The American Legion Magazine Editorial & Advertising Offices 720 Fifth Avenue Contents for March 1964 New York, New York 10019 Publisher, James F

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The American Legion Magazine Editorial & Advertising Offices 720 Fifth Avenue Contents for March 1964 New York, New York 10019 Publisher, James F THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE 20c MARCH 1964 WHY DOES KHRUSHCHEV NEED WHEAT? THE STORY OF THE SOVIET PEASANT REVOLT AND THE COM- MUNIST FOOD CRISIS, FROM A REPORT OF DR. BELA FABIAN Preamble te ib* ConstthtttVn y xv< associate ourseUvs to^etl>er for H>c felleunna. purpese^ uphold an> ^cfaVo i\yc Constitution of i"j>e United States of ^mcrtca; to maintain lau> an^> or>er; to foster an> perpetuate a one hunoi*e> percent Americanism; to preserve the memories an> incidents of our ctssocia- turns m the Great Wars; to inculcate a sense of inOivtOual okltcjati'on to the community, state an> nation ; to comhat \\)c autocracy classes ano tt>c masses; to make rtqj)t the master of mtgbt; To promote peace an> cjoo> will on eartl); to safeguard anb < transmit to postertty the principles ofjustice, Irecdom and ^emoca-acy; to consecrate and sai^ctikj our comradeship our devotion h? mutvtal ness. The American MARCH 1964 Volume 76, Number 3 LEGION POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to P.O. Box 1055, Ind. 46206 Magazine Indianapolis, The American Legion Magazine Editorial & Advertising Offices 720 Fifth Avenue Contents for March 1964 New York, New York 10019 Publisher, James F. O'Ncil Editor Opposite Page Robert B. Pitkin FOR GOD AND COUNTRY Art Editor Marshall BY J. R. ROSEN Al American Legion Pre- Associate Editors A frameable copy of the John Andreola amble on this, the Legion's 45th Birthday. Roy Miller James S. Swartz 5 Production Manager THE FOUNDING OF THE LEGION 45 YEARS AGO Ralph Peluso thumbnail sketch Copy Editor The classic photo and a Grail S. Hanford oj the Paris Caucus that started The Contributing Editor American Legion in March of 1919. Pete Martin Circulation Manager Dean B. Nelson THE LEGION DIGS FOR TRUTH Indianapolis, Ind. NATIONAL COMMANDER DANIEL F. FOLEY Advertising Director BY Robert P. Redden Legion's approach A word picture of The American Midwestern Adv. Sales Office to an endless parade of national problems, 35 East Wacker Drive Chicago, 111. 60601 by its top executive. Washington Sales Office Sack L. Spore FLAGS 1608 K. St. N.W. AMERICA'S HISTORIC Washington, D.C. 20006 A color feature sharing the intimate knowledge students of famous flags in our history held by CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Box 1055, of Hempstead, N. Y., High School. Notify Circulation Dept., P. O. Indianapolis, Ind., 46206 using Post Office Form 3578. Attach old address label and 15 addresses and current DOES KHRUSHCHEV NEED WHEAT? give old and new WHY number. Also be sure to DR. BELA FABIAN membership card From a Report of notify your Post Adjutant. Rebelliousness and famine threaten the Soviet regime, says this expert on events behind the The American Legion Iron Curtain. Publications Commission: Dr. Charles R. Logan, Keokuk, Iowa (Chairman); Adolph F. Bremer, Winona, Lang Armstrong, THE HISTORY OF OUR INCOME TAX 18 Minn. (Vice Chairman) ; Spokane, Wash.; Charles E. Booth, Hunting- A. LINENDOLL BY HARRY ton, W. Va.; John Cicero, Swoyerville, Pa.; Hollywood, Fla.; Clovis Cope- The story of an always-tempestuous part of our E. I. Cooper, land, Morrilton, Ark.; Paul B. Dague, Down- life which, like so many other things, national ingtown, Pa.; Raymond Fields, Guymon, Okla.; goes back to Abraham Lincoln. Chris Hernandez. Savannah, Ga.; George D. Levy, Sumter, S. C; Edward Longstreth, La Jolla, Calif.; Frank C. Love, Syracuse, N. Y .; 22 Robert HOW TO EARN MONEY AFTER RETIREMENT Morris Meyer, Starkville, Miss.; BY LESTER DAVID Mitchler, Osivego, III.; Harry H. Schaffer, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Harold A. Shindler, Lafayette, Whether you have to or simply want to work Ind.; William F. Taylor, Greensburg, Ky.; Benjamin B. Truskoski, Bristol, Conn.; Robert after 65, it's a special problem with its own H. Wilder. Dadeville, Ala. Edward McSweeney, its opportunities. obstacles and own Armonk, N. Y. (Consultant) IT 24 Magazine is published CUSTER'S LAST STAND AS I REMEMBER The American Legion BY CHIEF WILLIAM RED FOX monthly at 1100 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky., by The American Legion. Copyright AS TOLD TO TOM KASER 1961 by The American Legion. Second-class Price single An Indian's look at the famous battle, as postage paid at Louisville, Ky. : yearly subscription, $2.00. told by one who says he was there. copy, 20 cents; Order nonniember subscriptions from the Cir- culation Department of The American Legion. SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT REGULATE P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, Ind. 46206 26 Editorial and advertising offices: 720 5th Ave., RADIO-TELEVISION COMMERCIALS? New York, N. Y. 10019. Wholly owned by Head- NATIONAL QUESTION The American Legion, with National TWO SIDES OF A quarters at Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. Daniel National Commander. pro: REP. JOHN E. MOSS (D-CALIF.) F. Foley, con: REP. KENNETH A. ROBERTS (D-ALA.) Publisher's Representatives Departments West Coast Arden E. Roney & Assoc. Francisco, Calif. 31 Los Angeles & San LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 2 NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION Northwest 41 EDITOR'S CORNER 4 PERSONAL The Harlowe Co. Seattle, Wash. 98101 7 ROD & GUN CLUB 54 DATELINE WASHINGTON . Southeast BOOKS 28 LEGION SHOPPER 56 The Dawson Co. Miami, Fla. & Atlanta, Ga. 29 PARTING SHOTS fin Detroit Arden E. Roney & Assoc. submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-addressed Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons Detroit, Mich. no responsibility for unsolicited material. stamped envelope is included. This magazine assumes THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • MARCH 1964 sir: Mr. Neilan's Post article hit me right between the eyes. I am 72 today, a dis- abled vet with a heart ailment for ten THE EDITOR of LETTERS TO years, and it takes a big portion my little pension to buy medicine. I don't know why Mr. Neilan hates me and of others like me. I wonder Letters published do not necessarily ex- sir: The article could well have been thousands American Legion. bankers. The press the policy of The enjoyed by Mr. Neilan and the Post if he thinks we can all be Keep letters short. Name and address must little money I get all goes through some be furnished. Expressions of opinion and editors and others of high office. But services are appreci- to the government. requests for personal of us sold apples on street corners bank and gets back cannot be acknowledged or some ated, but they think your editorial "A Cross-Eyed answered, due to lack of magazine staff for in order to live, before we fought for I personal serv- should soften these purposes. Requests for got our veterans benefits. We don't Look" is wonderful and legitimately asked of and ices which may be Mr. Neilan's attitude. The American Legion should be made to want to do it again. your Post Service Officer or your state Fayette M. Knight Roswell Hopkins (Department) American Legion Hq. Send Fla. New burgh, Ind. letters to the editor to: Letters, The St. Petersburg, American Legion Magazine, 720 5th Ave- According to Rep. Wright Patman, nue, New York, N. Y. 10019. of the House Commit- sir: Thank you for the editorial "A Texas, Chairman and Currency, there are Cross-Eyed Look." I was going to write tee on Banking THAT POST ARTICLE on deposit in to author Neilan, but your editorial was $17 million of U.S. money Having read "Let's Say No to the bank, without sir: the real answer to him. Thank you for Mr. Neilan's Delaware in the Saturday Evening Post, bank can invest to Veteran" answering in the American way. interest, which the disturbed and won- This is not I was very much A. C. Fournier earn $590,000 a year or more. could write such an perspective dered how anyone Cannon AFB, N. Mex. apt to give Mr. Neilan the article. Your January answer, "A Cross- of one who has to worry about the cost Look" made me feel much better, such a windfall makes Eyed sir: After reading your editorial "A of pills, though and for this I want to thank you. Many about his incessant attacks Cross-Eyed Look" I do now whole- for wonder veterans are not as fortunate subsidies." The fed- of us old heartedly agree that Edwin P. Neilan on "government young fellows are today because deposited in the bank with- as most was more than right in his views, other- eral money things. Pension plans in the witholding tax funds, of many wise you would not have answered him out interest is factories are better today for the future not yet due the Treasury. as you did. He was only giving the un- collected but and I believe most WW2 and Korea biased view of a banker. I know now that veterans will be better off, but there will he was sincere, honest and true. COMMON SENSE sickness and in- edi- be some who, through Christopher Wellman sir: Commander Foley's January should get it. jury, will need help and Meriden, Conn. torial "The Doctrine of Common Sense," Joseph Goda and sound OK. If we say a man's wrong that made me become a "Shouter" Shillington, Pa. too much proves he's right. It's a free country. off "Amen." There has been fury in our arguing; and that will wreck sir: Just a line to protest Edwin Neilan's I heard a man who had sir: Congratulations on your answer to the country. "Let's No to the Veterans," in "In Germany we agreed piece, Say the unwarranted attack on federal vet- fled Hitler say: Evening Post. I'd think the in America we disagree the Saturday erans' benefits by Edwin P. Neilan, disagreeably; after losing one big libel suit, would some of the diatribes I Post, president of the U.S.

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