St. Lawrence Waterway
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67~~OONQRERS SENATE DOOUMENT 8d Session } No. 114 ST. LAWRENCE WATERWAY MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITEDSTATES TRANSMITTING A LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE SUBMITTING THE REPORT OF THE INTERNA- TIONAL JOINT COMMiSSION CONCERNING THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER BETWEENMONTREAL AND LAKEONTARIO FOR NAVIGATION AND POWER JANUARY16,1922.-Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations WASHINGTON GOVERNMENTPRINTING OFFICE 1922 SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 215. 8UBMITrBD BY KB. KELLOGG. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, January 18, lOSS. Resolved, That the messRO'efrom the President of the United Sta.tes,transmitting a letter b'om the Secret'1ry of State, submitting the report of the International Joint Commission on its investiga- tion concerning the imp;rovement.of t!Ie St. Lawrence R;iver between Montreal and Lake Ene for naVIgatIon and power, laId before the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations on January 16, 1922).be printed with all accompanying papers and illustrations as a ::;enate document. Attest: GEORGE A. SANDERSON, Secretary. 2 ~ CONTENTS. Pane Part I. Introduction 9 Text of reference .......................... 9 Instrnctions to engineers 10 Interpretation of referenc!e_..-___________---___--__-__-_"_--____-_11 Scope of investigation 12 Part 11. Tho St. Lawrence Basin______ ~ ______. 15 Physicalchwncteristics 15 Artificialimprnvemcnts 16 (a) St. Lawrence Ship Channel ............................... 17 (b) Canals between Montreal and Lake Ontario _-______________ 20 LachineCanal 21 Soulanges Canal 22 Cornwall Csnal_________............................... 22 WilliamsburgCanals 22 Farrnns Point Canal ................................... 22 Rapide Plat Canal 22 GalopsCanal 23 (c)Welland 23 (d) Cilnals at Sault Ste. Marie ............................... 24 (e) Minor canals .......................... 26 Trent Canal--____-___-____-.-____-__---_-__-__--_-___- 26 MurrayCanal 27 Beauharnois Canal..................................... 27 Projected canals on Canadian side................................. 27 Huron and Ontarlo Ship Canal................................ 27 Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie Ship Canal....................... 28 Canals on the United States side.................................. 28 St. Clair Flats Canal-______-___-__-__--_____-_____--_-_-__-__28 Sturgeon Bay and LakeMichigan Ship Canal___________________ 28 Keweenaw waterway-____________"-_-___-_-_--____--_-____-__29 Black Rock Channel .......................................... 29 New Pork State canal system ................................. 30 Projected canals on United States side............................. 30 Niagara Ship Canal ____________________--__________---__-____ 30 Erie and Ontario Sanitary Canal.............................. 31 Lake Erie and Lake Michigan Ship Canal......................... 32 (f) Canals not connecting boundary waters- Canals on Canadian side................................ 32 Richelieu River Canals 32 St. Ours Lock and Dam................................. 33 Chambly Canal _____________________---_--_-----_-_----33 Rideau Canal________---______---___-_-_____---------__ 33 Ottawa River Canals- Ste. Anne's Lock 33 Carillon Canal-,.................................... 33 Grenville Canal.................................... 33 Georgian Bay Ship Canal project _____-______________--- 34 Projects for canals connecting theSt. Lawrence and the Ottawa_________-_______-_-_____--____--___--____-_-35 Lake Superior and Lake of the Woods waterway project" 35 Canals on United States side .................................... 35 New Pork State canal system ______________________-__________ 35 Ohio State Canals- Miami and Erie Canals .................................. 37 Northern division of Ohio canals___-______________________ 37 a 4 OONTEFCS. P.W. 38 38 39 40 40 40 41 41 44 45 45 45 47 48 49 49 50 50 50 50 53 54 67 82 91 99 104 106 506 106 118 120 136 137 139 155 158 159 160 161 161 161 162 162 162 163 163 163 163 164 164 165 165 165 166 167 170 170 171 174 176 180 181 INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION. WASHINQTON-OTTAWA. UNITI~DSTATBS. CANADA. OBADIAHQARDNER, Uhalrman. CHARLES A. MAGRATH, Uhaiman. CLARENCED. CLARK. HENRY A. POWELL, K. C. MARCUS A. SMITH. SIR WILLIAM HEARST, K. C. M. 0. WILLIAMH. SMITH,Bewetary. LAWRENCBJ. BURPEE,Secreta?!!. 6 LETTEROFTRANSMITTAL. To the Senate md House of Representatices: By section9 of an act entitled “An act makingappropriations for the construction, repair, and preservationof certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes,” approved March 2, 1919, the Congress expressed a desire that the Intornational Joint Commission investigate what further improvement of the St. Law- rence River between Montreal and Lake Ontariois necessary to make the river navigable for ocean-going vessels, together with the esti- mated cost. thereof. Under date of January 21, 1920, the Governments of the United States and Canada, by agreement, referred the matter to the Inter- national Joint Commission, pursuant to theprovisions of Article IX of the treatv relatine to the boundary waters between the United States and Canada, signed by the United States and Great Britain on January 11, 1909. I transmit herewith, for the information of the Congress and for such action as it may deem appropriate, a report, bearing date of December 19, 1921, submitted to the Department of State by a letter of the joint secretaries of the commission, dated January 6, 1922, presentingthe findings, conclusions, andrecornmendations of the commission regarding the matter. ITTAIIIIENG. IIAI:DING. THEWHITE HOUSE, January 16,1922. 1 LETTERS OF SUBMITTAL. The PRESIDENT: I have the honor to submit herewith for our consideration and for transmission to the Senate and House of !iiepresentatives, if that procedure have your approval, copies in duplicate of the report of the International Joint Commission on its investigation concerning the improvement of the St. Lawrence River between Montreal and Lake Ontario for navigation and power. By section 9 of an act entitled “An act making appropriations for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on riversand harbors, and for other purposes,” approvedMarch 2, 1919, the Congress expressed a desire that the International Joint Commission investigate what further improvement of the St. Law- rence River between Montrealand Lake Ontario is necessary to make the river navigable for ocean-going vessels, together with the estimated cost thereof. The report which I herewith submit, bearing date of December 19, 1921, submitted to the Department of State by a letter of the joint secretaries of the commission, dated January 6, 1922, presents the findings,conclusions, and recommendations of the commission on a reference of the matter to it under date of January 21, 1920, by agreement of the Governments of theUnited States and Canada underthe provisions of Article IX of thetreaty relating to the boundary waters between the United States and Canada, signed by the United States and Great Britain on January 11, 1909. Respectfully submitted. CHARLESE. HUGHES. DEPARTMENTOF STATE, Washington, January14,29%?. INTERNATIONALJOINT COMMISSION, Waskimgton, D. C., January 6, 19i%?. SIR: We have the honor to transmit herewith the report of the International Joint Commission in the matter of the St. Lawrence River navigation and power investigation, referred to the commis- sion on January 21, 1920, under the provisions of Article IX of the treaty of January 11, 1909, between the United States and Great Britain. We have the honor to be, sir, Your obedient servants, WM. H. SMITH, LAWRENCEJ. BIJRPEE, Joint Secretaries. The SECRETARYOF STATE, Washingtom, D.C. 8 \ REPORT ON THE ST. LAWRENCENAVIGATION AND POWER INVESTIGATION, 1921. PART I. INTRODUCTION. On the 21st of January, 1920, theGovernments of theUnited Statesand Canada referred to this commission forinvestigation and report, under the terms of article 9 of the treaty of January 11, 3.909, certain questions relating to the im rovement of the St. Law- rence River between Lake Ontario and dontreal for navigation and power. Thesequestions areset forth in the official reference, the terms of which are as follows: ' TEXT OF REFERENCE. I have the honor to inform you that the Governments of the United States Of America and of the Dominion of Canada, under the provisions of article 9 of the treaty of the 11th of .January, 1909, between theGovernments of the United States and Great Britain, herewith refer certain questions, as set forth below, involvingthe beneficial use of the waters of theSt. Lawrence River between Montreal and Lake Ontario, in the interests of bothcountries, and, ingeneral, the rights, obligations, or interests of eitherin relation to thr other, or to the inhabitants of the other along their common frontier. It is desired that the said questions be made the basis of an investigation to be carried out by the International Joint Commission, to the end that the said commission may submit a report to the two countries covering the subject matter of this reference, together with such conclusions and recommendations as may be considered pertinent in the premises. Question I. What further improvement in the St. Lawrence River, between Montreal and Lake Ontario, is necessary to make the same navigable for deep- draft vessels of either the lake or ocean-going type; what draft of water i* recommended; and what is the estimated cost? Inanswering this question the commission is requestedto consider: (a) Navigationinterests