BasicBlocker: ISA Redesign to Make Spectre-Immune CPUs Faster Jan Philipp Thoma Jakob Feldtkeller Markus Krausz
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Horst-Görtz Institute Horst-Görtz Institute Horst-Görtz Institute Ruhr-University Bochum Ruhr-University Bochum Ruhr-University Bochum Bochum, Germany Bochum, Germany Bochum, Germany Tim Güneysu Daniel J. Bernstein
[email protected] [email protected] Horst-Görtz Institute Horst-Görtz Institute Ruhr-University Bochum Ruhr-University Bochum Bochum, Germany Bochum, Germany DFKI GmbH, Cyber-Physical Systems University of Illinois at Chicago Bremen, Germany Chicago, USA ABSTRACT sophisticated branch predictors appeared in several CPUs in the Recent research has revealed an ever-growing class of microar- 1980s, and in Intel’s first Pentium CPU in 1993. chitectural attacks that exploit speculative execution, a standard Software analyses in the 1980s such as [16] reported that pro- feature in modern processors. Proposed and deployed countermea- grams branched every 4–6 instructions. Each branch needed 3 extra sures involve a variety of compiler updates, firmware updates, and cycles on the Pentium, a significant cost on top of 4–6 instructions, hardware updates. None of the deployed countermeasures have especially given that the Pentium could often execute 2 instruc- convincing security arguments, and many of them have already tions per cycle. However, speculative execution removed this cost been broken. whenever the branch was predicted correctly. The obvious way to simplify the analysis of speculative-execution Subsequent Intel CPUs split instructions into more pipeline attacks is to eliminate speculative execution. This is normally dis- stages to support out-of-order execution and to allow higher clock missed as being unacceptably expensive, but the underlying cost speeds.