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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03329-0 - New Music at Darmstadt: Nono, Stockhausen, Cage, and Boulez Martin Iddon Index More information Index Adorno, Theodor W. 3, 41, 45, 50–51, 53, 55, Deux études concrètes (1952) 69 62, 84, 85, 92–93, 110–116, 117, 118, First Piano Sonata (1946) 235 127–128, 129–141, 167, 175, 184, 189, Flute Sonatine (1946) 178, 183, 288 192–193, 229, 268–269, 272, 286–293, Le Marteau sans maître (1953–5) 118, 135, 297, 301 140, 147, 148, 149, 153, 154, 288, 290, Amy, Gilbert, Mouvements (1958) 197, 200 293, 301 Andriessen, Juriaan Livre pour quatuor (1948–9) 140, 272 Hommage à Milhaud (1948) 103 Pli selon pli (1957–62) 231, 293 Antheil, George 167 Poésie pour pouvoir (1955–8) 197, 230 Arendt, Hannah 3 Polyphonie X (1951) 89, 140, 280, 293 Arp, Hans 221 Second Piano Sonata (1947–8) 68, 69, 140, Artaud, Antonin 256–257 159, 288 Augustine 240–241 Le Soleil des eaux (1948) 108 Structures (1952) 61, 69, 82–83, 107, 114, 119, Babbitt, Milton, Second String Quartet (1954) 174 132, 140, 141, 144, 147, 152, 187, 189, Bach, Johann Sebastian 14 204, 280, 290 The Art of Fugue 26, 204–205 Third Piano Sonata (1955–7) 181, Banks, Don, Violin Sonata (1953) 103 189–193, 196, 247, 252–255, 280, 288, Barraqué, Jean 183 291, 301 Bartók, Béla 16, 26, 28, 29, 126, 147, 181 Le Visage nuptial (1946) 107–109 Suite for Piano (1916) 178 Brahms, Johannes 32 Two Rumanian Dances (1909–10) 25 Brant, Henry, Galaxy II (1954) 261 Bauman, Zygmunt 300–302 Braunmühl, Hans Joachim von 64 Baumann, Max, Concerto grosso (1950) 63 Briehm, Tilla 50 Beethoven, Ludwig van 14, 113, 218, 258, 293 Britten, Benjamin 29 Bennett, Richard Rodney 179 Lachrymae (1950) 103 Berberian, Cathy 234, 274 Brown, Carolyn 160, 195, 261 Berg, Alban 10, 25, 26, 28, 93–94, 126, 130, Brown, Earle 132, 139, 140, 158–162, 173, 220–221, 222, 293 175–176, 194–195, 196, 214, 220, 230, Piano Sonata (1907–8, rev.
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