From: Reviews and Criticism of Vietnam War Theatrical and Television Dramas (http://www.lasalle.edu/library/vietnam/FilmIndex/home.htm) compiled by John K. McAskill, La Salle University ([email protected]) D4300 THE DEER HUNTER (USA, 1978) (Other titles: Cacciatore; Cazador; Die durch die Holle gehen; Lovec jelenu; Lovec no jelene) Credits: director, Michael Cimino ; writer, Deric Washburn. Cast: Robert De Niro, John Cazale, John Savage, Christopher Walken, Meryl Streep. Summary: War melodrama set in Clairton, Pa. and Vietnam in the 1970s. Tracks a group of steelworker pals from the blast furnace to the hunting grounds of the Alleghenies to Vietnam. A drama of friendship and courage, and what happens to these qualities under stress. Adair, Gilbert. Hollywood’s Vietnam [GB] (p. 88-9+) ___________. Vietnam on film [GB] (p. 131-43+) Agan, Patrick. Robert De Niro : the man, the myth and the movies. London : Hale, 1989. Aghed, Jan. “‘The Deer hunter’: en politisk film om Vietnam” Chaplin 21/2 [161] (1979), p. 48-50. [see also under Timm, M.] Antic, Ivo and Kavcic, Bojan. “Lovec no jelene (The Deer hunter)” Ekran 5/1 (1980), p. 28-30. Arlen, Michael J. “The air: the tyranny of the visual” New Yorker 55 (Apr 23, 1979), p. 125 + [6 p.]. Arnold, Gary. “Mistreated wounds: ‘The Deer hunter’: deadly twists and incomprehensible turns in Vietnam” Washington post (Feb 23, 1979), p. B1, B3. Aufderheide, Pat. [Deer hunter review] In these times 3/26 (May 16, 1979), p. 20 +? Auster, Al and Quart, Leonard. “Hollywood and Vietnam: the triumph of the will” Cineaste 9/3 (spring 1979), p. 4-9. [Reprinted in London magazine 19 (Aug/Sep 1979), p. 58-70) ________________________. How the war was remembered: Hollywood & Vietnam [GB] (p. 58-65+ [10 p.]) Autry, Chris. [Deer hunter] Time out n. 463 (Mar 2, 1979), p. 33. Axeen, David (see under Dempsey, Michael) Banner, Fiona. The Nam London : Frith Street Books, 1997. Baroncelli, Jean de. “Du fin du reve americain” Le monde (Mar 23, 1979), p. ? Barry, J. [Deer hunter review] Democratic left 7/6 (Jun 1979), p. 14 +? Bartholomew, David. “The Deer hunter” Film bulletin 48 (Jan 1979), p. R-A + [2 p.] Bates, Milton J. The wars we took to Vietnam : cultural conflict and storytelling Berkeley : University of California Press, 1996. (p. 26-28, 37, 43, 84, 106, 114, 131) Bates, Robin. “Ameriski poskusi razumevanja meja razstritve, kot jih prikazujejo filmi o Vietnamu” Ekran 13/3-4 (1986), p. 47-51. Berkowitz, Stan (see under Lees, David) Bevers, Juergen and Fischli, Bruno. “Der Einzige und sein Kino: Anmerkungen zu Norbert Grobs ‘Vom Abenteuer des zweiten Blicks’“ Medium 9 (Sep 1979), p. 6-7. Bezombes, Renaud. “Voyage au bout de l’enfer” Cinematographe 46 (Apr 1979), p. 62-3. Biskind, Peter. “ ‘Come back to the mill, Nick honey’: ‘The Deer hunter’ misses the target” Sevendays 3/3 (Mar 30, 1979), p. 28 +? [Reprinted in his Gods and monsters : thirty years of writing on film and culture London : Bloomsbury, 2005. (p. 86-91) Bitomsky, Hartmut. “Krise der Continuity (The Deer hunter)” Filmkritik 24 (Jun 1980), p. 285-7. Blake, Richard A. “Films/TV: metaphors” America 140 (Mar 3, 1979), p. 163. Bliss, Michael. Martin Scorcese and Michael Cimino Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1985. (p. 163-93) Blumenberg, Hans C. “Amerika is tot. Es lebe Amerika” Die Zeit (Mar 16, 1979), p. ? ________________. “Russisches Roulette” Die Zeit (Mar 2, 1979), p. ? Bohrer, Karl-Heinz. “Mythologie des Vietnamkrieges” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Apr 7, 1979), p. ? Bourdette, Robert E., Jr. “Rereading The Deer hunter: Michael Cimino’s deliberate American epic” in America rediscovered [GB] (p. 165-88) Britton, Andrew. “Sideshows: Hollywood in Vietnam” Movie 27-28 (winter-spring 1980-81), p. 2-23. Brown, Joshua. “The Deer hunter” Radical history review 20 (spring 1979), p. 245- 55. Buchka, Peter. “Ein Film gefahrdet die Berlinale” Suddeutsche Zeitung (Feb 24, 1979), p. ? Buckley, Tom. “Movies: Hollywood’s war: ‘The Deer hunter’ invents cruelties to sell Vietnam” Harper’s 258 (Apr 1979), p. 84-8. Burke, Frank. “In defense of ‘The Deer hunter’ or, the knee jerk is quicker than the eye” Literature/Film quarterly 11/1 (1983), p. 22-7. __________. “Reading Michael Cimino’s ‘The Deer hunter’: interpretation as melting pot” Literature/film quarterly 20/3 (1992), p. 249-59. Burns, Robert E. “The examined life: sex education belongs in the gun store” U.S. Catholic 44 (Aug 1979), p. 2. Buscema, Marsimo. “Pesaro ‘79: semiotica dello spazio narrativo: l’etica da ‘Il cacciatore’ Filmcritica 30 [295] (May 1979), p. 229-37. Butcher, Maryvonne. “Cinema” Tablet 233 (Mar 10, 1979), p. 237. Cagin, Seth and Dray, Philip. Hollywood films of the seventies: sex, drugs, violence, rock ‘n roll & politics [GB] (p. 258, 260-62) Callenbach, Ernest (see under Dempsey, Michael) Cameron-Wilson, James. The cinema of Robert De Niro London : Zomba Books, 1986. Canby, Vincent. “Blue collar epic” New York times (Dec 15, 1978), sec. 3, p. 1. ____________. “The Deer hunter” New york times (Dec 15, 1978), p. C5. ____________. “How true to fact must fiction be?” New York times (Dec 17, 1978), sec. 2, p. 1+. “Candy break after 110 mins. of ‘Deer hunter’: mood spoiler?” Variety 294 (Apr 25, 1979), p. 5. Carducci, Mark P. “ ‘The Deer hunter: Cimino’ We moeten de oorlog onder ogen zien in ons amusement” Skoop 15 (Mar 1979), p. 11-14. [Translation of “Stalking The Deer hunter...” from Millimeter by A. Reijnhoudt] _____________. “Stalking ‘The Deer hunter’: an interview with Michael Cimino” Millimeter 6 (Mar 1978), p. 34+. Castell, David. “The Deer hunter” Films illustrated 8/91 (Mar 1979), p. 259. Chase, Donald and Coencas, Joseph. “Stalking ‘The Deer hunter’“ [interview with Michael Cimino] Take one 7/6 (1979), p. 37-42. Chong, Sylvia Shin Huey. “Restaging the war: ‘The Deer hunter’ and the primal scene of violence” Cinema journal 44/2 (winter 2005), p. 89-106. Christensen, Terry. Reel politics : American political movies from Birth of a nation to Platoon [GB] (p. 148, 152-4, 174, 220) Ciment, Michel and Henry, Michael. “Nouvel entretien avec Michael Cimino” Positif 246 (Sep 1981), p. 17-21. Cimino, Michael. “Ordeal by fire and ice” American cinematographer 59/10 (Oct 1978), p. 962-5. _____________. “Taming ‘The Deer hunter’“ Cresset 43/8 (1980), p. 27-30. _____________. (see also under Carducci, M.P.; Chase, D.; Ciment, M.; “Michael Cimino”) Cockburn, Alexander. [Deer hunter] Village voice 24 (Mar 26, 1979), p. 32. _________________. [Deer hunter] Village voice 24 (Jul 23, 1979), p. 33. Coencas, Joseph (see under Chase, Donald) Combs, Richard. “The Deer hunter” Monthly film bulletin 46/542 (Mar 1979) p. 42- 43. Connolly, Keith. “Vietnam on film” Cinema papers 21 (May/Jun 1979), p. 334-8. Cook, David A.. Lost illusions : American cinema in the shadow of Watergate and Vietnam, 1970-1979 New York : Scribner’s, 1999. (p. xv-xvi, 6, 63, 183, 330, 359, 390) Cook, J. Carl. [Deer hunter] National Catholic reporter 15 (Mar 23, 1979), p. 22. Copeland, Roger. “A Vietnam movie that does knock America” New York times (Aug 7, 1977), p. ? Cumbow, Robert C. “The Deer hunter” Movietone news 62-63 (Dec 1979), p. 48-9. Davidson, James West and Lytle, Mark Hamilton. “Where trouble comes” [Chapter 15] in After the fact : the art of historical detection 4th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2000. (p. 380-84, 387, 389) De Bongnie, Jean. “Raciste? non pas: voyage au bout de l’enfer” Amis du film et de la television 276 (May/Jun 1979), p. 11. [Deer hunter] After dark 12 (Feb 1979), p. 82. [Deer hunter] East-west film journal 8/1 (Jan 1994), p. 52-67. [Deer hunter] Encore 7 (Jan 15, 1979), p. 30-1. [Deer hunter] Feature (Apr 1979), p. 12-14. [Deer hunter] 50 plus 19 (Feb 1979), p. 47-8. “The Deer hunter” Films and filming 25/6 (Mar 1979), p. 25-9. [photo essay] [Deer hunter] Glamour 77 (Mar 1979), p. 166. [Deer hunter] Hollywood reporter 254/20 (Dec 1, 1978), p. 3, 20. [Deer hunter] Listener 101/2601 (Mar 8, 1979), p. 355-6. [Deer hunter] Listener 112/2889 (Dec 1984), p. 20-27. [Deer hunter] Maclean’s 92 (Jan 22, 1979), p. 46-7. [Deer hunter] Mademoiselle 85 (Feb 1979), p. 48. “Deer hunter, The” Motion picture guide (edited by Jay Robert Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross) Chicago : Cinebooks, 1985. (v. 2, p. 613) [Deer hunter] North by northwest n. 8 (autumn 1979), p. 15-19. [Deer hunter] Radio times 259/3383 (Oct 1, 1988), p. 26. [Deer hunter] St. Anthony messenger 86 (May 1979), p. 8. [Deer hunter] Screen international n. 180 (Mar 10, 1979), p. 41. [Deer hunter] Take one 7/4 (Mar 1979), p. 9-10. [Deer hunter] Time out n. 462 (Feb 23, 1979), p. 14-16. [Deer hunter] [letter protesting Autry review] Time out n. 465 (Mar 16, 1979), p. 3. “Deer hunter called insult to Vietnam” Current digest of the Soviet press 31 (Apr 4, 1979), p. 5-6. Delage, Christian. “Conscience de la nation” Vertigo [France] n. 16 (1997), p. 33. De Marinis, Gualtiero. “Il cacciatore” Cineforum 23 [221] (Jan/Feb 1983), p. 71-5. Dempsey, John. “2 tvers plan to air ‘Deer hunter’ on election night” Variety 300 (Sep 24, 1980), p. 1 + [2 p.]. Dempsey, Michael; Kinder, Marsha; Axeen, David; and Callenbach, Ernest. “Four shots at the Deer Hunter” Film quarterly 32 (summer 1979), p. 10-22. Denby, David. “Movies: nightmare into epic” New York 11 (Dec 18, 1978), p. 98- 100. ___________. “Movies: the movie slayers” New York 12 (Jun 18, 1979), p. 79-80. Denisoff, R. Serge and Romanowski, William D.
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