From: Reviews and Criticism of Vietnam War Theatrical and Television Dramas ( compiled by John K. McAskill, La Salle University ([email protected]) D4300 THE DEER HUNTER (USA, 1978) (Other titles: Cacciatore; Cazador; Die durch die Holle gehen; Lovec jelenu; Lovec no jelene) Credits: director, Michael Cimino ; writer, Deric Washburn. Cast: Robert De Niro, John Cazale, John Savage, Christopher Walken, Meryl Streep. Summary: War melodrama set in Clairton, Pa. and Vietnam in the 1970s. Tracks a group of steelworker pals from the blast furnace to the hunting grounds of the Alleghenies to Vietnam. A drama of friendship and courage, and what happens to these qualities under stress. Adair, Gilbert. Hollywood’s Vietnam [GB] (p. 88-9+) ___________. Vietnam on film [GB] (p. 131-43+) Agan, Patrick. Robert De Niro : the man, the myth and the movies. London : Hale, 1989. Aghed, Jan. “‘The Deer hunter’: en politisk film om Vietnam” Chaplin 21/2 [161] (1979), p. 48-50. [see also under Timm, M.] Antic, Ivo and Kavcic, Bojan. “Lovec no jelene (The Deer hunter)” Ekran 5/1 (1980), p. 28-30. Arlen, Michael J. “The air: the tyranny of the visual” New Yorker 55 (Apr 23, 1979), p. 125 + [6 p.]. Arnold, Gary. “Mistreated wounds: ‘The Deer hunter’: deadly twists and incomprehensible turns in Vietnam” Washington post (Feb 23, 1979), p. B1, B3. Aufderheide, Pat. [Deer hunter review] In these times 3/26 (May 16, 1979), p. 20 +? Auster, Al and Quart, Leonard. “Hollywood and Vietnam: the triumph of the will” Cineaste 9/3 (spring 1979), p. 4-9. [Reprinted in London magazine 19 (Aug/Sep 1979), p. 58-70) ________________________. How the war was remembered: Hollywood & Vietnam [GB] (p. 58-65+ [10 p.]) Autry, Chris. [Deer hunter] Time out n. 463 (Mar 2, 1979), p. 33. Axeen, David (see under Dempsey, Michael) Banner, Fiona. The Nam London : Frith Street Books, 1997. Baroncelli, Jean de. “Du fin du reve americain” Le monde (Mar 23, 1979), p. ? Barry, J. [Deer hunter review] Democratic left 7/6 (Jun 1979), p. 14 +? Bartholomew, David. “The Deer hunter” Film bulletin 48 (Jan 1979), p. R-A + [2 p.] Bates, Milton J. The wars we took to Vietnam : cultural conflict and storytelling Berkeley : University of California Press, 1996. (p. 26-28, 37, 43, 84, 106, 114, 131) Bates, Robin. “Ameriski poskusi razumevanja meja razstritve, kot jih prikazujejo filmi o Vietnamu” Ekran 13/3-4 (1986), p. 47-51. Berkowitz, Stan (see under Lees, David) Bevers, Juergen and Fischli, Bruno. “Der Einzige und sein Kino: Anmerkungen zu Norbert Grobs ‘Vom Abenteuer des zweiten Blicks’“ Medium 9 (Sep 1979), p. 6-7. Bezombes, Renaud. “Voyage au bout de l’enfer” Cinematographe 46 (Apr 1979), p. 62-3. Biskind, Peter. “ ‘Come back to the mill, Nick honey’: ‘The Deer hunter’ misses the target” Sevendays 3/3 (Mar 30, 1979), p. 28 +? [Reprinted in his Gods and monsters : thirty years of writing on film and culture London : Bloomsbury, 2005. (p. 86-91) Bitomsky, Hartmut. “Krise der Continuity (The Deer hunter)” Filmkritik 24 (Jun 1980), p. 285-7. Blake, Richard A. “Films/TV: metaphors” America 140 (Mar 3, 1979), p. 163. Bliss, Michael. Martin Scorcese and Michael Cimino Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1985. (p. 163-93) Blumenberg, Hans C. “Amerika is tot. Es lebe Amerika” Die Zeit (Mar 16, 1979), p. ? ________________. “Russisches Roulette” Die Zeit (Mar 2, 1979), p. ? Bohrer, Karl-Heinz. “Mythologie des Vietnamkrieges” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Apr 7, 1979), p. ? Bourdette, Robert E., Jr. “Rereading The Deer hunter: Michael Cimino’s deliberate American epic” in America rediscovered [GB] (p. 165-88) Britton, Andrew. “Sideshows: Hollywood in Vietnam” Movie 27-28 (winter-spring 1980-81), p. 2-23. Brown, Joshua. “The Deer hunter” Radical history review 20 (spring 1979), p. 245- 55. Buchka, Peter. “Ein Film gefahrdet die Berlinale” Suddeutsche Zeitung (Feb 24, 1979), p. ? Buckley, Tom. “Movies: Hollywood’s war: ‘The Deer hunter’ invents cruelties to sell Vietnam” Harper’s 258 (Apr 1979), p. 84-8. Burke, Frank. “In defense of ‘The Deer hunter’ or, the knee jerk is quicker than the eye” Literature/Film quarterly 11/1 (1983), p. 22-7. __________. “Reading Michael Cimino’s ‘The Deer hunter’: interpretation as melting pot” Literature/film quarterly 20/3 (1992), p. 249-59. Burns, Robert E. “The examined life: sex education belongs in the gun store” U.S. Catholic 44 (Aug 1979), p. 2. Buscema, Marsimo. “Pesaro ‘79: semiotica dello spazio narrativo: l’etica da ‘Il cacciatore’ Filmcritica 30 [295] (May 1979), p. 229-37. Butcher, Maryvonne. “Cinema” Tablet 233 (Mar 10, 1979), p. 237. Cagin, Seth and Dray, Philip. Hollywood films of the seventies: sex, drugs, violence, rock ‘n roll & politics [GB] (p. 258, 260-62) Callenbach, Ernest (see under Dempsey, Michael) Cameron-Wilson, James. The cinema of Robert De Niro London : Zomba Books, 1986. Canby, Vincent. “Blue collar epic” New York times (Dec 15, 1978), sec. 3, p. 1. ____________. “The Deer hunter” New york times (Dec 15, 1978), p. C5. ____________. “How true to fact must fiction be?” New York times (Dec 17, 1978), sec. 2, p. 1+. “Candy break after 110 mins. of ‘Deer hunter’: mood spoiler?” Variety 294 (Apr 25, 1979), p. 5. Carducci, Mark P. “ ‘The Deer hunter: Cimino’ We moeten de oorlog onder ogen zien in ons amusement” Skoop 15 (Mar 1979), p. 11-14. [Translation of “Stalking The Deer hunter...” from Millimeter by A. Reijnhoudt] _____________. “Stalking ‘The Deer hunter’: an interview with Michael Cimino” Millimeter 6 (Mar 1978), p. 34+. Castell, David. “The Deer hunter” Films illustrated 8/91 (Mar 1979), p. 259. Chase, Donald and Coencas, Joseph. “Stalking ‘The Deer hunter’“ [interview with Michael Cimino] Take one 7/6 (1979), p. 37-42. Chong, Sylvia Shin Huey. “Restaging the war: ‘The Deer hunter’ and the primal scene of violence” Cinema journal 44/2 (winter 2005), p. 89-106. Christensen, Terry. Reel politics : American political movies from Birth of a nation to Platoon [GB] (p. 148, 152-4, 174, 220) Ciment, Michel and Henry, Michael. “Nouvel entretien avec Michael Cimino” Positif 246 (Sep 1981), p. 17-21. Cimino, Michael. “Ordeal by fire and ice” American cinematographer 59/10 (Oct 1978), p. 962-5. _____________. “Taming ‘The Deer hunter’“ Cresset 43/8 (1980), p. 27-30. _____________. (see also under Carducci, M.P.; Chase, D.; Ciment, M.; “Michael Cimino”) Cockburn, Alexander. [Deer hunter] Village voice 24 (Mar 26, 1979), p. 32. _________________. [Deer hunter] Village voice 24 (Jul 23, 1979), p. 33. Coencas, Joseph (see under Chase, Donald) Combs, Richard. “The Deer hunter” Monthly film bulletin 46/542 (Mar 1979) p. 42- 43. Connolly, Keith. “Vietnam on film” Cinema papers 21 (May/Jun 1979), p. 334-8. Cook, David A.. Lost illusions : American cinema in the shadow of Watergate and Vietnam, 1970-1979 New York : Scribner’s, 1999. (p. xv-xvi, 6, 63, 183, 330, 359, 390) Cook, J. Carl. [Deer hunter] National Catholic reporter 15 (Mar 23, 1979), p. 22. Copeland, Roger. “A Vietnam movie that does knock America” New York times (Aug 7, 1977), p. ? Cumbow, Robert C. “The Deer hunter” Movietone news 62-63 (Dec 1979), p. 48-9. Davidson, James West and Lytle, Mark Hamilton. “Where trouble comes” [Chapter 15] in After the fact : the art of historical detection 4th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2000. (p. 380-84, 387, 389) De Bongnie, Jean. “Raciste? non pas: voyage au bout de l’enfer” Amis du film et de la television 276 (May/Jun 1979), p. 11. [Deer hunter] After dark 12 (Feb 1979), p. 82. [Deer hunter] East-west film journal 8/1 (Jan 1994), p. 52-67. [Deer hunter] Encore 7 (Jan 15, 1979), p. 30-1. [Deer hunter] Feature (Apr 1979), p. 12-14. [Deer hunter] 50 plus 19 (Feb 1979), p. 47-8. “The Deer hunter” Films and filming 25/6 (Mar 1979), p. 25-9. [photo essay] [Deer hunter] Glamour 77 (Mar 1979), p. 166. [Deer hunter] Hollywood reporter 254/20 (Dec 1, 1978), p. 3, 20. [Deer hunter] Listener 101/2601 (Mar 8, 1979), p. 355-6. [Deer hunter] Listener 112/2889 (Dec 1984), p. 20-27. [Deer hunter] Maclean’s 92 (Jan 22, 1979), p. 46-7. [Deer hunter] Mademoiselle 85 (Feb 1979), p. 48. “Deer hunter, The” Motion picture guide (edited by Jay Robert Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross) Chicago : Cinebooks, 1985. (v. 2, p. 613) [Deer hunter] North by northwest n. 8 (autumn 1979), p. 15-19. [Deer hunter] Radio times 259/3383 (Oct 1, 1988), p. 26. [Deer hunter] St. Anthony messenger 86 (May 1979), p. 8. [Deer hunter] Screen international n. 180 (Mar 10, 1979), p. 41. [Deer hunter] Take one 7/4 (Mar 1979), p. 9-10. [Deer hunter] Time out n. 462 (Feb 23, 1979), p. 14-16. [Deer hunter] [letter protesting Autry review] Time out n. 465 (Mar 16, 1979), p. 3. “Deer hunter called insult to Vietnam” Current digest of the Soviet press 31 (Apr 4, 1979), p. 5-6. Delage, Christian. “Conscience de la nation” Vertigo [France] n. 16 (1997), p. 33. De Marinis, Gualtiero. “Il cacciatore” Cineforum 23 [221] (Jan/Feb 1983), p. 71-5. Dempsey, John. “2 tvers plan to air ‘Deer hunter’ on election night” Variety 300 (Sep 24, 1980), p. 1 + [2 p.]. Dempsey, Michael; Kinder, Marsha; Axeen, David; and Callenbach, Ernest. “Four shots at the Deer Hunter” Film quarterly 32 (summer 1979), p. 10-22. Denby, David. “Movies: nightmare into epic” New York 11 (Dec 18, 1978), p. 98- 100. ___________. “Movies: the movie slayers” New York 12 (Jun 18, 1979), p. 79-80. Denisoff, R. Serge and Romanowski, William D.
Cultural Commentary: Affectional Preference on Film: Giggle and Lib Joseph J
Bridgewater Review Volume 1 | Issue 2 Article 9 Dec-1982 Cultural Commentary: Affectional Preference on Film: Giggle and Lib Joseph J. Liggera Bridgewater State College Recommended Citation Liggera, Joseph J. (1982). Cultural Commentary: Affectional Preference on Film: Giggle and Lib. Bridgewater Review, 1(2), 21-22. Available at: This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. CULTURAL COMMENTARY Affectional Preference on Film: Giggle and Lib omantic attachments on screen the romantic man whose passionate desire With the great artist abandoning R these days require at least a hint of is for a person unquestionably of the romantic love--Bergman has lately something kinky to draw the pop audience opposite sex. So straight are his lusts that announced that his next two films will be his which in the days of yesteryear thrilled to no one seemed to notice the dilemma posed last--leaving the field to an oddity like Allen Bogart and Bacall, but which now winks in Manhattan of a man in his mid-forties or television's "Love Boat", the pop knowingly at Julie Andrews in drag. having physical congress with a fifteen year audience, which never warmed to Bergman Something equally aberrant, in fact moreso, old. This year, A -Midsummer Night's Sex or his like anyway, might find solace in Blake more blatant and proselytizing, quickens Comedy renders two points of sexual Edwards, an intriguing director whose last the mental loins of the liberal film-going metaphysics for those still lost in memories three films and his wife's, Julie Andrews, mind; anything less denies the backbone of a gender-differentiated past, the first changing image in them illustrate a syn upon which liberal sentiments are oddly enough insisted upon by the women: if thesis of audience demands with a structured.