Schedule for Reception of Citizens by Heads and Deputy Heads of Central Executive Authorities and Other Entities (Bodies) in Cities and Regions in November 2019

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Schedule for Reception of Citizens by Heads and Deputy Heads of Central Executive Authorities and Other Entities (Bodies) in Cities and Regions in November 2019 Schedule for reception of citizens by heads and deputy heads of central executive authorities and other entities (bodies) in cities and regions in November 2019 Central executive authority, other entities Reception Cities day and regions whose residents can attend the reception Akbar Hajiyev 05 Zagatala Director General of SOCAR Azerigaz PU Ramil Isgandarov 05 Shaki Deputy Director General of SOCAR Azerigaz PU Ruslan Aliyev 05 Balakan Deputy Director General of SOCAR Azerigaz PU Fikrat Mammadov 06 Astara, Lankaran, Lerik Minister of Justice Vilayat Zahirov 08 Masalli Deputy Minister of Justice Rustam Usubov 08 Aghjabadi, Lachin First Deputy Prosecutor General Hikmat Mirzayev 08 Shamakhi Chairman of the Administrative-Economic Board of the Supreme Court Azad Rahimov 08 Goychay, Mingachevir, Minister of Youth and Sports Aghdash, Aghsu Intigam Babayev 08 Tartar, Yevlakh, Barda Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Ismayil Ismayilov 08 Ujar, Kurdamir, Zardab Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Maleyka Abbaszade 08 Sabirabad, Shirvan, Chairperson of the Board of Saatli Hajigabul, Salyan, Directors of the State Examination Center Neftchala Sahir Mammadkhanov 14 Khachmaz, Guba, Gusar, Deputy Minister of Taxes Shabran Zakir Garalov 15 Absheron, Zangilan, Prosecutor General Shusha Mukhtar Babayev 15 Shamkir, Tovuz Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Firdovsi Aliyev 15 Gazakh, Aghstafa Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Abulfas Garayev 15 Kurdamir Minister of Culture Vagif Aliyev 15 Aghdam First Deputy Minister of Culture Rafig Bayramov 15 Aghjabadi, Lachin Deputy Minister of Culture Ramin Guluzade 15 Lankaran, Lerik Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Ali Abdullayev 15 Astara Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Shahin Yusifov 15 Gabala Chairman of the Criminal Board of the Supreme Court Azer Jafarov 15 Zagatala Deputy Minister of Justice Arzu Rahimov 15 Masalli, Yardimli Chief of the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription Mayil Shahverdiyev 15 Jalilabad, Bilasuvar Deputy Chief of the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription Ahmad Ahmadzade 15 Balakan Chairman of Azerbaijan Melioration and Water Management OJCS Zakir Guliyev 15 Gakh Deputy Chairman of Azerbaijan Melioration and Water Management OJCS Rafig Aslanov 15 Zagatala Deputy Chairman of Azerbaijan Melioration and Water Management OJCS Gorkhmaz Huseynov 15 Mingachevir, Yevlakh Chairman of Azersu OJCS Vugar Ahmadov 15 Yardimli, Masalli Acting chairman of Azerishiq OJSC Matin Eynullayev 18 Aghjabadi, Beylagan, Deputy Minister of Taxes Imishli, Fuzuli, Lachin, Khojavand Teyyub Jabbarov 18 Zardab, Barda First Deputy Chairman of Azersu OJCS Etibar Mammadov 19 Kurdamir, Ujar Deputy Chairman of Azersu OJCS Saleh Mammadov 20 Shamkir, Gadabay Chairman of the Board of Directors of Azerbaijan Highway State Agency Avaz Gojayev 20 Dashkasan Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Azerbaijan Highway State Agency Parviz Shahbazov 22 Yevlakh Minister of Energy Samir Valiyev 22 Mingachevir Deputy Minister of Energy Elnur Soltanov 22 Barda, Tartar Deputy Minister of Energy Sahil Babayev 22 Ujar Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population Anar Karimov 22 Kurdamir Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population Matin Karimli 22 Zardab Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population Mikayil Jabbarov 22 Kurdamir Minister of Economy Niyazi Safarov 22 Goychay Deputy Minister of Economy Sahib Mammadov 22 Ujar Deputy Minister of Economy Ogtay Shiraliyev 22 Jalilabad, Bilasuvar Minister of Health Elsevar Aghayev 22 Masalli, Yardimli Deputy Minister of Health Rahim Aliyev 22 Lerik Deputy Minister of Health Namig Asgarov 22 Beylagan, Khojavand Deputy Prosecutor General Rovshan Rzayev 22 Beylagan Chairman of the State Committee for Refugee and IDP Affairs Fuad Huseynov 22 Jojug Marjanli (Jabrayil) Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Refugee and IDP Affairs Sabir Ahmadov 22 Fuzuli Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Refugee and IDP Affairs Bahram Khalilov 22 Oghuz, Shaki, Gakh, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Zagatala, Balakan Directors of the State Examination Center Seyfulla Azimov 23 Goychay, Yevlakh, First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Mingachevir, Aghsu, Shamakhi, Ismayilli, Ujar, Kurdamir, Aghdash Hijran Huseynova 25 Aghdam, Tartar, Barda Chairperson of State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs Sadagat Gahramanova 25 Aghjabadi, Lachin, Deputy Chairperson of State Beylagan, Khojavand, Committee for Family, Women and Children Fuzuli Affairs Mubariz Gurbanli 26 Zardab, Kurdamir Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Religious Organizations Sayyad Aranli 26 Goychay First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Religious Organizations Gunduz Ismayilov 26 Ujar Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Religious Organizations 27 Siyazan, Sumgayit, Sahib Alakbarov Absheron, Khizi, Deputy Minister of Taxes Gubadli, Zangilan, Shusha Jeyhun Bayramov 28 Yevlakh, Barda Minister of Education Firudun Gurbanov 28 Aghdash, Mingachevir Deputy Minister of Education Rafig Jalilov 28 Sabirabad Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Property Issues Ramil Yusifov 28 Jalilabad, Bilasuvar Deputy Chairman of Azerishiq OJSC Ramiz Rzayev 29 Barda Chairman of the Supreme Court Kamalladin Heydarov 29 Shamkir Minister of Emergency Situations Rafail Mirzayev 29 Goygol First Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Etibar Mirzayev 29 Samukh Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Inam Karimov 29 Astara, Lerik Minister of Agriculture Ilham Guliyev 29 Masalli, Lankaran Deputy Minister of Agriculture Elchin Zeynalov 29 Yardimli, Jalilabad Deputy Minister of Agriculture Safar Mehdiyev 29 Absheron Chairman of the State Customs Committee Ismayil Huseynov 29 Salyan First Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee Asgar Abdullayev 29 Sabirabad, Hajigabul Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee Vilayat Eyvazov 30 Sumgayit, Absheron, Minister of Internal Affairs Gobustan, Gubadli, Zangilan Karam Hasanov 30 Shirvan Chairman of State Committee on Property Issues Rustam Shahbazov 30 Neftchala Deputy Chairman of State Committee on Property Issues Note: The issues raised by the citizens should be within the competence of the entities (bodies) that holds the reception .
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