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Fullthrottlewl-Cdcase-Inlay ABDUTFULLTHROTTLE 'Round these parts t here ' s a l egend ••• about the meanest 1 toughest, hard- ridin' est, gravel-chewing, punk-stomping biker of them all - Ben Whats i s name. There was the time Adri­ an Ripburger-a chablis- sw illing, limo-riding yuppie exec­ utive-tried to take over Corl ey Motors , makers of the last real domestically produced motorcycle. He thought he could BEN. Our anti-hero. MAUREEN (aka Mo). Born with f rame Ben f or murder in the process . Ben had his bike Leader of the Polecats. a silver monkey wrench in trashed, the cops on his trail, his gang in jail and his pic­ Born to be ornery . her mouth. Don't take no ture on Corville 's Most Wanted TV show. Bad to the bone. gaff f rom nobody . But that didn't stop Ben-and it shouldn't stop you, either, as you help Ben survive one of his gnarlier adven­ tures. Slug your wa y through rival motorcycle gangs like the Rottwheelers 1 Vultures and Cave f ish. Leap yawning crevass­ es and trade snappy repartee with sleazy s emi drivers. Hop on your hawg 1 pop a wheelie, and leave your enemies r1 ith dust in their eyes and bugs between their teeth. But bike-riding and brawling weren't enough to make Ben a great biker - Ben had brains as well. You'll occasionally find a situation where brute force just rion't cut it. Be ADRIAN RIPBURGER. Pond slime in OLD MAN CORLEY. Don't be patient, practice deceit and larceny - excuse me, negotia­ an Armani suit. We'd call him a fooled by the suit. He's a tion and - um - "borror1 ing" stuff - and you'll find your wa y weasel at heart, if he had a biker at heart. He's devoted out of the toughest spot. And if all else f ails, kick and heart and it wasn't an insult to to turning out the best and punch the#}'!! out of it. respectable weasels. Devoted baddest domestically-pro­ to ••• Adrian Ripburger. duced bike money can buy . NESTOR. Intelligent, BOLUS. Primal pond slime. ElilldET. Long-haultrucker. HORRACE. Took too many falls sneaky pond slime. Short-fuse temper. off the bike without a hel­ Regards bikers as roadkill met. Old Man Corley took on wheels. pity on him and gave him the souvenir concession. MIRANDA. Thinks of herself as SUZI. Vulture leader. TODD. Lives in a trailer. Owns QUOHOG. Bartenderatthe an investigative reporter. Brilliant strategist. a junkyard. His best friend is Kickstand. Devout coward. Lost her ideals her second Built like a brick Buick . his dog. His only friend is his Subject to bribery , intimi­ semester in journalism school. Has a tattoo that reads dog. Enjoys intellectual TV dation, and abuse. Alwa ys vaguely ashamed when she "r • Cruel and Unusual like Wheel of Mone y and Hobb y : Macrame. manifests traces of humanity . Punishment." Entertain11ent This Evening. PLAYll\16 THE GAME To make Ben walk , move the cursor to To start the game, please f ollow the instructions in the the point or area on the screen you want ref erence card included in the package. him to go and click the lef t mouse but­ As the story opens, Ben is reminiscing and we see the ton. I f you have played an adventure game Corley Executive Limo/Hovercraf t cruising down the highway. bef ore, you may be saying, "where's my These non-interactive sequences are known as "cut-scenes" - • • • • • • • • • • interf ace? short, animated sequences, like scenes f rom a movie - which Move the cursor over the • Where' s my can provide clues and information about the characters. various verb icons in • inventory?" Cut-scenes are also used to show special animated sequences, the interf ace and lef t • No, they didn't get ripped off such as when Ben wakes up af ter his involuntary nap in the click to activate them: • while Ben was in the dumpster. To dumpster. When you are vieHing a cut-scene, you do not direct • displ ay the interf ace, move the VERB ICON FUNCTION the action. • cursor around the screen until E1 You begin directing Ben's actions as soon as he a \"l akens • you see a red f rame around the I Look at/ f rom his "nap." You should see a crosshair-like cursor. • crosshairs. Now hold do wn on the Sometimes this will appear as a red arrow (if Ben is on foot) Examine • lef t mouse button, and you will or a highway sign (if Ben is on his bike). These will indicate • see the interf ace. For example, directions Ben can travel-exits from the current screen, Talk to/ • to use Ben's motorcycle, you you might say . Use mouth • would move the cursor over the A note about the mouse: If your mouse has t wo buttons, your • motorcycle, press the lef t mouse left button will control most of the action throughout the Pick up/ • button, then move the cursor over game. The right mouse button controls your inventory. If Punch/Use • the hand s ymbol until it clenches your mouse has only one button, then that button acts as the • into a f ist, and then l et go of "left" mouse button and the keyboard ke y "i" acts as the • the button. right. Please consult the reference card for more informa­ • To dis play the inventory , Kick tion. t ype "I" or click the right mouse button. You will TALKING TO CHARACTER§ now see up to f our inven­ Occasionally , even the most grim biker-of - f ew- words tory items. You ma y c ycle needs to talk to another human being, to indulge in such through the entire pithy eloquence as "Gimme a brew" or " where's the john?" I f inventory you have at you want to talk to a character in the game, move the cursor that moment by clicking over the character, bring up the interf ace, and then move on the right or lef t the cursor over the mouth of the skull until the tongue arro\"I S (if they are visi­ comes out. You may then s ee a selection of conversational ble. I f they aren't visi­ options f or Ben. Just click once on whatever s eems the ble, you' re looking at right, or interesting, thing to say . Unlike real-life biker all the inventory you've bars, you will never get killed f or saying the wrong thing, got at that moment.). To examine an inventory item, put the and you can alwa ys come back and try saying something else. cursor over it and click the right mouse button. If you wish to use an inventory item, put the cursor over it and click RIDll\lli THE BIKE the left mouse button. The inventory s kull should disappear When Ben is on his bike in an interactive highwa y and the cursor should now be the item you have selected. To sequence 1 you can s werve lef t or right by moving the mouse use it with an onscreen item, move the cursor over the on­ in those directions. I f you want to select a weapon, click screen item until the item on the cursor glows yellow, then the right mouse button. I f you want to use a weapon, click click the lef t mouse button. The inventory s kull will dis­ the left mouse button. I f at f irs t you don't succeed, punch, appear when you move the cursor outside the skull. If you punch, punch. You can a lv1 a ys try a bigger weapon. decide not to use an inventory item, lef t click inside the To tak e an exit 1 click the lef t mouse button when you see inventory s kull or outside when the item is not highlighted the EXIT sign. and it will vanish. GENERAL CONTROL§ A FEW HELPFUL HINT!i To f ind out more specif ics on how to control Ben and his Pick up everything you can. Odds are, at some point all vehicles in the highwa y sequences, the demolition derby and those strange things will serve some purpose. the arena, please consult your ref erence card. I f you get stuck and can't figure out how to proceed, try looking through all the items you've found and thinking !iCREEN !iAVER!i about how each one might be used (perhaps with yet another For your amusement, 1·1e have included screen savers in the item in your inventory ). Talk to people you meet (like the game displaying 3-D views of the cool Full Throttle vehi­ bartender) and try to get clues from them. Think about the cles. For prices and leasing agreements, see your local places you've gone and the people you've met. Chances are, Corley Motors dealer. there r1 ill be a connection that will put you back on track. OUR GAME DE!ilGN PHILO!iOPH\' If you need technical assistance, ref er to the Trou­ We believe you buy games to be entertained, not to be bleshooting Guide on your reference card or call 0171-368- whacked over the head (and tossed into a dumpster) every 2266. We' re sorry , but no hints can be given on this line. .. • time you make a mistake. So we don't bring the game to a If your motorcycle isn't working, fix it yourself like a screeching halt and run you off the road when you poke your real biker and quit whining.
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