ACTUAL BALL COUNT ON 1958 LIKE TO PLAY TOURNAMENT CIRCUIT 2ND PLACE TOURNAMENT TITlEIST----BAlLS THE BALL 38 27 Bing Crosby Tournament 86 52 Tijuana Open 37 31 CHOSE YTHE Brawley Pro-Am 70 28 * PGA Seniors 72 52 Thunderbird Inv. 56 36 Phoenix Open 39 28 TOP PLAYERS. 36 28 Texas Open 39 25 Houston Invitational 27 27 Baton Rouge Open 38 26 THAT' WH New Orleans Open 34 28 45 28 Gulf Coast Inv. 86 25 IT St. Petersburg Open 41 25 Azalea Open 37 28 Masters 12 13 Greensboro Open 53 27 I THE Kentucky Derby Open 44 15 Lafayette Open 35 16 Colonial Inv. 5 10 Arlington Hotel Open 32 17 EA IE T BALL 48 19 36 16 36 24 IN YOU HOP USGA Open 65 20 Memphis lnv. 28 17 Kansas City Open 51 17 Pepsi Cola Open 42 25 TO L National Collegiate 187 27 Rubber City Open 49 16 Public Links 86 37 Insurance City Open 65 18 PGA Championship 53 22 Eastern Open 67 18 Open 48 26

*No one is ever paid to play Titleist - sold thru course pro shops only. NEWS OF ,THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF

b 1 to win th PC ... \ n, turi \ a fa orit to \ in Open and Ward, th mat ur both bing nam d by 32 writer . ook for the 11-tar golf tel i ion program pon ored b 1 filler High Life to do orne mart campaigning for fa ter golf play in film of matche recentl mad Bad habit of tediou urvey- Herb Graffis ing of putt by ev ral of th pictured pro ha been a poor e 'ample to et before golfer watching . . . On cowboy and Indian ride 5 mil up and down the canyon hoot and kill a couple of dozen human and hor e and ave the beautiful maiden in Ie time than it take orne guy to fu around '\J ith a putt, then mi it. W tch t r ount . Y., to build 1 ational on w .tern part of Mohan ic Park . . . Tack Bann r to build cour e at hi Bann r Lodg I' O1i in ...100du Conn .... John Walt r, D troit 1 w golf writer and pr ., olf Writ r ' n. of America, ontinu d instruction eri ,"Tip from Our Pro " through mo. t of umm r gi ing local pros good publicit ... Big ar for ndicat d golf in truction f ature with Tommy r- mour material, top-priced and top-rated of the teaching cop , ha ing bigg t ar to datc : . rmour feature run during fall and wint r in I ading paper in outh and outhv t ... Mac Di ot, golf rial trip, has caught on in good hap Chicago Tribun -. Y._ ndicat di tribut both golf f atur Loui vill ( y.) ha

With the 20 per cent tax assessments for new building and improvements repealed, and golf already riding a big building wave, the blueprint will ront become a patented overtime working tool in 1959. Some idea of what lies ahead may be gleaned from reading what manufacturers say about next year (page 33), the architect' appraisal of what the tax repeal should mean (page 36), and Golf Foundation's report on Cover the game's growth (page 87). It all adds up to a very busy 12 months, both behind and ah ad.

publl hed monthly except No • and Dec. at Rochelle. III. Acceptarci und.. ectJon 34·64, P.L.&R. Autllorlz • G61fdom I all advertising & editorial correspondinci to GOLFDOM, 407 . Dearborn ., Chloago 5. PI. ~"

Ocfober, 195 honoring ddie \Villiam retiring a club's pro ... Eddie erved Cleveland and hi- 1Itkv.t Lawn Mower cago district clubs prior to coming to Loui ville CC 10 year ago and won P national enior title ... He i ucceeded PPI G ACH E at Loui ville CC by hi a t. Tommy Smith . .. ene Ro well in Te\ York Post article on the city' public cour es quotes Jim Ole ka retired detecti e and winner of numerou tournament around ew York City: "The public cour ne d a rest, the gras need a re t. It take - 10 hours to playa round on weekend ." C. T. (Dick) Whitmore, 5 , executiv mgr., Hidgewood G (Cle eland dist., lor }ears sec., ...leveland District oll A comract, light-weight machlne for lap· pIng.' models of Hand, Power and Gang Assn., and operator of yen Clev eland Moweral May be easily used on work bench district clubs during his 30 years in golf, or floor, eliminating the lifting of heavy mowen. The simple height adiustment for died recently at the Ridgewood club of a the leel shaft may be used from 4'12" to coronary attack . . . He cam into roll IOr.". Equipped with several attachinents to fit different reel shafts. Metal blocks for business via the real estate busin sand rolle". Steel stands to support the mower. was an energ tic and enthusiastic d velop- FULLY GUARANTEED er of the gam ... H is survived b. hi' List Price, Without Motor $39.00 widow and three sisters. List Price, With Motor $61.50 City of Waterbury, 011n. borrow Writ. tor Bulletin. $600,000 for 6 month at 1.23 per cent Atlas Lawn Equipment Co. o work on cour e, de igned by Bill and 11129 Olive Street Road,St. Louis 24, MI•• ourl Dave Gordon, could be tarted.. . Loan to be repaid after city ell 600 000 in

Fannin Grows Excep In he Cleveland Area ... Howard fannin, seen in this picture, is the capable superintendent at 1 he Iayf'icld ountry Cluh, outh Euclid, hio. John is in charge at P pp r Pike Country Club, while Roher t holds forth at Kirtland Country Cluh.

All Fannin. are noted Ioi their gras growing ahility. Howard has done an exceptional job at Mayfield, a'; have the others at their respective clubs.

Howard, John, and Robert ale consistent lILOR(,,\ - 11'1': user'- a carload each }Cal is used on each of their golf course '. II you have a turl problem, consult: Turf Service Bureau THE WERAGE COMMIS ION#

4 aoltdom Golden Valley Golf Club, Minneapolis, Minn.

Manygood reasons why America's ply systems all over the world. In flne.t golf courses Irrigate with over 70 American cities It has cast Iron pipe. Greens and fair- served efficiently for more than a ways stay In top playing condition century. No other pipe can match alt season long. Moreover, since this outstanding record. cas. Iron Irrigation systems require cast iron pipe Is easily tapped for no replacement or maintenance, sprinkler outlets. Sizes from 2 the cost of Installation Is your only inches. Write: Cast Iron Pipe Re- cost. search Association, Thos. F.Wolfe, Remember-rugged Iron pipe Managing Director, Suite 3440, .s the choice of public water sup- Prudential Plaza,Chicago 1,III. 80 p E rhe Standard Material m1® lor V"derground Mainll

October, 195 5 20-year course con truction bond ne: t year ... Hind Junior ollege Raymond

I Miss., opens it 9-hole cour e ... ched- ule early beginning of con truction of Banning, Calif., 9-hole public cour e to CAM LOCK plan of \Vm. John on Lo ngele archi- tect. Work begun on anta na ( alif.) Canyon GC IS-hole cours to plans ol Lawrence Hughes ... Cedarbrook CC GOLF SPIKES (Philadelphia dist.) ISO-acres sold by its 107 proprietary memb rs for 2,1-0,000 . . . Apartment buildings will be built on Cedarbrook property in a f w years aft r club can find new site, build nev cour and transfer operations ... In 1939 Tem- ple university offered darbrook 450,- 000 for its property. Brook Hollow GC, William ton, Mich., completed by ky Cheney, owner ... Arrowhead CC, Chillicothe, Ill., to build 9-hole cour e, clubhouse, pool, etc. . . .. Wm. James pear, t. Charle , Ill., i ar- Th. world's finest and best known. chitect ... s ociated with pear i Le- Will not turn or break apart. land Kew, a t. director of park of Peo- PRO'S CHOICE ria, Ill. . .. omplete 18-hole course and clubhouse of orthern-Aire CC, 320 acre F. C. PHILLIPS, INC. resort and residential development south of Flagstaff, riz.... Tu con, riz., to STOUGHTON, MASS. get I8-hole muny cour e a re ult of ap-

Announcing AutoMAC, the charger that ends gues - work. Just plug into any 120 volt 60 cycle outlet, turn it on, and forget it. The AutoMAC efficiently charges any golf car battery to the precise level required ... then shuts itself off automatically. No more over or under-charging. Saves power con- sumption, keep cars running at peak efficiency and prolong battery life.

Bulletin No. F6AR-2 gives full details on the AutoMAC and the complete line of MAC battery ~h""'" ,1\ 0, write 10' you, I,,,

oto Appl-ance Oozponataon


6 Golidom lNUh

P,.oduc phenomenal riding qualities ••• E TRY- you will say It's unbelievable

LUB O-MATfC DRIVE SWITCH, with delayed action control, runs in oil. N LIGHTWEIGHT FRAME fABRICATION from hlah tensile strength alloy, not channel steel. £ FOOT·TRIPEMERGENCY, or parking brake .•• it is eIther on solidly, or off lOoc-a. 25~ MORE POWER, RUNS 36 TO 54 HOLES Revollltionary new powerful non-aging SILICON DIODE CHARGER .• Dot Selenium plates) with automatic charging rate control tn to a1cutout) beR batteries fully charged reduc s to tow mamtenance rate •


GOLF CARS NOW Al 0 MANUFACTURED I [MPH IS, TENNESSEE FOR EASTERN DlSTRIBUliO Write toda; for full iniormaiion L H R G I 300 MADISON AVENUE, ME 2 15 MAG OliA STREET, i()A LA 0, tAUrOR fA DEALERS: A few exclusive t rrltories a ailable proval of city' 800,000 park and re- MORE creation bond i sue. Open another 9 at John Polakovic': S~1e9 semi-private Iidwe t CC near Hin .dal in suburban ~hicago ... This gives Iidw t ~ 36 holes . . . Brownsvill , Tex. mun FOR course getting new clubhouse ... Johnny LESS Bird's 20th year as pro at outh hor COST Chicago, celebrated by a big party put on by members . , . Los Posas ..C. , n ar a- marillo, Calif., opens with Elm r Bord r as supt., Bud Holscher as pro and G org DeBacker as mgr. . . . Lawr nc Hugh s You save time and money with Nelson and Rain Bird turf irri- designed the course ., . ~l mb rship of gation equipment. Rain Bird Sprinklers provide maximum, $1500 are payable $750 first year and even, penetrating coverage. $375 each of next 2 year . Together, Nelson and Rain Bird offer the most complete line of turf valves. Quickly coupled Big party at Columbia CC, Wa hinzton and uncoupled without tools, commemorating victory of Columbia' they are constructed of highest grode brass and provide for pro, Freddie IcLeod, in ational Open maximum water flow through at Myopia Hunt Club, Hamilton, ~Ia . the valve with minimum pres. sure loss. Additional features 50 years ago ... A guests of Freddie and combine to offer the greatest ease of maintenance ond ece- his club at the party were other di tin- nomical operation. gui hed veterans including Jock Hutchi- Write lor literature on the most complete line 01turf valves' spnnklers son, winner of 1921 Briti h Open and 1920 PGA; Jim Barnes, winner of 1921 NATIONAL RAIN BIRD SALES & ENGINEERING CORP. U Open, British Open of 1925, P in Azusa, California 1916 and 1919 and Wiffy Co , Congre - RAINY SPRINKLER SALES sional pro and pioneer tar of the tourna- 609 West Lake Street, Peoria, Illinois ment circuit.

Prepares a full 7 100t swath of compacted, badly rutted ground into an improved seed bed at substantial savings in tractor operation, man hours and money invested in other im- plements. No need to load or haul plows, discs, blades, drags to and from jobs. One man does it aU quickly, ef· ficiently and perfectly at tre- mendous savings.

If you are planning to replace worn or damaged turf areas • • • refashion a green • . re- build a tee • • • reshape a trap or bunker, the Roseman Tiller-Rake will help you get the job done faster, more effici- e,llly, with practically no la- bor and at far less cost. Jobs can be completed promptly without weather worries.

Presently in use by hundreds of satisfied landscapers, golf SAVE SAVE courses, sod nurseries and TI M E ROSE~IAN TILLER- RAKE LABOR park departments. Models to fit all 3 point hy- THE MULTI PURPOSE CONSTRUCTION AND SEED BED TOOL. draulic system International last hitch and some other Trac- SCARIFIES, GRADES, TIllS, PULVERIZES AND FINISH RAKES INTO A tors. Write for prices and Ilt- PERFECT SEED BED ••• All WITH ONETOOL. erature today.


8 Goltdom - a. •.. .~ :::( a. 0 Q) '0 0' Qi tn'- v ~ tn cV ..c:. .;: ..c:. III M Q) 0 a. ~ ::l .:u '- .s (l) tn ...~c:. c: 0 III III M '- 0 0 Q) 0 U ..c:. .!:! -Q) (l) "0 v Q) v "0 15 >- 15 .s '> --I v Qi \) 'u M tn c: E cV 0 Q) c '- Q) v a. en >- ::l ..c:. Q) ::l III Q) 'E 0 '> 0 -0 CII 0 0 Q) ~ -0 Q)'- >- c v - 01) :~ U 0 Q) ~ +- U Q) tn 01) '+- vi Q) Q) ~ c.. .~ c 0 -s \) III 0.. tn ::l ::l ~ ..•.. 0- Z 0: c: ::l E I.l') , 0'- Q) ~ 0 o- -0 •.•.. V) 0 '- 2 ~ :L7 v '0 a. c: 01) >- 0 c ~ ~ \) -0 '+- '- a. '- 0 ...J Q) >- 0 a. 0 c: '0 0 •.•.. '+- .n Q) Q) >- tn a.. 0 III (f) c: 'E ~ ..c:. -0 III V «> +- ~ 0 0 .:u .E 01) tn - '0 '- •.•.. ] E M ::l III 0 \) 0 0 +- -0 ::l v c E ..0 Q) '- .s >- c: c: If) a. - Q) > 0 1:1 Q) ::l •.. E \) ..0 '- .= (9 ::) .s Q) :l 0 III 0 « ..c:. .~ .n >- - III >- "0 Q) 0- 0 '- "0 +- o ..!I( 0 ..r::: v c; 0 Q) ..r::: tn •.'•-.. III Q) v Q) v c: Q) -0 .;: 'E III I ..r::: (; Q) Q) Q) c '- 0 ..r::: Q) o u Vi 0 ~ 0 ~ a. v ..0 « ;;

October, ]958 9 peaking of Jock Hutchison: Delay ill electing him to P Hall of I' am plainly showed that som thing wa wron in method of naming th pros for this honor ... Hence the form r method of ha ing ballots cast b sport writers, man, of whom arc not comp t nt authoriti on golf history, the voting is to b done by PCA member '" Jock lost, 1 down, to Jim Barnes in the first PC champion 'hip (1916), was cond to Chick Evan in 1916 . ational Open and was in a tie with Vardon, [ack Burk and Diegel, a troke "In 26 years I've never found back of the winner, Ted Ray, in th 1920 a better fertilizer than US Open. Complete con truction of iler ity ( . C.) CC 9-hole cour e . ..Baywood G&CC, Eureka, Calif., open ... Lo n- geles City Recreation and Park Commi - says John ling, ion acquires land for construction of 9· Supt., lake Shore Golf Course hole Penmar course ... Will have fir t 9 Rochester, N. Y. of Ellington Ridge C,Ellington, Conn. in play next spring . • . Geoffrey . Cor- nish is architect . . . Mike Ovian i upt. ... Jay McClure, who ucceeded Warren Cantrell a pro at M adowbrook hen Cantrell resigned, hire Cal Garrett, 195 After viewing the outstandingly beautiful Texas Tech grad, as a st. Lake Shore Golf Course, we couldn't re- Dances, singing, instrumental music, sist asking Superintendent John Ling how he did it. Here's what Mr. Ling had to say: "In my 26 years of experience growing golf course turf, I have never found a V 7 "10 better fertilizer than Agrico. It has devel- oped deep roots and a good solid turf for of RAKI GL me. This year I used AGRICO for TURF on Re-seeding, Rebuilding or 10-6-4 with UREA-FORM because of its longer lasting qualitie . I know it will New Courses produce for me as all the fine AGRICO Mechanical with the P I XT products have in the past." E Stonepicker Take this pointer from John Ling-and top superintendents everywhere-follow the AGRICO plan for healthier turf, better greens, tees and fairways. Now's the time to plan a great Spring feeding program with AGRICO.

See your regular supplier or write The American Agricultural Chemical Co. 100 Church St., New York 7, N. Y.

Many contractors, landscapers and golf ICO® clubs (names on request) use PlXTONE to pick up, carry and dump stones 3/4" to 8" America's Premier Golf Course Fertilizer in diameter-preparing an ideal seed b d. Does complete and economical job. Write I ITE® direct to manufacturer for full details. the Better, Natural Organic Fertilizer BRIDGEPORT I PLEMENT WORKS, INC. 1483 Stratford Ave. Stratford 12, Conn.

10 Golfdom