Krilòff's Fables;
5 5 (7 V 3 ^ '^\^^ aofcaiifo% 5> . V f ^^Aavaanii^ ^^Aavnaiiiv^ ^MEUNIVERS/A >:101% ^^•UBRARY6>/r, : be- _ ^ '^.i/OJnVDJO'^ ^^WEUNIVERS/^ ^lOSANCElfj> zmoR^y <ril30HVS01^ %a3AINnJl\V "^OWSiUW^ ^AOJITVDJO^ ^AOJITVD-JO^ ^^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ AWEUNIVERva CO -< ^c'AHvaan^' %133NVS01^^ AWEUNIVERSy^ ANGELA* /:^ =6 <=- vN- , \ME UNIVERJ/A v>;lOSANCElfj>. ^OFCAll FO/?^ ^OFCAIIFOI?^ ^OFCAIIFO;?^ -I^EUNIVERSyA .v pa ^J'JiaQKvso^^^ AWEl)NIVERy/A v>:lOSANCEl£r;x §1 ir-U b. s -< J' JNVSOl^ aWEUNIVERSZ/v ^lOSANCElfx^ ^OFCAllFOff^ WcOfC <rinONVS01^ %a3AINft3W^ -^^^•UBRARYO^ 5i\EUNIVER% ^^HOiim JO 4^OFCAllF0ff^ ^OFCAIIFO;?^ 5MEUNIVERS/// va'diii^^^' ^<?AavHani jjimm'^ .\WEUNIVER% ^^10SANCEI%^ 4,>MUBRARYQ^^ >i V ^ <5 , ,\WEUNIVERS-//, vvlOSANCElfj-;> ^OFCALIf : KRILOFF'S FABLES Translated from the Russian into English in the original metres BY FILLINGHAM COXWELL, m.d. Author of Chronicles of Man, Through Russia in War Time WITH 4 PIRATES LONDON KEGAN PAUL. TRENCH, TRUBNER & Co., Ltd. NEW YORK : E. P. BUTTON & Co. A Printed Great Britain by BovvERiNG & Co., St. Andrev.'s Printing Works, George Street, Plymouth. PREFACE RILOFF is such a remarkable figure in Russian literature, and his Fables are so interesting and admirable that I have ventured to render eighty-six of them into English. No prose translation can do this poet-fabulist justice, but a rendering in metrical fonns, corresponding with his own, may give readers some idea of his merits. If it be recalled that the source of most fables is hidden in the mists of antiquity, then Kriloff 's originality can scarcely fail to be a recommendation. He wrote, in all, 201 fables and there seems little doubt that, in four-fifths of them, he was not indebted to anyone.
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