Rational Agrieultural Ea1ension and Rese· Rach Liaison Servie .S Federal Ministry of Agric~Ture and Natura! Resources
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rational Agrieultural EA1ension and Rese· rach Liaison Servie .s Federal Ministry of Agric~ture and Natura! Resources JR MiSSION IS TO DISSEMINATE PROVEN AND RELEVANT AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION National Agrleultural Extension and Researaeh Uabo• Servlees Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural .Resources A.lunada. Bello University, Zaria 1993 ·, . OVR IIISSION IS T8 DISSDIINAD PROVEN AND RIUVANI' AGBitiJI!I1JIU.L INfOBMA:fiO~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ' . ~ - ....... ;-••• ·.......... ..... ..................~. •••••••••••. ·l·\· •••••••••••••• • 5.5. PROORA."""'E ARE.A'3 ......... •• ..... , ....................... ~ •.••••.•• ~ ,· •l• •••••••••••• j i i INTRODUCTION ,_ .... ... • I. • 4. .• . .. :- ...... 1 "4- - HIGHLIGHT OF ACTIVITIES ...... .. EXTENSIOO RESEARCH - ·- -- -- "''· TRAINING .... ~................ , ••••••• ••• 1t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 National Workshop and Specialized Trainings ~ ••- . •• • • ... • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 External Training Workshops • ,,... • .,.... • r • • • ••••• ,. ••• "" •••••••••••••• 16 Professionaf Societies Conferences/Seminars .........:...•""" ............... ?.2 MEDIA Publication .............. • .. • • • • • • • • ·• • • • • • • • • ........ .... ~ ••~ ., •••••••••• ':?5 Farm Broadcast . •••••••••••••••• • ••• • •••••••••••• • •••••••••••• 39 .. t OTHER ACTIVITIES • ... • • • • • • ~. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • ·, .• • •. • •••• • 4 7 Special Projects • • • • • • • •• • • .• • • • • • • • • •·• • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • ·~ • • • ••• • • 47 Research and Technical Meetings • • .. • • .... • .... • • • • ·' • • • • • • •" • ~ ·:· • • • • • 50 Data Collection ............................................................. > • 53 Advisory/Ambulatory/Special Services u. !. .. ·..:. • .. •·•...... •. , ... .. .. 53 CONSTRAINTS ........................., ...... ~·· .· •••• .•••• ., -- -'* APPENDIX SENIOR STAFF LIST ...... .It .............................. , ................. -= •• ,••• - • ·. UST OF IMPORTANT VISITORS ...... ~ ••• .! •• •.! •• ~ •• •, • •• ~ ••• •• • • • • • • 63 !lATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION AND RESEARCH UAISON SERVICES Federal Mlnls~rx Qf AgriPt~lture & natural Resources Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Headquarter NAERLS PMB 1067 Zaria Zonal Offices North West Zonal office PMB 1067 Zaria Kaduna State North East Zonal Offtee lake Chad Research rnst{tute PMB 1293 . Maidugurl, Borno State Middle Bett Zonal OffiCe · National Cereals Research Institute PMB 8 Bida, Niger State South East Zonal OffiCe National Root Crops Research lnstitu1e • PMB 1006 Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State South West Zonal OffiCe Institute for Agricultural Research & Training PMB 5029 lbadan, Oyo Stat~ i PROGRAMME AREAS The Programme areas in the Institute are grouped under three Divisions. The Divisions are as follows: 1 Planning and Research Division: This Division is made up of three programme areas: ~ . " Farrn Management ' Data Centre • ' Plan ning and Evaluation 2 Mass Media division; Made of two programme areas Farm Broadcast (Radio and Television) Publication and Publicity 3 Extension and Training Division: Made up of five programme areas: • Extension and Rural Youth • Livestock and Fisheries • Food Technology and Home Economics • Agric Engineering and Irrigation • Crop and Forestry Note: a) There are five NAERLS Zonal Liaison Offices in the country under the Director's Office and are supervised by the Deputy Director. ' . b) All the Programme areas mentioned above work in cooperation • with all the agriculture-based Research Institutes and Agencies in impleneting NAERLS 1992 Workplan. c) Each Programme carries out the major activities of the Institute which include research, training of field staff and production · of media packages (radio and television programmes, extension publications, documentary, slides and exhibition). :i.' l. INTRODUCTION During the year 1993, NAERLS made some achievements in the provision of agricultural extension · specialist support services. The achievements were made in spite of numerous constraints, including the prolonged strike actions by both the academic and non-academic staff of the • U nlve rsities. This report Is presented according to activities performed. Hence there are the following sections. Extension Research, Trainings, Media and other activities. The Institute organdies many workshops for the various agricultural specialists during the year. Staff of the institute also attended numerous professional societies,. conferences and participated in training workshops organdies by other bodies as resource persons. Apart from these, our staff also performed many unscheduled duties, honoured invitations to advisory services, agricultural shqws and exhibitions. Many new bulletins were published and some old ones were revised. Documentary slide packages and video films were also produced. NAERLS Liaison Officers were active In the Monthly Technical Review Meetings (MTRM} of many states. The staff situation did not Improve during the year. One extension specialist. Dr. A. Gwarzo retired from service. Another Senior Officer. Mr. D. D. • Ogunshina left for the National Board for Technical Ed.ucation . • We are indebted to all Research Institutes. State Ministries. Agriculfuraf ' Agencies, farmers, individuals and orgnisations that have contributed in one way or another toward the successful completion of our assignment for the year 1993. HIGHLIGHT OF ACTIVITIES Extension Research The Institute has a national mandate which, among other functions, includes conducting research in the areas of agricultural extension technology ....• transfer and adoption process. The general objectives in such studies, though ~···- not limited include devising adequate measures improve dissemination of • agricultural innovations and facilitation of adoption process of technologies. The following is a brief of the research activities carried out in 1993. 1 Title: Farm Input and Output Study Status: The study was conducted in Oyo, Abia, Barno, Kaduna and Niger States. Apart from Niger state, data collection in other states have be~n. completed. Coding of data is in progress 2. Title: An Evaluation of Fish Fingerlings Production in Fresh Water Aquaculture in Nigeria Objectives: The objectives are: a) To determine the level of involvement of government institutions and private agencies in fish fingerlings production. b) To determine the extent of sufficiency or otherwise of fish fingerlings supply to farmers. c) • To determine possible constraints placed on fingerlings production, transportation and distribution. d) To determine the fish species that are mostly reared at fingerlings stage. e) To evaluate the economic prospects of fingerlings production. 2 f) To suggest possible solutions to fingerlings production problems. Status: On~going Progress Made: ...• Questionnaires were administered to five states (Adamawa, Niger, Kaduna, lmo and Oyo). These are awaiting retrieval (except for Adamawa States), after which analysis will be made. 3. Title: Survey of the Extent of Adoption of Cockerel Exchange package by Rural Communities Objectives: These are: a) To find out the level of adoption of the package. b) To determine factors affecting the adoption. c) To design effective strategies for improving the adoption of the technology. Status: On-going Progress Made: Questionnaire administered in the study area of Kano and Adamawa States. Full retrieval has been done in Kano and partial retrieval in Adamawa. Collation of data has started. ' I 4. Title: Survey of Animal Traction Technologies Objectives: • a) Examine the effect of animal traction usage on the socioweconomic status of the users. b) Establish the level of use of animal traction technologies. c) Identify the factors that determine animal traction technologies adoption Progress: Questionnaire collection is in progress 5 Title: Response of Farmers to Tree-planting campaign In the Semi-Arid and Arid-Zones of Nigeria Objectives: - To assess the extent of adoption of tree-planting by farming families in • selected states within the arid and semi-arid zones . Progress Made: Questionnaires for data collection were produced and enumerators for data collection were trained. Administration of questionnaires has commenced. 6. Title: The Extent of Rural Youth Groups Particlpatio~ in Self Help Projects Objective: To examine the extent of participation of Rural Youth Groups in self-help community Development Project. Status: On ~going Progress Made: Proposal written, questionnaires designed, and training to ensure consistent interpretation of the question and standardized interviewing techniques was conducted in August 1993 by NAERLS Technical Staff drawn from the five zones offices. Field survey is being conducted in the ' 5 states selected tor the study namely, Kana, Barno, Oyo, Abia and Niger. • 4 7. Title: An Assessment of the Implementation of the T&V Extension System In Nigeria. Status: On-going Progress Made: ...•. Detailed proposal has been written and submitted to NAGAR for the necessary action 8. Title: "An Evaluation of Effectiveness of selected Extension Communication Channels ·In Disseminating Information on Improved Farm Practices to Nigerian Farmers'' Progress: Work has started on this research topic. The researchers have had several meetings and arrived at some major decisions for gathering relevant information. Based on the information gathered, sets of questionnaires on the selected communication channels were designed and pre-tested. 9. Title: Survey of available technologies for storage of fruits