BY: Caroline Healy STEVE McCURRY

Steve McCurry, who was born on February 23, 1950, is an American photographer as well as a photojournalist who is still alive today STEVE McCURRY

Steve McCurry, native of Philadelphia, PA, has been a photographer for most of his adult life and is also well known for his photojournalism

McCurry studied film at Pennsylvania State University and shortly after began working at a local newspaper

After working two years at that newspaper he traveled to India to do freelance working

He now is a freelance photographer as well as a photojournalist STEVE McCURRY

His major career took off when he crossed the border, in Afghani garb, to rebel-controlled

While there he took many photographs and when returning from India he published them

This experience he went through was grueling and came back with many interesting stories about his time there including the times he risked his life and almost died


Steve McCurry focuses mainly on photojournalism

He also has many photography books published from the many places around the world he has been STEVE McCURRY

His photography techniques are refined and clear

He uses depth of field to his advantage and is very meticulous about angles and composition

He also uses leading lines to draw your eyes to the main purpose of his photograph


He does not specifically work for one magazine or company, but his work has been published in most of the world’s major magazines STEVE McCURRY

McCurry has been known to use a Nikon FM2 with Kodachrome 64 slide film as well as a Nikon D700 DSLR and a Hasselblad medium format camera

The lighting McCurry uses is just the natural light because of the on the move photography he does. STEVE McCURRY

His most famous work is the photograph named “


McCurry’s influences include, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Elliot Erwitt, Dorothea Lange, W. Eugene Smith, Walker Evans and André Kertész

They are some of the most famous documentary photographers of the mid-20th century

McCurry says their work taught him how to see the world through a camera STEVE McCURRY

Personally, I have admired McCurry’s work for years. My first encounter with his work was when I saw “Afghan Girl” for the first time. It was transportational and gave me chills. He has such an intimate way of taking photographs. It almost feels like you are there looking through the camera with him. He is one of my favorite photographers I have come across and I admire his work greatly.