of Foreign Ministers in Bali on 23rd July 2011.

Conferences organized

The Legal Division, together with the Ministry of Justice and the Attorney General‟s Department organized the Fiftieth Annual Session (Golden Jubilee Session) of the Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) held in Colombo Sri Lanka

70 from 27th June -01st July 2011, with the high level participation of around 250 delegates form the Asian African region.

UN matters

Implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions

The legal division being a Member of the Inter Ministerial committee on the implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions 1267 & 1373 has taken all necessary steps for the early implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions 1267 & 1373. Presently the draft regulations drafted by the Committee have been forwarded to the Legal Draftsman, for final clearance prior to obtaining the concurrence of the Attorney General, before submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers.

Preparation of Briefs for UNGA 6th committee

Briefs for 6th Committee proceedings at the 67th UNGA Session was prepared by the Legal Division stating the country position on the numerous issues to be discussed at the 6th Committee.

Inter Ministerial / Committee Meetings attended by this Division

The ministry is represented by the Legal Division at the following – a/ Marine Environmental Protection Authority (MEPA) b/ National Steering Committee on the Clinical Trials Initiative in Sri Lanka c/ Trans Boundary Oil and Gas Fields Straddling across the India-Sri Lanka Maritime Boundary d/Inter Ministerial Committee on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and on Extradition e/Inter Ministerial Committee Meeting on the Implementation of UN Security council Resolution 1267 & 1373 f/Advisory Board Meetings of the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka g/Joint commission meeting between Sri Lanka and India on the Ferry Services Agreement between Tuticorin and Colombo h/Inter ministerial meetings on Air services i/Inter Ministerial meetings on BIMSTEC j/Steering committee on Task force on India – Sri Lanka Electricity Transmission

71 k/Participated at the International Conference on Red Cross and Red Crescent on International Humanitarian Law l/Participated at the Governing Board Meeting of the SAARC Arbitration Council Meeting in Islamabad in December 2011.

List of Agreements cleared and prepared by the Legal Division are as given below;

1. MoU on Bilateral Co-operation and Friendly Exchanges bet. The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPCC) Shanghai Committee and Western Province Provincial (WPPC) of Sri Lanka 2. MOU bet. Ministry of Ports & Highways of the DSR of SL & the Ministry of Shipping of the Government of the Republic of India 3. Bilateral Air Transport Agreement bet. Sri Lanka and Kenya 4. MOU on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations bet. The Government of the DSR of SL and the Government of the Dominican Republic 5. MoU bet. The Ministry of External Affairs of Sri Lanka and the Ministry of External Relations of the Federative Republic of Brazil for the Establishment of a Mechanism for Political Consultation 6. Agreement bet. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Federative Republic of Brazil on Exemption of Visa Requirements for Holders of Diplomatic, Official or Service Passports 7. Agreement bet. Sri Lanka and the Czech Republic for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments 8. Agreement bet. Sri Lanka and the Czech Republic for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investment 9. MOU bet. Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council 10. Cultural, Education and scientific Exchange Programme bet. SL and People's Republic of Bangladesh (for the Year 2011-2014) 11. MOU bet. The Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (TVEC) of the Sri Lanka and the Directorate of Technical Education of the Bangladesh on Exchange of Documentation on Vocational Qualification 12. MOU bet. Sri Lanka and the People's Republic of Bangladesh 13. MOU bet. Sri Lanka Represented by the Export Development Board and Bangladesh Represented by the Export Promotion Bureau 14. Agreement bet. Sri Lanka and the Government of the State of Israel on Cooperation in the field of Agriculture 15. Agreement bet. Attorney General's Dep. Of the Sri Lanka and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation 16. Agreement for the Mutual Recognition of Driving Licences between Sri Lanka and Italy


17. Shipping Services Agreement bet. The Government of DSR of Sri Lanka and the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh 18. Headquarters Agreement between the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the SAARC Cultural Centre (SCC) 19. Agreement bet. Sri Lanka and the Kingdom of Bahrain for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on income 20. MOU on Judicial Cooperation bet. The Ministry of Justice of the DSR of Sri Lanka and the Ministry of Justice of the Arab Republic of Egypt 21. MOU bet. The High Commission of the Republic of India in Sri Lanka and the University of Colombo of the DSR of Sri Lanka to establish a Centre for Contemporary Indian Studies (CCIS) 22. Indemnity Agreement between Sri Lanka and the Republic of India on Wreck removal work at Kankesanthurai Harbour, Sri Lanka 23. MOU bet. Sri Lanka and Republic of India on the Rehabilitation of the Harbour at Kankesanthurai, Sri Lanka 24. Agreement bet. The Government of DSR of Sri Lanka and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for Air Services 25. MOU between Sri Lanka and the India for Setting Up of a three-Tier English Language Training System in Sri Lanka 26. Agreement bet. Sri Lanka and the Republic of Seychelles for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income 27. Agreement on Bilateral Cooperation on Labour Migration bet. The Government of SL and and the Government of Sri Lanka 28. MOU on Cooperation bet. Ministry of Finance and Planning of the DSR of SL and Ministry of Finance of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 29. MOU on Defence Cooperation bet. The Ministry of Defence of the DSR of SL and the Ministry of National Defence of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 30. Agreement on Educational Cooperation bet. Ministry of Higher Education of the DSR of SL and Ministry of Education and Training of the SR of Vietnam 31. Term Gasoil Sales Agreement No. 01-GO/PVOSN-CPC/2011 32. MOU on Two way Investment Promotion Cooperation bet. Board of Investment of the DSR of SL and Foreign Investment Agency of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 33. MOU bet. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the DSR of SL and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the SR of Vietnam on Machinery Manufacturing Cooperation 34. MOU bet. The Presidential Secretariat of the DSR of SL and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the SR of Vietnam on Cooperation in Petroleum Sector 35. MOU bet. The Ministry of External Affairs of the DSR of SL and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the SR of Vietnam on the Bilateral Political Consultations 36. Seventh Session of the Sri Lanka - India Joint Commission (Agreed Minutes)




Overseas Administration Division

The Overseas Administration Division (OAD) is responsible for the management of the 60 Sri Lanka Missions abroad and the supervision of administrative functions of the Missions and personnel, conducting of the open competitive examination for recruitment to the Sri Lanka Foreign Service as well as to select Public Management Assistants to serve in Missions abroad, and the opening of new Missions.

(i) Recruitment to the Sri Lanka Foreign Service

The Examination for the Recruitment to Grade III of the Sri Lanka Foreign Service was conducted in February and March 2011. Results have been released and interviews to recruit a new batch of officers were conducted on 22nd and 23rd November 2011. This intake is expected to be absorbed to the Ministry in early 2012.

The Open Competitive Examination for recruitment of another batch of officers to the Sri Lanka Foreign Service in 2012 will be gazetted in December 2011. This examination is expected to be held in February 2012.

(ii) Appointing new Heads of Mission

Twenty one (21) Heads of Mission were appointed during the year 2011. A comprehensive familiarization programme for them was arranged and conducted by the Ministry in collaboration with other line Ministries, government institutions and private sector organizations such as leading Chambers of Commerce. These Heads of Mission- designate also had the opportunity to visit the North and the East to observe the development activities taking place in the two provinces.

(iii) Transfer of SLFS officers

Twenty five (25) officers of the Sri Lanka Foreign Service were transferred from the Ministry to Missions abroad and vice versa. During this period, 40 other officers of diplomatic rank were appointed to overseas Missions on contract basis by the


Cabinet of Ministers. The Overseas Administration Division attended to the logistical arrangements relating to the postings of these officers.

(iv) Recruitment and Transfer of Officers of the Public Management Assistants’ Service (PMAS)

Forty five (45) PMAS officers who completed their tours of duty abroad were transferred to the Ministry during the year 2011.

The Open Competitive Examination to recruit 73 PMAS officers was conducted by the Commissioner General of Examinations in January 2011 at the request of this Ministry. These officers have now been selected and are in the process of making arrangements to leave for their postings.

(v) Training facilities for SLFS Officers

The Overseas Administration Division has facilitated 18 SLFS officers to attend training programmes in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, China, Japan, Australia, U.S.A., Iran and Republic of Korea. These programmes were conducted in areas ranging from bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, international law, human rights, security studies, and international trade negotiations, aimed at career development of diplomatic officers.

In addition, 04 SLFS officers have been selected for post-graduate studies under the Australian Development Aid Programme. They will be pursuing their courses in Universities such as the Australian National University, Monash University and University of Sydney.

(vi) Opening of new Diplomatic Missions

The Overseas Administration Division has initiated action to open the following Missions:

a. Embassy in Ankara - Turkey


b. Consulate General in Guangzhou - China

c. Consulate General in Melbourne – Australia

Action has also been initiated to re-open the Embassy in Baghdad shortly.

(vii) Purchase and construction of buildings for Sri Lanka Missions Abroad

Action has been initiated for the construction of buildings and to purchase properties at the following stations, the progress of which is as follows: a. Construction of the Chancery and the Residence of the Deputy High Commissioner in Chennai, India (completed). b. Demolition and rebuilding of the Sri Lanka High Commissioner‟s Residence in London (construction is in progress). c. Construction of the Chancery for the Sri Lanka High Commission in Canberra, Australia (completed). d. Construction of the minor employees‟ quarters of the High Commission in New Delhi, India (completed). e. Purchase of a property for the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN in New York (completed). f. Action has been taken to purchase properties for the Mission in Oman.

(viii) Rehabilitation of Buildings and Acquisition of Capital Assets a. Rehabilitation of buildings – Refurbishment work was done to 43 buildings owned by the Government of Sri Lanka abroad. b. Purchase of Vehicles for Missions – Seventeen (17) Missions were provided with new vehicles.


(ix) Functions of the Travel Unit

The Travel Unit assisted a large number of Cabinet of Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Members of Parliament, other politicians and government officials when they undertook official travel abroad. In addition, this Unit assisted Sri Lankan delegations which participated in conferences and meetings of the UNGA, Human Rights Council, SAARC, IORARC, BIMSTEC, CHOGM and other international organizations.




General Administration Division

The General Administration Division (GAD) is entrusted with matters relating to human resources management, provision of logistics, maintenance of buildings and equipment, procurement, transport, communication facilities and training and all other interconnected activities of the Ministry.

With respect to human resources development, the GAD has facilitated the training of 72 Public Management Assistants who have been selected to be posted to Sri Lanka Missions abroad. Many other training programmes have also been conducted for the Ministry staff during the year.

During 2011, the GAD has facilitated the completion of major construction work of the Republic Building premises of the Ministry, which involved the renovation of the roof, the construction of new rest/wash rooms and other related refurbishment work at a total cost of Rs. 30 million. It has also been able to procure of office equipment and related services amounting to Rs. 15 million for the Ministry.

The GAD has also conducted functions to celebrate national, religious and cultural events in the Ministry.

Provision of transport and other related logistics for credential ceremonies of foreign Ambassadors and High Commissioners-designate, State visits and visits by VVIPs and other foreign delegations has also been facilitated by the GAD. During 2011, it has facilitated 06 Credentials ceremonies and 23 visits including the State visit by His Excellency the President of Vietnam and international conferences held in Sri Lanka.

A significant achievement of the GAD during the period under review has been the identification of 3.5 acre plot of land in Battaramulla to relocate the Ministry of External Affairs, for which Cabinet approval has been obtained.





Head : 112 (1) Expenditure against provisions of the year 2011 are as follows

(a) Recurrent :-

Description Total Total Percentage of Provision Expenditure Expenditure Rs. Rs. on provision

Personal Emoluments 3,380,893,310 3,380,485,000 100

Other Recurrent Expenditure 2,679,755,170 2,673,375,399 100

Total 6,060,648,480 6,053,860,399 100

(b ) Capital :-

Object Description Total Total Percentage of Code Provision Expenditure Expenditure Rs. Rs. on provision Rehabilitation & Improvements of Capital Assets

2001 Buildings & Structures 134,185,500 102,410,117 76

2002 Plant, Machinery & Equipment 8,500,000 2,795,661 33

2003 Vehicles 22,000,000 18,380,658 84

Acquisition of Capital Assets

2101 Vehicles 109,074,750 104,154,417 95

2102 Furniture & Office Equipment 67,400,000 67,293,165 100

2103 Plant, Machinery & Equipment 12,680,500 11,754,726 93

2104 Buildings & Structures 620,404,000 620,402,640 100

Capacity Building

2401 Training & Capacity Building 1,765,000 1,763,633 100

Other Capital Expenditure 2502(01) Facilitating in Promotion of External Trade & Tourism 100,000 14,829 15

2502(03) DEOCOM 1,115,000 1,113,246 100

Total 977,224,750 930,083,092 95

(2) Actual against Prescribed Limits in case of Advance Account


Maximum Debit Description Maximum Debit Minimum Credit balance

Prescribed Limit 27,475,000 17,000,000 110,000,000

Actual Amount - 1120011 21,094,181 21,807,127 97,284,771

Actual Amount - 1120012 15,901,173 10,778,715 5,122,458 Total Actual Amount 36,995,354 32,585,842 102,407,229


Network of Diplomatic Missions Abroad

Oslo Stockholm Moscow The Hague Warsaw London Berlin Brussels Frankfurt Paris Vienna Toronto Ottawa Geneva Rome Beijing New York Seoul Washington Tehran Los Angeles Tokyo Beirut Baghdad Islamabad Tripoli Tel Aviv Ramallah City Chengdu Shanghai Kuwait Kathmandu Cairo Amman Doha Delhi Riyadh Dubai Havana Karachi Dhaka Abu Dhabi Muscat Hanoi Jeddah Mumbai Yangon Manila Chennai Bangkok Kuala Lumpur Singapore Nairobi Male Jakarta


Pretoria Sydney Canberra



Hon. Minister of External Affairs

Hon. Dy. Minister of External Affairs

Hon. Monitoring M. P

Secretary Ministry of External Affairs

Addl. Secretary Addl. Secretary Addl. Secretary Addl. Secretary Political Affairs/West Economic Affairs, East Asia Political Affairs/Middle East Administration UN, MA & Conferences & Pacific and Africa and Consular Affairs and Finance

Europe, CIS, DivisionCTU Americas, &

Internal Audit & Investigation Division

UN, DivisionConferences MA &

General AdministrationGeneral Division

Overseas AdministrationOverseas Division

Public Communication Division

East AsiaEast & PacificDivision

SouthAsia & SAARC Division

Economic Affairs Division

Middle Division East

Consular Division


Finance Division


Legal DivisionLegal rica Division