The Pilgrim Rabbit

Around and about St Mary’s Church Keeping you in touch August 2020 (Special issue)

We are continuing to produce our series of Special Issues of The Pilgrim Rabbit to maintain interest in the heritage of our beautiful church during the COVID-19 situation. These are being produced in digital form only at present, to reduce costs and enable us to produce them more frequently. Please forward this digital version on to anybody who might be interested. Anyone is able to opt in to receive future copies by emailing the church using the address on the back page. All past issues are also available on the website at

“I like this church” Throughout the 30 years he lived in wrote to his long term companion , Beverley East Yorkshire Philip Larkin was a Monica Jones: and St Mary’s frequent visitor to Beverley and he has an association with several “Beverley didn’t make a great Philip Pullen landmarks in the town. The walk impression on me: I went to the Minster and also into the Parish For the past three years as part of the begins at the Beverley Arms, near Church (almost as big) but did not ‘Walking East Yorkshire Festival’, I plaque number 23 of the ‘Larkin Trail’ really grasp much. The Parish Church have been privileged to run a town and ends inside St Mary’s. Both of had a lovely painted roof, with all the walk based on Philip Larkin’s these places were well known to early kings of (or so I Beverley. Sadly this year, as a result Larkin and held some significance in imagined them to be) over the choir. of the pandemic, the event has had his life. There was also a beautiful street of to be postponed until next year. In Philip Larkin, who many would argue mansions & chestnut trees called this article I explore some of the was the greatest English poet of the North Bar Without. But the town was places visited during the walk, 20th century, arrived in East Yorkshire too busy for my liking, & had no including St Mary’s church. on the 20th March 1955 to take up his bookshop (I confirmed this by verbal position as Librarian at the enquiry). I don’t think I really want to . Initially he live there: too far and too large. It’s stayed in a series of temporary funny how one sometimes has a very lodgings in Cottingham. The first quick and definite impression about of these was Holtby House, then liking a place, isn’t it?” a university hall of residence which had once been the family A day later, he wrote in similar vein home of Winifred Holtby, the to his mother: esteemed novelist and author of “Yesterday I cycled to Beverley in the ‘South Riding’, parts of which are afternoon and looked round. It is an set in Beverley. extremely busy little place, rather During the first few months of his overcrowded with motorists, and residence Larkin spent much time although part of it are very pretty I exploring the local countryside, found it had no bookshop and this set chiefly by bicycle. On 16th April me against it. I stayed for dinner 1955 he made his first visit to (melon, steak, & raspberry & apple tart, with a glass of burgundy) and Beverley, a six mile cycle journey which he managed to complete cycled back between 8 and 8.30. Feel in an impressive 35 minutes. His very stiff today in consequence! My The Larkin Trail plaque “I usually pedal miles & initial views of the town were muscles really are awful – like miles at the weekend, always ending up in the somewhat mixed. On returning perished rubber.” Beverley Arms for tea.” to Cottingham that evening he

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’. day


he wrote to her in July 1955. 1955. July in her to wrote he ”, rabbit

twist, and the pubs/Wide open all all open pubs/Wide the and twist,

New Walk, Beverley, probably taken in in taken probably Beverley, Walk, New

s and found the the found and s ’ Mary St into went

advertisements/For cocoa and and cocoa advertisements/For

s photograph of Monica Jones on on Jones Monica of photograph s ’ Larkin

In Beverley I I Beverley In “ ’). Bunny Dearest ‘ ’, Bun tin tin ‘ of images war - pre s ’ poem the

Dear Dear ‘ or ’, Rabbit Dear ‘ words the with right place in which to contemplate contemplate to which in place right

would often start his letters to her her to letters his start often would Beverley seemed to be exactly the the exactly be to seemed Beverley

conversations and endearments (he (he endearments and conversations Somehow, this ancient part of of part ancient this Somehow,

distinctive feature of their private private their of feature distinctive about the First World War. War. World First the about

stories, and rabbit imagery was a a was imagery rabbit and stories, the most sadly overlooked poems poems overlooked sadly most the

great devotees of the Beatrix Potter Potter Beatrix the of devotees great one of of one ’, MCMXIV ‘ poem moving

Pilgrim Rabbit. He and Monica were were Monica and He Rabbit. Pilgrim s s ’ Larkin consider to place good

so much was his discovery of the the of discovery his was much so Standing by the memorial is also a a also is memorial the by Standing

s s ’ Mary St liked Larkin reason Another ." ." alas short, are Memories now. do

s strange how few people people few how strange s ’ It poppy.

round. lie dead many so that only If

hour, though I wore my my wore I though hour, 11 the at

in wise grow th

t stop work work stop t ’ didn I afraid m ’ I “ 1971,

Which he once heard was proper to to proper was heard once he Which

he wrote to his mother in in mother his to wrote he ”, month

ground this to it with gravitating And

eleventh day of the eleventh eleventh the of day eleventh


The The “ ceremonies. Armistice

” there). hang to used A hunger in himself to be more more be to himself in hunger A

solid respect for the annual annual the for respect solid

surprising that one the remember (you kitchen

s s ’ Larkin note to which in place

one or two of the old Beverley Arms Arms Beverley old the of two or one Since someone will forever be be forever will someone Since

in Memorial Gardens. It is a fitting fitting a is It Gardens. Memorial in

obsolete be can never much that And are There too. are they nice very “&

Larkin walk is at the war memorial memorial war the at is walk Larkin

wrote to Monica Jones in May 1971, 1971, May in Jones Monica to wrote

The last stopping point during the the during point stopping last The

he he ”, Gallery Art Beverley in Elwells destinies.

afternoon I finally went to see the the see to went finally I afternoon Are recognised and robed as as robed and recognised Are

Jenny ‘ Walton Lillian by 1950’ Café s ’

This This “ legacy. artistic s ’ town meet compulsions

Larkin was also a devotee of the the of devotee a also was Larkin In whose blent air all our our all air blent whose In

is it

.” are you creature old

A serious house on serious earth earth serious on house serious A

Makes me think what a splendid splendid a what think me Makes

s not nearly 70! 70! nearly not s ’ he And tired. think:

is all swollen up & he seems easily easily seems he & up swollen all is great poem makes this clear, I I clear, this makes poem great

t seem very well: his mouth mouth his well: very seem t ’ doesn our lives. The final stanza of this this of stanza final The lives. our

Lewis Lewis - Day Poor “ 1968. November religious belief and its place in in place its and belief religious

he told his mother in in mother his told he ”, Minster ambivalent relationship to to relationship ambivalent

Beverley & showed them the the them showed & Beverley s s ’ Larkin of something

and ultimately reflects reflects ultimately and to s ’ Lewis - Day the took I Today “

carry great spiritual meaning meaning spiritual great carry

Hull. of University the

Nevertheless it seems to me to to me to seems it Nevertheless

time was the first poet in residence at at residence in poet first the was time

but about the ritual surrounding it. it. surrounding ritual the about but

Lewis, who at the the at who Lewis, - Day Cecil Laureate .” picture Hully

others have interpreted it as such) such) as it interpreted have others

Charles Monteith and the then Poet Poet then the and Monteith Charles the others, that I fell. A very drab, drab, very A fell. I that others, the

was not a poem about faith (although (although faith about poem a not was

Vernon Watkins, the Faber editor editor Faber the Watkins, Vernon and so much better than than better much so and – modest

Larkin was quick to point out that this this that out point to quick was Larkin

take visitors too, including the poet poet the including too, visitors take junk. But it seemed so humble & & humble so seemed it But junk.

depict. often would he where place a was bought it. Cluttering myself up with with up myself Cluttering it. bought

significance which Larkin which significance Beverley Ballroom. and Cinema Regal s words words s ’ so went back & & back went so – day last the

all the historical and spiritual spiritual and historical the all the at musicians, favourite s ’ Larkin then in the porch saw that this was was this that saw porch the in then

loud in a building that resonates with with resonates that building a in loud of one Barber, Chris by given concert – out cleared – shied – hesitated

powerful experience to read it out out it read to experience powerful a attended even he occasion – Library the to down went

National Poetry Day, and it is such a a such is it and Day, Poetry National one On Arms. Beverley the at usually in a clear old fashioned hand. I I hand. fashioned old clear a in ’ £2

s during an event to mark mark to event an during s ’ Mary St in dinner, for and tea afternoon Sunday s Shop 1950, Lillian Walton, Walton, Lillian 1950, Shop s ’ Jenny ‘

’. ’. Going Church ‘ for shop, to visits frequent making I first read the poem poem the read first I look bad. A label on the back said said back the on label A bad. look

s most well most s ’ Larkin much, very Beverley like to came he known poems, poems, known - t t ’ didn it – oils – up high picture

powerful words and images of one of of one of images and words powerful years, the over fact, In shortcomings. I saw a drab little little drab a saw I “ Monica, told

which to end, and to reflect on the the on reflect to and end, to which apparent its about statements he he ”, out bounding was I as Just “

would be an appropriate setting at at setting appropriate an be would qualifying of number a with place the Friends of Beverley Minster. Minster. Beverley of Friends the

walk I always felt that St Mary St that felt always I walk a of appreciation his camouflage s s ’ across an exhibition of paintings by by paintings of exhibition an across

When planning the itinerary for the the for itinerary the planning When should he that Larkin of typical is It During this visit Larkin also came came also Larkin visit this During (Source: Larkin Philip 3 Page

whilst acknowledging that, by that that by that, acknowledging whilst

in 1976 were devotional pieces) pieces) devotional were 1976 in

his appearance on Discs Island Desert on appearance his

of the records chosen by Larkin for for Larkin by chosen records the of

inspired by the Christian faith (three (three faith Christian the by inspired

reflected on his adoration of music music of adoration his on reflected

and and ’ past the of repositories ‘

s love of churches as as churches of love s ’ Larkin described

towards the end of Larkin of end the towards s life. He He life. s ’

two of them had made to the church church the to made had them of two

s, recalled a visit the the visit a recalled s, ’ Larkin of friend

s. The presenter, A.N.Wilson, a a A.N.Wilson, presenter, The s. ’ Mary

was filmed in St St in filmed was ’ Larkinland to Return ‘

In 2015 part of the BBC documentary documentary BBC the of part 2015 In

.” carrots

of the Church. That does not appear appear not does That Church. the of


with me. I expect the satchel contains contains satchel the expect I me. with

no practising Christian, no adherent adherent no Christian, practising no

Philip Larkin Archive at Hull History History Hull at Archive Larkin Philip

reinforced my wish that you were were you that wish my reinforced

Westminster Abbey] that Larkin was was Larkin that Abbey] Westminster

Other material is taken from the the from taken is material Other

or rather, it it rather, or – me with were you

time of Larkin of time s memorial service in in service memorial s ’

is available on YouTube. YouTube. on available is ’ Larkinland

down on the stair. It made me wish wish me made It stair. the on down

complained back in 1986 [at the the [at 1986 in back complained

Return to to Return ‘ documentary, BBC The

especially the present of carrots put put carrots of present the especially

It may be that some might have have might some that be may It “

references to Hull and East Yorkshire. Yorkshire. East and Hull to references

– Rhymes Nursery s ’ Dapply Appy

to Monica Jones. Many include include Many Jones. Monica to

words: found a pile of Beatrix Potters, & read read & Potters, Beatrix of pile a found

selection of letters written by Larkin Larkin by written letters of selection

poet s inclusion with the following following the with inclusion s ’ a small paper shop for cricket scores I I scores cricket for shop paper small a

Anthony Thwaite, contains a a contains Thwaite, Anthony

associated with, but justified the the justified but with, associated satchel contains carrots. Looking into into Looking carrots. contains satchel

edited by by edited ’, Monica To Letters ‘

the agnosticism that Larkin was was Larkin that agnosticism the ecclesiastical stronghold. I expect the the expect I stronghold. ecclesiastical

Library in June 2015, acknowledged acknowledged 2015, June in Library

it is there, a lone invader of a hated hated a of invader lone a there, is it : Resources

Larkin s office in the Brynmor Jones Jones Brynmor the in office s ’ t even mention the rabbit. Still Still rabbit. the mention even t ’ doesn

speaking from what had been been had what from speaking them. of one be – it about nothing says have I guide

the Right Reverend John Hall, Hall, John Reverend Right the life and work. Hopefully Beverley will will Beverley Hopefully work. and life t know. The only only The know. t ’ don I story Carroll

Corner, the Dean of Westminster, Westminster, of Dean the Corner, country which were significant to his his to significant were which country What evidence there is for the Lewis Lewis the for is there evidence What

commemorate Philip Larkin in Poets in Larkin Philip commemorate much based on places across the the across places on based much ’ But it is certainly wearing a satchel. satchel. a wearing certainly is it But

Announcing the intention finally to to finally intention the Announcing It will be very very be will It ’. Larkin100 ‘ of heading again it might be a hare, I suppose. suppose. I hare, a be might it again

nationwide celebration under the the under celebration nationwide

some of it has broken away. Then Then away. broken has it of some

cathedral and Abbey. Hexham and cathedral

Society is already working on a a on working already is Society

I should say it is sneering rather, and and rather, sneering is it say should I “

s cathedral, Durham , s ’ Paul St

s birth, and the Philip Larkin Larkin Philip the and birth, s ’ Larkin

from him, to be split between between split be to him, from

1956 in Jones 2022 will mark the centenary of Philip Philip of centenary the mark will 2022

of the legacy she had received received had she legacy the of s sent by Larkin to Monica Monica to Larkin by sent s ’ Mary St of Postcard

What will survive of us is love is us of survive will What £1million donated she Larkin, .

Our almost instinct almost true: almost instinct almost Our after years 16 2001, in died

church. When Monica Jones Jones Monica When church.

’; Tomb

to leave a generous gift to the the to gift generous a leave to

another church another An An ‘ poem, inspired -

and in an indirect way he was was he way indirect an in and

plaque contain the final lines of of lines final the contain plaque

”, ”, course of agnostic Anglican

Fittingly the words inscribed on the the on inscribed words the Fittingly

an agnostic, I suppose, but an an but suppose, I agnostic, an “

Corner on 2 on Corner ’ Poets December 2016. 2016. December

famously described himself as as himself described famously nd

Philip Arthur Larkin was unveiled in in unveiled was Larkin Arthur Philip

Loughborough. Larkin once once Larkin Loughborough.

death, that a memorial stone for for stone memorial a that death,

visits to her home in in home her to visits

And so it was, 31 years after his his after years 31 was, it so And

with her during his frequent frequent his during her with

that Philip often attended services services attended often Philip that .” work s ’ God in

’. Wonderland

s death and and death s ’ husband her and after when they are unaware of their share share their of unaware are they when Alice in in Alice ‘ with connection

Eva, became a regular churchgoer churchgoer regular a became Eva, wonderful work of creation, even even creation, of work wonderful and drew attention to its apparent apparent its to attention drew and

interesting to note that his mother, mother, his that note to interesting through those who share in God in share who those through s s ’ intention (was it a rabbit or a hare?), hare?), a or rabbit a it (was intention

up atheist, although it is is it although atheist, up - signed see the love and joy of God working working God of joy and love the see questioned its representational representational its questioned

his father Sydney, who was a fully fully a was who Sydney, father his work in all that is good and beautiful, beautiful, and good is that all in work and, like many others, others, many like and, ” one attractive

puts this down to the influence of of influence the to down this puts who are Christian believers see God see believers Christian are who s s ’ not a very very a not “ as effigy the dismissed

Wilson Wilson ”. faith of glimmer smallest memorialisation in the Abbey. We We Abbey. the in memorialisation Nevertheless he he Nevertheless .” it see ll ’ you

did not have the the have not did “ Larkin time to me to erect a barrier against against barrier a erect to me to I like this church: I hope one day day one hope I church: this like I “

4 Page

below their waist. Some have have Some waist. their below

and float out of the wall from just just from wall the of out float and 9. Fig see bookmark,

1/8th scale scale 1/8th - 1/6th about at are figures s clasp is there and even a a even and there is clasp s ’ book the

royal household plus two angels. The The angels. two plus household royal s book, book, s ’ queen the is intricacy the

representations of members of a a of members of representations example of of example

more or less true to life life to true less or more read. An An read.

human forms or twisting serpents but but serpents twisting or forms human can be easily easily be can

- near grimacing No figures. human

of the person person the of


clerestory appear to be a jolly set of of set jolly a be to appear clerestory the character character the

a a — female A

The internal label stops for the north north the for stops label internal The shown and and shown

are clearly clearly are

skill. his

in the dresses dresses the in

perfect opportunity to demonstrate demonstrate to opportunity perfect

5). and the pleats pleats the and

label stops afford the mason the the mason the afford stops label

been done (Fig (Fig done been of the tunics tunics the of

erosion is not a problem and internal internal and problem a not is erosion

repair has has repair The buttons buttons The

erode away. Internally of course course of Internally away. erode

holding no no holding astonishing. astonishing.

the walls, they eventually completely completely eventually they walls, the

what he was was he what detail is is detail

Unfortunately doing this, while saving saving while this, doing Unfortunately

not known known not the degree of of degree the

away from the lower walls. walls. lower the from away

but close to to close but is it because

drained down the arch mouldings mouldings arch the down drained

however however been cleaned cleaned been

used to cast rain water that has has that water rain cast to used

to a hand, hand, a to they have have they

arch moulding. Externally they are are they Externally moulding. arch

severe damage damage severe level now that that now level

terminal of a length of a decorative decorative a of length a of terminal

has suffered suffered has from floor floor from

is a piece of sculpture forming the the forming sculpture of piece a is

A male figure figure male A easily seen seen easily

a label stop stop label a – stops label window the

are more more are

Most people would be unaware of of unaware be would people Most nose. his of centre

The carvings carvings The

upper lip is shaved below the the below shaved is lip upper

figure with a moustache; his his moustache; a with figure

beards. type - Viking

do. can water warm with sponging gentle Fig 4 shows a pondering male male pondering a shows 4 Fig

much later depictions show) with unruly unruly with show) depictions later much Before and after, showing what a bit of of bit a what showing after, and Before

groomed, and not (as (as not and groomed, - well were society

century kings and the upper echelons of of echelons upper the and kings century

s we know that 14th and 15th 15th and 14th that know we s ’ Mary

moustache. From the evidence in St St in evidence the From moustache.

sceptre, again with a neatly trimmed trimmed neatly a with again sceptre,

Fig 7 shows the king with his broken broken his with king the shows 7 Fig

2). and 1 (Figs stonework the to

has been removed to bring new life life new bring to removed been has

century or more of dust and grime grime and dust of more or century

Matthias Garn and his team, a a team, his and Garn Matthias

being replaced and, with some TLC by by TLC some with and, replaced being

necessary, eroded tracery has now now has tracery eroded necessary,

3). (Fig not very interesting. However, where where However, interesting. very not

seamlessly joined joined seamlessly see, dark and grubby and seemingly seemingly and grubby and dark see,

body are now now are body area for many years has been hard to to hard been has years many for area

repairs head and and head repairs and windows was dismantled. This This dismantled. was windows and

on, but after after but on, shrouding the north clerestory wall wall clerestory north the shrouding

crudely stuck back back stuck crudely surprise after the internal scaffolding scaffolding internal the after surprise

his head very very head his the church have had a very pleasant pleasant very a had have church the

decapitated and and decapitated queen half her nose (Fig 8). (Fig nose her half queen

s congregation and visitors to to visitors and congregation s ’ Mary St

some time been been time some lost half his sceptre (Fig 7) and the the and 7) (Fig sceptre his half lost

Duncan John

instrument has at at has instrument

down his face, while the king has has king the while face, his down


received a grievous wound vertically vertically wound grievous a received stringed a playing end east the

North Clerestory Label Label Clerestory North suffered damage. One figure near to to near figure One damage. suffered Elsewhere a younger male has has male younger a Elsewhere

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Restored clerestory and Pugin’s West Window pinnacle John Duncan (Photos by John Duncan) Following the recent article on Pugin's West Window in the last issue of the Pilgrim Rabbit I thought that people might be interested in some of the hard- to-see details within the northern part of the window.

St John

Mary and angel


St Simon

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St Mary’s Church, North Bar Within, Beverley, HU17 8DL. Tel: 01482 869137