AnyLog: a Grand Unification of the Internet of Things Daniel Abadi Owen Arden University of Maryland University of California,
[email protected] Santa Cruz
[email protected] Faisal Nawab Moshe Shadmon University of California, AnyLog Santa Cruz
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT specify the permissions of that data. Some data will be published AnyLog is a decentralized platform for data publishing, sharing, with open access—in which case it will be queryable by any user of and querying IoT (Internet of Things) data that enables an unlim- AnyLog. Other data will be published in encrypted form, in which ited number of independent participants to publish and access the case only users with access to the decryption key may access it. contents of IoT datasets stored across the participants. AnyLog AnyLog is designed to provide a powerful query interface to the provides decentralized publishing and querying functionality over entire wealth of data produced by IoT devices. Questions such as: structured data in an analogous fashion to how the world wide “What was the maximum temperature reported in Palo Alto on June web (WWW) enables decentralized publishing and accessing of 21, 2008?” or “What was the difference in near accidents between unstructured data. However, AnyLog differs from the traditional self-driving cars that used deep-learning model X vs. self-driving WWW in the way that it provides incentives and financial reward cars that used deep-learning model Y?” or “How many cars passed for performing tasks that are critical to the well-being of the system the toll bridge in the last hour?” or “How many malfunctions were as a whole, including contribution, integration, storing, and pro- reported by a turbine of a particular model in all deployments in cessing of data, as well as protecting the confidentiality, integrity, the last year?” can all be expressed using clean and clearly spec- and availability of that data.