'UE FOPULAK- HISCONVlilTlOJi OP mi) tho plugno from Europeun citien, POETIC. icou siispendL-d, tbe solur nyxti'in piling ! at; iifily. 'I'll*'I t f.v|i.M:iti> of ilio ttunri'iniBi'y <>f 1'iov- 'ilic U|IIVC Ijuitriingc. [THE IRON ERA MVIXE PIlOVIIHINC'i;, iho Dlicupncsd of outtou and lijicu RUT- '•d into Dhow, aail tint mm uwl nil t)ti Jt •I30 i.i ii*. «Ii ijunj, not iiu'rout oi id«H«? dan aat omit to cMrcke Ilia rwn J:ii'.:Ii.-Ji (firl.sjmvo improved npon BROTHER JEREMIAH. "asflurt eternal Provideuco nnd uiunts boa baniabed leprooy, vcoduatiun ilanuta disHt]mtL'd into ihoir priinovti) tli llir liiuiuiih. hrfuij him, |jii'lf,'iu"iit in ilio ntTuini «f lif.', mid ^.n,.;,, r I!JO I'UH mid tha band- I ain'L no lifttid at Dndln' tmM lie wnys of God to mmi" is a task IIILB nearly oradicntod tbo Bmall-pox, and BENJ.H.VOGT. FOR DROPSY! uiHta. 8o, too, tlioutmlliiyiiitioi.M vhivli ' u< ilig wliieii bin jil(lj;in.:lits wiiilo protecting liis Ktihiuis.sivuuc^ With pirson, ctiuroli or oliulr j ^ i-f "liy dcviriing a *cty conioiiH Ii many OILICI-B bc»idca Juhu Milton tho cholera, born among the uuclean leviwtnted (Jbicago and Uosiuu cmild' wi n, liut wl,rj U-.n-h-n^y il,,. EDITOR AS» FBOBIETOB. I NEVUIt SHAI.I, NDIIOIIJ o*or licurd » word thfUivinu dtcj-ccs, io tM>i>)t>y ivtJ^ iUry of Urn ahvea, which lor tha pf and nHviiya with !hc in'uruia of Asia, dies out in the purer not bnve been avoitwl l»v uneciul luovi-i c!: fa oil lioirii Btroot nur B'.ookwell.. FOKGKT THE TlltST J)OSB. 1'Vnu Au«. Jrromlah. _ ^ 'iilh of hilo3ijihican t tcuHOuiug again, it is Been, arises from causes en- >f the ^U i:" from an Eii(;lihb you temporary. 1>SJIB Sm-I IIBVL- li<:i-u n grcnt mullim" (ruin swliicb rwidtrfufl (»r rill! | llwt wliich would he to What scojie, then, it will be antud, m iy«. y«iI rVUM touiloril Iu jui' lujjjuo luwie I Mlymi, rara-ii Joy; *> i fail to ieooiicilo tlio sufforcr from tirely wifbin human control, and while id Ii j M tbuj>; Itirel«y y«irliul . (Hi umullxt of t'lio liwu 1 wnu Folkf aiu't no linnoat, nor eo good, ;iudg useful in Bucial eeomnny. \Vi»nl j^Chig- or a JmlgR sonio jn:o[il(! iiihi^L oi: does tbiu view of Diviiio 1'rovidii.iib "fly liulpltss. 1 u:i« (.J]]I"MI IG |mvu t»vu tho ills of Ufa to tho oihflenco of a Goi] ftenmers nnd raib-oads mitigaUi its at- •Vino Yew,'- - - -'-"-•-' J2.00 DO ud|i ni Aa wlien I nu ftboy . uii ccalaai ulhcrcombvsiibh- waiter. nUrii»Hii>fi to tlitir Uod. lift in im- 1 Il uilp lnil' in aud uu! uf fW, 1 wiu.Mvuilpii leuvu tor it in tha government of (Jitj, uj'ii; tlio glovcti iu tbe right baud who oau protect" him againat them, but Cccts, A wisca nystom of cultivutiou is juru invariiibly in tbti biime wuy, ivlidh-. pi' ! •sis Minilba, - - - 1.00 lieu Urfifli- tliili my inliual nizs tiriiuiiii Wlimiltrasj-oonjr, rodpoot ir*a]j*id n:il aud iii,iami live. will'uot. Eiert oursclvua tiB wo may to tcuding to maka^t impossible. —No. or tfiey are placed ou lu>nrtlis itu ;o in eucli aud everv part of Ih Dr.P.X.HABRIS, . JTticy aaj' you'*o liftil yuar daj> ora research is leading to llm conclusion soda. T:ip tlm l»!ft fihoiililer with tho glovoi j _ fr'tBliii. 1 never «It»!l iutgi'i tin- lli-xt dune? aakiug why Qad, oil-wise, all-jiowerful lfilmto.1 o/Hets to tiin putduimt favorites i! of tliu !UVH bv whicii it was creat* could ru»liKu ltd goiiti utt'uii!«11 urn dity K, day; 'i\m\i mcotin'-Hiioio* had no bHnJti, and nil-goad, OH lie Is represented tu be, Lbat vice and crime and tboir sad contte- -1'ull.w me. , anil SBttGEON, -vnuuuUliih' Iwlter, Aiiurlhudl*i,ouH^UK- Hotfetplc Md uo boll, BlOKWEfiS Mill DEATH. infsjiwtlvuui Ui«ir(l|iiort8 forilic dir ted, and nccording to which it still c; ir Oliottlu* i tioulil t,!ei l. nrt <» hiiturilr Ukc awnyQio pwiterty at acr- lints tt? our good, or neglect tliem to uui bia providence extencfa, us wo nro told icnus similar to those employed for tbe neaa and dcalit of pemum near nml dour Turn tliu (-loved inside oat-I bate you. n iliupay Imd at tlila'iW IIKOJIIUJIVII. / We nang no trlOin' tunot, but pxalroi, tuin of his Hiibjcuts who Imd nut been injury ; but thoy will not bu .iliungod nt [itltkilijf tlifi VitjiL-Iino niillll rcualin>a my JUBI an King David writ 'cm. doea, to tbo minutest ovenla of ouroaio nnd prevoDtioii of phytsiaal diseases, to P8, So much .oliEiuiiritv vi-t idU-wh FuM tliti gloves no;itlj—I should hka IT ulbeilfV I « r.loI > .( am i.Y«ur.-i wifllcii'iilly liiH fliitfereni nwl pive it t«.our fciitrciity, nor enn we avoid tLo pcu- u B u ! U Wo'il tin uiipald-for-orgln. but iXJcricuco, tboae evonU nro not BO or- 01 tho intimate connection between the woriiilRa of dimmi! nml the niL-ans to bo with you. ui(ng Vi-gciliie ala-r i uni iiurni'i IVHH uii i- "ll'.-IM IN-IV fj1»«JI)ioi.K, WJjat Jiulgt aliies oj their iDfracJiou, Our good 01 atlDiKltoioyMoi-li. I urn u turi>u)tiul A' tmiiu' fork to l'llob 'cm. krod aa to accouipHah his inirpnocR criminal propensities aud a disordered 1'nfc on (lie left glove, leaving tha ultlt-r, I will alan w.iy it Jinn rum) nil mini if oountoraoting it, that it is eu^- to fmi- voul.l boiiiiuwea to sit 011 tlio boncli ill fortune ia in ottr own hnml.q, au-1 Ooimselior at Law - wlfu'a (irKt'iiiiigin, nliu liml min'onitl f'it Wlion dcacniiR v>im 'toclcd hy tlio chutah, •itliout in&icting imici. Wo Ituoiv what coustifation, sod of tbe hcredibiry trsas- cy Qad able, it lio v?W, UP avert HH fulnl Ihniiib iiiiciTtrod—J)o you lovo mfl ! AND • •• -•... "In, ifHteiit-i?, not tu tiio urgii whatever ho our aclious we niuiit abide Iliau UO yuaru. Miu Hny«Hb(- lino m.t liail Tbny oboao tlio uldluk tuon ; ;o Bbonld do if wo were in his i>luoe, miiuuou of the ono cr of tbe other, there terminatiDD. Tho mothai1, hiiu^niKuvi••• Broji buili ylovL's—I love yon. tur&iRia forofglit mm it (is. 1 ImvuKfvuii Tlmy did nnt tposo » K»y, yoaoR mirifi: . , ti'-niiMil, but to the imjioHnuitieu of one tbo couBequenccfl. The ignoraut rejiine MASTKU IN CIlAplCEIlV,^ lieofiriyi'hitJi-on fitr Canker Humor. 1 Kiel it pathos our cnm|>rohonHion thai in- no longer a donbL Tbe mystery aick babe, cannot bo nnuiu to ]>•-• , Tivirl thogloroij roauil tho Sugars—3»~ Cuuld bo a dosoun tlitn, ' t-rlliButhiir pui-ty in ibo hcvoral cmises ind rebel, the pious wonder and adore, DO iunht fu nijr (HJnl It vtil) edio anv ,Ue Creator should bo lisa bencvifluHi wbiob OBDO involved tie ejhibitioD of I careful; wo nro watched. KOCICAWAY.N.J. •; Hisneroil dosiiHiTdrtln! iilotnl; it JtliHt ita life, uioj »ot bosiwml if, 'urn him ? JJut uiuu pray [lie wiecKiibmit with philosophic rc&iy i to alvi' t ululil. X will rm>uai|iioiii| it h> Gut worldly and now-fannied wayi lian the creature. Then cmnia tip tlir pci-vorso traits by tbe children of pious God would only givo tbe word. It Hkp tliu haut of tbo hand with tbo iria. Uj miner is hu \<'tm ui

• a:., n >m.::ii6. •;i« if .1. .«r.;t\*-s 01.13F". n't 'H^Frantliaii.^H;-.!

..•(j'.-i.i;, ; . ••-.'i.: - t^iid thui liMte-.iyt liLili.iiabi iv.-il l:r,i:i u,.' I.i

iln. K.iip i.t lU~ Win-ran f. .uui ;oirri<.( i.ii ii.\f. n A I.I, r y w'liln In hi r.t IMvi :M ::J;;7,T,;;""/;I: ":::::• •","l',, ',;•'L;;::;r;^"::r;;:^:!:'::;j;^S'»7;'»•'•'«ilCminV^. N-plflliltllr-"-*"T '""• •• ^i.^-'i;;,.:..'.;.'.;™..;v;,;-.v..;-.;i;,:;i;cltTrj.K7AJ. , ' I Lit,I J-.l.*[ll«l.T •.'.'..)'..( V .m f '|1, ...... '•"'"'' """ ' '"* ' j li*. Itiinkft in M;iMfxiu)ilU'urnuiitiiB. i 'I'Miud Ui

tinWirt Mr. 1 .,1.1 -.,.. I.. ,,..,,..1,1 n,.»..M,,„„„,., ,„„„..«., ,.„„ „, «,,Mr mM town ami HasitHlinrn, to nttfiini Uio Dit-lirarr, K.niita. iN.1.: f 1IIVIVMS* SUIT* I'Ul ..fKlHrriiwO^rier^fl,;,^ »• '-" ''" " '•'•""I .,,,^,1,.o,,,,m,»r.,l»..|linT,,l«l,l. r, Pinr [' r: >"iir U.ii.i.-ii M.- :ii '|,.-i i..r. • Cl:.rit i.rKt Fmi<>v. U'urMi-Hs- IjMlfifrtftriiiMrvttf' ,,(,,. :IIJ ,. , .. ; ,,.; TI..-L.I 1 liirlt. I. it 1 l> "..I! L:,- II, .11. Ill tj.-llll-li ' :L*rn ni iVfcmiii 11 djirin?'/ "'A lift hi"•(«>* 'l in*;-;, •. :1h ii., J . :,-.: - ••( '•.mn..niv>.!lh ....-I ^ • *"p ft"/ •:r«-.t«.«rl^BM,.? S.*,«tm.-«.ua<«;or i)nwt iti Uijni^ ,umKimnnl ^.^-^aJ, as | sr.-l..-A. A.I.,..,. v/,U, ,« :. 1,\u- ,.l ^.r. . Q, PT ^ J—£. ; •**' ^ • ' " ' ' " , V/Atrc-'iO-mntv t mbflrrti

; •'.. (• ' .i..-v. ,,^l I.. Hi.' I. .liv..: '. I-!i.--i- I. lii« '.". w V.rfe •l.ilmn.v ii. i {H im t<. I,-- roni.>nn. Hi* n.^ww nf tliA wrttw| 'jj^^.y,,^,^^,. a VlHllw ,. ^ A ^ <.- J ' AAliD.V .V.l.T.S. W" ^H -J"'"' u^_»^- \*' ^.«^Jjfj|^3^ ^v|i |i|(nH|ff|,.t „,.,,

llllllU l l|i !l knml L iii)>y t.>itit">fiit'>thi ivnnM if IIif Mnrrlh Ojimly )i , . ( , • o, <>h ' "" " " " " '" "'"nivwn-li" «">«•«* Vm i*«; Ctuno•!'» NVirnrk'fo buy voiir* CJ](>tliii ^j' sl.ii'ks iind f'f-t Itii! u'tntli of },\..i«»i

'* " , r • .iV-.UiU. .--Mir.I i.-n-sii'.vllv, ii i- xnn-! • vy vitiiri will 1- m-iil.. t.. ]-u-k tlui j-iry Iti l \r,,». j,^ •, [.•,.,. of t1iMw-riikitl. fitliinc? ifln fttllian;iBiiln«fr.ll Hon. I f)ir, I). •;|-i.nii.l ttnU II,A Stii-vill1, rvrn If li.. w.- iJ-'-<»-" tnliAveKuMiwatiMtrir' ?**n "SiwrtU Otut i i:(]\NKI,T,-A( Ininis. ./til* I'Hli," firr>nrir,n.. lL tiikt ili>pfWit tt.Wnr4 .

liiJt henrwbMM-iboil mid ft-jiol«Hnr«rr-n<)yi u>(iiii;_^t y^ {)^m July (tih.- ]H7fl," lo lmrtinWlmtfi.1 tlrait? t!i nmoH In U>ll n.-h.'.rfl to 'put tlitju.'. | . I ' ! IJ.uii.v-- it,.I'nrt ttorn,. July lutli,Huzxataai , . .... i ,.w i .« i "> IM-- i • • i v-' • •tk l'*'^''l- "' l.MiM^t-.., ! ._.„...„ , .... ,.,,,„, vnuitfusitiwiw. M.i-y u.-vy uU», nl .KUIIW, ]ionrtn:oftllia.loimty--f>f-Sniwox, fciiwuiit-1 A.-D.I.MV.T. i-.-^l :',r, r.^nt.' [llia.l'oinity-fvf.SiiiwoXifciiininit-l A.-DuikT. i.,'cj :'..^ r.:»nt.' j .,>.:' 1-.- r-'ii.t-.-,..( i'....i;/- ' ,i. i ,.- t .11. HI in» i:i-l>riinri(.N' :-,t"t;c-«-l •"lmnun' • '" '" r • " • • "' "• ' 1i;mo niinin troiii tiic tutor amt ninr(t~nuin«ri | iniyin.UiftiVRHrejtfttfl Wtlit mimot *i'rfl lini). ;-•" ' n™ ••'•••—»••.' n •" •— . .•. A , t-'-T *' -•!• "- -" L rrni't i • .in i t , :r. t^^t YiiiSiit;i\ti<>tirin t^i (Ii6 hiGrftcut-1 nrccniti-tiAn ni" Pifi-f rror>eliitv JMIVI-IKJUEIIO 1 i '.inta II 11 A nisijifl.Tfi. ftiirt t ifv I;JU'<> ii i,r.-' i: . . , , - ,.L . I ' ...^.i-i UlSSUtU LIUII Ul- raMllcr-o HIU,;-r . • -... i -,r .»."•• • ' ':- ' •"'•*' :.!••> •; ii!li!l.".-.i „,«,,,( I.. .-,p..ri''nf.' • !' |iS, t,|iv. .(.^.^ ; nMl,,. (>lij n ;-'»» "lii"«*n«mli»txJ>f)iiiothftri:p«fii>*orth»j|Ji,MW) ^tf.-.jrRnrtny, Aitffiua 1UUir.l*7H, nt i

K mw f om !lll 1>rilUl lBH Mri 1IIW lttn 1 .. -. . • • M •••• • •••• ' '••'•-' iV.nle, :Mi.r..r«r.'. vim wrdil.l .. urtnt I') l.'V, J,i'n™'i'nJ (Uir niimU i^. i ^"/'ll,,. ( ' '. ' " " i '"•"" P *| ten--o'fll«iolr-^.-JU.ftt tl.fl Cwbrftn lltinnn. 11.,.^ ,^;';^;)','; ^'[..^^^n'lVfti'l^^'liMnl!!

IUI l-Hii r.,r..;f !iili-y!;L(trfl,.]n J""J'flii']|.'.-''•, j . >M' ' r,-t.!..•t • lluuI JIV*i. wiwf"fiu |, . jt-f.itL.-«lipr Mit.||«*- hlll-kn.nrt ..I lim pr' . 1.-—--—-| <)Art f\JUl I ll ' ll ll*1 ......


I J jl Ttft- C rt.rlj . | sirii-s rm( sirs fmtn 1 forlntfthtAuHty, nnrt n.akn ajrnrnjauiftntji fur 1 f'll t^iiriiiiie*... Tiik MnUFfj,-in ilia Mali. .f.-n. vMtwIoiTW • . tli» •HHf.Ulr.-Mlt ,itt-n!i<. jiJ(M>ica, iK'lnlirfltinnri, mid tliA-litco-fnr 11 lnUr I; j.rt.psmu i||.-.rini;lily)l'("*lt*i-litl/-lrt fi.ln n wmpn witli yornig LidiW nrar-tlutt-lilivw• tint fiimday;-nhtn StnwnriI' • " ." *^':; ^ U -- W ' OJl'U-lJri :8iBi • l>'w«ylfri.MU raf(W*lil«wi«ni«t-^ miller -p!#kn*liiprn pi«tiil, whtnli lin iiimTfrniiHl WJIH i ^ ASin.\G]'OX HAlSHROl C1C- ' A^! I ),iu>^lf •., ilh- ln> Rnniemhcr •1f.R:p|

r rt ;r ;,.(-in '• i' h.kv.. *.fr> vw > '^r" ^ _ "•'^ \vlil>n> (julnliic i_. f'.nnd In h* -i-rt «s I <'"" *•» tliApurtiif tli« IJ»mf«t:n^^ilM)tM-tbi»

ntn^RiMiU'for D >ii»w-i.sMn^' m i'\pniFn; lilTV t'FIT.A P.

•!»?ji )|.u. ulii .".In «-f tnJw*trv; Mid l> «tnmh.t ,.^jfj ji|. jjlnrA^fif -ltrnilwV ill Illt'inMllt'l Imlnurn • '• liiKln

.•<,.'/ \:\r.fU t>. •••tilintiiiiiv ll» 1« •••Hun *|.<1 ^ -snn,^ tlfwn. _ luJiwr.-'l "• Hii»,. mn| i

n'iirfifUtart bngiirtfl:i-omft-to tlif., front: 1 'nf tlio Imlifttw-Rini I'lit-l.lirtAtlnit-ii.'ttrAll.tliftro will K. oitnw;. For Htitw Hnnaior li I - r Llll* ' I'lr.I'M^ri "1 .llf f l«Hl"»liTT" ll.r, HJ:n«itt.y;; ni^Tlspf,- Alwnlfim.a'nriwi,- -of • -T, ».lif.b.-imvl*-MMn.*«l-iilhftf rommo-t(;|iff ft ^^ _|n. jllrthw. Inilifin ivn •of jirrwii^rtty ; lli* tiiiivnr->'M liAvinw ir. .1 i;:ftrtrt WHllim . ' ', , ., , I iii'f from lln* fIirlMnt-'(.'(inrtinPt "Wl''1 •.'.(lrtfl, *]"1.i"mfH Mi* clinrni'ti-r M licltiiBiri«i i fit* * •• *t :w>imi'H'( (

Max Skciirsifan

!»• T(Unnmin*tWI for AnwmMy wit ;L Iii^tliHHiwmirt Dfntrtdt 0. ann rof Tnil«p«nrlA)rtrui ^vSt^hiM^S GuatanreerofAhalysis

j.|BraIiitiiiidilatiii«tHintli£iroa» 11, nii.1 f,ir.trimming only ft Witte linml li.mraiy to .lilimrinul lT«l!tnrrrtEliHmrr. (lit.'iVmuanm; majsdopaiddnnpDiDin > of ^Tilloon^nni)-n bin -iuf; , n-pn m«atiffli».iii.iTOi7.-]«rtiSiteiiwtt«KJipjiJ.IIIsnymAJBRqttiatm*.

vp Momstnwn,: ilullfion nntl Ctiiitliuns$ (Ohildnn^nil l tl

"™™1^ Jgi finpwlr twenpry" of' Kow Yorlt >j.trhm..<:tlit«» Nurmwn, FrirM Aiti(iiihn«|-' ITaintltiiH-niMl T^tfftvflttfl, Ihltwul nimch hnrt tl Lii l! HISS, OUMflJIW 1110mm,

iimninol AunuriAD' Tin.—^TEaif oxtnnnalr: wirtfl

nf tin. Oinrrh.; Itiimftr h(M U tliHi

alian ram) iTorctfdn'rLicss; DRHC8BfIB3r jffiQ)


rmeta nr '.'•' ^ ';' y****™™'''\'*™** «vp

i.Ji i:iilililirTTrtJaluu>itnTr)u n It-:'. JEei^lMd-twieht t!wt ths vwiti i hintc.-t.-.vtien. tha l EfjiitjimuKi-ons. lint.I'xof. iJtnttlny • S^pgt3S^ii|S;' swsp^S'SfFW

i1 Uhi j *3SEtXB5 ULJL i.i i.) nr— BooDtoD tuuBOwaliDutSOU Bummer board- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CQNGHBSS. POUT MOtifilS. A HwUKt Tern, on • Dvntiucttvu Hail Storm in Sussex THE HIGH BRIDGE BRANCH.

ers. • Tim «wil>>i] blapm of Mount. Tulinr lmve )t.npili> this full of.the uu:.uury ihiiijjM Im S v.ry il.-Klnif-iiv,> l.:v\ t.wmi vi«it,.d s Goods f ja very rcitwmublo nt W. 8. Hub- tills week be«n rtTj-OMlitd with tuo ciK>knl Hill IlllH HUf lnht Siiu.lliy, th'i bill's. Msais, aud nro nlivo with tho iutarttit tliut In fm't ihty hiivu been uppr •t or whi'h i <- Ink. ion'i; time pant. It xi.ei Look at W. 8. Babbitt's ndvortbumcnt, it IWIIUH ID llu Himdny tirho'A CojiprcM, TJK i It- ut-gri'iit d^iJ nf aninkc-r U.p, ,. ].)-oBjn-rity ntt..]id« the- I is truo In .ivory reprect. L'lliiiistLiy ovouiLg, when nddrtsHun wtrc hot ou Dm kill for >c Fnu:ltronl I'Jniiin, I'njvil- :t 1 IiriJg< Branch ui tli.j Ci.utral ]:.i:!run The Alerts of SraillMon bunt BIorrlHtown'ji iJa by Diivi(! Cnnipliell, i:*;., Prchulcnt of an Luvu Kuiie ou until w burtb, ftbov.. wliich it All i •rer>y in ttiLK.- ilfprwhiuutiiiiuK lm now orgaLized bail dub by a score of i'l to 0. •J Mount Tulior AiiKocl.itiou, ltovs. IVillimn .lll. IVHBWl.t I u^l It I" (/I i;uli-i..i.ut- ILc t..u.ii DRUGGISTS and APOTHECARIES, Henry f torwin, of Munmtowii, trfruck bi IlurriB, It. VnuUorno an.l A. Cmlg, nnd Frnuk tu lit" wiiil ukcu riut ilioory Uiiilliuil biuruiH i.i\- rally l the wife witb iBtoiie.aLdwttSaJoiitto juiltoCou •il, tlio artiht. It provid u very plwiiunt aiiuiui'tr ol In Ibj ti•ly i«;rt A th- J'utrickE it and t itifbs of iu frc ver his felly.'i n vonip^rijrcin wilh 1110^4- of (1 Tba SI. E. Church ol Uoonton, which was p p ulmut a hL-or« of men for ri«l hint O VL'KI WUl rilllllg WfclO LIIIH fcccUon. The rond now pot , ISI. ar. glitnhig limt Stunuicr, has nev- On Tliurwluy tlwro ru » variety of Suiurdiiy night. Ha bay" t)iw MUm-t, utiixijuctidly, bficimw! the u tlie ight or iviiy tbroiiKh Port Oram er boon repaired. induding unl CLWM tjnight ud tj fry u'nd liud Ibu umu iu chikr^n of Alng ut tl)u pltico of Ihu widow «f a ijiuirttT In which tho 1 the utirtb wdo of the Itccliawiiy river, milcH but I caiiM not liiul Win. I r.tu JlcDuliuU, uud hu lu l>ub.-nii \,y ,u JioUuue fiom thiil j.oiut to Dover \ui\ug Tha boundaries of tha election districts in by Jiov, n. H. Uiuuu of MortUtowii, n K i blowing. 'ITii! direcUou ui IL iiinuor aud l liim if lie kno latllio tloorj whuro Mr* IICLKJII- iry blinrt, it would bu a, very tftny matter U> Harris township Laie been clipugcd by tlie BuporEnUmdonlti' Coufctauuo coinliivtuil by ml; frum Hnuicliville lo \V. A. Tnadwelt, Esq., HtH« puopla'H mui t- nnjthing ..bunt (h. bom-. U'llinc liitn tli. ald, whu ilotM (jut lik« him for ROIDO reuwm, Jllh lay Wowii from the Kdith :tvud ILf line to our town. TLu btii^lil* ur Ext, Vanilla and Lemon Town Committee. . "" liig, etc. In tbo morning a yruiiil uilJiew IHI.ltHHL',.8. 1|(, Fi in ii|)f>n hint, anil tbej nhoBttt him .ut would a^ucLe to UH by reiihou of hitch uu Tho steam canal boat went down again on was mode by Hev. J, M. Fruftnuui. At Uimfi : be Ihu borto im liouie, Kurroinuleil tlie liousu. Bliook the thi: Korth-wirtt ut liuuiljurgh. it-iiHinii are obvious, lrou men who hnvc Aro preparml with great caix-from tin: Iruc lich carrying BSVWQI gentlemen who thonii'liu "over snn li door*, UHGCI obftccne lau^ingo autl created a mm iutn HUH vjJley, whiob in ritli iu fiwilt- o'ci0[lk (at^a l Fnmlc IluirJ duhv- wuru irrcfjnhir in Hhiipp. ami llavoi-d of the fiuita. Got Uio Lost; it in llio cere inspecting iu workings, I want buck mid li.yu.l il riot. Wiirrautu were iFwucd uu«l on m for the iron buMiut-HX nt tbu vury ilixir of crod a lcclnro OD "Huiuor." wilh cmym own umlor iutcd al thu end, tliu uvcnigo size being eliuii[)iibt. Oii«-iia]f of Lli« ijuautity is moic "County Superintendent Thurber and fami' lliuHtmlionfl, which wna UIQ tlnoit of tlio klud tletctinilicil to wait fo tbo mulo i lay uifjht of thu iicuwied, at fullown, : of a hickory nut, though niuuy worn an 0 cujitcrnirou uiarkotA, liavti woudend at ly left town U)rt Saturday to froend Uieii wu have over witnenmij, ovou cxcccdiug come nround. But IIIWU oiino and tlio captured i Patrick McQaadc, Juhu lie- ;e iu hen'H e(j({8. Tbo Hlinpc of tile utoiieu firut oliftrvition why It doc* not fulrly hum Hum (jquul to Hie onliuary Fluvoriug Estmcla. Summer vacation In Conneotieiii. \'H luutdro on tlio tuunn U>j;io. As a•lidn't HO I put tfio Ibrfah. mi tliu liorsQ ru, Michnel aitllnaiicr, Joseph Oatcx, tho force of Uio wiud ouuNcd the iluin- with tbin indufitry. But wheu they haw Sec that our name IB on each bottlu. rudu liim U> Uoonton that night. Next night ,i!W 8cnluuf-,J»wc8 tkherui ami Michael learned tbo price of coal nt this point ibny The attention of our readers is directed to LuuiDriRt he is far miperinr to tho hdier, Iu , rather Ihnn the iiiinutity tbut fell, I got him ti> Port Horrirt nml jimt alajit Ihut nud John olcliingliliu. On being brought va ceiwed to wonder ; the reiuton of our an advertisement of the BUta Normal i the evening Itnv. Dr. Strong, of Drew Bom- jiaiuted houBCR aud lionril ftnroH looked linio nlnug came '-Doc." Wiiudliiifj witb a LctiTily in at onvo made apparent. Rome Model Schools in another column. innry, took n Inrgo nttflinliuien of ll»tnnor« tin liofor Juntico Ougo they irity to if an nnny of boyu liml heeii pelting them O*InpiiU)li fmui n J,Ir. Thompnoii of I)b.miMoiit it, thu line of tho PimuBylvaiiifl lliil- Let us move: to How Hntupahirq, whoro act'H tlie progmmrao of ytHtcrriuy lticlnilcd ile grans and onts and buck-wbent w«ro cooled down when Ihu imUlor was reHtcilon Wedneftday forkoopingadlBorderly oad, th.y Uavc at ouco abandoned tho line it uud you will bo tiiu^riKcd ut ilio beneficial- SSSS the LcgiaktuiVlins fixed a penalty of fifteen i tuitlrcsa in tho morning by Ituv. H. M. drivou Into tho ground Unit it would (iplniuoil Ut him. If ho bad caught tno witb IIOUM. Blie admitted Unit tho bad boon BCII" tliis toad for thu more prouiining nd- effectH deiivttd from a thorough UBO of tliin n Espreu. 1.63 P. M ; Ewton Expreai, monthi impriBOQmoiit fortnunpn who invade linden, a cmtooii lccturu, " Our School," jlhor one by nhnply looking lo tell which tho hnma iot^con hero nnd IllmimfidJ, chV ing liquor without license, nnd it U allogad rautageB offered by the Pomiiiylvania. Io M.l Oawego EiprOM, 1.83 F. M.; that State. . by Frank Bettrii, iu lbs nltomiwu, nnd iu irt of tUo field had becu cut or cradled jio])ulur remedy. ttatowT»On BurntH DOTO, OOtX7.ffi OP UI. k.T ;! H»rrUl>nrg I ain't goiug nftor any more cannl incu'i that site has kept about her a number of ira- he supjily of coal, llio great essential com- the evening a lecture by Dr. Strong, with rii"bnr«tiaflBPrr BnecUlf , *.ffl A. U/i Ijwwto BenrlcoB of tho Episcopal Church will lio irsoH." mornl women, wblcb together h&ve mails hiuh beaten down by tie Htcnu. Co nodily of the production aud manufacture tcnoptlcon illnnfmtiouB, ciitiUed "Throngli irfii;; MMM AA. H.H.J B«kotiiH«B«kotiiH«n,, 7.87.83 AA. held on Bundny, Aug. 4th.f nt 4 p. «,, In her bouse a wrotcliod place. Justjoo Gnga A bully cut and benten down, tho leuv if iron, tho I)., L. iiU(in. QrviocB uoxt week: t-poiit of kin oil enn wlii-li nm inlo liii Ia thi Bliootlug oouteBt for the gold budge, ntly lost her husband aud that Bhe is ig thu traik of the utorui veto covered vo ciiUtB jier ton cheaper than it cnu be nt Wo Lavo tliom all. Shulleiibergor'n Pills; flcMb uuilor the nriu, mutlujj i. very ]iu!uriil JU to become a mother, «ho tHiumed ji th leaven bcutcu from thu trccB, and tha 'over; aud tiiit through 110 fault of our cual CHESTER BRANCH: at Morrlstown on ThursdnY, It wan carried wonud. Tliu fircmnu wiut miming ilia undine BIIOII'H l'ills; Hamiltou'B Pills; DOSWOT'H iy by Mr. John RlggoU, of Hooltriwny HM, i, M., Tmycr Moating. :tly iadifforcut about the mutter, said that 3und iu tho orcbardit, at a moderate call. denlcra, but sinijily ou accouui of tho euor- WEITWAHD. BTATIOVB. SAtTWAKD, p n-hllc Mr. 111)1 wna inkingfuiJ IIIH \e*t [ire- >, held three-fourths of tho uuripo crop, who won H for the Bocoud time, after ahoot- KhUO, Sermon by llov. Jonathan II, Hoi- jail WIIH a jilnco ttho wnfi curious to know, nioun tariff eincted by the D.,L. A W. mil- 1'JIIH; Moore's Pilulesi; Hedges' I^ovor nml A.M. P.M, ' A.M. P.« lby, Newnrk. paratnrj- to pultlny on Ufa uniform, wliou majority of tboso who hod corn nnd aaiu Clicilor 6.00 1 Hint tbo county would BOOH baro t rood company. Surely auch a milrond can 10.67 0.« 6.60 0.60 Ingpffa tia with J. W. Btowart, , '2M, I . M.f Hiiiwlny Rrhcol. Oco.W. liai- tho cow which tliry wore drllliii({ Ktrnck A^uc Aiiiiiliihitor; AyiW A^«o Curo ; Imlitt 10.47 6.17 Hurton 0,07 ip itiHtcad of OUB. • anding, will cither turn their cattle iuto the ;pect no sympathy from n towu which by Ironl* 7,03 Central ItaflniMl gtook wont up to 411 Irut loy, EKI].. HuiwriuUji.duuL LCHKOII, I.uko, tigaiuNt Boino olhor ciirs which they vore Clioliigogtio Ohiiioidino iu stick mid jiilln, 1037 7.07 lv, Jll-ttO. Ferguson, nleo of Miuo Hill, Ids, plow Uiom under or let them Ho to canon of ila extortiouH It UirowH out of fair lu\2T Sacckiunn* 7.10 TueBdar. With Judge Lathrop as Prosldcttt i;oii]g lo JIIIHII up nud tlio slriko occurred rich tbe grouud. A funeml wafi being Quimiiu in povilui- nml pill, nud various otlior 10.17 MMMnwIIU- 7:()O.. EvnnLido Confcronco on "OhriHtiati (.'tiled Tuesday on complniut of Patrick lompotitiou with iUi ueiglihon. of (he Hood, it ia predloled tho Block will Eiperionoo," • "'- Jual when tho cugiuour'ti veal was uoithor on Id at tha Fraukford PiniuH church wheu 10,0)) en for makiug threnta aud for druuken- The High HridgoBrnui.'Uoiieo cxlcudud to prepn rations. jump to 76. That gontlomnn will certainly 6;UO. Preaching Bcrvioo, nor oft* nuil lio could not UBO bis luradu to 10,08 i and disorderly conduct. Jurfice Qage Btorni cftino up; tlio wouicu B )over could be easily pushed down tbo vnl- make, an active and efficient President if MONDAY. help MinHilf. I am tfUd to Hay lio U ablo to 10.00 hor under bonda to keep the peace foi id cried whllo tbo men rushed out to Uke sy to Kockiiwny (which, by Uio way, Beanie callod to the position. 8:30, i. M. Morning Service. ' bo about nuivin, autl ro|o,loJ for duty ox to ba In a much better uouditioii tlinu OEHTRAL B. B, OF DET JEEBET. DM. . Ltttlo People's MoeUng, coadactod Thunidiiy. tnantlis. ire of tlioir harsca, and m it was Bcverol man BUDGE SKANOH. Independent Hose Company, of Morris- by Rov. 0. It. Barnes. ' nn Connolly, liiowiso of Mine Hill, wot nuiu broko IOQBO, and three run away, aints and Oils. A gouUeinnn iu this noichbirbooil pro> town, will receive their new carriage next 0:00. TSToratJ Class, Blfclo Section/Fourth eauio day nrroated for disorderly conduct] ' them being attached to n henne, the cud wo aro—having m mln: lufacturiug C Our Stock in largo. Atlantic and Jewctt's Friday, when ttmy wlU^hrktun" It with ap- Lesson. "Tlio Geography of thd Bible." poses lo skrt a Gtrconpnck pnriy np bcrt complaint of Ann UoKlhcurn, and gave Indows of which were broken, Tbo minis' UsLmDuts, and itomo of tha niinen in tlio vi- propriate ceremonies,'at which numbers of Taught by Prof. Samuel \\, Clark. grooubnclior for Sheriff. Ha miyht "White Lend, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Koftdy- ' 10i80. Address by Bev. Oharloa N. Sims, to appear at a hearing boforo Justice were cut nud tlio carriogo tops wore cinity are In a proRpcroiiH condition.) At their friends from other departmoula will he D.D., of Brooklyn. Subject. well go tlio whole hog, Limn bail aud run u lago on Wtdiiooday afternoon. Atthohoai iddled, ono, loaned for llic occaniou by P. this point the Braneli could probably get all Miscd l'tiints in 1 Ib. and gullon cans, Putty, pipur, CoiigrtsHUian too. Why .not invItodtobepreHont. ' * • 1:30, T. H. Normal Olaw-B. S. Section, tlio case prove! very trivial and the fto-llrdj ba?icg tweuly-thrco holes in it. Mrs. "IB trade of tho Hibtruia road, tlio Dm truf- Vumijslics, Point Brushes, "Window GIUKH. Etiurth LtBeon. "Tbe Tonulier's-Of.lco ntid The Mount Hops and ltoclcaway M. E. Tha thuriiiuinutor wns uilj-foui- in tho eil was discharged. ruei was DJBO bndty bniiffld about tbe head fle of which is very heavy. We say they Work." (Ohuntauqua Leaves No. U)'.ilospntchor'a office at four o'clock Monday Bahb&th Schools mado an excursion to Mt. Kline Hill had been very cpiiol aud orderly id her bonnet eut in pieces. All hough the raid probably get Uio traffic of thin rond ba. Taught by KOT. Win. Harris. D. J. Tabor yesterday by a upeolaftrain from over 8,110, AddrcBS by ROT. Oyrua D. FOBH, D. some time past, In fact ever nluce Hiiks 3rm wan BO furious at tho cbunili, thd farm UBO thu D., L. & W. apparently doCH uot tho Mount Hope railroad.' They wore ac- D., FreBiiieut of tha TVcsleyjia University. em to wnut to be annoyed with the tradn rescription Department. Flsndera. piper went away; but ho came back a G. I. Grovor, which in within a utouo'a companied by the Mount Hope Hand, a 4:30. Buperintcndont'a Conforeiico; con- if the numerous small [much rooda iu ih ducted by Q, W; Bailey, Esq. Subject, Wo hnvo had qtiito n cooling offalncathe ' wocks tigo and with hia bagpipes set all ow, was untouched, suid nt other pldccB Statement of Iron ore had a grand good time. • '' old tiino deviltry in mollon agai jjilo, withiu a short distaiico of ploccB liuity. If thoy did thoy would not ba' Physicians and Customers can rely upon tlio TrutoiugOkBses. . bent of lout week, as thin week opened wllb, owed seventy car loads of ore'per day from Ur. If. T. King has had made some boat* 4:B0. 'Third l'rlmary Tcachere' Couft qulci, rospeotablo residenta of tho hill ost damaged, thought tbo Btorni WON only same strict rules in tlio prupiuution oi their iSaiHO THB HiOKETTflTOWM BCAtEfi, \IA n Axocfidlngly cool "uortlionHt a III. Hope nnd other mincu slip throngli ehioh he proposes to place on tho Round enoe; coadnoted by MM. 8. W. Clntk. ic of eavcro rain accompauicd witb sorati M. & B. B. B. TO PEKKSTITAHU, FOE ho icorcury tu iltscoml several dcgieeu, CB- heir fingers aud puns over tbo line of thn Proscriptions. Each Ilcoipc id read carefully Luke, at Uio foot or Mt, Tabor, for the use 7:0O. Address. "Bhcphcrd Life In the ill and hi({h wiud. TOT W»MC KBDDIQ THtBBDA* EVKM- Eiufl." A. O, Van Lonnop, Esq. ahliug mun imd benut to brcntlio freer Olid to SU00A3UNNA. High Bridge Branch. In fact tho old rond threo times before dispensing, wid nono but of pleasure parties from tho Camp Qraiind. 7iOO: Lcctnro with Ktareoptloon Illufilra- perform tlifir labor i nly. In Iliat^neighborhood John Aher's lost 80 fhich ban hitherto oujoyed a monopoly of IKO, Jolj 25tli, J878.. Ths lake in but abont five mlnntflii walk froi io cannl bridge at Drakcevillo which tho buht modiuiucs used. tiom by I>rof. Jnmos Strong, 8. T. D., of Ths fnrmcra nre huoily t guged iu gather- men, E. C Tram, CO, awl S.juiro Dolryi the biutineiwof thisBoctiou bits grown so nr flTATIOXS FBOM. ' WW" O*Ttb. e camp nnd 1B on the King firm. Drew ThooloRiudl Beminary. "A Trip up •n away Iwt week lion nol boon rculn about 70. UT, Trucx's onU viero beaten otaln Vrow,.....: 103 10 ing their oats which BOIUO of them began to rogant Umt it fieeina to havo forgotten ilH owi tho^Uo." , . V nor han tlio timber nrrircd with which ito tho ground, the heads out off and the .1.910 I* John W. Ford was arrested on Wednes. : out last wank. bent iukirfiBts. It docs uot seem to know r *• TUESDAY. rebuild it. If this bridgo matter i» a day, charged wllli'stealing a watoh, the por- Sabbath i miug ; rniiiG scnt.i>rcd iu if they hnd boen sown. that with proper encouragement offered us, un Cholera Mixture. Chester H. B. (Horton •, Oorwln'i, 8:110, *. M. Morning Service. [tie of cau&l nianagoniout the ttkowiup ol :B Ehfietiinker's corn atd onts wore BO Snccasnnns, VioatU »nd Ctoa- tionlarB of which we gaye last week On i UUoplg; a lovely HIIOWer of raiu which molKton- uulilnrca in oioeas of receipt.] by tin by giving us coal aa cheap OB it Irfat Hobo- 844 01, flilK) UtUoFoDplc'Hlteetlng; oouducted badly cut llint ho decided to tarn his cattle A valuable remedy for Diarrnona, DyRontery, terJanotlooSUtloni,)...... Thursday ho was given a hearing before Jus. by Hev. O. It. Unruea. , ad tho earth, refreshod vegetation aud cooled inipany add their anxiety ta got rid of the kou—or much cheaper n« it might bo—the 819 07 - 0:00, Normal Glass—Bibla Bcctlon, fifth the AttuoHpliurc, but which wrought illa and Squira Dalrymiilo lias begun to plow Port Onm !.,'•.*..' Hoe Gage, and required to furnish aoourity f .mil is cot \o bo wondered at. It is said raw material In our bills might be ul'C Cholera Storbus, &e., for old or young. This 1UW. l M^htory of tbe EURHNII «Iblo. " ider bin corn, intending to BOW buckwheat Qt.nhopo •' ia the sum of $100 to appear (it Court. - vantngoonaly iu another direction. An in mt tho old bridge was considered unsafe remedy has been usod for forty years and IH a l'' (Ghiutaunua' Lea' No. 0.) Taught by plnce of it At Fapakatiug, Georgo Arui- manufacturing Interests, augmenting the Wm> Orftham, of Boontou, who teaolvod Bcv. J. L. Huvlbut. of our jMopla are iiot very grent lovers of wa- : ago, and the limber ordered HOIUC ter, (uxtannlly uppllod) not curing o ng bad lift acrca of com, 12 of oats aud amounts of their freights, anil by building euro euro. Always keep a bottle iu tlio housu ToUt fltin atrokoin New York city hut week.'liko- . AddrcBBbyltov.B. H. Tying, Jr., ilbs Binco from which it would appear if buckwheat which were ruined, and at . u. ? ' ' ba npiiuklod ; c tlimi JiocORSiiiy, tlio pae Uio population vastly incrtiming tlie pat- iu CQRG of middon nttucks at tliis KOfisou of tlio wise had hia bmln uffecUd by the accident, it tliotoisbut one source nf tlmher linm Armstrong's a oowhoime was car- , . 'LOOALJOTTINOS.' liIIU, f. «, Morraal Olmm—S. B. BcDtion, ton of our climctves had to dUconrfio Inrguly nengcr trnfflc. year. Ask for Killgnre's Sun Cholera Mix- and after being disoharged from Uio tiOBpltnj _ftl lesson. "Tbo Toncliora1 Toola."— fur counl purposes in' nil creation ed cigbt feet from ita foundation. to onipty powx, although many of both con- If tho D., L. it W. Company iloesnnt want • They sent Paddy Arthur down (oir; riiwandered abont aimlessly till Monday, when (Clmutnutiunleaves MOB. 11, 12,111.) Taught iBBOuroe exceedingly liwltod. Ve don't It IK impossible to ontiuinte the tlivnmgo ture and you will got tlie genuine. ftrcgiitiuns livo in tbu vlliago and its iinmu- it* trnftlo wo must Also look for another out- be wu fonnd f n Newark and convoyed homo. byFrof.H. W. Clark. • thiit tho lavm of oar Btate civo tor- ic, but it 3H safe ta nay that no ono living 8m Addrcus. Key. J. P. Nownmu, D. iliato yioiuity. .. t to New York 01 tj, mid thiscnu ho olio ril- : Wm. IJeoker opened Ids•• barbMfiOiop at /Lorn. Stlt«a,.of,tliia place, was nrreateil on imtions aright to impoao on tbo fulilie ii itbin the range of tlio storm lins linlf n crop D,, of New York. Subject, '{Original On.TtiGailiiy ovcnlng, llov. I. 0. Chcmiej-, mnuuer and would nuggeat thnt tho ense ed UH by extending tbo HJgh Bridau Unincli ; ; Wednesday moraine by'a ^detocUVo vho til* IVutlm of ObriBtiuiiity." .. ft; nouo of tbo loMOH being less than $100, MountTaborthfaVedc; * *; - '" . prcHout 1-tni.liiiK liutti, locturotl ou tumpDr irougUt boforo our Cotnta lo provent thfl Ne» Jersey Hidlnnd, by way of tli Remember! leged that he had caught him Bteoling ivood 4:80, p. w. i Pastors' Confercucn. Sub- id 6OU10 runniug as high as *r>00. Thi Mr. Uollerluw added aereial now tunes to ico iu Ibu rrcHbj ttriuu Church, uuJcr tbi Longwood Valloy. Abmuchfrom Morris- trom tha yard of the depot Ha was brought oct, 'Bclntionsof thePcstor aud iho 8mi- petition of tho ontmgQ, or if a Hlmilar am* i will be especially felt by those who oo- For all tho above articles ana anything else ; hisoelobiated orohertrioD. '}> <•;• v,. dayBcbooI." '•* ' nuspiccu of tho Q. T. M. His Kubjo'.twn ippons wo luiij know how to submit to it- town to the Midland uigbt also he construct- before Juit.ce Oage, waived » lie&ring, and 1 ipy rented farms.' • Exquisite lawM nt Mr. Babbitt'*, Morrli 4:110., Fourth Primary TenchorB Oonfer- >PopuL.r Minfnltea Con corning tho Tetupei Tim twenty-fifth anniversary of thonuptials ed, aud these together would relieve the I), you wiab iu tho Drug Huot come to the Corner gave ball in the mm of |l00 to ipp'enr at IOO ; conductod by Mrs. B W. Clark.. Tha storm did great damage at Hoover ;. town.. Justtrytbeu, ladlea. niceCiiuai-." .The lootnro.wos ouoofrarp Ut. aud lira. Allen Roberts, of Dmlcos- L. iff. of tho Incubus of UIIH way traffic Drug store of Court.-. ;V. '.'.; .,". :' . • •.' ' '.••. • , ; 7:00,, Bibla reading by Qoo. II. Babcnck, : t rliick it Bocms to abhor. "•: ' Goo. A!.' Aber, of Morrifltown, wnnU to he Esq., Phlufield. { Subject, "Cliriatiau Obar- excollouco, aud vttus dolived in hia tiuunl occurrud ou tho 23d lunt., and wu th ,un, and still moi •a ntllarmouy Vain : ; ftillcitoiiK Rlyle. ' Mr. Olumnoy has haeu lec- occasion of a largo social gathering ot tlioif Belf.protoctiou SB tho (.rut lnw of nature, I tho Demoontio aominee forBheribV The first rehearwj for tbo coming chil- acUri' ' •• ''•'•• • J"' '*" .H. HoohndSOnr ' corn aud 9 of outs. Irca'i cantata "of "little Bed Wdiiig Hood," . 8:00. : Looture witb Btercopttcon Illtintnv turing in neighboring clmrchcB nlmoat crery rosidonco on the evening of thnt day, which and had wo applied It eomo tiaio ago to this Vought &, Killgore. - •' • 'Ninety tod vlnf wn & popular tuno last o lnttcr being completely deBtroycd. lie inder the direction of Prof, O, H. Oarapbell tioua by Prof, Jnmes Strong, S. T; D. Sub- uiglit for Homo time pust, and ban a number prorcd highly eDJoynble' everything coaspir; IUUH his loss at $E0O, ns docs also Mr. railroad quoetlon wo would not have been ' week, «td VM sung In theracwaeter. '. eot, "Tlirougb tho Deasort and nrouad tbe : andUr. M. W.'SeeUy, will beheld in Pier. of cugagcmcnU for tho future. Wo would ig (Llio- wenther inclnd'ed) to make it ae •K. Wm. Morgan found a bushel of quite so utterly prostrated as w iw. It Dover, N.J., April 26th, 1878. ^v Mr. ana Mre. Xnia 0. DoHurt, of Madi- ton's Ilall next Thursday of Urnobn. "; Books Biy to any who inny desire bla novvitoa Ihut Icmwint as coultl bs danired, etcept om •tones near a hay sbick ond tbo following is not yot too Uio for uu to derive some good ^'Bon, odobrotod their goUen -ireddlog .last trill ba furnished, and allllie children ol the fliBO, i. M. . Morning Borneo. it will be well to Hoouro him HOOD, nud thus that was tha'absonee of aenroh'i morning, bud picked up one that was flf In-by Its application. Tho D., U & W, Com- 1 prevant iinncceraaty dehy. tring biiud. Tho race from Plwip.lTa iDUU 11R11R IEEE EEEE F)3Bi KEEt plaoe' are Invltxd. 9.00. IilttloPeoplB'HMoetiiiBi oonduclcd EICB in circumference. pany having eleoted to Join.the coterli IB It K BSE by ltev^O. H. Eoracs.-' . /i iv l|.[i ' Wo would adviao tlmt poraon who U in tho IHOB directly iu front of the houne and is Were stolen from the coop of ;: There IB absolutely no oxemo for dirtnow- ralbroad corporatioui who seek to iaiike up B n H E EH E MRS, D. G. WIGGINS, llbao. •WiUlflfflB, on Spring street, hut/Mon- n:00.*Normnl Class—cDmpetilivo oxnml- lmbit of Bircariug at his team, to upcak ii icly bridged over for about ono liuudi A Roorback. for Uiolr lossea iu loose speculations by forc- iBBB Rniill BEE EEE BSB3 EEE adayi.; Water oonts nothing and Totnpjdnii' dllon.' • • •'* . • '• Ilittle IOWQT tone in the future, BO ns uot in it aud Just wide enough for.n sot to tkn Bit HI! £ ' ' BE fiadny night,' .. • '. • soBpBnro so cheap thnt they are wltbluthe lthSO., Farewell Bervlce.. pLiUDEBK, July 84,1B78, ing prostrated Industry to pay more for coal B E E BHB £ DRESS and be beard from a quarter to a liulf ol n mile liich fact inspirfd many rogiote when tho 1 It 1B worth, IB entitled to no oamldem- IUBU £BE£ EBEE $ . Mr. Oomoron, of. Jersey Olty, Ia building retch of all. Their ezoeUenca &~3rlvlng all Blnce the foregoing was In. type, we learn A oily papor conTeya to our cpilel vilhigo ray. If people will indulgo in niioii biwo n »nco of violin muaio WHB noted. Thin at tho hands of (he people who mifft f, nc dopant cottage at Mt- Tabor, opposite the others oat of tne market, and a rnorobant htm of a Blight ohnngo—the,"eostiiiue loctnroB.of news ot the "iuteuBo excitement" of I vllo practiced, they ought not miuoy thuir itform, however, Borvcd on an exoollont thereby. It has plcocd itself in antagonism Cloak Maker, '.'"• boarding house, ' ' , ,- . '"'•,:,• only to Introduce them In onler to build up Mr.-Van Leunop taking the*, plnce of:the iremennde and waa well uited for thnt pi litizons o?er tho escnpo of John A. Smith Stcreoptlcon lectures of Dr. Strong, on Mou- neiebbon aud coutnmlnnU) society by tlieuL from tbe Insane Asyluin.aiidorcdilB thoDa- to onr best Interest, and it now bocomeB onr ' Ia exhibiting DU elogaul stock of Blackwell St., Cor. of Essex, Tbe milk train on the Midland Bailway |s at once a good tnde., ; ( Al. bus ono or the fluent, If uot thi dnj aud Tuesday evenings. I remember lwving read nn article in which rer Index with the Item. duty to protect ourselves not only by Invit- £nowcarrying abmt l.TOO.cwis daily. II ' ;' The blesuing of the monument nt , most convenient and boat cellars Ii DOVEK. JV. J., tbo (.qvil WUH represented us Blltitig in jiulg- We aro Informed, that "-Doors are hi ing competition, but by sending monto tha PICTDKE THAMES, |; tho noBtprofltaUo train on the rood. -•-•'• ay to,'the': memory of the lato^Hon, Daniel io county, and In tills two long tables wer tneut'ou tlid different classca of offoudurs udguons prepare^ windows fastened, pis- Legislature who will pledge thomselvcs lo would cull Iho attention of tbo Indira ol tbln Patrick PitEgendd WiunBtrd'ok;', wji -•••••'•' FireatWhippany- rrangod whioh would scat tliirfy couples a OoghUn, deeeased, lias been postponed to figniiwl tlio moral tnw. Wbiio lie ndjn Ia and other dangerooB weapoas aro kept secure ths removal of those privileges at Wall Pockets, section to the fact tbot sho hns just rarcivca . working In J. W. Bovere'a hayQeld, near Tueaday, July:30th, b^usd of.thu luability At lifilf-paat Bloven o'clock on Tuesday them nil to bedesotvingofpnuiahraent, timo, nud these vore looded with a variet. ImuiunlUes which these r&llioads enjoy a large and very flue Btoak of nillht Uiabaru of Wlitiiim p..FrMiiuiin, at nftitd, done up KEcnEnnio, pantry aud readiness to moot tho odient of the weak 1'Morrirtown, on Friday, wia died -within'on c'Ut. lteT.DUliop MoQimkl, of lteoheater, wore BO utterly witbotit eionne nnd dutGrr- the haudR of ?the people -whoee industriei and ngreat variflty of WnVrpaiiyi'mia dtecov^red'to bo hoh flro by ft irs other good things " tm nnniBrouB to ut if he attempts to visit tho locality of his pihour.,';;;; •• •'•• • '•*•-•' ••"••'• " "••• "• to iitt«t.d on Sunday,'. The lio'nrfw.thB «ar- they ara destroying by means of their at Ladies' Dress Goods iJnd urn that Blcpt iu tho bdlldiug, A lug of F fero pnuiiibuient on the pro- iontion." Tho roof ot tho collar was fes- ifortunata'decd.*' This Ia ta, an _ ThedWbow. York Owphlo Isfto- vicea Ia fliod nt 8 o'clock, v / • ••'< ^&;J.' mi ihcHO he couBigncd to tbo oombinatlons. . FALL ono WBJTEK VTBUi, Ineludlng team of lionum, Hovoral cows nuil Rome wngoDH wnod with leaven which gave the ;cltoB many a smile at the.atrotch of imag Household Ornaments. I toority for the HtAtement that Lot's wife wfcs BeverCKt punishment iu tho hntlcst rcgl all Uio newest patterns and noTeltiea. AUo During the tMkJ term tha latter port' of wore HATed, lint a calf, lot of fowls, about 35 : litsro a very ngrecnblo odor, aud convoyed itlon cf the Index, or its informant In'the dtnifUhwiUBOflhewil8too of bin hoi domain. It would be well for tills A Fine Excursion to Bockway Beach. afuUIineofalfMtioteBfor IAD1ES ^VEAlt, Ust>ro&k throe casca'br^snn etroko occurred toDB oflmy, 2B0hnBliGlB of corn, 75bunbelH loideathiit somebody knew well how to iBBational article alluded to, "Wo have yet l .as of persons to poiidoi this representa- Ax advertiseuient'eiiibwhero 'gives partio- In ttii phtoe; the most serionB of.whicU was ofofttfl.and a lot of fnrmtcg utensils wore 1 bear of tbo first person of > any aensa who Confectionery, tion. . . . •-,•-. ulariof o grand eicnreiua that goes from , UHINOS, CoLM. M."VMI Bnren, a well4fnown Now ia tbo caw of Mr. John 0, Force, .which cane deatroyed.' The honiie of Mr. ^Fraoni&n wna •ido for the enjoyment of gneate. B takoii any unusual.procautioniaad always pare and froah. TIES, CDFF3 AKB C0LLAn8, 8T0OKIN0S. ! • j Thcro lias bcon conjidemblo ItoUomont ii this nection to Bockaway Bench on E^doy p York millionaire, died - «f. Wo, mimmer 'rwdr oeaxUmninatlDg fatally, bni'froni wbioli,he ouly n dbort dlsuinija^.Rvmy.ibut wijia'snved •ceu Biily-fivo and sevcuty couploi partook doubt if tho most timid feel any real fear. our vtHiigo over the oHonpo of tha luuittic, (?) oil next-week, which' promises to be TUX BOOK.8, and otlier netcBfuiries of tbo toiteL I liaro donue In Morrintown pa .THurBdiylnight;of Ii, now" alowlyrAooTflring.. -Amoa Haycook by tlio aeiglibora. ,Tlio burn wus a liirga Hupper, nflcr which tho.iwrty in ground Still therci nro'thoRo; and I'n'otioc eomo,of mado arrangements Ly which I con order s y g and wifo mnnicrcr, John A. Smith, ngrtii the papers speak dqubtingly of his Insanity, excursion of. tke seoBon. '• There is no mon . kstweek.'. •-r/A: -^.i.••*<•;•* ,-. :*.f^iwd »lltilb •oiTbf John B. Gibson-weronim; mwod thoinBfclyes In various, ways until BLANK BOOKS, ntractiire,!with jdiite roof, :aiid. wijo wknm iudlgitation nina liigbor, porlmps, ut It is of that cloBB who do not investigate delightful place, ta the. country to go to fo Silks, Trimmings, etc., A Tory pretty;article 'tot^fiuma]-' ilftrly, afflicted, < bat both are now about A- the niWUn'thliinoigliWhWniWUnthliig d iil nut raid-night wheu the sninbar began U : tliau nt any lima since he coil)milfoil tho and know littla or notbing cf tho casa'br a day's oicurslon' thnnRoclnwiiy Mcncii iBadroflaebcidflwlUGhltfheinfiBOld.eheapeit coveredl)..';•,"".-'.i';''. }i''^Jh''.i.'.'.'l'~-*tii ,'• r' • •mnte' d that- the loss will reach HSfrw, upon bloody deed. ' AI.EMI. rlndlo tiway, though a conniduruble of and lmve a full Una of Baraploa from whfcli v inuj1 remiiinod nntil two or ttirce hoars oanscBof his occasional aberrntions uf mipiJ, where there in Bplondid eca hroezes, flm Stationery. &c. to Boloct. A Bpecitlty mndo of ntW.S. Babbitt's. We have obserred it : Liquid! maiiuro. is * exqallrol•'/«;_,ooloij wh(oh thbrp^Doinatirnnce'. Tlie cause in and that lie is at times Irresponsible for.LlB Barf bathing, and the best of accommodn- plants, as they cannot bo too higlily manor- "uiikiidwni htit'is believed to have boen orig- , Tub* ophode 'n thobldtoryofMt Grope d® ZJISSO, 1 The Mount Tabor Hecorri, ltoberta will iloultloes be lemombcrei] tions. Tbo trip, too, Is a sploodid one, The best btnnda of A Uiief entered tne home of Wm, B. Hon- ed.' The Boil should be rioh and moirt. It iuntad by an inconillnry, At first it win which I hnvo a full slock. iltributoclto n. demented Gormau, apnrtof This paper WMUIIIH VBIW bo qulto cni^ ith ploasnre Uirongh the balanco of tlieir Of what UBO Is that iinment affording splendid views ot the harbor of Is a good plan to plant celery between alter- r POBEIGK AUD DOMESTIC tnguo, OD MfHope'Ayenue.Urt Soturdiy :i : ombly eiilargwl—iiinkinR It a hftutlsouio four , Qnito a nnmber of presento from aent at Morris Plains and ite n New Yort,witb its cities, forts and hundreds night, but woH frfBbUnelUvBj before eeuur- nate rows of corn t the corn affords ftn or whoBO Qlothlog wna. founfl' n(>&r b7i' Mr. Dress and Cloak Making- FiDomna oftora niownrd t»f.$lO0 for tho )lnmnn to thi tin nml gaestewero iliaplnycd, ounBlatiug nedlcnl board and thel- toBtimony with rof. of olhtr points of intercut, and a flno trip oellent protection against tie bet July anil SEGAJRS. In nil itR branches carefully nttendoil to, ingwy booty, detoctlon of tho guilty parties, if any Ibcre Eioh diij during tlio ling icling, nrtieleB L-f silver, glnan, tin and wooden nee to such coses, and his casa ia partlcu- out into tlio < a an the wny to the Beach. AugUBt BUM, Uio cornstalk to bo remoTod an The fact that the management of the eicur- tcflpcctiiilly holiciting the iiotroinigo of (lie Tb.8 Y,H., boglnning Angunt 15lh, It ill ctintiiiu full >to, liueu Inblo covers, nnpkius, towelx, XT, if their opinions formed upon the di DOVER BANK DTOLDIKO ntliiiB, I iiromke uloso nnd careful nti*ut(on j soon as the com hoa been consumed and tlio i,, nnd two hnnOuome betl-room suits, slou IB in tho hands of Conductor Allen and , TOW afternoon wnm «a *•««* ««L •—»•"•*•""",""" reports of all Iho uornn mil servicefl. pou luctioim of medicd science nnd skill are to i thnir noeds. M»a. D. G. WIGGINS. plants'have attained • irafflelent ^BLEO and 1 Train Dispatcher Coolbaugh, ifl a gunrnntei T-tf , DOVEB, N. J. I". Street M/E. Ohiiroh, andwillWcoridaetcd • ••-•• 'The Coal Trade- , ;: BkotchcH ot thane »lio lavo becomo promi- whioh waa of elegant pattern nud finish, set aside by an apostrophe of tho presai 47-tf Blreugth1 totake isaro of themselves. - ••'• y^ Tbo cool oporaiora nro proparinBifor*(i nent in tho work of tlio Cnuftronco, C Itogotlier the event wns plEamnt to all sneer oflgnornnt prejudice? ./-• that every effort will be mada that will Ghulsy Mille was brought before Justlae gradualJIBO : in price by; n snapenattm. of of proporlieH. mil Hoius of daily oc. It Is the united teatJniouy of those wlto conduct} to the pleaguro of the eioarsionlfitA, OnlaBtBaturday.oTOnins the yoonB pso- bchnlf or tho goontfl, I will eipreas tbo and we rtcommend to such of our readers Oage on Mondiy, charged with beatfogPhtt^ raining, ,thin Icaionlng tho stock jOulniiiJ ciirronce It will bo iusneil out! ninilei^ our- .now him, most Ultimate);, that li The New Empire pie of-Mount tabor met in Ebenozer PaTil- •iHh thnt Mr. Hobi-rtB nuil hia laay may live who would enjoy a day of real pleasure ana Ip Parr, a email boy, and put under ball to The" Fott&villeMiniug Journal Bayn I'^T ly every moiuing, and to all who cannot be ila'bra'to ihb fifUolli auiiivoraary of their insound mind j nnd at times unnafp, at otli. The Best Sites lon, when Mr. Snmnel Clark WM called .to benefit, that tliey go on this delightful irlp, Hot-Air, Gas &'Bnse-biiiii- bfore (he Grand Jnry:,;: '."• "•" preside, mi It was resolved to organize a so- being a eeneral ausponsion in tbe Schnylkill in daily attendance at Uio uroiiuctawill proVa ricil life, aud wouldn't object to llioi: ir times hnrmlcfls and iuoiTe]iBive,\ That region but week, tho Bblpracnts amouat to eBpooinlly intcra»tlng. Bingla subneriptions which affords thorn a cheaper and better FOB BUILBING IN iSle'ty called "Mount T»bor literary and Mu- seing tlieir Bovonty-atth. GCBTO. n informed IB oteo tbo opinion of tho hlgh- opportunity to rlelt the Biach than they ing Cooking Store. only 2,283 :ton«,; as agninst .4,(K)^ forthe throughont tho euliro- :tii)g from; Bro^miy,; Warren i.oqunty,- pawed gical Uniiin," and the following officers wore it mcilicn] authority nt the a»y]uuif and that will Lava in a long while. prevlong wcelr,'nnd'138,i23 tohn for the cor- M, Iret . _ through town «aWedneaday morning. m- elected) Mr. Leber Colt; President;;KeY, , to any Sunday School Council. • ] will never recover. ^ 7 responding week of hut yonr. T .c Entire (< b. p. Burgeas, IW -Tloa Vruttant |. UI« plaoing it within th achofnll. Porclwbs The llimdolph Township Snnilny Schoo Ono paper snggflGts that there ia molhoc MORRISTOWN wrty wwbon^ for Oeatral Port -;j; prodnctton for tho week was 27^,000 tens,. -Tho Foies have holes ond the birds of U11 AlUeB. Tatttfl, SeoondVIcePreBidontj MIM wtea wilill bo usfl followsl : Fivo oopiea to ,rita» •imchen' Association, orgnnizedfor tlie put t'hlfl tuodnoBs;" vfho docs not know that arjnlnBt 4Jb,7&l toon for the sauio week of' iir have nestn, and Apontlo oi Tompcrnnfi The law reqnlrei every pbyiidsnoommMi. Busio Steoie,: Third 'Vice PrefiidBnt] Mr •postoHlce, $1,CO; ton copIeH to ono olllce, of promoting more olllcieiit work il Jiniis tbo niofit fiorious kind iind least oura- livt ycari being » decrouo of 170,70-* tons. flM) Fmccis Miiniliy'B privnte Becrotwy WIIIM ti oins ths prnctlita in'New Jenioy, to place on witb «tm copy for tlie getter up of tho club, lie Sabunth Schools* of Iho townnliip, heir jla? An idiot is gciicrally barmlees. nt til] Arthn^/Leary^.TTCDBurcr, and Mr. 0. 0.For the year so far lira prodncUon la J.22G,- a committee in a Mitssnclinsotts town: " I filo in fcla ooan^ clork'B offlan a copy ef tin $3. sOnnvoBBors aw wanted in ovory IOCAIH} flrat Council in tho Bluokwell Btreot M. iiuen, hut cosoa like his rooolTe,but Ultlo Olair.Boer^tary.: :'. ,•••;• • • -<•;•';, 741 toas, against 10,010,08(1 tous for the you could mnko it an object frr him to go, in Norlliorii Xow Jonoy, and to snob liberal Church ou Monday cvenina. .Tiioro wn» charity or synipatby Dt the -Lauds of taoe PROSPECT STREET. Bompialnls.were'miide by many of our corresponding period hat year ; dacronue, «ay by giinmnteelng him $150. nnd hotel, torma will bo offered by Bending Iboir aiT largo ftttauddnco, niarfy illling tho ohnroh ,vlio havo neve/ Btudloil. Uie. subject,-, "III may never bo left to tke acting out, THE DEST BAKING STOVE IN THE W0I1IX • In tho First M. E. iOhuroh to-morrow of Mr. Lewis 0. Hurf, ftt iurdtoiiri,jni WooilrnlTfi uewa store, Chester; Furr'a nowi, nlone. The jury gave him a verdict of J4". m tlie best or terms, nml can be pur- parUoularly OS Uie Mount Tabor lt&oonv sb*" by Itflv. Pearce Hogt'W, ami themselves, uorcstraiued, by grnco or Ui< Also. 3 Lartio AHsurlmont of otltcr Btjlcs morning there wiU be Lovt Fe«t at half- TucBday. A little danglilxrcnincdFlomiioo, gtoro. Port Oram i Beam* filoro, ltocltawny r vl cooking Rlovro, llaufte^ Parlor clmscil in lots or 50 or 100 feet or tlie will nipply the need every day at very little J. H. Noigbboar, John S. Gib*on fearofm.n. ,, -^J.y-,1.-. . past nine o'clock, followed by the Sftonment aged two years was supposed by those In the Am It's Htore, Mount Tabor; Bneni boc EXCESSIVE HEAT mil DBWUUIMOIUO diet 1 BtoroB, to., ooit. ItwiUbaaenttoiinyaadreEa.freoof ind A. 0. Sinitli. NoitHoT. Mr. flullown) Judge for inati.uce, the pej^on who tbls BCisun of Ihu year m»j spocdllj c»rrj y.i wiiolc lot. Depth about 115 feet. house to bo out at the barn playing with oth- store, Dover i or by Jfimon Dolan, SUCCOBU and Uio aJmisalon of probationcra in fuU postage, every d«y during the meeting, for aught the lEBSon of'tho comlug Sabbath moke the declaration,' publioly that, certain wtktsms. F«Wi OlnRw Tonle, by il •OR SUMMER 4 WINTER USE. er children, and for tho time no thonglt won id, or D. J. IIcDecrt, Stanhope. -scrcctne action oq lLo entuo dlfi^liT. e, conno/jtlon. .":• ,".. .'•;'••'•• , ';..- ', '.'• .-"•: thlrty-five cants, Bend subscriptions to J. token of her until it vroa found that slio was •'JosiwatNi«arctb,"wbichwM(ollowed b; persona should hava their bulldlngB burned l **- °"ly «WM»Bly """ ni«r Al>o,» choice Block of THE VIEW PROM THIS SITE remarks upon the same by Rov. Ur. Hoi laTj, Ctolen, Cnuuira Infantum. Rev. J. D. WhiUhead, of PomptonPlflinn, 8. Glbflon, BOVBT, N. J. . , * : not tlore- On looking about fine wosfouud bocauee they asBcrUd tboir bdlof. that Smith row. Rov. Mr. IwaglcB followed with a (lit », Bpa«na. ale, but will prevt llnrdwaro, Cutlery. IS UNEfttTAILED, liu purchased * aew bell for the Dutch Be* just outside of the hottso,near !opii)f;the Trains for Mt Tabor, had a diHcased hrain .and waa therefore not crouuB UiionlerUiin s fromm stt&ckiiiK t formed Church there, and had bli Dame cart \Mofria Soecikl Semens. During the continuance nf tho Sunday courao npou "Bout LosaonH Helps," and Mi roflpouriljle-roinove from snoh an one thi m. flralraaay Bave yonnr lirelire, aandd BlfBlfoou las, Wooden, Copper, Plain and Janauuci doora, witb her head lying in a pall of water lept'ln lUe nomc. *t*tu to on. The beU weighs 1,800 poundVandlJ ft oliool Oangresa at Mount Tabor,' tral B.O. Mnglo, Jr., who wns to follow apoi tint of society or a liighec power, or, let b lt -' T1NWA11E. looking to the North, Soulli, Knst or and life eilinot, Tha pail woo only about tho flame subject, declinod on nccouot of tin omvutai. - for wtWm_._^i ddilldna Tory good one; ;! Ifl from tlie stations iu this vicinity will lem BO unlnlnneo the miud, and tlio dovil l'l'ssomiog many ail dill 01: West, mid U iiuobstnictoit. July 20th. • Tho Slate -it John Heenoy half full of water, and It is siipposod that in lalonossoftho hour. Mr. H. 0. Joultins olntblo roou, II IB r«rin] Dil Clollia. OntfotB, Lami», I'ainK and Oil. himself eould not concacl greaUr doeds of vlrtitulll.aitFi *o"r othe**• — "r- ' —-—- — ,(A CaEC«, FeatkrH, rrall'tt Aatral Oil { Its situation, but a few initmtcfl walk The woodshed of iheSutaaxB^lroad mm- who pleaded guilty to breaking and ontoring trying to roach it the little ono toppled over as follow. thePffsideiitof tba Awociatioii, presiding without their ci na 8:20, i. w.j 3:20 an jeliiel than thoy would conceive nnd seek npknm.) Al»), pany, at Waterloo,, was destroyed by fire onhouBO of Fred Davison, on VTaghlngtonat., head foremost into tbo pall, and was strong- Stintopc, 7:10 ,t the meoting, tlio adilruiwes wero nil appro- rlui to Essencettus or fintoilcatOB Qiii( , uor rrtatos ai from tlie Pnrk, mid yet retired from the lionday eTonlns with ft quantity of wood. Morrifttown, and Btoaling ft waUh and other without being nble to moke an outcry. to enrry oiit if iu tlieir power. i)j:Ai.i:n IN COA L. mull, tliorou^hfiiruts renders it iiiiequnlktl r.i SiOlBud irinte and interesting, and tUe oxercii iniiqm n..malBDlB. It cure* Dripcpali, The flro originated from •parka from the ln- articles, WOB Beutanced to the, Ootin^ Jail for re intcwporseil with verj due tJogiuB a rlbuin, Bour Siomacli, etc., (Jtubleu iou u OH a pluee of residence, being hi tlio fO Next Monday's Eclipse. nVnyihofruiWanuvCKt'lablei of Ihu " .cotnotiveof theeyentognait train.' i fourmontlwandooBta.:!'. :*' ' , Recapture of 3/nit/i. \ . pmyerg offered by HOVB. Uesare. Hollown without tear md given comfntt and om .... Kooilng, Fluuibing and Jol y wva begun mnoking pieces of win country ami yet in the heart of the city. . a«Tge Wortfall plead' BU»X .^ Bteallng 'JoW A..Smitb, the Flanders horaicitlo, . Dover, 7;W>, T>»8 and 8=48 A. «.; l.ffl and Morrow aud Jay 8. Treat, Eaq. Just1 I b«rty moil. Duj» $1 boiito or pit tog Work nminpllv attoudod to. The octniriiB beat at ualwoek waa foUow who escaped Irom the"lanatlQiuiyluin,'alll-' 2*4* S'Vt, 0:<1S find 8:2r> p. M. ,low gltisj through which to view tbo eclii B fist, Voughl A KIllRoro, Dorcr; Or*ni, limnoi DONSIiLL-S PATENT STEAM COOKING Inquire nt Uic o&tn and wheat from John S. DiokBnon, near iro adjouromQiit ft committee represent • Oo.. Purt Dram j P.M.Jenkins, ; J • cd'by real chilly weataer the' early part of lie more llau two weeks m?o, was recaptured IlocWay, 7:03, 7:41, 8;C0 *. M.[ It f (ho srm next Monday.' Tua eclipse will i. ChanUvovne. tiUnliopo, or* mniplo boll Mik'* Scnles n't Mimufa « Bockavay. Sentenoo, two monlha County e!jt;ip ilTereut oburcbes of the towiiBhlp was : -thDpreuntwBflk. An old weather obaer»er it Waal'InKtou, Warren County, last &»t< -He l-*»0, i":04, fijM, 7:WI, 10:02 P. K, grow at Monut Tuber, and report the test, tVi taVou 111 ttschitnge fur CI»OI1H. * snn ifl always preceded bj cold wcatfier. , first wont to tho bauau of bin etop brother in ow zone from Eiberla and Uehring's Stmilf DETOHBTUKRKACII or Hmur Bnu. !• tin lau: pleaded BU»ty- Bentcnco, one. month Mid MorrUto™. 8:20, SifiS, 11(00, «:«•*. of theirolnmrvalious (it tbo next meeting TlltUKN A BONNELL., '- We have of bite wen some very,fine spool- tiiat plneo, a.»'l ^^ ^nt wandored awny on liruiiKh Ahmka a few miles to tbe norUiem.1 iHiwcr to reuwre the bill ta bald liewls wlin -oata. • " • ' llio Council. lie bulbi at tlio rootn nro dntrurtd by igo o i IQCBR of gold and silror plating dona by Ecu foot Into PcntmyWaoia, and rqlurncil very ifSitliti, aud turning Bontliciwtorly Ihrongh •ItttoasB; but Hi ore ire U phuo, and are RaUififd foot Bore and tired,* to WaeMngton,' last Fri- R.ilO.'in.W, 11..81 *• M.; 12.4, Tho following gentlemen.* eompoHO In Chancery or Nuw Jetni-j-Fi. U. for HAIC of ing a. tondful of ourrnntH from Ilannah Pro. dnathnm R.ilO.i.W, honntlury Io lougitide 08, west from mlRht bu roworoil 10 U* ortplnal lainilanri DOX'T FORGET IT. mortKftKcd pTuminL'H, wlicruiD Elijah 1*. Alii u . Irom tho exbellencc or the work thut Bonbon .lay, where ho wan ucogiiizod byparlicH who ».r.7, 4.4(1. ilnil.noo , CTC..T33 . 020,25 pp.jw. Cominitteo! IIOVB. Gill, FenglcR, llogm Mdbuntr. Pwkw'B Hilr Ikliam ii an i in compltvlnanl, mul William Tliarp and den and Wm. H. Beam. Sentouoe, BUBpehd 1 can suit anybody who' have' anything' to do kuew'hlm ami informed alight watchmnn -, *• » * and Jnckaou and Moasrs. F. V. Wolfe, J. on, It will pass north ufBalt Ukt »nt proparmUon, ilcxIgDed lo meet tlie puMIc Oluritv hlu Kilo, William 11. Furce. Hawli I. cdanddofondiuitdlBohargcd; 1.'; "..,,, Olty ipl 0 Ultlo eonth of Denver, titi RSIorYbirinllii i.!lr OrmteKand r^lor- Itapos; tliu l-rniidont, Ui rue lorn nml Cmn- inthLiline.' * .;\-'.:M::'->..'-^'---'-.''''--- . .f his whereabout*. Thin Btmtlemnn, tool Cunooa Freaks of Lightning- Uriant, L. Bkcllcnger and J. 8. Gibson. itire. It uti like might, cunmenclag it tlie piny uf tho GtinLon National Hank, Tlio Pint AlbertB. Blggii, ofDiaVBvffle, whooflate ' John Oollitu, roceWng stolen goods, pfciul is wher d Bb[l;b, i Itiutlio iulCDtiou of tbo ABSociatiou Pike's I'cak and tlionoe Jnlo the Gulfofllex- rcrv roota, raaovw Daniii-nfT and alluumor The Sioger S ewing UacMu to't.fftt, National Bank or Uoniiiluwii, Tlie Uorili- During tho utortn on Friday afternoon fr^ii thi 1 never Wl. to restore g..; has been unfferlng greatly fr6m]the lota of not e*Mj. Wai set-down for;'Monilay, into CIIBUKIV, and ou br[nglng;bim intiuue these Counailain Vnrionn pnrts oen Gnlventon and New Orli ntnptou County Suing 1 JJank, Tlio mas E. received ft rewnrd that ooinpanwlcd lost week n troo nl Weaver's lock, JUHI nliovi orftdoftddd lallialrr to tlillio oiiginaoiiKiD»l colorcolor , •na d tl» MnrdP, Jolin TV. itotris, Julia L. Sum and - an eye, bad the injured momborrcmovea on Aug. Cth next.'—Banner. ' llio township, ami tbora can. bo no il Tho lino will tbnn run eimtorly ncrosB Onlia [oa&y appcrantso ofyoul Jami'i P. FUuli, aru dfrfiidnnti.- Iteturuk- Dovor, was struck by a holt lihti n Hh d me fallinft of tbo bur (• Opposite Cain's Shoe Store, Monday, affording him much, relief. .The tlmt tlio HlIinuluB whioh their efforts met und the socthom section of Sau Domingo, blo to JJaj-Term, A.D. 1B78. 'completely ablvered, und the BJIIO of an oi • cliceteJ, and a Intnriiiit and lit E. F. ALLEN, Sul'r, pro. »c operation was mMessfully : performed by ;C-r* ' ' , Mendham. .^ at thin meeting will bo 'augmented, nix. tl nml ead in latitnde l?i° north anil longitnd , «f Tonng hair Induced. The . Sheriff's SRIBB. "-' house staudlag near was blackeycd. On SUSSEX St., BOYEII.N.J Tlio mlo OD liclull ol Uio tboTa-nnuipa rur- '-Oh Thursday of hat week DTohico Baird n vnflt nnioimt of good will bo accompli" 7J° east, or ft tittle raulh of Forto Blco 10 »fid the twritf oi its conipoBltion m ' hdCaiy''' " ' ground about the tree was traced in scorch npDroelBtcd, and m it t" not a dyo an tii'oriniiljpnrned to liku plane it thoUnltut . 'wiii'iteiofcni'rfmm'bjiUie mm, Medical Tno following B^loawero miule by ffl in Sunday School work. vrCi. Seieuliflc observations are to bo made iu tb : vegotutiou aud plants nil of tho roots, wi- RUlea Holel. in llurriatowii, N. J. on By notioa daewhere it will be •oea that xeniedies tppllcd by^Dr. Stlger.luwo "for T on Mondayy ; ! zone of tbe total eclipse. Tho obs rvcrs nr Evoiy Stylo of MacMaes sa hand. t the currents of electricity must Imvo be widely scaUewid, to avoid entire fail ilr. Wright, retires from tie firm of Wright xesbored bim that he U ablo to be at work B ro vs. Hanvtlle, 12 acres i lowed. At tho time tho bolt fell,Mn. V The Journal of Chemistry Bays thnt MOHDAY, August 12th, : ship, . old t. pliantifff.iif r fllB tire, in cueo of cloudy wonthor at any or th Co",Yorl Omm; P. N.Jenlin« Cheakn NEEDLES, COTTOSH. HILKS, A.D. 1878, butween the Hoars of 13 il. and tHeinl. 'He Intends going to U* bonie In bB was tUiiidlna In tlio IIOIIBO tenr alum walcria Uiebestliiswtdaatroycr knfiw 5 o'clock P. M. ' Maryland for a Boson for the benefit of hii KnylifllKnyliniLt TO.., liouao nnd lot in I^ci points. • •' ' '" 8. (Waarojno, Stanhope, Had tost 111 mil TinaTa, oiLfi, vie, ET AfUr Sabbftth tho Rev. L W. Cochran will and waa reaching out with nu l*on poke Put the nliiro ipto hot^wnter and let it 1>< riEIISON A. PHEEMAN, Bb«rllT. health.: WewuihlJmaBpeedy'rocovoryanil ton, mill 'o N. B Kllthcll, Eiq...for S5. \ In this section tho eclipse will begin at 4 DntcJ July IGtli, 1H7B. 31-4W leave'for "hlg'ttmnnl. vacation. During bin hor hind to draw Uio floor »uut,whi till nil the alum ia^dhoiolvod i then apply a future residence among UB, ... DllilllInlir minutes 4 neconda past 4 in the afternoon, TJoantilnL Ildcnno doubt hid 1 lino c K>1J on monthly ImlalmmU. ibBance tha pulpit vill bo fillBd>part by flash'of UIQ lightning glanced along hot wlUi a brush to'oll' gmckB, cloaeta, h« piion, unlit it more tbtvn nonbirulfliothi TO LET! tho Bav. Mr. Falrchlld, of Flushing, L. L innhonH and h>t in M'.uiwn HL. *»m Bloads and ottior plaaeB wliere nnyiufiectBi ana?aBt until 33 ntfn'iUi 3 reoondn past fl. noDodod In purity tho comnloiioiu o' • Tho toUl eolipM of the mm next Monday town, KU to Onorin for $SB. ' pokor BO' diBliuotly thnt it was seen bj There are tote eelipeoB in 1862,1883, JB83, lUDi vho UKU tint uuluiitablu naiilloi Tlio largo Aud aonmoiliouB dweUikc s» wOl be Tisible in tho Dnitca Btakw as a par- Tho Sabba\h ovtiiiiigjucnnoafl: on^mnrer number who nnd ROBB l*to tlio hoiwe found. Anla; bedbugs, cookreacbea aud mile I nv oil noun, Olccn'i £nlplinr Bo»p, Dhclcwoll htretit now occupied Ly Divld H. . 1880.1837,1890 aud 1893 iu .1.^.-. pnia _11 .1 rn ft rr\ %\ •. toplci at tho M. E. Church an utccUsgwltli eroepii"-'things aro killed by it; whtlait I n P. McDivvit. Apply 'o tial eclipse: It wiU begin it 4:45 P. M., nnd tar. Sirs. Dabba *ai not nt all tnjurci of tho world, bul it lit nonnlm! that none will • ^"fc snooesa. Tho rabjeot of tho n-xtcno wfllbo Tho houso of Joel Davis, on'SpoeiimU » no danger uf poisoning tbo family or H|M Ll WmBJtEB DVF, I ffi-tl 0. E. GAGE, Doyiij, end at 0jfl8 P. M. The nm will be.sllBhUy be viaible from here, I w hrown,eftr morfl Uiim half ooilpHed, end &:io V. M. '•BadUmea, and how to ma^» iltin good." lug property. be tlie time of greatest oVsonraUon. * . ; Atrnju Adjourned Sheriff's Sale SHERIFF'S --SALE!

iif I'-JVEL. :.:'.v." ji:i'.tr.v. Si"' •!•» 5- TniwIirlilBK. A.l.niui. (,•...! «..»A.Tr....l,r:.:i«. Ui-™«««1! , ('.HI! I..Tn,»l....iB... Almlr. y. «*, lli.rM v. ry li:u* ul ,," 1 Capital, - «2(HM>00.| tli1 IV .1. 1 ••v, lLi< I..,.•riip'-r ' r .11 IllVl! III.' Ul.l ? £^.™Sf..""r ;iii;r:"K.:.i'.'i."i «.vi i i'j'jNKv'.v vnu;-*;iii.M..;i. -..• 1SUSSEX St. GROCER, w'vr.l Kinw ..«• .Ir-f ..!«tllH. U.-Hirinlilf SECURE .nxrrs 11 II.-1 I'uUic Vuiii jlny'J'urm A. H. 1S7B. .-.ill cliy ..f !;r.E' TI;:MUKI urn.snAY, tlm SEIOHU .UUi HM1TU, S°l'r> illJ h twi •III tllil ll'llirn ul X-i. ii i:nl liv 1 „ F.«,,,,,,u "il Mov. I"' ••:••• "« " lill 'I !„•: i-.l. ..ti I- lllill "I t In- i....i.i-M.ini..l I' •.iC'riSSJ'™ '"'"" "•"-• .I.. . k intin; nf u> nn ii.i i iil i 1" mi UOKDAY, the mil il«y of Al:m I ..;.]. T!,,.|,. cl,..y r'.lini l;i..i ill- .-vt-.y .,« llT.,,rS ,,,r »«H,.». 1-iUi,- ••..,.! i""- Lid IIIK: in tl<< • IuWIJihliili « 1 UnHvi'it'N i.inl 1'rovisiuiis. j !: I'.h.WJl. FIRST-CLASS GOODS itolt.A. U. llflK, b(.twi.||i tl.P li...,i* i,: i .,et.,r 11 c-" "!""'»•"•• ',iijii(i(,'»ui i,:,. I. ii,- i.rii.,.iH I....M al »'U-' !»> 11 r. i' tl.L f,.!:..T.-in,' U. [.aiiui.iiiu wlii.l! «5i.-j »r. BARGAINS CANNED GOODS, : otVtnii.; .i: i>iii'i'S to .-lilt tilt.' lilut^a. [0M.llid,IMlj0illlllRLlBiLsof ^[.ll I'.irkfir, "i'lERSON A. I'llEEMAS, HlitrifT. ,.„,.! ,r,li»:.ryl,«n* in 'li" —""- " i (bit li.wli*lnp« a' limiriiil-ilj imri |i.,m(, Hsid Uuilorl, uml c tte I Ai>ril i'a.1, 1878. frrs. fa gl ' 1 ,tl,aCi.BirlJolJI'KT |.«U«Ulnt.....fK.,s. ,..., ..,.r..,.|.,,.; ... 11,,-ir ir.'I.'li ••',.:. ..,.,MlS,,,»v..rv.l.*Ti,Ji..,!. MOVE*. ll II ...Nil" ui-liundrudauil t^n in:rt;«. I,:,-], is of vlt.l i Foreign and Domestic FRUITS. ally tillable mid-pm-liv wuu ,,, .,,,.1,1,1 ,l.,u,.l,.i.,- I '"I l KNAHF.Uill I.I.U1T I!. 1 iu tliii bimiu j'l'IN i: GOODS '1'hti imiir «HER1FF'S SALE! •,'!"i.",^i!rn"'«Z."-iv''',.--n,.-i: ,„. linvt i,.' sudljl .I...H W. .IA, II. .. i.r.., ,I....mi Her., in milt >i'",™'*»l"" llltH, »!•' Icuty of fruit n 1 J . ,,,„.,. !,...! , ..,.f»l.,l.'a :<•• IN ii5i»Kii«ilinlliiiniiimii'"ii»»'i» " " iy «»|M,.-,I, ««•!.•,! .iii.l .li-ntrnjiil Iu wiiUr oil Urn fi.nn uililinu mill in n iiliiiMinl v?,iif,!i!,i CIS™. iv.-Mi»_i,i._»it.:._r* "lliii.i tli.'y ».'n- »-»nlil in !i»''. o l.iiiitr I,, ruin iui',1 tliiill b.inl tiWN IU SEWING MACI .Uincis' ininw IJiuilv focation. .nJla.l .I'-hu. •Ilirv -onl'l »<* "•'." , lut of tilkt.k- Uwl, u.ljoi i.<.li><-dfi-L'l[ Ibc.i.-i'(Ui u . • .' .•l.i.-li. fV .,,:.r " i,M'.uniill O1-' 1>(>\ l.ll. S. .). luScriUil lut, liOiitainiuK "l M-r r n«ta;ri-.>B -u?lfiflv t.wl: t!.,,:.,, ! ,,1, \ !l: .if, . r." ll.i: U.c-t V- IIU'llHI ,,™l r.>rtli..»i-lv.-. lint wonlil «t«ul Tor J ; STOVES aud, uow necupif 3 \>y tlm j k-irlur i.r tlin ubiiTn - writ of lie .Inuri'frt i-»Ht tjR* liiiuJr.-.I U •• .Ui.trs IH Iiy'itiJing in with 1). Hoffuinn. J'urwuw wwb • ['..•[;:!.- f. :(ll- 1 .it'i — Ii 11 > .-••lit ; iq.:i»t ll..,til,i| V I. t., i*i™ tli..m fliccks for 10 ctfl. ushortiuftit CIIKAPEll tluu IV>I r.s fcr rartiEks' B:d:3 aid Tor-! , and will i.Ieiwi) cull mi cil ,lii.'e, .lllii! Ulillrf Sl.l.'< IIul«. hulotu bi'gtu at iu-,ilv.. f .ik. noon, nlMoivn, N. J..UII . i, I . I hi.l, t!i" l"'s! 1-lWfi ni I ,v| li'lliiv i.ii.l itit.n CD cent*' worth; i .•rxiUiuim; lit,-, i.. wilUasr's Safes. .' id di.y, vhc», J1ONIMV. Ili> 5Hi ilirii'AtlaDRT r1 • ; .• •• !M-!i.-t-,.>m-.l ' l-^t.rn i ),r il; ,IMi..- nn.l o!ii"ware, ™t tliB beat aditiont. uiiulti know n Uy 1 S^ '''' , I,,,". .!„,,. ll,.,iiM.|rra, shirk work, I AND Cn^Li.m HAM. , u.ii. i.i«ivc tli.; first to .ltiumutl WILUAU U. ilona VOORHEES BROTHERS, M \ I- A Ci I'.KS: CIGOPtULMSfAEE, itod June l!Jlh, I(*W. .tTtl nf land and |>rumi«i'«. J'tT","* H71, Bi I* li>t : (jnttere, Ac, clicaji art tha I:!KIM> 1iiato,lyinRfttirl '• ' .-.. .,.rrl.-,,''.:'ll... l,,,.,'.il,,liii.! '•", r i. ,v, N"«', «u nil liuow our nu'ii, j r, iu tile (lonni oi THJS HKOONB T-.T l.-fiim nl'ili. JH.rl.l. • irr.\"i:v Mrr.M'.i.AN*. tUo to* of Diiv ]trorilicKaiilflr>.llot, Ufm.i i i!,r,l,..r.,,,irn. «« .Wt .'mploj us MORUISTOW7EJ, <;t-:oiUti: niriiALtus. Morris Orphans' Court. S Joraov, and btn Otfl i iy :'. »•,. i,,.-,l l.> Iiy iinu-lliiir—» VLTJ WOOD and WILLOW WARE, on Ihfl H'trllifiiJo of Elftfckwvll filr.;. I. in . j . • • i-;.-. . f.,r I. ...i.l ; i..-itl...r.!'•-• I'JMV ;!l TINWAEE 1.1 -;fi.~[.i;v, MAY TEllM. 18:8, town of Dovor, find on » couiw. inntMM it .-..viiii.'. Y.M. fir, 25 cents ,i i. \\: nii:r. d.-cro«fl wwt one hntnlriidfM-;r..:ii .1 jr fiF Maiuari1! Wilh'tn, (ti-n-aMi'l- I'" : • • . h, •• f nn.-,l' fr....'.. „:., .1 Mh.ik^i'iiif! lunitl cm lie inirchiiMiil twi out to Uak, ussrm os m HHHASI, i J VMKH II. 1 bo a B t lino; n»d mm (1) ncrili tliru* -I-; i - • «lu.w ciitse why t!i«Jte 'li""! ' ""' " fifteen tort U> tlio nortliw.' f t .,t iiiiywlur.! in the oily. Wliila thfi • ••..•.:: i ],roi-.uli,,!; ,.t MT^ ..[ li. nh Builders', Carriage ilaliara*, w. II. r.A?.i!ii: HARDWARE tiOMAA WITXKTS, A'l."11"'111,1;"*!^, iimy * M . . i i. l,,,ir.,i,t> ,.f M..i,li.,,i,i..rr|,,, •rim: I'II tlio pritM lwliw t!i» lintiils and I«we SciriHB, liyd ,:. rliiin .lf(rre.., it ;ilro lwlp» '•• i" » ltl.\« KtMITIlN" unit .llttiinflt Mn.pll.. I. JJ. JDLI-V. t; lllt'IlBft (^} llf'rtll • ••:'. :>.,.r..iiirbf.u.•». "1 li.'.v .I.-KJI.>•»!- i ,„ Allen & Monington, . - Ill,, II, ;.,„„.. iir.l.MI..... 11.. I'.ir. „.: Unit i* v.-1-c gmtifyilif,'. riiwrps i'M STOVES, "orutr of n lf't-of litml \hnX II IM; rlnii wnv'-yftd bi oiw Klmimi 1). (:.,-'. .• »••. i,,ii r..i-,-i,i.. ii." ii,..y.ii.v x™i;, .'llv li 1 id Hi tiits, DOVER and CHESTER. TIMS A-N'I) S*1'EFX, l,y d««d tlnttd Murck l«t, i»M : fhti.r,! (.l,,ll;: HUM-,'. r,;!,.i:.i.-:.i. ^ __ i^ti tlm Huo of the wmift (HJ W"Ui tl.rco «U ,„,. , ivliii fil wh. , they «iiw ibut i tjimt llilrty da-t t'» tli« eortJ'T flf wi:a ULS ".( , They like llio Seeds, Fertilizers, &c. GA.S 1'11'Ii ASD FIITINaS, ••rin... v. ,u» .IL'.I. ' '.i.l .i ..•litl.--miinlti, OnccTrict!, Always Used! Jot and tb« rciiil HrHt lafhtfnrn niMttitnii >1: I . I.,.. .ini.r jwl..r,l.iy, •?.".•»• Y.irk »a>| „,, tyle of liv iqm wclltlut tltoy linvu DOVER BANK. Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. FiTiiNiruitE, CAHPEIS. Llmnon PIUDC tlic wtmo (< 'nnrili ^ij;1ify-« i n tiy'fif tho lowering, and ICOUPOBATEB IIY THE STATE OF SEB VsrctwVeHt lliirlj--ilirr'c fci u wwt fifty f.>ct to tlia vU«i «f I.. ••!:.. • I ..,•.-! jil.,,:.. l,,t a ni'iii !•• livi. llml 1: t litkiti •rorilio wliok luij iln-nci ihJH,' cOuUiniiiK fluren tlionunul dm l.u;;. !i-.-.i-..;. iii.l I .,,,1 r.,i»inntl; '"ii il.'-l itill iMiitinili' with IH. IH fuct, tliore OIL CLOTHS. MAITHfOS. &0. •inn In »aiil 1'mnpcct ttrcol Jred and t*ei'lyflvo fl|ltt lunro "r llv:. ;i:-ilimrlitr ilenrtnn w«lJ •:•'.• r..,-., .n.miiililo l,.,i,«,, nn.l i i:i« In-en ,i (jroat turn ovnr in tlift jiast icciuor to Scfiir's HniiU nr PHCENIX (ifi'iiftm Killin |jlncoi»r l> i,inc tha siime land convoyed l>y,»aW JI. USE ' ..Vnrlnn ' and wjfo'to'llni NMII- "Iffli* I ; ,., v v. l,.r,.,.|-1 ..i,.,i|i. ib.;1i,,u;lU,..|.-; .wo yctiM in tiiit* ri'sjicct. Merchants the "Union llnnkut Durel/ POWDKH, F ' Mil tmctoflaml U itiltiiJc r i7H. and BIIOW cm ial was conTL'yed lo Ilia *n '.dili liv deed dntwl XInriih .;[hL( Ih ,0. .:i.,l . .':,u.l i-i-i' Mill oiniR I., tli.-l tnd liiiHiui'i.:! rinni, who were formerly PACKING. XSD udioruix "j-i y iwndei-ile, »im from V oora.d'in tin; M«»rrw Comity IIUJOHI ..[ ilpi] April (itli, IWD^nnd tl v .• i.i-i.w.i,.,!,!^)!,,. t,mltlattli,'tini™l !n' nt:iiii i-tay of ci'tiai'i hotels, can bu lapital,- $100,000 ,cut< and real eel. it:.-:i d.iily in rifittiuranlB witl- thuir fum- MINING MATERIALS, ut Ui auld as nil THK Xiuuii I/JT W tito'.'Kiima- lunu r.inl TTENTION OI li.^, .Miii-ch:iritJt from tbn country, too. •rniifiOBcoiiv.>vrd hy lj/Ttrtaii RtJi^U.-'uni .ii.l ; :•• •' v...r,, tuiiiMiirT ,wrv\. luTi-. | j If of all 11< lioiiiil, KxM viru to ilia Haid SHcM|^ydi.liy Ly ,1,. ,| ,;..i',l :i; lliini-f!:,.,t lul.;b «^:t ,k .iiy,! ;. iy iii'itniii;^. IM loi.gur think nf Otiooki, Mo iif- (Into -T'ltm -il. IBilfvftiul ih r.ici.nii 1 iiittitii," up at hotels :ind paving for _ ^.,nJ.fl.M.»rgL Cor. Slack well and Morris Streets, Special Master's Salo ot Land; Li tlm MorriB County iloawl ut* Ji-r.l... ml B"ir»(t IU iik i «c I'linldi', Very by thfl <];iy. On tlie i-ontiary, boot N ii iiaKe^ ^3l1 A«.. ««!.-llty Hilt! E. 4 G. H. Ross 4 Breestf, j"r.u A«S LKEK «ml > On Lill r«r...... IN cnAMCERY OF NEW JEI18E ; up town, iw tho Cii.-w m:iy ha, iitiliziog Ailnptcit ioi-iill liindsol md lieinjt in tlio tomiH!iil» of llocknwny, n ••'• 'i"ir. :.|.|,.,..r..l I-. I... i,n,«|>»ri,IH. i. H. DHTKRIWOK, Dclwccii .liiwb Vonatta. isitmpUunaal, «nd Krt- Jio County otll«rrisatkil titntu cC K.-.t-.!,,_ Flu- ilitTcrencc in flio uoat by going to the EN11V 11ASKB, oKxriia Finn *su 1.1FE r HcouVoH. ot. nli-, !- (>c< l..l,..r hill. i.'ii.rl.v |.:,i'l, II-IIIUV. Tli. [.t'.\VIIITIAJi:K, ilofoutlaul*. ) nini«K'»iilold,-l<'UnSt.D.ll«nie«,AnKnilui QV trtfijff'i>art-of nuertAlnliiif'Wtui-i , .„, tl.t'iitre* at niRUt." s, uml Hot and Cold eyWltOtlio Kiiid IU-man Stxkta W r= H , l!..|'li,:|.in vni.ily tn,:il t,, tl,,. ,.l,r-l 5U-tf K1M0.V J SEKiiiBJirn A Hv I. Uknftdil, „„(!Aii.niirf*ir»(«rD; Julia. A. Oanflddf Franc..A^Cap, I v . In Ann and Niih."im nlrret«, tbo pro- Insurance Agents, H. Tlwip. Aaminialralors uf I'ii .Scott, by dwd dntitd rnbriiiTy 2:1,- in,;, '."it ,.f imhlii! opinion, iiu.l c.iiiLiiini'.M Pumps, ulP., etc p, dcii'il; Uinlil Kinrp, Dnrciti! ^corHwi in Uio.Mon-i« CJjunty IWicrtiil • i . ^.rl.itiiiit .1-nii.niH; l.tit fur lliisi vsiilitifT prices f'ir inmiU of all kiuda arc Office. "Ill lion Hank lluildlns, loe^o, in$finld%-A-. 'I' • I'l.y i •.--mu.illy (irti.l .i.'ur, nwinL' l.i thr ;IHCOIUH; ti'ii nnd coHue, 5 ccnta ; pica, Dover Savings Institution, N.i. 2, TWO F.CHYd :muN0-l, 1'lUCii f Wlllimn T. I.o]iurt, QUO ' art liotflir toiireyol \>tfaaK nt n ptiml ::i uilnmd'. Al Morristown, N. J. nolllie irishC.mrtt»rClni U aiTkiTliT»r,".Tr.", Oi"orB» Knfrlur.Ed» Ilie flr.t lino of llii wl.olo lor*«f Shitl lti.-r^m l.',,!..4 Jpi.rMisfi iu pi.ti-.'iiii,-. F.nliir.-s ~> ronlfl ruT cnt ; puddings, S anil 10 OFFICE IN DOVER BAl'K. , mUwll ft pitblic RW V Ilol.anl. Ji.ln O. llU'i Jol'" H- ll^-- Stick 108 distant mio Luiiclriid *«-e6 ntva.emij ,s. 1 r.ll.mi.i! us it ,:i>utif.|uv. iinil ivuiH ; inilk, 3 null 5 cents per gUnx. A.iVl'i"iya"i< MirrJini.T-(j«iitmg« y t-Shi. pi! Fjjitn IloKH, Gto. II.1UW.H, STrrnENliJ linrV S5l"ll, U«.r,r. 1nld""!.'. IUf'fn louth foitT-foiir dtRTQiiK wust from tli* h-i" Tli-'y nrfi all largoly patroi;i«nd hy dfirltH Uoorjo, J.n... '^"j^" ),™;™ ^JJ >nd corntrof Haidvliol« lpt.andraiin\> 0FF10EH3: A. J COE, Oollectorj l H n 1 1) ROUUI Kit (li^grcrx c-itHt. f)uo lilimliCd. u..,it imil.-r, all for tlit-l:.i-bo(:t ''I sjilpstnun nnd laborers, and by tho cm- A?KuilAUi™'y'l>.'"'«"N'>lr';' ' ,"' : rr Nl lllilt ih a 1 W fucti theuco forty-fdi;r't c:rc : i of tho bunk binJorios and print- OIIH HrVNOF. - - " luck 1'. St. or mid "layi U»n A t'OUrH<- u RIHI J"lin YanXontniiiu, fl s.lslitam1 k i :AMKHB.LEtt!B - - - - Viw-1-r. - DOVEIt, K. i/clock 1'. M., nil thttt tijist «f 1 l.iiil..iitn. t'i. Ia. for»*l o of niorlgWI' Km* ono btindral fdot j'!Suni* fS).u »l i ii.N <>f Hit! Irnir. Ui,irinn:Hi, St. ing establishmmiW. There urn alno - i.F. MATTES - - - - Tn* mil nremlscR, ulliimu, IjfhfT *>«' orciiiiite«. R*tiiinabla flr«t Tnr(Ml»; or I'eb forty-Hix ilegrrca west bne"!iiHKlrcdiiiiiH-i n liipollUn.l<.l .l.,in tn« Cc i.iiiiH ami Cliitingo, vcre tlio first eitii* iiminmrablobniob rooms that give excel. OW B 1 nwrr, IB7B. JACOB V1KATM, Hnlt. [cftt niora orltBrt, into the liret linn nr Hi- COMPANIES 11KPRSSEHTED. la ami Stalu »r h"" Ji:ranj. 1 rnnE BUle of land* In tho abo«o cftoso i ^hofnlnt; tlu-iicu W nlnnfi until firrt lii;-- in wliich linicl prnprictorfl broUn tins tc'f !'iit dinnoni, which iudu-ln soap, three [. Co., of Newar irucrfbeiUa rull»«*, t> wie: IJi I Iwliair ot ti.e nboro ...mod p.rtie.aUi! nort'i forty-fmir ili-tirnea eiwt oucliuwlr.'.! n n»i American Mutual Ini liuap of ttorf r a corner ft ailjourned to tuVo IIIBKO »l tlie front door in lliti wny «>( lowering prWs j uml limlHuf meat, plunry cS vrgqliihiai, pi, Hen rj C*Ver, H.J.. AsfietB uyer Sl.OO.000 (Ihirlcii Hkolhrnit " :t, inoro or l(;s», to llio i.ltuv of Lfjjiiihiii'! M. II. Dickpmon, Juinrt 1!, I.twin, tbo road tcailmg linm LJiaii* hlt llujL'onrt HotiHi), in JIurrmown,». J., on Limiuiiifl hvcuty-lii-o onu-Lundnnllltii <•( r.u trivial im it may nrcm. it hiul n tenilfinoy ir pudding, and a fluRs ot bt>er or a cup Jan. 11. SriBliliimr, MONDAY, Ilia ailtU day ot JOLl luitant, 1 i. tt. Crittemli To MI it llio tiinei, tlmiirtou in lo« llarolunt.' Mutual Ins. 06., of MIWI Mcnclbam; UICB L> (l) nortli vv.v Bern, 1)0 tlio BHIIO mote or lus*,', ,. to dr:iw CtlBtnm (mm New York, u^ »! coffi* to wadli thorn down, for 25 eti fc „ ilhM.lI.Ttiiii", (W'bk'h tiifiieli Him I fill . nd tlilrtj uito oc wwt el*vm \ D 1H18, batir«an llio hoaiHOt 13 • '.mutry merclmnto wllo could nave $'25 l<> >i. Itoflorer, Steiibcn C. "'Try, Wbilit nmt I nt'll rot .lnllnriJ live, H.J., Auetaovtr 600.0B lUj-Ml liuUi) nlo tht> in liio nftuniMn, Hut Id to nay, at ti iiwi-r down townrda Wall St. the priced iftdJenklni, Simon MU.-I, Dated Juno -till, 1878. .[!'«. fa. •SH) ill tlif mutter of lioanl and COIHUII'I-- ILu liinliiisl iy lint N in tin) way c»f ruilroad tare, piitcoii- I.eiterDicknriOD, Uiuhir'k '""HII.R. IT iirnof fur what I Kav yen ask, B. J., AiEeU over 600,000 >crcps miO Bftoiii uiiruti Man or In Cl r^G rufltanrantH clmr^o 12 cents foi • il•-•-Shmw fltcblieuit,. E.N.N.T-"' slinll not u^iii vain, luwlthirly-olgliHii^t" D»WiUuly l«l. 187». i^i-i| tlif'Hfl cities in preference to tln'ii itati mid IWli of all kindtt, 5 cents jior n K: h&knr, <|pr Hut tlmre'a mi niauj* row in ii»0 Germinia Uutnal Iiu, Co., of Hewai r, MiiHtcrn rival. Tim cpiijt'iuiii in It makfrt tlio matter nlaiti. nSTEATOB'S SALE'O: iali for Ti'Cfitiiblea,-5 cantarftir~tea Freeman Wood N.J., Oapital, . 100,000 ;lm rt-tliiction of jiricf-a rrticlicd New ilTitr, aud 10 cents-fpr puddipg..,- The; Jt.C. Wliillwk. Mv ti'rmfl -re, " tftkn them out m KEAIi ESIATE! In Cbauccry of Ne \'..vk iiliout cislito«m innntba ugo, nml If-voii don't liltiillioSprl--" £tn&. Inanranoe Oompan . of flTartfort mortjiaae'l pro re eitonsivelyruflortea to uj bi i ami lliii'ty iinu litiml rpUK Hiibnoribcr, Adminlitrator ol Lcwln _ \Vit,-Uluu ia eomplainantc.and.WiUbi.i ,1. tlio mult ib thnt tn-tlay one can liv, Bnl, llionRli tbrcfl vt>ar« ; pill llwm In, Conn., AMJts, B,000.0:0 inrli-KH. U-iiiH Hio »i"i . I Ilachlcv, ileL-eaK«il, nillticll on tliopnn ion, luwyers ami attaches of the P^st ilitution la now nrgpi »nJ(ipo I'voimt iloiiu mitli a Mill were enwrejTil tu laruni HHKIIHIJII. rttwca»ei Turner aui Mary F, !.!• wifc.nrc Afr.n i ,nw. I'lit'rtlMT here ttuin ill nny other plai^ it im-s, liureinif itr Ottnurllied, scar the roitidcni nctnrnable to Ottnbcr Terirt^Xf-tJ.'lHlH. Office. In Fnlton Market, mealB can bi 0ontinGntal Iusnmnce OornpiuiT, of K bvdised from Gllburt Dud.!. Marria J'on Flanders tu Stanhope, In tlie townnliip ot It MOSEH ]tIiANCJIAlU),l>uir. lurchascd at from 15 up in 60 canto, nnd upon a Hume '-ion of liinli ronown, INSURANCE AGENT Tort Capital, 1,000,000 utirrt of Ctictlii, in Uiok K i J>^RK 211 A' By virtno or tlie nboTO tlnti>d.wrjt i.f litii j, II -ily <>l tin; hotels nu.l lmitriiing-lio i!liJnni Wlto B;IV thin .1 Ii, CniiiT nmki'it t Olive, (rormcrlT tloiiinT?) \n tlie " ro of eseellent (inality. Around Wiwh- ^•lit* and Eccomlter, wlileli uycr hliall Conditioni uimln knmvn _o (ii «iili Morris and Slalu ur New Jmcj, o u:ioIO M us low IU it wns aixteun years i Tlio liiwt KpriHK Owl* in town. ITuttml Benofit Life Ins. Co.. ofHewar t l'nblic Votidu«flttlt« United. HtftU* ltnhl. ugton Market era reBtaaranbi wliich Irnl haunonnoit artor tun uuposlt li nude. .raiasiertn'CUjncor: WEDKliHDAX, OicfllHt day nllOLX ueit, iS-vfial oftlio Uro.ulway hotel* haw Wm.F.UATTEa - - - Tiwwunr. N.J., Auata, 6,000,000 buiweon tlio lionra uf 19 u'ulocb, iioonT ind n Morrialnwn.N. J.,on ,,; v nr the chBapness of their prices em o'olouk in llio nHfrnonn of xaid itat, i(HWit, a MONDAKi the 13tli day or ATJGCBTtKii, ili!(>t-i! their prices* from S1.50 nml ii a o'clock, b/vlrtno or «D iuilrr ur tlm Or|)lnui A. I). 1H7H, belsrei'n tlie Iionm ofl2 M. ami s .-i-Tif) ami ft).BO per liny IIIKI from tlii> iibiindancn ot everything supplied, Court, of tlio County or J turrit, iiiuila nit tli o'clock 1\M., tint I* lo-iay aUc'tflooU Iu iU »t equalled in tho city. Many bn»- Mvmtb day of Miy.'A. V. 1818, all the rlBbi jftcriKicn nr itaid itiiy, all lint tract nr h;nl !MK1 j?an to 512 ami ¥li» «or Treuk. tiling- for THE OLD STAND. title and toterc-Bt of w(d Lf wti A. linctlty, u, ; rneu go far oat of their way in BKEMER & PALMER mud pretniit'B, mtnato, Irlrir «ml 1'oinp In il-v ^fvlirtli Imnling-lionncfl liavo also i tirmtinl, 1 to M tint certain tractor Uud.ic; tttwr.»iiiu »f liocfeareav, in tlio Connlv «| Jl«r- order to dino there. Moals* range from otiry too, fluent of 11)0 a, situate in tliG towTiihiii of Mt. Oik forniixl tu llio new orrtpr of tlnnga to icrlv Itaxbnn-i Iu «aid Coiicty, kiiniir rJ8 smlSUtonf NtwjirMy.bounitii zn\ ,!•• Midi un extent that n man with n family n toM centa, Tha e»tal>li«bEaent fac tit—tlm lieRt in tlm ffarld UNION HALL BUILDING SPEING OF 1878 Oib*urti Jtlue," ilesrril](>il in t lllill fi icrihfl m fdlnviii: tl.Tifljf >cn.1Uc nu-rlniv.- COAL, WOOD, Onbom and wife to Hio Haiti Lewii lido of Honut Uope ATOPGB, »j-dpul-ui:ul KI no Imigpr juiyu out 3100 mill 3150 a week ng the Washington streot entrance ti T.OSD0K uuil LIVEKrOOL anJ Blickwell Street, Dnver, Iluuldc}, il.^n-d Deeembur f-;l-, WH, am) I luap of tlio "Bigtr Farm Lo.ffl;" in.' • ;.T inilcHH, indeed, ho rolls in money anil tho market employs npwaid o£ seventy MASONS' MATERIALS, corded in tlio Morn* Coiintj Iteiuta u. Ui~ Climlni II. Tu:is. l>» Trank 1". Aiiistltr, -A , a .lnoin't L-jiro for Where them (ivo waiters. cootH, &a., and ix rraortei OLOBE. Capital S2O.O0O.OO0 Hot Air Furnaces, in txwk O G page 130, An., bonnded^nil di Ilia in the Hums Cuiic ty liccord ct I-. .'.. m a ibpd aa followi : Beg I nut ng in Uoliori Ca.i [lpertrrnm'Baid GLITU-B M.Tnnis'i-i -•• • '(••'•• 8i i ranwet o formerly oxnolcd, $50 nod by more thtia 1,800 patrons daily. OnlorH Iiy m LANCASHIRE ot MASCnESTER, Of Ilia latent and most Improved style*, 'H MHO cait or ttio tiouse mil ruu» (1) uoi BLUE-STONE; FERTILIZERS; Dromiitlv »ttc anniiiK public (in.ii.rivfttc buildings. Ala: eniT-P"rt>n dogreoi fortj-f5w minute* m Zindle, ilateol J&yitlfiti ISTO.^bir. an: ltt -^73 -iill tmiully psiy tha uill. Mimi you Two others in tbe immedinte ricinit [nitldc infasnr nsunrUiicn'.of Storti, cheap forcotb. tr-l*«-o chain* io s wliitn oat niBi'ked an t • wbyintended tobe convoypiJ.UttrT !.Vo-,vn Cupitni snld map, but jn a jiart'of tlic {-r••• •-•:••' 11.-41 Siiiil ;it I ho start, I know whereof I linve racli 500 ateady da; customers. UATIDASDPAT-E BRICK, en; tlwnce C-'l nortli Torty dogrro *i ; LIME.CEMENT,'1 COOK, FABLOIt, HEATING j cliailil tifrhty-i'icLt link* to a tuiplv convoyed to Bfiid Claries M: TVtjtil-7 S.;- I HHMfe. 1 know men wlio hnve puhl uiit Along Orconwiob and other streets ii STATE FIUTi ISStiEAXOE Co., >UM (3) Dortli olfffatyelglit degwe* (biH from Jrntthew Bigler and-Mfc, A:-nl «vcry Saturday night from £100 to $l[il) 2l6t, 1806. ani.TBwratduim. tbs^. I'-r;- \h<\ Ticinity nro nnraerotts bootha on tb FltOST DRICK, Capital, £300,000 STOVES, RA1STG-ES, \Vtt.t. COSTTISWE TO BE fr r a family nf six peranns nnd a scrviint, County, Ilccord ol Deeds, in liook rt. 1.; .[ s nd^walk where tbe lunor man niay bfl .Ve. Also a viriety of hickory vortntr to Jubn Woir« Itnd* 881' ic.j and'tho part^ larroby ce'jvay. < I! • Tiiflreari! plenty of ROO.1 hoimling-honso; rophmiflhfd reratitliably cboap, as tbe ROYAL OF LIVEIirOOL. •c (1) wm Hi «ifibty dosrecu ttiirly mn ui» atnuUka fora corcer iutliesoutb -M in nic« hw?.ilitii>ji up town nnd iu viirion: FLAU BTONES, n - ' ' ' " ity-oi ' ' - • of Mount Hopo Avenue in the thifd lit;, d [iroprie'orH ot tho ronjarltyof them bav< uniiimi Sio.iwo.nnr [51 » si'ctiims ot thn city where oxcwllen HEADQUARTERS ialot thflt'miil Cbarlca 31. Tduis eonr.:y..l irraiicfeil tlioir pricia to conform to tbi 0ELLAR STf PS, COPINa, BIIJ^, LINTELB ^rcoca cl outo( saiil farm to ono Wililaiu.Snxti.-ii. '-v I'IUIOIH nml gond hoard cvn be Boctiretl FI1ANKL1N OF 1-lIILADELrUIA, KEHOSENE OIL, d ; (0) nortti nlnotL |)iirnca of tbuir oastomers. FiLb balli AND CIUTERN MECKH, tlurtroa md i; the utonacliilulweuty.Bv deed otJnly ~'lBt, lni^; nnd..rauan>cd iu l.>r SO anil *8 a wwk ; and the nntnbor book S 8; page* 42G, &«., and difitjWt on Mil ("boni'd tnrkuy," i« tliey aro called bj Cqillal S5,00O,00C LMiTEBKS AND tl .liJilli c of tha rotd; tlionco (7) of iilnoc;^ wliora finale pornons—mon UniTTANIA WAIl! siziy-tunr doKreca thirty - minute* caat'uini line oiglH feet nud niueiaches from (i ^'1'il". tlie waitcm) are bnt 5 cent* a brace WHAKN'S PH08PHA.3JE, Hiains four link* ; tlicnce (8) aoatL (wen rak ttee, the beginning corner nf Bilil S.ixtou iiu'dfirntft uiiiiitiH, Milch ns clerks, sales- iiwrE, • - " coffce nnd tea range, from 3 to 5 cent Jccrccti oiat olovon cb«iiii to thu pli lot, wbicUsaid whito oalc tr^e Atands- in n»'\ mon, io., o:in get fuir ucconimniliLtitii Bone Ouit, Gunno, Potidreite. STAH, Jcnc; Oily, " 500.000 l»PBinnin(1874;)'nt thlft- p^iiit f 11 rostaiiraut living, tlie prevailing \m& SU.V.NOABD, Irenlnn,Cniiilul SllOO.OOC nmolilnerj and mfticlont sarfice for tbe ec\ ! eouth flf ly-five doRrues wart fifty f oet t tht nuo -,iri! tiitch that it sectnH imporwible for per iilute; beel stew, 0 and 10 conti WOOD sawed in stove lengths, FRUIT CANS, *a, vciilent canyinp ont and trumping tho bni (a) south thirty-eight; degrees out one lum- 800.000 foet to the third corner o( XHd Jot iU>! luim tu go hungry with a Jime in hif bread nnd milk, C ceiik, and other diabe* I s UJOPHUR; SOAP. PEOPLE'S. Nraock,. ' TIN itOOFINO, Family Groceries, notH of mimiig In a.nd tipon taiil iironiisci.. i tbo sanio proportion. EATEH, TEOUGHI lollmo and plaM all tho cuti Bnid Charlca iU Tunis and wtftfoonvsycU In poekefc. For tliiit mniill sura thore n A. STERUNG REHEDY FOU DISEASES Mtn aiBEKKIA, 3OO.O0C ,. „ jd interoBt of the »ald Lc»k ona Augustus S. Uerry,; tuoaae. n'loof; li^ nenrcs of nlocoH on Ann, Centre, Gran 1'IIQ prices among tho South Fifth ST0YE, EGG, CnESTMJT INJUAIES OF THE SKIN; A HEALTHFUL JEADKHS, BIIII all kinds of Jobbing in; third lino parallel io Mount ^Hiipo Avenu<- " 2011,00c uni> in tlio btBt mannur nod nt tlio'i and Noveltie: daVo oT'thfl Stl^DrVay! 19 10 eta.; Hlno Hill 79 oil. '•;BEAWTIFRER OP THE COMPLEXION; A ^mitb, of Wuterioo, to II. N. Anpltrnta m a Jtike. in said, third linorf •sc.W iUm™\ •• 200,000 utico. IlighcH prkuB ji»id fur old Ir wlit»ro fi fair uic:il c,m b« puTchiutRil. Oi ington square there are tlirro or foul Ordnn nwy U9 ndflreiiBwl ttirnn&U tlio Ton '.RELIABLE MEANS OF PREVENTING AND idsInllialowmUip^f BJTB lot, thfi fourtli..coruer.fiLR»idflfar>yn lot; ^ELIEVIS'a RlIEUMATISli AHD GOUT, AND Cnppr-r kal nnd pnwtcr taken tn •" SQ! ' " ' thence (•!) iJung jHnids-Saslou's-line .jiortii cmrsn, it won't buy a vary largo bocf v<>ry decent rosfaurautfl where ono can0Mo« Lock lidxM, or left at A.Bociaor'iolUci w goo *. ^JQHTOJ,, • ~'A&. UNEQUALEO DISINTBCTANT, DEODO- ALEXAmJER OP KVKUY GllAOH ASD STYI.E. thirty-eight degrees west oni.hundreil f'"t ^enl;, two or tlirpG cup* of enffde, a Ion obtnin n good meal for 85 coats. Fn »allHt.,notr Suirtx; JAMES DJ to tbe beginning, coctnininc fitii1-tuouwiml RtEER AND CoUNTER-lRRITAXT. EHnil, »f brcu.l, a big disl. of fried potatoa? an. thi'r dnwn towarda Eroomo nnd Hprii 1 COALconitantlyonhani!.: Way 27111,1878. idmfiiutmtor, aqnam feet nf land, niort or; [esife. And in tho divert, but it will forfnjj ngootl bowl o htrcots the priced aro slill clicnper. Oil ; Gtenti's SitlphttV Soap, besides eradi- REAL ESTA.TE same lot or parcel' of land^thnt^CLttrtes. M, 1 j. n. PAT.uen. ating local diseases of the skin, binUhes ilc- Tnnia and witu conveyed to tbA Said, William (••ififiio, un nmpto ut<'afc or chop and breti of thn cating-ltOQse ftdvertisomantu ii fccts of the complexion, nnd imparts to it J/Totncr, by doed'bearliig flaSo-AprilUli , in cnflii:icnt (|iirtttity to ncumnpun front uf the mnin entrnnco, nbo gratifying cleameis and smoothness.. QE0R&E W. DRAKE, ISH, from whicliaaidrdeed:.tho,Rbo?e du- cillur. 20 kind 25 conU thno ar P.rnomG. ntmonnctta that board can i - ' 8tttphU7' BftlilB are culebiaied for curing PURCHASEDand SOLD SHERIEFS SALE -Eoriptionia token. ,.-*-... 'ic>!-.... - eruptions nnd other diseases of the sliin, as tliu lftrec»t nail t i':itiii?-hoiisc.i where one can unt nil bespdiirpd tliero for S2.75 per week, 40 cl MORRIS COUNTY well asaihcumatism and Gout. Glenn's In Chancery of Hew Jersev-Fi, fa. Tor sale . . .in lioid, utul of good qnuiily, too.1 Sulphur So*1}> produces the same effect: tuurtguged preiuhi'i, nlicrnin Jas. H. Him HERSON A; F«EEirASr;fiberiff. per day. or 15 cento per meat. The pr ;t a most Uiflinc expense. This tulmirablL flou.iHComptnlnant,and6aniUE.8ti blooi Dated Jiino fbtirnl and runs tlienee alone th» wen ntdaoriUi onmamntui. trets, iibxabery;am*.•.—« and deiwart, BIIGII M pudding or pie. JST this Btcru in llio greatest profusion dolpU Btreoi (1) nootB tweutj- desioea wci Zt la ono of tho most desirable locations i per emit, in our prices nt tlrst lold V Hlocnisxow-x, N. J. IMP t, E M K T S town, now occupied by; Jdliiv 8. LfUf. ily mi (mrpmliU, hut in time cinr breukfust wo givo encb man a large po MINING PROPERTY two liDDdrod foet;lUence (a), north BCTODL have now muly > n of stjlts mid measurements,null ilegroen west UEQ lmndxcd tad flrty feet No, 2. Lot corner - of,WasbJtifJtnn n> ronago more than ovcr-lialnncctl the of coflcfl, bcoffltcak with plenty ot poti STEAM-ENGINES.: iil«t9ckor FOR LEASE. ihuncdO) nortti twmiydBRrcBieaittw " Warren. Btreets, 212.feet,.front,.on -WadiisiK- ti>e» nnd bread, nnd napper the M CHEAPER THAN AT ASY OTIIEn STOK ilrcd fueti tbenco (li toulli «o»entv tl dollcit, OIKI now wo nro clcnring ns miicl Tliorbnrn'sl irtion Seeds. HARDWARE STORE, E auliBcribcr offers tn Icaao tlic n ton street, on. wliicU .there U a liuiu * '-om IN uonnis COUNTY. -»st one bnndrltd and fiflf foul to Ibe lice Quarry. ' - - ' '•;' ' it not more, than we did bef/oro tl"* That ain't bnd for 16 cent*, is it ?" BLVCKWELL ST., DOVEK, K, J., known Waterloo mining prnpcrtf, ing, containing thirty thaaiand (noire (w liroome alreet, near ~ Centre Iturkat Cls>vcr,Tiinclliy,aiia^ tliintjlntlioner^, rWaterloo, now cloned ulnoo 1H72-. It li«tt Dc THE 3ux>jn> Tiucr t» the eatuc tbat wai co "fa fl, Lot on'WasliiBfrtoS'stMOt. nliC-ct (tliiitjge. Tuero uro muny rotufons why frrtiliztx nml iiniilL-meiHlinv lorr lldit l nml j;ar< Olve ma m cill UefOra purcbutag eliawbtrs. trufltlmraufllilyy dorolcpeiicpo.lpe^3^ ama*nilii proTCipr l to bo vnllu ijoa to asidEllonH.*rran> LyLoniia Mb, •tout front, A#liain£]iinas: of Vlrf- s jirici-H WPTO lowered, bnt it ivnnld be athere are xlireo or fonr basement entini RAILWAY TURN TABLES, .lull. SEND toll CATALOGUE. SIGN OF THE PADLOCK. nlilelnntmntitlelnnt y and qnalitr, Ifeof Alemodor EIIiott,«nd AlcxinderElll Howe, MatBeed, nnaotheri!^.... rooma wlioro meal* are announced f< SIDE THE PARK, btl.OWlacrot, witUm a mi itt, Uv deed bearing duo May 13th. 187B. i No. 4. Lot of landcalliKl tha"uWitnil I.c! wa^p. of time to mention thorn nt length tri-li IStli. IST8. ibontl.Oi U. £ E Ii 1 ; In tlie Ilrxt place, however, there in th IS and 25 cants. Tha number on th* IRON and BRASS CASTINGS, FOE'BEHTI THREE DOORS FROM JIAHKET 8r., low royiityt . .(1 .and tlicrDindeiotilwd n mtnining nbout no ncres; tillable ami r' ' " r » ftili doncrlpUoti and Biirvoj Beinppirt of tlia liad tUat wai c .njuu!t>.in~a: Wgli.Btatotoe.cnUivr.:;:!!. how of meats. Thin is cheaper nlim Bowery nnd Hcattered along the etreel lionae on Falrricir A.V<£o(|,o good locn- MOERISTOWHV N. J .ftiiacondlllQiiiot lca« r> .-o BaitTLoitiiaEUiott by deed from lie adjoining laada of Eli Triiumer, Zilta >'• i; ,.ai liavj known it to bfi in twulve yearn, on the E:i«t side, where meols can bs boi tinn. Uontnins MI roomi^f fi^Od water ami i i THEO. AY1 HcFsrliniDdwilD, the t*tom * Es*ox 1« '- ninny by every atoiimer. iVsterduy week have been reduced to snob an cxten SInrcli UOtb, 1878. rV >}UI The BUSSO;- ciplkinlng ovuryltnna- Adilroax, jiil li&il/, niads. aepot grounils, the ' " ' ' bought my supplies at 9 und 12 nnd 1 that H bed can be Drooured for 6 cent*. BAXTEH.tCn.,rJaiikuri t, im. and adtoii Sbu-a-lum36*Q"« lumberyonl'^trfii^iiirtjncl- i thi- M. cunt, per pound, nil of fW-i;lti*K quality. TURKISH; 17 Wall St., KowVo AuluklAIeumT making iitt a Bood.JocotioiLforrfraaroni! I*••" ,.j tn eait] -Ellen I lay in ft K<>"d .stock, for wliich I jA-Kontia TCcuttoci! ""»..,• M>. Pike I'B Jish Oammisaitiiir n'oiMtfuuedcrMirch Mtli. 1B70, anill Alaoon' tlie ea»li a-s I di», in f,ict, for rvoryll,ii. Connco icut, 'uriliittCmntirt'lintiHivcSaperblylUiiHtrit ISH it« corner nn tbe veit tide nf Itandof i t B 9 3lnry or Ilia proKont ninraonlnaB utmnclo .•'lino, bcinR tlie iDoood our^cr ofnaldJ_ thfl bbtiBe of Mm. Edgar (Sne,-in ^ «!s<' 11 ny, which is n living. My bes TWet, flifiR, botherFODio Mien, til . PJK. Ilia > Eaxt; IH >oe>irato BItpo, Plinsnml mm mvoved tn naid Fllcn H. PretM, ind rum towndiIp,.Moma:Ct)nutj.,butM- ^ ;L" U0TER, ^i, i*rb Unrni S»irttffo riino«,:prieo 11,100 oiih |;i Imttur "crtste me £3 mid 'J5 co»tn p*> r,\wl runnd vonr ucmo nnd tha brows c gant EngmviiKC* aro n itnedal ton I nro. tm. KloBt. VirlgktriaimitpricBfBnnnn' leiiL-unlo^thc woit xidc (irutilavt-nnn at irsof 12 aud 5 o'clock^ in tlio ".HMI r i-ft n Qnphia Hirilnnr of dndi Cunnlrj, wl t,,M. Uw Hl | tlprlt-W FialioH I112.M Or io bcannjrlt noir corroded on saiil mto tl ;1 Iionud, which is clicnpor Ihnn 1 Utivt Miir even, you mar tnnuti IIA.S Wn [nit In nnlur Uie scutum a ? V mill inrpmy-ono degrcoi weal thlrtv-siiloe tiny, the foUnwiitp; dcflcribM l"'^ ' dejilh, iinther.e7er diea. rill IIL- Lct'ftir Stocking and Mitten Yarns, &c. Kt.iiio ami Deicriiitlretlfaetction ol Uie fitu SSIIH I3G. Urpimv 13 stopi I73.M. Utinruli 1 -i oMimd,^ Bituatel in! Morris Cm»V. limrglit it in muny yearK, while "gp; re ttirninrrs, |iiotnr,'.«-.. •. i lunl, pork, &c, are extronicly low, Fknn "Age nnd wedlock bring n rann tr uticllfooftliu cnnloHtanU. Dencrtbei th irih uxty-nine dogma woitai tlio bpirini Bo. U,lH ncro of land-ftbont bi.U li««''l'; his injrhtfitp," rcmurkoJ tliophilosopLoi Concerts, Lectures, Exhibitions um& for tiinmifflcliiml'KooAi. All iu-DRE.VDFUL 3IA83ACRE OF CimiSTlANS coins anil ftto nm it lifting \t I *in tiotu^rnrL in the one item which Goes not com* llrifR by mtiil prnmnlly nttf-mlpd lo. ;nri.i-, tlio FriBlitlii! Turklnb Atrncltiei rwn'eil, 11. n. F.m P.l,l boll, , 1", ™°rffi i a RondBtato of culUTnilnii/nml la»!» «'""' ilriWii in pticij in propurticjn Io ntlioi n ban bin wife iiiqinrud why, he chewed KUx&iiif,' Yiin-H ILI uholfRnlsnKrecinlty. ir pheca; tlm npntlng of the mules In ini],.witliin imlCamflaooff thtboo town lilinm :ij'' irdnmon *wtU in bod. —,_. . t. -.„„ ., -,., Dattlei '"iJ-Bit. foot la tlia third cornoror utU lut DI t;; adloining: lands ct •• Aiidr. artiutfS, It is still on high pci MRS. J. SCHRADER, TciDg lien H. Froeno j theoeo (4) alonff tha seaond rhnmcaf.diinfi APrino-iuia others.. • . 1i:irrol na tin ring tlio war, but tliero in no The woli, .siiys a Hii proverb, c iDrMratg nr tl1S ar, nn.l ^.^DASItt F. DEATTV, lV.,Wn(;inn, 5.1. Kit 2. Wood lofofflJe. "M hi Horn i h»fir ovory year. Tb'e jonng WHITLOCK" A LEWIH," CHESTER, iinH ami oxrilinRW rlc of tli if linndndiDdany.fiuit io the bc«innin . i-uusou why it HUOUI'J romnin KO. It in IEIH Gilabililicd bor new Jlillinorj citibliBti cure uf prompt no B nnty,-on the tarapiko lcaduip; to hi-l.iw lady"'>f tho jicni.d IWMM tetter j i>he rctj id trnnt vra> alto conrerfd tn aaid Illon fl. '« Monnlain^ SpriogB,. ndjolnlun la^U ' an important element, lift ran knoiv, in changes hera every aftorm moot fn tlio IIEiNLHODSE, 8. A. V0OlrtrEE3, cf IH by (leorce IllcliirJi and wire, by deed Morris Co., IT. J. dreswa linir t6 "or^o .icil Aamit 71b. 187B liaHnc.been'convcjId mpk'K Jtlcei aao.;,DoreiBBrf luidwtht i every family, au.l no ono iocln iU oon Alno Agmitfc Wanied on onr anAKDC03J. "- dreswa linir t6 "or^or, uinbm puff* nnd' No. a.' Wood lot of Ui aorcB, «ituate.l u.;:> JTr. Armstronp, of the firm of Hcrib- OS PnosrKCTUS reiimneml trls for iff. eta. each. Combings fittnigbt. *a{daM Wbd b ft tinm.l d(>&rtiQ.s3 morn tliim tho irorkiug. jr, Anus'rong & Co., was paid $100,- J,;TrSHEPHERO, Manager. te Kceerroir of thn Ilackcttatown jy;"' where aim tini npencil Tor Ills SprlDfi tmlc, > et ana madd e up in nrilvlinrilvliM for 45 clT on adjoining,--Innils,of MM.: I-i'i'1 mcti. Thfi wheat crops ol thp piiist twt 000 to rotiro fritni tho llrm, besides tflk- HsflBH*nrtincot or CELEBY PLANTS 150 Distinct Books w «»">»Cal«»">»., Calll nud mmunhhi Il wort b 'ng nnt liia capital and proflti. !]»rk'» buiWlng, lately ^won ; JoWIleed^juidptheraIlddth . '>... , yours havj bocii tho most pniliiio known FOll ullnlcrcfit. ItiacladcsAffrl Peraonj wisbina'to>itw thon'^vv vT" i:i this country in many years, lltcfoi- If you would bo elciir anil forcible, BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, Ural, Hlfttnrlral. Ileliploan nn< *y wiH;^leaM coll on John S;Li«tc or !li;> WM^A, STRTKEH; Vp>kB.nIlliS1zo,TltloBndD[?i [•:ttii Jetiinnl has not been near fio lirpr don't use foreign words. Bo natural NOW 1BTC. ; .ml oilier irtlcleii pprtnlninjr to Uie tndo, each noot, Hpcclmen Tigm tn<] Specimen Lilly cohililntllon nf riberrRtfllaolMttetOffii, N. J: COMI-' H-; lutl bceu expected, thonHands of A. man navor uto[>s to linnt up a foreigi jnit rocclvoil from Now Vurlr, Alio • For nnr ri-tnil Inul ATTORNEY AT LAW nilionH. Hnli-n m»ilf frnin tb Dress Goods, anlii iy euro In tlie most iueiperienct'il} » •»liE >jn>tiDlurliitl lir.uids bring ^G, *7 *7.&0, ^8 aud ifl per going," trighod Flara, pensively, BH she j( Praotitioner in all Courts, pointed wfth dalicate Haper tothntieavr r Indies wear, and a fine nMortmcnt of KQUSH ami GERMAN, PnOTESTANTant JAMAICA K'u SEED BUCKWHEAT "bu-rcl, Tbo b?st quulity shoulil not fnncy nrttolwt for Hie toilot. Also a line of IYU0LI0, witli iiirainiblo Illndntol a|(1i IT, Wnnt ' masses that floated in tlio Bby. "I U iak Qenti.' Famishing Gon,!n. A call will snt-.j ,,o,, „», tat rliT ID llio they are going io llitiudir," said her Bin Ir.nuL , an-l lo 'IT ilrawlnj or .ifle >r t°'nU otlion nnd ludl*T»n^b[0 to every brother. Ailjnlning^. V. trrw-ling * C raily-JmitianlBrBrroo. Addre^ * riAia? 1(. &. O. JFNKIKS,- 1V*IUI«OTO.«,». J MlNBntUS GINGER. MISEIi & SON, • M:& I.1;SEARING. ffO-iw ' uut sj